#using flowers as a motif for how ppl show love more openly than others…
peachsodah · 17 days
for the outfit challenge, Chilchuck in 5C plz! It feels like a dad outfit
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doing these two together because they feel like outfits theyd wear to go on a date :3
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messedupessy · 5 years
I present for you a challenge! Talk to me about Atypical Seaswap Pap, please. (Or you can do Edge. Either would be lovely. But I need some Atypical Seaswap stuff for reasons.)
Ohh damn kit this is a challenge rekjgkjegjke and I know this is meant to be as in the ask thingie I was doing the other day but I’m skipping that ask format as it will just get in the way of things grekjgkjege 👀 tho u could just have messaged me privately tho I don’t mind bless ekjgknejge
But first a little bit of explanation so ppl who see this can understand stuff, so Kit here got this really amazing af fic called Atypical which you can find the first part HERE, its a very awesome and amazing papcest fic with bunch of the boys as different mythical creatures living together in a mansion in the woods etc with lots of angst and drama happening but also like really sweet fluffy stuff which if you a fan of papcest should really check out, check out her writing overall bc god it’s amazing af and I literally binged Atypical when i began reading it I think I ended up been up to 4 am bc I got so into it
And I got so into it and got ideas myself that I ended up making a version of Boney to fit into the fic because I just love and adore the whole fic and universe so much that I couldn’t help it UwU ❤ but here are some facts and info about him aye
Boney in this au, I guess it is an au, is a Näck, aka a Swedish water sprite/nixies/Necks who is one of our more famous mythological creatures, known mostly to be beautiful naked men sitting and playing violins and other instruments in rivers where they trick ppl to drown and so on there lots more to Näcks but can’t be bothered, as I wanna get into more personality stuff ye
Original Boney and Atypical Boney are of course very alike still as they are still the same person but there are many things that differs the two due for different circumstances, like the fact original Boney is just a cursed human while atypical Boney is a Näck and always been one etc
Anyway getting sidetracked, Atypical Boney is of course still very flirty, still very like chill and jokey and stuff, but he is not as good when it comes to social stuff like original Boney is, he isn’t as good at reading ppl and so on due for just not been around ppl properly for many, many years.
Ok I will shorten their names to OB for original Boney and AB for Atypical Boney bc writing out their full names is driving me mad. Also this is getting long so putting this under a cut.
AB unlike OB is not afraid to get dirty or to get his outfit ruined, he is after all a kind of like nature spirit give or take and getting his feet covered in mud and jump into rivers still clothed is what he do, he loves nature unlike OB who is much more of a city boy and srs hates getting dirty.
AB just like OB is very social, loves been around other ppl and like party give or take, tho AB hasn’t done so for many many years due for his like self imposed exile kind of thing he had going, and the fact he literally hated human men for a very long time, which in like more future like time he has gotten much better at and is enjoying.
AB is very curious and questions allot of things, as due for his so called exile so have he missed allot of what has been going on outside his home so he is very outdated on tech and other things, and he rly wants to learn about these things. 
Both AB and OB are really into jewelry and lace, tho AB is more into silvery things while OB is more into gold. AB also really likes jewelry with flower motifs and stuff. 
AB just like OB is pretty flamboyant, a bit dramatic which is mostly just for fun, though AB is a bit more mhhh… openly emotional I guess? like OB knows how to properly lie and keep things more properly to himself, AB on the other hand is not as good to keep what he thinks and feels to himself, it shows more on his face etc
They are both very sad and guilt-ridden boys though, OB feeling guilt over getting tricked and getting his bro killed and cursed, AB over also getting tricked and getting his brother killed proper and then failing in getting revenge due for not knowing humans do not live as long as him etc.
Which have made both of them pretty mistrustful towards others at first, OB is much better at hiding that mistrustfulness while AB is not as good its more easier to see when he don’t trust ya.  
Both of them are really into drinking wine and are both sad drunks if they drink too much, tho AB is a bit more hesitant to drink than OB is due for wine been involved in the incident that cost his brother his life.
AB loves music, loves to dance and play his violin or flute, he would really enjoy like festivals where there is allot of dancing and music and just having a good time.
AB is very knowledge hungry, he loves reading and learning since he has missed out on allot of things and he don’t like not knowing about things. Tho he is a sucker for really trashy romance novels.
AB got no shame at all and would walk around naked unless ppl didn’t insist he should wear clothing which he don’t get at all, except for the fact he looks really good in it and it makes him feel pretty, but otherwise no. OB too don’t have any shame but knows why he should wear clothes he isn’t a barbarian after all etc pft.
Both OB and AB are very romantic, they love that romantic af stuff allot, and both are afraid of experiencing it as they both are afraid to get used again, only difference here is that AB gets over that fear much easier and also ends up not been afraid of having sexual encounters with no romance involved which OB is unable to do.
Both of them are very cuddly and loves to just lay down and cuddle and chill in some sunny spot with a good book and someone to rest against, also like to sit and talk about everything and anything. 
AB is a bit more clingy and not the best with other ppl’s personal space, he is learning tho. and AB also has trouble understanding humans and their stuff they got going as he is after all a mythical creature but he is very curious about them, even tho its a bit hampered i think the word is due for the whole incident and his many years of hating human men.
and I feel I have written hella lot now while also been unsure if I like how it turned out so this will do for now ye, hope ya enjoy kit UwU ❤ this was fun af ye
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