xsapphiresimsx · 1 month
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Main Character 2 entering the chat...
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Let's get right into it...
Our second family that UBrite Adventures will follow is the Suzuki's. Akeno Suzuki (adult male) is a hardworking, devoted husband and father. He grew up as an only child in Mt. Komorebi with his mother and father. While he was in middle school, his mother fell very ill and was no longer able to work. So, Akeno sought out a job catching and selling fish at a local stand near Hanamigawa Koen park, while his father worked at a local retail store. Eventually, his mother passed on towards the end of his middle school years and this took a big toll on Akeno. He found himself fishing more frequently and it almost began to become therapeutic to him. Sitting quietly, waiting, listening to the nature sounds would help him clear his mind and reflect on his feelings. After graduating high school, Akeno helped his father at the retail store until his father had eventually passed away as well. Akeno found that staying in Mt. Komorebi was weighing to heavy on him, so he packed up and set off to Willow Creek.
Akeno sought out a job in the very thing that he knew would keep him from going crazy, fishing. Soon after moving to Willow Creek he stumble upon Larissa (adult female). The two were madly in love and got married quickly. They dreamed of having children, but that had proven very difficult. After undergoing fertility treatments, miss Lily Suzuki (young adult; female) was born. While Lily was very young, Larissa and Akeno chose for Larissa to be a stay at home mom and raise Lily. But like many families, this didn't last long as the Suzuki's were having trouble making ends meet. Akeno was (and is currently) working as a deep sea diver and is often gone long hours. Since the Suzuki's couldn't afford childcare, or to wait until Lily would enter elementary school, Larissa decided to turn her hobby into a career. Larissa absolutely loves cooking and baking, and she's amazing at it too! She worked her butt off to get her own in home bakery started. The news of how amazing her baked goods were spread like wildfire and soon Larissa couldn't keep up with all of the orders she was receiving. Eventually her love of baking rushed over onto Lily, and the both would spend evenings baking together. Because of this, Lily and her mother are extremely close. Lily is also close with her father, as she loves to spend time fishing with him when possible.
Now let's get to our second main character of this series, Lily Suzuki.
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Lily is currently enrolled at Britechester University and is pursuing a fine arts degree. Ever since she was young, she has loved to dance. Her parents would sign her up for free dance classes at the community center whenever they were available. Lily has tried all kinds of dance: tap, hip hop, jazz, etc. She ended up falling deeply in love with ballet and has continued to take classes and work on her ballet skills since. She aspires to one day be a professional ballerina. But first, she must land a position on the Britechester Ballet Team.
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xsapphiresimsx · 1 month
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UBrite Adventures
I'm going to start a new storyline with some brand new sims (since all my other ones that I was getting started are now gone forever :( ) . My plan so far is to post at least once a week. Regardless if others follow along with what I'm posting, I need something to work on and develop for the sake of my mental health. For those of you who may follow along with this story, I appreciate you and thank you in advance <3.
Well, let's get into it...
This story will follow the lives of two young, bright-eyed adults. But first, let's take a look at their family units to help get us more acquainted with our main characters.
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The Williamson's
The Williamson's reside in Brindleton Bay. In the center of the picture is Alice and Alexander Williamson. The two were high school sweethearts who followed one another off to university. Alexander received a degree in biology, while Alice received a degree in communications. Upon graduating from university, Alexander asked Alice to marry him. They are very happily married and are head over heals for one another. Alexander is currently the Chief of Staff at Whiskerman's Wharf Hospital and Alice is the Head Chancellor of Brindleton Bay community schools.
After two years of being happily married, and settled in their careers, they had their first son Anthony Williamson (pictured on the right). Growing up, Anthony idealized his father. The two would do almost everything together, and eventually Anthony followed in his footsteps to pursue a career in the medical field. Anthony currently works at Whiskerman's Wharf Hospital as a general practitioner. His ultimate goal is to take over as chief of staff after his father retires. Anthony is married to Margret Williamson (red haired female). Margret and Anthony married right after Anthony graduated from university, which is where they had met. Margret works as a teacher for Brindleton Bay community schools. The two have two children: Molly (child) and Andrew (toddler).
After Alice and Alexander had Anthony, they waited several years until they finally had their second oldest son, Aiden Williamson (young adult; left side of picture next to Alice). Aiden and Anthony have always been close, however, Aiden is more of the rebellious type. So as they have gotten older, they have become a bit more distant. After high school, Aiden pursued a degree in criminal justice and is now working as a detective at Brindleton Bay police department. After about two years of working here, he met Nicole Vann (blonde haired female; young adult). Nicole is a private attorney and had walked into the police department one day to represent a client. The two hit it off immediately and have been dating for over 4 years now.
Lastly, we come to one of our main characters in this series, Austin Williamson (young adult; standing behind parents). Austin is quite the character. He has always been the class clown and so care-free. Austin absolutely loves being in nature and has spent so much of his childhood outdoors exploring. His main aspiration is to help make the world greener and cleaner. Therefore, he is currently enrolled at Britechester University and is actively pursuing a physics degree. He hopes to one day become a green technician and build eco-friendly products to help aid in reaching his aspiration.
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This concludes the background story for our first main character of this series. Keep an eye out for a second post that outlines the background story of our second main character: Lily Suzuki.
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