yorukamiko · 4 years
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some notes on loving a little too hard, a little too heavy
richard siken // ( x ) // ray bradbury // ( x ) // richard siken // ( x )
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yorukamiko · 4 years
Science fiction is full of first contact stories, but is there a such thing as LAST contact?  Decide exactly what that means, and write about it.
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yorukamiko · 4 years
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im loving this article written by som mycologists who accidentally got high as fuck on fly agaric
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yorukamiko · 4 years
So the legend of King Arthur in 12th century would be tagged as "modern AU" 🤔🤣
The problem started with stirrups.
So I’ve been working on writing Merlin fanfic and, like a moron, I decided I wanted it to be more historically accurate because the actual canon is a shitshow about that.
I start doing some writing, some researching, and discover that stirrups won’t arrive in Britain until the 10th century or so. King Arthur is like… early 500′s roughly.
So no stirrups. That’s not a big problem. Except it is argued that it might have been a major contributor to feudalism. Which, ok, good to know. So Arthur is pre-feudalism, got it. Shouldn’t change too much, right? (wrong)
Oh, what’s this that feudalism requires for those new wealthy landowners?
Fucking. Primogeniture.
(friendly reminder: this is the right of inheritance for the firstborn son. Like for land, or titles of nobility… or kings)
So if my research is right, King Arthur didn’t have an inherent right to the throne because he was the firstborn male heir. He was fucking ELECTED. (or maybe a lady in the lake threw a sword at him, who knows, this is all myth anyway)
But the fucking kicker?
The thing that DOESN’T EXIST in King Arthur’s time?? Because feudalism won’t show up for several centuries?
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In summary, the story of King Arthur is just modern day fanfiction from medieval/feudal Europe with rampant OCs, overpowered everyone, too much fucking drama, and like three different werewolves.
Also no stirrups.
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yorukamiko · 4 years
Hard YES. Same goes for any form of fan creation.
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yorukamiko · 4 years
Because you can't control luck.
The belief that they are doing something right is giving them an illusion of having control over bad things happening to them. It's fucking terrifying to acknowledge that you might get sick or die, so people will do anything to avoid that knowledge. That includes creating a narrative where sickness is a punishment and certain behaviours can keep you safe from it.
They aren't telling us how to get out of a shitty situation we're in. They are reaffirming themselves that their health and safety is not threatened if they stick to the rules.
Some rando: You should think about stopping your prescription
Me: My pills make me not want to die tho
They: You shouldn’t want to die, that’s not normal
Me: Yeah that’s why I’m taking my pills
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yorukamiko · 4 years
Thank you SO MUCH 🥰
2V with Portia and Muriel or 2E with Lucio and Julian? 😏
I have never drawn them before, but I love this ship and absolutely lost control❤️
In my mind she is standing on Asra who is down on all fours because he is the ultimate wingman
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(Part of the background is from the game)
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yorukamiko · 4 years
This amazing person should get more attention, Arcana fanbase! Look at their art! Look at it! @_@
(You said it was okay to tag you, so that's exactly what I'm gonna do, @bazzpop :3)
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Hi Hello there
I turned this red series of The Arcana pics into tarot cards, it’s not the whole deck but I plan to add more later. It’s free to download and print out if u want. The cards meant to be printed on A4 size paper, but the box is slightly bigger, so it’s better to be printed on A3.
If u actually print this out, send me a pic of a final result or tag me if u post it somewhere else.
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yorukamiko · 4 years
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Hi Hello there
I turned this red series of The Arcana pics into tarot cards, it’s not the whole deck but I plan to add more later. It’s free to download and print out if u want. The cards meant to be printed on A4 size paper, but the box is slightly bigger, so it’s better to be printed on A3.
If u actually print this out, send me a pic of a final result or tag me if u post it somewhere else.
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yorukamiko · 4 years
That's a possibility for the reversed ending. If he goes back to his old selfish ways and loses his body again, then he can go through with the ritual and bargain with the Devil again. And I think this is foreshadowing for reversed ending:
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Okay so I’m seeing some people confused as to how Lucio has his body back, hold up I got u
If you remember towards the end of Julian’s route, when Lucio comes to confront the gang the Apprentice breaks the chains binding him, thus undoing any deals he’s ever made, which returns him his body. If I remember correctly a similar thing happens in Nadia’s route? Both times she banishes Lucio from Vesuvia.
But yeah MC has the power to undo the Devil’s (and others) deals. Same as unbinding the Courtiers in Nadia’s route, or asking Julian to let you unbind him in his reversed ending.
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yorukamiko · 4 years
HC about the Apprentice's memory loss
Contains major spoilers.
In Asra's, Julian's, and Lucio's route when MC goes to the Lazaret, they see their own ghost.
Ghost that remembers everything and knows they died and why and how and when.
Ghost bound to the Lazaret, like many others.
Bound to their burial site, perhaps?
And MC doesn't remember shit, and remembering hurts them.
What if
They weren't given a new body for their soul
But we're recreated from Asra's memory into the Fool's body?
Because their soul (memories, abilities, personality, everything) was in a place where Asra could't follow, but Asra was desperate to have them back.
So Asra recreated them as best as he could, but since he didn't have their PoV, he couldn't give them their memories.
He is a pretty powerful magician after all
And no, Lucio wasn't resurrected as in brought back from the dead, either. Asra says he's unique, not dead and not alive.
Any thoughts on that?
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yorukamiko · 4 years
Some Julian WiPs that were sitting in my sketchbook for way too long and at this point I might just as well post them here.
Reversed Julian is supposed to sit on a perch (in case it's not clear).
Julian playing the piano is signing Tom Lehrer's Masochism Tango. It's his theme song and you can fight me on it.
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yorukamiko · 4 years
Can we please talk about how Asra is coming to terms with Lucio in his route?
At first there's a lot of (well-deserved) hate on Asra's side. He's known Lucio for most of his life, was manipulated and used by him, saw his best friend suffer, saw the city neglected, the plague spreading, and lost the love of his life to Lucio's plague. And then got an invitation to the Palace to help save Lucio's life.
But he doesn't claim innocence. He did stab his host in the back, and he isn't trying to justify that. He's not confessing his fault the way Julian does, but when confronted he admits to what he has done.
At first we see how he's angry with Lucio, but he's way more concerned with MC's safety. With your choices as you play you can actually put MC in a position where they are on good terms with both of them (or.you can romanticise Lucio and make Asra the villain). Asra doesn't hate MC for choosing Lucio. MC was compassionate enough to stay behind and risk their life to help those dying of the plague. Of course they are going to try and help Lucio. And Asra sees it. And slowly his perspective shifts. He sees that Lucio is making an effort, so Asra does the same. Tries to understand him.
I mean, c'mon, it has to be quite a shock to see Aisha and Morga side by side. Everything Aisha and Salim stand for - love, compassion, warmth, understanding, acceptance - is just not there. Morga doesn't even allow Lucio his own agenda, she takes the blame for his mistakes because she was too soft on him. Asra sees the bigger picture and understands. He's not excusing Lucio, but he sees the reason behind his actions.
And sometimes this is all you need to stop hating someone.
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yorukamiko · 4 years
Welp, I didn't know praise link was on my list, but apparently it is now.
194. Good boy.
Kinktober Day 7: Praise-kink | Body Swap | Aphrodisiacs | Incest asra/gen!mc, nsfw. it’s tender asra lovin’ hours, gals & pals
You know how he acts when he is complimented: he laughs, and flushes a very pretty red; his gaze slides away to some distraction across the room; he clears his throat and changes the subject. He doesn’t savor your sincerity, your praise. (Worse, he doesn’t believe it.)
“Don’t you know how beautiful you are, Asra?” you’d asked him, once, with his arms around you and his toes against your shins. He had laughed and buried his face in your shoulder to hide his blush.
“I know how beautiful you are,” he’d said, then cleared his throat and changed the subject.
Keep reading
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yorukamiko · 4 years
“I’ve wanted to kill myself a hundred times, but somehow I am still in love with life” - Voltaire, Candide
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yorukamiko · 4 years
Vampire AU
I’ve been toying with this idea for a while, so here it is in writing.  Julian, somewhere between the fateful Masquerade and the beginning of our story. On the run. We more or less know his route: getting away from Vesuvia with Mazelinka, getting on a ship to Macawi port in the South, then going back to Vesuvia. But the Masquerade was three years ago, and Portia started working at the Palace a year ago, probably shortly after she got to Vesuvia, which leaves us with two years of Julian’s journey. What has he been up to, then?
EDIT: I started writing this 3h ago and just wanted to get stuff out of my head. I guess stories live their own lives, so it became WAY longer than I expected. Oops. It’s 3:30am and starts getting NSFW. Part two will happen when I get sleep. Alas, beware of typos and other mishaps.
Also TW: human trade 
Here an idea:
The ship Julian’s on is attacked by the pirates. Not Mazelinka’s crew, but a more nasty type. Julian tries to make his way out of the situation by telling them he’s a doctor, but they don’t need one on their ship - instead, they decide to make a pretty penny selling him to someone on the coast.
As they arrive to a small port, Julian is escorted straight to the market. There, a young lady dressed in finest lace buys him and a few others. She seems very well educated and rich, but not very kind. She haggles well, not about the money, though, but about additional people for the same price. The handler seems to be cautious with his words, as if afraid of her, and finally agrees. When she’s done, she drives away in a carriage, while Julian and the others make their way to the estate on foot, with a few guards.
The residence is a beautiful place by a river, with a garden smaller, but no less amazing than the Vesuvian one. They pass the fields and the meadows on their way there, and Julian takes a good look at the people working in the fields - there are no guards, and some people are resting in shade, drinking and laughing. They seem.. relaxed.
Upon their arrival to the house, the ropes are taken away and they are offered a bath and a fresh change of clothes. Julian’s clothes are simple and plain, but kind of nice. He washes up in a small tub of warm water, and heads to the dining area.
The lady who sits at the head of the table is the same lady who was there in the market. She’s way nicer now, welcoming them in her house and asking them to enjoy the meal. Everyone is a bit reluctant, but she takes the first few bites and that gains her enough trust among the newcomers. Even if this is all extremely odd, they are hungry.
After the dinner is cleaned out from the table, she announces that they are by no means obliged to stay, and they are all free to go the next morning. However, if they would like to stay, she offers her employment. A roof over their heads, food they will grow with their own hands, freedom to come and go, a fair wage, and her protection - under two conditions. There will be a small donation of blood required every now and then, and there will be her reputation to upkeep. There is a murmur among the guests, but she cuts it off, saying she would like them to go meet the servants who decided to stay, before they make the final decision. 
The lady of the house takes time to chat with those who stayed in the room, and finally makes it to Julian. Unsure what to do, but utterly intrigued, he decides to accept the invitation and stay for some time as a physician. If nothing else, playing by their rules can make an easier escape later on.
The next morning he is asked to move to a long building closer to the servants quarters, where he is given an office and an adjacent room in which he can live. All of it is rather simple, but sufficient. There are no decorations, but there view out the window is pleasant. Way better than his office in the Palace dungeons. He shivers at the thought, but pushes it far away. He is safe now. Everyone dear to him is safe and away from Vesuvia. Mazelinka has reached Portia by now and passed the news of his escape. All he has to do is to lay low for a while.
There is a knock on the door and a young boy with a little girl attached to his leg walks in. Julian smiles and puts on a “kind doctor” face, then throws himself into work.
Weeks pass by and Julian is well-known and liked among the people of this weird place. His initial distrust slowly vanishes. He can see that the people are indeed free to come and go, they are paid, fed, and happy. They work for themselves, mostly. Some work in the fields, some with the animals, others sew clothes or build furniture. There’s a carpenter, a blacksmith, and now him - a doctor. It’s a self-sufficient little town, all under the protection of this young mysterious lady with a bad reputation on the outside. Whatever they have in abundance, they trade away in the port. Julian goes with them once, and plays along when he is told to put on shackles and look miserable. He knows a reputation can save one from the fight altogether, and he is well aware that if those pirates knew the place wasn’t cursed, haunted, and controlled by a powerful witch, it would get raided in no time. 
As they return back to the estate, they joke and laugh about all the silly stuff they saw pirates do - spitting over their shoulders, sprinkling salt, or murmuring anti-hexes while avoiding their gaze. Julian loves it, mischief and drama is something he lives for, and he offers a few new scenarios and tricks to play on the pirates the next time they go to town.
But even before they reach their houses, someone stops them, visibly shaken. They say that there has been an accident and the doctor is needed immediately. Julian rushes back to the estate, where the injured is being taken care of. 
A child is laid on a cleared table in the main hall of the house, pale and motionless. There is a family gathered round them, sobbing and comforting each other. Julian is afraid he’s too late, but the child is still alive. Their breath is rugged and bubbly. A close examination shows there’s a lung pierced and some external bleeding. As much as Julian wishes, he’s way under-equipped to perform a surgery. Instead, he removes his gloves.
The room falls silent as his mark glows. With his head tilted backwards, he sees a movement at the top of the staircase. Then, he folds in half as his own ribs crack and bend inwards, piercing his lung. He gasps for air, but he’s drowning, yet he does not move his hands away until he sees the child gaining back consciousness. He collapses to his knees. Last thing he sees is blood on the floor and his hands as he coughs it up. 
He wakes up sore, in a strange room. It’s dark, with curtains drawn. The door opens and a servant comes in with a tray full of deliciously smelling food and a lit candle. She smiles at him, sets the tray and begins to light the candles. She seems like she wants to say something, but she only utters “thank you, thank you so much” when she’s about to leave. 
Only now Julian realises there’s someone else in the room, sitting in an armchair. The stranger walks towards his bed and Julian can now see a tall, lean figure with a storm of dark hair surrounding her perfectly beautiful face. She looks like a living sculpture, her skin dark, eyes golden. Her entire shape screams elegance. She sits at the foot of his bed and smiles an all-knowing smile.
Julian is too hazy to ask the right questions, and he is starving, so he lets the stranger speak as he ravishes his dinner. The woman seems completely comfortable in his presence, as well as fascinated. She introduces herself as Mistress Zoe, the real lady of the house, and tells Julian she is impressed with his magic, but also a bit hurt he haven’t mentioned being a magician earlier. Julian explains between bites that he is not, in fact, a magician, thank you very much, but he has been cursed by one. She laughs, and asks how possessing an ability to perform miracles and save lives is a curse, to which Julian mumbles something in response, blushing at the compliment.
Zoe asks him to be completely honest with her from then on, and offers the same in exchange. In fact, she would like to start.
She created this whole place, because she dislikes how violent the world has become. There’s no joy for her in hurting and killing, and hurt she must - to feed herself. Now here lies the real curse. She cannot step in the sun, she cannot eat or drink what the others can, she needs to feed on blood. For years she tried to cope with her situation, on her own, with no one to guide her. She did horrible things in her youth, hurt many, just to stay alive. Killed some, yes. But seeing she lived longer than any man she has ever met, she decided to make a difference. That’s why with all her accumulated wealth she bought the estate and surrounding grounds, and created this safe haven. Julian nods and asks about the reputation and Zoe smiles. Well, yes, it’s a repellent for those who would want to attack her, but some of it is true and had the need arise, she would be able to protect her people.
“And the blood donations?” Julian asks. Ever since he took on the physician’s job, he had been tasked with drawing blood from the volunteers. She looks away with poorly hidden disgust. She knows she can draw a little blood from a lot of people to sustain herself and not harm them, but honestly, it’s like taking a bite of every possible dish at the same time. Feeds you, but it’s awful. It’s the closest she’s ever been to being fair with her people, so that’s her way now.
Julian furrows his brows. If she’d let him, he would very much like to examine her. She laughs and it takes a moment until he realises how he sounded. He flusters and tries to explain himself, but she’s having none of it. She teases him and makes him blush even more. Eventually, she lets go and tells him that yes, that is possible, but now she wants to hear his story. Julian obeys, and tells her the most dramatic and entertaining tales of his adventures.
They stay up all night and when the sky behind the drapes starts getting lighter, Zoe decides to bid her goodbyes. She thanks him again for saving the child, and for their time together.
Over the next few days Julian goes back to his routine. He is now treated like a hero, but there’s a bit of distance in how people interact with him. Rumours of magic is what they were laughing at together just a few days ago, not knowing he possessed any abilities. What if he didn’t like their jokes back then? They know he can keep a secret, so maybe he holds a grudge now? Better not get too close with him, better leave him a small gift at the windowsill, just in case. Julian is a bit frustrated by this behaviour, but he can’t blame them - he himself is distrustful towards magic. 
His thoughts, however, go back to Zoe and their night together. He felt so good in her presence. She’s bold, and funny, and she seems to like him, too. And gods, creating all this? That takes some guts.. and kindness. He’s sure she could put a lot less effort into it if she hunted.
The next time volunteers come over to donate blood, one of the house servants informs him that he has to deliver the blood himself. After he closes the clinic for the night, he gathers his journal, and a small basket of vials, and goes to a room upstairs. Zoe is already there, behind a room divider, taking a bath. She invites him to sit in a chair next to her tub, completely unashamed. He passes her the vials and she downs a few of them right away, her irises dilating as she drinks. She rests the back of her head on the edge of the tub and he can see her fangs. He opens the notebook and writes down his observations. 
It takes her a while to come back to her senses. Her throat bobs up and down and she sits upright. “It’s a very vulnerable moment for me,” she says, “when I feed. It’s even worse when I was feeding off of a living human. You know how lone predators drag their prey into hiding before they start to eat? I had to go to hiding, too. I usually lured them into a safe place, and only then fed. When I quench that thirst, I’m completely helpless. I can control myself, but as for anything going on outside - I’m done. So much for a great predator” she laughs. 
Julian sits there, taking notes, asking questions, and trying not to stare. The way she moves, the way she talks, the way her lips curl, her brows furl, her nose wrinkles.. Everything about her is perfect. He is enchanted by her voice and her scent. He blushes, when she catches him drifting away. “Guilty as charged, I was not listening, sorry, you’re just too beautiful” slips his lips and his eyes widen, while his cheeks burn. He did not mean to say it out loud. 
She just smiles, a wide predatory grin. Well, of course she is beautiful, but it’s nice of him to notice. Perhaps he would like to put the notebook aside and pass her the towel?
Julian blinks rapidly, then reaches for the soft cloth hanging on a hook and hands it over to her. He wants to turn around but she stops him. He’s welcome to look, in fact, she would very much enjoy it. He doesn’t need another word. He sits there, transfixed, biting his lip, as she puts on a bit of a show for him, slowly drying herself down, giving him all the right angles. 
He hasn’t been close with anyone since... since that damned witch. He enjoys Zoe’s company, and she apparently enjoys his. She seems dangerous and alluring, a sweet combination he always had a soft spot for.
She steps out of the bath and bends over, putting her hands on armrests, so their faces almost meet. “What’s your poison, then?” She asks. Julian smiles, eyes full of mischief. “I love pain and servitude, Mistress. Bind me, use me, deny me, hurt me - I’ll take it all. I heal well” he teases. Zoe’s eyes light up at that, she licks her lips, slowly. “May I feed on you?” She asks. Julian swallows, hard. “Yes, please.”
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yorukamiko · 4 years
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Zoe A poison ring.  Just in case.
The arcana main six as rings
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