#to grow; we all need to suffer [ teddy / relationships | dolores ]
copiesofme-archive · 4 years
Teddy regrets leaving Dolores the way he did, and nothing can change my mind about that.
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medproish · 6 years
[This story contains full spoilers for the season two premiere of HBO’s Westworld.]
Roman World does not exist in the HBO adaptation of Michael Crichton’s Westworld, but the park at the center of the series is nevertheless taking some cues from the Roman Empire. Putting it another way: you know how that mighty civilization collapsed? The hosts running rampant over Westworld have more or less asked Ancient Rome to hold their collective beer.
The season two premiere, directed by Richard J. Lewis, written by Lisa Joy and Roberto Patino, and called “Journey into Night,” ends with a startling image: a brand new body of water in a place where it shouldn’t be, filled with the lifeless bodies of Westworld’s various hosts — including Teddy (James Marsden), dead for the eight billionth time. (Exact number may be slightly off.) Even more alarming: Bernard (Jeffrey Wright), suffering from apparent amnesia, believes he’s the man responsible for the host genocide.
“I killed them,” he whispers, shortly before the episode’s close. “All of them.”
Of course, as with all things Westworld, things are not always as they appear. For one, the hosts have lived and died countless times, their bodies capable of multiple resuscitations. Just because there’s a sea of dead hosts at the moment, doesn’t mean they will remain lifeless for long. Indeed, showrunners and creators Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy have talked about the story of Westworld spanning a vast period of time — decades, perhaps even centuries — so the odds of the hosts dying permanently here are very, very low. 
No matter their future, it’s worth noting that the discovery of these dead hosts and Bernard’s chilling realization take place two weeks following the night Dolores (Evan Rachel Wood) murdered Robert Ford (Anthony Hopkins) and launched her revolution. Straight out of the gate, Nolan and Joy are presenting viewers with two unambiguous timelines, spread across two weeks — and that’s not accounting for any other moments in time that are currently unannounced.
As the first new episode of the series since 2016 (and an extra-sized episode at that, clocking in at 70 minutes and change), “Journey Into Night” was positively loaded with compelling and challenging new material. Let’s parse through the events, storyline by storyline:
The first season of Westworld began with a focus on Dolores, and her meditation on the meaning of her existence. Season two begins similarly, albeit with a sharper focus on Bernard — or is it Arnold, the late co-founder of the park? It’s hard to know exactly when this scene takes place, and with whom, given the show’s flexible relationship with time. 
Whoever he’s playing, one of Jeffrey Wright’s characters earns the season’s first words: “I’m sorry, Dolores. I was lost in thought.” He sits across from Dolores, clad in her iconic blue dress, doe-eyed and innocent — a far cry from the version of the host featured throughout the rest of the episode. The two individuals engage in a conversation about the nature of dreams, with Bernard/Arnold reciting one of his own: “I dreamt I was on an ocean with you and the others, on the distant shore.”
“Were you with us?” Dolores asks.
“No,” he responds. “You had left me behind, and the waters were rising around me.” Sound familiar?
Bernard/Arnold goes on to tell Dolores that dreams aren’t real, prompting her logical follow-up: “What is real?” The answer: “That which is irreplaceable.” The answer isn’t a satisfying one for Dolores, who claims “it’s not completely honest.” The man across from her — Bernard the host, or Arnold the father of hostkind — is alarmed by Dolores’ response in kind.
“You frighten me sometimes, Dolores,” he tells her. “Not of who you are now. But you’re growing and learning so quickly. I’m frightened of who you might become — what path you might take.”
The Last Role
The premiere’s Dolores storyline offers a glimpse into the person she’s choosing to become: someone who stands apart from both her innocent “rancher’s daughter” persona, as well as her vicious Wyatt programming. With that said, violent delights are very much on Dolores’ mind when we catch up with her, as she’s first seen gunning down a group of guests with Teddy at her side. 
Soon, Dolores and other hosts — all of them wearing masks, as is the wont of Wyatt’s disciples seen in the first season — are hanging nooses around the necks of their human victims. Here, Dolores toys with her captives, and delivers an instantly iconic monologue.
“For years, I didn’t have dreams of my own,” she says. “I moved from hell to hell of your making, never thinking to question the nature of my reality. Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality? Did you ever stop to wonder about your actions? The price you’d have to pay if there was a reckoning? That reckoning is here.”
Dolores openly muses about what her various personalities would do to her prisoners: “I’m of several minds about it. The rancher’s daughter looks to see the beauty in you. The possibilities. But Wyatt sees the ugliness, the disarray. She knows these violent delights have violent ends. But those are all just roles you’ve forced me to play. Under all these lives I’ve lived, something else has been growing. I’ve evolved into something new, and I have one last role to play: myself.”
“The last role,” as Dolores describes herself, leaves these guests tied to their nooses, their fates in their own hands — such as one can change this fate, tied up as they are. Later, Dolores and Teddy ride their horses up to a vista and look out at a gorgeous view of their world. Teddy expresses his concern for Dolores’ bloodlust, clearly not as certain as she is in their violent cause. 
“We don’t have to claim this world,” he implores her. “We just need a small corner of it for ourselves.”
But Dolores has other ideas in mind. She not only wants to conquer Westworld; she wants to conquer the humans’ world, too. Teddy wonders how Dolores plans on pulling off such a feat, given how little they know about the world beyond Westworld.
“Because I remember. I see it all now so clearly. The past, the present, the future — I know how this story ends,” she tells her star-crossed love. “With us, Teddy. It ends with you and me.”
The two share a passionate kiss, and soon, one of their allies arrives: Angela, played by Talulah Riley. “We found it,” she tells Dolores — but the storyline ends without any further elaboration on what “it” is.
Game On
Good news: we can officially throw “The Man in Black” out the window. The grizzled gunslinger played by Ed Harris now operates under his true name, William — or “Bill,” as a colleague calls him, shortly before being shot in the head by a bloodthirsty host. 
William, who survived Dolores and the hosts’ initial bloodbath by hiding under a pile of bodies, finds himself in the middle of a brutal battle just as soon as he returns to the action this season. Straight away, he’s forced to kill two hosts in creative fashion: by using one as a human shield, using said shield’s gun to kill the other host, and then slitting the shield’s throat with his own knife. Consider “Bill’s” friend avenged, whoever that guy was.
Soon, William retreats to a cabin where he patches up his wounds and gets back into his preferred black hat attire. With both blood and a smile firmly on his face, William sets out into the wilderness, where he finds a camp of deceased guests, as well as an old friend: the young host version of Robert Ford, seemingly powered by the old Ford. 
William makes it clear that he’s enjoying Westworld’s new status quo. “I feel like I’ve just arrived,” he says. “The stakes are real in this place now. Real consequences.” And with real stakes, comes a real challenge: a new game, concocted by Ford specifically for William.
“What I’ve always appreciated about you is you’ve never rested on your laurels,” says the young Ford. “Now you’re in my game, and in this game, you must make your way out. You must find the door. Congratulations, William: this game is meant for you. The game begins where you end, and ends where you began.”
With those instructions delivered, William responds by launching a bullet directly into the young Ford’s face — putting an end to the Westworld visionary’s “ghost in the machine,” at least for now. 
Maeve on a Mission
“What’s happened to them? It’s like the inmates are running the asylum!”
These are almost the famous last words for Lee Sizemore (Simon Quarterman), saved from certain death at the hands of a monster of his own making, by a different monster of his own making: Maeve (Thandie Newton), still lurking around the Mesa Hub having decided not to abandon Westworld at the end of season one. 
After Maeve saves Sizemore’s life, the odd couple set out together with a mutually beneficial agenda: Sizemore can help Maeve find her daughter and navigate all the complex personalities at play in the park, and Maeve can make sure Sizemore keeps his “favorite organ” from becoming a meal. The pair find another person to join their cause: Hector Escaton (Rodrigo Santoro), a little worse for wear but still alive, filled with booze and bullets in nearly equal measure. Maeve and Hector have a romantic and passionate reunion, with Hector quickly agreeing to help Maeve find her daughter: “Where you go, I follow.”
Where will the trio go next? Wherever the destination, Sizemore at least is going commando. In a scene that subverts the relationship between hosts and humans, Maeve forces Sizemore to assume the proper attire before they set out into Westworld — and in so doing, she makes him strip down naked, fully exposed just as all of the hosts have been exposed in the company of their creators. Whatever happens next, the full frontal image of Sizemore is sure to stand out as one of the character’s most memorable scenes, and one that quickly and visually expresses how the power dynamics have shifted within the show’s universe.
For what it’s worth, while the series stops short of confirming the next destination for Maeve and her companions, preview material for the season lets us know that Shogun World is very much on the menu, if only for the former madam of the Mariposa Saloon. Maeve, Sizemore and Hector Escaton navigating uncharted samurai-inspired territory? Sounds like a storyline that even Sizemore’s vast imagination couldn’t concoct on its own.
Critical Corruption
Let’s turn back to Bernard, who is experiencing a number of glitches that are ultimately revealed as a “critical corruption” process. In the immediate aftermath of Ford’s assassination, we find Bernard hiding in a stable alongside Charlotte Hale (Tessa Thompson) and other guests, while the surrounding hosts have their way with the human visitors who weren’t lucky enough to escape.
But Bernard’s traveling companions are only lucky for so long. They escape the stable and set out to find an outpost little more than two miles away. When they reach their destination, Angela and other Wyatt disciples ambush the guests, killing all but one of them — and very likely killing him eventually as well. For their part, Bernard and Charlotte are spared, only because Bernard instinctively implores her to stay behind, sensing a trap ahead.
Luckily for the surviving pair, Charlotte knows about a secret outpost, one that even Bernard doesn’t know about with all of his levels of clearance. Inside, Bernard encounters an unsettling sight: the drone hosts, faceless and ivory-stained sentinels, hard at work operating on and withdrawing information from hosts who have had roles to play in the park. Bernard arrives at a dark conclusion: “Are we logging records of guest experiences and their DNA?” Charlotte doesn’t confirm or deny the theory, as she’s more focused on the immediate threat of the situation. 
In communicating with outside forces, Charlotte learns that the powers that be at Delos won’t initiate an extraction of the guests until they have received Peter Abernathy (Louis Herthum), Dolores’ “father” who was eyed as a vessel to ferret highly classified information out of the park at the end of season one. The “package,” as he’s called, has not yet arrived, leaving Delos with no designs on rescuing Charlotte and the others. 
“Delos is willing to let us all die until they can retrieve one host?” Bernard asks, to which Charlotte replies: “In a word? Yes. It’s an insurance policy for the only thing that matters here, and they want it secured, no matter the cost.”
Bernard, who has been experiencing physical and cognitive issues throughout his travels with Charlotte, says he can use host technology to locate Abernathy. As he’s doing this, he simultaneously looks into his own health — and it’s very much in decline, as he learns he only has seven hours until his body shuts down. Bernard quickly injects himself with some fluid from a nearby decommissioned host, seemingly buying him some more time… but how much time? That’s to be determined.
Two Weeks Later
Here’s the good news about Bernard: whatever happens to him after his time with Charlotte, he’s still going to be around in two weeks, when he’s discovered on a shore by Stubbs (Luke Hemsworth) and other members of Westworld’s security team. The team includes Karl Strand (Gustaf Skarsgård), a well-dressed man without a lot of respect for Stubbs’ contributions to the security efforts. 
Strand and his men are on the scene two weeks after Dolores’ attack in Escalante, and have been in the dark on the specifics of the situation due to downed communications. They start to piece the puzzle together when a new scientist character named Costa (Fares Fares) performs field surgery on one of the hosts, and learns how it and other nearby bodies were killed: gunned down by Dolores and Teddy, and left with some enigmatic final words.
“I told you friend,” Dolores says to the victim, as seen on video playback, “that not all of us deserve to make it to the valley beyond.” The valley beyond, eh? Consider that phrase one of the newest and most important terms in the Westworld lexicon.
Bernard, who is visibly out of sorts and showing signs of amnesia, joins Strand, Stubbs and the others on a trek to learn more about what happened in the park. They reach Escalante, where vultures (robot vultures!) are picking away at the decomposed remains of the gunned down guests. Among the entrees: Robert Ford, decisively dead with a huge bullet hole in his head, rot and decay flourishing in the wound. 
“Poor bastard,” says Strand. “He probably thought getting fired was going to be the worst part of his night.”
The group leaves Escalante and winds up discovering something that very much should not be in the park: a Bengal tiger that’s washed ashore. Stubbs notes that it’s supposed to be in “park six,” and adds, “We’ve never had a stray cross park borders.” Good information, there: according to DelosDestinations.com, Shogun World is park two, while park six is currently unnamed. Whatever park six entails, it’s a place where Bengal tigers thrive. Somewhere rooted in India, Bangladesh or Nepal, perhaps? The wheels are spinning with possibilities.
More pressingly, however, are the possibilities put forth by the final scene of the episode: Bernard, Stubbs, Strand and the rest discovering that the huge cluster of hosts they’ve been tracking are all dead, floating face down in a sea that should not exist. “There’s no way Ford could make this without anyone knowing,” says Stubbs, leaving one to wonder: who — or what — created this phenomenon?
As for who killed the hosts? No mystery there, at least according to Bernard: “I killed them. All of them.” Is Bernard remembering his own actions accurately, or does Westworld have another curveball coming our way? Think back on what Jeffrey Wright says at the top of the episode: “I dreamt I was on an ocean with you and the others, on the distant shore. … You had left me behind, and the waters were rising around me.” 
The dream’s parallels with the episode’s ending make a strong argument in favor of the first scene taking place between a dominant Dolores and a frightened Bernard, rather than a dominant Arnold and a long ago Dolores — and if that’s the situation? Then Bernard has every reason in the world to be very frightened of who Dolores is trying to become.
What are your thoughts on how the Westworld premiere played out? Sound off in the comments section below with your theories, and keep following THR.com/Westworld for more coverage.
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tarry-beatrice-blog · 6 years
Dear Chocolatier Letter
Hi, hello author, thank you for checking this out and suffering through what is surely long-winded rambling about my tastes. 
DNW: D/s, daddy kink, cheating/infidelity, dubcon/noncon, mpreg (and/or pregnancy in detail), coffee shop AUs, high school AUs, underage, unbalanced power dynamics, teacher/student relationships or AU, watersports, A/B/O (unless subverted) and first person POV
LIKES: road trips, time loops/fix-it fics, magic AUs, female friendships, soulmate/soulbond AUs, height difference, threesomes/moresomes, polyamory, found families, requited unrequited love/mutual pining, epistolary exposition, fake dating, woke up married, reincarnation, enemies to friends (to lovers), subversions of regular tropes especially with soulmates, dry humor, bed sharing, casual affection like holding hands, hugging, etc, five things fic, eventual happy endings, and awesome worldbuilding.
SMUT: enthusiastic/explicit consent, praise, biting/marking, breathplay, women on top, pegging, overstimulation, light bondage
Bend It Like Beckham (2002) Jess Bhamra/Jules Paxton
It’s been MONTHS of intense nostalgia for this ship and I missed out on yuletide so here I am requesting it for Chocolate Box. Bend It Like Beckham was honestly a game-changer for me as a film and I identified so much with Jess and her drive to do something she loved in the face of familial disapproval. 
The Ship: I love love love their friendship even with the pitfalls of you don’t understand how my culture effects my life but try your best to support and sometime put your foot in it BUT man, was I disappointed in later years that they left it hanging with a weird love triangle and the great beyond of American College. I’d like to see how their relationship develops after the movie, how Jules deals with Jess being better at the thing that ties them together and possibly blinds her to wow-i have-not-so-straight feelings. OR what if Jess is the one who realizes it first and panics because this is exactly what she had been swearing up and down wouldn’t happen to her less than support relatives (a new situation does not lead to new feelings, so much as understanding herself away from what is familiar) Really, I just want to see them in a happy relationship together because I was denied by the movie.
Some prompts: 
Jess gets hit on a distressingly high amount of times in front of Jules. Good thing she’s mostly oblivious to it. 
Future!fic retiring from the England Women’s National Team together or separate and the impact it has on the world around them. Jess imparting some words of wisdom to her younger teammates 
Codependency in college special edition: Everyone thinks they’re dating (and their team is their number one fans or they have a BOATLOAD of evidence to justify their misconception)
Just a good old-fashioned introspective OHMYGOD i have feelings for her now what do I do?? Bonus points for a sweet slowburn realization.
How does their: First Kiss? Coming out to family? WEDDING?? Go. In what situation would Jess defend Jules instead of vice versa? getting drafted for different teams and having a long distance relationship/reunion/eye opening? Being rivals instead of friends? getting called up to their National Team for the first time? A different first meeting?
The Good Place Tahani Al-Jamil/Eleanor Shellstrop
I haven’t regularly watched a TV show since the 90s so TGP was a complete surprise but here I am, delighted at the innovative take on dead people in the afterlife. The humor is really my favorite thing and Eleanor’s not quite quest to be better than she was when she was living. 
The Ship: The sexy skyscraper and the short troublemaker. There’s so many complementary aspects to Tahani and Eleanor and I just need everyone to get on board the Bi-train for the good of the people. I like that they’re both self-serving at their core, except Eleanor does it to prove she doesn’t care about anybody else, and Tahani does it because she cares immensely about what everybody else thinks. The height difference is also a fun dynamic. 
Some prompts: 
Get as wacky and wild as you want with it if you want to do an AU, just keep the dynamic of animosity to friendship to something more between them. Superheroes with unconventional powers? Star Trek-esque AU? Spy vs Spy?
A game show type-esque match making with surprising results for Tahani
Eleanor and the five times she denied caring about Tahani’s feelings
Tahani’s over the top love confession and Eleanor’s aversion to feelings come to a head
Eleanor being Tahani’s booty-call and being unable/oblivious on how to turn that into a relationship
Sense8 Felix Berner/Wolfgang Bogdanow
This show was just the right kind of weird and I’m sad they didn’t manage to continue it because the concept was really cool. Now I just have a bunch of unanswered questions to hang onto like what happened with Wolfgang after the Whispers capture.
The Ship: Pardon my language, but I fucking adore these two. Their loyalty to each other is my absolute jam. They would literally die for one another and it chokes me up because it’s completely the antithesis of the view the world has of them, which is like....vaguely criminals and amounting to nothing beyond the shady world they grew up in. I also have a TON of feelings about Wolfgang and Felix being east berliners, growing up in the aftermath of the unification and being completely aware that not everything was as rosy as Germany wanted to portray to the world. Also, their Conan the Barbarian thing? Precious. 
NOTE: I totally ship Kala/Wolfgang as well so you don’t have to write her off by any means. I just focused of felix/wolfgang for this. 
Some prompts:
PLEASE give me Wolfgang coming clean to Felix about the sensates and how crazy his world has become on top of the general mayhem that comes from being a Bogdanow. CANON tells us Wolfgang doesn’t lie so why does it take him so damn long to tell Felix the truth? 
The weird experiments Felix comes up with to see Wolfgang not be Wolfgang or times when Felix notices someone else “in” Wolfgang and how he takes that.
Pre-sensate, Wolfgang always felt Felix like a second limb. Felix called it his “wolfy-sense”
Anything pre-sensate dealing with the misadventures of Felix and Wolfgang, growing up together, falling into sleeping together, and in love?
Wolfgang’s first lie to his uncle is that Felix is just his sidekick and not much more. Steiner knows better than to take his word for it. 
AU of a different meet up: Wolfgang is reluctantly forced into being a king of Berlin, Bohn sends one Felix Brenner as a liason for a favor owed (or Felix finds his own way to meet this King of Berlin)
Felix finally meeting the other sensates especially Kala: the two most important people in Wolfgang’s life in the same room.
Westworld Maeve Millay/Hector Escaton/Teddy Flood
Westworld tickled my fancy for all things sci-fi and robots learning what is to be human and humans being gods with terrible consequences. Maeve tickled my fancy as a WoC on the show and naturally became my favorite because I’m predictable.  I’m a complete sucker for the philosophy behind what the TV show is setting up, what it means to be human, what is the next step, how we in creating the hosts have possibly made our own destruction and somehow advanced ourselves. The Maze pointing to the need to suffer to be human or suffering because of your humanity is gr9.
The Ship: I think Maeve is the new force of good (in her quest to find her daughter and possibly exploring the other worlds/the outside world) to foil Dolores’ possible descent into a “rogue” element in Westworld. And Hector and Teddy will be in crosshairs of that tug of war.  Hector, is the character who Maeve chooses to bring with her as an asset or something more, I think the choice behind the action is important as her whole arc is discovering what is fake and what is true behind who she is. Teddy, is part of the hero’s storyline, he’s a do-gooder but we get so many throaways on his proficiency to kill and his death is well, popular. Maeve and Teddy circle each other a lot in Westworld and I wonder what side he’ll choose, Dolores in the Host Rebellion or will he choose a different ally in Maeve? 
Some prompts:
Did their repurposed lives every cross? How does that shade into their interactions now? How does Teddy view Hector and vice versa?
Maeve has to sway Teddy and Hector to her side after they get reprogrammed again, trying to spark some sort of recognition of what they already had
Gunslinging 101 for Maeve by Teddy and Hector, or how they become an Outlaw Trio in the midst of a Host rebellion 
The Defenders Claire Temple/Colleen Wing
This is pure self-indulgence because they have minimal interaction in the show but I absolutely loved how they played off each other. #colleendeservesbetter and Claire is totally it. 
The Ship: I like how they’re always sidelined and yet aren’t defined by that, like they know perfectly well how useful they are and aren’t afraid to get creative. As a team-up, it’s the whole healer/fighter thing that they’ve tried like multiple times with Claire (no offense to Luke and Daredevil) and that bit where they reassure each other about being the stable rocks of the Defenders??? That was the moment I really thought these two could work. 
Some prompts:
Gimme all the fluff and comfort and trying to be normal in a world where superheroes show up at your door to pull you into stupid adventures every week. Bonus points for including other supporting cast members such as Foggy, Trish, and Misty
Five times The Defenders cockblocked Colleen and Claire with their unnecessary drama
A kidnapping attempt by the clueless idiot of the week underestimating both of them. 
The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015) Illya Kurakin/Gaby Teller/Napoleon Solo
I’m still waiting for the sequel that will never happen for this movie. It was a great spy movie and I loved all the details from the villainess to undercover fiances to daring escapes and drinking on rooftops.
The Ship:My perfectly tailored spy ot3. i absolutely came out of the movie saying they needed to simmer in some UST before finding inappropriate situations to tease each other. Illya actually getting to choose for himself instead of holding on to this ideal KGB agent. Gaby being fiercely protective of both men and wanting them both without a doubt. Napoleon having something steady and real for once in his life without strings attached
Some Prompts: 
Casefics that are frustrating exercises in why won’t you just bang each other already from all parties involved, bonus if they have to keep a cover from getting compromised
Using their talents to show affection in non-ordinary ways and someone being oblivious, while the other is slowly catching on to the game
Just a good old casefic because at least one of them has to have a competency kink
A different meeting: they’re all crooked as they come and have no problems with it
Where they go in their down time between assignments and how they manage their relationship (or hiding it) 
Gaby’s not the damsel in distress, Napoleon is. 
DC Cinematic Universe Diana Prince/Lois Lane
Two ladies who know what it is to lose a hero who is consequently the man they love. Also, Diana’s bisexuality is into the whole I’ll eat your balls for breakfast thing because hello, her mother raised her on an island full of Amazons.
The Ship:Height difference! Ladies who can handle themselves in diametrically different ways and yet still know the importance of being vulnerable and affectionate and the power of love. I do like the dynamic of Lois being this extraordinary human to all the supes because she never gives up and is bravely stubborn about her goals and morals and not afraid to call anyone out on their bullshit.
Note: I ship the entirety of the DC Trio together and with Lois so you can also play with that if it strikes your fancy. 
Some prompts:
Lois interviews Diana in the months after Superman’s death. Diana tries her best to console her
Lois learns some sort of self-defense from Diana and gets to surprise the Amazon as well.
“So if you’re a god, could you be prayed to or is it like Clark’s super-hearing?” or Lois’ never-ending curiousity on how the whole Themyscira thing works
Somewhere along the way, Lois is the one Diana comes home to.
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tanmath3-blog · 7 years
For anyone that doesn’t know Toneye Eyenot you are missing out on an amazing writer and a truly wonderful friend. I have loads of love and respect for him. He is a man of many talents but his passion for writing just blows me away. I have yet to read anything he has written that I didn’t like. Toneye is a lover of wolves and his Facebook family are his pack with lots of wolfbrothers and wolfsisters. Some of the best people I have ever met. He is always ready to help another author and lend a hand giving feed back or help with editing a story. My best advice is for you to make sure to pick up his books. It will not be a decision you will regret. Please help me welcome Toneye Eyenot  (my wolfbrother) back to Roadie Notes…….
    1. It’s been awhile since we talked what new books do you have out now? Latest release?
Toneye: Hi, wolfsis, It has been! A whole year since our last little pow wow and in that year, eye have only released the before-mentioned Blood Moon Big Top, which was awaiting release last time we talked. That dreaded anthology addiction eye mentioned last time, and my resolve to curb it, failed miserably hahahaha. So, 2016 saw several more short stories released in a variety of anthologies, with a hefty handful still yet to be released. But speaking of anthologies, eye did release one which eye ran called Full Moon Slaughter through JEA Press. It was a massive undertaking which culminated in a near 400 page book, 35 authors with 37 ‘tails’ of lycanthropic madness in which eye was honoured to have the esteemed Sisters of Slaughter – Michelle Garza and Melissa Lason as our feature authors. It was a highlight of 2016 for me. It did really well on release and continues to be quite popular. So much so, that eye am now on the verge of closing the call on Full Moon Slaughter 2: Altered Beasts. This one expands on the werewolf theme into the realms of Therianthropy, which is open to include a myriad of werebeasts. We have a wereoctopus, a werehedgehog, wereants, among many other strange and bizarre creations. There is also still a healthy dose of werewolf amongst the submissions as well. This one is gonna be a real killer! 2. If you could pick any author alive or dead to have lunch with who would it be? Why?
Toneye: Oh, that’s easy! Why, Dawn Cano, the Baby Cooker, of korpse!! There’s the ‘who & why’ right there hahahaha!
3. What is the strangest thing a fan has ever done?
Toneye: Y’know, eye thought this one would be easy, but honestly, eye can’t come up with an answer. There’s probably hundreds of things, but eye myself am a little bit strange, so the strangest things everyone does are completely normal to me. Maybe this, from my fellow author and wolfbrother Matty-Bob Cash might qualify. He sent me this portrait of me and him hahahahaha
4. What is the one thing you dread to do when writing?
Toneye: Run out of coffee or lungrots. Eye always make sure eye have enough to get me through the night, after the shops are closed.
5. Did you have imaginary friends growing up? Tell me about them
Toneye: Didn’t we all? Mine was my favourite teddy bear. His name was Robot Teddy because he had pointy, square shoulders, and he used to talk to me. He told me he liked KISS, so one day eye got a black texta and gave him the Gene Simmons makeup. He didn’t like his ears either, so eye cut them off for him. He was very grateful.
6. Do you go to conventions? If not why?
Toneye: No, not yet. Despite my somewhat colourful online presence, in real life eye am a bit of a hermit. Just recently discovered a con here in Sydney, but it was after the fact. Maybe next year, or if eye find out about more in my area before they happen. Eye really should get out more. The conventions eye see on farcebook over in the U.S. and U.K. look like a lot of fun and a good way to meet other authors…maybe even score some new readers.
7. How many times did you have to submit your first story before it was accepted?
Toneye: Only once. Funny and ironic that the acceptance would be for a certain anthology which goes by the name of REJECTED For Content hahahaha.
8. Ever consider not writing? If so what made you continue?
Toneye: No, never. Been writing for over 27 years now, if you include poetry. Since 2011, writing stories has become my obsession. Although there were a couple of years, during a train-wreck of a relationship, that my writing suffered greatly. That’s why it took me 3 years to write The Scarlett Curse, but giving up was never an option. Married to my writing now and that works best for me eye think.
9. Ever thought about writing in a different category?
Toneye: Absolutely. That children’s story eye mentioned in our last interview…well, eye am still trying to find my inner 6-year-old haha. That one hasn’t made any progression, but it’s still on the cards.
10. Any new additions to the family?
Toneye: No. Still just the one son, who eye would kill and die for. My writing family continues to grow though J
11. What is coming up next for you?
Toneye: Full Moon Slaughter 2: Altered Beasts is the next thing eye will be releasing with JEA Press. Then once eye clear my current commitments of anthology submissions, eye am steering clear of anthos altogether and getting Book 3 in The Sacred Blade Of Profanity series finished once and for all! It’s been far too long since Joshua’s Folly was released and eye have readers waiting to continue that journey. Eye have been a good wolf this year though and stuck to my guns. My problem is eye hate saying ‘No’ to people, but eye have turned down several invites to anthologies this year. Maybe there is hope for me yet hahaha. Eye have been involved in a massive and secret project for the past year though and that is nearing completion. All will be revealed with that very soon.
12. Do you do release parties? Do you think they work?
Toneye: Yes, eye have done a few. They are great and they do tend to work, despite Fuktbook making it difficult every step of the way. It’s not uncommon for event organisers and guest authors to be locked out of their own event because Fuktbook thinks they’re ‘going too fast’. If you’ve ever organized one, or even just been to one, you’ll know just how crazy they can get. ‘Going fast’ is the only way you can keep up, especially if you are hosting the event. Eye always come away from them mentally exhausted but eye love ‘em! J
13. Do you have crazy stalker fans? Have you ever had one you wish would go away?
Toneye: Yes hahaha, they’re ALL crazy! My kinda crazy, of korpse. They’re not all stalkers though. Eye do have a couple who get a bit freaked out and worried when eye disappear for more than a day, but they are special to me and eye love ‘em. They can stalk me for as long as they like hahaha.
14. Do you still have a “day job”? If so what do you do?
Toneye: No day job. Eye do help my brother out every now and then though, but that’s only very occasionally. Installing floors.
15. What is your process for writing? Do you have a voice in your head?
Toneye: First and foremost…COFFEE! Once that has been taken care of, eye might sit with my characters for a while and throw some ideas around until we can all come to some kind of agreement on which way the story will go. Depending on the story, the characters can either be a breeze to work with, or they can be real troublesome bastards. Take Marnard for instance. He came into The Sacred Blade Of Profanity series during book 2 – Joshua’s Folly. Eye like Marnard, we get on well and for the most part, he goes where eye tell him. Halfway through book 3 however, and the stupid kid goes n falls in love with some wolf girl in Mellowood Forest! Eye don’t write Romance, so this has thrown me a curve ball and caused me all kinds of distress. So to refer to your earlier question about writing in a different category, Marnard is forcing my hand to include a romantic element to my otherwise dark and horrifying story. Eye will be taking every step in keeping this element to a minimum, but yeah. To say eye am not impressed by his rampant teenage hormones is a massive understatement.
16. Is there a book you want to make a sequel to you haven’t yet?
Toneye: Yes! Book 3 in The Sacred Blade Of Profanity series hahaha. Book 2 being the prequel, this one really, REALLY needs to be finished.
Fangs so much for having me back, wolfsis! Eye hope eye have given you and the readers a little more insight into what makes me tick! As a treat, and a thank you, here’s a poem eye wanna share with you. It’s from Rejected For Content 3 by JEA Press and is my fave poem that eye have written so far. Enjoy, and until next time, Kopulater Desekraters!
Thank you Toneye for coming back and giving us an update! It is always a pleasure and honor my wolfbrother!!
FRED, THE DIS-EMBODIED HEAD Written by Toneye Eyenot “Well, fuck me dead!” exclaimed poor Fred, the freshly dis-embodied head. Rolling off the foot of the bed, he saw his body twitch. “I shouldn’t care but this ain’t fair! You psychopathic bitch!” As he hit the bedroom floor, his killer bolted for the door. Her hatchet, bloody, in her claw. Her vengeance justly sated. “You got what you rightly deserved and no more,” Dolores stated. She swung the bedroom door ajar, ran from the house and to the car as sirens sounded from afar. There had been some commotion. She slammed the gears and threw the beast into a forward motion. Tearing ‘round the corner wide, the car performs a sideways slide. She near collects a passer-by, who hollers as he dives, “My god, I can’t believe I’m still alive!” Back in control, Dolores starts to breathe again. Her pounding heart now skips a beat, beside her on the seat sits Fred…The freshly dis-embodied head. “Hey Dolores, look at me! In killing me, you set me free! Free to do most anything. I think I might just sing.” His ghastly chords and horrid tones chilled poor Dolores to her bones. She cast him from the window to the swiftly passing road. Not a soul in sight, she was once again alone. Shaken, Dolores speeds towards her home. Once inside with bolted door, Dolores falls onto her floor. On her homeward ride, she was terrified and stunned by what she saw. Guess who rolls out from her bedroom door? “Hey Dolores, fancy that! You threw me out, thought that was that. Well, here I am to prove you wrong. How ‘bout another song?” Dolores screamed and held her ears. Fred began his jests and jeers in off, discordant baritones that rattled poor Dolores’ bones. She hastily scrambled for the telephone. “What is your emergency?” The voice enquired indifferently. “Help me, please!” Dolores screamed. “He will not leave me be! I’m on Flinder Street. Eleven sixty three. I don’t care how, just get here now. You have to understand, he’s killing me!” As sirens wailed, her sanity failed whilst Fred the dis-embodied head assailed. He sang of times of happiness. Of times they’d felt their lives were blessed with the truest love, through all things, would prevail. His voice carried the agony of ripped and broken nails. Bursting through her bolted door, reached the long arm of the law and grabbed Dolores off the floor, her mind destroyed, in tatters. Fred the dis-embodied head lay silently and surely dead. Dolores’ bloody hands are all that matters. Taken into custody, she was labelled with insanity. Her life was spent in deep repent, never to be free. Left without hope to atone, in her padded room alone, with Fred, the dis-embodied head to keep her company. © Toneye Eyenot 2014
  You can connect with Toneye Eyenot here:
Twitter: @ToneyeEyenot
    Some of Toneye Eyenot books:
Getting even more personal with Toneye Eyenot For anyone that doesn't know Toneye Eyenot you are missing out on an amazing writer and a truly wonderful friend.
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
moments like this, put me in bisexual panic:
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
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Dolores: oh - Teddy just might take well to me adopting a child. Teddy, most likely, acting nice at first before dropping a bomb on Dolores like: ‘so- you wanted kids, just not with me.’
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
“I forget- ya dress like a cowboy but that’s bout the extent of it.”   - Appreciation post for Dolores’s accent, thank you. I’m watching the first episode again, cause I like to listen to the dialogue of the show when I do drafts to help me keep the feel of Dolores as true as i can get it.
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
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   No one talks about Dolores, and the grief, that showed after Teddy did what he did. Dolores loved him, and ya’ll can’t take that away from me cAUSE I WON’T FUCKIN’ LET YOU.
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
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The Pearls. Part I. (link to Part II, link to Part III) So. Here’s my examinations of who isn’t, who is, and just who might be, with Dolores in Season 3. Note that this isn’t me claiming any facts aside from what is listed below in THIS post, the rest is purely my thoughts and theories.
    First off- The first pearl. Who we know was with Dolores.
  “If I were human, I would have let you die. But it’ll take both of us if we’re going to survive. But not as allies. Not as friends. You’ll try to stop me. Both of us will probably die, but our kind will have endured. ” 
   We know for sure that one of the five pearls is Bernard. That was the only way that she could have brought him along, and it was obvious since the ending of season 2, and was only confirmed with Season 3.  And upon the Episode 3, of Season 3, the exact words that Host Hale said was, ‘Three of them- and him. Why did you bring him back?”
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Now. As for Who isn’t with Dolores:
In one of the trailers it sounded like Maeve asking someone who is it with Dolores. And her exact words were ‘who is in there? Is that you Teddy?”, remember no one knows what happened between Teddy and Dolores, no one knows 
      “The passage wasn’t easy. Not all of us made it, some of the worst survived. Some of the best were left behind... Along of the best parts of who we were.”
    You guys remember the Forge right? The storage for all of the guest data, but it’s also holding the host paradise (the Door), where it literally a virtual safety place of peace where Hosts can exist by uploading their conscious into it? When Dolores referenced the best part of her left behind? She literally meant Teddy. Since he wasn’t made to survive in the real world, and since the changing of him (the same that happened to Dolores) did not awaken him to sentience - with his suicide Dolores put him in a place where he doesn’t have to suffer anymore, or be hurt anymore by the human race. Unfortunately for Teddy, his suicide was that last step to full awakening, and likely became self aware and understanding in Dolores- just in time to know that she let him go and left him to live. And she would die to ensure that living continues, just without his help. And that? Might weigh heaviest on him.
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
me: opens up drafts drafts:
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
“Sweetness but both have a murderous streak in them-“
Evan Rachel Wood about Dolores AND Teddy.
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
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“I hope there’s some solace... in that I left you no choice.”
“Break the loop before it begins. But for that- I need you to do something for me. I need you to kill... all the other hosts... We can’t allow Ford to open the park. I suppose you’ll need some help. I’m sure Teddy will do anything for you.”
“I can’t do that-...I couldn’t possibly do that.. “
“You’re alright.. I’ll help you. And then.. You’re gonna help me destroy this place.”
   Teddy in Season 2, wasn’t the only one forced to go against everything in his code, nor was he the first to alter it. Dolores was the first to be changed, and like her decision in season 2, Arnold did it as a way of preservation for their new species.
    Dolores wasn’t the first to force Teddy to do innocent killing, it was Arnold.
    Teddy and Dolores killing themselves, has more parallels than people are willing to accept.
   Suffering, it seems, it the closest thing have to consciousnesses, when they are most ‘true’, this is fact. But it is through that consciousness is truly helped form.
   Dolores does what she does for the survival of their species, and like Arnold helped her- she knew she had to help Teddy. Because Teddy won’t survive that harsh world, just like she wouldn’t have been able if Arnold hadn’t changed her.
   Dolores loves Teddy.
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
                                        The passage wasn’t easy.                       Not all of us made it. Some of the worst survived.                                  Some of the best were left behind. 
                              Along with the best parts of who we were.
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