#uhh sorry if the formatting is shit i'm doing this on mobile
theboyanachr0nism · 20 days
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had a poster idea. gotta squint your eyes for this one!
alts and progress pics below 🌟
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yuminpa · 2 months
❤️🧡💜 pls give me juicy bradh.eron lore - sol
OH WATCH OUT IT GETS ANGSTY. (finale spoilers, major character death, sorry if the formatting is shit im on mobile)
❤️ how did they meet? was it love at first sight, immediate enemies, or something in between?
fuchsia is scrooge's director of public affairs, so she works with the board of directors on many occasions. she developed a soft spot for bradford almost immediately, and finally mustered up the urge to ask him to coffee-- as coworkers, of course! he swiftly declined, claiming he was "far too busy", so she got curious and followed him in secret after a business meeting, only to discover he was "busy" with fowl.
b: "ms. flocke?! what on EARTH are you doing here?"
f: "i... wanted to know what you were up to. you know, for the sake of, uhh, public relations?"
b: "you DO realize what this means, right? i'll have to--"
f: "you don't need to threaten me, sir. i have no stake in scrooge's success."
b: "...what about your pay?"
f: "that cheapskate's been underpaying me for all the years i've worked here. thinks he can lowball me because i'm young... but I'M the one doing damage control when his little ~adventures~ get out of hand! when his stupid magical artifacts cause property damage, it comes out of MY paycheck! if it weren't for me, he'd--"
b: "get to the point."
f: "...if you're plotting his downfall, count me in. and besides, i... i've always sort of... had feelings..."
(she can't look him in the eye.)
"...about income inequality. strong feelings, yeah! like, he's the richest duck in the world, and i can barely make rent every month? how's that fair?!"
b: (he quirks an eyebrow.)
f: "i'm on your side, br-- ahem. director buzzard."
b: (his gaze softens a bit.) "'bradford' will do just fine."
when he introduces fuchsia as the new recruit, she's a bit shy and starts to worry if she's in over her head. heron thinks she's ADORABLE, though, and immediately starts fawning over her and trying to get her in on villainous schemes.
🧡 how do they become friends? do they ask up front or is it a gradual realization?
heron and fuchsia hit it off as friends almost immediately, and heron helps fuchsia come out of her shell. bradford never really considers fuchsia a friend, or at least never vocalizes such, much to fuchsia's frustration. he's a tough nut to crack-- she can't quite coax the truth out of him when it comes to how he feels about her (or heron, for that matter)
💜 how do they confess? is it a grand gesture or in a more mundane moment?
heron gives fuchsia a literal peck on the cheek after calling her "just DARLING" and fuchsia gets the hint. the two of them do nonstop sappy pda shit from that moment on every time they're together.
bradford is so oblivious to fuchsia's feelings, and fuchsia keeps quiet herself until [FINALE SPOILERS IN CASE SOMEONE READING THIS HASNT SEEN IT IG?] bradford kills heron by pushing her into the black hole.
f: bradford?!?! what is WRONG with you?
b: (he wordlessly lurches towards her with the intention of killing her next.)
f: i LOVED heron! and i know YOU loved her too! and you know what else? i... i loved YOU!
(fuchsia knows she's got nowhere to run, so she throws herself into the black hole, depriving bradford of the satisfaction that would come from killing her himself.)
(maybe it's peaceful in there. maybe she reunites with heron and the two start a new life in some other faraway universe. bradford lives out the rest of his days as a pet bird, not smart enough to reverse the spell but aware enough to be haunted by the knowledge that he fumbled TWO bad bitches.)
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nekrophoria · 2 years
Music asks for @drawing-way-outside-the-lines
Thank you so much 💙
(Sorry for the weird format. Started writing this in my drafts and copying everything over on mobile is annoying as shit)
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6. a song from before you were born
"I think this one...?"
The Cure - The Same Deep Water As You
"Don't quote me on that though. "
7. a song that reminds you of yourself
Emery - Churches and Serial Killers
14. a song you didn’t like at first but warmed up to
Good Charlotte - I just wanna live
"Funny...i didn't like the song when it came out...and now it's the only Good Charlotte song I can still listen to without cringing like hell. "
15. a song from one of your favorite artists
"Uhh...not really sure if I have a favourite at this point...
Probably... Keith Flint - Laughs"
19. some of your favorite lyrics (explain why if you want to)
Keane - Somewhere Only We Know
"Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm gettin' old, and I need something to rely on
So, tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm gettin' tired, and I need somewhere to begin"
"Pretty...self explanatory."
22. a song from this year
(although Volatile technically plays in 2016 imma break the fourth walk here and pick a song from 2022 that I know he would like)
Korn - Lost in the Grandieur
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2. an all-time favorite song of yours
"Don't have one."
("The Legend Of Zelda Majora's Mask OST - Song Of Healing" he listens to it to calm down/drown out noise)
4. a song in your native language (if english, choose a song from your country)
"These guys are English, least they kinda sound English I dunno."
Kasabian - Reason is Treason
7. a song that reminds you of yourself
(Slipknot - Dead Memories)
11. a song that makes you wanna dance
"For fuck's sake..."
(actually none that I can think of)
18. a song from a genre you usually don’t enjoy
"...why do people even give a crap about the genre?
If I like something I like it, if I don't...I don't. Simple."
(He hates pop music but Madonna - Devil Wouldn't Recognize You he strangely enough doesn't mind at all. Maybe it's the piano, or a positive memory connected to it he can't quite pinpoint....You didn't hear that from me though. )
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3. a song from your childhood
Tasmin Archer - Sleeping Satellite
"I think it was one of my sister's favourite songs for...quite a while actually. It was on pretty often and...I've just grown to subconsciously connect a lot of childhood memories with it."
7. a song that reminds you of yourself
Highly Supect - My Name Is Human
10. a song that makes you tear up
"Okay this one was hard. There are a lot of songs I absolutely adore but they don't really make me visibly emotional.
There was this one time. My dumb ass decided to do dxm on my own which was a damn bad idea because I was in a pretty vulnerable mental state all around. I was teetering at the edge of a bad trip throughout most of it, constantly trying to kinda pull myself back so...at some point I put on some music and got stuck on this one: IAMX - This Will Make You Love Again and the flood gates opened. I wasn't even really registering it, but it helped."
11. a song that makes you wanna dance
"Depends on the mood...Grendel - Harsh Generation is a pretty safe bet though."
21. a song that makes you nostalgic
Tool - Parabola
"That was the first Tool song I ever heard. Tool was the first band I really got into and...listening to this song really makes me miss this feeling of discovering a style of music you never quite heard before and this euphoric rush that comes with it.
That feeling's gotten rare these days. "
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psycho-alchemist · 7 years
oh my god. I'm sorry about what I said about otome games. I was informed that you can have "sex" with them, I found that strange. but after checking "mystic messenger" ( I looked up popular otome) I've changed my mind. I actually think it's quit pure now, and can teach you to live, especially if you're broken like me. Id like to know other otome games I should check out.
I certainly was not expecting this!!
I understand which games you’re talking about! Otome games are really just dating sims. That said, they do sometimes have intimate scenes in them. (SLBP does have some mild intimate scenes, and I’ve played other otome games that are pretty explicit!) I won’t deny that, and I want to be upfront about that. But generally speaking, the games that focus on sex--aka the ones you were thinking of--are called “eroge” (erotic games).
Let’s be real, otome games are largely wish fulfillment. We get to play a dating sim with men who are [often] “perfect,” situations that we’d never find ourselves in, and endings that are [usually] pretty happy and satisfying. But I genuinely do think otome games have also taught me the symptoms of good and bad romantic relationships! Obviously it wouldn’t be fair to expect a real person to be as perfect as a lot of otome men, but they can still be educational. My favorite otome men are respectful, nurturing, teasing without being mean, and open-minded. And on the other hand, I’ve seen otome men who are rude, mean, violent, selfish, and insecure. Yes, some girls still like those awful otome men--I did too when I was a teenager--but I grew out of that phase. :)
So, I have played a shit ton of otome games over the years, and I honestly can’t remember all the titles. However, I made a list of otome game recommendations about a year ago that is still pretty current! The only ones not on that list are Mystic Messenger (which you’ve already seen) and Shall We Date? Modern Cinderella (which is also really good). So check out that list, but I’ll also put a list here of my favorite otome games that I still play:
Samurai Love Ballad: Party - The man from my mobile header, Katakura Kojuro, is from this game! I usually don’t play Sengoku games, but SLBP is really well-made and really interesting. The men are diverse (and H O T), and there’s a pretty large fandom! And TWELVE routes, which is very rare. Most otome games have 3-6 guys. There are also a lot of events, so even if you finish all the routes, there are still battle events and story events (basically extra stories) you can read!
Mystic Messenger - There isn’t much to say about this game since you’ve already found it, but I do really like it. Cheritz is really good about keeping the game current and well-formatted. The underlying story is pretty complex, and you learn different things about the storyline through each route. And Lovely Zen is just.....
My Forged Wedding: Party - If you love the “fake lovers/fake engaged” trope, you will LOVE this game. MC’s fiancee breaks up with her, and she has to play fake lovers with one of the six guys. Unfortunately there are no longer active events and stuff, but the story routes are great! Before Kojuro, Yamato was my #1 otome husband. And honestly, he is the first otome man who showed me that marriage doesn’t have to be screaming and yelling and hating each other (which is what I grew up with). 
Sleepless Cinderella: Party - I love all of the guys in this game. Which is rare, because most games have like one needlessly angsty guy or one psychopath. But I think the guys in SCP are really well-balanced, and their routes just felt very real to me. They didn’t feel overly dramatic for me personally. And actually, my very first favorite otome man (Yuzuki) came from this game! People who have been following me for a long time may remember the days when I fangirled over Yuzuki all the time :’> 
Shall We Date? Modern Cinderella - I really like this game also because it feels very real to me! MC isn’t some spectacular person, making her easy to relate to, but she also undergoes a lot of realistic character development. She’s smart and talented, which is pretty rare! I haven’t had an issue with most of the MCs in the mentioned otome games, but ModCin’s MC is a tier above most otome MCs. And of course, the guys are great! Their personalities are less exaggerated than other otome men, so they end up feeling less like wish fulfillment and more like guys you could actually meet irl, if that makes sense.
Shall We Date? Love Tangle - Like ModCin, Love Tangle’s MC is very likable. She’s very smart, and she’s an independent thinker. She doesn’t have a crazy job like a reporter or anything; she’s a scientist. And having an otome MC in a STEM field is, uhh, NONEXISTENT. Also like ModCin, I feel like the guys are pretty realistic. Maybe not as much as ModCin (which is a newer game), but still pretty real!
Hopefully this helps you out a little c: If you have any specific preferences--game settings, types of guys, anything like that--feel free to send me another ask :)
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