as i can feel my soul leaving and decaying fro my own body and not being able to do anything about it.
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the pain of missing you is laying on my bed in pitch black and the feeling of what i can only describe as my muscles aren’t on the right bones and there’s long talons piercing my skin sucking m soul
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i feel you in the roots of my soul and the very vibrations of my bones and i crave you so much i could never be satisfied as long as i don’t have you.
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You're 16. You dont pay taxes.
Then how come when I bought call of duty it said $59.99 but it was really $61
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need recommendations
guys i’ve read so many gallavich fics and i wanna read moređŸ„șđŸ„ș send me yalls favorite
i love long ass fics but i will take whatever:):):):):):):)
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My country’s literal revolution is happening right now but nobody cares bc it’s not impacting the US/Europe
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the sex ed guide your parents didn't give you
how to put a condom on
where to get free birth control
the hymen debunked 
cleaning your vibrators 
how to avoid pressures
signs you may be pregnant
safe guide to anal sex
all about dental dams
disabled sexual resources
what is hiv?
feminist porn
female ejaculation
fisting 101
communication during sex
setting sexual boundaries
bdsm vs abuse
lube during sex
the clitoris
sex education games
understanding gender
what to do if your nudes were leaked
sexual consent
all about masturbation
tips for your first time
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A Mom went to have dinner with her son who lives with his roommate. During the course of the meal, his mother couldn’t help but notice how handsome his roommate was. She had been suspicious about her sons sexuality but being a good mother she felt that he would let her know if and when the time was right but seeing the two together just made her more curious. Over the course of the evening, while watching the interaction between the two she wondered even more if there was more here than meets the eye. Her son, sensing his mothers watchfully eye volunteered, “really Mom, I can tell what you’re thinking and you can just get it out of your mind, we are just roommates and nothing more”. About a week later the roommate remarked, “ever since your mother was here the silver serving platter has been missing, do you think she took it?” He responded, “Well I’m sure she didn’t but I will email her and ask just to be sure” he sat down and wrote: Hey Mom I’m not saying you did take the silver platter from the house and I am not saying you didn’t take it but the fact remains that it has been missing ever since you were here for dinner. Love, Your Son. A couple days later he got a response from his mother: Dear Son, I am not saying that you do sleep with your roommate and I am not saying that you don’t sleep with him and you know I love you and could care less either way but the fact remains that if he was sleeping in his own bed he would have found the platter under his pillow. When are the two of you coming for dinner? Love, Mom
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i have two energies only:
when eric andre does something stupid and his guests don’t know what’s actually happening
when eric andres guests do something stupid and he doesn’t know what’s going on
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Rami’s speech about Freddie Mercury after winning the Breakthrough Performance of the Year at the Palm Springs International Film Festival
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who else needs a psychotic boy to come into their life and fuck it upside down until you’re his psychotic lil baby and y’all do fucked up shit together and nobody can fix u? cause that sounds really nice right about now
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j u
“your full name without an E,F,R,S,K,I,M,L,C,A,Y,N”
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me to me: no not since the accident in 2004
me about me: is she okay
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hot take: moms need to learn how to listen to and comfort their daughters without making everything about their own traumas
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The worst trick a childhood anxiety disorder pulls is, you spend your early years being applauded for being so much more mature than your peers, because you aren’t disruptive, you don’t want any kind of attention, you don’t express yourself, you keep yourself to yourself - this makes you a pleasure to have in class, etc etc - and you start to believe it’s virtue. But you’re actually way behind your peers in normal social development, and who knows if you can ever catch up.
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