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I love how we've been gripped in Master fever recently, so it inspired me to finish work on a cosplay of my favourite Master ever - Anthony Ainley! Here's my outfit based on his one from the last Classic Series story "Survival". Truly an underrated incarnation. :)
(Few minor bits to sort, but it's almost there! :D )
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No... No... NOOOO!!"
Just finished a cosplay edit based on the Twelfth Doctor's shock regeneration in the pre-titles of World Enough and Time! He seemed to be trying to stop it... Scary stuff. 
It totally caught me off guard, and I'm desperate to see how the story leads up to it! :D
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Something a bit more personal now. It's officially been 10 years since my mother hand-knitted my first ever Fourth Doctor scarf for me. ^_^ Based loosely on Season 12's pattern, this is by far my favourite piece of cosplay clothing, and also the first I ever had. It was a complicated process for her making this scarf - my mum was very ill at the time and was in hospital for the majority of the knitting, but she stayed strong and kept it all together, and used the scarf to keep her mind going. And for that I'm so very grateful to her and I owe it to her so much. Because of that, the scarf here is extremely special to me and very sentimental, and I'll never replace it. ^_^ Here's to you, Mumsie. :)
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From Hartnell to Capaldi… My little cosplay tribute to the man who started it all, and to the man who's keeping it going! :) Happy 53rd anniversary to Doctor Who, the wonderful show that has brought millions of people across the world together. I can honestly say that if it weren’t for this show, my life wouldn’t have as much fun in it as it does due to the fact that I’ve met so many amazing people through it, many of which have become my closest friends! And that’s not even noting my love for the show itself! A massive thank you to every member of the production team across the decades for creating and continuing such a fantastic adventure through space and time. :)
Here’s to you Who. 47 more years! (At least!)
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Probably the most satisfied I've been with my Twelfth Doctor cosplay... Ever. :D Love the red velvet coat ahhhh.
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Finally got round to doing a closet cosplay of Capaldi's second Series 10 costume ^_^ Despite it NOT being the burgundy velvet as I initially thought (it uses the black, hence my navy coat as a substitute), I quite like this one actually, it's very much like a Series 9 variant - however the jumper choice is purely guesswork on my part, but I think it works as an interpretation! ^_^ I like the burgundy hoodie too!
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My cosplay of Finn (AKA Big Deal) from Star Wars: The Force Awakens! Brilliant movie! ^_^ Absolutely love John Boyega so I felt like giving it a go! ^_^ (Even if my hair is slightly too large xD )
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Myself as the Raggedy Doctor from the Eleventh Hour! Who da man?! (Never saying that again... fine.)
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"Same old, same old, just the Doctor and Clara Oswald in the TARDIS!"
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Two Kilgraves and Two Tenth Doctors... Quite possibly the David Tennant Appreciation Squad right here. :P Kilgrave is definitely another of my favourite cosplays! :D 
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"And say hello to the sofa of reasonable comfort." So I decided to do something a little bit different. I'm a massive Rowan Atkinson fan (especially Blackadder) so I finally caved and decided to give his Doctor from "Curse of the Fatal Death" a go! :) I found a really great alt waistcoat on eBay (by far the best option since the original is beyond impossible to find since it was custom) and used my black frock coat... And quite frankly I think it doesn't work too badly! :D
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You know you're devoted/obsessive when the first thing you do when you get home from a holiday is to put together a closet cosplay of the Twelfth Doctor's THIRD NEW look. XD Naturally my version is completely alternative, but I think it does the trick! :) 
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Bill finally gets to the TARDIS! ^_^ One of my favourite shots taken at a cosplay meet in my Bill gear... First time I've ever cosplayed a companion and I loved it! ^_^
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All the patches for my Bill cosplay are now assembled and attached! ^_^ Really happy with how this cosplay is coming together! :D
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"Hello, it's Doctor Disco. I'm in the twenty first century. I don't know what month. I'm staking out some of the most dangerous creatures imaginable." Went to Cardiff the other day! Couldn't help recreating one of the most notable shots of Series 9 (The Zygon Invasion) in the exact same park. ^_^
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"I'm not a human being... I walk in eternity." I had an absolutely amazing time at Watford Comic Con debuting my upgraded Fourth Doctor costume!! ^_^ So going to do it again at some point, that's for sure. xD Jelly babies for all!
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