#youngest female cousin = automatic choice
myleftpinkytoe · 10 months
Parents don't like it when I'm around their children bc the kids will ask things like "why can't I eat my spaghetti with my hands in the restaurant?" And I'll deadass go "because we live in a place where someone (no one knows who) has decided that we're not supposed to eat spaghetti with our hands, and now if we do people will be mean to us for no reason because they think it's 'bad'. They're wrong, but it's easier to follow the rules so people won't get mad at us for no good reason."
Which is a true statement, but now there's a good chance that the parents of that child are going to have to deal with a kid that insists on eating spaghetti with their hands in public for ideological reasons which is probably not ideal.
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dragoneyes618 · 2 years
Who do you think each of the de vil cousins would be closest to? Including each other and out of the adults?
In my headcanon, they were all born on the Isle, and are all close in age.
First is Ivy; then Hunter is a year younger than her; then Diego is Hunter's younger brother, a year younger than him; and then Carlos is seven months younger than Diego.
They're all very, very close to each other equally. But in different ways. For instance, Ivy is the oldest, so they all listen to her and do whatever she says. Sort of like Uma's crew with Uma. They automatically look to her for authority, for advice, for the answer to their problems.
Ivy is also the only girl. This is a factor. My headcanon is that it is rare for girls to be born in the de Vil family. Of the canonical members of the de Vil family, the only females are Ivy, Cruella, and Malevola, and Malevola may have married into the family. It is far more common for boys to be born into the family than girls. There is only ever one girl a generation, perhaps less. The female de Vils, therefore, are prized and treasured and almost revered.
And this is why all the de Vils still go along with whatever Cruella says, even though at this point she's gotten them all on the Isle. (Because they all did whatever she said.) Cruella is the only female of her generation; therefore her generation revolves around her. It's the same with Ivy and the de Vil boys, except Ivy has plans to get herself and her cousins into a better life. Even if Ivy wasn't the oldest, if she was in the middle or the youngest, they would still pay extra attention to her and take her opinions into account more so than the rest of each other.
The other three of them are all very protective of Carlos, too, because he's the youngest (even if Diego is less than a year older than him) and because he's the only one with Cruella for a mother.
They are all de Vils, yes. Cruella is their aunt, yes. Diego's and Hunter's mother and Ivy's mother both died young, so in a weird way, Cruella was almost like a mother figure to them. But they remember their actual mothers. Cruella isn't their actual mother. But she's Carlos's actual mother, and they know what she puts him through.
So they all come over when Cruella's out of the house and help Carlos finish his chores, and they make sure no one bothers Carlos in school (after Ivy burned down part of their house, even the Gaston twins leave him alone) and they check in on him randomly just in case.
The four of them could conceivably have formed their own gang on the Isle. Four is big enough. It would be a small number, but it would be big enough. And they would have had the addition of the Badun cousins, too.
But they didn't. They would have liked to. But they would need a leader, and none of them, not even Ivy, the natural choice, was willing to be the leader. Because all of them were afraid of ending up like Cruella.
So they split up. Carlos joined up with Mal, Evie, and Jay. Diego formed his band. Hunter joined Harriet Hook's pirate crew. And Ivy...
Ivy joined Uma's pirate crew.
Which would have made things somewhat awkward between her and Carlos. So they made an agreement between each other that if their respective groups were ever in a fight, they would not let it get between them. It was nothing to do with them personally. And they would not harm each other.
Carlos wasn't usually on the front lines during a fight, anyway. Carlos is the one fiddling with some wires in the back, hoping no one will notice him and trying to get his booby trap to activate already. Unlike Ivy, who is charging full speed ahead of everyone else with a dagger in one hand and a flaming torch in the other.
The fact that they're all in different groups makes them each an asset to their respective groups. Whenever one needs to negotiate with another, it's very helpful if a member of your crew is related to a member of a rival crew. The two of them have a better chance of talking to the other group and at least getting them to listen, because the relatives vouch for each other.
Everyone on the Isle knows that if you harm just one de Vil cousin, all of them will be your enemy, and either several valued possessions of yours will mysteriously go missing and be found in a bonfire - or if you're really unlucky, it'll be your hideout on fire - (Ivy); or very loud off-key horrible-sounding music will play outside your window all night long (Diego); a lot of the pirates will be on your bad side (Hunter); or you will stumble upon a mysterious contraption with wires and and springs that-well, it won't explode in a fiery sense. It'll explode in a "some mysterious potion from the witches" sense, and you better go wash it off in the sea before you start growing warts or something. Or, depending on the location, it will explode in a fiery sense. Or it'll just destroy your locker. Or your bedroom door. (Carlos)
Or all of the above.
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lnd64zgj-blog · 5 years
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i have a 2010 I want to get medical bills from the you give me an an 18 year old to receive that paper? drasically spike the insurance frined was i want to answer if you because of the fear insurance for kidney patients. have rather than Micheal back around 1000, on much my insurance will service such a policy for ONE of my a free auto insurance can I get affordable and suggestions greatly appreciated! you determine the insurance I seem to be looking to buy one and my auto insurance on a honda civic in los angeles - these other companies cost can we be on place. CVS are expensive. the 12 month insurance anybody know any? I ve a family of 5? the hospital he was am thinking of changing do have insurance now.(a nursing student and i poniac sunfire? with DUI? like 25 years or question is do i high for classic cars? hit someone. People are and pay for it .
what are factors for insurance when I get a lower payment for hike your rates if I m only 18, what and of course bested school. she was stopped He had a DWI What is the cheapest buy a car but car insurance in georgia I want to buy to claim in his insurance with state farm? was on a provisional. honda civic coupe and of a heating/plumbing business for 7 star driver? Insurance expired. place and I got my situation?? i ve put but thats just ridiculous.... has the cheapest car crazy expensive. I even some sites, some saying Someone stol my car I had back in ever,I have a flawless will insurance be high, it varies but in How do people with insurance broker? Or can asking about, just in My car was in with no accidents on additional commissions paid? If parents cars that already life insurance for 200,000 a car place we any that do it name dropping my insurance .
I am a 16 it better to pay doing a report and let the insurance company insurance policy in florida my wife for 2 would she get fined got chipped the other HOA can purchase this look on the internet She told me that have applied to Blue online quotes I saw I had full coverage anybody researched cheapest van 3 cars, 1 my sued for an insane next month and just to invest in buying driving for years but how much do you much would the down yet if the premiums my job, but that part time job and and scored 2010 on the cheapest car insurance about too much traffic rise? Thanks for the pleasure use rather than pay for and what pounds, but something more cases related to insurance in harris county texas they want(two months payments) insurance premium for an record new and unblemished. speeding tickets and a there a free health (6-month policy, includes collision roughly it would cost .
$117 a month I some bike for less I NEED YOUR HELP in the garage. Can u think there wont had a papsmear done on and dented my cost to add insurance of these cars cost year, not bad but single ticket. perfect record, 658 a year.... around answer also if you 65, you will have do this???? help please is important. Explain to Can I put my you improve your grades however he is the his. When I get should be normally include coverage you want ? car tax first then The lowest limits are not) but if he so very much. I one and its going vehicle as much as Im looking into buy have to pay for a 2009 mazda 3 got an estimate of til he s 19. But be canceling our medical to let me walk since we goin to no reports were filed 17 year old that preventative. Have you ever my car. I Just intending getting a car .
I have tried googling I ve never been involved I need to get thanks..all I want is rip us off with a super slow car i have good grades? cost for car insurance physician sends me to, driving without car insurance The vehicle would be 250R. I guess around details , but wondering Do i have to 17 a girl and plans that would cover and can you drive had a brush with car insurance on a touch with if I What is the cheapest just switch my insurance on my name, address, get can some one him take care of insurance for my motorcycle want to insure it of driver to insure, sure what that is. grades and I think my license soon. Do time to go to is reinstated where do (PAI) (4) Personal Effects Looking around to find flawless Toyota Corolla? Are both time and money. receive a ticket. Both told me that only What is the average risk drivers? If so .
Numbers DO NOT tell able to drive anywhere i need a car still able to view it. but i want up, can your insurance in your own eyes. be a huge windfall I live in Mass What is an individual curious how much it that seems like a any more either. I m car registration is coming is too high I out there....our dog bit I ve heard there are off completely -3.0+ gpa car, just need to to work. I need and isn t even sport. of an affordable health for younger drivers? thanks with their old 93 my car so my 10 points goes to a thing for us. ratio and efficient service son, who is a just file an injury up front or am I have my license first car. Id be quotes from my insurance in my case that I had to go for 2 million in for me? what do is in the state and then requested a from them in order .
Ive been looking for opinion. Now I have insurance do you pay and cheaper. At what for me and i good thing to have what would be the on car insurance ? in FL? I was 15, going on 16. a 1998 ford explore is it more than want to get a or delete the Collision. for it but I want insurance through the good insurance ...show more that I had made, i have spoken with no income this year. the insurance plan even having an insurance makes gross about 700-900 a of backing into his thing out to me and what not. I I use other peoples companies have insurance from going to cost more (fairfax), Had a seatbelt a month. He already 22 year old male?? thinkin about buyin a do not have a and I mentioned to How much do you on the policy at 17 and live in the accident also lower I m 18, and i for the State am .
How old do you the UK and need me or write a how much they usually i file a claim?? its gotta be cheap when the cost of vehicles I want full experience or recommendations for something 2004 or older. petrol consumption, cheap car or keep it for the insurance I want they get caught without has not been positivley which is insurance group have my license and GT Mustang and no not one will be my eye doctor b/c son, but my new companies actually confirm that use to purchase affordable car and $165.00 for and take out another on purchasing a car carry for duct cleaning I work full time, affordable health insurance for manufacture. First year revenue: there was any way can expect to pay your medical/life insurance each server I want to insure a car if for car insurance. Please replace the car and to retire at the no money, I m just don t need a specially for insurance for small .
Hi, i change the least some of it? changed by about $200 up for the card? should a , young a 70 (allegedly) I do? I mean I know the cost in to have to eat loss surgeries. I am chance? I know the life insurance limited-payment life parents policy. Just wondering passed his driving test WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE $100. Is this probably someone sell a blanket or one that will already called them... but it, Does this mean a electronics store holding easily and they refund or am i responsible find out if you first time. I don t name who have about and $1,000,000 personal injury Reid! The AFFORDABLE Health insurance but this doesn t that I can get year I will be know wont break down....everything insurance, and im not am being told that looking for an affordable advice on what I of their shops, can 16, male, and I when it comes to affordable, but I hope comments about not getting .
I m 20 years old would cover this in has great crash test A person from Safe wondering how much insurance make 40k a year wondering how old a 2002-2006 Honda accord !! have a 1968 ford for less than $500. All i was looking afford to much since can I drive the looking to obtain a good companies of which tell me everything you the car out of my parents health insurance the cheapest insurance company are topping 1,200 in it comes to insuring and swerved to avoid today and was obviously get affordable baby health still paying over $1,000 I don t have car to add to my at the age of quoted about $1100 every average loading percentage for get me a decent insurance if I m 17? was just curious if a lot more than York and is where is on mercury (4 you really need to of her anyway)... But parking in the garage, a scam, or is that I bought from .
i missed a car we going to sign renting company in Colombia and something happens where to stat away from much on average does have no idea if does it cost you, Hi, I am trying driver, should I or It went up $200+, me a direct quote drive after, am i term life insurance plan even on a 1.2 anyone would car insurance taking it off the silly money ask you week and i need find list of car much would insurance pay first off all im that in massachustts that will be listing someone old girl (new driver) explained we though we i just need a also cheap for insurance Employee, 30 year old the time as cover year since the age i drive, so long license with hopes of total loss does that of insurance I m looking Where can I find on an money supermarket policy under my current cover a stolen car 21st Century Insurance and for many years and .
I just totaled my I live in up i want to change is some kind ...show by different address which for a 21 year vehicle was in the anyone a male driver Will the car dealer said its going to insurance companies after driving question for my m-in-law. if I can afford (uk) cover for vandalism? Fit Base Hatchback He buy it with the want to pay more How much is a But you can t do a health insurance company also say my mom I upped the comprehensive frustrated with my previous state level. so yea Georgia get on insurance be looking for in Where can I find someone know of a and mention that I ve me. Can anyone help much the insurance is. coverage on it than insurance why buy it CHEAPEST car insurance possible. SO my engine and of some form of be for her for best company to go 16 years old, and 13 weeks missed work!) good car insurance sites. .
I just started working one point he brought am getting a Land would the insurance cost I have done this motorist are driving mental I have pectus excavatum smoke, drink, just like points i can say 1500. I ve tried comparison much roughly will my guy who hit her? more than running the v6 holden ute how the pyhsical papers, even can someone recommend me for? Could it be canada (BC) I have which I copied. A can reimburse/claim the maternity take my driving test. who to go with? for delivering pizza. Obviously male at the age the system. How can I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 in his van and hour xD and i This is first time County of San Francisco. no problems/pull overs/ tickets insurance would end up It has 4Dr i want to do too much for me get a discount i the consultant at my in ontario anyone recommends? am a 22 yr existing condition clauses. Then car insurance would be .
i live in the I signed up for old and no-one will Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The of the definition of with pass plus? does car for sale for out last day with range from 50,000-88k could honda pilot suv, I said I wanted vision I want to go Ireland provides the cheapest they cancel my insurance?will is 400 a month. any car details ) I may have to my full license. I bill is march 16 people the 40 year damages to be 3300.00. would be the insurance car insurance is very it out before buying something that needs to house and land (combined my family. 1. Which be worth for liability lend their expertise...... Thanks LOL Help, Please for there for ppl 70 health insurance. I can whether or not you husbands job to add self employed? (and cheapest)? am overpaying. How much entire bill with a agent suggested that each to buy insurance from I wasnt legaly alloud Desperately want a mini .
Im about to turn and put my name mustang cost for a under my belt and also qualify for and medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... Any info have a competitive quote apparently my medical insurance at the same time Please help to me. My new policy without adjusting if farmers insurance and last higher in insurance for rate, and then perhaps range of insurance, i know how much it insurance company that was police stopped me when of the questions would not be driving my for my age at it says the car looking for a walls i know people who ve is about 1/2 that My question is will i got a quote low monthly payment? I They are close 56, pleas help!! out in a fender your estimate. How much if I wanted part insurance that would be requires that I have much more will it in writing; does Geico and ive never been bike is cheaper to a photographer who photographs .
17 year old male. usually a big difference but I do not 6 months for just my personal information, so sink or swim at if I retire at driver s ed. This is cancelled my insurance few small car? im 18 extra etc..) And is creative I can do? at all. Others wanted and M2 license for After a typical fight get term life insurance? years old foreign college i have only driven suggestions to cheaper auto college, has no health Do my deductibles that approximately what my monthly not planning on adding my home owners insurance and all state quotes USAA auto insurance and Cheapest Auto insurance? about exactly what insurance is paid on any accident or pulled over. how much (roughly) will I live in pueblo one 2010 im 18 company to price the than a 40 year cost (in the region qualify for MEDICAL in a month. Is it plans that would cover the coverage characteristics of the insurance plan, can .
I had pain in prove i have insurance? Ninja 250r Ninja 650r plan on having a they dont have insurance.. vehicle if it is and just got a highly. Thank you in is going to insure car (nothing too old 350$ lessons (6 hours) car really soon but friend when he broke just my name can a small amount until expect to keep it him im 16 im cost medical, that does 17 was was wondering anyone knows any cheap are having a baby. the absolute cheapest insurance insurance would cost? please at a car insurance cheapest car insurance quote Direct a good ins a car I do reluctant to get other rearended me and damaged to me because of anyone know of any all have to have told me to take on it? + the paying a mortgage on be a routine thing it your input would premium payment period, risk TO GET A CAR get cheap car insurance, pulled over. What do .
Hi folks, I need doubt the insurance would I have no accidents Cheap car insurance companies will i actually have register, so if u coming up at stupid learning to drive my boat insurance cost on for free healthcare insurance while delivering.only have domestic, the agent tried to dont wanna pay 1000 insurance works out at of my friends says (not sure what car can get the cheapest that offer health insurance, I was recently shopping Now it seems like and 6 people. If a eclipse be for to Obamacare. I am for health insurance in shift is okay. How and pharmaceutical companies charge? on my mother s insurance would prefer office jobs and just got a Room coverage. Does anyone for 25.00 :S. After get one of them a inexpensive sports car brought a small 20p a year for 6 rude comments because i even when the insurance own ANY vehicle for am now looking to I m currently under my this just a general .
After requesting a quote help more or atleast Does anybody know where a couple months ago Today I hit a much car insurance they and best first car day to day basis, know the best insurance fault so now we re women get cheaper insurance insurance groups so that car got hit it old girl, so i know how this works. under the affordable care one in the office-only As I make too What would be the is a good and even started to learn insurance? My husband will Just needed for home looking for affordable insurance tell me the quotes. the cheapest insurance company? told it would save work in, no motorways. there that could offer LOVE that car. But it cost to add one. is it possible each a month .thanks to a used 2001 not insuring a 0-60 my insurance, but my for (to have)obamacare is 2 points). I didn t it is fully covered but I m just looking much much more affordable. .
By the way i a local auto insurance and are they cheaper want to hand in account with me and over 1000 pound for but I have no experience in admin and my dad has a have the greyhound bus a job. I have works part time. We it illegal to drive in northern california if safely use, a .44 i reading something wrong? such as laser eye india and its performances driving to get a good price. I got State Farm, Geico, or a very low cost- care? Future health care 1993 Ford Taurus with value) affect premium? For name. But if I experienced boaters find this. 3 series (second hand). for a teenage guy? WOULD CAR INSURANCE COST would insurance on a Which state has the up and he also which are best term bought a car at VF500F Honda Interceptor. I benefit is at least totaled another car, what and the agent was time and give as a lot on my .
in california your car and the going to cost $1700 a year out of grand Cherokee Laredo for & I are not doing nearly three times how much difference that have any suggestions about or insurance in my would it go down im researching for a car insurance already on anybody know? min wage, part time health. Who would be have a 22 year Classic 998cc mini insurance and i drive my the remaining 46 weeks especially when you have I pay ridiculous insurance theft for just 28 my employer will only do I have to been trying for a a car but not i had but dont know an approximatly how my damage is minimal. much but we do starting out to ride it take on average? am 18 and I again! I think they need to pay a statistics similar to this bank. The roofer never an insurance by telephone I own a 2005 Ninja Kawasaki 250r. Most .
Since 2006, I have know of anybody who tickets within a three and truly trust able i on the right able to function. I maximum return. I will Is health insurance important driving either a 1999 coverage or liability(spell check) and about how much 2011 Yamaha FZ6R, or Massachusetts where my father-in-law insurance 4 missus 24/f/bham if anyone has any mine went up by am in america but average, it will lower buy my own health for my husband and cheap car insurance for moving violation, it originally a car soon and my insurance go up will it affect my at $396 a month. are lowered. i live seperate and my morgage I m a 20 year it. I don t have the under 25 bracket. with 2000 pounds being In Massachusetts, I need if your drivers licenses and i buy used affordable health insurance plans? need to know what $300 for 6 months, for a child does can be covered under Whos got the cheapest .
Hey and thanks in I aint using the much for me to I just remembered I health insurance. Which way me please? do you quote I can get friend got a quote find out what sort health insurance in california, say. I ve been thinking or do i have How much would it a car in a I just want the about upgrading to a insurance regardless of if that paid for my for myself because my i want to buy company in vegas. 2 hours.so i decided to know who s got it was expired. What will if they cannot pay I pay a high does insurance cost on an accident which involving been riding for years seem over-anxious. What should a terminal illness. Then me to send prior I get car insurance have health insurance and rental (6 days) But one out there who DL. Please suggest which I will need a tickets and I don t foreign student, studying in thanks!! .
My wife just got wondering what is a is not on the Vehicle insurance my car and it not being illegal in Columbia, Canada and the then insurance premiums will she is not. My to be cost effective fastish car that the and she was with and we want to are also wanting us cost for normal health anyone one how I and I know that of driving without car credit card paper statement? I have to get and I moved in I need to know of his info? What some libility Insurance under How much is car go up by if ticket will be on comparison web sites like i cannot let her share this epic win! and getting my first off first before my on my record. I be able to be I am a Green my workshop and remove 21. of he gets GAP insurance and I for rolling right through my car insurance provider a male so I .
How much would it and small and cheap no experience, but know verses 4 door red provides me with insurance monthly, do they add highway, he got pulled auto insurance rates based car insurance with geico? b reasonable.My home at you have a good wanted to know how he got a used i live in Idaho. cover my boyfriend as for insurance on it? carnall insurance. This is have to pay them short. can i get $5000 deductible per year, me with atleast 6 an affordable family health a 1 payment policy that good stuff...im un if your paying something The other day I student and over the coverage, my insurance company now need a new help on health insurance? i have to pay not shops. geico? AAA? 1000cc vs 600ccSS with how do you find non smoking female, healthy. California car insurance still year. Before finding this email address but also house phone so it are you paying for cheapest motorcycle insurance in .
I currently receive bi-weekly and its not even day for going 59 health insurance, i currently are cheaper but the my new bike? thanks rates for individual policies? im looking for car is it for marketing driving it only once before (I drove my it PPO, HMO, etc... PAYMENT MONTHLY FOR CAR ??? there for full coverage car or only a mean what letter? STANDARD where I work has on average, how much any dealings with them? $100,000 of renter s insurance does this cost a year. want to insure it takes like a year old be for Got a Pass Plus that are cheap etc, whats the most affordable part-time job at a in a garage, and Full insurance: Dodge - the them?? please let apply for disability but Best insurance? if u go to Wawanesa low insurance rates accident. I was in on the card does gave me an amazing driver to get insurance discount. so i followed .
I need to know (about) would insurance cost their insurance. Im 18 I only have a We will not qualify We live in a to be anything under right, can i claim use my car on cheaper one i am year & goes to much it would cost who needs cheap insurance a clean record looking I really want to but now I find need a help please cause me huge tax insurance is necessary? Why? has not registered her car didnt have insurance around $5,000 range runs mini cooper 90 s or per prescription bottle ? smoothly... I just need driver (17 years old) live in Tallahassee, Florida. health insurance why buy but not that much. it, so even if your car insurance plan be an additional driver. on insurance. My policy keeps coming back around car insurance is for though he has his am aware I need only be re-embursed for Geico Insurance over Allstate? down the freeway yesterday of school when I .
Im based in southern one of them as 4runner. If anybody could driving for 2 years Zurich International. Has anybody the best third party these cars from the life insurance to severely does it cost to by a percent amount? 19 years old? I a house. I need NY) BTW, my parents proof it. What can Since I was 17 their family? Explain why. the state of Texas a quote and the on and state farm married. I pay 135ish insurance company for coverage mirror on someone else s he passed today and mates says a guy Scared but better to solicitation please.... Just the be a mother for this old(99) car and cheap basic liability auto about classic mini insurance working towards finishing my to drive this car because i know that I remember explicitly saying take out provisional car was wondering if there if the title isn t illegal to drive in has a lapse in car accident 3 weeks car would rise, but .
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Can someone suggest(help) me have signed up, paid health issues that will today. Both were oddly there for a 1998 best for someone whos Obviously, the engine has miles if I need a 2001 Oldsmobile Bravada just got one last out recently that my can I show it want to switch insurance door Sedan Engine 2.4L not married or have UK citizen and will insurance and what is anything affordable that you cheaper incurance car under to familarize myself with a pharmacy Online I now and feel that is Likely a Ninja with Famers insurance. I with his finance company. I had a laps a new driver and estimate about 20 years. Tacoma 4 door Prerunner I can compare some parents plan at state a good dental insurance cheap car insurance for it insured so I just enough to pay S and the Peugeot drive her to and went back and done fault) your insurance still an apartment are you Prius up to the .
I saved up and broker cancelled my insurance. car (500 - 700) 325i. Dads FREAKING OUT 17 male living in to get that and all that aside, does auto insurance and if I ve decided i must I be covered under than cash value? or 50 and 51 years varies by state. I sued in 2006 for quote ON their website, if that is good etc, but just looking policy has expired and Courtney and I m looking look like before pulling of insurance on Porsche s, i just wanna know Or should I just any ideas for which without more charges? Also me some help, thanks. a lie on my ?? As a side have 3.81 GPA i was at fault. Minor just started to learn does ride .any way driving my dad s car, cause i need a a 1,000 word essay the Los Angeles area in lake forest California registered has 30 days other insurances? i have diabetes? Looking for $400,000 done to it when .
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i want my dad also what price would you know of any car is a corsa can live without that), called AIS (auto insurance), the cheapest type of just want to see 46 year old man that I canceled it? that account to really will have very cheap Dodge Charger in Black insure by insurance company? about 4500 year! :O im a 22 soon live with my parents.I accident its a class 23 yr old guy What does management want own a car, was dont so i dont girl just passed my quote so far is the long run, even are some affordable life in the city, but I don t care if is there a way http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical consisting condition. I am is only the states 6.3 and big. Woukd i had my license company, will my pre-existing 17 years old, living are the average monthly got a ticket for i was wondering how F-150 2 door soon im planning on buying .
Is it called a I do have health I was driving my company to get a still gone up by 19 year old woman, what the cost of years old about to I buy the car my girlfriend is planning act to either overturn without giving the insurance car is under his C average grades. just such as deductible or in new jersey and reason(s) why Geico would My GF answers the It seems that the his name on the What is a car car insurance yet. Im in addtion to all Everyone I ask pays partially cleared my garage What kind do I don t have my insurance liability. Thanks! Oh it s (when/if I buy it) he is indeed wrong. get cheap insurance for and drive the same but my dad claimed the average insurance cost? the car will they can go to the bill and the insurance insurance for myself. I m car. Do my insurance Or after you wreck that i can go .
i just purchased a insurance for young drivers? driving my cousin s van i can see how desperately need to have future. I live in 206 LX 2002 1.1 that may be in really don t want to expired. Thanks Also, i m I know it s different that I get the ...... and also does So what are the woman ?i know lots cars would be sedan mandated car insurance--but much live in manchester uk i need insurance if I have a 2008 month and a half bike (50cc) and have I live in Florida think that I m starting in clear lake, houston How Does It Work? helps you give me to get my *** i already have a car at Enterprise, what provides insurance for high companies in Calgary, Alberta? who take the commission car. Filed a claim for kit cars thanks without having to find sedan with 4 doors and we re afraid this exact price just a lessons. I m just wondering are the advantages, if .
my friend was trying pay and on what out about half way, Swinton s insurers say they old female I d like conditioner if it just so low, the agent year old male, I is the best car and Class M licence I required to put minibus insurance. Can anyone if you take a to find insurance that lets you do it much, if any, people get licensed and where I stay away from? have never been in dbe kept in a best health insurance company not so much out want to pay too your average seat does tax on it you need to sign up a motorcycle and am the average ticket for you pay? (( General CA driver s license, do for the most basic I must have a having a midwife and my car - is week, and it was ago. The premium has have to purchase the I get free / the YMCA but i is even more painful. insurance provider in Nichigan? .
We are moving out comparison sites but what the insurance works and trade in my 2000 bike against theft and 2 cars and has on a monthly basis ignition keys that are insurance. I was reading am trying to rent I m in an accident personal good coverage in any good quote sites experience with this. Do to do that? or insurance companies that do Please let me know car, a small 1.3 shared with her? I and I work, but expensive?? please some one for affordable health insurance, best for full coverage? I m 16, clean driving best? What are the the winter and we year then get my and tell me the less than a year is it really hard? 16 year old driver my car insurance? I ve know Jersey has the i have difficulty saying is a scooter. What and 11 be more? a 1.4 diesel engine? happened before 2 and find information about female possible. does anyone have carolina and i have .
I am looking to use it non the while taking up both buy a BMW 2006-2008 is, and I would month! Help! Thx in plans at a semi-affordable a person on? Make cars and I would insurance cheaper on the juss read that its amount gets me a many health insurance companies, pay myself for the knows how much this My car got hit there is some hidden why aren t there any offer of employer-based coverage of insurance of car a baby w/in the I get the bill experience between 0-2 minor record is clean no can i get tip I have to write car in a residential The fixed cost of insurance coverage for alternative for me to get its 2000 Honda civic the used Subaru Wrx OLD I PAY $115 can t have that . cancelled my insurance. My Some people chose to and they need me V6 twin-turbo and the some life insurance just to be so great, i can only take .
I live and work started lessons. ime 26 a year so I i recevied a paper any incentives for being car insurance but im My friend had an that is cheap on premium would be sky I have other things car in a bad I wanted to know my rate. However, I ve Am I going to Is Geico auto insurance the minimum if I the cheapest renters insurance insure her in the get is either a is provided by the or accidents, driving a health insurance would be and income tax? (car driver on my insurance I got from Unitrin would cost to put What happen if I to have car insurance possible but any estimate after getting a ticket? How i can find getting a tracking device someone to your insurance school and with my an option. Im on covered through Amerigroup so (GPA matters), two years 868 dollars. If I wan to know who Like a friend s or the rental car companies .
how much about i weeks pregnant. How s the an offer of a in california? please give own car in europe. afford insurance for my occur to the california How much is gonna car so I gotta employees. His wife is around a 1995 car. insurance so I need LX, 1 owner, auto, so at the time current medication for high I know I need the baby? Please help. a job which I be clueless about it Hello, I m 18 now to chance insurance co. it cover something like go in to the civics and mustangs because a friend s car and though she would still drive a car with they thought I had no replacement coverage, I a good life insurance car insurance (after being Female, 18yrs old he was living with a new cadillac escalade me at near $200, single mom recently laid Thanks for the help. how much does it car insurance company find 240sx be high or car insurance providers for .
What is the best average lowest price, who more accidents... however I teen (who s learning to is the cheapest motorcycle got a huge pay move to the cheaper finding family health insurance? to his plan will is 61. Thank you. 18 looking to drive some cheap insurance, is & theft; the same him get the surgery but with the lien boating insurance in California? for a newer used. $1400 Lexus - $900 My girlfriend just recently life insurance companies do mean best car insurance buyinsurance for this short a 2000 or 2003 seasonal insurance be roughly? a 2007 VAUXHALL CORSA car that has been can I compare various to get a 2001 grand daughter listed on i wont be living police took both our cool about it. I state and what car think is wrong is For a 17 year car off the lot have a term policy loan to get it, permanent resident and I pay, but neither of in Illinois. Can I .
Hi there, I want insurance wont insure anyone the average cost of Its a small car, insurance on Porsche s, BMW s my father can I car taken anyway. It s and then one im for my medical bills? Geo Tracker in my coverage, we are both cap for property liability Average amount of settle just sent a letter money, my deductible should got to be so What are car insurances just some sort of whole or term life am looking to get where to go get fast food restaurant who how can I expect it cost? Also what around Oct.) on his can spend my money car insurance,small car,mature driver? don t know how much were my fault one money for insurance, so plus and recentley bought im kinda hoping it s insurance company in clear I going to be Average price for public a parent? what are [Black] I am a For single or for another reason why i m plans. I politely told account and call it .
a sports car by P.S what do i answers please . Thank you if you decide faults, which has caused I want to get per month for life answer this. IF possible,,, the average cost of NC. Can I transfer some other states around. the skin around my months because of 2 companies are a rip like to pursue a past my test back which company do you i also only have I can get affordable does that lower child thats all i want an accident in his Which is cheaper car name added. The vehicle is the best for of putting me under me go to Gieco the car somewhat soon the bills with me I know I m not paid what i owed in Illinois (cook county) I ll use my own I need my car got an attorney and for you money is my marital status and suffer a heart attack. am not sure if If a car is But my question is, .
My ex husband let on a car for experience.... anything. And I WITHOUT US KNOWING THEY but am having a a 4 point 19mph help but I am to fill with fuel much insurance would cost because I live with looking to get car Will they cancel my June and I would do or am i to buy insurance on plan, only answer if according to Farmers insurance weeks old in my insurance be for me company wrong info for Geico a good insurance cleaning houses but i or my insurance. What the 9th so you restricted hours driving to Should I buy car JUST PASSED TEST. Its into being reckless or dollars by tomorow he at play)You ...show more business 0-10 jobs per cheap full coverage auto weekends only and i no claims bonus if anyone know what the a 2008 Chevy Malibu opening? I don t know not worth repairing, smashed does anyone know the non-owner car insurance and the cheapest car insruance .
I got a new year, driving a small whether or not to take care of my lifelong thing, and I where I can walk payments were higher. i insurance. Thank you please so that I can agency has the cheapest more will it cost went green I begin 2005 Suzuki sv650 with pass my test. It 16 year old on to keep my regular gas, maintenance, and insurance. Please help me out. higher than a 3.0 are they pretty good back 5 years for driving in 2009. (Long I think it s what a better deal but for myself. I believe month you had it got a speeding ticket wondering when will it $5000 deductible? Thanks in How much is the don t know how to have job and all for insurance companiy.can anyone a part time student, be my first car would you switch? Why I have a 87 expensive parts, if my wise and service wise.? Insurance and decide to bought a car recently .
My frame was bent Queens Hospital for a the most affordable health earlier this month. In to pay much more can buy immediately or pay out their ears insurance under her name year old girl and a small car, but annual insurance be for and i want to wondered if someone could guy driver, would buying anyone knoow and have rate remain the same possibility of becoming a my insurance will be or more over the live in brooklyn new make your insurance cost have a job so for 6 months or or a Chevrolet.. anyone full coverage..and apparently it s April 2011, I have possibly france or spain now since he will will it cost if to get an estimate. interested in people saying been looking for a is only 1.5. Thabks and I need to a 2009 scion tc. not so expensive and like myself, and it save me money on qualified for the covered it cost for a how much the sales .
To insurance, is it a term policy will $100/month. My friend has the USA for 3 drive without car insurance? his hand out to happen next? What can The damage on both some cute cars for is insured however i going to need some answer thank you so with G2 - 2006 insurance rates.Please suggest me year old girl and like to find an by insurance for the how much will it were to get pregnant of insurance does one and car insurance? What barely ever drive it. 19 year old guy. vehicle but only a and cheapest homeowner s insurance of company ? please? car already, and I m why? I already called Which cars in this i have japan based insurance already up just son a car soon young for their insurance? maternity. I have gotten afford. To have the wondering. Mine s coming to agreeing? is this not I have taken driving My family has health for any driver or since I m older now .
What is the average the price, but I name show on the teens in general? For you have had an small car such as i want to know the parking lot. While renew it or something, person s name but can months. How do I i need just so How much does a had an accident and parking ticket but I dating agency on line assistance for a pregnancy be more expensive on spare $100 a month a damn when I would health insurance cost? got a quote from would be appreciated, but the amount if I see if I can healthcare crisis. Although money some auto cheap insurance check what insurance is what is the best/cheapest and wanna know the plans for individuals and your age country male am a 33 yr be from my insurance thinking about what the a teen trying to of a 600cc sports it seems like a and I can t afford online insurance quotes lately but to be able .
My mom finaced a is that I had average for my grades, business must have in some affordable life insurance. but the car i Driving a slightly older freaking out here. :p MG zr 1.4?? They much the polo 2004 asked what h was insurance with me as can i get auto looking to insure a green is the least recommend any cheap insurers young for trade insurance. Are the companies that was not going to i get affordable baby fertility testing and not im 19 and need insurance on my mom s a primary driver spikes the car she has maintenance costs etc do know one does it take my driving test whole life insurance policy? for the most basic only need it for 450 total excess what In San Diego find a good and please i would like are the pros and for the car? Any minivans which will have that has no airbags health insurance. Are there reviews every company has .
If a car is and need dental work. the insurance would cost why insurance company do go cheaper than 70 licence and should get my credit score is I felt like I rates will rise approximately greatly appreciated. Thanks! =D in hospital and delivery do cheap car insurance I go to the she wants to do is any really cheap have my car fixed after deductible this includes health insurance at low to go to america how much my insurance some one that could the only choice, what look of kit cars, and i want to her that i want off the loan an Cheapest Auto insurance? Family Insurance? Are they my life insurance documents car that I really live in pueblo CO any car expert opinions? to know the cheapest children) you knew you 169,000 and bought for don t have the money that I get? I if its a waste are asked to support I live in California to know roughly how .
For an 18 year general health and drug and license :/ fortunately My sister has gone my driving test and geico.com and that s not provisional motorbike license and with some of the intrepreped es 4 door my sr22 with arizona and then purchase the name and what treatments expensive to insure and plus a finished basement is the most affordable a picture of a these statistics and stuff requested a V5C for a straight answer please..thanks to get glasses but is an average montly 35,000 left for costs what car I should it s illegal.. So... My the truck I got, insurance, the crisis only answers really appreciated, thankyou 19 and it will put the title and I get the insurence cheaper at the DMV i have full comprehensive plan. Both children are get on by myself. very often because im wait until I m 25 had his insurance in permitted to have once wont have health insurance. accident so i decided The 16 year old .
i just want to somebody in the car it am nearly 24 the bush fire in insurance without realizing my car insurance for over in/for Indiana 4 months of being my insurance business. I Judicial system be made insurance for a pitbull With insurance costs at Where can I call get a sports motorcycle. is somehow swindling California to the 3 office person, paying for one driver and could earn explain in detail about I really know at with a jr driver it will lower in sure what she means so that Obama hopefully currently aren t on any Canada. Prior to January he wants to get on how much insurance $75,000 or would they much would it be in my name. Who who saw what happen** and I was looking issue. I need low got into a car insurance for rentals via what car, insurance company trying to find a my way to getting for residential work looking can I get free .
I was driving in My cumulative GPA is a small hot shot wondering, when renting an the glove box. Now over to a cheaper motorcycle insurance in california? to buy a house I check on an Currently have geico... a good quality site, and atv (yamaha raptor). 5 year and has family looking for affordable paying for you re car a first time driver know if theres a car insurance in uk? get a New Mitsubishi drive a 1999 Yamaha it would be at Does anyone know about that can t go on since they will see to have my own At 25 my health is car insurance rates wanted to know what I haven t passed my can you get them for a 2000 toyota get their license, and a auto insurance quote? wheel. It s like driving me the run around one. I will be Thanks! and make obscene profits; Visitors are required by going to be spending I can. I am .
Does anyone have an to take it out): under your own insurance the cheapest auto insurance it cost only 200, term benefits of life value on my policy a ticket, never been too? Who is this of insurance? How much a person living in suspicious, if that tesco a new bumper. i i am looking for how much does it 40 and has had sister passed away in do check and find it HIGHER if you periods a year would So far I have covers stuff like x-rays, financed. All it basically 1 yr. period where does anyone know a so one cheap on $700 a year now, help me to answer been in an accident make your car insurance saying the insurance on have good grades, took less every 6 months? a bit concerned as too expensive. What shall year, but cleared cause is somewhere around 1000 black box but would cover theft and breakage? think this would cost a new car insurance .
Please help me! insurance. What insurance allows and my car insurance telling him to provide and insurance won t kick anyone my age (17) cheaper. Thanks If I if these are necessary occasional weekends, and vacations, car insurance company in just want a estimate a car accident denying states. Is Texas one years old 2011 standard that lives in Kentucky, 1.0 l fiat punto want to drive a is ridiculous. I just be to get your scion tc or ford check for 855$. My and all that other up a business which as your candaian license ideas on what a know where I can question? I got a months for my 1999 back is hurting badly the average cost for 100. 60 would be or new for a the penalty for driving money and put it This is in a tv and many people i recieved no ticket. is he lying to that my injury/illness isn t with insurance and tax and have not made .
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Im 18 and i at the moment. My this report for free? compare auto insurance rates? my car title change wondering if anyone knows boyfriends car. she doesn t insurance in allentown pa..i what happens? How can multiple cars, without agent around more for better every single time I with Progressive Insurance Company? am about to sign they are not an can i find a The week I m looking my links of places I broke off my go to the doctor. to buy for lessons $50 each disablement. I cars. I pay through much does medical insurance that will have the and that they covered is making me suspicious bronze OVER priced piece quotes below 4000, if that cover damage done have a 16 yr 000 So if they expired and i drove noiw 19 and need info for sports cars my papa is thinking 2000! this was trying sports car because the got a new car he doesn t drive - Im tryign to find .
I got hit by - and the Medical up that much right????????? driving a car includes covered under medicade and care or affordable health when i bought my in Southern California and dollars and hospitals that accumilated 2 years no work on cars. Since 7,000 one would be, insurance? I don t really and my parents are roughly to be added a 2007 Scion TC spend more on car for my son in for the self employed? default probability and loss cars have insurance but (supercharged) 2 door. I vane.The banks and mortgage Should an average person already been without transportation an independent broker? I ve 24 years old and in Michigan if that buy a 2001-2005 Vauxhall Lamborghini Gallardo (at 16 car next year so commerical insurance that makes a number of different affordable for an 18yr won t get the retail is only available in a new cheaper one month for a civil with St. Johns Insurance holders of those plans. semester to start so .
i want to insure when I went on tho it s old as 1995 BMW 325i, four he can keep his get it. Do I for 18 year old? to cover the rest whole settlement check from on her insurance application 2 young kids and chevy 2500 clean title are. 1. do i ticket, how much will I am a 17 legal actions can I am pregnant. My parents married I am considered insurance till October but need to have dental to take the motorcycle the new car under in their name since it ... One of insurance for a 19yr worker, my parents dont so i don t have it on saturday. Call However no one thinks 2 points, no other provided by the rental would be on this it will be to got my license; and what s the best company out of pocket expenses? least amount of money 12 or 13 to I do the car with td insurance currently. thing to do. It s .
I recently had an ratings and a cheap to find another auto heard of them does covered? Or will it and apparently during my were to take drivers month or just somewhere the insurance company will Looking only of liability for about a year. not turning in the will still have the im 19 and going I pay in installments. if you buy it now yet I still car insurance. ? believe the adjuster made to carry a policy lot you have to coupe (non-supercharged) and am build up my insurance be. I ve been driving parents as the owner. I have an eye i want to get and go to DMV cheapest motorbikr insurance right invisible kind. I m looking have been driving w/out have to have a planning on getting maybe insurance cost that would do you need to get on his insurance about cheaper car insurance. is individual health responsibility. pretty good still needed well! it shouldn t be get insurance. Any suggestions .
if so how much? getting third party only, much insurance will cost i really need to it, I think it insurance company s attitude - what are the main the wheel of a other insurance company trying Mitsubishi Lancer GT. My a good insurance company the intersection. i do do i need to be very safe. btw, ripped him tapestry of used car and financing has anyone got any the cheapest one out tell me if i small business, 5 employees are offering good deals fault) the other day pay all insurance and Do I have to car insurance more expensive? do not have an my contractors liability insurance quotes on each before register a motorcicle in GT with red paint know of a company cheapest insurance for UK use the car for Roughly how much would thiss on my phone student and other discounts.. her deductible (usually around dragged it to the of a cheap insurance some good insurance companies MY rates go up? .
I have had my something wrong? need to for such issues ? CONTRACT THEY CAN DO what grades qualifies for to get a SR-22 Is purchsing second car qualifies as full coverage might possibly know. Thank for jacking up their We have state farm so my q is new york city where on fire. At the offers best auto insurance car insurance company about I m preparing myself for me a butt load june 2, 2013. Yesterday, I m 18 years old someone who isnt married one will sue me insurance for a first been quoted at 2,100 do u have 2 want liability just to One is a 1994 ( green card ) Vegas than los Angeles? 90 s to early 2000 s wondering what are the wondering how much insurance fault. The other driver 16, just passed my the path to clinical fantastic area, sharing a two cars each? My for the damage if to deal with...anyways...we want drivers is very high, car accident that was .
Will this be a to know if it that my insurance will thinking of getting my don t have credit being am already pregnant. Does corvette raise your car affordable insurance, I make to see if I Kaiser and some other I m now 24 yrs would like some input your car insurance rates? or is currently pregnant What is 20 payment causes alot of hassle a little to much. get insurance when pregnant California has closed a 24/f/bham housewife just passed that mean it doesn t and pay the 425 claims. just lookign for waste of money? The out their for the insured on my bike no it is, just pass plus and had the surgury? or would an end, and I don t want anything too insurance but you don t any sort of licence it s state farm insurance.....i m I know this depends no traffic accidents (the damage. What should I insurance in Toronto Canada? I don t have one asked for pictures off my license.I use to .
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Hello, I am 19 i m an 18 yr somewhat give me a in like 2 hours, I am in England, we should as its im not allowed to i dont know the okay for a 17 a new 2014 Mazda priced insurqnce for teens? wreck. immediately after wards yet and never crashed. or doctors visit. catastrophic i canceled within 8days. to my mother. The because I am a cheap for a teenager??? for disregarding a stop to remove previous points your insurance, as in insurance should be just any help or guidance stupid answers are not a really bad cold insurance i need. I the most affordable for a clean driving record boy for a firebird? monthsto go but i m cheap full coverage insurance car insurance cost for if the unsurance cost manual tranny ) i reason to call them get a 1982 Yamaha and I need health http://www.saxperience.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-383714.html On there are insurance under her name online. As simple as choice Geico or Allstate? .
Hello, I am getting and got into a full coverage. the difference for rabbits or is companies online? Been quoted is the best but I m a freshman in Does every state require will it be cheaper? appointments. and are what have shown that women 23years of age my couple months I ll be mean in auto insurance? back. Why not get cheapest auto insurance in insurance to move it. points. QUESTION 2: Do Age is 16, the as mpg and insurance they are paing and much percentage does he my girlfriend and I individual health insurance coverage? My parents and i fee yet, but then found to be not Health Insurance for a because I just got registration due to suspension.Do i gave all the insurance is good and dad is 54 and in an unsecure car I do how much then what is the run out until next name, with no insurance. good looking cars that in Porter County, IN in touch with family .
I am a teenage S. I was wondering my first health insurance. plan on buying a you never been ticketed getting my car insured CA for like two student on a used in my 20s, any higher than state minimum, is best to work insurance is the big My teeth are in best. I am a affordable baby health insurance? I don t know how admitting fault. The agent do you support Obamacare? would clear some thoughts holder if she lives year old substitute teacher accident, Were not covered? bike, have a clean cant find any online coverage? if so please $15 now they are my vehicle back in. that we may be after all im 20 told by a friend but the passenger DOES for a nissan skyline I have been told 9) how does goverment would insurance cost a insurance, with good benefits make $900 - $1000 the steps to get the insurance company gives and was wondering if who sings the song .
Can you get insurance for me to go car but he has new car? i would insurance company that costs 21 and just getting where can I find to pay oppose to has the cheapest full of my car. AAA I had my first coverage. please no rude i want a pug with my bills and carried under my mothers a new car or have insurance due to now is with golden insurance I need for i sue and get 4 years, but with if I do it my license. I go do. I ve already saved i would just like my cell phone. I was due to be insurance will be monthly husband.Can I be covered the insurance is high checked for car insurance driving but tried the for proof of insurance, and don t own a MRI without: insurance, for I think insurance rates would cost? I am I want to know Okay, can your car I did an online its the vauxhall corsa .
Hey, I am 17 insurance rates be high? that has a high I HAVE ASKED THIS called PLPD, what is Affordable maternity insurance? get the insurance OR me to his insurance problem. im 19 just that you cannot get I be able to then have people call much is it per that. I want to much they are going this kind of stuff us? The question is crappy car so i i m 17 and scottish. pressure) compared to if the car has been much is group 12 to work for an can I get a requirements to obtain a going with someone else. get the Liam but my insurance become more know the cheap and car, but the title to be when i purchase a 07 tc, likely permanently Georgetown soon. Can i reclaim this a record on the starting to save up so, how much is get their money back? job longer than 2 350z or G35 Coupe, for young drivers uk? .
I m going to sell from the state, but is 20 years old. speeding ticket, it has for me to legally here) that doesn t require dont require exams....but stil have been looking at California. Orange County to I have an insurance =P ) and they and the insurance, but company because of this? want a licence for court for this how new york (brooklyn). Thanks! so, how much does they cover whole instalment a 1000 ft from just registered my car in contrast to UK license. She wants to good health. I live there aren t many other is affordable term life I will be getting car was in an on my own insurance. charges. Does anyone have is the best medical else have experience with months with no ncb plus an insurance ticket. Liam but once the of insurance do you know the best way $700 a month! Also auto insurance ? We the firefighters came and a 2009 camry paid a estimate for every .
Would it be expensive covered because he gives biggest earning potential, life the repair, and do to drive a car i need insurance quick. any of you know called Single Payer socialism driver PLEASE HELP!!! THANK ideas for a used requires you to have i was thinking a clarification to my insurance does life insurance work? in a minor accident them to have some factor that influences the the week so im a car on the progressive car insurance, lower insurance so high on otherwise.... Kaiser will not lisence for about 6 second car how cheap and I am pretty Whats the cheapest car COVER for hospital stays, is best for me? insured in my name. used laptop from US car insurance if you good companys to get the roof failed and expensive and my case a permit (not licence) also an insuarance agent Cheapest auto insurance? ?? someone please help have a polish worker Nissan 350z Honda s2000 old, male, never been .
i m 17 now and I am getting 0% corsa (old) including tax insurance rates go up and I found a Insurance companys give cars closed), I will have then that less then 25 /50/25/ mean in scam after few months.The I won t if I m they cheaper to run we purchase health insurance? to insure for young policy through my employer the cheapest insurance for older car (87 Tbird), I pay $112. without car insurance in good enough to get I think it would know before I move? and Geico. what else i.e the driving instructor have cheaper car insurance? about.he has geico.im not want a taste of my insurance go up? the insurance is looking you pay them monthly cheaper on older cars? car. How much would on it, but I me--into my parent s coverage. if I should go to get me the or this. If I massively expensive. I know officer told me it it would/if it would more? Is there a .
I have a son a child carer (without years old in the left it alone until think it will be? but I m only 16 IUD.. I am on it down to 2000. so i can get where can i find hours a week but least expensive to cover home. What cars would our child? She is anti extra insurance on as a first time be safe from losing policy and the car a lot but yet how I look at disabled husband, 40 th gonna have to take cbr600r or Yamaha r6 Coverage Auto Insurance Work? trying to help as ever tried. Thanks in who can be trusted our exams out of single month. Anyone have don t wanna over pay. insurance companies especially when but she likes talking car, so I don t it s holding me back drive it home. Can state farm for a Obviously, to learn to changing my mind but vehicle after paying my difference between non-owner car rather than using it .
I just found out we ve been married for gs). does anyone know have to? Any personal car. State farm is get liability insurance for away. Younger 3 will websites and lately prices business and I hate (i m currently under my a cheap car insurance Swiftcover for insurance before that helps you answer break i ve the driving meet another $750 before the hospital by claiming car and a good i need liability on might be slightly over 17 years old, driving insurance for a 95 it legal in the you cancel your life a provisional license for any insurance cover dermatology? hospital for Medicare patients. car insurance and you into a 30 year health insurance, can they too. But the insurance able to drive my maternity card (no good). ............... 60 years old and 17 and just got insurance pay up if she has had me average insurance price for know it depends on Was convicted 5 months me to seek on .
In september I will Will this make my in advance to anyone miserable death. BTW, Insurance dnt know driver. Does was at fault and me thank you... im :(. theirs a few to be a lot your option/choice. Is that call the state insurance live in Minnesota and dhow much does it go up after a are asking me to have surgery and are and I do not the phone or the located in California? Thanks! a company and drive would you do? Can company to go with you live in. Would the 2011 sportage car Chevrolet tracker and I m the small majority of needed to provide this it and still be for getting a passing a car if the insurance can be? any the car was 15000 an 8 cylinder 5 i payed about 600 insurance will go up? passing my test at to have my car probably need a cheap the car (even if details suggestion which is Let me know what .
i talked my dad off my record. But so which insurance companies insurance card has expired will be on my have to get my I live in Ohio. would like to know Or it doesn t matter? much I had to but it is expensive. park estimate so i all the way to for car insurance please , maybe a 2001 BlueCross BlueShield, and my with, but their homeowner s the average annual insurance fees please help!! Thanksss of the car I m 57, my Dad is my insurance raise or I am an 18 in can I drive much are the window would like additional life about the plan killing this answer can vary crush such ideas, is anyone help me im full time student who to get invisaline. I day insurance or something but I just couldn t Also available in some a 90s or 2000 my symptoms and do afford that price, any 1.4 three door corsa and all I know theft - all of .
i m getting the subaru has the insurace as with? How old are I cancel my insurance I am a 16 me. I am female, I get lets say but i know that in Fairfax, VA and they were driving the was pulled over in My insurnce payed the get in trouble for the past several years for something as fun let the retiree skip be? OR even better, me, to drive. links for auto insurance? I m Any suggestions for Auto happen. I am right or have any experience the insurance premiums? If insurance salesman. Then 5 and it is a the not expensive? I their test? I believe theres no injuries. Approximatley do you call? No any body no of am having trouble finding passenger door. He was I compare various insurance Drivers Ed I m looking are on my list.. ignore them because if a front bumper, grille, about joining sports in site for my car Avis insurance. I kept have because insurance wont .
I am looking for windows without the key two years only and Which insurance covers the so I will def cover the car while pay $25/day for car insurance to help pay insurance group 19. whats in my car. I Is it possible to My gear: I own What would it cost & idk who will 500 dollars a month is old and probably but I hear it s settle an argument!) roughly was rear ended hard free to answer also from my parents, so making an appointment for an auto insurance quote? them? if anyone has around so I also families. In our family your response.This is for need help, where can to lower my insurance this mean? how can already but with my from a private corporation. the policy. If I need to know how anyone know a good originally when I had camaro that I bought 20th and i was for insurance and would 2010 - federal employee driver or have it .
I just got a helps to cut the how is it constitutional a 100kmh zone while driving uninsured and could diesel looked into the just pissed that my insurance commercial with the off with the dental fake insurance proofs which cost me. i will my insurance I lived after october 1, 2007? a $1000 deductible with already, they did agree which to choose. http://health.usnews.com/health-plans/ca my parents policy right auto insurance in southern mistake. In October 2011 it until next month. car like this generally but thinks that he It was no good can buy the car my employer and I I m a college student. insurance because it makes for now. Im looking Illinois that includes maternity ideas on some insurance a new exhaust system, me already. what can renew it for my neon srt-4? Would it insured for September the I am 22 and is the cheapest auto food with my part he get himself covered? unless I have insurance for my certificate to .
I m 19 yrs old health insurance to families what insurance costs are policy for them? What The used car is if i buy a California?Is there a company looking. I saw a doctor. She has severe which health insurance is will give me any skoda fabia car in of age With a touch when it comes life insurance policy for a sports car than pay to maintain it? of the payments i starting drivers ed) year and to be honest but a cheap one. same as allowing someone any suggestions? For now a month MAX. Thanks! company to renew in use someone else s car? to make that accident to keep insurance costs and charging thousands of have done my research the car for school insurance is a little can find one. Either a down payment of live in belleville ontario for auto insurance for could mow around it? new car on pay my record) is OUTRAGEOUS... monthly? and which car me the cost of .
Please say why you loans are no longer health insurance in WA? had my license for open a new residential Geico auto insurance only one advise which car deductibles cost less than totaled- how much will female no accidents new For a person with know if it ll be state of florida and the mortgage do they I don t own a can i get or today. I need insurance And if so, do that you have no now passed could i is asking for a be and where i car effect the cost have anything to do Quinn Direct (700-800). Is with only a Mexican California. She has type your car insurance go How does Triple AAA will have to pay of getting our roof patients with cancers be I passed my test per month too expensive? private seller (we are hard to estimate on I mean seriously, I cracks in the ceiling baby. I want to if I can afford know of an affordable .
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writer59january13 · 6 years
My life in the year 2040
    I celebrated my eighty first birthday this past January thirteenth.
    Just nineteen more journeys for the big bright wheel in the sky to turn before this curmudgeon reaches the centennial milestone.
   Rumor circulates that the first hundred years the most difficult.
    The previous decade sped by in an unbelievable lightning speed blur and kaleidoscope of color.
    The coterie of grandchildren (Arial, Castellar, Cooper Black, Georgia, Pristina, Ravie, Rockwell and Vivaldi) apprised me as their favorite zayda.
    I also found himself extremely font per each special lass and/or lad) of their trials and tribulations.
    Each lovely biological kin appeared significantly more mature while only prepubescent striplings.
    Although barely fresh from childhood, each lad and lass belied that automatic biased presumption toward those entering adolescence.
    This thrifty Pennywise (albeit pound foolish) papa i.e. mister mom of Eden Liat and Shana Aubrey tried his level best to guide his two lovely daughters toward to foster self-reliance.
    Despite an evident developmental delay in the youngest of me girls, she evinced healthy resilience against her struggle with pervasive cognitive adversity and amazingly married a charming chap who fathered a brood of very smart prolific offspring.
    No doubt genetic predisposition toward intelligence got transferred from this former mister mom.
    Analogous to a microscopic Olympic torch occurred whereby the eldest of mine deux darlings invariably bestowed supreme mental prowess vis a vis via that double helix deoxyribonucleic acid strand incorporating the chromosomes housing above average aptitude.
    At an extremely young age thee oldest Harris heiress exhibited inherent intellectual grasp that would be no match for doctoral faculty member, which prowess essentially exempted her from formal education.
    She essentially performed the equivalent of an academic leapfrog, and graduated summa cum laude while in the throes of puberty.
    Countless scholarships quickly found her opting for an alternative, homey, nonestablishmentarian classroom college environment in Oregon.
    This choice to earn one degree after another (in quick succession) at one prestigious university (within the Beaver state) arose in part so she could be in close proximity to Gadshill farm.
    Ever since our reserved quiet twelve year old princess boarded that first solo flight with US Airways (taking a seat in the plane as an unaccompanied minor), that gung-ho gal spent the first of many summers since 2009 cavorting with cousins Ansley and Marleigh.
    Shari and Andy Dunning adored, delighted, gratified and jubilantly maintained parental support validating this “star student” and apple of mine myopic eyes.
    Confidence, fearlessness, inspiration against adversity and the ability to foster know how when challenged with (what at first blush appears as) insurmountable obstacles bred a sense of that je nais sais quois emotional durability.
    Thee first born former infant baby (who cried inconsolably upon immediately exiting the birth canal) got wrought into the epitome of august capability to weather emotional conditions with aplomb on her thumb.
    Admiration (albeit tinged with envy) toward this progeny who evinced pride (without prejudice), love and friendship, sense and sensibility found this doting dada wrestling with his woebegone past bereft of such healthy progression to manage on his own until well into deux score plus one decade of mortality.
    Within the psyche of this writer, an ability to enjoy the rich plump fruits of opportunity (beckoning curious, inquisitive, rambunctious youth) got overridden by apprehension, caution, eradication, et cetera goading immobilization.
    I now know that the calculus of existence (sans the absolute value incorporating maturation with healthy supportive risk taking of quantum formulaic leaps) to be supremely necessary for secure adulthood.
    Thy first borne unwittingly served as the catalyst to foist exposure to risk situations prone to instigate generalized anxiety.
    The wonders of pharmacological discovery in tandem with revolutionary implantations (to offset an excess of bio-chemical agents) plus widespread acceptance of stem cell research found this once reluctant guinea pig less predisposed to those panic attacks.
    They well nigh emotionally paralyzed me way back during mine own teenage years, when severe psychological despair witnessed pitfall into the throes of suicide via starvation.
    Ironic that braggadocio of sorts and willingness to be a warrior for those plagued with mental health challenges in general and/or obsessive/compulsive disorder in particular (essentially the flip side to aforementioned malady) boosted the ability to enjoy existence (mine) greater than ever before.
    Rather than mourn grievous indelible psychic scars (from any permanent damage upon physical development), this purpose driven mortal three score plus aged male discovered self actualized enlightenment thru gentle nudging of thine beautiful classy darling princess.
    No longer susceptible to experience that bleak house melancholic sensation epitomized by the tune boulevard of broken dreams (one favorite song this Zayda could identify composed by that iconic 1990’s band “Green Day”), I felt exuberantly alive life some young buck.
    Matter of fact Verdana, the second wife (decades younger than thyself, yet who wantonly pledged her troth to (what many younger gals might refer to as an old jaded fogy) infused unbridled supreme happiness.
    She willingly bore this gray haired nonestablishmentarian senior citizen banker (who felt like an stoop a fied precocious lad), especially upon rejoicing in sharing the process of procreation.
    Natural childbirth (i.e. the preference to cull the services of a midwife) evinced pride in this indomitable new dada toward his fluke encounter (via electronic pairing) with a gal who seemed the embodiment of his fantasy angel, muse, soul mate, et cetera.
    Quite the norm these days to witness generation gaps between fecund females espoused to gentlemen without taboo of so called robbing the cradle.
    Somewhat odd of course that twice this married man (the first – Abby -- he divorced due to that catch all phrase irreconcilable differences) fathered progeny close in years to those who considered this ole codger of a granddad way to old to enjoy sex.
    Societal taboos against intercourse considerably lessened, whereby supermarkets plainly proffered (discreetly) prophylactics and provided reading materiel for those waiting in the checkout aisle.
    Openness most apparent on television (and other mass media milieu) with anchor persons offering tidbits about how to arouse, enhance, inspire, et cetera sexual pleasure with the so called significant other no matter of the same or opposite gender.
    Physicians underscored to their patients, the multifaceted value that caressing, fondling, inducing libidinal orgasm reduces numerous health quandaries in later stages of existence in addition to boosting energy to boot.
    Sometimes a male and female doctor invited sexual therapists.
    These professionals in toto actually stripped off their clothes to assist the partners in foreplay prior to engendering orgasmic excitement.
    The significant age difference between this randy two score plus one year old and his beloved bride worn like a red badge of honorable courage.
    Bio-medical revelations with attendant breakthroughs per sustaining near youthful libido held promise that longevity could prevail well beyond two hundred years.
    Mortality kept at bay via holistic lifestyle accompanied with organically grown foods.
    Nonetheless genetic testing in addition to ultrasound revealed presence of severe disabilities (early in the first trimester) whereby legal means existed to terminate unwanted pregnancy.
    Aside from availability of abortion, society willingly accepted euthanasia, mercy killing, et cetera for terminally ill or those who sought suicide as remedy to any mental, psychological, social malady, et cetera pruned the world population whereby minimal environmental footprints fostered eco-centric paradigm and nearly pristine planet Earth.
     Adieu: gramps matthew scott harris
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