#this is not me discrediting zhanzhan's parenting btw
curlybinghe · 6 months
HI i feel big feelings about the wei in sizhui's characterization
like yes. he is so fucking lan, with his perfect poise and unbroken politeness, because of course he is– lan zhan is so incredibly lan, if one hung around him too long they would have to actively and vigorously fight the secondhand lannishness in order to come out unlanned. and even then it's a toss-up.
but sizhui's wei sparks through in little bursts and i can see it and it makes me go squee every time
- when he said "fuck it" and joined in fighting the jin disciples who talked shit about his dad
- when he turned around and talked shit about his dad To his dad(s) because wei wuxian did not raise a coward
- when he was like "hey i know yall say this wei wuxian character is Big Evil and not to be trusted but have we considered that the cultivation world is not known for being unbiased or even generally just" because questioning 1) authority and 2) the general consensus is exactly the type of shit wei ying would, did, does and absolutely will do!!!
anyway stan a'yuan and remember that he and his a'die have being a little shit in common
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