#usfw ment
slimepuppied · 11 months
was gonna say my first succession fanfic should be romangerri failsex because it's important to me personally, but that would be a lie because the first succession fic i wrote was kenrava smut. : ////
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cuffbelt · 1 year
he might not look like he gets bitches but honey that dick was 11 inches-
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spaceny · 8 months
🍆 lian
SINDAY HC with @jffstr [aceitando]
how do they feel about toys? do they have any? what’s their favorite? do they use them with partners?
bom, sendo sincero o lian tinha bem menos brinquedos antes de começar a trabalhar com onlyfans. era tipo, um masturbador e massageador de próstata e só. ele só pensava: pra que mais que isso? mas aí com os vídeos ele foi comprando mais coisas que pediam pra ele testar (óbvio que ele testava antes em off e só gravava se gostasse) e foi descobrindo mais coisas. mas melhor do que usar nele mesmo é usar com a nana. é plug de rabinho, vibrador, sugador de clitóris, prendedor de mamilos, cintaralho (porque sim, a nana foi a primeira mina que comeu ele), vibrador por app, velas, óleos. enfim. o papai de açúcar dos sextoys. mas pra ele em si... não tem nada muito além do que ele já não tinha antes.
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wikilemon-moved · 3 years
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love winz! im having zex with the man who murdered you
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mcm-curiosity · 3 years
Strongly Interacting Species:Conservation Policy,Management, and Ethics
Any legislation or other policy instrument based onempirical science is prone to senescence. Consider theUS Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973. This was the firstfederal statute to grant de facto existence rights to species ofplants and animals (Varner 1987) and to impose binding, en-forceable  duties  on  government  agencies  and  private  citi-zens to protect imperiled species. The ESA was based on thebest science of the time (Bean and Rowland 1997), and it stillremains in the vanguard of worldwide species protection ef-forts. However, the ESA, like other environmental laws fromthe 1970s, was enacted before conservation biology existed asa discipline, before the field of population viability analysisexisted, before  ecologists  understood  many  of  the  ecosys-tem consequences of species interactions and community dy-namics  (Terborgh  et  al. 1999), and  before  the  spatial  andtemporal scale–related complexities of effective protection ofvulnerable species were widely understood (Soulé et al. 2003).Although the ESA was revised and reauthorized in 1988, itdoes not reflect many advances in population biology andcommunity ecology.
Among the scientific anachronisms in this law is the absenceof specific reference to species interactions that contribute sub-stantially to the maintenance of ecological and species diversity.Not  only  has  the  understanding  of  interaction  webs  ad-vanced (Menge 1995), but it is now widely understood thatthe disappearance of a strongly interactive species can lead toprofound changes in ecosystem composition, structure, anddiversity  (Soulé  and  Terborgh  1999, Terborgh  et  al. 1999,Oksanen and Oksanen 2000, Schmitz et al. 2000, Soulé et al.2003). For instance, decimation of great whales by industrialwhaling substantially altered krill-consumer dynamics in theSouthern Ocean, and whaling has been proposed as the maincause  of a  recent  megafaunal  collapse  in  the  North  PacificOcean (Springer et al. 2003). In addition, the disruption offruit dispersal and seed-set patterns following early Holocenemegafaunal  extinctions  fundamentally  altered  the  speciescomposition of neotropical forests (Janzen and Martin 1982),and the functional dynamics of coastal marine ecosystemsworldwide have been grossly altered by overfishing of largeherbivores and predators (Jackson et al. 2001).The functional extinction of species interactions often oc-curs well before the species themselves have completely dis-appeared. In the oceans, many large, interactive species persistonly as rare adults, or as small or juvenile individuals that donot interact like large adults, qualitatively or quantitatively.
On land, many large animals and other strongly interactivespecies are completely missing from vast areas that they oc-cupied a century or two ago (Laliberte and Ripple 2004). Glob-ally, many, if  not  most, large-bodied, strongly  interactingspecies are increasingly rare, even if they persist in parts of theirformer  range. A  reasonable  hypothesis  is  that  ecosystemsthat have lost one or more strongly interactive species are des-tined to undergo profound degradation and simplification over time.
Nevertheless, most conservation laws, including the ESA,fail to reflect the effects of widespread ecological disappear-ances of strongly interacting species and the resulting ecosys-tem  perturbations. For  example, the  current  criteria  forrecovery of endangered mammal species under the ESA gen-erally ignore interspecies interactions altogether (Soulé et al.2003), emphasizing short-term, single-species, demographicviability  in  only  a  few  circumscribed  areas. Indeed, manycurrent recovery plans, at least for mammals, call for no in-crease in numbers of individuals, numbers of populations, orgeographic  range  (Tear  et  al. 1995; but  see  USFWS  1998,Jennings 1999). Here we propose that population densities of strongly in-teractive species must not be permitted to fall below thresh-olds  for  ecological  effectiveness, and  that  the  geographicranges of such species should be as large as possible (Conner1988, Soulé et al. 2003). Before this proposal can be imple-mented, however, two issues must be clarified: (1) the defi-nition of strongly interactive species and (2) the achievementof ecologically effective densities of such species.
What are strongly interactive species?
The idea that some species interact more strongly than oth-ers  is  not  new. Paine  (1969)  first  used  the  term  “keystonespecies” for particularly strong interactors: those, for exam-ple, whose activities maintain species and habitat diversity andwhose effects are disproportionate to their abundance (Kotliaret al. 1999). It is worth noting that Paine’s idea, one of the mostinfluential in all of modern ecology, is fundamentally a the-ory of species diversity—that the presence or absence of oneor several key species influences the distribution and abun-dance of many other species. Ecologists recognize, however,that the keystone designation artificially dichotomizes speciesinto groups such as “strongly interactive” (or keystone) and“non-strongly interactive” (Mills et al. 1993). Though such du-alisms have limited utility in science, this particular one is help-ful in education and advocacy.
Species  that  are  relatively  interactive  have  been  catego-rized according to the kind of ecological interaction that ismost evident. Among these interactions are habitat enrich-ment, mutualisms, predation,and competition.Species whoseactivities  affect  and  enhance  physical  or  biological  habitatstructure  have  been  referred  to  as  “ecological  engineers”(Jones et al. 1994). Ecological engineers significantly modifytheir  habitat  in  ways  that  increase  local  species  diversity.Beavers (Castor canadensis), for instance, create wetlands bybuilding dams in streams. Other examples of ecological en- gineering include mound building by termites, burrowing andgrazing by prairie dogs (Cynomysspp.), and habitat conver-sion by elephants (Loxodonta africana) and bison (Bison bi-son) (Naiman et al. 1988, Owen-Smith 1988, Detling 1998,Kotliar et al. 1999).Mutualist species, by virtue of their interactions, can alsomaintain  species  diversity. An  example  is  the  relationshipbetween the whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulus) and Clark’s nut-cracker (Nucifraga columbiana). Clark’s nutcracker is stronglydependent on the seeds of the whitebark pine, and the pinedepends on the nutcracker for the dispersal of its seeds intocaches. These seed caches are also a major food source for bothsmall  vertebrates  and  grizzly  bears  (Ursus  arctos)  in  theGreater Yellowstone ecosystem (Mattson et al. 1992). Terborgh and colleagues (1999) describe how the loss ofapex mammalian predators can precipitate ecological chainreactions that lead to profound degradation and species loss.Although top-down forcing through three or more trophiclevels has been demonstrated for nonvertebrate taxa (Stronget al. 1996, Terborgh et al. 2001), space constraints and im-mediate  policy  relevance  preclude  a  detailed  review  here.Many  predator-mediated  chains  of reaction  have  been  de-scribed or postulated (Estes and Palmisano 1974, Pace et al.1999, Terborgh et al. 2001); some of these (ecological cascades)are summarized in figure 1 and further elaborated in figure2. Figure 2a illustrates the familiar case of gray wolves (Ca-nis lupus) in Yellowstone, representing the scenario in whichthe extirpation of a large carnivore leads to the ecological re-lease of large terrestrial ungulates and other herbivores, caus-ing  changes  in  vegetation  structure, species  composition,and diversity.
Crooks and Soulé (1999) demonstrated the behavioral re-lease of mesopredators in patches of coastal sage scrub andchaparral in southern California, where the local absence ofcoyotes (Canis latrans) led to an increase in the activity of thehouse cat (Felis catus), in turn causing reductions of native,scrub-requiring bird species (figure 2b). An impressive caseof competitive release (Paine 1966) was described by Henkeand Bryant (1999) and is illustrated in figure 2c. They doc-umented a reduction of rodent diversity from 12 species tojust  1  as  a  result  of  coyote  removal; the  survivor  was  thecompetitively dominant kangaroo rat,Dipodomys ordii.Thefourth example (figure 2d)—the case of sea otters (Enhydralutris) and kelp forest—is described below.
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The fifth example (figure 2e) of a predator-mediated eco-logical cascade is hypothesized to have begun with the deci-mation of the great whales by industrial whaling followingWorld War II. Springer and colleagues (2003) suggest that aseries of ecological extinction events affecting pinnipeds andsea otters in the northern Pacific Ocean and the Bering Seawas  initiated  when  killer  whales  (Orcinus  orca), followingthe effective disappearance of large baleen whales, expandedtheir diets. Though baleen whales are themselves carnivores,they are not considered to be apex predators because of therelatively small size of their prey and because they are preyedon by killer whales.
We know little about the distribution of interaction strengthamong  species  in  most  ecosystems. Nor  do  we  know  themorphological, physiological, behavioral, or ecological cor-relates of strong interactivity. Paine (1992) showed experi-mentally that the interaction strengths of seemingly similarspecies can vary substantially; he also argued that mammalsare especially strong interactors in many terrestrial ecosystems(Paine  2000). One  of  us  (M. E. S.)  surveyed  all  mammalspecies  listed  as  threatened  or  endangered  under  the  ESAfor  which  recovery  plans  are  written  (about  44  species  orsubspecies). It  appears  that  nearly  half of these  vulnerablemammals are relatively interactive, according to the criterialisted below, though this estimate may be low because the ques-tion is unstudied for many of the species (Soulé et al. 2003).Sala  and  Graham  (2002)  provide  the  most  comprehensiveanalysis  to  date  on  species-specific  variation  in  inter actionstrength. They estimate that roughly half of the macroinver-tebrate herbivore species in kelp forest ecosystems are stronginteractors. Based on limited information, therefore, it appearsthat a significant proportion of invertebrate and vertebratespecies are sufficiently interactive to warrant attention if re-covery criteria are an issue. Parenthetically, there are excep-tions  to  the  view  that  strong  interactors  are  universallybeneficial. Invasive exotic species and some native carnivores,particularly in highly perturbed ecosystems, can exacerbatemanagement problems. For example, coyotes can devastatesmaller, endangered  predators  such  as  captive-bred  black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes), particularly if the coyotes areuncontrolled by wolves and if their prey occur in reduced, dis-turbed, or fragmented habitats (Miller et al. 1996).
The  question  of how  interactivity  is  dis-tributed  in  ecosystems  has  yet  another  di-mension, namely variability within species.Like  all  ecological  variables,  interactionstrength  is  contingent  on  place, time, andhistory (Power et al. 1996). Just as it would befutile to assign species-wide, fixed values forage-specific  fecundity, population  growthrate, coefficients  of  competition, or  othercontext-dependent variables, it would be un-reasonable to assign a fixed value for inter-activity to a widespread species.
Arguably, the related goals of (a) catego-rizing the kinds of interspecific interactionsand (b) assigning species to these categoriestrivialize the variability of species and envi-ronments in space and time. Interactivity isobviously a complex, context-dependent vari-able, and  no  species  trait  or  feature  is  uni-versally associated with it across all taxonomicgroups and ecosystems. Nevertheless, the ESAcontains wording that justifies attending tospecies  interactions: “The  purposes  of  thisAct [the ESA] are to provide a means wherebythe ecosystems upon which threatened andendangered  species  depend  may  be  con-served” (16 U.S.C. § 1531[b]). This leaves us with a practicalquestion: How can agencies and managers, in the face of thisuncertainty and variability, determine whether a vulnerablespecies in a particular locality or region is sufficiently inter-active to warrant special consideration with regard to recov-ery goals?
Guidelines for assessing interactivity
Operationally, a given species should receive special attentionfor  recovery—beyond  mere  demographic  viability—if  itsabsence or unusual rarity causes cascading, dissipative trans-formations in ecosystems, including alterations or simplifi-cations  in  ecological  structure, function, or  composition.The following questions may assist in determining whetherthere  are  grounds  to  warrant  the  creation  of  appropriatemanagement  prescriptions  and  actions  that  guarantee  itsecological effectiveness.
Does the absence or decrease in abundance of the specieslead directly or indirectly to a reduction in local species di-versity? For example, the absence of coyotes from arid ecosys-tems  can  lead  to  a  reduction  in  bird  species  diversity  viamesopredator  release  (Crooks  and  Soulé  1999)  or  to  a  re-duction in rodent species diversity via competitive exclusion(Henke and Bryant 1999), as noted above.
Does the absence, decrease in abundance, or range con-traction of the species directly or indirectly reduce repro-duction or recruitment of other species? For example, thenumber of forest tree species that successfully reproduced on islands  in  a  Venezuelan  reservoir  lacking  large  predatorsdropped  from  about  65  to  about  10  because  of  a  super-abundance of herbivores (Terborgh et al. 2001). Likewise, un-gulate herbivory prevented aspen (Populus tremuloides) clonesfrom recruiting sprouts into the overstory after extirpation ofwolves in the northern range of Yellowstone National Park(Romme  et  al. 1995, Ripple  and  Larsen  2000, Ripple  andBeschta 2004).
Does the absence or decrease in abundance of the specieslead directly or indirectly to a change in habitat structureor composition of ecosystems? For example, excessive elk(Cervus elaphus) herbivory on willow (Salixspp.) in the ab-sence of wolves in Rocky Mountain National Park (Peinettiet al. 2002) and Yellowstone National Park (Ripple and Beschta2004) was apparently the major factor in the disappearanceof beaver and associated wetlands.
Does the absence or decrease in abundance of the specieslead directly or indirectly to a change in productivity or nu-trient  dynamics  in  or  between  ecosystems? For example,prairie dog colonies shape nutrient cycling, soil chemistry, soilporosity, and the productivity and nutrient content of vege-tation through their burrowing and grazing activities (Whickerand Detling 1993, Kotliar et al. 1999, Miller et al. 2000), andsea otters strongly influence algal productivity (Duggins et al.1989)  and  food  resource  availability  to  herbivores  (Konarand Estes 2003).
Does the absence or decrease in abundance of the specieschange  an  important  ecological  process  in  the  system? For example, beavers have a profound effect on stream dy-namics, water  tables, flooding, and  the  extent  of  wetlands(Naiman et al. 1988).
Does the absence or decrease in abundance of the speciesreduce the resilience of the system to disturbances such asfire, drought, flood, or exotic species? For example, the ex-tirpation of the dingo (Canis lupus dingo) in some regions ofAustralia indirectly degrades habitat quality because dingoesprey effectively on exotic rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), redkangaroos  (Macropus  rufus), and  other  herbivores  (New-some 2001). In addition, dingoes may benefit native fauna,including small, endangered marsupials, by reducing popu-lation  densities  of  the  introduced  red  fox  (Vulpes  vulpes)(Newsome 2001), a major predator of small animals (O’Neill2002).
These  questions  cannot  eliminate  the  need  for  informedjudgment, because interactivity of species is a multidimen-sional continuum, not a simple dichotomy. In addition, theinteraction strength of species is usually not susceptible to rig-orous empirical tests, in part because many appropriate ex-periments would be manipulative (involving the removal ofspecies), long-term, and geographically extensive. With sucha small portion of nature protected, it is difficult to justify experimental removal of a putatively critical species to provea point. There are, however, a number of powerful approachesthat can often be used to make inferences about interactionstrengths. Recovery of ecosystems following the reappearanceof  species  is  one  such  approach  that  has  been  used  effec-tively to establish that predators such as gray wolves and seaotters  are  strongly  interactive  (see  the  cases  described  be-low). Interaction strength has been modeled on the basis ofdemographic and energetic parameters (Williams et al. 2004),even where data are limited. Ecological reconstructions basedon historical records (Jackson et al. 2001), in conjunction withthe  comparative  approach, provide  yet  another  powerfulmeans of assessing the ecological importance of species.
The estimation of ecologically effective densities
If persistence of species diversity is a management objective,it is essential to consider the densities or population levels thatmaintain interaction effectiveness rather than mere persistenceat minimal numbers. Once it is determined that a species hasrelatively strong interspecies interactions, the proper man-agement of such a species may require the estimation of theminimum threshold of ecological effectiveness. We define anecologically effective density as the population level that pre-vents  undesired  changes  in  a  defined  ecological  setting. Asstated above, however, the estimation of effective density isstrongly contextual, depending on locality, season, produc-tivity, and  other  variables  that  fluctuate  spatially  and  tem-porally (Estes and Duggins 1995, Soulé et al. 2003). Althougha challenge, this problem may not be more intractable thanthe estimation of population viability. For example, many ofthe relevant parameters in population viability analysis, in-cluding  age-specific  fecundity  and  mortality, are  similarlysensitive to local conditions. To illustrate some of the factorsthat must be considered in the estimation of ecologically ef-fective  densities, we  present  three  examples  of strongly  in-teractive genera or species: the sea otter, the gray wolf, and theprairie dog.
The  sea  otter. Abundant  sea  otter  populations  inhabitedcoastal  waters  of the North  Pacific  Ocean  and  southernBering Sea throughout most of the Pleistocene and Holocene,but were reduced to a few remnant colonies by the maritimefur trade of the 18th and 19th centuries. Recovery followingthe  fur  trade  was  spatially  and  temporally  asynchronous,thus providing contrasts between otherwise similar habitatswith and without sea otters. These contrasts demonstrate astrong limiting influence of sea otters on their most impor-tant  prey, kelp-consuming  sea  urchins  (Strongylocentrotusspp.). Thus, lush kelp forests abound where sea otters are abun-dant; where sea otters are absent, the habitat is typically de-forested by hyperabundant sea urchins. Because kelp forestsare highly productive (Duggins et al. 1989), provide habitatfor other coastal species (Dayton 1985), and attenuate watermovements (Jackson and Winant 1983), sea otters exert far-reaching  influences  on  many  other  species  (Estes  1996).Without  sea  otters, some  of  these  kelp-dependent  species decline or disappear, while others, including urchins, eruptto high levels. The ecologically effective population for sea ot-ters, though regionally variable, is always much larger thanminimum  viable  population  sizes  based  on  demography,and in some instances is near the environmental carrying ca-pacity (Estes and Duggins 1995).Geographic variation in the behavior of predators, com-petitors, and  prey  will  also  affect  the  population  densitythreshold for ecological effectiveness. For example, the den-sity of sea otters that is effective in suppressing sea urchins dif-fers between sites, because the demography and dispersal ofsea urchins vary geographically. In the Aleutian Islands, whereurchin recruitment is frequent and strong, a higher densityof otters is needed to suppress the urchins and prevent kelpdeforestation  than  in  southeast  Alaska, where  urchin  re-cruitment is weak and episodic, and where just a few ottersare enough to maintain the kelp ecosystem (Estes and Dug-gins 1995). In summary, the estimation of effective densities of sea ot-ters for preventing kelp deforestation depends, among otherthings, on whether the state of the system is kelp dominatedor  deforested, on  the  recruitment  dynamics  of  urchins  tothe  kelp  beds, on  whether  the  substrate  is  dominated  byrocks or mud, and on the mortality rate of otters (see Souléet al. 2003). For these reasons, the ecologically effective den-sities of otters can vary by an order of magnitude, but in allsituations observed, otters eventually attain such densities ifthey are not harassed by human beings or preyed on by killerwhales.
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The gray wolf. Large areas of the United States, including mostof the East Coast and Midwest, now lack wolves and other largecarnivores, the result of a century of eradication on behalf oflivestock  growers, hunters, and  other  interest  groups  thatbenefit  from  the  absence  of  wolf  predation  on  ungulates.Populations  of  white-tailed  deer  (Odocoileus  virginianus),elk, and moose (Alces alces) have increased both in numbersand in per capita consumption (Soulé et al. 2003), and theseincreases are frequently attributed, at least in part, to the ab-sence of wolves (Messier 1994, Crête 1999). Among the manyharmful  consequences  of  wolf  eradication  have  been  in-creased costs for agricultural producers in the Midwest andEast, the widespread degradation of forests and other ecosys-tems, and the decline of many species of plants favored by un-gulates  (Rooney  et  al.  2004).  As  noted  above,  aspenrecruitment failed for 80 years in large parts of YellowstoneNational Park, reflecting numerical and behavioral release ofelk subsequent to wolf eradication. Excessive browsing by elkalso affected recruitment of riparian cottonwoods and willows(Beschta  2003), causing  the  local  disappearance  of  beaverwetlands. These effects are being reversed in Yellowstone Na-tional Park since wolves were reintroduced (starting in 1995),and signs of ecological effectiveness were noted before wolvesreached their current abundance of about 200 (Ripple and Beschta 2004). A similar trend has been observed in GrandTeton National Park, where a decrease in Neotropical migrant bird diversity has been attributed to overbrowsing by moosein riparian willow communities in the absence of wolf pre-dation or sport hunting of moose (Berger et al. 2001). It isnoteworthy that the recovery of willows in northern Yellow-stone National Park is particularly striking in areas where thetopography facilitates capture of elk by wolves (Ripple andBeschta 2003). Several factors affect wolves’ ecologically ef-fective population density. It is lower where hunters can sup-press  ungulate  numbers; where  wolves  coexist  with  otherlarge carnivores, such as bears and cougars; or where deep win-ter  snow  or  periodically  severe  storms  facilitate  capture  ofprey—for example, El Niño versus La Niña years (Schmitz etal. 2003). We grant that predators do not always control largeherbivores, but  given  alternative  prey, multiple  carnivorespecies, or appropriate habitat, wolves can often control su-perabundant ungulates (Soulé et al. 2003).
The prairie dog. A century ago, five species of prairie dog livedin  a  shifting  mosaic  of  colonies  that  covered  more  than40,000,000 hectares (ha) on the Great Plains. By 1960, prairiedog  area  had  declined  to  about  600,000  ha  (Marsh  1984),largely  because  of  poisoning  campaigns, land  conversion,and the introduction of plague (Yersinia pestis). This is a de-cline  of  98  percent, and  the  remaining  colonies  are  smalland isolated. Prairie dogs are a valuable food for many speciesof predators. In addition, prairie dogs decrease densities ofwoody shrubs and increase densities of grasses and forbs, thuscreating conditions that large grazers prefer. Prairie dog ac-tivities also increase plant productivity, soil nitrogen, nutri-ent cycling, and digestibility of grasses and forbs (Whicker andDetling 1993, Detling 1998). Their burrowing activity changessoil chemistry; increases soil porosity, soil turnover, and the organic content of soil; and enhances the dimensionality ofthe  habitat  for  many  other  species  (Whicker  and  Detling1993, Outwater 1996). Some species of plants, invertebrates,and  vertebrates  benefit  from  prairie  dog  activities, whileother  species  benefit  from  the  areas  outside  of  the  colony(Kotliar et al. 1999). These effects differ among prairie dogspecies. Furthermore, prairie dogs, unfenced bison, and fireinteracted  closely  on  the  midgrass  prairies, although  thattriad may not have been as tightly associated on the drought-driven shortgrass prairies or the semidesert grasslands andshrublands. Estimating ecologically effective densities of prairie dogsis complicated by the introduction of plague. Plague reducesnumbers and changes the temporal and spatial characteris-tics  of  the  historic  “shifting  mosaic” between  prairie  dogcolonies and grasslands. Despite those ambiguities, it is clearthat  ecologically  effective  densities  of  prairie  dogs  are  farhigher than the densities required for population persistence(Miller et al. 2000). As an example, 762 prairie dogs may berequired to support each female black-footed ferret and heroffspring (Biggins et al. 1993). Thus, conservative recoverygoals that consider only population viability could maintainprairie dogs without providing sufficient resources for ferrets.
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Mitigating the current anthropogenic mass extinction will re-quire a scientifically rigorous and ecologically comprehensivegrasp of its drivers. Among these is the increasing rarity of in-teractive species, such as plants that provide critical resources(Terborgh  1986), insect  pollinators  (Dobson  et  al. 1999),habitat  modifiers  (Soulé  et  al. 2003), coral  reef  herbivores(Jackson et al. 2001), and carnivores, both marine and ter-restrial (Terborgh et al. 1999). The activities of relatively in-teractive  species  are  disproportionately  significant  for  thesurvival of native species and ecosystems.It  is  essential, therefore, that  conservation  practitioners,whether governmental or nongovernmental, adopt an eco-logical view that ensures the persistence of interactive speciesat  ecologically  effective  population  densities  and  maximalspatial occurrence (Soulé et al. 2003). In particular, we believethat natural-resource policymakers and wildlands managersshould determine whether the rarity or absence (Hughes etal. 2000) of a species in a region can be expected to trigger eco-logical degradation, including the disappearances of nativespecies and other elements of biodiversity. Even though interactivity is a quantitative variable, man-agers may be forced to make binary determinations, such aswhether  to  treat  a  particular  species  as  strongly  interactivewhen formulating recovery goals. Notwithstanding the arbi-trariness of such decisions, a commonsense approach will of-ten suffice. One should assume, for instance, that a substantialreduction of tree species that produce mast or invite cavity for-mation, or of apex predators and many large herbivores—suchas wolves, coyotes, sea otters, killer whales, sharks, predatoryfreshwater  fish, and  large,   predatory  or  algae-eating  reeffish—will  trigger  cascades  of  ecological  degradation  andspecies loss (Terborgh et al. 1999, Jackson et al. 2001, Souléet al. 2003, Springer et al. 2003). Other situations may requireliterature reviews or detailed research to ascertain whether aparticular species in a particular place fulfills any of the cri-teria for relatively strong interactivity given above.A  conundrum  for  managers  is  that  the  ecological  effec-tiveness of strongly interacting species is not specifically ad-dressed in current laws and policies dealing with biodiversityprotection and management. Until this perspective has beencodified in such laws, conservationists need to consider howbest to provide for such species and the processes they me-diate in accord with the intent of these laws. Population via-bility  analyses  and  conservative  recovery  goals  are  aninadequate regulatory context for strongly interacting species.We now understand that the biodiversity of ecosystems willdegrade unless the interactions of species are maintained inas many regions as feasible, particularly those areas within thehistoric  range. This  more  holistic, contemporary  view  re-quires that strongly interactive species receive special atten-tion to assure that they are well distributed and abundant, aposition consistent with an opinion of the US Ninth CircuitCourt of Appeals (Defenders of Wildlife v.Norton,258 F.3d1136 [2001]). Such a geographic criterion for recovery wouldrequire  more  than  scattered  or  refugial  representation  ofsuch  species. Ecological  function  and  diversity  cannot  beconserved in a region by maintaining interactive species in onlya few protected areas. Rather, it is essential that strongly in-teractive species be distributed as broadly as possible and beprotected within well-distributed, secure areas. Applying thisguideline to the wolf in the United States, for example, wouldmean that effective populations should be restored and pro-tected  in  the  Northeast, the  Pacific  Northwest, the  GreatBasin, the Colorado Plateau, the Southwest, and the south-ern  Rockies. Moreover, if  the  current  trend  of  decreasingsport hunting and the spread of chronic wasting disease in deerand elk continue, the pressure to reinstitute natural controlmechanisms will surely increase.The  critical  roles  of  interspecies  interactions  are  rarelyconsidered in recovery planning. For example, the US Fish andWildlife Service (USFWS) admits that its goals for wolf re-covery are “somewhat conservative...and should be consideredminimal” (68 Fed. Reg. 15817 [2003]). A recent decision byUSFWS (68 Fed. Reg. 15821 [2003]) states that USFWS is notrequired to restore a species across its available habitat. Thedecision would limit wolf protection to about 5 percent of itshistorical range in the lower 48 states. Similarly, the multistateconservation plan for black-tailed prairie dogs (Luce 2003) sets  a  10-year  recovery  goal  for  black-tailed  prairie  dogs(Cynomys ludovicianus) at about 2.5 percent of their histor-ical area, essentially the status quo.
We believe that such conservative recommendations are notbased  on  current  ecological  knowledge  about  the  signifi-cance of species interactions. Moreover, minimalist distrib-utional and temporal goals constitute a trivialization of theterm “recovery” as it is used in the ESA. In other words, “re-covery,” at least for mammals, is typically used to mean thepersistence of only a few populations in a limited area for afew generations.Notwithstanding current policies, most natural-resourceand environmental laws require that federal agencies considernew scientific knowledge. Indeed, the ESA’s own mandate isto use “the best scientific and commercial data available” (16U.S.C. § 1533[b][1][A]). Moreover, implementing regulationsfor the National Environmental Protection Act of 1969 requirethat federal agencies disclose and consider “cumulative im-pacts” and the anticipated environmental impacts of proposedfederal agency actions (40 C.F.R. § 1500 et seq. 1995). Any ar-tificially  induced  reduction  in  abundance  of a  strongly  in-teractive  species, therefore, must  be  considered  in  theseenvironmental analyses. In addition, regulations of the Na-tional Forest Management Act of 1976 require that nationalforest plans “provide for the diversity of plant and animal com-munities” and that “such diversity shall be considered through-out the process” (36 C.F.R. § 219.3).Since the recognition of conservation biology as a discipline(Soulé 1985), its practitioners have tacitly assumed that con-servation biologists are “physicians to nature.” Indeed, thereare  many  parallels  between  conservation  biology  and  thefields  of  medicine  and  public  health—disciplines  infusedwith morality. Following the Hippocratic principle of doingthe least harm and the most good for patients and the pub-lic, physicians and public health officers are obligated, we think,to consider using new therapies and prophylaxes stemmingfrom peer-reviewed research, even before such practices aregenerally adopted in canonical documents such as textbooks.We propose, therefore, that conservation practitioners, whetherin a public or private (nongovernmental) employ, are simi-larly  obligated  to  apply  new  biological  knowledge  in  theirwork. Such a doctrine of “best conservation practices basedon the best science” is tantamount to an ethical obligation ofbiologists to adopt a higher standard for management thanis mandated by existing statutes and regulations, if the evidencewarrants it. Environmental codes build the legal and ethicalfoundation of conservation practice, but the best science ofthe day creates the walls and ceiling.In  practice, policymakers  and  managers  already  haveenough flexibility to implement new knowledge while still ad-hering to relevant statutes and policies, though the exerciseof this doctrine may be inhibited by monetary and politicalconstraints. (Setting relatively stringent recovery objectives forstrongly interactive species, for example, will be opposed byindividuals and organizations who perceive negative conse-quences of such actions.) Even so, ignoring the interspecificinteractions of strongly interactive species will further impairthe  diversity  and  resilience  of  ecosystems  that  are  alreadyunraveling. In a nation and a world where increasing num-bers of species and ecosystems are shoved toward the brinkof annihilation, it is more important than ever that environ-mental  policy  and  management  be  buttressed  by  the  bestavailable science.
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hel1anthus-annuus · 3 years
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im very funny
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slimepuppied · 1 year
i'm out. i'm done. look i have some requirements, you should know about. several of which have been officially communicated, and some that i thought, i should uh, you know, say in person. first of all i want money, eye watering sums, hundreds of millions of dollars. so i have retained personal reputation management, they will be on the line when karolina does her background briefings off a set of my bullet points. and if i ever get a whiff of anything undermining my narrative, anytime in the next five years, i will sue and i will go public with the many, many pictures of your genitalia i have in my possession, do i make myself clear ?
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wikilemon-moved · 3 years
freddysbaconflavoredpenis -> lobotomy4lunch
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wikilemon-moved · 3 years
why BACON ? ? ?
would you rather have it zay zperm?
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wikilemon-moved · 3 years
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^ The hands are me @ u every time u say Freddy Kreuger is a DILF./joke/light hearted
correction: pregnant dilf
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wikilemon-moved · 3 years
every time i see your url change it's like a punch to the gut but like in a good funny way. bacon flavoured penis supremacy <3
thank u beztie i appreciate it<3
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wikilemon-moved · 3 years
Lucía (pronounced "loo-SEE-a") is a CPU Mii in Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, and Wii Party. She is ranked #74 out of the Wii Sports Resort CPUs, by overall skill level. Her Total Skill Level is 5810.
Wii Sports
Lucía is awful at Tennis, being the 10th worst player with a skill level of 110-130. Her partners are Shinnosuke or Martin.
She is average at Baseball, with a skill level of around 423-613. Her team consists of Ren, Yoshi, Anna, Marco, James, Jake, Mike, and Oscar. Lucía plays on the Baseball teams of Rachel, Ashley, Naomi, Haru, Daisuke, Alex, Ai, and Yoko.
She doesn't compete in Boxing.
hi Spooks! i hope you know thiz iz the reazon why im now changing my url to freddysbaconflavoredpenis 💖
Wii Sports Resort
Lucía is the Table Tennis Champion, with a skill level of 1496-1500. Her shots are very well-placed, and she rarely messes up her hits. She also moves much faster than the previous opponents. She surpassed her teacher, who is confirmed to be Yoshi in the PAL Versions of the game.
In Basketball, she is decent at a skill level of 476-480. Her teammates are Fritz and Asami.
In Swordplay, she is average, at a skill level of 461-465.
She is a high Pro in Cycling, coming in 9th out of 98.
Wii Party
In Wii Party, Lucía is in Master Difficulty.
• Lucía and Matt have the best friendship pair in Friend Connection from with a score of 70 points (Good Buddies).
• In Balance Boat, her and Tyrone are in 6th place in Double Up Expert with 12 Miis balanced.
• In Jump Rope Jam, her and Stéphanie are in 1st place with 35 jumps.
Names in Different Languages
Japanese: ルシーア (Rushīa)
Korean: 루시아 (Lusia)
• According to the September 2020 Nintendo leak about CPU Miis, Lucía's nationality is Spanish. You can find the leak here.
• According to the Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort files, Lucía's Internal ID is 059.
This makes Lucía the last CPU Mii to be added into Wii Sports, since Internal IDs are based off the order they were added in.
• Lucía appears in every armor in Swordplay Showdown.
• Defeating Lucía in Table Tennis unlocks the hotel slipper. To use, press and hold the 1 button on the Wii Remote. Release it at the start of the game screen.
• Four Miis, which are Ian, Steve, Chika, and Emma, use the hotel slipper when the player goes against them (except when faced after Lucía).
• Even though Lucía doesn't wear glasses, she doesn't use the default values for them. They are set to be brown and they are moved down by five stages. This could suggest that she was originally going to have glasses, but they were removed.
• In her Wii Party artwork, she seems to be playing Popgun Posse, Can Poppers, or Pop-Up Bandits.
• In another Wii Party artwork, she is playing Risky Railway with Jake, Daisuke, and Elisa.
• Despite her being renamed Marsha and having her appearance changed for Wii Music, some promotional artworks still show her as Lucía. One of these can be seen in the gallery.
• She appears in the Spin-Off rules.
• Based on Average skill level, Lucía is the lowest ranked champion.
• In Wii Play: Motion, she can be seen playing Wind Runner - Long Jump.
• In Wii Party, Lucía appears in the controls section for Marching Orders.
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wikilemon-moved · 3 years
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Wes DO NOT change ur url to baconpenis PLZ /lh /j
ok fine... juzt for you my dear (derogatory) :o/
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