#you claim it means anti harrassment and then lose your fucking minds when someone says 'proship dni'
anxiety-problem · 2 months
Friendly reminder that proship isn't short for problematic fiction. It's simply just pro ship. Another term would be profiction. It isn't about liking certain uncomfortable topics. It's about not harassing people who write or create such fictional content. Don't Like, Don't Read. Ship And Let Ship. Read And Let Read. Write And Let Write. Proship/Profic is the default mindset. Most content creators are proship as it is the mature stance to have. Many proshippers are disgusted by certain topics in fiction; they are just not an ass about it. They ignore/block what they don't like and move on. Proshippers understand that someone's fictional work is not a mirror into their morals or who they are as a person. Proshippers know that someone can write a very disturbing disgusting piece of fiction and not condone any of it. Antis have attempted to hijack the term 'proship' to mean something else entirely in order to justify harassing content creators just for creating fiction they feel uncomfortable with. Antis are typically young, mostly teens with some in their 20s. Thankfully many antis grow out of this and become proship/profic as their understanding of the nuances of fiction and the real world develops.
Why don't you say this to me off anon if you're so sure about it. Coward.
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marinsawakening · 6 years
2 3 4 and 7 for ur meme >:3 let the salt come forth
2: Most amatonormative ship?
UHHHHH of all time??? or just in FMA??? oh shit should’ve probably thought this one through before making the ask meme lmao
okay so I’ll do in FMA first because it’s the easiest and uh. that’d be alm/ei. there’s literally no reason for either al or mei to have a love interest, its clearly used as a gag in canon, it was pretty much 100% onesided in canon, but for some godforsaken reason the fandom just?? loves it???? and considers it canon that they’d get married later in life?????? I mean I’m not gonna say that Arakawa wouldn’t agree with that but. she and everyone else is would be wrong. Al is aro and Mei is lithro and they try a relationship post canon but it doesn’t work out bc they’re arospec babe so they decide to be good friends instead and its a relief for everyone involved and that’s the truth.
Of all time…. that’s tough. I’m gonna go with Ca/leo (calypso/leo from the heroes of olympus franchise) even though I’m sure there’s worse things out there because I remember being FUCKED UP MAD when good ol’ uncle rick decided to pair off literally the only character from the original series that didn’t get a love interest because that was LITERALLY HER ENTIRE POINT and then decided to pair of leo because amatonormativity I guess AND THEN decided that they wouldn’t actually work as a couple so he just fucking. changed calypso’s entire personality. and I don’t mind that change much bc I like her better in HOO but YOU CAN’T JUST CHANGE CHARACTERS YOUR NOT HAPPY WITH RICK ESPECIALLY NOT FOR A ROMANCE THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS. anyway im still salty about HOO can you tell.
3. Most amatonormative ship fic trope?
*slams my fist on table* HANAHAKI DISEASE. yes I know that the aro community as a whole is really Done with soulmates and I totally understand and respect that (even if my own feelings are a lot more complicated) bc they’re amatonormative as heckie and much more widespread but like. the entire concept of hanahaki disease is ‘if someone doesn’t love you back you will get TERMINALLY ILL” and I mean??? who the fuck???? thought this was cute????? seriously what the fuck.
4. What popular ship has the least chemistry?
Well I already used alm/ei so and I’m disqualifying ro/yed on grounds of wanting to make this fun so…. pissing people off lets go with edw/in. it sucks. its bad for winry’s character development and completely superfluous to the story. we gain absolutely nothing by having ed and winry be romantically involved. they work way better and are way cuter as friends, and we would lose no story beats whatsoever except for the proposal at the end which was awkward as fuck in my opinion. like if your ship contains canon dialogue like “were his shoulders always so broad” (or something either way it was winry busing about Ed’s shoulders which…. is that a thing? that I missed?) and “wait at home and bake me an apple pie” (again, something among those lines), that’s…. not great chemistry. sorry you guys i just don’t see it. 
7. Which ship discourse is the funniest?
*pulls out my time in the VLD fandom* LET ME TELL YOU A THING
(under the cut because this shit is too fucking long)
okay so for the most part the VLD fandom wasn’t actually…. that bad. I mean it was childish and volatile as fuck and everyone was really hostile to each other don’t get me wrong, but honestly, it’s not the worst fandom experience I’ve ever had, and once I managed to carve out a little niche for myself it was pretty enjoyable (also a lot of the fans were autistic which. neat). 
but there was one event in that fandom that just fucking. killed me. and I’m still not over it. 
so once every three months or so (on average, sometimes it’d happen multiple times a month and sometimes it’d say quiet for months on end) we had some Major Bullshit happen that got on top of the regular ship wars. sometimes it was something a cast member (Pidge’s voice actress, usually) had said or reblogged, sometimes it was new age ‘confirmation’ that just added wood to the fire of the regular discourse, sometimes it was a new Hot Take™ on the show that everyone loved for a while until someone inevitably pointed out that it was ooc/problematic/etc. and then everyone hated it, etc. etc. pretty standard volatile fandom stuff, all things considered, with the vast majority of the discourse having valid points but being taken way out of proportion because of the sheer size of the fandom.
the shaladin discourse is definitely a good example of that. the main point of the anti side in that discourse is ‘hey don’t ship shiro with the other paladins he is an adult and they are teenagers’ and the point of the anti anti side is ‘don’t tell me what to do you pearl clutching purists’ which. i mean im clearly biased here. but the discourse was blown so far out of proportion, primarily because, again, this fandom is too fucking big, but also because a lot of people involved in the discourse were kids themselves. you basically had a bunch of 14/15-year-olds who by and large haven’t quite mastered critical thinking yet yelling at each other in debates that got very emotional very easily. (not saying this to be condescending, lord knows we should all be happy that I wasn’t into fandom when I was fifteen or I would’ve 100% been the person going ‘well actually it’s called ephebophilia get your terms right’ so we all dodged a bullet there. but im just saying that, historically, young teenagers don’t have the best trackrecord for rational, calm discussions, and it really showed.)
so, why am I taking the time to tell you all of this? so that you have proper context to how stupidly ridiculous this discourse was on a regular basis. many (most) of the people in this fandom seemed to totally forget that, while telling people not to ship pedophilia or stuff like that is generally pretty important, it’s ultimately still fandom bullshit and doesn’t really, actually matter that much in the grand scheme of things. it very quickly became a very strong ‘us vs. them’ mentality on both sides that resulted in actually pretty seriously toxic behaviour like death threats (although the anti side definitely had more of a tendency to go witch hunting after people, shaladins were absolutely not exempt from Bullshit, as you’ll see below). like i shit you not we were all genuinely waiting for the time someone would get stabbed irl over it or something, it was so tense.
and at some point, at what I consider the height of this stupid discourse, came Operation Shalanonymous.
I might be getting the name wrong, but they genuinely called it something like that, with a serious graphic behind it. I shit you not. This whole thing was so, so surreal.
Operation Shalanonymous was literally a spyop. A 15-year-old shaladin (and maybe some others, I don’t remember) who at the time went by the url ‘theblackguardianofsheith’ or something similar (they deleted, to my knowledge, and I hope they’re living their best life) pretended to be an anti and went ‘undercover’ in an anti discord server, with the purpose of ‘exposing’ the antis for what they really were. they gathered a bunch of screenshots and such, and then released them all as ‘damning evidence’ onto Tumblr, claiming that they showed evidence of sexual harrassment and hypocrisy, among other things. 
I can’t remember all of the accusations, but some were pretty serious, so I took the time to go through the screenshots and found… very little. there were some distasteful remarks here and there in the form of ‘i wanna kill [insert shaladin]’ that the mods shouldn’t have let slide, and a childish, kinda sexualizing derogatory nickname for the shaladin in question in the form of ‘hunty’, but those two things were really the worst of it. yes, this behaviour was bad and the mods shouldn’t have let it slide or participated in it, but all in all? not worth an entire spyop. if anything, what I found much more damning was that the shaladin (who, as a reminder, was 15 as well) had written a couple of little notes on the screenshots drawing attention to some particular messages of a then 13-year-old anti who said they had a crush on shiro. the notes themselves would’ve been nothing more than childish IF that same 13-year-old hadn’t just come out of a massive dogpiling attack where they were repeatedly misgendered and accused of wanting to have sex with adults themself despite them being a csa survivor. so attempting to throw back to that discourse to ‘prove’ some kind of hypocrisy was distasteful at best and honestly, it did not make them look very good.
so yeah. as you can imagine, the discord members and mods took that very well, and just. for a while, Operation Shalanonymous was this actual Thing, where shaladins were crying that the antis were finally exposed and the antis were accusing the spying shaladin of sending graphic rape porn into the chat to shock users, which the 15-year-old shaladin refuted by saying that they were attempting to get them to do something about it (apparently they were trying to get it taken down or something, but I genuinely have no clue why they thought the antis could help with that, but then again, this whole situation was so far-fetched and there was little evidence provided that this was actually ‘graphic rape porn meant to scar csa survivors’, like the antis claimed either, so like. i don’t fucking know), and accusations went back and forth for a while. it was a mess.
and this, this right fucking here, is hands down the most childish, most distasteful, most useless ship discourse that I’ve ever encountered. not only did someone actually take the time and energy to pretend to be an anti for quite some time in order to ‘spy’ on antis, they also decided to, in all seriousness, release the screenshots under the actual fucking name ‘Operation Shalanonymous’, dropping them like they were the fucking panema papers. like guys??? you know this is the fucking voltron fandom, not goddamn wikileaks, right???? these are not state secrets you’re releasing. they’re screenshots from a fandom chat. it. doesn’t. matter. that. much.
there were some genuinely horrifying things that went down during this whole debacle, and I probably shouldn’t find it as funny as I do, since this really was a prime example of how toxic people can get when they think they’re in the right, especially when the person in question is a teenager (who, again, don’t have the best track record for emotional regulation and foresight). but I just fucking can’t take this shit serious. you gotta remember that a 15-year-old was mostly heading this thing, and it really shows; the whole entire set-up and pay-off was just overwhelmingly childish, and it makes me so, so glad that I wasn’t into fandom at that age, because who knows what shit I would’ve pulled. and I just can’t stop imagining what everyone involved will think of this shit when they’re in their twenties or thirties. because god. ship discourse does not matter this much, guys. it really, really doesn’t, and this whole debacle was nothing but an embarrassment for everyone involved. 
so anyway that was hands down the most ridiculous ship discourse I’ve ever witnessed, thanks for coming to my history lesson.
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Antifa etc
"We have a very clear trend in this country. We try one person as president, and the next person has to be completely opposite. ‘Cause no one can do the job correctly. We go right, left, dumb, smart. We give everybody a chance. We go Clinton, Bush. Then we go Bush, Obama. Obama, Trump.....
We just got out of a long-term relationship with a very boring but sensible person, and now we’re dating a whore"-Joe rogan
I can understand people who hate Trump. I get it....he's arrogant, he's offensive, rude, sleeps with porn stars and then calls them Horse face on twitter....he's a dick....it's totally understandable. Even though I see a total inability to think critically sometimes by both conservatives who think he's the second coming and liberals who have convinced themselves he's Adolf hiter, I can see why people are so angry and emotional.
The problem, in my opinion, is that when you hold these extreme points of view, it's very easy to stop seeing things clearly. Blind admiration for the man will make you dimiss or justify anything negative you hear about him and on the flip side, bitter hatred will make you unable to see anything positive. In the past I never really cared too much about people's political bias, rhetoric, and unwillingness to see other points of view. That was just politics to me.....annoyingly similar to having a favorite football team. You want your team to win and fuck the losers on the other team lol but god damn people.....shit is out of control.
I occasionally post things on facebook that piss people off...it's pretty easy to do. But the other day I posted about ANTIFA and it felt like all hell broke loose....I was actually pretty stunned by some of my more peacful/hippyish friends defending them lol Everything I've ever read about ANTIFA , seen on tv, watched on YOUTUBE, read on their facebook pages have just been so fucked up. The name sounds good lol anti facsist? I'm an anti facsist! punch a nazi? fuck nazis. They chant things like sexist/racist/anti gay go away.....ok....sounds reasonable to me lol But......as much as I totally believe that they THINK they are doing whats right, the evidence suggests otherwise.
I didn't hear about ANTIFA until last year when those fuckin loser white nationalists marched in the street and apparently ended up killing a young female who was there to protest. I didn't see any videos of the "event" and I didn't understand why Trump had to say that both sides were responsible for what happened. To me it sounded like evil white racists were the only ones to blame. I mean clearly a group fighting against racism and facsism couldn't be to blame as well. They are trying to make the world a better place .....
But then I started seeing videos of ANTIFA throwing urine on people, hitting people over the head with bats, setting shit on fire, bringing guns and knifes and throwing Molitov cocktails at peaceful protests, injuring old people.....damaging property.....?? I started researching ANTIFA more and more and it became quite obvious that they were more of a terrorist group than anything. Terrorists who apparently have broadened the definition of racism and fascism to include pretty much anyone who's not them.
They spend much of their time trying to silence speakers like Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, Charlie kirk, Jordan Peterson, and even Dave Rubin of all people. ANTIFA considers them fascist nazis and they are willing to shut them down ...(.and this is a direct quote from them) "by any means necessary". While like most political speakers, the people I mentioned certainly have at least 1 or 2 opinions that can be seen as controversial especially if you are far to the left. That being said, they certainly are not facsists or racists or sexists or white supremicists or any of the other names being hurled in their direction. Dave Rubin is a gay liberal, Candace owens is a black female conservative, Ben Shapiro is very conservative Jewish man who proudly wears a Yamaka wherever he goes......so I have a hard time wrapping my head around calling them nazis or racists lol
I can see not liking them, not liking their ideas......I disagree with these people on some very important issues and have even been offended quite a few times listening to Ben Shapiro. But me being offended doesn't make him a Fascist...and I have yet to hear anyone make a decent argument to back up this claim.
This is the problem though....if blind hatred can convince you that Trump is comparable to Adolf Hitler (someone who had millions of people murdered in the most disgusting ways possible.) then you can easily justify ANTIFA's violence and you can demonize perfectly decent people simply because you do not agree with them politically.
ANTIFA thinks we are surrounded by NAZIS and so violence in their minds is justified. Showing up at someone's house, breaking their door, and scaring their family is justified. Trying to deny someone's free speech is justified. I'm sure there are real nazis still living in Amercia...violent white supremacists who deserve to get their ass beat. I wont bat a fucking eye or lose a wink of sleep if you harrass those guys.....but ANTIFA has no empathy for people who do not think just like they do and infact they see them as evil and when you see people as evil you are capable of some really horrible shit. Surely they must see the irony in all of this.......shutting down free speech, vandalizing peoples homes, chanting outside, trying to break into peoples homes, injuring, tossing urine, posting addresses online so that more people can come harrass people you don't agree with.......thats Fascism
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