elkenbulwark · 5 months
@thiefcant cont.
rixian had seen him slip away from the camp and intended to creep after him to catch him in the act of being sneaky, but the music that drifts from the small hole in the wall makes him pause at the edge of it. it's lovely, lovely enough to take his mind off his own intents to steal away with something unattended, and he clears his throat to announce himself before he steps around the corner. " saw you wander off, was making sure you were okay. that -- sounds real good. . .do you mind some company up here? it's a good spot to keep watch. "
There's nothing in the way he holds the lute that suggests he feels the same as the other's sentiment. What was lovely about music anyway? It was as formulaic as a math equation, and nobody thought those were lovely- quite the opposite in fact. And he would have been just as agitated over the subject had he not had it drilled into his head at a young age before tusks could start catching on the edge of a flute until blowing was...well, a reserved action for other matters-
Somewhat glad he'd found the nook in the wall to relax near the triad of falls and the mist that escaped them to cool his skin, he had to pause as the sound of an approach coaxed his gaze over his shoulder, stern and unwelcoming as it was.
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"...gettin' asked to watch over someone's batshat ragin' brother, are ya?" He snorted, figuring it wasn't too unheard of to consider that Ren had asked anyone around the camp to keep on their guard around him after the last few series of events made him seem so... unstable. Though with the careful manner with which he strummed the already beaten lute, said accusations seemed far more accusatory than true. "If not, I guess pull up a rock. but if so, you can fuck right off...I don't needs the lookin' down on when m'already so-..." A pause caused him to suck his teeth as he looked down and set to tuning the lute's neck. "...down 'ere deep innit."
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starlyht · 5 months
stealth foooooor fox or sol'rys :3
[fox's base roll is a natural 1.] [dexterity +3.  stealth expertise +4] CRITICAL FAILURE.
“here,”  the thief said softly to rixian.  “i'll take out the archer first.   should be easy enough,   hm?”   the shadow cursed undead were strong,   yes,   but not too smart.   a well-aimed dagger would silence it forever.   he'd played this song and dance out hundreds of times.  this ought to be easy,   he'd said.  famous last words.
fox approached the square where the small gaggle of undead were gathered around one of the many mausoleums,   ensuring a slow and careful approach.   the cursed things idly lazed about,   seeming to reflexively fiddle with their weapons.  he wondered distractedly what reithwin town would have been like before it had fallen to ketheric's curse,   the mason's guild building magnificent in the distance and the many mausoleums in this part of town cut from the finest marble.   it must have been beautiful.
he didn't even notice the overgrown tree root in his path before it was too late.   he just managed to catch himself,   though the landing hadn't been perfect.   the cursed undead snapped their heads in his direction,   snarls and screams bubbling from their throats.   “fuck,”   he said as he fumbled for his shortbow.   “oh,   fuck.”
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illithicdreams · 1 year
@thiefcant​​ // Starter Call
“Perhaps when it comes to the art of stealth you’re more talented than I happen to be.” It took a lot more to admit than than she thought it would, the words are said through gritted teeth pretending to be a dazzling smile. Her own skills had been a point of pride for her in her youth, self-taught for the most part, people never realised how hard it could be to pick pockets while serenading a venue. Particularly the slower ballads.
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“Something you always did?” Despite the question, she sounded rather blasé, as if she were talking about the weather. It wasn’t in her nature to be inquisitive, she cared very little for anyone beyond what they could give her (with the exception of her mother) but Tav craved normalcy now more than ever. 
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faerulviir · 1 year
Continued from x with @thiefcant
Fae quickens his pace to keep up with Rixian, looking forward - though his ears still twitch in their direction. He frowns.
“Uh.. I think they’re actually following us, Rixian.” 
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devildarklord · 2 years
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@thiefcant​ asked: perception check see if you can spot the rogue
( 2 + 14 = 16 )
CALL IT INTUITION, call it paranoia, Strahd never ignored a gut feeling. He was dressed down, more than he was when he was still entertaining the guests. A simple silk robe, loose enough for a fair share of chest hair to be seen, long black locks tied back, unfeeling bare feet on the cold stone floor, his appearance was actually close to human. This was not attire he would ever wear with the intent to be seen — so when he felt watched, it sparked a particular kind of anger. The book was snapped shut and the vampire lord stood up from the love seat in his personal study. A glance to the bedroom door, ajar, and the curtains that moved with the spring wind that wove its way through the open window. 
The vampire was still, tuning out the sound of the drizzle of rain outside, and the gentle crackling of the fire. Like a beast on the hunt, he listened for heartbeat, for shallow breath, waiting to taste sweat in the air. It was there, but it was so faint...
He placed the book on the coffee table, clawed hands moving slowly, gently, to avoid making a sound.
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  ❛  No need to run away and hide, my friend. You are not far off from finding the toilet, if that was to be your excuse. ❜
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bladewarde · 2 years
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❝ you make it sound SO much more nefarious than it actually is. ❞ / @thiefcant​
The way he speaks to her forces a roll of her eyes. Rixian's lack of concern for impending death is slightly disturbing, but she suspects his off-putting chipperness to be better than the alternative. Laera's jaw tightens, seeing the entire set up for what it actually is, ❝ Do you suspect the giant cookpot over there is to feed us, then? ❞ If her stomach wasn't turning -- likely due to the stink of the fumes, and sinking dread -- she'd laugh. Wishful thinking would mean that they were esteemed dinner guests, with hospitality sorely lacking in places, something, at least she could overlook... She wishes she could share in his optimism.
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The crackling of the charred wood that the pot sits on makes her groan, and she turns to her trapped companion, ❝ Where are your lockpicks? I know you 'ave at least one on you, ❞ He'd be a piss poor excuse for a thief if he couldn't manage that, but regardless, she intends to put the responsibility of their escape on him. The combined effort of bad mistakes on both their parts unfortunately has led to them being an item on someone's menu, and by no means, does Laera intend for it to stay that way.
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meadowsweets · 2 years
❝ do you ever feel like you’re losing your mind? ❞ for your choice of ismark or ireena!
meme | @thiefcantnt
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"Ha-!" It's not a funny question, not really, but Ireena still throws her head back and lets out a bark of laughter to the sky, "only, oh, all of the time?" far too honest an answer, no matter how much she tries to wrap it up in humour. What other answer is there, though? The whole situation is just fucking ridiculous. Terrifying, yes, and dangerous and harrowing-but ludicrous all the same. Some days she can't believe any of this is even happening, not because it is too horrible to comprehend (though it is) but because it's just so outlandish. She is an orphan, a nobody without a past and a future that lay only in a slowly dying village-what is it about her that makes Strahd so fucking obsessed?
The laughter dies on her lips when she sees the concern on Rixian's face. It's the same look of concern Ismark keeps giving her, which is only slightly preferable to the pitying look she gets from other people which, on her worst days, makes her want to peel off her own skin and become somebody else for a while. She closes her mouth with a click and swallows against the dryness in her throat. This is not how she was raised, to laugh at the wrong moment and declare her madness to the sky. All this terror is making her somebody new, and she's not sure she likes it.
"Sorry, sorry. I didn't-what I meant to say was yes, I do, at times, feel that way. I think most people do though, at least in Barovia; it's practically the local passtime."  
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excessdeliquesce · 29 days
@thiefcant asked: "What exactly is your problem with me?" (with whatever muse you think would be funniest with)
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LEGION STARTLED and came back to himself, blinking hard and actually registering the person standing in front oh him for the first time in what was likely several minutes. Maybe longer.
In his defense, he had not meant to absolutely lock-in on a stranger like this. But it was loud in here, and he was hungry, and he hadn't noticed himself spacing out, because he was in fact, spacing out.
Unfortunately that usually looked like him looking like he personally wanted to maim whatever was in front of him, when in reality, he really probably just needed to get a drink and make sure he found something to eat within the next day or two. Even more unfortunately, no one else would see it that way and now he was staring down some spooky elf that thought he wanted to maim them.
"No problem here," Legion replied, honestly a bit weakly. He'd had a rough week. He really didn't want to get into another fight. "Unless it's too late for that and there is one, in which case, we can talk about this, I'm sure."
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crimsontroupe · 5 months
pretend im on @tomepact but 🌹 for the Bug Boys (inspector and adonia heh)
(send me a 🌹 (because I realized the emote only appeared on mobile and i am tormented by demons every day) for a headcanon about our characters!), 🐛🦋 edition / @tomepact
One of the tiny ideas I have for them - or rather, something that floats around in my head - is how they would communicate, planes apart. If the Inspector ever accepts a gift from Adonia, they will find out that he did just so. Inconspicuous flowers twinned together form a link between one Home and Another. As much as they have reservations about true intentions, it is correct that they uphold a vow to assist each other in dire times. A promise between brothers who are not brothers, companions bound by the eternity that the First World/the Feywild promises them.
It is the very clear distinction of 'I will not fight your wars for you', but with the reminder of 'I will not let you face the end alone'.
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elkenbulwark · 4 months
@thiefcant cont.
it was hard to ignore the fight between the two in camp, though rixian had done his best to keep out of eyesight when everything went down. he had only just noticed birvor wandering up the hill to follow him when the commotion had scattered to the winds. " eh, not one for big crowds myself. not with this face, at least. " he waves a hand over his features in a loose gesture, his hands settling in his lap after a moment. " maybe with another name and a bit of disguising, but not like this. " he gives a laugh at the mention of being better suited to fighting than playing, and he wiggles his fingers. " don't i know it. jack and i are pretty good friends. there's a heap of things i can do better than just about everyone. " there's a pinched expression at being mentioned alongside gale, one that he doesn't quite fight from his features before it manages to be noticeable. it's not a negative feeling, but it's a weird association. " yeah, i guess we both do come from the city of splendours - but he's probably from the other side of the city from where i'm used to. wizards and magical folk don't normally come down to the copper district from their silver and gold streets. "
Although he didn't make it a habit of looking folks dead in the eyes- mostly because it was still ingrained in him to keep his own trained lower where he could most easily detect a blade being pulled from under a cloak, Birvor found his gaze flicker upwards to squint momentarily at his company's supposed 'face not for the crowds'. Was he trying a hand at a comedic bit? Because it was so painfully unfunny that he felt a twinge of something like teeth crunching ice deep in the roots of his tusks at that. "Got ya a point, there. So much less presen'able than one what's on mine." A dismissive huff followed the shaking of his head. He'd heard his share of elven mockery to start seeing it in places it wasn't so any surprises were always subject to softer blows.
"...not that knowin' how to use a thing like this proper takes away from its better use of somethin' quick by to bash some heads in with, but- I guess it does make it sound stranger for it once you get round to pickin' at it again." And the lute with its bent neck and well-beaten base agreed with him the more notes he tested under the curve of a nail in need of filing down.
The odd hesitation of the other's response jarred his senses just in the slightest as he considered the prospects. A city of splendors? "So you're tellin' me that... Waterdeep hazza 'high city' 'swell?" He wondered, having been raised within the upper side of Baldur's Gate and with no reference to how the mid and lower levels looked, was finding it harder to imagine the terrain of Gale's home. Adjusting his legs beneath them, he allowed the body of the lute to rest in the crook of his lap as he swung a curious gaze across the bones bare room and settled uncertainly on his visitor. "Can't say I blame'em. Ev'r play witha copper coin long enough an sniff your hand, you'd know anything what's copper startsa stink."
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starlyht · 28 days
❛ i just wanted to get the apology out of the way, beforehand. since you're so scary and all. ❜ for sol!
“good,”   he said softly.   the scarring on his face and ears must have been good for something,   hideous as it was.   the ranger offered the poor little hiding mouse the coldest and most scornful smile he could muster,   still deciding how merciful he was feeling this day.   they had already slaughtered most of the fortress's true souls, and true soul this one did not seem to be.   if only he had managed to hide himself a little bit better.  he never would have noticed.   his expression was blank and passionless as ever as he pressed the tip of a sword a little deeper against the other's neck,   just enough to draw a faint droplet of blood.   “now beg me for your life.”
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celestialdetected · 1 year
It was laughably easy to slip into the house, kill the master, take what he could carry and vault out the window. Rich, arrogant men never took the precautions they should. The reward money from the kill order plus whatever he could pawn from this lot would keep him and his daughter fed for the next few months. All he had to do was run before the street patrols noticed something was wrong.
He'd skidded around the corner to escape an errant guard and nearly stumbled into another shady figure. Dark clothing and a shifty look around him, Arawn nearly laughed. It looks like he wasn't the only ne'er-do-well about tonight.
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"Careful, guards are sharpeyed tonight," he warned in a voice hardly above a whisper. "I won't tell if you won't."
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faerulviir · 5 months
Continued from x with @thiefcant
He sighs. "We lived, so we're fine" - the mantra from Barovia that just kept on giving.
"Alright." He eventually concedes. He finishes doffing his own armor and finds a seat next to Rixian, running a hand through his hair. "...thanks for letting me hang with you for a while."
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wardingprotector · 1 year
🔥? tell me im pretty
"i think you're beautiful." valar tells rixian, tilting his head for a moment, taking the rogue's looks in once more. yet the way in which valar says the word makes it easy to tell that there is a deeper appreciation than just simply beautiful. "are you aware of such truths about yourself?" a small smile, "i will be happy to remind you of them more often."
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devildarklord · 2 years
" i will not have them thinking i’m afraid. "
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ACCEPTING / for @thiefcant
was it protest from the half-elf? or manifestation? admittedly strahd was not all that focused on the other's state of mind. the booming thunder and relentless rain saw to that — a reflection of strahd's own mental well-being, in her absence. ravenloft's roses had long wilted, the rain was persisting longer than the people expected it to and already the year's crops were suffering. needless to say, the domains of dread picked the perfect time to abduct guests into the realm. the lord of barovia had awoken for the first time in fifteen years, and he was miserable.
❛ good. for there are creatures more vile than i, in this dark realm. do not let them smell your fear. they are not as hospitable, or bored. ❜
which creatures did strahd mean? azalin rex, of course. and perhaps his own niece, though hopefully that draught was still keeping her at bay. but there was something worse than either of them, something darker, and more difficult to understand. it was barely an it, nor was it a manifestation of evil as some vistani had come to say. it kept itself hidden from strahd's mind, and though the vampire was aware of the death he had made his doomed deal with, if he thought too deeply about it, something inside mount ghakis would begin to churn.
half-ignorant of the parameters of his own curse, strahd walked past the outsider, giving an almost dismissive wave of his hand as his satin cape brushed over the other's feet.
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❛ you will find that barovia does not hold as much splendor as your home city. but you have a smart outlook. keep those kinds of wits about you. the longer you are here, the harder it is going to get for you. ❜
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quotesofmorons · 1 year
"'You're a thief.'
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