#the upside is like. i'm assuredly not a mean person at least
muttfangs · 3 months
breaking news: coworkers agree local werewolf has an 'intimidating prescience' and this is probably why ppl coming in are so combative with him when he must tell them 'no' at his desk job
"love having more things I don't want and never asked for", he laments. "i'm tired, man"
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qprstobin · 1 year
Re:Steve being written as oblivious post: Steve would probs clock Eddies flirting, decide he wants to roll with it and be like 'yeah were taking it slow ig things have been so crazy for him lately it makes sense he's taking his time to make a move' while Eddie would go through 5 stages of grief every day with 'unrequited' pinning and Robbin would be freaking out she's being replaced as a bff bc Steve suddenly wants to spend time alone with Eddie & keeps talking how cool he is. Will would clock Eddie pinning but not Steve bc he never saw sb happy and confident with being queer. Dustin & the hellfire would see the tension but not know where it's coming from & Max & Erica would be the closest to cracking it but they're too cool to get involved & too busy helping El fit in back into Hawkins. Steve would only be oblivious to everyone being so anxious bc let's be real it's Hawkins they're always anxious so everyone is spiralling while Steve is having the happiest gayest time of his life
(opened my laptop to realize I never posted this I AM SO SORRY)
I'm gonna be frank and say I don't agree with all of this but also this made me giggle SO MUCH and I love it. I think that Steve would tell Robin that he is crushing on Eddie and thinks he has a chance, because they talk about everything and esp potential dates and Robin is torn between being happy and pretty sure that Eddie reciprocates but mainly just doesn't want Steve to get hurt because Eddie is pretty fucking weird and who knows how serious he is with all of his weird comments.
While I enjoy an Eddie who gets in over his head because he wasn't prepared for an object of flirtation to turn it back on him, I do also enjoy him just not thinking he has any chance and so is like, oh man these intricate straight jock rituals are intense, I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me I'm already ass over tea kettle about this man.
I totally agree with you about Will and Dustin and Hellfire sooo much. Will would definitely be like oh man I recognize that look of gay yearning but would think any vibes he was picking of from Steve were either wishful thinking or just Steve being Steve because Steve is honestly kind of weird too. Bc you're exactly right he probably would struggle with realizing that the weird vibes are Steve being if not completely comfortable, at least comfortable enough to go after a cute guy he's pretty sure is into him.
Dustin and Hellfire would have NO idea what it is they are picking up on dfgsiodj, especially Dustin. Hellfire it all depends on which members if any that Eddie is out to, and even then they would not likely be all that confident in Steve's intentions. Dustin most assuredly thinks that for some reason that Steve and Eddie don't like each other, or that something happened when they were all stuck in the Upside Down that they aren't talking about. I think if one or both of them came out to him, he would be able to put together the dots, but he definitely would not come to that conclusion on his own he is under the impression both of them are straight and have no reason to think otherwise.
I think you are most right about Steve not being oblivious to Eddie's affections, but he doesn't actually realize the chaos he is sewing by being impulsive with Eddie idrgjsirgjsr. There is too much going on for him to quite realize how weirdly his actions are being taken. Like I think he knows that he needs to be somewhat subtle because like he lives in rural Indiana in the 80s but that doesn't mean he isn't flagging as being up to something and really fucking weird. At least one person just thinks he has a new girlfriend that he won't introduce to them, but which isn't right but also is maybe closer than they realize? It's all just, so many shenanigans. Steve has never actually learned to be normal in his life
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