yumiis · 1 month
if any of you know me you'll know that i LOVE music and i express so many emotions THROUGH music so
here's a few songs i think isaac or yumi would like (i want you guys to decide which ones are for yumi and which ones are for isaac LOL)
"Rendezvous" by Jordyne
"ETA" by Nick Alexander
"EYES ON ME" by asteria
"ON THE FLOOR" by removeface + kyszenn
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yumiis · 1 month
hii would you consider doing comfort/fluffy isaac... i have no real ideas but gn or male reader please :)
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 a day in ; isaac x reader
hii guys i'm doing.. a little better. definitely not at 100% but getting there. i hope you enjoy :)
cw / tw; overwhelmed reader, gn!reader, no pronouns used
Isaac noticed from the moment you came through the door. You weren't feeling great, and you were definitely overwhelmed. You'd thrown your bag down at the door, didn't say a word, and hiked up to Isaac's room. Isaac gave it a few minutes before he headed up to check on you; he didn't want to make it worse.
You jumped a little at the sight of your tall boyfriend come in, quickly turning to hide under the covers. "Baby? You okay?" He spoke, quietly making his way towards your side. "What's goin' on?" He placed a hand on your shoulder.
You sighed shakily, "Had to run a few errands, there were so many people.. There was an argument in the store, it scared me. I just needed to come home." You explained, peeking out from the covers to look at Isaac.
He nodded, leaning down and lightly kissing your forehead. "Look, we'll spend the rest of the day in here, I'll get you whatever you need. We can also watch like.. whatever the hell you want. We'll spend the day in. Nobody needs to leave or come in here." You smiled at his kind gesture, thinking about how nice it really would be. You've been needing a day to just yourself and Isaac.
"That'd be really nice.. You'd wanna do that?" You asked him. "Yeah! Totally, I don't mind or anything. It's a good day when I can spend it with my favorite person." He rubbed your shoulder, pressing another kiss to your forehead before getting up. "Look, here's the remote," He tossed the TV remote in your lap, "and I'll go get some snacks. Sound good?" You nodded, "Yeah, sounds great."
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yumiis · 2 months
HiHi !! Been reading your stuff for a bit now and was wondering if we could get an angst/fluff fic of Yumi x Autistic!Reader where Yumi is tired and Reader doesn’t pick up that he is and keeps talking and he kinda snaps and yells at Reader which makes them cover their ears
Totally okay if you can’t get it done, just in the mood for an angst fic involving Autistic Reader because I like reading stuff that I can relate to as an autistic person :)
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 taking cover ; blake x autistic!reader
thank you for this request, i think it's a good one for my first piece back.
tw, cw// breakdowns, yelling/cursing directed @ reader, making up, comforting, autistic reader
You weren't exactly tired yet, but your boyfriend was already in bed on his phone. That wasn't right though, it was barely 10pm, he wasn't usually in bed until 1. That was unusual and very against routine. You crawled in bed next to him, hearing him hum lightly as the mattress shifted.
"Baby?" You spoke, your voice a little louder than he would've liked. He groaned, "Huh?" You tilted your head, "Why're you in bed? It's only 10, you aren't normally in bed 'til 1.." You trailed off, messing with some skin on your thumb. He sighed, "Just did a lot today, sugar."
You stared at the mattress awkwardly, not noticing he'd put his phone down a minute ago and shut his eyes as well. "Oh, okay..!" You continued talking about your day, your eyes drifting across the dimly lit room. His thinly strung fairy lights were nice at times.
You admired the back of your boyfriend's head as you spoke, about to press a kiss to the back of it as he suddenly turned around. "Hey! Dude, I'm fucking tired! I'm trying to sleep, so either go to bed, or get out!" You jumped at the sudden yelling, causing you to cover your ears.
He sighed as he rubbed his eyes, pushing his hair out of his face. He noticed the state you were in pretty quickly. Your hands were over your ears and your knees were pulled almost to your chest. "Hey, hey." He spoke much softer, placing his hands on your wrists. He didn't pull, but kept them there. "I'm not yelling anymore."
After a long moment, you moved your hands away from your ears. He locked his fingers with yours, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that." You stayed quiet, your body still occasionally shaking. "I didn't mean it. I just had a long day, and I'm tired. I wanted to come home and sleep. That's all." He paused, looking into your eyes. "If you want to stay in here and talk about your day while I sleep, that's fine."
You shook your head, changing positions so that your head was in his chest. "Wanna cuddle with you.." He smiled softly, "I guess that works too."
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yumiis · 2 months
take all the time you need to come back bb!! losing a pet that you’ve basically grown up with is hard as hell (i lost my dog exactly a week after i graduated and i’m still grieving to this day). if you ever need to talk to someone, feel free to send me a message or smth 💜 :)
i got her the day after i turned 6. 2008, she was gonna be 16 years old in june. poor baby could barely walk anymore, i knew it was time. i couldn't bare to see her suffer any more
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yumiis · 2 months
i'm so sorry for the late reply but i also put down my dog last year. i'm always here if you need to talk. sending lots of love <3
it happened last night. i'm a wreck. i'll be back as soon as possible i promise
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yumiis · 2 months
ur making me wanna watch hazbin...
ohmyogd i went to rewatch the pilot because i literally havent interacted with hazbin since it came out and i found my old comment it was so cringey 💔💔
"me putting on headphones so my christian mother doesn't hear the swearing be like:" SHUT UP DHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP
u shld! i'm not as fixated on it (sorry i'm having a moment life's been rough) but it's SO good dude. pleaseeee watch it
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yumiis · 2 months
hi all. little announcement. tw// pet death, depressive episode
so. 2 days ago, we made the decision to put my childhood dog down. she'll be leaving us on tuesday afternoon. i've been a wreck. i've been crying on and off, needless to say, i'm in the midst of a depressive episode. i might try to write to get my mind off of it, maybe not. i'm sorry for not being active, but i promise i'm still here. this dog has been in my life for almost 16 years. losing her is absolutely killing me in the worst way possible. i don't know what i'm gonna do with myself.
everyone say rest easy, sassy
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yumiis · 3 months
miss u writing for yummers u were such a good yummers writer :(
u can still rq for yumi !! i haven't stopped writing for him:))
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yumiis · 3 months
Hi! I've just pretty much found your blog and I love your writing but some of your masterlists don't work because the links haven't been updated, just wanted to let you know! :)
aaah thank you!! i'll have to fix them when i get home tonight!! ty for letting me know !
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yumiis · 3 months
i'm finding some space in my heart to love adam (i have religious trauma.)
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yumiis · 3 months
Alastor with a reader having anxiety/panic attacks? I've been having some ✨severe✨ panic attacks lately from my CPTSD so this would bring me so much comfort to read if this is something you're comfortable writing for! P.S I love that you include him using Creole terms of endearment-it really adds so much!
aah thank you so much! i'm glad you enjoy my work:))
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 flawed ; alastor x reader
genre/type; comfort, blurb
Alastor was the first one you confided in about your CPTSD. It was something that stuck with you even in death, which you absolutely despised, because of course, CPTSD is hell, and you're in hell. How fitting.
You explained what happened in your life, telling Alastor how you died and what you'd endured. He listened with a wide smile, his eyes glossed over with concern for you. "Oh, sha, I'm awfully sorry for everything you've gone through! However, I'd say you've got quite a strong support system, don't you think?" He smiled wide, his body language showing he was genuine. You smiled at him warmly, "You're right. Thank you, Al."
A couple weeks later is when Alastor found you in the midst of a panic attack. He'd never felt more sympathy for someone in hell. "Shit!" He gasped, his static-y voice layover gone for a moment. You were cradled on the floor of your bedroom, knees stuck to your chest as you heaved and cried loudly.
"My dear?" He bent down to your face, the tip of his staff right by his face. "Can you hear me?" He gently asked, not touching you yet. You shivered as you let out a breathy groan, murmuring a small 'yes' to him.
"Good! May I sit next to you?" You shakily nodded, your body rocking back and forth. "I.." You tried to speak, feeling his elbow touch yours.
"Bebe, you've got to breathe. Think about your breathing, focus on it. For me, please." He spoke gently, the static somehow comforting in a way. His transatlantic accent always helped, it reminded you of your life on Earth.
After a while of Alastor whispering sweet reassurances into your ear, you found your way with your head in his lap. You stared at the ceiling, your face blank.
"You know, you aren't.. flawed, in any way for having these attacks, darling." He looked down at you, his thumb rubbing against your forehead as his hand rested on your head. "All of us here care for you in ways you simply couldn't imagine."
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yumiis · 3 months
you genuinely write alastor so well i thank u for writing my request !! ✨🎀
aaahh thank you!! i try my best ml :,))
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yumiis · 3 months
ugh thinking of child!deer reader and alastor ☹️☹️ he takes her in because she's clueless as to why she's in hell and the little bit of sympathy he does have left goes to this clueless little girl. he raises her under his wing and cherishes her like a daughter ☹️☹️☹️
i don’t write for child!reader, but for you i’ll make an exception
when i think of alastor with a kid, i automatically think of his relationship with nifty. homeboy is so gentle and caring with her, he’s rarely like that with anyone else (minus charlie, but that’s different).
if he were to find reader as a child who just so happens to be a deer like him, all alone in the big bad world of pentagram city, he would dig wayyy deep down in that soul of his to find a part that isn’t cold, just to take them by the hand and say “don’t be afraid, sweetheart, you’re with me now” and he would absolutely introduce them to nifty and watch them get along because it’s like he has two daughters (nifty in my mind is like a daughter to him, shush). and he most definitely protects her from the overlords and adam because “if anyone touches a hair on their head, i will make sure to murder you in broad daylight, and broadcast your screams for every other disrespectful sinner as a reminder. understood?”
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yumiis · 3 months
i’m in desperate need of reader having feelings for alastor but instead of telling him she completely distances herself (idk why but im obsessed w this concept)
I JST READ SOMETHING VERY SIMILAR TO THIS so i'll definitely be basing this piece off of this by @princekeerys !
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 away from you ; alastor x reader
genre/type: fluff/comfort, blurb
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Over the course of the several months you'd been in hell, a few things have happened. The literal Radio Demon was the one who found you when you arrived in hell, and upon seeing how scared you were, offered for you to stay at the Hazbin Hotel. You've learned a lot about Alastor, you even became one of his closest friends. Or, more so, someone whose presence he didn't hate.
Among these few months, you also happened to learn that Alastor is on the aroace spectrum. Which means, in layman's terms, he doesn't regularly feel romantic or sexual attraction. Which was terrible news for you. After learning that, you started distancing yourself from Alastor. He'll admit, it left him confused. He was actually starting to miss your company.
You took lengths like staying on the complete opposite side of the room he'd be in, not making eye contact with him, and you also stopped giving him his daily 'Good morning!'. It made him a little sad. You were going to do everything in your power to put your silly crush on the back burner, just to make him comfortable.
Eventually, a couple weeks passed, and Alastor was pretty upset that he basically hadn't seen you at all. He showed up at your bedroom door, almost knocking it down. You scrambled out of bed, opening the door. "Hi! Uhm, oh! Alastor!.." You weakly smiled, not looking him in the eyes.
He sighed, his eyes showing a bit of disappointment. "You can look me in the eyes, you know. Have I done something wrong, my dear?" He questioned, walking into your room. You shook your head, "No.."
"Then what ever is the matter? Why is it you're avoiding my every move?" He tilted his head, leaning on his staff. You groaned, might as well rip the bandaid off. "I know you don't romantically like people! I don't wanna bother you with my stupid crush on you!"
Alastor was honestly stunned for a moment, his eyes blankly staring at the top of your head. "If you're mad, you can just say that." You spoke, turning your back to him.
"Oh, sweetheart, why would I ever be mad? Your presence is quite literally the only one I enjoy in the hotel! I've grown to be a touch sad without you around, actually." He spoke honestly, putting a hand on your shoulder. "We can talk more details later, but for now, please stop distancing yourself. I miss you, sha."
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yumiis · 3 months
Master list is working, the two other links aren’t.
agh thank you!
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yumiis · 3 months
can yall check if the links in my pinned post are working?? it's being weird for me, i wanna see if it's just me or if it's everyone.
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yumiis · 3 months
Alastor with a high energy reader! Like they are really high energy but they've crashed and now they won't get off the floor.
cuuteeee !!
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 energy crash ; alastor x reader
genre/type: fluff, blurb
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Alastor full well and knows that you have a ton of energy. Much more than him. He never gets a chance to do any of the cleaning or chores, because you already got to them. It confuses him how one little demon can have so much energy.
It was very surprising for him to find you crashed on the couch of the hotel lobby. He stood next to your peacefully sleeping body, "Oh, my dear. Did all of your energy finally catch up to you?" He grabbed your shoulder, transporting the both of you to his bedroom. He carried you to his bed, pulling the covers over you. "Get some proper rest, darling."
Whenever you awoke, you noticed you were definitely in a different place than when you fell asleep. "Where—" Alastor stood next to you as you woke up, "Ah, good morning my love!" You squeaked, "Ah! Fuck! Uh.. How long was I asleep?" He shrugged, "About 4 hours."
"Oh no! I didn't get to finish my cleaning.." He sighed, placing his cane in his lap as he sat next to you. "You don't always have to take on every task in the hotel, sha." He rubbed your shoulder, "You needed the rest."
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