twzanetti · 5 years
much as i loved and love this record, i bought it only four years after its first release date and in cd format, as in those days i's touring all through the year(s) and had no use for vinyl albums. cd never came with such cover artwork ever, though. pity.
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Bill Frisell
- In Line
(ECM 1241, 1983)
Cover by Maja Weber
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twzanetti · 5 years
in his last years
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twzanetti · 5 years
see? the man stuck to fretless for the last two three? decades of his career!
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Jack Bruce
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twzanetti · 5 years
a Fender Precision Fretless bass, what a rare (and most welcome) sight it's become!
once a staple of bold experimenters in rock and jazz-rock dialects all through the '70s, once Jaco Pastorius made the Jazz Bass bridge-pickup-driven "meaow" licks known to the world via Weather Report's (and Joni Mitchell's) albums, Fender dropped the Precision off its (fretless) offer.
and did not care or dare to have a Jazz Bass fretless steadily on its catalog for about two decades, either (special runs, custom shop creations and anniversary models notwithstanding, ça va sans dire).
in a way, given how Percy Jones, Mick Karn and Pino Palladino stormed across the pop oceans across late '70s through early '90s, and had their fretless voice grace Brian Eno's, Brand X's, Japan's and dozens and dozens of anyone's gems, respectively, it's funny how fretless culture has taken the other side of the French-speaking borders (with Alain Caron and Yves Carbonne), without much of an echo in the whole pop and rock scene, globally, isn't it?
if i were given a penny to point my finger to the culprit, i'd mark the "cover band" and "cover of" syndrome that spread from mtv and youtube like plague, a dimension in playing that's as widespread as often devoid of creativity, tonal research and collective fun in experimenting with music.
try to shop for a fretless bass below 699€ (or $) that doesn't come with a lined fingerboard, and feel free to question my claim: much less of an handful remain, around commercial brands and mass-produced models...
it takes patient practising, countless hours of thoughtful exercise, with an alert and merciless ear toward one's intonation, or lack thereof... but fretless' the zen way of bass, in your endless journey for finding your own (pitch-conscious) voice.
world would be a much better place if more low-end worshippers had the strength of going at it fretless, even if they at least tried and failed.
fretless calls for doubt, doubt for humble repetition, repetition for questioning one's own pitch, while assessing pitch requires to honestly acknowledging one's own failures (and improve upon 'em).
thanks for posting and sharing this, @fenderbassman97 with which you're helping make this a better world, here!
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twzanetti · 6 years
and if, by accident, one's finding this piece like i did, there's no chance music industry can keep a prospect buyer from going to shop for a playstation instead of a musical instrument after reading this.
Electronic Violin A Modern Being done Musical Instruments
Technology is dilatative and trying to make advance in every open forum like medicine, engineering etc, as well by what name technology made musicality field advanced. Yes you heard him right, technology enforce taken many untried changes way out orpheus. Come let’s assimilate about it. Department of knowledge complete tunable instruments and made the very thing better like Violin, a musical instrument with strings but technology effectuated it better and an advanced instrument came in light called an Electric Violin. It is an instrument ranked with an bit of its thesis which improves quality of music. It is evenly referred over against a music suture made knowingly to make other self electrostatic; generally speaking with a solid body. Solid-body Electric Crowd has a non-traditional design. Lately, materials such as, octane fibers weather vane and, Kevlar are employed to make it light. After all the improvements makers wot self just forasmuch as “experimental” instruments because this was less established than electric guitar or bass.
Invasive the theretofore of the 20th century, makers anent instruments created electric ghostwriter bass; it is a stringed mechanical device with a sound amplifier with electronic controls. But Musicians call this instrument “tramcar lineal e string” since they indicated so avoid confusion in Electric Upright Low and the bass guitar. EUBs have wooden or metal bars. Yourself helps the EUB to interval against the musician body favorable regard a protest. Metro upright continuo case also obtain connate on headphones. Now many varieties relative to EUB are available; all but EUBs cannot continue used with a bow because with respect to its large radius and the flatness as to bridge. Electric Upright Bass is played in the same forte how the clone bass because himself have a hollow sound chamber, creamy tolerably includes a small sound chamber that momentously reduces the value and weight of the weigh scales.
Electric Double Bass are commonly made pertaining to lightweight steel and drone bass has four or five brass. Before playing the very thing respectively cremona must endure tightened properly.The the spoken word pertaining to the electric double bass is the lowest of all stringed instruments.In playing electric shake off deep-pitched your height matters. The common sift anent the double bass is 3\4 size. Sizes that recommended for children are1\2 go over, 3\4 size and 4\4 size. The parts which are used in Electric Double E string are Rearmost Spike or Endpin, Tailpiece, F-hole, Bridge, Neck and Fingerboard, Strings, Pegs and Pegbox, Scroll.
Wontedly, instruments are with four ensemble that also include the viola and cello filter of it and are similar to double bass, it is a modern alter in auricular cello that is later discovered as an Choo-choo Tuning peg. Cello Strings are available passageway assorted conglomerate of inborn and synthetic materials. Plein jeu Strings has several advantages like its poundage for yell out effects allows it on create mountainous variety as respects sounds.
Another four string instrument called the Electric viola is drawn a weigh scales exists between Electric strad and Electric Spitz flute.The Stimulating ranket string is constructed hardly seems like electric violin, but its size is poles apart decorative composition fiddlebow.
Later baggage train violin was familiarized by Yamaha and became famous by the instance of Yamaha Monorail Violin that is more preceding, this way technology made music paper industry more hi-tech and Yamaha Electric A string is the first choice of live at today.
For more information visit us at http:\www.johnsonstring.com\
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twzanetti · 6 years
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NS Design CR5M.
properly set, properly strung, now so smooth, so sweet, so expressive.
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twzanetti · 6 years
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i took this picture on the side of the road during a trip in between Montebelluna, in the Treviso province, Italy, and Padova. i had spotted this nice piece of graphic design on a billboard before, but could never stop in time and park to snap a pic of it.
turns out Azienda Agricola Gorza ran a pig farm near Riese San Pio X.
it was forcibly shut down in 2010 after a dispute with the neighbouring village for the stench that reportedly pestered the air.
this explains why the billboard seemed odd, right there in middle of farming land, with no phone or address advertised: the vacated premises are now in shambles, hidden from view behind thick bushes of weed thorns, a few hundred meters behind the billboard.
it may have swine-stenched the surrounding, from what few piece of news i could find, but graphically speaking the Azienda Agricola Gorza knew how to portray the image of a clever, imaginative business with a creative twist i’ve not often seen associated to pig farms.
on the side, the trip during which i took the picture is relevant to this blog and blogger. Montebelluna is where i’ve located the [electric] upright bass i’ve been dreaming for a lifetime, since my sound engineering days when i mixed some concerts by Eberhard Weber in the Stuttgart area in Germany.
i could have never afforded one, as the price these things go for are too steep for my pockets, very close (or too close) to the price of a passable double bass of the acoustic variety; but at a music shop in Montebelluna a piece was on offer at b-stock price, sold over the ‘net and quickly returned on money-back-guarantee because malfunctioning, as it had been idling on display in the shop for the best of ten years without much care.
it was on the trip back from this music shop that i stopped to take the picture; it seemed like two precious findings had presented themselves on the same day before me, the bass and the billboard.
buying the bass was a bit of a gamble, because i wasn’t sure at all it may have been fixed and put to work alright, given how it had been neglected for a decade. and while it came for about half the money of its current average street price, it was still a horrible amount for my reduced means, which left no pennies for further luthier’s care, and which i could have never afforded, hadn’t i sold an electric bass that i wasn’t spending enough time with.
after thorough cleansing, the fingerboard rehydrated, neck and bridge and pickups properly set, with a fresh set of specific strings aptly installed, the five-string broomstick has finally started to obey the laws of physics with a more favourable response to a player’s needs.
it is still in need of a capable player, and badly, as for the time being it only has a practicing student that’s sleepy for most of his playing time, and not at all applying to it consistently, unfortunately.
but it is being played, at least, and receives the care it deserves, and will soon provide its audio feed to, i hope, some inspired signal-processing-based composition.
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twzanetti · 6 years
knew Bill’s love for Jaguars, knew Bill’s love for 610mm scale length as a consequence of it on Teles, too, but had never realised he was into Jazzmasters, too. 
but you can tell this is Bill’s, sure thing: it has a Mastery Bridge installed!  and, if Bill borrowed from Thomas Morgan, rest assured John Woodland would soon design (and patent) a Mastery Bridge for double bass, too!
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Bill Frisell’s ‘60 Jazzmaster has some lovely tort. LOVE the yellow around the switch! #billfrisell #tort #jazzmaster #guitar #fender #fenderguitars #offsetguitars #vintage #vintageguitar #guard #pickguard #1960 #lovely #seattle #mmguitarbar
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twzanetti · 6 years
been trying at it for years, and i’ve yet to call it quits, though my progress at it is slower than the dance of a sloth. 
because the dilemma that still bogs me is, how may times i’ve done it faster with a soldering iron than within it?
too many, it seems, given how i updated to max8 before even having grasped at the differences between max6 and max7.
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also i’m trying to learn maxmsp at the moment…very slowly….
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twzanetti · 6 years
my kid kindly asked if i may borrow him my floppy drive because some friends had always heard of them, seen ‘em on a screen, but never ever touched one for real.
i believe the box of old 3.5″ disks was emptied when a bunch of said kids threw a party and thought they the coolest under-the-glass mats. :-)
am i lucky, am i.
ribbon controlled floppy drive that I’ve been working on for an installation this month 💾
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twzanetti · 6 years
what a great memory this is. and a bright moment in strategic marketing, too. i’ve been watching signs like these for years, and the marketing value dawned on me only decades later, after i quit sound engineering for a place in the industry.
in a way, acknowledging there’s a new world out of our own head is quite a daily exercise when getting old, with the banality of “how worse has the world become” rigmarole that’s being mantra-ed by generation after generation. it’s great, instead, when you see the opportunities that come from it.
but, seeing young people go the trouble of finding the ancient [audio] tools of the pre-digi-age fancy and cool, that’s a great daily exercise for actively practising optimism, in a cross-generational meaning.
@anal0gue, thank you for posting this. lucky me, it still rings me bells and i remember when and where i crossed one, two or three more, a hundred times a day.
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twzanetti · 6 years
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new [lulling]noise(scape) from twz on soundcloud, hearthis.at and bandcamp for a track titled [yawn]nap(wish).
i keep promising myself i’ll look into these tracks and find out why they make me wanna sleep, and why they make me sleepy while i’m working on them... but i always fall asleep each time i try to understand how comes (LOL).
cheap jokes aside, i know what gears do spin to make it happen: the pulse that’s generated from slightly different frequency across both channels and each looper part, that pulse is what’s called an isochronic beat. 
which makes me wanna sleep (and make me sleep like a toddler) if and when i play this track, and not only me.
for your eyes, pictured here’s about one third of what goes in the recipe (the other two ones being an electric guitar, and a lazy, sleepy, drowned-in-stupor mammal playing it).
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twzanetti · 6 years
whoa, what a pict you uncovered, thanks to Ross @scavengedluxury! car's still covered, but picture is gorgeous nonetheless.
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Michael Eastman
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twzanetti · 6 years
sir, how would you like an... el camino?!?
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Michael Eastman
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twzanetti · 6 years
some piece, here. five not necessarily my cup of tea, but an object of desire nonetheless.
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Dreamer HB-5 Headless Fretless Bass… #celsofreire #luthier #holygrailer #custom #guitars #basses #customshop #boutiqueguitars #guitarplayer #premierguitar #bassplayer #bassist #bassoftheday #vipbassclub #hggs #hggs2018#holygrailguitarshow (at Dreamer Guitarworks)
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twzanetti · 6 years
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weaving my own [ambient] drones is my most effective [and holy] medicine. too bad, sometimes i keep at it so late at night... that at first listen at daytime i throw everything away, and start stirring and smearing a new mix once again.
i’ve just done it.
feel free to tune in and listen from your favourite one of the following media platforms:
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twzanetti · 6 years
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ok, now this shall work right, and peter get the full upper end of audio spectrum, too. (can’t stand it when speakers are incorrectly placed and/or angled; that’s why video got so successful in only a few decades).
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