#there are also symbols of the titans skull replacing the emperors coven and the attention to detail is insane
puppyeared · 1 year
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g00ngala · 3 years
The Owl House: Season 2 Trailer and Poster Analysis/ Speculation
i wasn't sure i was going to make a post about this, but i had SO MANY THOUGHTS so here's everything that stuck out to me while i scrubbed through the trailer and looked at the poster.
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firstly, this shot immediately tells us that the door will be important. as we know, belos is rebuilding it, and his plan clearly heavily uses travel to the human world. why is he so fixated on this? is it just part of the plan, or is there another reason? what are belos's motivations?
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next, luz immediately appears in front of the door. firstly i'm so proud of her for her improvement it casting magic. secondly, it sticks out to me that when the door disappears, luz appears in front of it. this leads me to think about a lot of things. does belos need luz in some way to activate the door? how does this connect to the letters being sent to her mom? why was eda such a threat to belos in the first place? the curse is going to kill her, isn't it? why capture her and petrify her himself? it seems like a waste of time. why is he still apparently chasing them? is it his need for order or is it something bigger? this is all pure speculation but i think it's interesting.
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this next shot interests me. eda seemingly can use magic to some extent, but we see her curse worsen as she does so. if you pay close attention, you'll notice this:
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her non-grey eye changes slightly in hue. this just tells me that the curse is still getting worse, and they need to find a cure.
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next thing i notice is we get this shot of amity. out of everyone in the intro, she doesn't get a cool animation showing off her powers, she's just the transition. this to me hints a bit at her possible reluctance to go against the emperor. knowing her parents, it's definitely going to be hard for her to get to the point where luz, gus and willow are.
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next up, these 3 shots. a few things immediately jump out to me. firstly, we get a glimpse of each coven leader in the bubbles at the top. second, what seems to be our 3 villains besides belos. his right hand men, so to speak. we have lilith rise first, and she was our season 1 villain. then this mysterious owl mask person. i think this guy will be our main antagonist for season 2. his mask makes me wonder. what's his connection to owls, and by extension eda/the owl house? and finally, we see kikimora enter. i think she will be the direct threat to our protagonists for season 3. i will touch on these shots again later. we also see directly after this a shot of all 3 in belos's hand as a transition, symbolizing that they all are or were under belos's control. could this mystery person and kikimora perhaps be turned against belos the same way lilith was? only time will tell.
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next, we get this shot of belos. this gets me thinking quite a lot. this shot is just really cool, but also the castle is featured VERY prominently in the shot. i'm guessing the titan will be a big deal in this one. also, do we get more hints of how the emperor's powers work? to me it looks like he's harnessing lighting directly from the sky. could this possibly lend credence to the theory that belos is a human? or does he need to use power directly from the island and from palismans for some other reason?
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this part is where i think back to the villain shot from earlier. ive included an image from the season 1 trailer and the season 2 trailer. as you can see, the intro plays out almost exactly the same after this point except for two key differences. the one being pointed out here is the lighting. we switch from broad daylight to sunset. could this symbolize our transition into a darker story? but something my friend @sleepy-sphinx said got me thinking. " i bet [the] season 3 [intro] will have them at night". everything immediately clicked for me. we have three antagonists besides belos. three changes to the sky. and three confirmed seasons. this leads me to speculate that season 3 will be the last season of the owl house, ending similarly to how gravity falls did. this idea makes me sad, but I'd much rather it go out as it was supposed to than drag on for too long or end early. EDIT: according to dana's twitter, i was correct in this assumption! season 3 is the last season with 3 44 minute specials.
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lastly before i get onto the poster, the final change to the intro. this is no theory thing i just think it's really cool that they changed the title card to fit with luz's new knowledge of magic :)
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finally, the poster. there are a few things that jump out to me:
1: it is solidified again that eda's curse is clearly worsening. she doesn't have much time left and they need to find a cure.
2: lilith seems to be trying to reach out for her sister, but holding herself back. she seems to be improving, but lilith is not on the good guy side yet.
3: amity is once again separated from willow and gus. just more evidence that she will be harder to convince than gus and willow were.
4: mask guy is once again in shot, seemingly running towards our trio. this solidifies my theory that he is our main antagonist of this season, as a replacement to lilith.
5: and finally, the titan is featured very prominently, directly behind belos. it's definitely going to be important this season.
6: something i'm only just noticing now is that the holes in king's face match the skull of the titan. could this perhaps indicate that they are connected in some way? i'm not going to say king IS the titan yet, there's not enough evidence... but there's definitely something to this. it also explains the weird parallels king has had to belos.
that's pretty much all i've got! i'm looking forward to what the crew has in store for us this season :)
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