#yandere Recom Lyle
nervousd · 1 year
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━━━ : © NERVOUS.D
#SYNOPSIS— in which all recoms are obsessed with their recom teammate
#WARNING(S)— yandere(?), unhealthy fixation, unhealthy obsession, non consensual touching, groping, implications of forced mating, implications of noncon/dubcon, abuse of power, manipulation/manipulative, forced tsahylu
#CHARACTER(S)— Recom Group/ Deja Blu squad
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Seeing your teammates being brought back from the dead was difficult to say the least. It was hard to accept that you had died and that this was the outcome. You had followed the Colonel’s steps in agreeing to project phoenix like a dog. And this is what you were given— not that you didn’t appreciate it. During the first week of waking up there were various test and blood sampling along with motor control and whatnot. It didn’t take long for everyone to be cleared. It was the clearance the squad needed to be sent out to Pandora.
During the expedition you had encountered a strange looking plant. It was beautiful— entrancing to look at. You were drawn closer, fingers brushing against the petals. In defense the plant spurted out a sweetening mist, coating your body in the smell. You reeled back in alarm, trying to dust off the pollen. You were given explicit orders by the Colonel to stay near the team. Stressing out his words, knowing you were the type to wander off. You didn’t listen— and now here you are, coated in a sweet substance. You scurried off to your teammates, stumbling in your own footsteps.
Heading back to base, you rushed to the communal showers scrubbing every inch of your body. The sweet smell didn’t go away, your teammates nagged you about the smell. Questioning where you had gotten such a nice smelling body wash— the teased you about it. Touching you far more often than you were used to. But something was odd— it was a nagging feeling. One that had left you constantly on edge. Your teammates however seemed to know something—Staring you down as if you were nothing but a piece of meat to them. They’re gazes gave you a shiver, tail curling inward as you tried to appear smaller to them.
They began acting oddly— Lyle was someone you often went to the gym with. He would be there spotting you when you would bench press. But his actions were questionable, groping your flesh and even pressing his hips against yours. At one point you even caught him sniffing one of your borrowed shirts, humping a pillow like an animal in heat. Unbeknownst to you the others seethed in jealousy. They wanted nothing more but to be near you, to have your eyes only on them. Their past feelings only amplified their primal instinct. They wanted a taste of you.
Z-Dog was passive aggressive with her courting. Flirting coyly and purring, she would take advantage of your confusion. Asking for a partner to stretch with, pressing her clothed cunt against your hips, exaggerating her groans. She was temptress, fingers skimming over your abdomen, trailing lower as she pressed her chest towards you. She knew exactly what she wanted and knew how to get it.
The other recoms had taken this as an act of war, each whisking you away from the other. At one point you were often stuck in quarreling fights, ears flattening against your skull as your comrades hissed at each other. It took a while for everyone to reach a compromise. It became overwhelming at one point, there wasn’t a moment someone didn’t have their hands on you. Becoming rather aggressive and demanding more from you.
Quaritch was surprisingly needy, often commanding you to be near him. Even going as far as using his rank to get what he wanted from you. He was curious on how the na’vi mated officially and was quite persistent on the topic. When he caught wind of the information he couldn’t help but dream of having such a life with you. One way or another he had used his rank over you. Extending out his braid towards you, gesturing for you to follow his lead. Your refusal at first was understandable but he kept pushing.
At one point Quaritch decided to take things onto his own hands. He cornered you in an isolated corridor, offering an ultimatum. You can either accept his offer and be kind about this experience he wants to share with you or he’ll force the bond. It wasn’t hard to choose the safest option. Sean was one of the many who became increasingly aggressive, hissing at others when his time with you was interrupted. He would tug on your braid enacting painful hisses from you. Deep down he enjoyed causing such a painful reaction. Even going as far as dragging his canines down your throat, nipping and biting the skin.
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Authors note: Other recoms will be mentioned during part two
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i-thirsty-boi · 1 year
Platonic Yandere Recoms X Child Na'vi Reader (Pt. 1)
~A/N: This is pretty short because I didn't know what I wanted to include in it. I would appreciate you guys telling me what you want included in the next part in the replies!
CW: yandere behavior (platonic), technical kidnapping, background death
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-You were a forest navi that lived with your parents in one of the clans away from the mountains. (Not the omatikaya with the Sullys) You were only 3 when it happened. 
-It was a peaceful day in your village and you went out into the forest with your mother to collect herbs for your tsahik. Your mother was a healer as well, so you interacted with them often. You were holding your mom’s hand all through the walk when you both heard a strange noise deeper in the forest. One that neither of you had heard before. 
-As you two were waiting to hear more, you suddenly heard screaming come from your village. Your mother immediately picked you up and started running towards your village. 
-While she was running, she suddenly stopped and dropped to the ground, shouting in pain. You skidded away from her on the ground, then looked over to see she was injured and bleeding heavily. She had a hole in her stomach!
-You went back over to her and hugged her shoulders while beginning to heavily sob. Your crying seemed to draw the ones responsible to you though. 
-You were too distracted with your mother to notice the foreign navi approaching you two. But your mother saw them, pulling you closer to her as she watched them walk closer. 
You only noticed them once they were right next to you two, pointing weapons at you both. You moved to the side, but still clutched your mother, scared and upset by that point. You just cried while looking at the strange navi in strange clothes. You shifted behind your mother while still hugging her neck when seeing one of them walk closer to you. 
The man that walked closer seemed like the leader of them, and he spoke some language you couldn’t understand to you, making you scrunch your face at them. The ones behind the man were looking at both of you, and seeing you do that made the one with, no hair?, smile. You just shuffled back even more. 
Then the man in the front pulled out a weapon and pointed it at your mother. She just let out silent tears and begged them not to kill you. You were her only concern in that moment, knowing she probably wouldn’t make it. You just continued sobbing while holding her tighter, not wanting to let her go. 
-The one without hair was the one to catch the general meaning of the phrase and walk closer to you. Putting a hand on the first man’s shoulder and quietly saying something to him. He just sighed and barely nodded after a few seconds. 
-You just looked between them in confusion, then the hairless man walked right over to you. He crouched down in front of you and said something in an almost gentle tone to your mother before reaching for you. 
-You violently shook your head and held on tighter. Your mother told you it would be okay before breaking your grip and letting the man pick you up. Once he had you in his arms, he walked back to the rest of the group. 
-You cried even louder and reached for your mother as all of them started walking away. The man just rubbed your back as you made your way away from what you knew. In almost no time at all you made it to a big human contraption. 
-Once you got inside of it, you were too tired to continue struggling and just slumped into the grip of the man holding you. Letting out a big sigh before drifting off to sleep. Clutching the man’s shirt the whole time.
-All of them relaxed, subconsciously, when they saw you fall asleep. Glad that they didn’t have to listen to you crying still. They felt kind of bad for you, but understood how you must feel. 
All of them made their way to the area their beds were in. There were enough for all of them, and a couple extra beds, just in case. Lyle tried to set you down on one of the spare beds, but you refused to let go of his neck. He kept at it for about five more minutes before giving up and making his way to his bed with you still clinging to his neck. 
He laid down with you on his chest while everyone else took off their gear to get comfortable for sleeping. Eventually, Z-dog came over to him and gently pried you off of him so he could get comfortable too. She let you cling to her instead, making her way to her own bed. You snuggled hard into her, which she thought was pretty cute. She felt kind of queasy thinking about almost killing you, a very young child, and was almost forced to think about the other navi children she has affected while on this planet. 
-She didn’t even realize that she had kissed the top of your head until Mansk came over and chuckled at her while rubbing your back. He just said he knew what she must be thinking before laying down himself. 
-She just deeply sighed before laying her head down and drifting off to sleep. 
-In the morning, she was woken up by you squirming on top of her. She looked down at you to see you trying to push her away from you. She just smiled down at you before getting up with you in her arms and making her way to the bathroom. 
-She was the only woman there, so she had her own separate bathroom from the guys. She just set you down on a stool on the floor so you could see what she was doing. She knew you really couldn’t understand her, so she figured she would provide examples for you to get you clean and keep you calm. 
-She started by using the toilet, a little embarrassed about someone seeing it, but it was different since you were a young child that didn’t know what anything in their base was. You looked confused, but seemed to understand the purpose of it. So, she helped you onto the toilet and held you up as you did your business. She helped you wipe then moved along to the showers in the connected room. 
-She had to gently shush you when attempting to undress you. But figured her doing it first would help her in her attempts. She took her own clothes off before going back to you and kneeling down to your height and, again, attempting to help you undress. This time you allowed her. 
Once both of you were undressed, she picked you up and brought you into the shower with her. She knew she could work with your hair since it wasn’t in braids like navi usually have. She moved you into one of her arms as she turned the water on in the shower. You flinched because of the surprise of it. She chuckled at you while waiting for the water to warm up a bit. 
Once it was warm, she moved both of you into the spray of the water. You looked at it in confusion, which made her actually laugh. She just set you onto your feet and grabbed the shower head to rinse the dirt off of you two first. She started with your hair and gently rubbed your head to get as much of the dirt out as possible. Then, she moved down your body, rinsing you off before doing the same for herself. When she was done, she grabbed some shampoo, poured some over your hair before rubbing it in. She pulled your head to lean back a little bit, scrubbing your scalp for a bit. Smiling at your relaxed face while she was washing your hair. It didn’t take her long to finish, and she grabbed the shower head again before rinsing your hair out. After that she washed her own hair. Then, she grabbed some body wash and scrubbed both of you down before rinsing you off and turning off the water. She grabbed a towel for herself and dried her body and hair. Then, another towel for you and dried you off and bundled you in it before setting you back on the stool and putting new clothes on herself. 
-Once she was dressed, she picked you up and brought your old clothes out with her to join the others. 
-They saw her walk over to the group eating breakfast. With your clothes in her hand and you covered with the towel in the other. 
-They just raised their brows at her as she was getting close to them. She explained that she bathed you, but didn’t have any more clothes for you. Plus, she didn’t know how to wash your previous ‘clothes’ properly. 
-The men just took a minute to think before saying some of the human female clothes could fit you, and going to look for some. 
-They came back with a t-shirt and cargo pants, along with socks and underwear. Zdinarsk took the clothes with you back to the bathroom to help you put them on. You didn’t struggle until the socks, which she gave up on quickly. It wouldn’t hurt you to walk around barefoot. 
-You were pouting and pulling at the clothes as she walked with you back to the main group. Not at all used to being so covered. 
-As soon as you were set down on a chair amongst the group, your ears went down and you continued pulling at the clothes. 
-Lyle just sat down next to you and patted your shoulder before setting some food in front of you. 
-You looked up at him before looking at the food, sighing before reaching out and taking a very small bit of it in your fingers and eating it. Your ears went back up at the flavor and you began eating it enthusiastically. You even leaned closer to the counter. 
-It didn’t take you long to finish it, and before long you were yawning. You climbed in the man’s lap and laid your head on his chest, quickly falling asleep like you would with your mother. 
-Lyle himself was just shocked at how quickly you went back to sleep, but figured you were young from how tiny you were for a navi. 
-He addressed the group and said they would have to look through the books to ask you how old you were when you woke up. 
-He just got agreements from everyone and Mansk getting up and going to get the navi books to figure out what phrase would be easiest for the situation. 
It took an hour of you napping on Lyle for you to wake up, and by then Mansk was ready enough to ask you your age. He gently knelt in front of you with the book and repeated the phrase from it, which made you scrunch your face. But eventually you held up three fingers. He raised his brows before giving you a thumbs up and using his fingers for his age as well, which made you give a tiny smile. 
When he stood up he just deadpan said that you were three, a toddler. The rest of the group facepalmed, and realized that they had traumatized a toddler. They weren’t surprised, but they were disappointed. 
-They spent the rest of the day entertaining you while trying to teach you some english. You had picked up a good bit of what they were trying to teach you, which they were happy about. 
-You happily ate all of the meals, which kind of shocked all of them. They figured your young age blessed them with your curiosity. 
-It had been almost a month with you, and they were all very attached. They very much enjoyed you being with them. They even had to be reminded to look for the Sullys. 
-In that time, you have also greatly improved your english skills. You could have simple conversations with them in english. 
-You have even been able to do a lot of things yourself after they taught you how to do them, like going to the bathroom, after they put some more stools in there for you. 
-One night, they had gathered to have a discussion once you had gone to sleep. 
They had been discussing whether they even wanted to continue their mission or not now that they had you. They knew for a fact that they couldn’t do both. They could either finish the mission they were given, or continue to care for you. 
And they really liked taking care of you. 
To be continued... (Plz give me ideas for this)
Tags: @iggy5055 , @eywas-heir , @onlyreadz , @horniestbutterfly
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Avatar. Way of the Water...YANDERE?
Just...read the title. You know if you know-
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General Miles Quaritch. (Before Avatar transition).
My personal headcanon on this man can be that he is rather possessive and extremely violent when provoked. You would have most likely met him on the Pandora assignment and he may have taken a liking to you.
Perhaps you were just a military member or maybe a scientist. Either case, Quaritch could not understand why you fell in love with the beauty of Pandora. You were supposed to be loyal to him but, in bitter betrayal, you left him to rot away.
The hands that held on to a gun were bloodied with the multiple punches taken out on the punching bag. In his death, by the arrow of a crazy alien, Miles Quaritch choked on what little he had. The memories would be gone and he couldn't see you again.
The memories transmitting to his machine's footage would be what was left of his last moments.It was supposed to be you loving him. You staying with him. No one could breath the air that you breathe. Not a single person. But, who could stop that from happening when he was gone?
Recombinant (Recom) Miles Quaritch.
Recom Miles Quaritch strikes me as the time to be possessive and vengeful. But, there is the ounce of mercy held in him that holds best. He was alive. Miles came back. He was a dead man walking.
Who came back to life. It had been so long and the soldier had to be reminded of his past. But, Quaritch did not forget about you at all. In fact, the first moments of his new life, he punched the man he thought was Jake Sully.
Miles attacked viciously, caught in a red haze. He didn't see Lyle. He saw Jake Sully. The man who pushed you into Pandora's beauty. It took much work from the rest of the recoms to calm him down. Miles was confused.
He was now a big blue guy. Outstanding ( you guys know if you know 😇). Now, the question begged: Where were you now? During the first excursion, Miles kept up the facade of a happy go lucky man. But, there was a real mission in his mind: To get you back.Miles went from hell and back. You can kill a Marine, but they would all gather back up in hell. Miles is coming. For you.
Lo'ak Sully
Lo'ak strikes me as the type of yandere who seeks to impress you. Lo'ak would most likely lie behind your back to keep you close.
Manipulation ✨
Lo'ak would have most likely met you if you were born on Pandora like Spider was. Maybe you just were aloof and didn't really pay attention to Lo'ak and his buddies.
But, maybe you decided to bold and speak with one of the siblings. Maybe Spider coaxed you into making new friends. Perhaps you met Lo'ak in that way. Lo'ak may have taken interest in your odd looks or different outlooks.
Maybe you just screwed everything up. Or maybe, you saw right through Lo'ak. If it were to happen in that case, Lo'ak would not want to leave you alone. Not ever. Lo'ak would want to keep this relationship as close as possible.
Kiri strikes me as the type of yandere who would use manipulative tactics rather than physical. She may have met you when you were sitting in the lab. Perhaps it was when you were observing her mother's soulless body.
Kiri holds a strong attachment to Grace. After all, Kiri never got to physically meet her mother. If you held the same admiration for the life on Pandora and found interest in Grace's works, perhaps then was when Kiri found most of her interest in you.
Kiri would try to coax you close to her with sharing the life around her. Kiri wants you to love her as she loves you. Connections are important to her since she is so close to Eywa. Kiri would be the most peaceful out of all the yanderes but, do NOT underestimate her. If driven to the point, she can and will kill.
Neteyam Sully
My general headcanons for Neteyam is that he would most likely be the protective yandere. Throwing little jokes here and there. But, you are the most important person to him.
You most likely met in the lab. Neteyam took a liking to you because you laughed at all of his jokes. You supported him. Perhaps Neteyam wanted to take something from you at first when your first interactions began.
You may have had something that he found interest in. Then, after a long quarrel, the both of you made up and began to speak. It was Neteyam who got you to explore some more and feel comfortable in your skin.
And, you helped Neteyam when felt down. Your comforting words helped Neteyam to confide in you and heal from anything that made him feel wrong.
(edit: of course, you can request! Just take heed that I am slow. Be specific please. I do not do nsfw or explicit sexual stuff. Thank you).
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Baby Trap Chapter 5
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Yandere! Recom Miles Quaritch x Female Human Reader
You huffed in annoyance as you walked down the cold frigid halls of the head base of Bridgehead City.
 You averted your eyes from the other staff walking around. You knew you were rather popular.
 The wife of the Colonel, the first woman who gave birth to half breed Navis. Half Humans who looked like full Navi children with no traces of physical human traits. 
(The Sully kids had a quarter of human blood and human traits in their physical forms. Since Jake mated with Neytiri when he was in his Avatar Na'vi body.)
But, most of all, the worst reason. The most beautiful lady ever existed sucked a Na'vi's penis in front of multiple men. 
You gently knocked on the door of General Ardmore and you heard a mumbled affirmation to step in. You breathed in. Let's get this over with. 
Back in Hell's Gate Base, you remembered with painful memories of going to the Human Quaritch's office. The first time was to "ask" him to convince Selfridge to not cancel the Avatar Research Program. 
Then after that, having sex in his office whenever he called for you. As if you were on speed dial. And you bitterly remembered when someone almost walked in on you two years ago. 
The damn General was typing on her hologram computer. She looked to see you and she sneered before beckoning to sit you on the seat in front of you. 
You sat and she stared at you for a while before opening that vile mouth of hers. By her cold blue eyes. She obviously hated you. She reminded you a lot of Maria Walker. 
Luckily, Walker died again by Neytiri. From what you heard. You hid your glee from the Colonel. You didn't want to see her ugly face ever again. As a human at the old base, she would mock and jeer whenever the Colonel was not looking. 
Not to mention, you hated Walker even more despite being dead for almost a year. Why? Jealousy. 
Remember how your husband said he wished he was married to Walker, Zdinarsik or this bitch Ardmore because of your 'wrong' views?
Ditto. Your life would have been easy if you were married to a scientist who respected Navis. Hell, maybe even Lyle. Lyle might change sides for you. Like how Jake did for Neytiri. 
The unattractive masculine deep voice distracted you from your thoughts. "It's a shame we never spoke before. Despite you living here for almost a year." The General's smile was mocking you. 
You smiled. "I have been so busy lately."
General Ardmore nodded. "Yes, raising four kids (remember Spider is with Jake now.) and a husband must be time consuming…." Her cold blue eyes stared at your flat stomach. "And another on the way."
You gasped. How did she know? Besides, just hearing an extra heart beat is not enough to be sure you were pregnant. 
"I am not."
The General scoffed. She leaned in on her desk. "I am not stupid. The cameras showed me the pregnancy tests you bought and threw away in the trash."
"Did you tell your husband yet?"
You shook your head no. She raised a brow. "I also heard some yelling the other night. Lovers' quarrels?" She chuckled. 
If you weren't weaker than her, you would have slapped her ugly face. She found your annoyed expression amusing. Sadistic bitch. 
"And the Colonel's new squad. You gave them quite a show at the gym. I heard some men were jealous and wished they saw it too."
You felt your face turn red. This hag was pushing your limits. You stood up in defiance and she glared. You left and ignored her orders to stay. 
That's it. You had it! Fuck this diplomacy shit. You will run away. Or die trying. You don't care if you get caught again and get fucked in public by your husband. 
No. To hell with him. You will divorce him. Just because he is handsome and charming is not enough. You may love his qualities but you refuse to ruin your kids' life. Especially your daughter. If she stays here, she might be forced to be in a relationship with other men like you were due to her beauty when she grows up.
As usual, caught people staring at you with desire. Luck for you, they knew you belonged to the damn Colonel, they left you alone. 
Sadly, Isabella Maria was sadly noticed by the staff, soldiers, contractors and others. You had a feeling, if you or your husband weren't careful. Someone might commit pedophilia.
There was a space shuttle coming to Pandora again to pick up the Pro Navi helpers. Like you. They were sponsored by the United Nations. They would come a few times a year.
You have to find Miles/ Spider and send him a long with other two human kids back to Earth. You felt like a shitty mother. It was mistake coming to Pandora for vacation. This was the least you can do for them. 
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nervousd · 1 year
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━━━ : © NERVOUS.D
#SYNOPSIS— being the ex lover of human Lyle Wainfleet and meeting yandere! Recom! Lyle Wainfleet
#WARNING(S)— yandere behavior, obsession, fixation, unhealthy thoughts, unhealthy fixation, stalking, personality crisis(?), delusion/illusion(?)
#CHARACTER(S)— Recom! Lyle Wainfleet
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When he first woke up he was confused, the last thing he remembered was signing papers to a project the RDA offered. They promised a large sum of money and what type of man would he be to deny that? To deny you that? It was more than enough to buy a house and settle down with you once he rotates back to earth with you. Or at least that’s what was suppose to happen. No— fate had other plans for him.
Turns out he’s been dead for sixteen years and recently brought back from the dead by project Phoenix. He felt invincible— he cheated death. Who else can brag about that? He was comfortable with who he became— sure it felt odd to look like the enemy but he got over it. He wasn’t them— no he was human on the inside; something you struggled to accept.
It took him quite a while to remember you, far too occupied with his new body and meeting the rest of his old comrades. It comes up quick— like a flash of thunder. He stills completely, pupils slitting as his tail laid flat unmoving. His teammates were confused from his sudden change of demeanor. It only took a second before he shouted your name running to any poor labcoat, he pestered them about your whereabouts. If you were still working for the RDA or rotated back to earth. To his surprise you were still working for the RDA— he was thrilled.
You were escorted to him, oddly confused from the unexpected summon. You were given no details but to accompany them quickly. When the doors open you were met with a na’vi with military gear on. Tail waggling and eyes brightening as they caught on to you. “Buttercup!”an endearment your ex boyfriend often called you. Your breath hitched as you stared up at him, eyes wide like craters. Unknown to him he didnt catch sight of your horror stricken face as he scooped you up in his arms laughing.
You were horrified to say the least— this na’vi had similarities of your ex boyfriend who died sixteen years ago. They had the same face, same goofy smile— everything. But it wasn’t him— this wasn’t him. You struggled agaisnt his embrace, clawing and screaming as you trashed. He placed you down, confused by your erratic behavior. The wheels in his head clicked, understanding why you were behaving like this. He placed a hand over his chest claiming that he was your boyfriend— that he is Lyle Wainfleet. They transferred his memories into this body in case anything happened to his human body.
His ears flattened agaisnt his head when he saw you shook your head “Lyle Wainfleet died in battle— he’s dead. You’re not him, you can talk like him, you can quack like him but you ain’t him. So who the fuck are you?“ You stormed off without another word with anger written in your face. You left him there with ears pinned down and tail droopy. His comrades tried cheering him up, claiming you’ll come around and accept him. But you didn’t— not once did you come back to him. If anything you ignored him— no matter how hard he tried, it was like he was invisible to you.
His heart ached for you, it wasn’t the same without you. You— the one person he adores and loved didn’t want him. Sure he is a clone but he still is the same man. He’s still the man you once fell in love with. He’s certain he can make you see him for who he is now. At one point he couldn’t understand why you weren’t accepting of him— unless you had fallen in love with someone else. Cue the stalking and questioning anyone around you. With his new size he was able to intimidate others for information regarding any new lovers or any drastic changes.
There were whispers that you were interested in another man— someone that isn’t him. He was furious when he heard of this, tail lashing behind him, a low rumble in his chest. He tracked the man down, teeth bare as he snarled. He was small— weak. He didn’t deserve you, he couldn’t protect you like he could. His comrades were behind him as they jeered and bullied the poor guy. Lyle was doing the right thing— this was his mentality now. If he can’t have you neither can anyone else.
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nervousd · 1 year
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━━━ : © NERVOUS.D
#SYNOPSIS—Headcanons + scenario on Recom Lyle obsessing over his ex! lover
#WARNING(S)— dark lyle(?)obsession, fixation, unhealthy thoughts,non-consent touching, personality crisis(?)identity crisis(?) sniffing kink(?)
#CHARACTER(S)— Recom! Lyle Wainfleet
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No matter how hard he tried, how much effort he put into himself— wether by causing mischief or even going as far as hurting himself you still wouldn’t turn your head to him. As much as he loved the chase he was starting to get frustrated. The only time you’ve ever gone to look for him was to scream at him, claiming how he couldn’t just scare the man you were interested in. How he can’t just walk back into your life expecting things to go his way. Couldn’t you see he simply wanted things to go back the way they were. The way it’s meant to be— how it’s suppose to be. With you in his arms, giving him that pretty smile and batting your eyes at him.
There wasn’t a moment where he wasn’t by your side. He was always near, with a bouquet of flowers from the wildlife of Pandora or any odd fruits he found in the forest. He would continue this for many months, ignoring the way his gifts were left untouched. He didn’t mind one bit, claiming that they just didn’t catch your attention (A lie he often told himself to cope with) He would simply have to gain your attention in a different manner.
An opportunity had come by when he met you at the gym by chance. Laughing with the man you were interested in. His tail flicked in agitation, you acted so normal to everyone else. Giving them attention and affection while he wasn’t even given a speck. To cope with his newfound aggression he turned back to his weights, adding pile after pile. Muscles tensing as he tested out the new strength his body possessed. Placing his weights down, he glanced over to your direction finding you gone.
His lips curled up into a snarl, obviously displeased from your disappearance. You wouldn’t be off somewhere with the man you were seeing, right? A low growl rumbled against his chest, he stalked off looking for any hints he could find you. His nose twitched catching scent of something sweet. He was familiar with the sugary smell— when he was human he often found himself with his nose buried in your neck finding peace in your scent. Like a dog he trailed after the smell, footsteps quickening as he got closer.
His ears flattened against his skull, pupils shrinking as he caught sight of you flirting with your male companion. His canines gritting against each other, tail lashing behind him. Short hisses escaping past his lips, nose flaring as he walked up to the two of you pushing the man to the ground. He ignored your shouting behind him, focusing on the man you were cozying up to. He picked him up by the collar of his shirt, enjoying the thrill he gets in being stronger than him. His gaze would shift towards you expecting a bright smile and opened arms but alas he was met with a look of horror.
Reeling back his fist, Lyle landed a square punch on his jaw. Enjoying the sickening crunch that erupted from his attack. The man fell down in one hit, moaning and groaning in pain as he cradled his jaw. Lyle barked out a snicker, ❝ Oh, man, that is just sad ❞ His fun was cut short as you screamed. You rushed past him, dropping down to the ground as you frantically checked the man moaning in pain. Lyle scoffed, tail flicking in annoyance. Just what is it about him that catches your attention?
His hand gripped onto your forearm, ❝ Let’s go, buttercup ❞ you struggled against his grip. Screaming out protest as you tried to reach the wounded man. However, it proved to be fruitless, he was far much stronger than you. Your footsteps could barley keep up with his pace, occasionally tripping on your own as he dragged you past corridors. Your hands whacked his back countless times, yelling and screaming at him. ❝ Now— don’t be like that, hmm? What do we say we go to my room and talk this out yeah? Wouldn’t you like that baby? ❞ Without waiting for an answer, he dragged you towards his dorm. Opening the door he tossed you inside as if you were nothing but a rag doll to him.
You scowled at his brutish behavior ❝ Enough of this! I don’t want to be here— I told you I don’t want anything to do with you! ❞ He ignored your words, rather busying himself at staring you down. You were so small— so cute. Noticing his clouded gaze you made a run for the door. But alas it was a failure, his hands wrapped around your waist tossing you towards his bed. You bounced from the impact, scrambling to get off. Lyle pounced on you, caging you between his arms ❝Come on now, it’s me— your boyfriend! Quit struggling so much❞ You shook your head, tears pricking the corner of your eyes.
He ran his hands up your body, memorizing the familiar shape he once traced in his past life. He groped whatever he was able to access, squeezing your waist noticing just how small you are to him. His hand was big enough to cover your entire stomach. Slowly, he brought his lips towards your neck, leaving traces of wet kisses. His nose flared as he inhaled your scent at the corner of your nape, a grin curved up the corner of his lips. His tail curled, it was exactly how he remembers you— so plaint for him.
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nervousd · 1 year
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Chapter Two - Settle For A Ghost
→ Infatuation | m.list
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#SYNOPSIS— Out in the forest the recoms find high value priosners
#WARNING(S)— This is a dark fic, unhealthy obsession, possessive behavior, abuse of power, yandere, dark quaritch, implications of dubcon/noncon, stalking, creepy behavior, possessive thoughts, implications of baby trapping, implications of unwanted pregnancy
#CHARACTER(S)— Colonel Miles Quaritch, Recom!miles quaritch
Quaritch made his way through Pandora's jungle with his team behind. They were all on edge, tails and ears flapping agitatedly behind them. They raised their weapons as a pack of viper-wolves passed them; their yips and howls echoed. With weapons drawn the Recom squad expected a confrontation with the savages however they were proven wrong. The viper-wolves gave them a quizzical glance before scurrying away. His squad looked at each other in disbelief laughing as they lowered their weapons. Being in a blue body meant they weren’t seen as a threat. Z-Dog looked at Mansk, snickering ❝ No shit❞
They’ve trekked through the forest, slashing and cutting against the vines and roots that blocked their paths. Miles stumbled upon Site 26 a mobile link station for avatars were Jake sully resided alongside with Grace and other limp dick science majors. He alerted his team, giving them orders via hand signals. They’ve checked out the permitter shouting out ‘ clear‘ Miles headed towards the fallen AMP suit with two arrows sticking out. It was covered in vines and the wildlife of Pandora.
He crouched over the damaged suit, fingers turning the fletching of the arrow. His eyes were wide as he stared at the two green arrows jutting out. His ears dropped down a mixture of emotions in his eyes. He shifted his focus to the human remains of Quaritch, that had been left to decompose and rot. Colonel Miles Quaritch died here— gave one last official order demanding you to be buried with him. But the thought alone sickened him. This was the place he was going to bury you in, having given the order to kill once your cooperation with the RDA was finished. His tail flicked in frustration, just what more was he going to take from him? He understood— you weren’t his but you could be.
His ears perked up hearing a high pitched yell out in the distance, voices screaming out commands ❝ With me ❞ his hand briefly touched Lyle’s shoulder, gesturing him to follow his steps. Approaching his squad with his fingers twitching on the trigger angsty to see what got his comrades so riled up. ❝What have we here? ❞ Quaritch gazed at the na’vi carefully, eyes shifting to each hostage.
Lyle smiled cruelly, ❝ Hey, Colonel check it out— four fingers. We got a half breed ❞ he held up the girls palm, gesturing at her fingers. His gaze stayed on her for a second before shifting his focus to the na’vi kneeling on the ground ❝ Show me your fingers ❞ In a defiant action, the boy rose both of his hands flicking him off. Quaritch smirked, eyes crinkling in delight ❝You’re his, aren’t you? ❞ the na’vi barred his teeth, hissing out with his tail lashing behind him.
❝ You’re his, alright ❞ amused as he was there was unfathomable rage bubbling in his chest. He grasped the na’vi by the braid yanking him up. The na’vi let out a painful groan, hissing pathetically. Quaritch gazed down at him with disgust in his eyes ❝ Where is he? ❞ he gave a firm tug on his braid. The na’vi spoke in his tongue causing Quaritch to scowl. His ears pinned back, nose scrunching up in frustration. He uttered the same words in broken na’vi, yanking his braid once again earning a painful cry from the na’vi.
❝ Really? you wanna play it this way? ❞ he questioned frustratingly, having had enough of playing this game. Quaritch pulled out his dagger from his belt, lips pursing in anger. He threw the boy to the ground, walking towards the female na’vi. ❝ Kri! Hey! Hey, don’t touch her! ❞ the human boy shouted, trashing against the grip that held him back. Quaritch peered down at him, head tilting slightly. The boy seemed down right feral, dressing like the na’vi.
❝ What’s your name, kid? ❞ The human boy hesitated briefly, ❝ Spider— ❞ It was like the world stopped, eyes wide like saucers as he stared at the boy—no his son. His ears preened up, the boys words repeated in his head. Was this your son? His? He collapsed on his knees, gazing at the boy with child like wonder ❝ Miles? ❞ his voice was laced with disbelief ❝Nobody calls me that ❞ his son pursed his lips, he was obviously discomforted with the name ❝ I’ll be damned, We’ll I figured you’ll be with your mother — ❞ his voice trailed off
His eyes widen, tail perking up. If his son resided near this territory than wouldn’t you too? You were a responsible woman— you wouldn’t of let your son wander off too far. Even if you had resented him for the pregnancy you still had morals. His tail thumped against the ground a clear indication of his emotions ❝ Where is she? Where’s your mother? ❞ His son scoffed shaking his head, a clear sign of his refusal to answer. Quaritch jaw tightened, nostrils flaring as he stared his son down ❝ Where is she?! ❞ his voice was loud, thunderous so— even his own comrades flinched from his booming voice. His anger had transformed him into a different man—
Yet the boy had remained quiet. ❝ What are we doing boss? ❞ Lyle had snapped him back into reality— a cruel one at that. But no matter, he’ll have the boy singing like a canary of your whereabouts. ❝ Iron sky, Blue one, actual ❞ his fingers pressed against the comm, ❝ Blue one, Iron sky, send your traffic ❞ the response he had gotten back was quick, ❝ We are standing by for extract, over— Be advised we are bringing in high value prisoners ❞
❝ Sit tight blue one, we’re inbound to your pos—❞ Cutting off the mic short, Quaritch rounded up his squad, gesturing them to follow as they treaded back to site 26. ❝ Lyle get me some audio on this ❞ With a few buttons to click on his holopad, he could finally hear the squabbling of his predecessor along with the feral hisses of— ❝ that’s Sully’s woman ❞ Lyle peered at the tablet, agreeing with his colonel ❝ she’s an animal ❞ His face scrunched up in obvious distaste, forwarding to where Jake had fought his predecessor on this very ground they stood on ❝ Give it up Quaritch ❞
The tablet zoomed in on Jake, ❝ It’s all over ❞ Jake gestured towards the obvious lost the humans took. ❝ Nothings over while I’m breathin ❞ His ears pinned back, almost wincing as the fight went on. Two arrows pierced Quaritch— the video log had ended abruptly. Lyle took the tablet from his hands, peering at the colonels dazed look ❝ Yeah there’s nothing else after that ❞
Quaritch leaned down picking up his predecessor skull, inspecting the three scars that ran through his skull. He grimaced— if he didn’t know any better it was like he was staring at his own future. Will his fate turn out like this too? Left to rot in this jungle, decomposing with predators nipping at his corpse. His ears flattened against his skull— no that won’t happen to him. His predecessor failed to kill Jake sully. He was weak— he was Human.
Lyle picked up the fallen dog tag on the floor ❝ want us to recover these remains? ❞ Quaritch brought up the skull at eye level gazing at it with intensity. Putting the slightest amount of pressure on the skull was enough for it to crumble. He swiped off the leftover debris from his palms ❝ No ❞ his answer was short and brief, there was no point in dwelling about this.
The sun was setting fast, night drawling in; bringing in the horrors that Pandora can bring. Yips and howls had everyone on edge, the recoms took a formation, eyeing the forest with hostility. Drizzle poured down on them, pelting on the ground leaving an ominous sound. Soon the drizzle turned into a heavy downpour. The atmosphere around them was tense, each Recom was on edge. And for a good reason too— ❝ Shut up! ❞ without a second to lose the Recom was shot dead with a green fletching arrow. He dropped on the ground with a loud thud, ❝ Contact na’vi! ❞
Bullets shot at the tree bark , splinters flying off by the rapid fire. The na’vi boy grasped onto a canteen and ripped out it’s pin, green smoke erupting from the metal can. The Recom let out a pained scream as the na’vi sunk down its canines in their flesh. Out of pain they let go of the na’vi boy, cradling their injured arm. Another green fletching arrow pieced a female Recom, her body fell flat on a fallen log. Quaritch retreated with the rest of the recoms, grasping onto Walker’s vest he brought her down to him. To his dismay she was dead on impact,
His eyes zoned in towards the arrow, the green fletching mocking him. His ears tipped back an unrecognizable look crossed his face. His canines flashed, ❝ Is that you Miss Sully? I’ve recognized your calling card. Why won’t you come on out? You and I— we’ve got some unfinished business ❞ he called out behind the tree, gripping onto his gun tighter ❝Demon! I will kill you as many times as I have to! ❞ she yelled back at him with venom laced in her voice. ❝ I see you and the Corporal have been pretty busy, haven’t you? Dropped yourself a whole litter of half-breeds ❞ Shots continued to be fired, bullets whizzed through the air.
Quaritch crept forward silently, pouring out bullets, he was on their tails and he refused to go back empty handed. Quaritch fingers hovered over the trigger, eyes narrowing on Miles running away with a female na’vi. The gun shot rang out with a loud, Boom! momentarily blinding everyone in the process. His ears perked up hearing a painful moan coming up further, he slid across the mud. Quaritch cradled the injured boy to his chest, gimmick and blood coating his human flesh. He was clearly wounded and even showed signs of distortion. ❝ Fall Back! ❞ he yelled out
He threw the boy over his shoulders, retreating with his squad. Ahead of them was the their designated carrier, strapping the hook against his vest he was lifted upwards.
The doors shut behind him as he inhaled through his respiratory mask. He leaned down placing both hands on his knees, grimacing as he stared at the boy, he had blood trickling down his nose, rocking his body underneath the table. His footsteps led him to the other side of the table, crouching low; to his utter surprise the boy lashed out and leaned towards the opposite side heading towards the door. ❝Woah— Woah! Easy tiger— easy ❞ with his Supreme agility and strength it wasn’t hard to stop Miles from taking another steps further.
He pressed his palm flat against his chest as Miles continued to trash and fight against him. He spat and hissed at him like a feral cat before ultimately stopping his actions. His strength was no match to that of a na’vi let alone someone with combat experience. Quaritch withdrew his hand back, taking a couple of steps back. His hands were raised in the air hoping to appear non threatening to the boy ❝ We good? ❞ Spider scoffed, he turned his head away refusing to make eye contact with him. Quaritch kneeled down on one knee, ❝ Kid, you got heart. Those science pukes leaned on you pretty hard. But you gave them nothin’. I respect that ❞ There was a brief silence along with the clinking of metal, Quaritch hesitated briefly before outstretching his palm. There in the center of his palm was the dog tag of his predecessor ❞ I thought you might want this ❞
Silence once again, it seemed the boy was intent on remaining quiet. Inhaling through his nose, Quaritch was fed up with his refusal to speak— hell at least acknowledging him would at least count for something. He took the boys hand and slapped down the dog tag on his palm. He curled up his hands into a fist, giving a squeeze. ❝ That’s Colonel Miles Quaritch— Deceased, Killed in Action ❞ he gestured towards the dog tag.
Spider threw the tag across the room even daring to make eye contact with him as he did it. As a show of defiant towards him. His lips quirked up in amusement, outstretching his hand towards the discarded tag he picked it up, thumb brushing agaisnt the cold metal. Perhaps maybe you would want it. He dared himself to even think of you wearing it, a ghost of a smile curling up his lips. He turned back towards spider, ❝ I’m not that man but I do have his memories enough to know that well— he wasn’t always a good man but that’s not an apology to the na’vi ❞ he settled himself beside him.
❝ I’m not your father. Technically you and I, were nothin’ to each other but I can help you. I can get you outta here. I’m not gonna ask you to betray Jake Sully. I know you’ll never do that. You’re loyal and I admire loyalty. Just ride along otherwise, I gotta give you back to the lab coats. ❞ It seemed his words had managed to pierce into the boys head, had finally managed to wrap his head around his situation. He nodded slowly, agreeing to his proposal. Quaritch cleared his throat, palms rubbing down his legs in agitation ❝ I gotta ask— your mother, how is she? ❞
It seemed his words had managed to cause discomfort to the boy, he hesitated before mumbling incoherent words under his breath. Quaritch frowned, ears twitching, he didn’t quite catch his words ❝ repeat that again for me ❞ Spider rolled his eyes, ❝ I don’t know ❞ Quaritch looked at him in bewilderment ❝ You don’t know? What do you mean you don’t know? ❞ Spider shrugged, ❝ I don’t know where she is ❞ A blank emotionless expression swept over his face as the realization of his words sunk in.
Just where could you be? Why wouldn’t you be with his son? You wouldn’t abandon him would you? Impossible— no. You were overjoyed to be pregnant with his child. He was sure of it— thinking back to the memories that were gifted to him he remembers your tear stricken face. They were tears of joy he was sure of it. He doubt the boys words were true, choosing to lie instead of telling the truth. Nostrils flaring, he stood up from the table, fist clenched at his sides. ❝ Don’t worry I’ll find her— for the both of us ❞
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━━━ : © NERVOUS.D
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nervousd · 1 year
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Chapter Three— Unexpected visitors
→ Infatuation | m.list
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#SYNOPSIS— The dead come back to visit
#WARNING(S)— This is a dark fic, implications of abandonment, implications of being a bad mother, child abandonment, implications of discrimination, implications of physical abuse, yandere, unhealthy obsession, possessive, prey/hunter dynamics, scent kink, creepy behavior, throat usage?/does that even make sense?, forced kissing, noncon kissing???)) quaritch goes feral, unwanted touching
#CHARACTER(S)— Recom! colonel Miles Quaritch
#NOTE— so I lied— the good stuff will definitely be on the next chapter. I’m also planning to make a Drabble to make up for it
Quaritch extended out his palm towards the diagram ❝ The target is pretty much this whole island group— ❞ he was cut of by Spider ducking beneath his large frame, he glanced down at his son smiling briefly, ❝— Never been up there, you know those waters doc. What kind of indigenous we got? ❞ Scoresby gestured towards the man on the opposite side of the diagram. The doc was startled out of his own thinking, hesitating briefly as he glanced at the blue Recom looking at him with piercing yellow eyes ❝ Well— uh we got metkayina mostly some Ta’unui maybe fifty villages— ❞
Having enough of his rambiling, Quaritch cut off him with a puzzled face, ❝ uh you are who?❞ he didn’t need to know what specific species of na’vi there was— all he needed to know where was the nearest village nearby to get stated on his mission ❝ Oh I’m uh Doctor Ian Garvin, a marine biologist ❞ he extended out his palm for a handshake but was ultimately ignored by Quaritch, he dropped down his hand in embarrassment, ❝ Fifty villages— a hundred villages. I don’t care we’ll search them all ❞ Scoresby scoffed, and snapped back with an obnoxious tone ❝ I hunt Tulkun, that’s what I’m rigged for that’s all my guys do. I’ve got quotas to meet ❞
A rotten wry smile split Quaritch face, he showed a smile with far too many teeth— teeth to sharp his lips curled up. He looked like a happy predator with upturned lips, ❝ I’ll be nice once than I won’t ❞ Behind him, Lyle lifted his respiratory mask taking a sip of carbon. His yellow eyes gleamed, as he watched the interaction between the two of them. Scoresby pursed his lips, not expecting to be threatened in his own ship, ❝ Oh if you can’t get out of it, get into it. All crew to stations! ❞
It was difficult being the only human among the na’vi, unable to fully understand the ways of being‘ One of the people ‘ as they say. But they were welcoming to say the least— a bit skittish but nothing you can do about it. Had it not been for Jake sully— Toruk Makto as they call him; you would of never been accepted into the Ta’unui clan. You weren’t ‘ one of the people ‘ just a human coexisting with them. It was difficult at first, finding yourself frustrated with them— and yourself. It was a horrible decision to leave the forest but if you didn’t than you would be stuck with him— burden by the responsibility of being a mother. So you packed your things and left—
Gone the next day leaving no trace behind but a few personal belongings. It was heartless— to abandon a child but you couldn’t bare to look at it. Finding bile crawling up your throat whenever you ever so glanced at it. But that was years ago and you can only find yourself wanting to learn about their life now— only a little. You come up with your own conclusions, that’s he’s fine— doing much better now that you were gone. Has a happy family that gives him all the affection and care he needs— anything to lesson the guilt of abandoning him.
You were startled out of your thoughts as a blue hand appeared in your vision. You jumped like a feral cat, whisking around as your eyes caught culprit of a sheepish male na’vi. ❝Jesus Christ— must you always do this to me? ❞ The male na’vi blinked, cocking his head to the side as he stared at you with wide eyes, ❝ I do not understand this sky people talk— what is this Jesus Christ? ❞ You shook your head, waving your hand in dismissal ❝ Dont worry about it— Sky people nonsense and all that. Your English has gotten good ❞ at your compliment, the male puffed up his chest in pride. You scoff at his flared ego— ever since you’ve been here this male na’vi was always by your side, claiming he was curious about the sky people.
He’s become your student— only for a short while. You’ve been teaching him English for quite some and was surprised to see him learn the language very quick. It brought a sense of peace towards you— familiarity. It’s as if you were back in the past with Grace helping her at the school. A wave of nostalgia hit you, often times you missed the moments you had with everyone. You smiled briefly, the past would always sneak upon you leaving nothing but a longing to see everyone. But you had made your bed— choosing to leave and abandon everyone. Now you must lay in your choices. ❝ You are friends with Toruk Makto, no? ❞
Confused by the sudden interest in an old friend, you nodded, ❝ Yeah— Jake sully, what’s the sudden interest in him? ❞ he hesitated briefly, ❝ He is residing in a metkayina clan— not far from here— there has been talk of war following him ❝ Your lips pursed in response, brows furrowing. ❝ That is odd— not something he would do. Who knows maybe he just wanted a vacation? ❞ He looked at you with wide eyes, ❝ You are certain of this? ❞ You hesitated briefly, you weren’t— Jake would of never fled the Omaticaya— especially Neytiri, seeing as how she loved her home and would even die for her people. This wasn’t something they would do— not unless they were running from something— or someone.
But no one could posses such a threat that would cause Jake to flee— and if they did, we’ll they were dead. But you couldn’t cause panic— ❝ I’m sure, who knows maybe it’s for diplomat reasons ❞ He seemed satisfied with your answer and bided you goodbye. You were back to being alone— busying yourself to your own devices. But worry seemed to overshadow your thoughts— worming their way inside your mind. If Jake was here than what of the boy you gave birth to? Jake didn’t adopt him— no the boy had foster parents that took care of him along with other human children that were left behind. But Jake promised— he promised to watch over him. Did Jake bring him here to the ocean clans? Or did he leave him back at the Omaticaya?
Worry gnawed at your gut— you couldn’t bare to risk seeing the boy. Your stomach churned in disgust— you were cut off by a horn being blasted through the air— your stomach dropped. Through the years residing in the clan not once has the horn been used. Distant cries were heard thought the beach and a loud rumbling sound swallowed their petrified cries. You scrambled towards the noise, terror sticking at your nerves as a large ship came into view, ❝ Oh fuck— fuck! ❞ you scrambled backwards running towards your small hut. You gathered your necessity items, shoving the basic necessities in a small bag.
None of this made sense— they shouldn’t be here, not once had they come near the islands. They were often seen out in the open waters hunting tulkun. This was different— had they come here to threaten or kill the na’vi residing in this island? Peace was not on the table so the like hold of the other two options happening were possible. You flinched at the loud cries coming from the na’vi and the curses of your mother tongue being shouted out. If they caught you— there was no doubt you might be publicly executed for betraying your race.
And so you hid— lost in the wildlife of Pandora you seeked shelter behind a trunk covered by bushes. Your breaths came out labored, you peeked from a small opening seeing the na’vi being rounded up on the clearing. You leaned forward trying to get a better view unaware of the footsteps behind you. You let out a scream as a hand tugged you up from your hiding place. You struggled immediately, clawing at the hands that held onto you— ❝ Stay still—! I got a traitor here! ❞ your attacker dragged you towards the clearing, gun pressing against your back.
You tripped over your own feet a couple of times as you were dragged to the clearing. Countless of na’vi were forced to kneel onto the sand with guns and tasers threatening to cause harm. There were avatars among them humans, dressed in full camo gear with weapons strapped towards their vest. The color drained from your face as you made eye contact with piercing yellow eyes, ❝ What the actual fuck— ❞ you were starting to panic, kicking your feet and acting like a mad woman— you were unsure of what to do but your brain screamed at you to run.
In front of you was the man you once thought was dead— no you were certain he was dead. His skeleton was out in the forest decomposing on itself. Yet, here he was, breathing and certainly alive. He was back from the dead and this time he came back blue. Beside him was a human boy wearing na’vi clothes, he was covered in blue stripes. A flicker of recognition sparkled in your eyes— your breath hitched at your throat, ❝no— no! ❞ you shook your head refusing to accept the truth. A newfound strength courses through your body.
You elbowed the guy on the ribs making a run for it, ❝ Don’t shoot! I need her alive! ❞ a familiar voice ran along the clearing— it was him. Colonel Miles Quaritch was back from the dead and came back bigger, stronger and faster in the body of a na’vi—a species he hated with a passion. But how was that even possible? You wouldn’t stay to find out— you had to leave— to hide
❝ Get back here! ❞ He roared out, the sheer volume and grit of his voice caused the ends of your hairs to stand up. He launched himself to your pursuit, screaming out in rage. He was hot on your tail, commanding you stop running but it only caused you to pump your legs faster. Soon enough you heard him right behind you— you glanced back a mistake you realized as he ran at you in a primal way. Hands and feet— claws out for a grip against the terrain he pounced on you. ❝C’mere! ❞ You ducked out the way, barley missing his grasp but not without paying the price of your shirt being torn by his claws. You slammed yourself against a trunk barley missing his claws. You scrambled back to your feet leaving him in the dust.
❝ Stop running! ❞ he screamed out, ❝ you’re suppose to be with me— You’re mine— mine! ❞ Sharp canines gritted against each other and bared into a sneer, his brows were furrowed and yellow eyes were wide like saucers— he looked insane as if he submitted himself to his primal instincts. He was fixated on getting you; even going as far as his abandoning his gun— anything that slowed him down. A shaky sigh left his lips as he gripped the garment of your torn blouse— he inhaled deeply pressing it against his nose. He swears he could taste your scent on his tongue. It’s yours— and you’re here with him.
He exhaled shaky, pocketing the torn piece of clothing inside his pocket. He glanced back up finding you no where in his sight. His ears flattened against his skull, tail laying limp, ❝Don’t be mean now honey— ❞ his voice drawled out, the smirk wiping off his face seeing as there was no indication to where you could possibly be. He scouted out the area in a frenzy coming to a halt as a thud behind him makes him turn around in a swift. He rushes over to the sound pushing away the wildlife , ❝ Gotcha! ❞ his excitement died down when all he found was a small animal cowering in fear. He let out a hiss of frustration, tail whipping around as his anxiety clawed at him.
Panic rose as he searched every creek he could find— which way did you go? His frustration bubbled in his chest, ❝ If you don’t come out right now I swear I’ll paint that ass red and blue! ❞ He looked left and right, running in circles looking for any sign or indication to where you could possibly be. Meanwhile, you had ran as far as you could ending up near your shack. You stoped to catch your breath, heart beating against your chest in an erratic way. You bended over placing your hand on your knees— you had lost him for now. But what can you do before he catches up to you again? For how long can you evade his grasp? Leaving the island would be impossible. This was a hopeless scenario for you— there was no way to flee and running was the only option. You could hide in your shack but wouldn’t that be the first place they would check?
You couldn’t give up now, standing straight you began to plot your next move. Hiding was a no go— you need small places somewhere a na’vi can’t fit in. You could hear the distant scream of your name out in the woods, your head whipped to the sound. Tripping over your own steps you decided to push more distance away from him. You knew exactly where to go— you’ve known this island for years. He doesn’t, all that matters is making sure he doesn’t catch up to you before you get there. Soon enough you heard a branch break beside you— you don’t have time to register the force that impacted you.
You feel like you’re flying through the air— unable to grasp what’s going on. He’s grabbing you and wrestling you beneath him— a coarse laugh came from him, his canines glistened from the copious amount of times of running his tongue over them— unable to swallow his exceeding amount of saliva. His tail thumped behind him in excitement, ❝ I got you, sweetheart— you’re mine now ❞ his chuckles were hoarse, shoulders shaking as deep rumbles came within his chest.
He pressed his nose against the juncture of your nape, curling himself to your size. You froze— did he just sniff you? He’s panting, whole body trembling. ❝ You done teasing me? You and I have some unfinished business to get to. How about we finish that family that we started? Give the brat a couple of siblings while you and I get to be acquainted once again ❞ You shook your head frantically, the thought of having another child with him disgust you. Tears slid down your cheeks freely, you wanted to scream and cry out. This was a nightmare come to life. You let out a squeal as you felt his palm reach down and grabbed a handful of your ass, groping and squeezing the flesh. He rained down numerous kisses on your neck, nipping and lapping at your flesh. You were frozen in place— He was terrifying, and too fucking big. His whole body encased yours. Quaritch looked at you, pupils blown wide—. Your attempts to trash away from his grip was useless against his strength and size. He was overwhelming— you could only see and feel him. Both of his massive biceps were placed beside you, lowering his chest towards back.
Back when he was human he always towered over you but now as a na’vi? He was huge— it was like you were his own personal human doll. You could hear shuffling behind you— you were manhandled as if you were nothing but cargo. You were face to face with him. His biceps kept you locked in his embrace, lowering himself towards you. He was starved for you— relishing every touch he could get from you. You however— we’re frightened and did everything possible to get away from his embrace. You wiggled and kicked helplessly under his strong grip— his arms tightened around you like a snake coiling around it’s prey. It only just hit how strong and big his was.
He hugged you even closer— if it was even possible to do so. Pressing your body against his, he let out a deep low moan making you let out a squeak as you felt his canines drag across your flesh. He leaned down again— seeing his face dip towards yours; you turned your face to the side avoiding his lips from touching yours. His lips skimmed over your cheeks— a low animalistic snarl escaped from him. His fingers dug into your jaws and wrenched your face to look back at him. ❝ You will not take this from me, girl— I have waited so long to have you ❞
His lips pressed against yours in a messy kiss, he pressed his tongue against your mouth. Claws prodding your jaw to open up as he swallowed your mouth whole. Tears streamed down your cheeks— He doesn’t get to have you— you weren’t his. You wish you could tell him this but all you can squeak out are muffled sobs. Quaritch was overjoyed— a sense of peace came flowing to him. You were back in his arms, exactly where he wanted you. Nothing can stop him now— not even the order he was given from his predecessor— you were meant to be his— human or na’vi doesn’t matter.
Your attempts to break away from the kiss were futile against his overwhelming strength. He deepened the kiss, tongue lashing at ever crook and crane he could find. Tears pricked the corner of your eyes as you felt his tongue slither down your throat. Your fist slammed against his chest seeing black dots prick at the corner of your vision. Feeling you go limp in his arms caused him to draw back from your mouth. His hold on you however remained— a string of saliva connected both of your lips. Face running red, you stared at him unable to fully wrap your head on just what happened
He stared back down at you, completely unfazed. As if this was the most natural thing to do ❝ What? Cat got your tongue, hmm Princess? ❞ , you shook your head to the side a couple of times; mumbling out incoherent words. His ears however managed to hear you every well, ❝ You’re not him— how are you even alive? You died— ❞ you babbled out— pawing against his chest pathetically, pushing and slapping with your weak strength. A mistake you were quick to realize as he slammed you back to the ground caging you in his arms, ❝ Just relax, princes I’ll explain it to ya— you see I’m a clone of that old man. He’s deceased— he was weak ❞ he hissed, ❝ I’m better— I’m stronger and I am going to take what is rightfully mine; starting with you ❞
Small wheezes came from you, you looked at him as if he was absurd ❝ I don’t belong to you— ❞ his fingers curled around your throat ❝ Watch it— clearly you’re attitude has been left unchecked for quite a long time. Don’t worry sweetheart, daddy will fix that ❞ His palm pressed against your back bringing you upwards to him, he coaxed you to his lap; tail wrapping around your arm. His palms groped your flesh, touching every place he could. His hands fiddled with your blouse, scrunching up the piece of fabric you called blouse tearing it off. You’re breast bounced from the impact— you curled inward to protect your modesty. His fingers itched to grab hold of your breast— lips curling up at your refusal. However, a static voice coming from his earpiece caused him to pause his actions. You couldnt catch what they were saying but you doubted it was anything good. His yellow eyes gleamed, ❝ Let’s get you back home— where you belong ❞
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━━━ : © NERVOUS.D
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nervousd · 1 year
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Infatuation — prologue
→ Infatuation | m.list
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#SYNOPSIS— Recom Miles gets a briefing from his predecessor
#WARNING(S)— possessive behavior, unhealthy obsession, abuse of power, dark quaritch, yandere, stalking
#CHARACTER(S)— colonel miles quaritch, Recom! Miles Quaritch
❝ In case you haven’t figured it out yet you’re Colonel Miles Quaritch. Only younger, taller and not nearly as good looking— what you won’t remember is my death because it hasn’t happened and it ain’t gonna— And if you are watching this it means I did get my ticket punched. Well whatever happens if your any clone of mine you’ll be looking for some payback that would be Jake Sully he’ll be the top of the list. But he ain’t the reason why I’m making this video log— no. We have more important matters to discuss ❞
Miles tail flicked agitated, he knew exactly who he was talking about. You were constant in this memories, haunting him ins his dreams with feathery touches and whispers.
❝ You see Jake sully took something from me. It belonged to me— and I’m not keen on sharing. No— the thought of even sharing her with you doesn’t sit right with me. You listen to me Colonel, if anything does happen to me than it’ll be your job to bring her back to me. I want her buried beside me in my grave— I rather have her dead than alive ❞ a slow grin curled up the corner of his lips ❝ What’s that sayin again? Not even death can do us part— yeah I like that ❞
He had a vague understanding of the Colonel’s infatuation with you. His memories were still fuzzy— incomplete. The scientist assured him that his memories will come back, bits and pieces. He remembers the basics of who he is but the most prominent memories were of you. His first contact with you. A small chance encounter and he was smitten, you however seemed to be uncomfortable near him. Walking on egg shells whenever he was around— not that his predecessor noticed. No— he was far too preoccupied daydreaming about you and the countless possibilities that could happen.
An immense portion of miles heart ached for you. You— a woman he’s never laid his eyes on had bewitched him. It was an odd feeling— to feel incomplete; to feel like a part of him was missing. This feeling would only escalate during sleepless nights when the cold crept up on his skin— he yearned for the warmth of your skin. But he wasn’t here to rekindle a past romance — no he was here to kill Jake Sully and bury you beside the Colonel. However, at one point his curiosity got the best of him and decided to do a throughout search of information in the RDA database. You were considered traitorous, to be taken alive if found. He scrolled through your profile finding old video logs.
When browsing through the logs, he heard your voice and his ears perked up. He stared at you with wide eyes, ears pointed toward your voice. Your eyes shone brightly as you rambled on about the various species of na'vi that lived on Pandora while making wide gestures. Your rant came to an end— instead you grimaced at a booming voice interrupting you ❝ Buttercup— the Colonel wants to see you ❞ It was his Corporal— Lyle Wainfleet. Miles tail flicked in annoyance, his gut twisted uncomfortably. A rumble vibrated through his chest as he expressed his annoyance.
From his scarce memories, he recalls that he typically sent Lyle to pick you up from the scientist, ready to hear about your report on the relationship with the na'vi. To see if there were any improvements or downfalls etc. However, this was just an excuse; he never actually paid attention to the report. No, he was far too busy ogling at you. Miles scowled, he wondered just how many times Lyle had referred to you with pet names. An unfamiliar feeling scratched at his chest. The video log abruptly ended, probably on your way to go meet his predecessor.
Miles huffed, tail slapping against the ground. It wasn’t enough— as much as he ached to hear your voice he felt the need to have your presence beside him. The only possibly way he could find you is by catching Jake Sully and taking the information from him. But you weren’t his— you were to be buried beside his predecessor; orders from him. Just a small moment— a minute of having you to himself and that would be enough to state him.
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━━━ : © NERVOUS.D
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Baby Trap Chapter 4
Yandere! Recom. Colonel Miles Quaritch x Female Mutant Reader
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You were still mad at Quaritch over that argument which happened two nights ago. Or whatever it was. You assumed it was not an argument. 
That night, he yelled at you and broke some stuff by throwing it at the wall then punched the wall a few times. You did not want to make the situation worse. 
So like always, you kept your mouth shut. Being the submissive and weak person you were. The Colonel’s chest was heaving by the time he was finished with his violent tantrum. He put on a tank top and left the room without looking at your tear stricken face. 
You knew perhaps the whole base heard the commotion. Your twin Navi babies sure did. You ran to their room to calm them and perhaps make them sleep again. Luckily, Lyle came to help with your wailing infants. He was surprisingly good with kids. They fell asleep soon in his arms. Your good friends with benefits tucked you in bed and kissed you good night. 
You did not want to. But, you swallowed your almost non existent remaining pride to apologize to your mean old husband. Despite being a different specimen, you were legally married to him. After cleaning the damaged room as best you could, the repairmen were called to fix the holes on the walls. 
You found Quaritch lifting weights with his new squad members and his muscular back was towards you. New Navi recoms. The room fell silent. Quartich noticed the change,  he looked over his shoulder to see you. You smiled uneasily and reached up to touch his face. “I miss you, my love. Please forgive me.”
The Colonel smirked in victory. He once again won. You always came back to him. “Can’t live without me?” He cooed mockingly as he playfully pinched your rosy cheeks gently. Some of his men snickered in amusement. Lyle watched with an unreadable look on his face. He continued his work out. To hide his jealous face. The Colonel eagerly picked you up under the armpits to be at his eye level and he smooched you. 
You heard wolf whistles and laughter. The Colonel chuckled in amusement. He announced his new squad he will be back in a few hours. He heard their cheers. You felt your cheeks turned red thanks to their lewd comments. 
Since, some repair men were still working in your bedroom. Quaritch laid you down on Lyle’s bed. Poor Lyle. You sucked in a silent breath as you let your husband have his way with you. The Colonel had a sick smile after he was finished with you. He stared stupidly at the ceiling as he stroked your bare back. 
He started bragging how you were always dependent and needy for him. Rubbing it in. You as usual let him continue to insult and degrade you. You laid there like a dead doll curled next to his tall and muscular form. 
You did not want to tell him that you assumed you were pregnant. Not enough evidence. You decided to sleep rather than listen to anymore of his mean spirited incrustation of you. 
To his surprise, there was a summoning from General Ardmore. Not for the Colonel’s immediate presence. But for yours and you to come alone. The Colonel frowned and felt something strange. He was worried. Usually, he was confident and smug but this time, he feared you were to be in great danger in the hands of that hag. 
He gently woke you up by kissing you softly. He wanted to at least follow you down to the hallways before entering her office. But Quaritch heard one of his infants crying. Huffing in annoyance at this inconvenience, Quaritch turned the other way to his twins’ bedroom.   
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Baby Trap Master List
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Baby Trap Chapter 4
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