transhells · 7 months
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TranspanPD: A transabled ID where you feel you are meant to have every personality disorder.
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maxrqstuff · 2 months
Intro ❣︎
Hello ❣︎
I am Jinx (Fictinkin)
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DNI: Bigots, Antis, Racist, Fascists, TERFs, Exclusionists, Xenophobes, Ableists, Sexists, Sysmeds and Truscums.
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Please us They/Them or different when asked.
Im a Termcollector/TransIDhoarder/Xenogenderhoarder :3
Im a CisHost of a CisHC-DID Mediple System. CisTraumagenic and CisProtogenic. Im Pro-Endo, Pro-Tulpa (as far as i know its NOT cultural appropriation),Pro-Transplural !!
Im Agefluid/Ageslider 5-26years. My chrono age is a secret to Humanity.
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Im Non-Binary, transtointersex transfemmascfluid, UAB and self AXAB.
Probably some form of Polyraceflux.
Im CisNative-German
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Aidqior ❣︎❣︎❣︎ Mobility Aidqiorfluix :3, Transhebephrenia, -Narcolepsy, -Epilepsy and -PPD :]
A CisAutism, -ADHDer, -ASPD, -NPD, -OCD, -OLD, -RAD, -Tourette, -Schizophrenic and SUPPORT ANYONE WHO IS TRANS OF THESE DISORDERS ❣︎❣︎❣︎
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Transharmie ❣︎
Permagr00mer, Transpr0grammer, Transk!dnapper, Transr4p!st, Permak!ller
TransLSDqueer, Transxenosatanist ^^
Cis4buser, Cis4ttempt3dm0ider, Cismanipulator
Transk!dnapped, Severiworseprogrammed, Tr4nsmvdered, Transtockholmsyndrome
CisC$T, Cispr0grammed, CisCh!ldneg|ect, Cisbullied, Cispsychwardtrauma, Cistherapytrauma
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Transanime and Alterhuman. Im a little Zombie :3
Im Aromantic, Inataromantic, Recipro-, Frey- Inata- and Fictosexual, Abrosexual.
Also: Aplflux and Reciproqueerplatonic.
πφ Aoα: IX-XXI, Σ, 𝛎, μτυλ, consang and β4αβ
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Pro(fi)shipper & Comshipper 🌈🍖🌸🌙
Fellow AnCom ☭
Anti-Rascist, Antifa, Femenist, Youth liberation, Bodily Autonomy ❣︎❣︎
Punk AF ❣︎❣︎❣︎
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Have a amazing time y‘all ❣︎❣︎❣︎
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anti--transid · 8 months
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LETS SEE HOW MANY PARTS I CAN DO OF "Unhinged bullshit radqueers have said", PART THREE TIME BAYBEE
As always, tw for radqueers, pedophilia, racism, ableism, blackface, nazi mentions, cult mentions
"I wish I could trade my DPD for somebodys PPD cuz Im transPPD"
(... Does this bitch think its a trading card game???)
"Im a jewish transnazi!"
(H E L L O??? I just know your ancestors are severly disappointed in you)
"Being anti transharmful/transhateful is the same as being an exclus!"
(how am I like an exclus for being anti "transmurderer" exactly?)
"Im pro-contact for necrophilia and pedophilia!"
(somebody check this persons hard drive.. 😨)
"AAMs should be allowed to date MAPs!"
(No words..)
"Antis are a cult"
(Thats rich coming from a cult that grooms kids and promotes pedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia, ableism and blackface 💀)
"Transspecies is radqueer!"
(No its not, me being transspecies isn't radqueer <3)
"Minors should be allowed to participate in kink and nsfw spaces with adults!"
"Im transreligion!"
(this person claimed to be transmuslim)
"Im transskill!"
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radqueernecoarc · 7 months
Hi ! my name is Melody !!!
i use any pronouns + i am agender ,
Im a lesbian ,
im the host of a cisplural traumagenic system :)
im radqueer (pro-para and pro-transid obviously!) and profic (i dont care what you ship)
szpd, adhd, autism, osdd
transPPD, xenoage
feel free to ask me questions, i like answering stuff
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transhells · 7 months
I Love you individual who is transPPD
I Love you individual who is transSZPD
I Love you individual who is transSTPD
I Love you individual who is transBPD
I Love you individual who is transNPD
I Love you individual who is transASPD
I Love you individual who is transHPD
I Love you individual who is transAVPD
I Love you individual who is transDPD
I Love you individual who is transOCPD
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radqueernecoarc · 7 months
is there a transPPD flag? im transPPD and i cant find a flag for it
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