tehe-whatthe · 4 years
Shameless Book Plug
What’s the book about?
Omah is the native Prince from the enchanted empire of Jicotea, a kingdom expanded from the spiritual beginnings of harmonious tribes. Omah has everything one could want or inherit except the two things that would make him the ideal royal…adventure and a portrait worthy smile. Following the appearance of the mysterious Moilinere’s magical key, Omah is transported to an…
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tehe-whatthe · 4 years
Haiku - Communication
Haiku – Communication
They said they were fine.
The sudden thud and blubbering,
Mum would find out soon.
I have followed an awesome Haiku writer for quite some time now but I haven’t made a slot on my schedule to read beyond work material for about 9 months or more. YIKES!!! If…no when I find their page I’ll insert it (here).
Why do I like a Haiku or few? They encourage deeper…
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tehe-whatthe · 4 years
What actions do you live with? - Reflective Cycles
What actions do you live with? – Reflective Cycles
I recently had a conversation about the small animals I sponsored on a monthly basis and it had me thinking about my contributions to help the homeless. Why is it easier to give to animals on a regular basis but with the homeless there is such scrutiny about whether they truly need financial assistance? Perhaps it comes from the experiences with homeless people who in fact have not been homeless…
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tehe-whatthe · 4 years
It's Science Time!!!
It’s Science Time!!!
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Okay so long story short I was asked to completed a 6000 word literature review on any topic so I chose….
Salivary biomarkers for Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
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I mean YAAAAY!!!!
Okay so I started all interested reading so much and getting the background information ready when I realised there were LOADS of scientific abbreviations I didn’t understand.
Yes, I did read the…
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tehe-whatthe · 4 years
Just A Wiggle (Story)
Helen glided a finger across the pages of her local paper, with a biscuit in her other hand. She took a bite and pondered whether she would actually go through with it this time. Libby her cat stroked her anxiety away by brushing her right leg and nuzzling into her Mum. Helen indecisively sighed then stuffed the rest of the biscuit into her mouth. Scooping Libby up to cradle her like an infant,…
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tehe-whatthe · 4 years
MAAAN!!! A MAN (part 3)
On the eighth floor the elevator doors sprung open with new vigour, Omar hurried out to stretch his legs and inhale some fresh air. As he looked around it became apparent that this kingdom was distinctively different.
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Then he realized why; the tall and sickly thin green trees were blades of grass and the unattended sporadic pools were merely puddles despite their frightening depth. He tested…
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tehe-whatthe · 4 years
Notes from My Youth
Suppression of my rational mind,
found favour in bursts of imagination.
The stream that eventually emptied,
numb but still conscious.
Wonderment of lapsed time.
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Image by @mari.zaro
Every fibre in me screaming it’s time for the ocean,
choppy seas tamed by hopeful moments.
Heart in my ears,
tingling extremities.
I felt like I held you my whole life and maybe that’s why even when I am ahead,
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tehe-whatthe · 4 years
If your dream became your reality would you be ready?!!
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I had a romantic dream (not a blue movie) just a cute girl meets boy kind of party. I was the girl as sometimes my dreams can be unpredictable and the boy was actually attractive, witty and kind. The latter is very important to me, as a pretty face with an ugly personality transforms into a beast on my scale. I remember thinking okay let’s have this in real life then. As in where in the world do…
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tehe-whatthe · 6 years
Quiet Confidence #Short Story
Despite, the rain I woke up with this Nina Simone mood.
That I just woke up and the mirror is my friend.
Wait a minute, let me walk back again…O-KAY!
Face contorted in admiration of everything formerly overlooked, sheets corrected by a simple snap of the wrists.
Single digit formed the semi-circle and a telling private laugh.
This and that old things made new in pose…no plural.
Clicks all…
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tehe-whatthe · 6 years
REBOOT! - Mental Strength and Healing
REBOOT! – Mental Strength and Healing
pic from skillinfinity.com
The rise and descend of reaction.
The forceful release of revenge, readily clung to finite resolution.
One apparent option stressed.
Glaringly awkward and slick.
All roads leading to high ground seemingly smashed to smithereens.
Moisture darted, exhausted breaths, no reason and no measure of compromise.
A hung head, recoiled form and voice…
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tehe-whatthe · 6 years
Free Oral Health Tips That You Should Know
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We all want a great set of gnashers. Whether it’s for helping to catch a special someone’s eye or for eating the foods we enjoy like that piece of steak smothered in something rich to quick fix honey roasted peanuts. A winning smile is as useful as it is pleasing to the eye.
Read on for small tips that will get you results and make you an instant hit with your Dentist. If you don’t have a Dentist…
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tehe-whatthe · 7 years
MAAAN!!! A MAN (part 2)
…but was urged by Gloria to let Omar be, which was a good decision considering Omar shortly returned with a small weirdly shaped ball in hand. The Prince enthusiastically guzzled an entire positivity potion save for a few drops, placing the empty bottle near the rocking penguins. The swirl of purple vapour from the rim of the bottle made some of the penguins tumble into a emotive dance piece and…
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tehe-whatthe · 7 years
It’s custom to bow when in the presence of the Fane family. Sorry, hold on just a second…the Fane family came from an illustrious royal lineage of kings, queens, emperors and caciques in fact no longer than that if you could just close your eyes and wander further…yes that’s better. Do you see that family huddled so peacefully, serenely immersed in the sounds of their surroundings? Okay stop…
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tehe-whatthe · 7 years
(Lip pic from sahrzad.net)
Zip It Challenge 
I typically share fiction nowadays but I thought it might be fun to share a new personal challenge. It’s one thing to offer advice but it’s another to actually use it so I will work towards the change I want to see in myself. I want to as they say “be about it” and well, I agree if I’m going to tell everyone that they can become whatever they want then…
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tehe-whatthe · 7 years
10 obvious signs that someone is in love with you...
Happy new week!!! All the best. 
(Cover image sourced at gify.nou.cz all other images found on pinterest) 
Teherah xXx
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tehe-whatthe · 7 years
Quo (Story)
Just outside the birds thrashed wildly at the barrier between their prey until loud, sporadic indentations formed solid bubbles of oncoming savagery. Resharn flipped his bed on its side to create a shield and positioned his decoy scarecrow behind the crook of the right side, he then jumped up to reach the bar above the latch and used his feet to create the momentum that would allow him to swing…
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tehe-whatthe · 7 years
Speak Like You Know Me (Discussion and Poem)
Pic from http://www.tameramowry.com
Speak Like You Know Me
Femme fatale, vixen, temptress, siren, seductress find the worthy noun. 
Part of the same crowd.
Subjected, rejected and used. 
Perhaps that what you mean by unexplainably obtuse.
The overlooked, 
Heralded responsible or nurturing. 
Saved by the measures that the fearless championed.
Abused and tortured, 
The outright obscene…
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