#we are in this for the long haul and im vibrating out of bones
rosesofenvy · 10 months
New project sneak peek!
Going to be posted around on ao3 tomorrow at 1p CST! Collaborating with @sha-biest for her goldenfutureau!
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manawhaat · 4 years
Roots pt.3
Title: Roots pt.3
Characters: Jeffrey Dean Morgan x Reader
Summary: Jeff is home on the farm for a few months between shooting and he plans to make the most of his time with you. 
Warnings: Fluff, lightly implied smut.
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: I love the fam bam but for all intents and purposes Hil, Gus, and George do not exist. Last part of the series commissioned by @team-free-will-you-idjits-67​. Thank you so much for letting me run with this, for commissioning me, and for being patient as I banged out the series! If anyone is interested in commissioning me, send an ask or IM and we can chat :) And a big shout out to my beta, @crispychrissy​! You’re a goddamn gem. Thanks for reading, y’all :)
Part I   Part 2
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Crowds are moving around him but Jeff’s face fills the FaceTime screen and he pulls his cap a little lower as he speaks. “I’ve gotta go, my flight is boarding right now. I’ve got a driver pickin’ me up at the airport so I’ll see you at home in a couple of hours.”
Dancing around on your tiptoes, you grin at the screen and he chuckles at how excited you are. “Okay, well have a safe flight and I’ll see you soon, babe. Love you.”
“Love you, sweetheart.” Jeff waves a hand and blows a kiss before hanging up to board his flight home. 
With the show finally wrapped for the season, his schedule is clear for the first time in months. He has almost three months with nothing keeping him from you, and you can’t wait to start making up for lost time. 
The dinner table is set and your outfit is laid out on the bed. Two bottles of his favorite wine sit in the wine fridge and your nervous excitement has a flutter in your chest and a smile on your face that you just can’t tame. As if they can sense it, all the animals around the farm are giddy and restless when you make your last rounds of the day and tuck them away early so you won’t have to worry about them later tonight. The dogs are glued to your side and you can’t help but egg them on, talking excitedly to them about daddy coming home as they bark their excitement back at you. 
When the chores are done and you’re fresh out of the shower, you get that text that tells you he’ll be there in thirty. It sends a thrill up your spine and as you slip into new lingerie, a warm pulse settles between your legs. The thought of him stripping you out of your clothes and the look on his face at the sight of the new lace is almost too much to bear. Anticipation builds, making each beat of your heart rattle hard against your ribs. With lotion and his favorite perfume on your skin, you finish getting dressed and rush downstairs to check on the food in the oven. It’s perfectly cooked, right on time, and the dogs start barking while you pull it out and set it on the stove top to cool. 
“He’s here, guys!” A joyous smile blooms on your face as you head to the door and let them rush out to greet the black car pulling up the long drive. 
Speckled sunlight drops from the trees and glitters over his frame as he exits the car and bends over to playfully greet the dogs. Fur and dust flies up in the yellow and orange tinted air around them, and when he rights himself from the happy scuffle his eyes meet yours. 
A weight lifts from your shoulders and the happiness that fills you is infectious. He’s grinning from ear to ear and a rush of dopamine floods your brain at the sight of it. That high you get when he’s around urges your feet to move under you, and your brain is fuzzy, eyes only focused on him as you both move towards each other. 
The dogs jump and bark around you, but the grumbling sound of his voice is loud enough for you to hear. “Goddamn, it is good to be home.” 
Strong arms pull you in and his slightly-chapped lips catch on your own as you relish the moment and drink him in. His kiss is everything you want it to be, and more. It always is. Tongue soft and wet, warmth seeping from his skin into yours, beard tickling your cheeks and palms where you hold him against you. He lets out his breath, the dampness of it fanning over your face when he pulls back to rest his forehead against yours, and you can’t help but lean back in for a second helping. And a third. And a fourth. 
By the time you stop kissing him the dogs have wandered off and the driver has already unloaded his bags and dropped them by the front door. 
“Thanks, Jerry,” he says, breaking away from you just long enough to shake his driver’s hand and wave him off. 
Tires grinding down on the dirt fade away and his hands are on you again, this time dropping down over your hips and behind you to give your ass a squeeze. The pressure lures you in and he bends, grips, and hauls you up against him, cradling the backs of your thighs as your legs wrap tight around his waist. 
The smell of food and home hits his nose, but he’s too caught up in the smell of your perfume to pay attention to it. He’s got you in his arms, curves against his body, the taste of your tongue in his mouth. Home is where you are, and instinct leads him to the couch, falling into it and taking you with him.  
Running gentle fingers through his hair, you whisper damply against his temple. “Welcome home, Jeffrey.”
Weathered hands urge your thighs further open, grip at your ass and scoot you closer against him, pulling you deep into his lap, like he’s trying to make the two of you one being. Fingerprints slip up your spine, lingering on the lines of the lingerie beneath you dress. The weight of his hands in your hair and on your neck leave you dizzy and his dark auburn eyes glow in the fading light spilling into the house. 
“Vancouver wasn’t enough. It’s never enough...” He kisses you again, deep and slow. “Can’t ever get enough of you, sweetheart.” 
Pure joy stretches through you from head to toe, curls your lips against his and pulls a sigh from your lips as you nestle deep into his neck to hide the blush he never fails to paint your cheeks with. Shuffling and clinking seep through your enamored state and curious eyes drift up, only to shoot wide open and fill with authority. 
Jeffrey jumps in surprise at the yell so close to his ear, but the dog trying to steal your perfect dinner off the table stops and turns wide, guilty eyes on you. “Leave it,” you grit, relaxing back into Jeff’s lap after he sulks off through the house. 
“Unbelievable. The one time I cook a nice meal for you that little thief tries to fuck it up,” you half-laugh, shaking your head in lighthearted disbelief. 
Jeff grins up at you and your eyes narrow down at his. “What?”
The grin turns into a smile, then a chuckle, and he drawls out, “Just love hearin’ ya take charge, is all.”
Your head shakes for an entirely different reason, and you pull yourself out of his lap and stand in front of him with your hands on your hips. “Alright, funny guy. Ha, ha. Now get up and come eat before I give it to the dogs.”
At your warning, Jeff’s face lights up and he laughs under his breath. “Yes, ma’am.” 
Jeff’s been home for almost a month and every day has been filled with tender touches and adventures around the farm. The steady crunch of leaves fills your ears as you walk along the property, simply enjoying the day and the man you’re with. 
“Where’s your favorite spot on this property?”
The question breaks a long silence that’s fallen between you and you grin, pressing yourself up against him. Pulling his arms around you, you lean up and kiss the side of his neck twice, only answering his question when he moans on the third. “Right here,” you tease. 
Jeff lets out a throaty chuckle but pulls back to look you in the eye. “I’m serious.” His hand links with yours and you start walking again. 
The sun shines in your eyes as you peer at him with skeptical brows. “Favorite spot for what?”
He lets out a little grumble but can’t hide his dimply smile. “Just, your favorite spot. Where is it? If you don’t tell me I’m gonna pick for you and then you’ll be screwed.”
Glaring in his direction, you walk in silence for another minute or two, trying to figure out if he’s gonna break or not. He doesn’t, and you concede with a sigh. “Ok, fine. Lemme show you.”
Tugging his hand and turning around, you make your way leisurely across the farm to lead him there. “Here ya go, Mystery Man.”
“This is it?” he confirms, and you nod his way. 
Jeffrey takes a few steps away from you and surveys the land seriously. It’s almost comical watching him as he paces back and forth, measuring with his feet and eyeballing the space from all around. You’re confused, but you also know that he can, and will, keep his secrets, so you watch in amusement and just let him do his thing. When he’s made his mental notes and calculations his demeanor softens and he rejoins you in the spot where he left you. 
“Why is this your favorite?”
Sucking in a deep breath, you pull away from him and turn in a slow circle, then close your eyes. The air here is filled with energy that you can feel in your bones, the vibrations of it filling your body from the ground up. It leaves you giddy and alive, cracking a smile onto your lips when you turn back to Jeff and answer. 
“There’s just something, here. When we come out here at night this spot is my favorite view of the stars. This is the best angle on the house, you can see the pond, the barns. I mean, it kinda feels a little random, but this is it.”
He cocks an eyebrow your way and gleans. “I thought you were gonna say ‘where the magic happens’.”
Head shaking, you pull him in by the lapels of his jacket. “Magic happens all over this farm, Jeffy. And it’s still magical even when you’re not around.” You wink up at him and he shoots you a scandalized scoff, playful growls and shrieks filling the air as you run off across the pasture with him hot on your tail. 
About a month before Jeff’s break is over, you stumble downstairs into the kitchen. There’s a soreness in you, bone deep. You had quite the night last night-- most days and nights since Jeff’s been home-- and your achy legs lead you down the stairs and into the kitchen for a much needed cup of coffee. Smirking at the remnants of his lips and body on yours, you pour the fresh brew into your favorite mug and set the pot back down in the maker. 
You’re half way out of the kitchen when you realize what you’ve just done and you catch it out loud. “Wait a minute...” 
Turning back around, you eye the pot of coffee suspiciously and take a few steps toward the window. Jeffrey never makes a full pot unless you’ve got company over. 
Looking around, you find nothing out of sorts, so you leave the kitchen and find your confirmation as you peer out of the window near the mudroom. Outside there’s a crew of men with gardening tools standing in a group talking with Jeff. He’s gesturing and pointing, then nods and heads your way as they disperse in different directions. The ground is dewy this early in the morning and the golden specks of sunlight shine vibrantly on his face when he gets near enough to the house to meet your eyes through the window. 
Creaking and shuffling fills your ears before he emerges from the mud room, shaking off the cold morning chill to drop a kiss to your lips. “Oh, good. You’re up. Didja sleep alright?” 
“Wha- yeah. Uh, what’s with the guys out there?”
Your response elicits a chuckle and he rustles around in the kitchen for a few water bottles before answering. “I’m happy you asked!” Cheery and boisterous, you flinch a little, but he rushes over to you, grinning. “It’s just a little surprise I’ve whipped up for ya. I was thinking’ about makin’ you wait until we were done, but if you wanna come out and see it then go get dressed and we’ll wait for you to start,” he promises. 
Before you can ask any follow up questions or begin the mental gymnastics of what surprise he could give you that involves a bunch of gardeners in work boots and hard hats, he’s gone again with Honeydog and Bandit trailing behind him. 
Downing your coffee, you rush upstairs to go change, muttering to yourself along the way. “Alright you sneaky fucker. Let’s see what you’re up to.” ----------
The tree is fucking HUGE, and for a moment you’re utterly confused. 
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“Tada!” Jeffrey holds his hands out and presents you with his master surprise. It’s loaded up on the back of a tractor-trailer, closed in with large metal blades around what you can only assume are the roots of the tree.  
A flurry of emotions confounds you and your face hides none of it. The workers chuckle along with Jeff as you go from confused and bewildered to amused and in love, and then some. 
“C’mon, sweetheart. Let’s show ‘em where its new home is,” Jeff says with a wink, and your heart flops in your chest, going through all of the emotions once again. 
The crew follows you and Jeff to your favorite spot on the farm. He looks to you for confirmation and your brilliant smile sets them all in motion. They’re a well oiled machine, measuring and digging with excavators and shovels. Jeff jumps in and you start to help but he gently shoots you down. 
“This is for you, Y/n. I don’t want you doin’ any of this work. Why don’t you go back inside and have some breakfast, hang out, and I’ll call you back out when we’re ready…” 
Guilt worms into your chest at leaving them to do all the work, but he’s got a point. They’re a team of professionals and it’s their job. Half-dejected, you make it back to the house and mosey around the kitchen, feeling useless and put out. The fridge gets pulled open six times before it finally clicks and you’re set in motion. 
Half an hour later you’ve whipped up enough breakfast burritos to feed everyone and head back out to check on the progress, leaving the food in a low temperature oven to keep it warm. The earth has been removed and the truck with the tree on it is already backed up near the large hole. 
“Hey, just in time. I was about to go getcha,” says Jeffrey, coming over to slump a heavy arm around your shoulders. 
The two of you stand back and watch as the tree is transplanted and set firmly in its new home, and when the oaken giant is upright, you and Jeff jump in to help the crew even out the churned earth.  
Jeff tucks the care instructions into his back pocket and you stop the guys from leaving, instead leading them to the house to distribute the food you’d made. With profuse thanks all around, they take the burritos to go and shake hands before leaving the farm in its serene state.
After snagging a bite to eat, you both head back to admire it and finish leveling out the excess soil still surrounding the new tree. The dirt moves easily and you work in comfortable quietness for a few moments before Jeff turns to you and asks, “You remember when I asked you to move out here with me?” 
Sniffing away the dust, you nod his way and flash him a winded smile. “Of course I do,” you answer, pushing your shovel into the ground and laughing at the memory. “We were on that road trip on your bike and we stopped in… fuck, I don’t even know where we were,” you admit. “But we’d been riding for hours, and we stopped for a little picnic. Just rode off the road into a random field and set up camp like a couple of hippies.”
“It was a nice spot!” His words are defensive, but he’s right, and he’s grinning. 
“You asked me and whipped out a bottle of champagne when I said yes, and then the fuckin’ cork bounced off the tree and hit you square in the mouth.” Jeff buries his shovel and joins you, letting you take his face in your hands as you both laugh. “Busted your lip wide open.”
“And you wouldn’t stop apologizing,” he reminds you, kissing your thumb when you smooth it over his bottom lip. “Couldn’t get you to stop freaking out, either. You kept talking about how that musta been some kinda sign… that you shouldn’t move in with me.” 
You laugh, loud and cringey, mortified of the memory. “Oh, god. I almost broke up with you!” Jeff chuckles at the grimace on your face. “Everything on that trip just kept going wrong. The hotels fucked up your bookings, we barely dodged a tornado, my phone was stolen, we got lost-”
“More than once,” he adds. 
“It felt like everything was going wrong and they were all signs. I was so convinced things were going too fast, that I wasn’t right for you and that we shouldn’t have been together...”
He hums, deep enough to feel the vibrations of it rattle in your bones. “Mmm, did a good job talkin’ you outta that, now didn’t I?”
His hands inch lower, gently rest on your ass and you blush up at him, not even trying to hide the swoon at the way he made love to you out in the open that day. 
“Oh, you sure did…”
Honest eyes take you in, admire the way you fawn over him- revel in how you make him feel alive like nothing else in this world- and then drift up to the tree you’re standing beneath. 
“This tree look familiar?” 
The question catches you off guard and your brain scrambles for a moment, eyes darting between him and the thick trunk. That’s impossible. 
“W-what?” you gasp. Stumbling out of his arms, you approach and circle the tree. When you look back at Jeff he’s got his hands shoved in his pockets and he shrugs knowingly. “Shut the fuck up, Jeff. No.” 
Smiles bloom between you and you shake your head in astonishment, rambling as a slew of emotions crashes through you. “What?! No. No! There’s no way. Y-you… Jeffy, you don’t even know where we were. Babe,” you implore, continuing through the revelation. “Babe, seriously? This is that- this is the same tree?”
An earnest nod has tears springing from your eyes and your feet racing back to the man you love. His arms welcome you home as you crash into his chest and find a safe place to bury your happy smile. 
“So this is why you wanted to know my favorite spot, huh?” The scent of sweat and dirt fills your nose as you tug him in for a smiley kiss brimmed with tears. “God, you’re such a sap,” you tease lovingly. “Jeffrey, seriously, I can’t tell you how much I love this.”
He smiles down at you with a funny little gleam in his eye. It grows and shines, mists over his irises and his dimples pop as he gently forces the two of you apart. “Well-” he pulls off his gloves, drops them to the ground, and smirks- “actually, this is why I wanted to know your favorite spot…”
Digging a hand into the pocket of his jeans, he fishes something out, then drops to his knee. A pristine diamond ring glistens delicately between his slightly dirty fingers and there’s sweat on his brow when he squints the sun out of his eyes to look up at you. 
The air that enters your lungs does nothing to quell your shortness of breath. Tears fill your eyes and you let out a wail of surprise and excitement, hands flying to cover your mouth. 
Jeffrey reaches out and takes your left hand, squeezing it in his, and croaks out, “Woman, let me get this out.” You sob out a laugh and nod down at him, body trembling as he clears his throat to speak. 
“Y/n… I wanna put down roots with you. Here on this farm, or wherever you are. I wanted to know where your favorite place is so I could make it special, like you did when you carved out a spot in my heart. I wanted to give you something that will last, just like the love you’ve given me. Having you around makes me feel alive in a way I couldn’t be with anyone else, and when I see you, I’m home. It’s a little corny,” he chuckles, “I know, but it’s true. So, darlin’, if you say yes, I promise to marry you right here under this tree, or wherever you want. Hell, I’ll marry ya on the fuckin’ moon if you ask me to,” he laughs, voice strained and deep through the tears he’s trying, and failing, to hold back. 
“I’d have no greater honor than being your husband and loving you until I die. So, whaddya say? Wanna put down some roots, marry this old man in front of ya?” He grins through the tears and winks up at you. “If you wanted, I think we could probably make some pretty cute babies, too.” 
Cheeks burning, you sob out his name and nod frantically, smiling so wide it’s hard for your lips to actually form the word ‘yes’. Your hand shakes and uneven breaths stumble from your mouths as he slowly slides the ring onto your finger. The two of you stare at it in awe, admiring the symbol of love and the promise it holds. Then he’s up in an instant, hugging you so hard his fingerprints blossom on your skin and kissing you long enough that the ridges of his lips grow roots that tangle with yours.
When the sun has fallen that night, the tree is surrounded by stars and washed in moonlight. Jeff catches you admiring the stoic shadow from the bedroom window and gentle hands land on your hips while his lips climb the back of your neck to whisper in your ear. 
“So, whaddya gonna call it?” 
You turn in his arms, the diamond on your finger sparkling in the firelight before your fingers disappear in his hair. Fondly, you smile, and your answer curls his lips. 
“I think I’ll call him Jeffrey.”
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Forever & RPF tags:
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sapphyrelily · 7 years
Seijoh 4 Week Day 1
Prompt:  stormy weather // long distance
Warnings: None
External link: AO3
Oikawa pushes the cart ahead of him, glancing out of the window. The sky is dark, clouds heavy with the promise of rain. He quickly pulls out his phone, about to type in a message to the group chat before he remembers.
Holding back a sigh, he pockets his phone, before turning to make a last stop at the frozen section.
Matsukawa hears the rain before he sees it, tiny pattering drops against the window. He flies into a panic, tossing his book aside and sprinting for the small backyard. He unlocks the screen door with a curse, running out to grab the small rack of clothes.
He hauls the laundry in, and hears the rain grow heavier behind him.
He wonders if it is raining where the others are.
Iwaizumi flicks through the gallery on his phone, pausing on a photo as a clap of thunder sounds outside. He knows Hanamaki doesn’t like thunderstorms, but it might not be raining in his area.
He selects the photo he stopped at, and sends it to the group chat anyway.
Hanamaki steps out of the shower, jumping when a flash of lightning cuts across his window. He presses the towel over his ears to wait out the inevitable boom of thunder, hurrying to turn on all the lights in his apartment when it passes.
He picks up his phone to blast some loud music, pausing when he sees new messages from the chat.
[Hajime]: {one image attached}
[Issei]: wht a gd photo
[Issei]: Feeling sentimental?
[Tooru]: I looked good in that one! \(•v•)/
[Tooru]: Tks hajime
[Hajime]: It’s raining here
[Hajime]: I miss you guys
[Issei]: coincidence. Its raining here too
[Tooru]: sam e, but im at the store =3=
[Hajime]: Get back safe
[Hajime]: I wonder if it’s raining where Hiro’s at
[Issei]: Hiro? Where r u
[Tooru]: shower?
[Issei]: mayb
Hanamaki smiles at the photo, quickly typing a response.
[Takahiro]: I LIIIVEEEE
[Takahiro]: Tho its storming, so I may not be for much longer
[Takahiro]: I culd be persuaxed with more photos
[Issei]: I gotxhu
A flood of photos makes his phone vibrate crazily, and Hanamaki laughs when he sees that Oikawa has beat Matsukawa to the photo spam.
[Hajime]: Stop
[Issei]: {one image attached}
[Tooru]: {one image attached}
Hanamaki sets his phone down with a smile, letting the sound of the vibrations soothe his nerves as he blow-dries his hair.
The buzzing has died down somewhat by the time he picks his phone back up, and he shoots them a message of reassurance before scrolling to the top and poring over each photo.
A weird selfie, taken when three of them are asleep, Iwaizumi’s tongue poking out as he tries to fit them all in the frame.
A shot from the back, of Oikawa and Hanamaki arguing over two types of cereal.
Matsukawa dabbing beside a laundromat.
Iwaizumi cradling a litter of kittens they found off the street.
Hanamaki reaching for the camera, his entire face slathered with cake batter.
Oikawa and Matsukawa falling asleep while watching television.
Oikawa’s blanket nest on one side of the bed, while the rest of them stare balefully into the camera.
Iwaizumi and Matsukawa watering their plants.
Hanamaki folding clothes while Iwaizumi irons.
Hanamaki with a foam beard and moustache.
The morning sunlight touching half-clad figures, red and purple on their skin–
Hanamaki starts and smashes his keyboard.
[Takahiro]: fhskdbaj
[Takahiro]: FESS UP
[Tooru]: oh, me
[Tooru]: what’s wronv with it
[Takahiro]: IM NAKED
[Hajime]: We’re all naked
[Issei]: but youre gorgeous
[Tooru]: but its a agood photo!
[Issei]: hiro pls
Hanamaki laughs, burrowing under his cushion fort. He’s not really mad, and his boyfriends know it.
Another boom makes him drop his phone, and it skitters under the coffee table, a little too out of reach.
He stares at it gloomily. He can feel the storm in his bones, every instinct screaming at him to stay still and wait it out. But…his phone.
The screen lights up with a new message, taunting him, and he groans sadly.
“Phone, grow legs and walk over here.”
The phone just lights up again, the notification light taunting.
Hanamaki bites his lip, peeking out from beneath the cushions. A quick glance to the windows shows that the rain has not let up, but there doesn’t seem to be any lightning.
He hugs a cushion tight to his chest as he slithers out from the pile, reaching under the table. He pats the ground frantically, but his fingers still can’t reach it. He has to go around the table, or get rid of his cushion shield.
A bright flash has him pressing against the floor, hugging the cushion like a lifeline. But there is no sound that follows, and he slowly peels his eyes open, checking his surroundings carefully before reaching for the phone again.
His fingers touch it, pushing it away, and he nearly cries with frustration. He tries again, fingertips hooking the edge, but not strong enough to pull it to him.
The phone lights up, buzzing, and he can see that it is a call. He reaches out with new urgency, one finger pressing on the screen.
It is finally enough, and he painstakingly drags it over, pressing the green button.
He clicks the loudspeaker on, climbing back onto the sofa. “Hello?”
“Hiro! Why didn’t you pick up immediately?”
“What? I was worried!”
He relaxes at the sound of their voices, balancing the phone on a pillow so he can dust the cushion off. “I dropped my phone. Sorry.”
“Is the phone okay?” Matsukawa asks, and he has to smother a laugh.
“No, I’m afraid not.” He tells him solemnly. “You’re speaking to me by some ghostly connection.”
A horrified gasp, followed closely by a long-suffering sigh.
Hanamaki laughs.
“So,” he settles back against the cushions, pressing his shield against his chest. “What are you guys up to?”
“I just got back from the store.”
“I’m taking a break from studying.”
“Ooh, Hajime's so hardworking.”
“Shut up, I’m trying to be prepared.”
“Children, children,” Matsukawa tuts. “None of you can beat me. I just rescued my clothes from the rain.”
Hanamaki gasps on cue. “Are they all safe?”
Matsukawa sighs. “No. Some of them… They got hit.”
Hanamaki bursts into sobs, and can hear Oikawa and Matsukawa wailing in unison on the line. Faintly, he thinks he makes out the sound of Iwaizumi shouting at them to shut up, but he’s having too much fun to stop.
When their wailing finally dissolves into giggles, Iwaizumi puts the phone back next to his ear. “Thank you for making me deaf.”
“Hajime! You’ve learnt sarcasm!”
There’s a sniff from one of them. “I feel so proud.”
“Same, same.”
Iwaizumi sighs, but he’s smiling.
They talk well into the evening, catching up, telling jokes, not stopping when the storm stops, not stopping even when each of them prepare and eat their dinners.
They only stop when Iwaizumi reminds them that they have early classes to attend, and that homework unfortunately, does not do itself.
“I don’t want to do my homework.” Oikawa whines.
“I know what you can do,” Matsukawa suggests slyly.
“Not ‘what’, who.” Hanamaki corrects, insinuation dripping from every word.
“All of you can do your homework, or nothing is happening the next time we have a Skype call.”
One beat, two beats of silence.
“My homework is calling me.”
“You stole my line.”
“Goodbye, goodbye, there’s a pile of papers waiting for me to touch them vigorously! With my pen,” Oikawa adds, and then everyone is echoing their goodbyes, and the call ends, one beep after another.
Iwaizumi chuckles and pulls his phone away from his ear, pressing the red button.
Call duration: 7:19:34
The thought of the phone bill somehow doesn’t faze him.
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huggpheonix · 7 years
Sad fic avatar
"Aang... Its not too late.." She whispered. She whispered it with conviction.. But fear mingled with it. As if scared to offend the boy who sat before her. "It is." He growled. He had allowed his hair to grow back out and it sat shaggy and unkempt around his face and shoulders. Stubble had erupted on his chin and the boy seemed paler than usual. A scar the size of his hands trailed down his spine and neck. He sat crosslegged and without a shirt. He seemed go be freezing. Katara gave a sigh and put a blanket over his now tall figure. It was true. Firelord Ozai had take over and killed many. Many all over the continent. Starting with zuko. "Its not your fault." She added hastily. "We were kids, Aang. Kids, and Ill be damned if we anything but." "I was the worlds only hope, Katara. I failed." "Get over yourself." Came a deeply annoyed tone from behind them. Aang hunched his shoulders and his tattoos seemed to glow. He didnt turn to face them. Katara however looked to see Toph leaning into the entrance. She had allowed her hair to take a roguish look and her features seemed to be edgier and sharp. Thick bangs covered her face but not her blank grey eyes. She wore water tribe clothing to blend in, after her family had been killed off. She was the last known beifong to be living. "Toph." Katara whispered hurriedly. She had an edge to her voice, like an icicle. "No, Twinkle toes, listen here. You failed. Okay? Quit sulking about it. The more you do, the more people get killed. We alll failed, Aang. We all did. But that doesnt mean we still cant recover. Zukos dead. Alright? As far as we know we could be next. But dont think for a second we arent going to stay here any longer waiting for you to get over it." Aang only buried his face in his hands. He didnt seem to register the tough spiel thrown at him so suddenly. Katara stood so that she and Toph were face to face. "Toph! For gods sakes! " she muttered. "Its the truth Katara. He may respond to niceness and kindess but the cold hard truth needs to be exercised." She groaned. "Its been far too long." She said and stalked out. Wether Katara would see her waiting patiently outside or practsiing in the caves, she didnt know. "Aang. Please. I know it hurts. More than you know."  Aang gave a snort and finally turned to look at her. His tattoos were a bold electric blue and they glowed on and off. His eyes looked so tired compared to her desperate ones. A grizzly scar had reached across his face. But it did not hinder his handsome deep set features. They enhanced them. "You dont know about pain, Katara. Youve a beautiful family, that hasnt been touched by the fire nation." He said coldly, Her eyes narrowed, an icy blue searched the cold grey ones. "Bullshit, Avatar. Tell that to my father and my mother. Tell that to sokka.." She broke off and looked anywhere but him. Aang widened his eyes and once again buried his face in his hands. "Everything is so fucked up, im sorry Katara. " his eyes turned white and then grey again. "Dont say shit like that. And then.. And then expect the world to hang at your fingertips. Tophs right. But theres more to it then just that. Aang. We were too young.. But.. Times have changed. Our appearances have changed. We can overtake the firelord." "H-how.." He stuttered. "We can infiltrate and change towns over to our favor. Aang.. Its been 4 years.. 4 years.. And.. And.. I can feel, that its gonna be different this time.. I know it." "Katara im so tired. Everyone hates me now." "Get over yourself. I dont hate you, Toph doesnt hate you." "Wow gee." "Get up."  Fear crossed his features. "Im.. Im not gonna try again." "We need the current avatar Aang. You cant just hand over your avatar powers." Aang groaned. He stood up and could barely. The snow hut they were in was pretty tiny compared to his height now. They both stepped outside. He grabbed his old nomad top and tucked it into his watertribe pants. Katara moaned, Toph wasnt there waiting.  "We need to go get Toph. If shes right and you havent exercised your bending, youre probably pathetic." She said this so matter of factly aang actually kind of grinned. So they set off on foot, for Appa had been taken by the firenation once again. He carried his old staff but it was dwarfed by now. As they walked he could not help but notice again how breath takingly beautiful she was. Her brown hair flowed effortlessly behind her in a braid and her features were soft and determined at the same time. Her icy blue eyes seemed dimmer now that they were in the snow storm. Time had had an effect on all of them. Not that there were many anymore. Most had fled into hiding, turned themselves over to firenation cells, been slaved, worked undercover for the cause or had died. He shivered. He had failed. And yet he wasnt dead. They arrived in an hour to see Toph had taken refuge in a cave by the southern water tribe village. She was working on her technique where she tried to earthbend by just using her fingers or eyes. It was going great. She had managed to move a rock the size of a small dog two inches off the ground using only her eyes. She was wicked happy about this.  She also seemed to have worked on strength conditioning by her torn muscle. "Ah, if it isnt Katara and the avatar. How nice of you to join us mister avatar." "Cut it out Toph. Weve all fucked up greatly lets get over that. Lets accept it."  Katara strode over to the rock pot of cold leopard penguin soup. "Im sorry Toph. Ive been a huge pile of shit. Can you forgive me?" "Forgive? For what? I was never angry with you, you big dumb airhead. Sulking pisses me off. But.. Its also human... So.. Yeah." "You both.. Ready? I mean.. For whats... To come?" "Its not like we have anywhere to turn to, that money cant buy and that isnt haunted." "My whole village is melted. Literally." Katara remarked sadly from her stool.  "Join the club." Toph sneered. "Im sorry." "Quit apologizing and eat. Eat and fill your skinny bones out. We have training after this." Even though the world was being conqured and maimed, toph had still managed to make Aang smile. "How do you know im skinny. I could be humongous for all you know." "The vibrations under your feet dumbass." He laughed and Katara kind of giggled. He ate with difficulty. Not because of its tastlessness (he was famished.) but because he really didnt intend on caring for himself too often.. Since.. Since.. "Sokka wouldve loved this soup. Full of meat." "Hes not dead." Katara's eyes watered. "Hes been put into custody and forced to haul wood for the flameymen." "We will get him back Katara its my fault hes in there." "Quit that." "What?" "Blaming yourself for every little thing." "Al-alright.. Alright.." He said. "This is depressing. Aang Katara follow me. We need to train. If we are gonna kick some firenation ass, we need to train ours off." She turned the soup into sand and took the seats out from under them both, Aang being rusty was caught offguard. "I was right. Youre pathetic. Get up." He obeyed. Later on they were very very tired and sore. Aang had a black eye and a swollen lip. "Geez Toph." He moaned. "First things first. Its master toph because even though youve had an additional four years to hone your skills, youve basically sulked it away. You even let your hair grow out." "I can still do it!" He yelled indignantly. "Do and bend are two different things." He flushed a deep scarlet. "Aang tighten up your stance you need to face the fucking rock or it will pummel you! Now!" She yelled and hurtled a rock his way. He slapped his hands together and concentrated. The rock collided with his hands and groud itself into sand and it flowed around his body before he turned it into a huge rock and sent it back again. She stopped it inches away from her face and returned it to the earth. "Not half as bad as yesterday," "Thanks!" He said excitedly. "Did i say good?!" She shouted and sixty pointed rocks pinned Aang to the wall. "Okay, now metal bending. Remember when we departed four years ago and i was captured? Well metal is just rock. Just wayyy more purified." He condensed the rock under aangs fire. It turned into metal and bent to tophs will. "Wow, okay let me try." He touched it and it immediately dented. He bended it in about 6 minutes tops. "Ha, ha beginners luck." After a week Aang had atoned for a years worth of training. But there was still kataras water bending basics again. They were both right, just because he could still manipulate the element, didnt mean he had a gritty understanding if he were to be born into them. Air was still his element, he understood air as he did his own mind, so pretty and very well. Air would not hurt him. It flowed freely into his lungs and made him light on his feet. Air was mastered. "Aang. You need to feel the water trickle through your veins." "I know.. Im just a little shaky," "Damn right your shaky. That isnt flowing its like fire." By the time a month had passed he was feeling the element very well. He could get down into the earth element by feeling all his apprehension and tension release and combine to move the earth. He could feel water by letting his fear and anxiety calm the stream and in turn it helped him. It helped him feel more than just dead. Fire and air were still his best elements by far. Fire was easily done now adays. Because he was so angry and all the pent up rage against the firenation was fused into his attacks. He felt he was ready and with alot more training. He would be fierce. "Youre actually getting good." Toph admitted one day when he had managed to lock one of her ankles down to the ground and in turn she had locked his arms down. "You really think so?" "Yeah. I do, twinkletoes." He beamed and undid both of the rocks and flew back to his original stance. He was going to get it all down by the end of the week. By the end of the week he was fighting and kicking and punching with control and firosity all in one. He felt the people in need fill him. And he strengthened because of that. They go and get sokka back. And zukos not dead just hidding out. "Im proud to say youve mastered water, avatar Aang." Katara purred with fondness in her voice. "Really?" He asked blushing. Well, the parts of his face that werent scarred turned pink. "Yeah, youve always been a natural Aang." She admitted. "Y-youre just saying that Katara. Youre the master. Im greatful to have learned so much." Katara opened her mouth to say more but then Toph walked in. "Im not deaf. You two sound like were gonna die very soon. Therll be enough time to coo about eachother. We need to get Sokka back." "Really?!" Katara yelled with tears in her eyes. "Yes, ive got the map. Hes in the boiling rock. Theyve reallly tightened up security around there. We will have to be careful." "I love you both!" She said and grabbed them in a very tight embrace. "Yeah yeah, I miss having sokka around anyways. Aang, youre awesome at earth bending but never as good as me." She conceeded with a grin. "Of course, Master." "We begin travel tomorrow." Aang's gaze hardened and he thoug back to Appa. "We'll get him back Aang." "I just wish id said i loved him alot more.." "Dont worry Twinkletoes. Its gonna be ok.. Zukos gone.. But.. Sokka isnt and i have a very good feeling Appas alive too." The next morning katara, Toph and Aang set off for the boiling rock. "Its in firenation territory. But we can obtain a fleet ship. I know it." "We dont need to. The farther we go on foot, the less cospicious we look. Theres refugees all over now that Ozai's in power." Aang avoided eye contact with anyone they passed on their way to firenation territory. "Aang you need to smarten up. We cant even tell its you. Youre so different from how you were four years ago." "Yeah for one thing, youre taller." "Skinnier, your hair is long." "You HAVE hair. It covers your tattoos." "Youre burnt." Aang only looked up occasionally from now on. They had still taken the liberty of gathering travellers clothes but Aang still kept the nomad shirt under his earth nation vest. Finally after a week they reached fire nation borders. "That wasnt as exhausting as I thought it would be." "Its only smooth sailing from here." They explored more and more of the firenation within days. Finally Katara reported back that she had discovered the boiling rock prison in a volcano. "They werent kidding, were they?" "Back when we were together.. Sokka mentioned something about this place." "Your father." "Yeah." At midnight they managed to break into it. Aang pretented to be a earth nation prisoner who had comitted treason of the highest sort. Katara and Toph were both guards. "Bleh, firenation prisons are so bleak.. Good thing im an all nation sort of guy." Katara smiled only a little and Toph snickered. "Eyy! Firemates, get over here! We're kicking some waterbenders!" Aang flinched and Katara froze. Toph gritted her teeth and she and katara moved to the other firenation guards immediately. It was then that Katara came face to face with her long lost brother Sokka. He was older mature looking and had a sunken face obviously to malnutrition. His frame was still lean and lanky. He was taking the beating but he was closing his eyes. His hair has been cut short and his neck and body had sustained war prints and tattoos and scars. He had stubble on his neck and jaw. "Watertribe scum, a guy named Sokka. Lucky we caught him. Took his little gadgets too. Aint no bender are you boy? He dont even resist." "Ah, he used to. But we broke him. We always break them." "Stop!" Katara whispered fiercely. Aang and Toph widened their eyes. They all stopped but one of the guards spit on him. "I need to take this prisoner at once. Hes been very very naughty to me." The fireguards smirked and kicked him in the ribs to where she stood. "Take 'im treat him very nicely. And by nice i mean harshly. Just a little gift, huh sokka!" Katara gave Toph the 'stay here look'. Then forgot she could not see. She finally looked Aang in the eyes and he understood. She stared at her long lost brother, whom she had not seen since four years before. She finally grabbed his shirt collar and with little help from sokka, had managed to stand up. He wobbled a bit and when taking more than a few steps, he stumbled. She noticed that he had a limp to his once stride. He closed his shadowed eyes when he walked. Head down, as if in defeat. Finally they got to an empty cell room. She unlocked the door with the chain of keys and shoved him in there. Carefully she slid the door closed and switched on the lights. "Sokka..." She whispered breathlessly. She had pronounced his name right and he glanced up. His dim blue eyes scanned her and then he shuddered, curling his legs up to his chest. "Please... Dont touch me.. all the guards like to." He muttered with fear. Katara brought a hand to her aching chest. She slid off the helmet and Sokka gasped. Her beautiful soft brown hair was tied in a ponytail and her bright blue eyes were the same as he remembered them. "Katara!" He shouted. The blue fire returned fiercely in his eyes, and finally... Finally.. She recognized him. "I thought you were dead!" He said hoarsely and fast, as if he hadnt used his voice in weeks. "No sokka, im not." She crossed the last steps and embraced her brother. "Oh.... Man... I love you Katara! Ive missed you.. Ive missed you so much.." He said it fast. "I love you too.. Ive spent four years Sokka.. Four years.. When we get you out of here we will catch up." She said with determination. Sokka nodded, he looked weaker then she remembered, fragile. But, one look at his physique proved her wrong. "A couple friends of mine, helped me out with food. I guess when youre an adult, you just need more of it. If you think ive been just sitting here... No.. Ive been waiting." Katara nodded. She reached a hand and touched his face. "They took away my tools. My cool moonsword, my boomerang, my knife.. I cant nessecaerly shave." Katara could only reply with nodding.. It was weird.. She thought he had been dead. "Okay now dont panic.. But they arent going to let us out until you look beaten up." "Katara, four years really does make you a good actor." He ruffled up his out grown hair and added several small bruises and cuts to his face lips and hands. He tussled his clothes and layed down. Katara frowned but didnt say anything. "23.you done in there? Geez, he must have been bad." 29 asked. "Teach you a lesson." Katara growled convincingly enough. Sokka smiled sadly at her and then huddled into himself. She emerged from the room breathing heavily. "Sweet sound of a water freak groaning, I love it. Nice job 23." Katara didnt answer but only nodded. "Aang! Toph! Katara! Oh man i love you guys i missed you guys! Ill never take you for granted again.." He blurted out in a fury.
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