weaz-blog1 · 6 years
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“Wade, I know you’re concocting a way to ferret me out of hiding, but I’m begging you, if I ever meant anything to you… let me go. You can keep my ‘William Shatner sings’ album… I don’t want it anymore. Goodbye, Weasel P.S. The note is for you.. the SUITCASE is for my LANDLORD.”
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weaz-blog1 · 6 years
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                                                                       they turn to stars or s h a d o w s                                                                           they go like snow or dew—                                                                         leaving behind n o  s o r r o w
     only                                                                           overarching                                                                                                                            B   L   U   E
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weaz-blog1 · 6 years
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“Well. I can think of a few people who are big into that sadomasochistic $#!&. Maybe he has, y’know, cock extensions. They call him DOCTOR COCKTOPUS!”
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“I mean, I guess. But if we start going into extension territory, then that pretty much just opens the doors to so many other possibilities. If he’s got extenders, then what’s stopping him from making each extender their own tentacle with their own extender. You could go on ad infinitum, and end up with just a disgusting orgy of metal and flesh.”
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weaz-blog1 · 6 years
OOC: That’s right, I get dragged back to this blog after months to talk about Doc Ock’s sex life.
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weaz-blog1 · 6 years
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“I’m not asking for myself, Weaz. It’s more of a… hypothetical question.”
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“Yeah, and in your hypothetical question his claws are still totally skeevy. How would that even work? I mean, some of his upgrades look sharp as knives. Who would want that near their junk?”
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weaz-blog1 · 6 years
OOC: They 👏 killed 👏 Weasel 👏 again 👏👏👏
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weaz-blog1 · 6 years
I was under the impression he got killed off in a miniseries because he did something to piss Wade off enough that he killed him. I remember reading that somewhere online but I haven't a clue what book it was or where I read it so maybe I made it up?? But that seemed to be where Spider-Man/Deadpool picked up from so idk
     There’s been a lot of Deadpool mini-series, and I haven’t read them all so it’s entirely possible there’s one where Deadpool kills Weasel. I generally don’t bother with mini-series, though, because they’re generally not canon to the main continuity, especially with Deadpool.
     Spider-Man/Deadpool is specifically referencing the events of Daniel Way’s run, though.
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weaz-blog1 · 6 years
wasn't weasel dead in 616 by the time wade got married?
     For some reason, Tumblr didn’t tell me I had any asks, so sorry for the delay on this response. No, Weasel wasn’t. The last issue he was in before Deadpool v3 #27 (the wedding issue) was Deadpool v2 #36 where he and a few others (including Big Bertha & Blind Al) kill Wade. They kill Wade and by the time he wakes up, they’re gone. Spider-Man/Deadpool #14 claimed that Weasel was killed at the end of that arc, but S/D came out two years after the wedding issue. Unless there’s an issue I missed there’s not a single reason why Weasel would have been dead prior to Spider-Man/Deadpool #14.
      Also that post is sort of a watered down version of my biggest issues with the Wedding & modern day Deadpool comic’s treatment of Wade’s core group. Blind Al was completely sidelined for a joke, and Weasel was in the comic. Albeit Where’s Waldo style in the very back of a panel that you had to be looking for him to notice:
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     The original Deadpool solo set up a lot of interesting characters and relationships that barely if ever get a mention. Cable & Deadpool is the last comic to do his supporting cast any real justice, and I hate it. I am 100% bitter, and dislike characters like Bob & Preston solely because I’m a bitter asshole. I fell in love with Weasel, Blind Al, Patch, and T-Ray, and I hate that it feels like they were all just ditched for the “newest model”.
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weaz-blog1 · 6 years
mannamedafterwire replied to your post “OOC: I am… conflicted. I’m glad to see Weas in a comic that doesn’t...”
i'm confused by him being not dead and them not... explaining... how...? but also bagley makes wade really pretty ;-;
Why would he be dead :)))) There’s certainly not :)))) a single :)))) damn comic :)))) where that would happen. :)))) Not :))) a :))) single :))) one :)))
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weaz-blog1 · 6 years
Weasel: I got married 8 months ago. Wade: So... what? I’m like the other woman?
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weaz-blog1 · 6 years
OOC: I am... conflicted. I’m glad to see Weas in a comic that doesn’t involve him getting pinapples shoved up his ass in Hell, but... -squints- I’m gonna need to see where this goes before I pass full judgement on it.
Weasel & Wade’s interactions are great so I like that!!
but uh
the twist
at the end
Weasel’s married and secretly doing merc work on the side.
I’m gonna need some time to dwell on that little revelation.
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weaz-blog1 · 6 years
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weaz-blog1 · 6 years
Wade: I’m retiring. Weas: Yeah, ok buddy you do that. Here’s the weapons for the job I gotta jet.
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weaz-blog1 · 6 years
OOC: Yes, Wade is also super hot in this comic if you were wondering.
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weaz-blog1 · 6 years
OOC: -sobs into a salad- Oh no, he’s hot.
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weaz-blog1 · 6 years
OOC: Its been 4 years but I'm still not over the fact that Weasel wasnt at Wade's wedding.
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weaz-blog1 · 6 years
i love your weasel so much i dont think you understand
wh what have i done for all these kindnesses. thenk you so much. i try.
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