#vennys events
mxthtea · 2 years
600+ followers event (prompt portion)
note: this post only contains the prompts that will be sent in. here is the link for the characters
to celebrate 600+ followers (and all my other milestones) i'll be doing a special event!
how it works: pick out one or two dialogue/sentence prompt/s from the sections of 'fluff, angst, hurt/comfort' and send in a character for an x reader fic. please also add if you want it platonic, romantic, or familial.
request example: "fluff prompt 1 said to [character] by reader"
this event lasts from july 30 - aug 13 (ends on 0000 aug 21st EST)
rest is under the cut for you to read!
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fluff - 1- "here, i can lend you some of my clothes." 2- "take my hand. i'll carry you home if i have to." 3- "the sky is beautiful tonight." 4- "we could always bake together!" 5- "i can just stitch it up for you, ya know?" 6- "this might be cute, but standing in the rain can get you sick. come on." 7- "how many notes did you hide around? they're cute but why the hell did you put one on the ceiling?" 8- "gah-! your hands are cold!" 9- "i could always teach you how to dance. for free of course." 10- "can we stay like this a little longer?
angst - 1- "the color red doesn't suit you well..." 2- "please don't cry. i've always loved your smile and i want it to be the last thing i see..." 3- "was it worth it? all that you've done to everyone?" 4- "stop crying. you have no right to sob after what you've done." 5- "you're getting colder." 6- "don't leave..." 7- "just- hold me in my final moments. it's all i've wanted." 8- "if anyone has to kill me, i'd rather it be you than anyone else." 9- "how long were you hiding those injuries?" 10- "is this the end?"
hurt/comfort - 1- "i'm not that si- nevermind. i feel like i'm about to pass out. please help." 2- "don't look down on me just because you've seen me cry." 3- "i'll never leave you." 4- "take a break." 5- "it's nothing important. don't worry." 6- "every part of you i love. don't doubt that." 7- "why would i ever hate you? why would any of us hate you? 8- "don't cake yourself for granted, please." 9- "let me help you bandage this." 10- "rest, i'm not going anywhere."
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hubbleablubble · 5 months
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drakvuf · 5 months
A Város Királynői 3: Prolik és modellek
A balhés vacsora utáni másnapon, Paulina és Mamalina vásárolni mennek, hogy kicsit nyugtuk legyen Zsuzsától.
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Elárulják nekünk, hogy Londonba vásárolni jár az ember, de nem csak ruhát, hanem bútort is innen szoktak venni, mert itt minden van.
Eközben a többiek Zsuzsi régi munkahelyére mennek ebédelni. VIP event manager volt itt öt évig és így ismeri a főnököt, aki a legkomolyabb helyet biztosítja nekik. Asztalhoz is ülnek, de hiányoznak Paulináék. Nagyon tiszteletlennek tartják, hogy még nem értek ide.
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Megérkezik a pincér és 😍Anna😍 egyből ráhajt. A nő amúgy gecire unja, hogy mindig Paulina a téma, de a többiek nem engednek és kikényszerítenek belőle egy állásfoglalást.
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Annyit mond, hogy ha ő vendégségben a Four Seasonsért sírt volna, szájba vágják. Mindenki helyesel. Megérkeznek végre a Paulinák. Egyből felrója nekik Zsuzsi, hogy késtek. Paulina szerint nincs para, mert csak kettő percet késtek és nincs miért bocsánatot kérni.
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Mamalina kevesli a kaját. Azt mondja ő a lányával együtt rendel ennyi ételt, mint ami összesen van az asztalon.
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Violetta megjegyzi, hogy Paulina aranykanállal a szájában született. A nő nem tudja mit kezdjen ezzel az infóval. Kérjen bocsánatot? Eszkalálódik a szitu és már kiabálva veszekednek. Szegény pincér remélem bőséges borravalót kap.
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Mamalina elkezdi Zsuzsi öltözködését kritizálni. Az öreg hölgy szerint Zsuzsának már nem kéne így öltöznie, mert lóg rajta a bőr. Zsuzsa szerint hasonlítsák össze a testüket, aztán kiderül ki van jobb bőrben. Mamalina azzal hárítja, hogy ő dupla annyi idős, mint a riválisa, amire még a lánya is felvonja a szemöldökét.
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Bár Paulina is betippeli 55 évesnek a 40 éves Zsuzsit. Laura próbálja oldani a feszkót azzal, hogy ők az 1%-ba tartoznak az egész világban. Szépek és bármit megtehetnek, ehelyett itt veszekednek.
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Nem sikerül. Zsuzsi és Mamalina tovább ölik egymást. Az előbbi végül annyira felbassza magát, hogy fizetés nélkül lelép. Magával viszi Violettát és Mónikát is.
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Két frakcióra szakadtak a Város Királynői. Mamalina nem bánja, mert legalább így jut elég kaja. 😍Annának😍 fáj a füle a sok kiabálástól.
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A szállásra visszaérve mindenki átöltözik a nagy eseményre. Egyenként megnézhetjük milyen szettekben vonulnak a királynők.
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Abszolút botrányosan kamerázták a vonulásokat, ezért lettek ilyen szarok a screenshotok.
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Továbbra is két frakcióba rendeződnek a csajok. Zsuzsi két Rolls Royce-t rendelt, de az egyik egy balesetben ragadt, szóval csak az ő klikkjét viszi a kocsi, a többiek taxiznak. 😍Anna😍 fel is háborodik ezen, mert ő szívesen fancyzett volna a kocsiban és amúgy sem bántott senkit. A kamerának azt mondja most már Paulina-párti. Szerinte undok volt ezzel Zsuzsa.
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Begurult a kocsi és Paulina egyből fikázni kezdi, mert vagy húsz éves a verda. Eleve nem is érti miért ekkora felhajtás az esemény, mert ők minden évben járnak a Fashion Weekre.
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😍Anna😍 a taxiban is tovább sír, amiért nem a Rolls Royce-al mehet. Azzal nyugtatja magát, hogy egy délutáni fashion showra elegánsabb taxival érkezni. Ráadásul hamarabb oda is értek.
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Az eseményen megismerjük az egyik divattervezőt, Josht, aki Zsuzsinak nagy barija és valszeg ő szerezte a meghívókat. Bemutatja a fiút a lányoknak, akik szolidan inni kezdenek. Elkezdődik a bemutató és jó prolik módjára végigkamerázzák az egészet.
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Mamalina megjegyzi az egyik modellre, hogy túl nagy a segge. További megjegyzéseket tesz a felvonuló nőkre. Szerinte nem igazi modellek. Violetta szerint nincs a nőnek önkritikája. Zsuzsi szerint Paulináék azért fikáznak mindent, hogy ők maradjanak a középpontban.
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A bemutató végén Josh elsírja magát, mert még fényképezkednie kell a királynőinkkel.
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Paulináékon kívül mindenki megköszöni, hogy itt lehetett. Laura azért a végén tesz egy megjegyzést a modellekre. Csak emlékeztetőül: a nő azért nem tudott divatbemutatót tartani, mert egy modell se akart vele dolgozni.
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😍Annának😍 is komoly seggfájást okoztak a felvonuló nők. Szerinte nem tudott néhány járni.
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Mamalina újra a nagy seggükről beszél. Zsuzsi szerint ez a diversity miatt van és most ezt szeretik az emberek. Nem győzi meg a konzervatív barátnőit.
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Mamalina egyenesen azt mondja, hogy nekik kellett volna vonulniuk. Zsuzsinak elege lesz a károgókból és bejelenti, hogy városnézésre megy a klikkjével. Paulina próbál vele beszélni, de bekussoltatja, mert nem akar balhézni a rendezvényen.
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A kocsiban továbbra is a bemutató és Paulináék viselkedése a téma, de próbálják végre jól érezni magukat a hölgyek. A másik társaság a szálláson nyalogatja a sebeit. Szerintük a vendéglátójuknak akkor se szabadott volna magukra hagyniuk őket, ha parasztok.
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Mamalina megkérdezi a többieket, hogy hogy tetszett nekik Zsuzsi ruhája. Természetesen mindenki szerint szar volt. A Mama szerint konkrétan búcsús volt. Aztán a Rolls Royce-t is fikázzák. Az idős hölgy szerint volt egy lyuk az ajtóján.
Nem tudom, hogy fogunk visszajönni ebből. Ez durvább, mint amikor Németországot két részre szakították.
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kookaburra-laugh · 1 year
I read that in 2022 - OFMD Edition
2022 brought a new fandom to fall into, and fall i did. on this second day of 2023 i bring recs for our favorite gay disaster pirates
the knife and the throat by darcylindbergh @forpiratereasons rated E | 35k+ words (ongoing)
Red sky at morning, sailor's warning.
Blackbeard hadn’t been lying when he'd said he didn’t feel fear. Fear was about having something to lose, and Blackbeard always wins.
Turning Tides by Fyre @amuseoffyre rated M | 81k words
My speculative S2 of Our Flag Means Death. Featuring everyone :)
the undersell of the century. perfectly captures the vibe of the show. season 2 while we wait for season 2
Storm Surge by Fyre @amuseoffyre rated M | 62k words
A speculative S3 of Our Flag Means Death, following on directly from the events of Turning Tides, my speculative S2.
kept me on the seat of my chair the whole way though. what an amazing follow up
inhale (exhale) by the_moonmoth @themoonmothwrites rated E | 898 words
"You've seriously never?" he asks, subtly guiding Stede back towards his bed.
"Well it's not exactly the kind of thing respectable people get up to," Stede explains, abashed.
"Not exactly respectable anymore, are you?"
The Art of Buggery by summerofspock @summerofspock rated E | 1k words
“Just fucking–” Ed wriggles around on the small mattress in the captain’s quarters and tries to grab Stede’s hand but somehow grabs a tit. Stede squeaks and slaps him away. “Just fucking put it in.”  
Ed and Stede give it a go.
a silly bit of buggery
in the margins by weatheredlaw @weatheredlaw rated T | 3k words
At this stage of his life, it’s important for him to realize nothing exciting will ever happen to him. That he is too old for spontaneity, but too young still to die. He reads a book about pirates. His namesake occasionally appears. Stede feels a kinship with him that goes beyond the name and the page, grips him like a vise and won’t let go.
or: Ed and Stede choose each other in this life. And the next. And the next. And the next.
on the bed of this blue ocean by kirkaut @kirkaut rate T | 9.5k words
Ed’s made up his mind: if he ever lays eyes on Stede fucking Bonnet again, he’s a dead man.
Ed’s had six months of Stedeless-ness, and six months of thinking about all the terrible things he’d do to him when they saw each other again.
Somehow, it never occurred to him to think that they’d never have the chance.
love a good chartreuse by FortinbrasFTW @fortinbrasftw rate G | 3k words
In which Stede has a pitbull named Venny, Ed has a terrier named Cat, and it's a lovely spring day in Washington Square Park for falling in love with strangers.
in the emerald green by darcylindbergh @forpiratereasons rated E | 3k words
And Stede likes Ed, here and now, with the fresh smell of the wind and the salt in his hair, stripped down to nothing but an emerald green banyan and the ink in his skin, climbing back into the bed.
a soft morning together in bed, pondering a tattoo
A Night At Blackbeards's Bar and Grill by soft_october @soft-october-night rated T | 5.5k words
The manager at the new restaurant Stede is trying to review is being kind of a dick. A certain member of the waitstaff, however, takes a bit of a liking to him.
O happy living things by tiptory rated E | 4.5k words
“When I wake,” Stede said, quite conversationally, “from such dreams, I feel like I really am that slug, and that it’s a great injustice I lived to destroy so many beautiful gardens and never even had the decency to feed myself to a hungry bird. And my whole crew knows it, and you as well, and the only reason for anyone to stay aboard is sheer hopelessness, some deep and primordial longing for death. That at least my buffoonery might entertain them while together we dig our own watery grave.”
He sipped his tea, primly. Edward opened his mouth and closed it again, then reached, dizzily, for his own cup.
“But it’s not true,” said Stede.
put me back together by ShowMeAHero @andillwriteyouatragedy rated T | 4k words
or: lucius accidentally gives stede a flesh wound, and ed loses his mind like they're not all pirates.
Bit of a Clothes Horse by Aivelin, Fyre @aivelin @amuseoffyre rated E | 9k words
Stede tossed down the invitation card on the couch. “On the contrary!” He scrambled to his feet “You’re not wearing anything that beastly man owned. You deserve something far better, especially for your first time out. If we’re going to a party, you’re getting all the luxury you deserve.”
Cabin Pressure by entanglednow @entanglednow rated E | 6k words
Contrary to Stede's insistence there was not enough space for two in the bed, not unless they wanted to get very close indeed.
Domestic by Ark @et-in-arkadia rated E | 33k words
Or: Ed and Stede leave the island together, and they don’t look back.
an absolute treat. building a life together, nice and slow
Buttercup by mia_ugly @mia-ugly rated E | 13.5k words
The thing is, when you’re Blackbeard you’ve got kind of a reputation to uphold. When you captain a ship, when you lead a crew, when people look up to you, tell stories, build a legend – parts of that legend are always more accurate than others.
Clean Slated State by Justkeeptrekkin @justkeeptrekkin rated E | 42.5k words
Stede is ready to 'get back out there' after his divorce, but he's more than a little bit intimidated by the concept of online dating. After a series of truly terrible first dates, he's close to giving up on love altogether. Perhaps he's too old for all this Grindr nonsense.
And then, along comes a bartender called Edward Teach.
incredibly hot and funny and middle age romance
Revenge by feriowind @feriowind rated T 
An offering to the Kraken goes awry.-- Multi-page comic set post S1.
if you get the time, the number is still mine by one_more_page @one-more-page rated M | 24.5k words
A series of phone calls as Stede and Ed go from childhood friends, to adults who can't connect, to something more.
Room People S02E01: Roommates to Husbands to ??? by nightbloomingcereus @moondawntreader rated T | 1.5k words
Frenchie and Wee John are the hosts of the popular Room People podcast.  Someone named Steve-with-a-V (definitely his real name and not a cunning alias) calls in with a thrilling tale of marriage fraud.  
Based on that one Marriage Fraud tiktok.
your name like a boat by mia_ugly, soft_october @mia-ugly @soft-october-night rated E | 39k words
Sailors call them watermarks. A gift from the sea, a name or symbol written on your chest, meant to guide you to your own true love.
But Stede Bonnet's mark doesn't look like anything at all. Not really. And it certainly doesn't look like 'Edward' or 'Teach' or 'Blackbeard' or a black beard and that's fine. Completely fine.
Ed's absolutely fine with it.
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heykoonsy · 8 months
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Word Count: 5.7k+
Pairing: OC x Jake, OC x Danny
Summary: Charlotte’s stay at the Somerset Sapiens Farm was short-lived, her intelligence quickly astounding the owner; Henry Somerset himself. Hoping to become a client, Charlotte is gifted to an eccentric vampire known for supplying the wealthy elite with high quality humans for their gatherings. Charlotte, however, intends to use this vampire’s power and connections another way.
Content Warnings: 18+ for mature themes
Chapter 2: Fate
Charlotte took one last look at herself in the mirror. Mrs. Wagner asked that all of Velasquez’s staff wear light colors like cream or white to the venue and Julio did not disappoint. The dress he picked for her was absolutely stunning. Charlotte loved the way the fabric sat on her shoulders, leaving her collar bones exposed. The sleeves were long, covering a majority of her forearms. The long silk skirt tapered into an asymmetrical hem and exposed her left thigh. The strappy heels she wore complimented the dress perfectly, giving her a look of elegance. 
“Ready?” Julio asked from the doorway of her bedroom. 
Charlotte looked back at him, at his hands on the door frame. He was dressed in the same cream color she was; his unbuttoned suit jacket revealing the matching waistcoat and white button up he’d paired with it. He stood there for a moment, waiting for her to respond. 
She looked back towards the mirror, shaking out her hair which was curled for the occasion. “Let’s go,” she said, turning to him.
“Everyone is waiting for us in the lobby,” Julio said as he opened the front door. 
Charlotte followed beside him as they walked down the hallway of their apartment complex. It was strange how Charlotte moved through this building so nonchalantly, like she was born to do it. Like starving in the forest lasted only a meager second of her long life. Walking around in this vampire-filled world became easy–something she didn’t have to think about. It was routine. Of course, that had little to do with them, and everything to do with Julio himself. 
He’d carved out this world for her, for all of them, actually. Julio was well established when Charlotte met him. From what she’d been able to gather from the more senior staff, Julio built his business from nothing. A few good connections led him down the path of good fortune–and even better real estate. That explained the apartment complex where all of them, including himself, were housed. Six floors, recreational activities, twenty-four hour security–all afforded by Mr. Julio Mereno himself. It seemed that being a right-hand awarded certain privileges–like understanding that Julio was Velasquez and not his lackey. Only she and a few select personnel knew this. And of course James knew which documents to bury if a wealthy client wanted to think they could get the edge on him by hiring investigators of their own. 
Charlotte and Julio boarded the elevator, Julio reaching past her to press the button to the lobby. 
“Will I see you at the event?” Charlotte asked, looking over at him as he stepped back towards the far wall. 
“Yes and no,” he said plainly. “I’ll be walking the venue, staying on the sideline in case the others need me.”
Charlotte nodded along. “So the usual.”
He nodded, “You know who to impress?”
Charlotte chuckled, “Of course, I’m quite the charmer.”
His stoic persona was dropped immediately as he started laughing too. “Maybe to James, I’ve never seen it.”
Charlotte brushed off the comment. “Well, maybe one of these days,” she said with a smile. 
Julio gestured for her to exit the elevator first.
Charlotte walked forward and saw a cascade of white gowns and suits in the lobby waiting for them. She looked back at Julio and began mingling through them. 
“Venny,” Charlotte said, catching the attention of a shorter woman, dressed in a cream princess line dress that was cut below her knee. “You look amazing!”
Venny smiled back at her, her cheeks going rosy. She pressed her head against Charlotte’s chest and she pulled her into a hug. Venny had a background similar to hers, and as heartbreaking as that was, she was grateful for the companionship. They had become quick friends after Venny spoke in choppy words what happened to her. She had a sister out there in the game lands, who kept her safe–Ala. From the sounds of it they got separated. Venny was found in a trap and taken to a farm. Some way or another she’d been gifted to Mr. Velasquez. 
She was much younger than Charlotte, nineteen as of a few months ago. Paisley would be that age now, if things had been different. But if they were, she wouldn’t be able to admire the gorgeous woman in front of her now, would she? She wouldn’t be able to do a lot of things. 
“Missed you,” Venny said, pulling away.
“I missed you too,” Charlotte smiled. 
Venny still spoke in that chopped fashion, which was fine. Simple greetings were all the guests of these events were looking for anyway. To speak even one word with a human is rare–so having them attend parties like this is a niche only Julio would’ve thought to capitalize on. 
“Charlotte,” she heard a voice call from behind her. 
“Quincy,” Venny clucked out happily. 
Charlotte turned around to see Quincy–who everyone deemed the male version of her. Well spoken, literate. They were practically interchangeable in terms of skill and client affection. The only noticeable difference between them, according to Charlotte, might have been that Quincy was often insufferable.
“Looks like you got paired with me again,” Charlotte said. 
“They want the best of the best leading this one,” Quincy said, giving her a wink.
Quincy was the odd-ball of the staff. He’d been there longer than Charlotte, but not much longer. He was procured from the Morrison Sapiens Farm and raised by the owner’s family–a huge taboo in vampirian society. The Morrison family were desperate in trying to find a home for him once news broke out about their heinous act of keeping a “pet human”. In reality, he was nothing more than a blood-slave they looked after and educated out of guilt, so on to Velasquez he went to save their family from more scrutiny. 
Quincy has said that he does not recall a time when he lived among humans. He was very young when the Morrison’s adopted him. His words. Charlotte was often perplexed about his warped view of the vampires that ran this world. But, perhaps the same could be said of her. 
Charlotte was going to respond to his cheekiness, but was silenced when Julio began talking towards the front of the small group.
“The vehicles have arrived. Get with your partners.”
Venny immediately darted into the crowd, ready to find Kal.
Quincy outstretched his arm. “Another lame-ass party,” he sighed as Charlotte hooked her elbow though. 
“It will fly by,” she reassured him.
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“My dear, you look just ravishing this evening.” A gentleman dressed in a navy blue suit said to her. He was older, fine wisps of gray hair littering his thick beard. 
Charlotte smiled politely, “Thank you, please enjoy your time tonight.”
She made her way through another pack of guests, smiling and making eye contact with the more sheepish ones that weren’t used to seeing humans. Charlotte made it a point to linger on them with her gaze, showing them her tenacity. She was a prized creature here and all she’d done is exist. 
Charlotte found Quincy being admired by several women in a circle. They had clearly too much to drink, and were eyeing him up with a lot more than lust in their gaze. And yet, Quincy did not back down, in fact, he practically stepped towards them and their pointed teeth and depravity. This was Quincy’s talent in action. Being raised by a family that bled you routinely made you fear nothing.
Quincy caught sight of Charlotte. “Ah, I must be going ladies. Thank you, and please enjoy yourselves tonight.” He winked, and they swooned. 
Quincy caught up with her and walked amongst the guests. He was in his element here, walking about the rooms, conversing with the ladies. Charlotte was in awe of him most times, but only out of morbid curiosity. Charlotte lost her fear of vampires long ago, but Quincy? It was as if he’d never been born with it.
“The guests of honor will be arriving soon,” Charlotte said. “Julio wants us front and center to greet him.”
“He’s always barking orders at us,” he shrugged his shoulders. “Such a worry-wart.”
Charlotte smiled, knowing that he was correct. He didn’t know that each time he talked of Julio he was disparaging their boss. It was funny though, because he truly meant no harm. 
The two of them made their way to the front doors, separating so they could be on either side. They heard some noise on the other side of the door, and Charlotte’s eyes went to Quicny. 
“Announcing our esteemed guest of honor, we give you Daniel and his lovely wife, Mrs. Lori Wagner,” Quincy announced loudly to the guests. With one sweep of his arm, the door opened and the Wagner’s jointly walked forward. Their friends stopped to clap, celebrating their arrival.
Mrs. Wagner looked over at Charlotte, her eyes going wide with pride and excitement. Charlotte bowed her head, giving her a knowing smile. 
Mrs. Wagner detached herself early, stepping back. She watched as Mr. Wagner shook the hands of his guests–business partners, friends and extended family. She found her own group quickly, all of them showering her with adoration and praise. All Charlotte and Quincy could hear was the name “Velasquez” over and over again. 
“I can see why he wanted to bother with a birthday party,” Quincy said in a hushed tone before he noted more noise coming from the door behind them. 
Charlotte stayed quiet as Quincy opened the door.
“Announcing Josie and Daniel Wagner.”
Charlotte watched as a gorgeous woman clacked her way over to her father. “Happy Birthday, daddy,” she cooed. 
Charlotte looked over to her left, where Daniel was slowly following Josie, taking in the room. She stole a glance at his back as he passed her. His gray suit masked his broad shoulders, and his hands were in his trouser pockets. He had dark curly hair which was tied back. Charlotte could see him stop dead, like he was on alert all of a sudden. Then, he seemed to brush it off and kept walking towards his family. 
Charlotte glanced over at Quincy as he closed the door behind Daniel. The two of them met in the middle as they skirted behind everyone congratulating Mr. Wagner on his special day. 
“My my, if it isn’t Quincy,” a woman said from behind them. 
Charlotte stopped after Quincy, looking over her shoulder as Quincy beamed. 
“Mrs. Calpert, as I live and breathe.”
Charlotte rolled her eyes. He was being stopped like this all night. She turned her head and began walking away. She scanned the room quickly, finding Venny bending in a curtsey towards a few guests. They all adored her, her quiet demeanor and rosy cheeks. So adorable. Then, she noticed Julio standing in the corner. He was alone, for now, so Charlotte made her way to him, a smile plastered on her face. 
She stood against the wall, her eyes scanning the party before them. “Mr. Velasquez is the talk of the town, everyone seems to be hounding Mrs. Wagner for his details.”
Julio nodded; he was back in lackey mode. 
“I’ll make my rounds, and I don’t see Kal anywhere.”
Julio scanned the crowd as well, and agreed. He quickly made his way through the crowd, looking for Venny’s partner. Charlotte walked slowly, passing several groups of party goers. She smiled at them until finally someone spoke to her. 
“I remember you,” a woman said cheerfully among a group of older guests. 
“It appears I have a reputation,” Charlotte said sweetly, admiring the woman’s fair complexion and jewelry.
“Mr. Velasquez lent us his staff for a celebration years ago, you were by far the most eloquent.” A few of her group nodded their heads. 
“You speak highly of me. However, if I recall, your gown was especially gorgeous that evening.”
The woman blushed, the wine in her glass swishing as she brought her free hand to her mouth. “I must throw another soiree, tell me, does Velasquez have anything this Fall?”
“I will have to ask him, however, I am sure he would love to hear from you personally.”
She was obviously charmed, nodding along happily. 
“I have to go, but please, enjoy yourselves.” Charlotte excused herself from the group.
There were dozens of little cliques like this, swaying slightly to the gentle chords of string instruments that echoed through the venue. Charlotte heard roars of laughter coming from the group she passed and she smiled politely as a few of their eyes met hers. They returned the favor, giving her tight smiles that hid their sharp teeth. As Charlotte passed another group, a gentleman swept his hand back, catching her shoulder. 
“Oh,” the man said, dressed in his light blue suit jacket. “I’m so sorry,” he apologized, catching a glimpse of her in his peripheral vision.
Charlotte smiled and gave a quiet reply, dismissing his apology. 
“Charlotte!” He announced happily. 
Charlotte let her eyes sweep over him longer this time. She recognized him immediately. “Mr. Bradley, I am delighted to see you again.”
The acknowledgement sent blood rushing to his cheeks. “I bet you say that to all the guests at this party.”
Charlotte smiled. 
“Everyone, Charlotte works as Velasquez’s right-hand,” he said. “But I assure you, she has the final say.” He winked at her. 
“You’re such a flirt,” she smiled. She looked around the circle–all scions that Velasquez has yet to welcome into his collection of clients. “I hope you all are having a wonderful time,” she said sweetly, understanding all too well the importance of her behavior at this moment. 
“We are,” a man announced for the group. “But I can’t lie, how could a dunce like Abraham Bradley come to know such a fine creature before myself?”
Charlotte’s eyes flicked over to the gentleman that spoke. Tall, handsome, not bothering to hide his teeth when he smiled. She was familiar with the type of vampire that flashed their fangs. It was a sign of disrespect, which was directed at Mr. Bradley. 
Charlotte fluttered her eyelashes, looking over at Mr. Bradley to see if he was going to defend himself–as she was not the injured party, it was not her responsibility to intervene. 
Mr. Bradley was far from discouraged, clearly thinking of the man as a mosquito desperately looking to draw blood. “A dunce arranged the very party you are making a fool of yourself at, Damien.”
Charlotte smiled at Damien widely, but he dug his heels in. “I call bullshit,” he said, sipping from a martini glass.
“Daniel,” Mr. Bradley called, clearly seeing someone from the crowd that she could not. “Come here.”
Charlotte scanned the crowd for Julio, wondering if it was time for her to make her exit. She didn’t want to witness a pissing contest between them–especially if it caused any bad press towards the Velasquez brand. 
“Daniel, when your mother arranged this little get-together, who did she obtain Velasquez’s information from?”
“I believe it was from you, Mr. Bradley,” Daniel said. 
Charlotte’s attention was brought back to the group immediately. She looked across the circle and towards Daniel Wagner, who relished the seething expression of Damien as he sipped his drink again. Her mouth fell open, blinking rapidly as she took in his features. 
It was Danny.
She recognized his face, which was untouched by the years they were apart. He was the same tall, peaceful man she’d come to know in the woods back then. She followed his eyes as they swept around the group slowly. 
And they settled on her. 
Their eyes met, and the realization hit him harder than she could have imagined. It was like she watched him get knocked back by a gust of wind. However, his shock was not registered by anyone in the group, who were all preoccupied laughing at Damien’s expense as he stomped off. Time slowed between the two of them as everyone carried on. 
Charlotte’s head was swimming with his questions suddenly, and her own hurried replies. Years of silence all coming to an end with roaring voices in her head. 
“Thank you for the save, Daniel, where is your mother?”
Danny looked at Mr. Bradley and politely pointed him in the right direction.
Mr. Bradley thanked him and he turned to Charlotte, thanking her for her time and wishing her the best. He led the group towards Mrs. Wagner, leaving Danny and Charlotte behind. The two of them stood there, staring at each other for a moment before Charlotte slowly turned her back to him. She took a few slow steps, and then looked over her shoulder. 
Danny took that as his cue to follow her. 
Charlotte walked slowly through the crowd, being sure not to lose Danny as he quietly followed her. She made sure to smile as she passed several guests, looking for a private place in the bustling venue. 
“Char,” Charlotte heard Venny call her from the left. 
“Hey Venny, sorry, I have to find Julio,” Charlotte lied with a smile. 
Charlotte passed Venny and set her sights on a nearly empty hallway, a few of the rooms designated as closets to hang jackets and purses. Charlotte didn’t need to look back to know that Danny had followed a few paces behind her. When she reached the last room of the hall, she turned the knob and walked inside. 
She waited a few seconds and heard the door knob turn, the door open, and close again. 
“Charlotte,” she heard him say in the same sweet voice she remembered. 
Charlotte wasn’t aware of the tears streaming down her face until she felt them collect under her chin. The lump in her throat grew larger as she stood away from him. When she heard him step closer, she turned around in the dark room and smashed into him to hug him tightly. 
Danny wrapped his strong arms around her, lowering his head and burying his nose into her curled hair. 
She couldn’t believe it–he was here. Danny was right in front of her, hugging her and saying a string of curses and muttering things to her that she couldn’t quite hear over her sobs. 
“What are you doing here?” She heard him ask.
“I could say the same to you,” Charlotte said, pulling her head out from his suit jacket. 
Danny pulled her back into him, almost afraid to release her. “I thought I’d never see you again.”
That made Charlotte cry harder because she thought the same. All these years, she’d shoved down the hope that she would ever catch another glimpse of him, of Sam and Josh, Of Jake. And finding Jake’s picture just a few weeks ago was enough to reawaken her longing and bury her in sorrow. She’d just dug herself out of that hole–and here was Danny. Not some photocopy or ink scratched on paper, not some picture. He was flesh and bone. 
“I can’t believe you’re here–in the city,” Danny whispered. “How long have you been here?”
“Five years,” Charlotte admitted, pulling away.
“Five!?” He whispered harshly.
Charlotte put her hands to his mouth quickly, shushing him. 
He waited a beat before continuing. “Five years?”
She nodded in the dark, knowing that he could see her head fall in shame. “I didn’t…I couldn’t…” she began to say but trailed off. 
But it was Danny. And he filled in what she couldn’t say. Five years apart or not, he could still understand her. 
“Hey,” he said, pulling her into another hug. “It’s alright, there were a million things keeping you from us. I get it.”
Charlotte looked up at his face, though she couldn’t see it clearly. “Danny I–”
The door was shoved ajar like it had been thrust open by a wind storm, but it wasn’t a tornado that was now ripping Danny off of Charlotte.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Julio asked through gritted teeth. If there wasn’t a very important party going on a few yards behind them, Charlotte knew he would be screaming. 
“Julio,” Charlotte said, grabbing his arm and trying to get him to release Danny. “Let him go,” she whispered harshly.
Julio glared at Danny, unmoving. Danny couldn’t do anything, hands grabbing at Julio’s to loosen his grip–to no avail. 
“Julio, stop!” Charlotte said louder. “We can’t do this here.”
“Did you touch her, hurt her?”
Danny shook his head, moving his hands off of Julio’s and putting them up towards his face, like he was surrendering.
“Julio, it’s Danny!” Charlotte choked out, panic filling her voice.
Julio dropped Danny immediately. “Him?”
Charlotte grabbed Julio by the arm, using her full body weight to separate the two of them. She gave Danny one last look before leaving the room. He was clearly on edge, patting down his ruffled clothes, but realizing that at this moment, the last thing he should do is follow them. Charlotte led Julio out of the door and into a neighboring room. 
“What were you thinking going off on your own? You scared Venny half to death.”
Charlotte ignored his barrage of questions as he assessed the damage–of which there was none. She watched as he poured over every inch of her exposed skin, looking for any scratches, bites–anything. He looked up at her once he was satisfied with his search. 
“Answer me. Now.”
Charlotte shook her head. “We have to get back to the party,” she said firmly. “We’ll talk about this later.”
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Charlotte separated from Julio at the front door, taking off her heels the moment her bedroom door was closed. She slipped out of her dress in seconds, letting it fall to the floor at her feet. Charlotte pulled on a baggy t-shirt and pants, making her way to the kitchen. She could hear Julio already messing with the liquor cabinet–clearly through with the night. 
She stood and watched as Julio took a long pull from the bottle of his strongest tequila. She inhaled sharply, realizing just how upset she’d made him.
Luckily, Danny had made himself scarce for the rest of the night–if he didn’t just leave immediately after Julio accosted him. The rest of the party played out according to plan, no issues…well, no public ones. Charlotte made her rounds the rest of the night, complimenting the hostess and esteemed guests with every breath. She couldn’t risk Mr. Velasquez’s “stock” not being “quality”. She’d even circled back with Venny and calmed her, apologizing for worrying her. Charlotte was kicking herself, of course Venny would be alerted by Charlotte’s disregard–not to mention seeing a strange vampire clearly following her.
Julio put the bottle down with a quiet clack as it hit the granite countertop of the island. He looked at Charlotte, and made a face of contempt as she sat down on the stool. 
“You said you didn’t want to see them,” he said flatly. 
Charlotte let her eyes fall to her hands, which were folded on her lap. She remembered the conversation they had, after she convinced Julio to let her meet with James. 
She’d been working with Julio for over a year, and Charlotte had resigned herself to living separately from them. They would believe she was still at the Sanctuary, and she would forget they moved on from the woods. She thought that whatever she felt for Jake would dissipate–become tangible and thus easily discarded. But, as the weeks went on to months, and finally a year had passed, nothing changed in her heart. There was a terrible longing lodged deep in her chest, and Julio had begun to notice that something was off with her. 
She felt the tears sting her eyes as she relayed her deepest secrets to Julio that night. 
“I’ll let you meet with James,” Julio said, “but I have to know if this is going anywhere.”
“I just want to make sure they are alright,” Charlotte said, the lump in her throat rearing its ugly head. 
“James will look into them, and, if he finds anything, we can figure out what to do together.”
Charlotte shook her head. “I don’t want to see them, Julio. You didn’t see how terrified they were for me.”
“So you won’t see them, James will stay far enough away to not arouse suspicion.”
Charlotte nodded along.
She remembered the look in Julio’s eyes as he reassured her. She really did feel like they would be able to stay on the sidelines. And, for a few years at least, he was right. 
But now, something completely beyond their control happened. 
“I know,” Charlotte said. “I didn’t want to see them.”
“Didn’t?” Julio repeated, clearly asking Charlotte to explain. 
Charlotte stayed quiet. She didn’t know what to say. The moment she saw Danny she felt the years between them melt away. Suddenly, after spending so long floating aimlessly in this world, Danny had grounded her. He knew her. He understood her. And yet…
“I don’t want to see them,” she said, feeling the pain in her chest grow. “But this can’t be the last time Danny sees me. Not when I haven’t given him an explanation. He deserves more than that, they all do.”
Without saying another word, Julio put the lid back on his bottle and walked away from Charlotte. Her eyes followed him but she knew better than to interrupt. He needed to be alone for a moment–to collect himself. And she needed to do the same.
After Julio took the rest of the bottle of the tequila to his study, Charlotte walked to her bedroom. Before she opened the door, she listened for Julio. All she heard was the small shuffling of paper. Charlotte pushed through her bedroom door, and quietly closed it behind her. She turned on the overhead light, watching as the room was bathed in the warm yellow she’d grown comfortable in. 
She stepped over to her dresser, eyes going towards the jewelry box she’d been gifted a few years ago. One of Julio’s very first clients bought it specially for her–hoping that as their business grew, she would be able to fill it. Although Charlotte had been keeping an exorbitant amount of jewelry tucked away in its plush velvet cushions, she was also using it for another purpose. 
Charlotte opened the french doors of the jewelry box, exposing the drawers for rings, brooches and earrings on the left and the mirror tucked away inside on the right obscured by hanging necklaces. She pulled out the first drawer, meant for rings. Charlotte picked up the cushion within and placed it on the dresser. Then, her eyes fell upon the small collection of paper scraps she'd amassed.
The first addition being the small scrap of paper reading Jake Kiszka, in Jake's own writing. She stroked the faded lines on the page. It was not an original, as James could only secure a copy–but it was more than Charlotte had held of him in years. So it was enough. From there, Charlotte had taken several other mementos from her time with James. Several breadcrumbs from Jake. Candids of Josh, since he was the most active, tucked below her brooches. A folded up piece of "junk mail" from Sam's residence left to rot hidden below her many earrings. Charlotte opened up the drawers at the base of the jewelry box used to store more necklaces. There lying on the velvet cushion was an array of necklaces–but there was nothing hiding beneath them, Charlotte often lamented. 
James had never been able to find Danny, not in all these years of searching. She knew now that it was likely because he was never looking in the right place. James used Josh as a means to find the others when he was gathering information for her. Josh visited Jake and he visited Sam when he was home, but Danny was never available it seemed. Seeing as how Danny was the son of such a prolific family, perhaps that was what was keeping him from his friends.
Charlotte closed the necklace drawer and she began putting away the scraps of paper in the ring drawer once more. However, her hands stopped once they palmed the ID badge she’d been given a few weeks ago. She ran the card against the skin of her hand, feeling the slight abrasiveness against her soft fingers where the card was chipped slightly. She recalled the story of how James had acquired it, attributing the damage to the fall it had taken. 
Charlotte kept the card in her hand, but put the cushion back in its place in the jewelry box. She sat on her bed, her eyes still scanning every detail of Jake’s face on the badge. His hair, his sunken eyes, the complicated emotions on his visage. She thought again of what she told Julio–that she didn’t want to see them again–that she didn’t want to see Jake again. As terrible as it was of her to think–it was not a lie. She knew that if she saw him again, this terrible feeling in her chest would never go away. 
Just one meeting with Danny and her heart was already aching to see him again. She could not fathom what it would do to her to see Jake and then have to tell him goodbye again. So she wouldn’t. She could at the very least have Danny tell them that she was alright–that she was alive and well. That they didn’t have to worry about her being bled for the rest of her life. She was safe and in the employ of someone that cared for her well-being, just as they did. 
Charlotte heard a knock on her door. Julio. He didn’t enter, merely stood hidden behind the closed door. 
“Can I come in?”
“Get in here,” Charlotte said to him from her spot on the bed. 
There was a slight hesitation before Julio entered her bedroom. She followed him as he made his way to the edge of her bed. He fell to his knees, placing his forehead against her leg. “I was angry…before,” he said quietly. 
She recognized the position he’d adopted. Both knees on the floor, head and shoulders slumped, eyes low and not making contact with her own. She’d read about this demonstration of fealty when learning about vampirian etiquette. Traditionally, this prostration was to honor those you held in high regard–but modern interpretations deemed it a way to communicate an apology. As Julio’s right hand, she took care of learning these special rules, knowing just how to respond.
Charlotte put down the ID badge beside her and ran her fingers through his hair. A touch that signified her acceptance of the apology–or a return to seeing him as an equal. “You were,” she said calmly. “Are you angry now?” 
He stayed quiet, choosing instead to breathe in and exhale slowly. “No,” he said finally. “Not at you–never at you.”
She felt his body begin to soften, the rigid angles of his body relaxing. “It’s okay if you are,” she said plainly.
“You didn’t ask to meet him today. It was just some twist of fate.”
Charlotte nodded. 
“I am angry at myself–for letting this happen.”
“What do you mean?”
“You were just getting over your nightmares,” he said quietly. “I worry that seeing him will bring them back.”
Charlotte knew what he was referring to. In the weeks that she’d been living with Julio, he’d come to discover that she was not without wounds from her time in the farm, the woods…the cabin. After she realized how comfortable a life she’d been awarded with Julio, it seemed that her mind was finally able to process everything that happened to her. Every so often, she would have a dream–much like a movie playing in her head–that she couldn’t turn off. She would feel needles pricking into her skin to draw blood–from her head, to her neck, to her arms and legs. She would feel her blood run cold at the sight of watching her father get torn apart as she screamed a soundless scream–
Only to be woken by Julio, drenched in a nervous sweat as he shook her to consciousness. 
Of course Julio would be worried about her seeing Danny again–about seeing any of them again. As kind as they were, she still met them at a time of horrible discomfort. She’d experienced horrific loss, emotional distress and suffered immensely due to the vampire-run world. She could very well sink back into those nightmares. 
“I think the nightmares stopped because I was finally able to tell someone about them.”
Julio looked up at her, his dark brown eyes searching for what she meant. 
“If I had kept them to myself, I think I would still be terrified,” Charlotte said looking down at him. “But, because you were here for me, those memories are not as scary.”
Julio rested his head in her lap as she stroked his hair. 
“Now when I have dreams of my family–they are happy ones. I see Paisley and we share a long-overdue hug. I see Brax watching ants crawl around a log. I see my mom and we’re gathering berries.” She smiled, remembering the pleasant dreams she’s had where her family drops in. The dreams that she wakes up from smiling, or with a faint sense of relief. “I see my father and we’re setting traps in the woods.”
Julio stayed quiet as she mindlessly ran her fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp. He let his hands rise up to the bed, to either side of Charlotte’s thighs. His hand fell on the ID badge and he brought it into his field of vision. 
“What’s this?”
Charlotte looked down. “It belonged to Jake, James gave it to me during our last meeting.”
“I didn’t know James was a thief,” he said with a light chuckle. He studied the badge for a minute before putting it back where he found it.
Charlotte smiled, letting the air between them soften. 
“I will have someone reach out to Danny,” Julio said finally, “arrange a meeting.”
Charlotte nodded. “I’ll meet with him, but only to say goodbye.”
Julio looked up at her, clearly concerned. “Are you sure?”
She nodded. “Would you think less of me?”
Julio shook his head. “Never.”
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tuntetesinfo · 6 hours
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Program: 12:00 Publicis Groupe Hungary (Budapest, 1056. Irányi utca 17.) - kapunyitás a workshopra finom falatokkal: Kis büféasztallal várunk benneteket, amire szabadon hozhattok ti is a közösbe. 13:00 - Workshop: közös ráhangolódás a felvonulásra, felkészülés békés demonstrációra Pogány Anikó, erőszakmentes kommunikáció tréner vezetésével: Miért vagyunk itt? Hogy álljak ki magamért? Mi a célunk? Kikre számíthatok ebben? Miket akarunk skandálni? Mit remélünk a mai naptól? Mi tévők legyünk a kötekedő okostojásokkal? A hely befogadóképessége korlátozott, ezért a workshop regisztrációköteles: https://forms.gle/w14PUe2RUchY118Y7 15:00 - gyülekező a felvonulásra az épület előtt: Aki nem szeretne részt venni a workshopon (bár erősen ajánljuk), kérjük, hogy az épület előtt gyülekezzen az indulásig. 15:30 - indul a menet, dobosokkal, képzett menetkisérőkkel 17:00 - rövid beszédek a célállomáson
Este talán egy kis buli is belefér…
Ha Budapesten kívül élsz és az utazás, illetve a szállás költsége tart vissza a részvételtől, ezt van lehetőségünk megtéríteni. Jelöld a workshop regisztrációs űrlapján és felvesszük veled e-mailben a kapcsolatot. Ha pedig Budapesten belül felajánlanád valakinek a kanapéd éjszakára, ez is megoldható. Írj nekünk erről egy e-mailt a következő címre: [email protected]
Nem vagy érintett, de támogatóként szívesen önkénteskednél, lennél menetkísérő? Őszintén nagy szükségünk van rá! Jelentkezz itt mielőbb: https://forms.gle/c5WQCjdL6EQd8q6j7
Ha kérdésed van vagy szívesen tudósítanál a felvonulásról írj nekünk a [email protected] címen!
Az eseményen a Prizma közösség házirendje érvényes, részvételeddel ezt elfogadod: https://prizma.lgbt/hazirend/
A további részletekkel itt a leírásban és posztokban még jelentkezünk.
Mindenkit várunk sok szeretettel!
A 2. Transz Pride a Háttér Társaság támogatásával valósul meg. Az esemény során elhangzó vélemények a szerzőké, és nem feltétlen tükrözik a Háttér Társaság álláspontját.
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STUDIO CITY, CA – May 22, 2023 – Lacey Chabert (“The Wedding Veil,” “Haul out the Holly”) and Will Kemp (“Christmas Waltz,” “Reign”) star in “The Dancing Detective: A Deadly Tango,” a new original premiering Friday, June 2 (9 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Movies and Mysteries. Filmed entirely on location in Malta, the movie reunites Chabert and Kemp who previously starred together in the Hallmark Channel movies “The Christmas Waltz” and “Love Romance & Chocolate.”
Constance Bailey (Chabert) is a no-nonsense detective, who insists on doing things her way, which usually means doing everything alone. She gets results, but her inability to keep a partner is holding her back in her career. When global ballroom company Aston International’s CEO is murdered at a luxurious resort in Malta on the eve of a company event, strings are pulled with Interpol to send Detective Bailey to investigate. With the event – a high-stakes ballroom competition between the company’s senior executives – moving forward as planned, Bailey is sent undercover as Aston’s newest hire. The only problem? Bailey can’t dance. To convincingly compete, Bailey reluctantly teams up with charismatic and free-spirited British dancer and actor Sebastian Moore (Kemp) who poses as her husband. Moore’s crime-solving instincts are as good as his footwork, even if the only thing he knows about detective work came from watching too much TV. He soon helps Bailey to relax on the floor and in her work. But with a killer still on the loose and a growing list of suspects, if Detective Bailey to solve this puzzling case, she’s going to have to learn to trust her partner.
“The Dancing Detective: A Deadly Tango” is from Leif Films Media/Tetrad Productions Ltd. /Moviehouse Entertainment. Leif Bristow, Lacey Chabert, Will Kemp, Stephen Hays, Peter Graham, Michael McLaughlin and Danny Webber are executive producers. The movie is produced by Agnes Bristow and Borga Dorter. Colin Azzopardi and Mark Vennis are producers. Stefan Scaini directed from a script by Aubrey Day.
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emcgoverns · 1 year
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elizabeth mcgovern for “event magazine”/“mailonline” (may 2019) | 📸: david venni
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dcnt-preach · 5 months
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You can interact with them, just say their names in the inbox, they have their own silly little stories too / could help lead up to small events too . Any NPCS / Side charscters will be added here and reblogged to let you know🐇
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Vennie is backstory really isn't talked about because he doesn't particularly know it all himself, like a majority of the succubi/concubi his other parent is human and while he was most certainly born in hell , he was raised on Earth by a human mother many many years ago with his father occasionally dropping in but he won't admit to it because he witness his mother attempting to summon his father far too many times in desperation until she abandoned him leaving his father choice.
— name . Vincent / Vennie • age . 35 hell years • species . incubus • height . 6 ft 3 in
occupation. mercenary / territory scout • verses . both | married to cynithya
He'll lie and say he's originally from the Wrath Ring and goes around the ringsfor mercenary work where he was supposed to be killing off Cherri but , her demeanor made him feel some remorse and he began actually working on helping her when she managed go floor him in hand to hand combat but , he's chalking it up to her just being insanely lucky and is curious as to where her endeavors will go . In the meantime he's taking up work strictly around Pride to help out when he can .
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— name . cynithya • age . unknown • species . sinner demon • height . 7 feet tall
occupation . mercenary / territory scout • verses . both | married to vennie
Joke off of Cyanide ( she unalive herself with it on accident -- a really messed up yet funny story of why you read things before just chugging ) , she's another sinner demon but , one that Cherri actually knew when she was alive . In fact , Cynithya was one of few that tried to steer Cherri on the correct path and even though Cherri won't admit it , She was her babysitter too . She doesn't involve herself with violence anymore and instead focuses on healing ; since Hell clearly has emergency services and things like jail/prison , Cynithya is a practicing Doctor and puts her skills to the test sometimes with the rest of Cherri's group to get even more experience .
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— name . pix-l / pixie • age . 30 hell years • species . sinner demon • height . 5 ft 11 in
occupation . computer programmer • verses . both
They're another Sinner Demon , died in the late 90's, technological based obviously and another one tied to Vox as a contract . Their purpose is to supply Cherri with what she needs to keep up the views and seldom leaves their room ( just like in life ) because of fear of hell . They grew close to Cherri because of her upbeat demeanor -- and she saved them during their first cleanse so in turn not only does he supply her with some authorized supplies , they've been keeping tabs on unclaimed territory and giving her heads up in return she ensures their territory is safe and runs errands / does deals under the table .
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— name . oliver • age . est 5 hell years • species . greed imp • height . 2 foot
occupation . none • verses . both
Oliver is the group's baby , he was found by Vennie when he was smaller and has been with the group ever since . He was roughly 2 maybe, 3 - they don't know his actual age when Vennie found him on a job , he's been bounced around from each person in the group particularly spending his time with Cynithya or with Cherri and Chewie because of the other two being extremely busy ( Vennie ) or shut off ( Pix-L ) . He's only around because of group vote + Oliver strongly reminding Cher of her past and what she causes havoc for
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Erre a koncertre sem tudunk nagy szomorúságunkra elmenni holnap, szóval ha valaki early bird tumblr kedvezménnyel szeretne kettő darab jegyet venni mindenképp írjon, de ne anont!
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rosszulorzott · 1 year
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Rhythms Of Resistance Budapest workshop Május 1-jén déltől a Városligetben | From noon on 1 May at Városliget
Scroll down for English
Szeretnéd a társadalmi és környezeti igazságosságért küzdő mozgalmakat szamba ihlette ritmusokkal támogatni itt Budapesten?
Csatlakozz a Rhythms of Resistance budapesti csoportjához!
A Rhythms of Resistance (RoR) Budapest egy helyi, alulról szerveződő, csináld magad módszerekkel működő dobos csapat, amely politikai akciókban alkalmazza a szamba ihlette ritmusokat. Egy nemzeteken átívelő, az uralkodást, kapitalizmust, a nem, kor és etnikum szerinti elnyomást ellenző hálózat tagjai vagyunk, mely a társadalmi és környezeti igazságosságért küzd. Nem tartozunk semmiféle politikai párthoz vagy szervezethez. Aktívan ellenezzük és szembeszállunk az elnyomás, kizsákmányolás, megkülönböztetés minden formájával és a karnevál ihlette zenét, táncot, vidám színeket választjuk, hogy megmutassuk felháborodásunkat. Arra hívunk mindenkit, aki szeretné politikai akciókban kifejezni a véleményét és hallatni a hangját, hogy csatlakozzon hozzánk!
Az esemény teljesen ingyenes, semmiféle zenei tudás nem szükséges. Főleg angolul folynak a próbák, de tudunk fordítani magyarra és rengeteg jelet használunk.
Jelezd nekünk, ha szeretnél részt venni! Küldj egy emailt a [email protected] címre. Nézd meg a blogunkat: rorbudapest.blackblogs.org
Do you want to play drums inspired by samba to support movements for social and ecological justice in Budapest?
Join Rhythms of Resistance Budapest!
Rhythms of Resistance (RoR) Budapest is a local/DIY grass-roots drumming crew, playing samba inspired rhythms as a political action. We are a part of a transnational anti-hierarchical anticapitalist, antisexist, anitageist and antiracist network fighting for social and ecological justice. We are not affiliated with any political party or organization. We actively criticize and confront any form of domination, exploitation, discrimination or oppression and choose music, dances and bright clothes inspired by carnival as a way to express our rage and indignation. We are inviting all interested people who want to express their opinion and raise their voice at various political actions to join us.
The event is FREE of charge, no previous musical background is required. The rehearsals are in English and we use a range of hand signals.
Please register if you'd like to come! Send us an email at: [email protected] Check out our blog: rorbudapest.blackblogs.org
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mxthtea · 2 years
600+ followers event! (characters portion)
note: this post only contains the characters i will write for. here is the link for the prompts.
to celebrate 600+ followers (and all my other milestones) i'll be doing a special event!
how it works: pick out one or two dialogue prompt/s from the sections of 'fluff, angst, hurt/comfort' and send in a character. please also add if you want it platonic, romantic, or familial.
request example: "fluff prompt 1 said to [character] by reader"
this event lasts from july 30 - aug 13 (ends on 0000 aug 21st EST)
rest is under the cut for you to read!
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i accept all characters from genshin, honkai, bungou stray dogs, and vanitas no carte.
characters listed below i will only write platonically or familial -
genshin impact-
honkai impact 3rd-
vodka twins (roza and lili)
bungou stray dogs
vanitas no carte
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pmryuu · 1 year
LoR’s Yura/Clara
[warning] contain LC and LOR spoiler 
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Yura was born and raised in a noble family of the North side of the City's Nest she lived. Her name was Clara von Gravenreuth. And she was a smart but hot head kid since young.
Clara left her family status behind, worked in the backstreet's bar and met the legendary Red Mist as her regular guest. After a while the Red Mist left the bar with a mystery woman (Carmen) and never come back again.
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Clara choose to change her name into Yura and worked as a Fixer due to her family is a noble, they aren’t allowed her to be a fixer.
At the age of 25, she became a talented Grade 4 Fixer who works under the Seven Association - mainly because she wanted to find out the reason why the legendary Red Mist suddenly went missing like that, she then asked to participate in the Smoke War for investigation and permission to leave the Association but still keep being their alliance with them
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After the battle ended she was promoted to Grade 1 by Hana Association 
While still having a good connection with the Seven Association , she got sent to District 25 for investigation
 ( the next part of this can be read when on Collie part )
While Yura was busy working on investigation missions for Seven for money,a pillar of Light suddenly appears from L Corp's facilities rising to the surface in a beam of blinding light that shone for three days straight and then suddenly covered in darkness for the rest of the week.  ( day 50 in Lobotomy Corporation , the fall of L Corp )
Yura slowly got distorted after the event of White Night and Dark Day due to the end of Lobotomy Corporation event but her mind was fighting against it and she managed to manifest her e.g.o  ( the beginning of Library of Ruina )
She then able to collect a group of independence Fixers and Syndicates in the backstreets and form the Day Owls Office. 
Yura died in the Library while on a mission with Dante (Seven Association’s) and got back outside with badly wounded after Angela return all the lights back (the end of Library of Ruina event)
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Day Owls Office logo
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She currently 40. Clara and her new regular guest - Vennie from Liu Association
Vennie also went to the library with Lowell just to get the book of Yura 
After Collie left with Kurokumo clan, Yura become a workaholic
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jrs-awesome-family · 6 months
Say Junior what are you doing for Halloween this year? Got your costume made already?
YEAH!! I’m gonna be a character from one of my favorite cartoons!! I got Wendy and Pom Pom to dress up with me too so we’ll be a group together!! They’re gonna take me trick or treating!
We’re not gonna be out that long though cause I don’t wanna miss the hUGE party that Papa and Venny throw together at the castle!! They do it every year and it’s the BIGGEST. BADDEST. MOST AWESOME EVENT OF THE YEAR
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badlek · 6 months
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i. i am not at all selective with who i write with or follow. i have a tendency to mutual with anyone who i can see myself writing with in the future. therefore if you ever see me or my lil thief on the feed, do not hesitate to interact or dm me. < 3. ii. explicit and mature writing on the feed will follow trigger / content warning to keep my friends list safe & stress-free. [ie. like: 'tw DEATH']. more often than not these topics will be brought up in private settings as a means of plot-development & story-telling. if any or all topics make you uncomfortable, please unfollow or softblock, no hard feelings. iii. writer goes by vendetta: vennie, ven, or v. is 24, strictly mdni. sapphic, black-american. working two-three part-time jobs. so activity can get sparse at times. also the owner of @inpryno + @orifces.
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partyanimalshu · 7 months
VILÁGPREMIER! Varázslatos könyvbemutatóval érkezik az új Harry Potter-könyv!
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A Harry Potter-rajongók legnagyobb örömére október 10-én egy újabb könyv érkezik, a világ számos országában egyszerre debütál majd a Varázsalmanach. A világpremier napján egy elvarázsolt könyvbemutatón is részt vehetnek, akik elsők között szeretnék kézbe venni a mágikus kiadványt, és Tóth Tamás Boldizsárral, a könyvek fordítójával is lehet találkozni. A Varázsalmanach, avagy az első hivatalos mágia kézikönyv külön fejezetet és egy-egy saját oldalt szentel a Harry Potter-regénysorozat legfontosabb és legkedveltebb szereplőinek, bemutatja a legizgalmasabb helyszíneket vagy éppen a varázslókarácsony hagyományait. A könyv névsorok, listák, térképek és mindenféle mágiával kapcsolatos dolog legteljesebb gyűjteménye: Hagrid veszélyes háziállataitól a varázslótörténet híres alakjain át egészen a pálcamágiáig. Október 10-én, kedden 17-órakor a hivatalos magyarországi könyvbemutatón a fordítóval való találkozás mellett számos izgalmas programmal várják a rajongókat a Libri Allee Könyvesboltba, lesz kvíz és természetesen izgalmas meglepetésajándékok is gazdára találnak.  „Az utóbbi idők legizgalmasabb Harry Potter-kiadványa lett az almanach, és mi sem bizonyítja ezt jobban, mint hogy még a fekete öves Potter-rajongó kollégáink is nagy örömmel merültek el ebben a gyönyörű, részletgazdag és ötletes mágiakézikönyvben. Minden elismerésünk Tóth Tamás Boldizsáré ezért a munkáért, embert próbáló feladat volt ennek a gigantikus gyűjteménynek a fordítása. A kötet valószínűleg sokaknak lesz az idei év legszebb karácsonyi ajándéka!” – mondta el a Varászalmanach kapcsán Fekete Judit, az Animus Könyveket is gondozó Central Kiadói Csoport marketing és PR vezetője. - K. Rowling könyvsorozatának sikere páratlan, már több mint 600 millió eladott példánynál tart a hét regény szerte a világban. Bár a Harry Potter és Voldemort Nagyúr hét éven át tartó párharcát bemutató könyvsorozat 2007-ben véget ért az utolsó regénnyel, az utolérhetetlen sikerű varázsvilág évről évre bővül, legyen szó filmekről, színdarabról vagy éppen videójátékról.  Az első kiadások óta számos díszkötéses verzió is napvilágot látott, sőt, a regények illusztrált példányai is megvásárolhatók – jelenleg az első öt rész, a hatodikkal jelenleg is dolgozik az illusztrátor. A most érkező Varázsalmanach viszont minden eddigi kiadványt felülmúl látványvilágban: a kétszáz oldalas enciklopédia minden oldala illusztrált, hét grafikus művész rajzai teszik lélegzetelállítóvá az olvasmányélményt, Magyarországon az Animus Könyvek gondozásában jelenik meg. A Facebook-esemény linkje: https://www.facebook.com/events/s/harry-potter-varazsalmanach-ko/323532956736589/ Read the full article
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