#when i say lots of shared interests i rlly mean lots of shared thoughts 🥺🥺 i feel like u just Get what i mean Yk????
seiwas · 1 month
hi my sweet sel :3 i’m sneaking in w a fresh matcha for u to ask for a moot bingo card 🍵… i’m 2 curious i couldn’t resist </3
ari my beloved!!!! thank you for the matcha 🥺 i am sip sippin it while doing your bingo card (my feet are also kicking in the air behind me 🤭) pls sit with me, i am offering you a cookie!! 🍪
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(c) xen-blank for the template!
send me an ask and i’ll fill up this bingo for you!! 🥺
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nulltune · 6 months
any rp wishlist ??
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I HAVE A LOT!!!! omg... screams into my hands this is a heck of a question anon- TYSM!! ❤️❤️ i have a wishlist tag too actually- but i don't post much in it because tbh all interactions feed me so well...... i love hakuno dearly you see (live lynn reaction: 🥺🥹😩🫶💗) and she's always interacting with all kinds of interesting muses so tis a guaranteed fun time 🥳 and also like. hakuno as a character is defined as a nobody with nothing so you can expect pretty anything to be a new experience 2 her :,) OK BUT YEA BACK TO UR Q! WHEN IT COMES TO WISHLIST THO HRMGHH that's a tough one..... cuz i have sm!!! so off the top of my head:
this is rlly general but oooo i want hakuno to go to all sorts of places! she is already someone who is so curious, exploring the world to try to find a place in it. spoiler alert she doesn't but i digress! imagine your muse showing her a place they like... or a by-chance encounter where hakuno stumbles on their little secret spot.... hakuno would be pretty inquisitive because she can't imagine having such an attachment to any place, but i think it'd be real interesting to explore! and also- your muse and hakuno going on a trip somewhere... sightseeing and having fun together mayhaps,, the possibilities are endless so i can't really specify but i just think it's neat! 🥺
"i'd die for you" "i'll live for you" "let's live together" "let's die together" <- whatever those lines got going on!!! not all of them at once ofc (unless things happens and they all apply at some point 👁👁✨️) but just whatever genre this is..... life and death are interesting topics to explore with hakuno – she's someone who can understand what it's like to want to disappear, but at the same time she's someone who's afraid of death. and she wants to love so badly but has no reason to </3 so i wanna explore more of that in general !!! i wanna see her interact muses who share that same mindset... muses who think completely differently.... let them explore what their purpose is... their reason to live... and all that!
tragic love is such a Big Need for meee, i'm a sucker for them!!! and i really think it's so perfect for hakuno!!! i hope everyone knows by now that i love the theme of love for my hakuno 🫶 and like- imagine finally understanding and finding love when you thought you never could, only to lose it... unrequited love? a doomed love story? there are so many ways to go about it, and who the other person might be makes it so much more interesting too, and i just crave it!!
hakuno and a muse working together for something- a relationship founded on ??? like, they just happen to meet and their goals just somewhat aligned so they're sticking together for practical reasons or just circumstances!! will they get to know each other better and come out of it with a good experience? will they butt heads but decide to bear with it until their respective goals are accomplished? idk but something about it intrigues me! i'm really interested in having like a whole storyline happen tbh 🥺 it'd be fun to see how much the relationship changes at the end of things y'know!
i'm gonna need more antagonistic dynamics too tbh.... she is absolutely going to be as polite and nice as she is to any other person because c'mon... it's Hakuno. but! i feel like there's a biiig sense of distance that comes with having this sort of dynamic with her. as we have seen in canon for example, hakuno's really frikkin aware of their status as enemies with other character- she's always saying stuff like "even though we're enemies?" and not understanding why'd be nice to her when she's their enemy... stuff like that!! i mean, enemies to friends or enemies to lovers is def not out of the question ((ФωФ)✨️ ...) but it'd be so fun to see the development!! which i guess is the appeal of those dynamics in da first place !
i love character development ofc but i have always been thinking about- how about reverse character development ?! 😳 hakuno is a suuper interesting character to me because- well, it's like a white sheet of paper! it's blank! i feel like there are soo many directions her character could go and i think it'd be so fun to explore! characters who bring out the worst in each other maybe?? enable each others' bad habits?? and oh boy it'd hurt so much on hakuno's part because she wants to be better and is always wanting the best for others so like (: IT COULD BE FUN METHINKS..!
letter writing threads!! i feel like you can tell a lot about a muse by the kind of letter they write 👁👁✨️ having hakuno write down her thoughts and feelings into paper just sounds super interesting to okok- i'd imagine her letters sounding more like very formal reports tbh 💀 but i think it could be so fun and a really neat way to really get the Insight(TM) on da muse!
speaking of the letter writing tho- something related to arts and humanities! drawing? music? writing? sculpting? dance? anything and everything creative pls. hakuno's way of thinking is very logical so i think she struggles with understanding things that don't really have a solid factual answer, but that's also what makes it so interesting! art can really touch people's hearts too and that's the kind of thing hakuno needs desperately 🥹 even if she can't fully understand it right now ! your muse showing hakuno their creations maybe?? bonus points if their works say a lot about them as a person or means a lot of them!
i'm a sucker for childhood friends so i want that for hakuno too 🤧✨️ !! it doesn't have to be friends in specific tho- i just think there's something special about knowing someone when they were younger :thonk: kids tend to be more honest i guess? and i mean hakuno still is, but for better or worse, the hakuno we now know keeps the "bad" parts of herself hidden away while actively trying to be the person other people need – a younger hakuno wouldn't have that mindset yet methinks! BUT YEA BACK TO WHAT I WAS SAYING 😳😳 it's fun to see how that could affect the dynamic especially when they meet later on!
OH AND immortal & mortal is a staple! hakuno could work as both tho... it rlly depends on the verse because her mortality is Weird(TM) actually- but i still think both concepts would be very fun!! >:3c with her as a mortal, it'd be Neat for her to want to be remembered because that's asking for a lot when her entire life is probably like a mere blink in the eyes of an immortal </3 and with her as an immortal, i just like the idea of her finding happiness after possibly years and years of loneliness but also being aware that happiness is very much temporary </3
I FEEL LIKE THESE R MORE DYNAMICS AND THEMES THAN SPECIFIC SCENARIOS BC LIKE i wuv...... and i luv scenarios and situations too ofc but i can't rlly specify bc they're all so neat 2 me.!!! your muse and hakuno could literally just go to mcdonald's and i'd be havin a blast writing it GVSMCBSMDH
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jihyocentric · 1 year
no but fr u included everything we talked abt and it made me so happy to see that!! from the puppy nickname to jeonghyo bonding to the bathing!!! to jihyo calling nayeon when she was touching herself like nayeon said last time IT WAS SOOOO GOOD
i love that jihyo was justifying literally everything positive she did with jeongyeon by tying it back into remembering how to do it with nayeon, it was too cute!! and she's learning that just cause its not nayeon doesn't mean its BAD...it's just different and thats ok!!
jihyo thinking jeongyeon was scolding her but then jeongyeon correcting her and calling her cute :(( it was so soft and so good jihyo is such a good girl :(((
and then jihyo getting a boner and calling nayeon was SO hot. and i giggled at jihyos hands being too small unlike nayeon's lksdjflks nayeon just has big hands and jihyo just has a big dick they're made for each other LMAOOO
plus nayeon saying she knows jihyo likes it when it hurts. yeah. very very nice touch we love to see it <3
jihyo threatening to stay with jeongyeon but nayeon saying she'd steal her back AND knowing she was pouting over the phone was TOO GOOD THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH UGH I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS ABT THEM
it was an amazing update, thanks for sharing it!! big fan of this au truly, ur a great writer and i love to see everything you're willing to share!! take care!!
the thing with puppy jihyo is that nayeon is all of the good that she knows. like, she has been abandoned before so putting on trust and liking someone can be hard. she likes sana because sana pets and spoils her, she likes momo because momo is always bonding with her through cooking for her, playing with her and all that. mina is pretty straightforward, a hybrid friend. now, yoo jeongyeon? yoo jeongyeon has been annoying since day 1, and then jihyo got jealous of her with nayeon.
so trusting jeongyeon was a bit hard, getting to like her as well. but now jihyo just holds herself back really because she already likes jeongyeon a LOT and just hasn't realized it yet (perhaps she has and now she's just ignoring it like the stubborn puppy she can be)... i mean she loves jeongyeon's cuddles, her food, giving her kisses on the cheek and specifically being spoiled by her. jihyo LOVES the amount of praise she gets with jeongyeon.
and at some point though jihyo stops comparing her with nayeon bc we know nayeon is jihyo's definition of love and good but jeongyeon is perfect on her own.. jeongyeon is not like sana or momo or mina and certainly not like nayeon, and jihyo still finds herself seeking for jeongyeon's attention and the love she offers while nayeon isn't there to give it to her (properly)... and then, even after nayeon comes back jihyo will keep seeking for it because her heart is happy when she's next to jeongyeon 🥺
YOU NOTICE EVERY DETAIL THAT'S RLLY GRATIFYING FR. yes yes i HAD to talk about jihyo's hands, poor thing has to use both of them to resemble a single one of nayeon's hands, when that thought popped into my head i laughed too like i'm sorry puppy hyo but 😭 you're SMALL. jihyo is small everywhere but her dick and i totally agree w you she was made for nayeon!!! they're together by fate. hung needy puppy meets nayeon, size kink princess
when nayeon comes back things will get interesting in all the ways possible, but the most important thing is that at first nayeon won't leave bed until jihyo can't cum anymore. jihyo will see nayeon and the first thing that will pop in her head is breeding time 😭 she won't let nayeon leave their room until her balls are DRAINED. like if nayeon tries to leave, jihyo will keep a hand on her tummy and give her the most needy look nayeon has ever witnessed... and then of course nayeon can't bring herself to leave
apart from that, 3mix will finally become a thing and jeongyeon will find herself hanging out with nayeon and jihyo without samo more often and being around jihyo without their usual bickering (tbh it never really goes away bc that's jeonghyo. let's be real. but they'll bicker and then cuddle as if that never happened)
and sometimes when nayeon gets jealous of jihyo's sudden closeness with jeong, jeongyeon will just make her cuddle her too and quit sulking. she has two arms for a reason!!! one for jihyo and the other for nayeon!
anyways, great things are ahead of them and i can't wait to see the three together 🥺 when i open requests they'll most likely be established so i'm interested to see what you guys will want to see from them!
(and take care you too anonie, thank you for passing by as always! 🤍)
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