#waiting for people to call aj a gaslighter
booasaur · 2 years
If we end up with another "protagonist should have ended up with the other girl" like in happiest season im gonna lose it. Thankfully I don't think anyone will find something to call toxic this time. The movie was pretty cute to be honest
Lmaoooo, I was literally like, if I wake up and everyone's turned on this movie!
The funny part is, I can totally see which things people would hold against AJ but I mean, I didn't agree with it last time and it sure would be egregious this time. I am glad she confessed and apologized because for a while there I was like, I get why you're mad but you are kind of letting her be suspended and also lying to her to the point of accusing other people??
Tbh, I kind of wish we'd gotten a few more scenes with them. We got plenty of time, but I wish we'd gotten even more to show them bonding over, like, art a little, for example. It wouldn't have given anything away, we all knew from the second Paige said KingPun wasn't her that it would have to be AJ to be narratively relevant. They did talk about it some and even then I was like, hmm, more proof AJ's KP but it was still just about Paige's side of things. Would have loved, for example, to see AJ and Paige discussing how the parts of KP's art that made it so appealing to Paige were the openness/vulnerability she was afraid to show herself.
But yeah, it feels pretty inoffensive to me overall but that's what I thought last time so let's see.
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leaveharmony · 3 years
would love to know about some of kennys other offenses. please.
Boy howdy nonners, how long have ya got lol
Alright so I was never...A Fan, to begin with.  I tolerated him even if I found him irritating in a lot of ways.  
The real Problems I had w/ him started at the first press conference after he won the Heavyweight title; that night jericho won the Intercontinental and (fucking) elgin won the NEVER; kenny basically outright said that three (white) guys from Canada just "wanted it more" than the domestic roster.  That he "never sees" the Japanese wrestlers at the gym, that they're "complacent" and that's why they were outshone.  Everybody lost their minds.  A good friend was trying to gently tell him "Bro you're better than this, you really should have chosen your words more carefully here because that could really, super be interpreted as racist" And he directly responded RE "Please don't look for any 'hidden' racist meaning..." and basically doubled down, and then stood back & watched all his followers bully the shit out of my friend for like a week solid, for the crime of daring to question his choice of words.  She didn't even call HIM a racist, just suggested he could maybe be more mindful when talking directly to western fans bc there's always been a miles-long racist streak in wrestling in general and him talking that way when so many ppl accept what he says as gospel wasn't helping.
There was the bodyshaming...that wasn’t a one-time thing, either, but I digress.
There was the absolute debacle when Meltzer got involved w/ an article RE after kenny left he had "visa problems" ...you have to walk that back to the press conference between Tana and kenny before WK (iirc) wherein kenny claimed he'd gotten his citizenship and felt like he was now "real Japanese."  Which was...kinda yikes in and of itself, but after all that shook out and he took his ball and went home it transpired that it was a flat-out lie, and he'd actually gotten like, a permanent residency.  Now: that meant, so long as he had a company sponsoring him he enter and leave Japan as he pleased w/ that paperwork.  Only he quit NJPW.  So they were no longer sponsoring him, but he was still trying to enter the country w/ this visa/status he had absolutely no claim to anymore because he gave it up when he no longer had that position w/ their company.  This turned into a whole ridiculous conspiracy theory RE NJPW was somehow pulling strings to "get him banned from the country for ten years."  The ten years figure was...actually how long he'd have to wait before reapplying for the status he lost, as was explained to me by someone who actually had some experience in the area.  How much of that nonsense actually came from kenny’s own mouth right to Meltzer's ears?  Hard to say, and it MAY have been a miscommunication that got printed as fact, but all Himself would say was a dramatic "Someday I'll tell you all about how my year was SO MUCH WORSE than rumoured."   All he had to do was say 'Guys no I just ran into some red tape, NJPW has nothing to do with it' but instead he had to fuel the gossip of a mysterious, malicious conspiracy against him and cast the mean, cruel company who...let him leave when he quit...as the relentless villain bullying him out of the country.  This sounds like an exaggeration but he did, actually, have some stupid video based on Undertale (I think?) made in which there was a knockoff Lion’s Mark literally playing the villain.  It was...extremely embarrassing tbh.  And he may even believe it, who knows?  He may actually believe he was pushed out because he was a ~foreigner~ they refused to take seriously; his ego is big enough that I’d not be surprised.
Sometimes istg he even gaslights himself; I remember when he said Shinsuke "hasn't done anything compelling" since leaving for wwe (as though Shinsuke books himself lol)...but then before aew formed, but after he left NJPW, he kept claiming that if he went to wwe he'd be able to put on a seven-minute clinic every show, with the scraps of screentime they throw him...that everybody would be talking about him and only him, that he’d ‘enjoy’ the creative restrictions...as though he didn’t like, walk out on their developmental years ago because of all those restrictions :/
Just last year he was still bitching that Shinsuke never dropped the Intercontinental directly TO him, instead vacating it for a tournament.  Because Shinsuke was "one of their guys," because he always has to have a Special Connection to everyone...as though when this man was about to take a huge step and start a new life, what everybody should really have been thinking about was "Gosh but what about kenny though, shouldn't he have had the distinction of beating him directly for it?"  And notably that’s all he’s said about Shinsuke since he left.  Never brings him up when ppl ask who he’d like to see in aedubya, nothing like that...so I mean, so much for special connections or respect lol.  Respect only goes one way for him.
There was certainly the time he booked a convicted sex offender!  For one of his lil pet shows.  And when ppl called him on it he immediately got defensive and took issue with their "tone" and how they were ~judging him~ without having full information, and if they wanted him to respond politely they should speak kindly and politely to him first (again you’d think I’m exaggerating but that is actually what he said, try being kind and polite).  It took maybe a day of fighting people on twitter before he acted like a fucking adult about that one, even if his sullen "apology" still came off like it had an unspoken "...even though I didn't do anything wrong personally" tacked on the end.
There was his fucking...infuriating white saviour complex RE how with him Steering the Ship NJPW would be unstoppable.  There was his ludicrous claim that "Tanahashi's never done anything for international fans"...conveniently omitting that if it weren't for Tana, there wouldn't have been a company left to hire his skank ass, let alone one for there to be international fans OF.  There was his wink wink nudge nudge way of trying to play both sides; acting Respectful and like a Good Guy when he gave comments in Japanese and essentially going "SIKE!" in english so the neckbeards knew he didn’t really think he wasn’t the only thing worth watching.  He made a point of saying during that feud that if they dared put Tana over him the company would be "going backwards," and then made a point of saying he "Can't work under Tanahashi" as he left - a last cheap parting shot to make sure everybody knew who to 'blame' for him tragically leaving.
He straight up said the whole native roster should "thank me for their paycheques" because of course kenneth omegaman is the only one anyone is paying to see, no one else could possibly be interesting enough to tune in for, only him.
I remember when he was hilariously claiming that LIJ would never catch on for the western audience and Naito would never be popular here lol.
He bitches, somehow, simultaneously about not having been made leader of the bullet club soon enough (having to step aside for aj), and that "before the first Okada match" he was making more money from prowrestlingtees than he was from his contract (as though making him leader of the most visible western faction and essentially giving him a license to print money in the process somehow wasn't enough).
Like two years after he left he is still!  Taking every chance he can get!  To shit on NJPW.  He and the fucking bucks were still shit-talking Harold, ffs, years after they left.
....I feel like Marge when Reverand Lovejoy was asking her to list grievances about Homer.  He probably does blow his nose on towels and put them back in the cupboard, too, but only in other people’s houses :P 
Anyway that’s off the top of my head.
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nefariouscryptid · 4 years
Hello there (that was Obi Wan voice). Your gallery is a recent find of mine. Ohohoho, I hope you are willing to talk about relationships of fictional characters 'cause yours have poked my gears! So... What kind of relatioships Peter has with his subordinates/close pals? Type, likes/hates about them and vica versa, stories of them, why they are a team etc,etc. Not just shallow stuff, hit me with the deets! Apologies if I'm being invasive, oblige as much as you feel comfortable (if at all LOL).
Peter isn’t really close with anyone. But anyone he has a past connection to he consideres an associate, and not a employee.
Peter and Anahii: Peter and Anahii met during highschool when she was a freshman and Peter was a sophomore. They had immediately hit it off after seeing Anahii nearly kill a girl in a school fight. At the time Peter had great respect for her. This bitch is crazy! I love her! But as time went on that began to fade, and he became more and more drained and annoyed being around her. While they were still dating, he proposed to her because in the end he’s never going to get with who he actually does, and he needs to get married. She felt the same way, although she actually liked him a lot longer then he did. As adults, married for however long they were, they both constantly fought and hit each other, Anahii using him for his money and Peter using her for sex only. He just saw her as an object, something that gave him title of a husband and made him look better and more capable of people liking him. She was a trophy wife to him. Anahii was miserable in the relationship but at least she was rich, and at least she had protections. Well she thought so. There was still a part of her that wishes he’d just love her.
Peter and Jason: Peter and Jason met either in elementary or middle school, they couldn’t tell you. But they didn’t become friends until late 8th grade- freshman year of highschool. Much like Anahii, Peter instantly hit it off with Jason. They quickly became best friends. They were each other’s ride or die, if someone got into trouble, the other was “shit guess I’m going down too”. Peter hasn’t met anyone in his life that had been willing to put themselves on the line for him. He became obsessed and infatuated with Jason. He was everything he could ever want. It was at this point Peter realized he was bi, but he didn’t even care at this point. He could defend himself, people ain’t got shit on him. Both he and Jason did football together, Jason being quarterback and Perer wide receiver. Peter got kicked off the team after foul play and was took it as he was shit at playing, but Jason was just as good as he was! How fucking dare they?! He became somewhat jealous of Jason, that he could keep his cool and get people to bow for him easily. So he observed, and by the next school year he had adopted the same charm as Jason. As adults they’re still each other’s ride or dies, Peter being tired and finally trying to make moves on Jason, and one thing led to another and now they’re dating, and are now an affair. The relationship wasn’t healthy, Peter being extremely possessive, but it’s better then what he and Anahii had. He truly loved him and was happy. Couldn’t wait to raise his son with this man.
Peter and Cooper: the only type of past connections they could of had was they went to the same highschool, but even then Peter had already graduated by the time Cooper got in. During a failed encounter with some potential buyers of weapons, Cooper had found Peter half dead on the ground. His face was sliced open, blood pooling out of his cheek and eye, and with quick thinking Cooper picked him up and raced him out of the building, defending the both of them, throwing him into the back of the military truck they had, and zipped off. At the time he didn’t even know that was his boss, he just saw someone who most likely worked with him half dead. Peter, grateful, ended up giving Cooper multiple promotions, healthcare benefits, loads of loans and money, and benefits for his family. It was also the last time Peter ever showed up to a deal or a confrontation. Cooper became his main guy to send if Jason was out.
Peter and Plethora: after the incident with Cooper, he began to look more into his family. An odd one at that. While Cooper was married to Cassandra, it appeared they had a shared pseudo husband as well. And this guy can shoot! He has never seen a man able to snipe 20 men all in one shot, not even Jason. He called him down to his office one day and promoted him, giving him the opportunity to assassinate higher ups, like government officials. While a great idea at the time, this led to Peters greatest mistake and his downfall.
Peter and Cassandra: Like Cooper and Plethora, she had gone to his old highschool. However also unlike her husbands, she didn’t seem to have a job. Looking more into her profiling he saw that she was great with numbers, stocks, and even hacking. So he called her down, proposed her a job, to which she took instantly, and had monitored her progress over time. Her working in the stock market had opened up a new branch to the organization, while they were already dealing with stocks he had never seen anyone change numbers so quickly and so drastically, and when she stroad into his office one day with files on their threats, background information no one knew, he knew he had made the right choice.
Peter and Michelle: highschool flings. He had promised her money, promised her everything she could ever want, healthcare, the best education at the greatest university, anything she could have ever wanted. She was desperate. And now she’s trapped. He sees her as the perfect soldier. So easily manipulated and now stone cold, yet still easily controlled. He has no further opinion on her, she means little to him, but she hates him with a passion. He lied to her, and now she’s stuck doing something so horrific. She’s betraying everyone she knows, the people she grew up around. And she’s going to get him back.
Peter and Gwen: Gwen was... an experiment. Bother her and her sister Aj. They wanted to see how manipulated young kids from the lowest of income families could be, if they could take them from their families, cover up the crime scene or label them as runaways or the media’s favorite excuse, a suicide, and turn them into their workers, like their soldiers. The experiment was proven to be a semi success, it turns out the younger they are the harder it is. The older they are the easier, because they have a concept of morality, and are forced to comply in fears of dying. Gwen was an acception however, her being 3 when kidnapped. She shows extreme potential and loyalty. She’s ruthless, while also charming and showing a youthful aura. Peter had felt fond over her, while seeing her as mainly a weapon, he enjoyed aiding in her teaching and saw her almost as a daughter. She was eager to comply in what he wanted, although began to question everything as time went on. Began to rebel. What ever happened to her mom and dad? Why is Aj so angry at the association all the time? ...why am I here?
Peter and Aj: constant gaslighting. Peter plays himself as the good guy and that Aj is just the angry teenage girl. Aj knows what they did, at least she has an idea. She doesn’t like being a soldier and she doesn’t like being forced to kill people. She hates her life, she hates Peter, and she just wants her sister to live normally. But Aj doesn’t even know what normal is. At least she has food, constant shelter, access to the best technology... this is normal. This is normal.
Peter and Ivan: were at a constant truce until Peter had sent Plethora to assassinate someone very important to Ivan, later on revealed to be his wife. Then their relationship turned into a dangerous rivalry where everything would soon fall apart.
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vertigoambrosia · 5 years
road to bttr!
it’s kinda weird cause i think this was taped before 18th anni but whatever
well now i’m mad about that fuck finish all over again
ARGH WHAT WAS THE POINT OF HAVING THAT ASSHOLE THERE TO DO ok no we all already agree about this let’s move on
i find it funny that avalanche’s part of the opening now is him on the phone
true businessman
also tarkan’s new portrait is hilarious
uhhh wait didn’t we literally just have irie vs bobby?
and here’s this asshole
“at 27″ oh my god
andy thinks he’s younger than me
“bro you’re one of us!”
haha i almost got whiplash from andy going from spouting shit to dragging nick hein
i think andy’s championship reign needs to end but damn do i love his insane promos
no i don’t want to see or hear this guy
i was gonna say “he looks like a douche” but he’s an mma fighter so....
oh HAHAHA you’re so clever ice cream hahaha
nick hein voice: i’m not here to make friends
wow ummm especially considering what he said about police brutality that sargeant promo is umm....really bad
emil you don’t have your happy face
oh no now emil’s depressed too
*avalanche voice* how am i going to explain the level of turnover in this position to interviewees
i hope this means julian will return soon and not that monster consulting is done as a gimmick
but avalanche going back to the purple worries me
what jurn, did you leave your gear at home?
jurn: i can’t wrestle, i’m sick *cough cough* avalanche: boo you whore
oh wait we haven’t seen markus in a little bit, have we?
god i love AJ he’s such a pretty garbage child
i do like alan pain as the crown’s serf
wait did alan call kellyanne alan’s “main squeeze”
ewwwwwwwwwwwwww nooooooooooo
he’s her dad having a major mid life crisis and i refuse to hear otherwise
i can’t remember if they announced avalanche as being on the new york show or if i just dreamed it lol
he deserves attention outside germany
HAHAHAHA avalanche tossing alan at aj was awesome
boo these mean boys
the medieval ages were dark times for europe where people threw their piss out windows
markus so wee
wait what no you can’t do that!
markus that’s bullshit and you know it
lmao alan is so over the crown “look at jurn, putting his foot across the chest of avalanche, like he’s agtually acheived something of worth here”
hahaha julian’s hair is awful
LOL melanie
DAMN that was a good ass beatdown
yuu is adorable
hahahaha is jurn fucking up another tag relationship
jurn is such a gaslighter
*jurn voice* why can’t i find a tag partner that doesn’t have all these stupid feelings
oo we getting the technical grap shit here
and slams
i can’t tell what the crowd is chanting at yuu
it better be nice
i hate that the move is actually named shades of shibata
yuu’s pace can be a lil slow but i hope she goes far
oh shit toni’s maaaad
i wonder if this is her sendoff before going to nxt uk
friendly reminder that the only dude not involved at all with wwe got the pin in that match!!!!
awww junior
aww tim’s smiling
icarus no don’t slap tim
oh man this match is on fire
protip: do not slap or chop walter
do not slap tim either
~holding hands~
boys maybe if you didn’t stop to pose and scream your finisher you’d hit it more
look how fired up tim is!
jurn’s angry face is still funny
HAHAHAHAHAHA TIM that was a lil mean he was right there
is veit wearing suspenders? that’s kind of adorable
tim in a feud all by himself! and kind of being mean to david for no reason
it’s weird that they didn’t tape like, an interview or smoking break before this rematch to add some emotion or plot
esp since this was taped before the first match, i think?
wow there’s a dude on irie’s corner of the screen that looks like tom laruffa , or maybe tarkan if he were bald
that move where irie fucking sits on a dude owns super hard
bobby i saw u touch his butt for no reason
yo that cannonball is so fucking good
rip bobby, defeated by fast spinny meat boy
yeah no alan is def a dad on coke
i love how she stood on the bench to be taller than both of them
vinny telling bobby to chil? he truly has changed
no really tho veit’s suspenders are adorable
oh snap! soembody’s moving up in the world!
yeah bobby don’t forget you were shotgun champ for literally 8 months
vinny’s matured so much
i think the little wolf’s name is jermaine? she mentioned it in her conversations episode
it might be michael
but see yeah this heeling from kellyanne is what i wanted to see more of
oh snap she just stepped up on her knee!
alan is kinda weird too cause he’s almost distracting from kellyanne sometimes
DON’T LET HER GET THAT PUPPET ok maybe i should shut up casue that was great
ok kellyanne also has a real good cannonball
lmaoooooooo andy’s meditation “music”
three segments later bobby is still mad
not sure why irie would agree to that but sure
i know ‘kafigschlacht’ literally means ‘cage fight’ but i wish they had specifcally kept that title for the wargames-esque match
it is a very cool name to americans
also man the graphics for this event are bad
like, unsually so
look at the portraits - that filter on them is awful
and that music is awful
*andy voice* i know you still love me, marius
hahaha i love that it’s official kayfabe that andy faked that shoulder injury
david shaves once a year and i finally am used to it
aw i don’t know what they’re chanting at A4
hahaha tommy begging for one on one
the tables are turned! marius is messign with andy
aww i thought we were gonna get a flex off
these shenanigans are actually amazing
shit wait i realized we haven’t seen nice rise yet
or tarkan and mack, but they’re less desirable
and finally, the match starts
ilja is a very good teammate
‘if they will do illegal double teams so will i!’
ilja’s posted a few pics with constantin and even though he covers the face that child is adorable
his hands are so wee
his hair is so pale
he probably says words now!
this is all irrelevant to the match and i probably already said it but still
also, thank you bielfeld for being 100% anti-andy
real talk if anything happens but ilja winning clean in the cage we riot, corect
tas y u being such a dick
you know euros are worth more than american dollars
see starr is speaking the damn truth - the longer andy is champ the more tas seems like he just doesn’t learn
i know it’s regular cheater heel tropes but after 4 months it does get old, especiallt when it’s the same ref who over and over again
which i guess is why wxw thinks shitty cop special ref makes sense...except that special ref means shenanigans and also everyone hates him and oh IT’S A CAGE MATCH
*marius voice* shit it’s been almost 15 minutes since i posed better show off the guns
hahaha andy fuckingup the hurricarana is a great spot
ok this is going on a little long
forearm/elbow exchamnges this late in the match really slow down the pace, in my opinion
or i am just largely sick of them - see why i was never that into goto/ishii matchups
and this segment is a little ‘let’s get our signature shit in’
dammit you shouldn’t have two ‘everyone is dead’ spots!
i don’t even know who’s legal anymore
i was gonna say another dive is stupid, but ilja and david looking at each other with crazy in their eyes sold it for me
it’s totally the insane but ill advised thing ilja would do and i can imagine david getting caught up in FEELINGS
also they did it in pretty cloe to perfect unison
hahaha david can’t quite do ilja’s shtick in sync with him yet
tarkan your hair is a little
“(angry arguing)
hahahahaha tarkan and mack are Not Pleased
nice rise gonna come out on top :)
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socialattractionuk · 5 years
The worst dating trends we were hit with in 2018
(Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)
Dating is generally awful.
Sure, you might get some glimmers of joy and lust. Perhaps you met someone who strikes the perfect balance between actually responding to your messages and not seeming too keen. Maybe you had some excellent sex with someone who was perfectly fine with never talking again.
But the bad bits of dating are just so, so bad.
They’re upsetting, heartbreaking, and all too often very boring.
What’s handy is that the past few years have seen people coming up with catchy terms for the sh*t bits of dating, so we at least have a shorthand to describe people’s terrible romantic behaviour.
Like 2017, 2018 has been packed to the brim with terrible dating trends. Here’s a recap so you can read up and go into the New Year with all the depressing dating lingo you need.
1. Mosting
Mosting is the act of coming on really strong before ghosting (disappearing without a trace).
A moster will talk about the future, call you the person of their dreams, and make a load of romantic gestures, only to ditch the relationship entirely.
It’s annoying because you weren’t even that into them to begin with, but their disappearing act still stings. Also, it’s such a waste of time and effort. Agh.
2. Shadowing
Oh, those little sneaks.
Shadowing is when someone poses with a hot friend who takes up the majority of their profile photos on a dating app. So essentially, these people are their hot friend’s shadow, and know full well that you’ll be lured into conversation because you falsely believe they’re the hot one in the picture.
It’s not full-on catfishing, but it’s still manipulative and a massive waste of time.
Check someone has at least one solo pic before you swipe right.
3. Obligaswiping
This dating trend is bad because it’s a miserable truth for many of us.
Obligaswiping describes the act of endlessly swiping on dating apps with no real intention of meeting it up. It’s not for fun, but because you want to feel like you’re doing something.
It only ends up making you miserable.
(Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)
4. Orbiting
Orbiting is a weird inbetween stop on the path to ghosting.
You’re no longer chatting or dating, but they look at your Instagram stories and like your tweets, as if they want to remind you that they still exist.
Annoyingly, it’s not enough interaction for you to call them out, but it’s visible enough to keep them in your general radar… or orbit.
5. R-bombing
R-bombing is when someone reads messages you’ve sent, but deliberately ignores them, so all you see is ‘read’ or those evil blue ticks on Whatsapp.
Taking time to respond is fine (aren’t we all trying to be less dependent on our phones?), but consistently failing to reply to messages, while letting the person know full well you’ve read them, is just rude.
6. Gatsbying
Gatsbying isn’t a terrible thing to happen to dating by any means, but the term does make us cringe inwardly.
Gatsbying is ‘to post a video, picture or selfie to public social media purely for a love interest to see it.’
The existence of this word shows that people know exactly what we’re up to, which makes us shudder.
7. Fishing
No, not catfishing.
Fishing refers to sending out a generic message to a bunch of people to see who’d be interested in hooking up, waiting to see who bites, and then taking their pick.
You may never be aware that you’re being fished, unless you regularly get invited to hang out, only to respond and get nothing back.
(Picture: Ella Byworth)
8. Preating
Pre-cheating. Making steps to cheat but not doing enough to land yourself in trouble.
So a flirty message that you can explain away as being friendly. Feeling out a relationship with someone else when you’re supposed to be committed.
Preating is sh*t.
9. Mountaineering
Mountaineering describes the act of reaching for people way out of your league.
This isn’t particularly awful, but if you’re mountaineering it’s worth considering whether you really like your potential date, or if you’re just interested in the confidence boost that comes with dating someone defined as hot.
10. Cloutlighting
Cloutlighting is the combo of gaslighting and chasing social media clout.
Someone will bait the person they’re dating on camera with the intention of getting them upset or angry, or making them look stupid, then share the video for everyone to laugh at.
11. Scroogeing
Thankfully if you’re reading this and you’re still coupled up, you’re safe from scroogeing for another year.
It’s when someone dumps their partner before Christmas so they don’t have to bother getting them a present.
(Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)
12. Instagrandstanding 
You’re probably guilty of this. We all are.
Instagrandstanding is when you edit the way you’re presented on social media to seem more desirable to people you fancy.
It’s pretty standard, but it’s a bleak reminder of the separation of our real and internet selves.
Plus, you should never have to fake who you are or what you like to win over a date. They should like you for you.
13. Sneating
Oh, cool, now we have a term to describe agreeing to go on dates purely so you can have a free meal.
You know what? No judgement. You enjoy that free spaghetti.
14. Microcheating
Just like preating, microcheating is testing the waters of cheating without going all out and having sex with someone else.
Think flirty chats, emotional intimacy, or secretly contacting an ex.
It’s microcheating if you know your partner wouldn’t be happy about it if they found out.
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15. Clearing
Be warned, clearing season happens in January. It’s when we’re so miserable thanks to Christmas being over, the cold weather, and general seasonal dreariness, that we will hook up with anyone just so we don’t feel completely unattractive.
You might bang an ex, or give that creepy guy who you don’t really fancy a chance, or put up with truly awful sex just so you can feel human touch.
It’s a tough time. Stay strong.
16. Hatfishing
When a guy wears a hat in all of his pics to trick you into believing he’s hotter than he is.
His hat may hide a receding hairline or a weirdly shaped skull.
There’s nothing wrong with losing hair, but making concerted attempts to hide what you actually look like isn’t okay. Be upfront so people can know they’re actually attracted to you before committing to a date.
17. Shaveducking
Shaveducking is a nasty consequence of the rise of facial hair.
Is that guy actually hot, or is his beard covering up a weak chin?
Shaveducking describes the lingering unease that emerges when you realise that you’re not quite sure if you’re attracted to a man, or just his facial hair. Shaveducking, because you’d do anything to dodge that guy getting a shave and trimming off your affections in the process.
The horrible bit comes when the man actually does shave and you realise you are completely repulsed by his bare face.
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republicstandard · 6 years
The Rot in Academia
“Unlimited tolerance is a paradox. We don’t have to tolerate the intolerant.”-Lindsay Briggs
The hostility toward the notion of individual liberty and freedom of speech is evident everywhere you look these days, perhaps no more apparently than on college campuses. With alarming regularity, from moral panics to “anti-fascist” riots to professors with ties to ISIS, it has been incident after incident illustrating how deeply corrupted academia has become. From the lunacy of a Vanderbilt professor blaming 9/11 on racism, slavery, and the Navajo genocide to a Diablo Valley College professor smashing someone’s head with a bike lock, the modern academy—with its Cult-Marx professoriate, bloated bureaucracies that ensure “compliance” with the ruthless efficiency of the NKVD, and SJW student-activists—is no longer the bastion of open inquiry and debate it was intended to be. George Waldner, president emeritus of York College, stated:
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In the last five years, we’ve certainly had an increasing number of free speech confrontations on many campuses across the country. Halloween costumes at Yale, the ‘Trump’ chalkings at Emory University …There have probably been 30 or 40 of these [incidents] in the last five years.
“All I want for Christmas is white genocide.” ~George Ciccarillo-Maher
I would venture it’s been many more than that, especially if you include the on-campus hate crime hoaxes. A university education looks ever-more like a combination of a Soviet re-education camp and a day-care. The student body seems to be regressing to a median age of about five, Marx’s dictums spoon-fed to them by doughy professional axe-grinders, agitators, and grievance-mongers. If sticks and stones break their bones, then words are what really hurt. As Jim Goad wrote in The Redneck Manifesto:
HATE SPEECH is the most Orwellian concept to emerge from the twentieth-century twilight. It is especially deceptive because it hides behind a Happy Face mask. Most people want to be on the side of love, right? Like all dangerous ideas, the notion of hate speech sounds good until dismantled piece by piece. The first problem is with the term’s vagueness. Hate speech, apparently, has become anything they hate. Through relentless exposure to well-meaning, soft-suds imagery, otherwise intelligent people have been brainwashed to believe that “hate” is a satisfactory explanation for any human action. Reducing complex sociopolitical struggles to a matter of “hate” is as simplistic as blaming it on “sin,” but they fall for it.
And boy are they falling for it. The omnipresence of “hate” appears to be the main preoccupation of the professoriate and the administrative commissars, and is certainly one of the central fixtures of campus life. Trinity College professor Johnny Eric Williams took to his Twitter account to use the hashtag #LetThemFuckingDie in reference to white males; similarly, former Drexel professor George Ciccarillo-Maher opined that, “All I want for Christmas is white genocide.” Texas A&M professor Tommy Curry advocated violence against whites as a corrective measure to perceived racism in a podcast interview back in 2012. Now-terminated Essex County College professor Lisa Durden taunted whites on Tucker Carlson when the host pressed her on her support for racially-exclusionary events:
“Boo-hoo-hoo, you white people are just angry you couldn’t use your white privilege card to get invited to the Black Lives Matter all-black Memorial Day celebration.”
University of Delaware anthropology professor Kathy Dettwyler declared on Facebook that Otto Warmbier “got exactly what he deserved” when he was tortured to death by North Korea because he was “typical of a mind-set of a lot of the young, white, rich, clueless males.” According to Boston University professor Saida Grundy, “White masculinity isn’t a problem for America’s colleges, white masculinity is THE problem for America’s colleges.” John Griffin of the Art Institute of Washington believes that Republicans “should be lined up and shot. That’s not hyperbole.” Fresno State professor Randa Jarrar gloated over the death of Barbara Bush on Twitter (sic):
“Barbara Bush was a generous and smart and amazing racist who, along with her husband, raised a war criminal. I’m happy the witch is dead. Can’t wait for the rest of her family to fall to their demise the way 1.5 million iraqis have. Byyyeeeeeeee.”
Kevin Allred, formerly of Rutgers University, had the following to say on Twitter: “Will the Second Amendment be as cool when I buy a gun and start shooting at random white people or no …?” Another Boston University professor, Kyna Hamill, published a paper condemning “Jingle Bells” for its “racist history” as a jingle in blackface. Sarah Bond of the University of Iowa lamented the fact that sculptures from the classical world are now primarily associated with white marble. Princeton University Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor made the deeply revealing and insightful comments during her commencement address at Hampshire College that Donald Trump is a “racist, sexist megalomaniac.”
As Middlebury, Yale, Evergreen State, and Berkeley have shown, the students are just as eager to get in on the action. Lucía Martínez Valdivia, a mixed-race “queer” assistant professor of English at Reed College, had a lecture about Sappho disrupted by students protesting the college’s mandatory humanities class as “white supremacist.” Just when you think the Left cannot get any more preposterous, there you go—protesting a queer, mixed-race woman’s lecture on a queer female poet. The protesters also indicted Aristotle and Plato for good measure. Martínez Valdivia states:
Nuance and careful reasoning are not the tools of the oppressor, meant to deceive and gaslight and undermine and distract. On the contrary: These tools can help prove what those who use them think — or even what they feel — to be true. They make arguments more, not less, convincing, using objective evidence to make a point rather than relying on the persuasive power of a subjective feeling…Ultimately, this is a call for empathy, for stretching our imaginations to try to inhabit and understand positions that aren’t ours and the points of view of people who aren’t us. A grounding in the study of the humanities can help students encounter ideas with care and…realizing — and accepting — that no person, no text, no class, is without flaws. The things we study are, after all, products of human hands.
She’s absolutely correct, but the un-reasoning Left refuses to consider what is actually a very insightful commentary on the nature of creation so fundamental to the arts, and on the beauty and tragedy of a fatally-flawed humanity. This idea that empathy does not need to be divorced from logic and reason—that it is in fact inextricably intertwined and that rationality and critical thinking aren’t “tools of white supremacy” but are instead universally applicable and vital to processing the world and the people in it in all their dimensionality—is increasingly becoming antithetical to the deeply sentimental worldview of the Left wing, where the Western logos itself has become the enemy of emotive, panicked hysteria masquerading as a coherent set of principles. In this infantile worldview of good-and-bad, “hate,” as the Jim Goad quote discusses, is a sufficient explanation for people’s motivations, and for anything that falls outside the ideological confines of Leftist “thought.”
One thing is clear—dissent will not be tolerated. Will Creeley, an attorney for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), expresses concern that the:
“U.S. Supreme Court’s stark warning in Sweezy v. New Hampshire will prove prophetic: ‘Teachers and students must always remain free to inquire, to study and to evaluate, to gain new maturity and understanding; otherwise our civilization will stagnate and die.’”
Though he is dead wrong about group identity and has of late turned into a bit of a Zionist shill, Dr. Jordan Peterson is a very astute observer of the Cultural Marxism that has taken firm hold of the university campuses in North America and beyond. Peterson refers to the Leftist buzzwords of “diversity,” “equity,” and “inclusivity” as the Unholy Trinity, and I might be so presumptuous as to add a fourth: trauma. This is the lynchpin of the push for safe spaces, the conflation of speech with violence, and the drive to dis-invite and de-platform speakers who run afoul of the egalitarians. Nevertheless, these poisonous ideas have seeped deep into the fabric of academia, where they are not only perpetuated and remain unchallenged, but spread into our society’s daily discourse as a direct result of sustained attempts at indoctrination in the academy, and increasingly even earlier in K-12.
The reason things seem to be deteriorating on campus has everything to do with its closed environment, where dissenting opinions are discouraged and forced out, and mutually reinforcing viewpoints are encouraged and advanced. Essentially you then have an echo chamber environment where bad or at least faulty ideas are perpetuated and due to viewpoint uniformity (and hostility to different perspectives) the ideas and suppositions advanced in the academy are never challenged, and in the rare instances where dissenting evidence emerges from the university setting (such as Dr. Richard Lynn’s IQ research), the data is suppressed and the individual responsible is punished or marginalized in some way. Political orientation is a pretty good proxy for worldview; for all of the talk of diversity, in this crucial area it is sorely lacking. From a 2016 survey, we see that liberal professors in New England outnumber conservatives 28-to-1. From a study conducted by UCLA published in 2012, we can see the growing uniformity among the professoriate nation-wide is approaching a totality of the profession:
By 2014, a mere 10% of professors identified as conservative. They remain largely confined to business and the hard sciences. In a sample of fifty-one of the top sixty liberal arts colleges studied by the National Association of Scholars’ Mitchell Langbert this year, 39% of faculties had zero Republicans, and out of a pool of nearly 8,700 professors, registered Democrats outnumbered registered Republicans ten-to-one.
As uniform in their beliefs as professors generally are, John Wilson, an editor of the AAUP’s “Academe” blog, believes that it is the administrators who are really the problem as the architects and enforcers of the censorship and speech codes that are so prevalent on college campuses. As one example of the blood-engorged ticks that are collegiate bureaucracies/administrations, the University of Michigan has ninety-three full-time diversity and equity staff, twenty-six of whom earn six figures, while nationally 49% of college classes are taught by adjunct (part-time) professors with no semester-to-semester guarantee of classes and no benefits (to their credit Ann Arbor only has 17% of its classes taught by adjuncts). Jon Marcus from the New England Center for Investigative Reporting illuminates:
The number of non-academic administrative and professional employees at U.S. colleges and universities has more than doubled in the last 25 years, vastly outpacing the growth in the number of students or faculty, according to an analysis of federal figures. The disproportionate increase in the number of university staffers who neither teach nor conduct research has continued unabated in more recent years. From 1987 until 2011-12…universities and colleges collectively added 517,636 administrators and professional employees, or an average of 87 every working day, according to the analysis of federal figures…“There’s just a mind-boggling amount of money per student that’s being spent on administration,” said Andrew Gillen, a senior researcher at the institutes. “It raises a question of priorities.” Universities have added these administrators and professional employees even as they’ve substantially shifted classroom teaching duties from full-time faculty to less-expensive part-time adjunct faculty and teaching assistants…Since 1987, universities have also started or expanded departments devoted to marketing, diversity, disability, sustainability, security, environmental health, recruiting, technology, and fundraising, and added new majors and graduate and athletics programs, satellite campuses, and conference centers… “It’s almost Orwellian,” said [economist Richard] Vedder. “They’ll say, ‘We’ll save money if we centralize.’ Then they hire a provost or associate provost or an assistant business manager in charge of shared services, and then that person hires an assistant, and you end up with more people than you started with.”
All of this should rightly beg the question of what purpose all of this administrative bloat serves. It certainly isn’t to benefit the quality of the education students receive, and it only adds to the onerous costs of attaining a college degree. The aforementioned AAUP is responsible for the 1915 document that still stands as the golden standard of the mission statement of what a university’s actual purpose should be:
To promote inquiry and advance the sum of human knowledge;
To provide general instruction to the students; and
To develop experts for various branches of the public service.
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Nowhere is there an imperative to produce “professional activists” or advocate for that most nebulous of terms: social justice. Public service in this context is to contribute to society in a productive and meaningful way, be it as an engineer, a rocket scientist, or a teacher. Instead, students learn the wonders of communism (according to a 2017 survey, 44% of Millennials surveyed preferred to live under a socialist system), whites learn to hate themselves, and everyone else learns to hate them. A recent event at The College of William & Mary sponsored by the ACLU entitled “Students and the First Amendment” was shut down due to Black Lives Matter protesters, who exercised the “heckler’s veto” and asserted, among the usual tripe, that “Liberalism is White Supremacy.” Where else can you go from there? What common ground can there be when the Left is saying its own professed values of pluralism and tolerance are white supremacy?
from Republic Standard | Conservative Thought & Culture Magazine https://ift.tt/2KzaJOd via IFTTT
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