#which was helpful considering it only came up with martha wayne lmao
batfamblog · 2 years
u know when ur trying to remember facts about ur favorite series or thing and it’s like holy shit there’s no way i forgot something so basic? imagine ur me freaking out over forgetting bruce wayne’s dad’s name bc i was like there’s jonathan kent, martha kent, then obvs martha wayne, and … 😟 i started to pull at my hair a little bit
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lananiscorner · 2 years
Hi! Hope you're having a good day, I still re-read your batfam fanfics from time to time and they bring me so much joy, I was wondering if you've seen the new The Batman movie and if so if you liked it <3
Hello and thanks for your ask, phereinnike! Glad my batfam fics are still bringing you joy after all this time.
I literally just came back from watching the new Batman movie (didn't want to watch it on the most expensive day at the local cinema, but this was the only English performance they had all week T_T). Long story short, I think it's a good movie. Nothing to write home about, no lightning in a bottle like the LOTR movies, but definitely good. I'd put it up there with the Nolan trilogy. Pattinson played a perfectly servicable Batman, especially considering that this is a Batman who's only 2 years into his career. He still has a bit of tunnel vision and needs to learn a few valuable lessons (one of which seems to be "you can and should do more to help Gotham as Bruce Wayne, not Batman, but know that everyone makes mistakes and nothing is ever as simple as 'beat up thugs > lower crime' or 'spend billions on welfare > no corruption"").
Anyway, longer thoughts beneath the cut for anyone who's interested. These will be in chronological order because I kept halfway legible notes while watching it, so let's go (spoilers below):
Bruce needs better lense cameras. Yeah, they're neat in terms of how hard they are to spot, but the image quality is shit. Upgrade your stuff, Bruce.
I cannot get over Andy Serkis as Alfred. I mean he played the part well, but I half expected him to roll up his sleeve to reveal a vibranium hand cannon prosthetic in any given scene.
Those fucking bike lights are going to kill me. Seriously, this movie is awful if you are photosensitive. The cinematographer must have a front light fetish.
I love that this Batman actually takes a few painful looking hits even in normal streetfights. Nothing kills the tension of a scene faster than a superhero who goes through countless mooks without a single scratch.
Nigma as the killer reminds me of Arkham Knight's Riddler. This is not an insult. lol
I would like to thank Zoe Kravitz for reminding me that I am exceptionally bi.
That failed wingsuit landing looked incredibly painful.
I don't even want to know how many people died during that crash at the end of the car chase scene.
The new mayor seems too good to be true. We'll see.
My cinema actually had an intermission during this movie. During which they played 90s eurodance. I'm not complaining but lmao
Post intermission starts right with the ramp part of the car chase scene and it made me do something akin to a cat sprayed with water.
I live for Penguin giving Spanish lessons to Batman and Gordon lol
For a moment I was afraid they had really killed Alfred. I think I would have walked out the cinema if they had.
Okay, I love Zoe, but girl, please ditch all those piercings in your ear before you go out and do your catwomaning. That's such an injury hazard.
Martha Kane is Martha Arkham in this universe? And it sounds like she suffered from some mental issues. Not the worst AU for her ever, I guess, but still...
Okay, Riddler's lair here definitely has "Arkham Knight" written all over it.
Looking at the chat on his screen I am once again reminded that social media were a mistake.
Riddler is following exactly 0 people. Very in character. lol
"Maybe Batman is coming to an end." Silly Bruce, you haven't even adopted a single orphan yet.
Riddler's followers are part of his plan--nice twist. This is why I said: social media were a mistake.
Thanks to the excellent soundtrack (it's appropriate to its scenes without being obnoxious--I like!) I knew that it was Joker who Nigma was talking to at the end, before they even zoomed in and dropped the word "clown". Good job, Michael Giacchino!
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