zombiee-reviews · 19 days
Wow Kique ain’t even hiding it anymore LOL. When are people gonna wake up and realize this guy sucks giant bricks for breakfast.
God damn kique chill out :/
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Another case of kique being passive agressive to a specific member. holy shit dude, kique man chill out? this person is paying you and your shit comic to continue. people are allowed to like what they like. Not everyone is gonna suck up to rogio. Get off your high horse dude >.> I'm honestly shocked people still pay this asshole while being hardcore white knights and most of them don't understand certain things and take kique word for everything that happens in the comic. (image provided from friend of mine, name and image was hidden requested by me because we don't condone bullying here and people have the right to keep there privacies)
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zombiee-reviews · 22 days
Friendly update on my Ronja post
So, I know it’s been close to a month since I announced my Ronja discussion.
Just wanted to let everyone know, it is not abandoned and I have been working on it. I just haven’t had a lot of time to dedicate to it lately. Work and life have been piling on me, giving me less time to focus on this shit comic lmao.
I am hoping to have it done soon, but figured I’d be nice enough to give everyone a heads up on it. :)
Thank you!
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zombiee-reviews · 1 month
Fraujar, Tribe & Page Rework
Hey guys, been awhile. needed a break and I got sucked into other stuff. So getting back onto this one and have seen the latest pages as well so may give quick-shot talks about it. ✨ Without further adieu ✨
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it's pretty rough and a few years old concept idea 😅
yeah, I wanted the dialogue to show both perspectives of the Leaders, while also not wanting to spill their guts out emotionally for they’re still strangers, despite being strangers. Adding, that there is tension between Ronja and Fraujar, rewritten,  both care about their families, which they should be, instead of them doing....whatever they were doing. Fraujar would also not marry and mate with his AUNT cause that is just inappropriate, you can’t scorn meteor or any tribe doing that, when you are literally doing the same darn thing.  
Both had experienced MT differently, Where in my head-canon, Whispervale had been monitoring Meteor Tribe and it’s whereabouts, they couldn’t get much intel and sent out Fuss ( the morally questionable marshmallow ) to scout and be a double agent among the crater, but after a while they did not get much and he disappeared nor heard from him, During those times from the first rebellion from Kargo and Ferah, to presently,  Fraujar been a refuge for abused and appressed meteor dogs, and has through those times. Only sees Meteor as a glass half empty, while Ronja tries to see it as a glass Half full, but not aggressively positive, she is a war veteran from Asmundr, so she can’t ignore what happened from past conflictions, not to mention her children are still part of the bloodline under Ranach, so their lives are just as much intertwined as she is. ( that includes the curse, ya know...the one upon the bloodline with the ghouls ).
Fraujar  would be a reasonable Dog, Kind but, Stern and Cautious. especially involving Keirr, being an intersection between MT ( Meteor-tribe)  and WSV ( Whispervale ). Would have it that Fraujar gradually becomes allies with Ronja, it’ll be a stranger-acquaintance- friends-Lovers it will also be slow burn cause - obviously BOTH, Are dealing with personal issues as well as that meteor wedge sort of thing.
Side-note, In my head-canon, Isabel is alive with other dogs that were hurt, and has adopted Ruan as her own pup, and not have died from birth after going through that traumatic event ( What has been stated ). I would not think she wants to deal with that at all, and would be more inclined to adopt or foster. I would think most would either be single, adopt, foster or just straight up date females.
 Fruajar didn't want Keirr or others to be near Meteor Tribe and their members, due to what happened to Fuss, an established member, and other unlucky stragglers without a tribe. Do to it being “ hell on Aedra '' and no good comes to it, while also trying to protect from that area. After some thought from Keirr, Isabel and Ferah, he went to visit Meteor Tribe with his strongest, and trusted warriors and also Isabel, since she wants to see it for herself as well, have a conclusion ( her son will be there with her ) . With the tour, seeing how meteor has seemed to change, then, Fruajar would bring Keirr along with Aira (since they were both supposed to find the pack together and not just Keirr ) as a form of Peace and initiation that Fraujar is making that step and Ronja can see that.
Wanted to also add how much the author tries to shoehorn Roamer and Rogio and any of his favorites and try to praise them or focus on them when there is a WHOLE CAST OF CHARACTERS he needs to focus on and develop. if you’re not wanting to develop them DON'T bring them in or kill them off cause they’re just filling up space,  collecting dust.   Then focusing on roamers, like a gray stu and forgetting that there was Kargo, ferah, ~~rogio~~ and others on Midnightguarde.
Extended Fraujar info.
Speaking of What Fraujar would be…did a little bit of him and the tribe.
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New Head-canon traits; Wisdom, Resilient, compassionate, Kind, Stern, reasonable, strategic decision-making, Cautious, Open display of emotions.
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Fruajar is  a Crested Veilhound, a fantastical breed I created for this segment, within the Taiga and Tundra terrains of the planet. An ethereal canine companion characterized by a sturdy build, a luxurious coat in Arctic hues, and distinctive crystalline horns. Though the horns are uncapped under hard coating that darkens over time and age, only shown when broken off and regrown. The head pieces are never consistent in form, and can grow weird shapes and structure. Bioluminescent patches emit a soft glow, inspired by their magical connection with the 
Caribright. Standing at 24 to 30 inches, these conceptual dog breeds play vital roles as companions and guardians in the nomadic lifestyle of the tribe, embodying the harmonious blend of strength and enchantment in the Arctic wilderness.
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The Caribright are Native Fauna on the planet. Serving as a spiritual guide and source of illumination during the article nights, these creatures share a symbiotic connection with the crested Veilhounds. The colors correlate with the dogs of arctic hues, grays and blues but the canines have an artic gradient of browns to more a liver color. A modest height of 3-4 feet ( 0.9 to 1.2 meters ) compared to the caribou of 3.6-4.6 ft. (  ) However their centerpiece;  celestial antlers are a different story, the glowing grandeur, ranging from 4-5 feet in length. Only known to glow when the night sky dances ( aurora borealis ) or at its darkest.
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In the Frostweald Tribe ( which is the OG whispervale), the Caribright and Crested Veilhounds forge a harmonious alliance, each offering unique strengths to the other. The Caribright's celestial glow becomes a guiding beacon in the Arctic nights, aiding the dogs in their nocturnal endeavors. In return, the Crested Veilhounds serve as vigilant guardians, ensuring the safety and companionship of the luminous Caribright. For their glows have been known to compromise their locations and draw unwanted guests. This dependency for each other extends beyond the practical, contributing to the tribe's spiritual bond, well-being and forming a relationship within the nomadic community. Together, they navigate the frost-laden landscapes, creating a living testament to the delicate dance between the elements of the Arctic wilderness.
a caribou-moose beast with celestial silver and ice-blue hues with variants of browns sometimes tanned. Its 4 to 5 feet antlers resembling celestial chandeliers branch out in intricate patterns, casting an otherworldly glow as the creature moves through the frost-kissed environment.
radiant luminescence eyes , reflect the celestial radiance of its antlers.
Fraujar rules over the Frostweald Tribe. A vast tribe of 150-200 members including the Fuana Caribou; the Caribright.
Born beneath the shimmering Northern Lights, he emerged as a promising member of the tribe, displaying a deep affinity for both the mystical and practical aspects of Arctic life.
Fraujar emerged as a natural leader. His strategic decision-making and ability to guide the community through icy adversities. 
Early in his life, During a harsh winter that tested the tribe's resilience, Fraujar faced the harsh realities of the Taiga and Tundra. A pivotal moment of the treacherous winter, turned to Fraujar for his strategic decision-making and resilience. Leading the community through the icy adversities, earned him the trust and admiration of his fellow tribe members.
As Fraujar's influence grew, so did his compassion. He was known for open displays of empathy, sharing in the joys and sorrows of his tribe. This vulnerability, rather than a weakness, fostered a deep connection with the community.
The turning point came when the previous chieftain succumbed to the unforgiving Arctic environment. In the moonlit gatherings, under the spectral glow of the Caribright, the tribe sought Fraujar to take on the mantle of leadership. Hesitant yet driven by a sense of duty, he accepted, becoming the chieftain of the Frostweald Tribe. however not all was accepting of him and migrated to other parts of the lands, more so when he impose himself in others tribes affairs out of the openness of his heart and morality.
Though Guided by the wisdom acquired through years of nomadic life and the lessons, Fraujar embraced a role of chieftain that balanced reason, kindness, and strategic insight. His compassion became both a strength and a vulnerability, forging familial bonds and instilling a deep sense of unity among the tribe.
wanted to try this again.
Page 1
Panel 1
Fraujar: "There's a palpable tension in the air. Your arrival here might have ignited some hostility."
Ronja: "Hostility…?"
Panel 2
Fraujar: "Indeed. The meteor has a history of grievances since—"
Ronja: "I'm well acquainted with Meteor's past."
Fraujar: "Then you know of the warnings issued."
Panel 3
Ronja: "Yes. But those are regarded merely as past transgressions. Circumstances have changed for the better."
Fraujar: "Changed…"
Panel 4
Fraujar: "You may portray yourself as an agent of positive change, but for how long until you find yourself at the receiving end? Until all you cherish is stripped away?"
Ronja: "I believe you've made your point, Fraujar. As have I."
Panel 5
[The two Jarls, Fraujar and Ronja, lock eyes, each refusing to yield.]
Panel 6
Fraujar: "Very well. I shall take my leave then."
Ronja: "May your journey be safe."
Page 2
Panel 1:
Fjordor: "Jarl Ronja!!!" the elderly male dog calls out.
Ronja: Her attention shifts to the approaching dog, recognizing the skull tribal paint. "Fjordor!"
Panel 2:
Fjordor: "You've heard of me."
Ronja: "How could I not? My companions speak highly of you, eager to express their gratitude."
Fjordor: "Companion and Jarl of Midnightguard. How fares your tribe?"
Ronja: "We're holding on…or so I hoped."
Panel 3:
Ronja: "Fjordor…I…they—" Ronja hesitates, reluctant to deliver the grim news to the Jarl of Midnightguard.
Fjordor: "Lady Ronja…?" His ears droop slightly more, sensing the weight of the unspoken news.
Ronja: "Kargo and Ferah joined my tribe after yours. They were caught between the Meteor and Ranach…"
Panel 4:
[Panel focuses on Fjordor's. His face falls, stricken by the news.]
Ronja: "…Kargo didn't survive."
Panel 5:
Fjordor: "And what of Ranach? Did the Fallen Jarl face justice?"
Ronja: "Worse. He escaped. That's why I'm warning you, don't let him get anywhere near you." Eyes narrow with grave concern.
Fjordor: "He won't get within an inch of me." His flared with determination and a flicker of warrior rage.
Enjoy this Blog meal XD
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zombiee-reviews · 1 month
I’m really glad I discovered your blog and a few others. I enjoyed Asmundr when I was a kid and Home is…wow. Not good. At all. 😭 I could complain about so many things about this comic but I’m sure you’ve covered it plenty. It’s just crazy how many plot points and characters are just…forgotten???? Kique needs to learn to focus on one storyline PLEASE
Hello! Yes! I’m still alive lmao.
Ahem. Asmundr was certainly a lot better than Home, as we all know. Sure, it was a rip off of a major movie and had some flaws, but at this period of time, Kique was a rookie comic artist. We all had hope for him when he announced Home, being a sequel to Asmundr.
Home HAD potential, that is until Kique suddenly had this fascination with his rapist character Ranach and his useless as hell “partner”, Rogio. The night Rogio was sacrificed to the beasts and suddenly saved, was the same night that Kique decided to dump his script and go off into the sunset not knowing where the hell he was taking the story.
Then, he decided to add too many plot lines that became hard to follow and sometimes conflict the story when we have time skips. The beginning, we focused on Roamer as the main character, now Roamer has basically become a side character and Rogio practically takes on the role of the main character when it comes to MT’s storyline. Everything that MT does is Rogio’s decision, not Ronja. Hell even Roamer has more say so as well.
In conclusion, Kique is a terrible writer and a terrible human being. Looking beyond face value of the whole story, Kique shows his true colors and his beliefs with how the world SHOULD work, in his mind. And to think at some point I did enjoy this story a lot, that is until every time I turned the page more BS stacked onto a pile that went nowhere.
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zombiee-reviews · 1 month
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TWWR Round up 03/04/2024– The Never-ending Circle of Destruction
There’s a lot of death and destruction in the comics I’m following this week. Maybe everyone should take a moment to chill.
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zombiee-reviews · 2 months
So yall may or may not have guessed it, but my next victim is going to be ✨RONJA ✨
I am also going to write down, that this one may take a while for me to refine and upload, considering Ronja is in the majority of Home. Not only this, but I just got engaged and have lots of outside things to tend too!
So sit back, relax and enjoy the shit show!
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The face Ronja will make when Kique finally finishes Home and forgets about her.
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zombiee-reviews · 2 months
Keirr character discussion / breakdown
• The egotistical prick • The Aira hater • The deciever
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- Quick author note: I’m going to be doing something slightly different, where I basically read the scenes that involved Keirr and leave a tag afterwords of pages I am going over. This will at least give you opportunity to read along with me and understand my breakdowns a little better.
- Another note: I am always using the Tumblr mobile app, so I apologize if my documents look rather funky on the computer version. I am trying to spruce them up and make them look at least somewhat good lol.
- Final note: I will be going over “Asmundr” Keirr, only a little bit though, mainly for his background. Other than that, I am focusing on “Home” Keirr. Now let’s get into it!
What I will be going over:
- What we know of Keirr’s history
- How he suddenly went from sweet and family oriented. Then turned into an egotistical jerk off, who stopped prioritizing family.
- A little on his personality
- Early History
In Keirrs early history, we know that he was born around the middle of Kiques 1st comic, Asmundr. And let me tell you, this fool has changed designs like.. 5 different times.
Ahem, anyway. Keirr is shown as the more “mature” one, compared to Rhov. In Asmundr, it is shown that he is a “decent” hunter, while him and his brother work on deer hides. He is even more reasonably suspicious than Rhov, when Jahla enters the scene and tackles Rhovanion.
When the war between Ranulfr and the Asmundr pack hit, Keirr was pretty useful and followed instructions well. Near the end of the war, you could tell he was tired of having to kill the Shield wolves, but he continued to kill. And really, that about sums up Keirrs story in Asmundr. Obviously, the first comic wasn’t about the offspring, like Home is. So I can’t really follow up with much, in “Asmundr” Keirr.
- Read along breakdown:
Now, we’ll be going over “Home” Keirr.
Two years had passed since “Asmundr”, so I feel the rest of this information does not qualify for Keirrs early history section.
Too begin.. Keirr and his family are dropped off on Aedra, they are not given a time limit of how long this lasts. All they know is, father will return at some point. Until then, they all make do and continue with their lives.
Keirr is still shown to be the more mature / family oriented guy. As everyone else decides to explore Aedra and see what they can find, Keirr decides to stay back with the Asmundr pack. Keirr at least retains his personality, for now, from Asmundr.( Page 8. Can also be seen on page 104. )
Then came the time when Zilas died, Keirr was the one to discover him first. Of course, he took it pretty hard considering that he grew up with Zilas and saw him as a brother. Of course, a lot of those crucial bonding moments us readers need are shown “off-screen”. It was never truly shown how close Keirr and Zilas were. ( Page 127 - 128 )
Fast forward to the time he discovered Aira, this is when things get juicy. For a while, Keirr was not Kiques priority and he did not make a real, solid appearance for a few chapters, up until page 138. This is when Kique decides Keirr needs a fucked up “Home” style arc next.
Keirr is seen carrying a torch, probably out mourning his loss I’d imagine.. Otherwise, idk why tf he is out late, or seen / helping anyone bury Zilas? This was the time when night beasts were a thing. Anyway! He is caught off guard by a voice, who comes from Aira, hiding. Keirr still retains his suspicious behavior, like in Asmundr and asks her to come closer, for the fire he is carrying. To his surprise, he is greeted with a badly wounded dog. Reasonably, he asks Aira if she was attacked by a feline, probably trying to see if she is the reason Zilas is dead. Quickly, his suspicions are cleared and he offers her help. ( Page 138 - 139 )
Suddenly, in video game reloading fashion, Keirr spawns at camp with Rhov and Jahla. Where the hell did Aira go? Anyway, I like that Keirr called out Rhov and Jahla for trying to throw blame around on anyone they could, for Zilas’s death. And then looking down at them, like a disappointed father. Thankfully, he is still retaining his personality at this point. I have to say though, it is interesting that Keirr decides to care for Aira alone and not bring her back to the Asmundr pack. Knowing his suspicious behavior, this might have been the better option for him. ( Page 140 - 141 )
We are then shown Keirr and Aira at her den. Keirr is definitely shown as more able bodied than Aira and attempts to help her up, when he realizes she can’t make it up on her own. His so far suspicious behavior remains intact, when he realizes her den has an odd amount of space for one dog; especially one of her size. He even tries to wiggle in some questions for her, but to no avail. He leaves Aira with supplies and is even kind enough to give her a knife and hide a hare nearby for her. ( Page 151 - 152 )
A few hours had passed, seemingly it looks like Aira tracked Keirr down and sat down with him. Keirr then opens up a little bit about Zilas and his family. The odd part for me is that, he is shown to be a family oriented guy, you’d imagine he’d want to mourn with his family? But I suppose he would rather want to mourn alone, for some odd reason. Kique tends to do a lot of important things “off-screen.” Anyway, instead of going back to his family, he chooses to mourn with a stranger. Which to me is slightly out of character of him. ( Page 160 - 161 )
A day or so later passes and suddenly Keirr is an expert in physical therapy. This scene from him looks promising, until he joins up with Whispervale. More on that later. Keirr helps Aira jump over a log and help regain her mobility. Then he decides it’s time to go back to his family, in the middle of such a primary moment? Aira then runs up and kisses him to stop him from leaving. Then he subtly gloats at her about how he is her “only chance of survival”, I mean what a nice thing to say lol. I feel this is when Keirr starts acting out of character, but it isn’t super noticeable yet. I’m also not quite sure why he said she couldn’t join the pack, Kainan would have saw no problem with it? Then he contradicts himself by saying he’ll continue taking care of her, but can’t leave his family to care for a stranger, all in the same breath? What? lol. ( Page 197 - 199 )
Keirr then finally discovers that the Asmundr pack is no longer there. Also, it’s kind of funny how it foreshadows the reindeer being dead in the fourth panel, but magically they’re still alive when Ronja gives them to the Deer humpers. Not only this, but it’s way too soon for the Reindeer to leave behind bones? Or why didn’t Keirr notice them while he visited the territory? Another plot hole lol. ( Page 226 )
Then Keirr suddenly decides he wants to go back to Aira, even after being a subtle dick to her. He notices that she is no longer in the vicinity and begins looking for her instead. Contradicting himself again, because he just told her he wouldn’t leave his family for a stranger. So why does he choose to go after Aira instead and not start looking for his family? Hm. ( Page 235 )
At least Keirr was nice enough to go searching for her.. But he comes across her re-possessing herself with the monster she was previously. Aira explains that she can’t survive without it. Keirr added salt to that wound by saying previously, he was her only chance of survival and then dipping out on her. Reasonably though, Keirr stops her from completing the ritual. Once he is able to pull her away from the spirit, he comforts her and makes sure to tell her that he is here for her. Boy what a damn 180 that happens in the future! Keirr then discovers Aira’s background and what she use to be, they share a tender moment together and then apologize for their previous actions. ( Probably the one and only time you’ll see that in this comic. ) Then Keirr suddenly decides she can join the pack, because it was always an option, Keirr was just being a dick. And with that, Keirr invites her to look for his family with him. Aira is able to offer some advice, as she has previously traveled the entire island in her beast form. ( Page 267 - 276 )
Here comes the total 180 of Keirr, when Aira shows him the way to Whispervale. Suddenly Keirr spouts out “We should ask them to join their pack!” Wtf?? Even Aira asks him why, just ask them if they have seen his family. Then for some reason Keirr wants to use Whispervale for their resources before continuing, but in the same breath wants to join their Tribe? None of what he just said to Aira made sense to me. Obviously Aira is uncomfortable, but Keirr doesn’t give a shit lol. Once Whispervale approaches them, Keirr asks if they can join their Tribe. Keirr then attempts to gain sympathy from Fraujar, but rightfully he gets none. Fraujar makes a statement to Keirr that the health of his tribe is everything to him, and he needs more from them than what they have shown Fraujar. Fraujar then assigns Felidae to get them acquainted with everything. Not sure what Keirr or Kique are thinking in this moment, as this is a total 180 from Keirr and his plans.( Page 311 - 314 )
Time passes for the pair and of course Aira asks Keirr when they are leaving Whispervale. Seems she’s the one that adopted Keirrs old personality, cause she’s the only one eager enough to go find them. Of course Keirr shuts her down with a bullshit excuse. “We need stability!” Not sure why he suddenly is against his own idea of searching for his family and staying with Whispervale. I mean what else did he expect trying to find them? Aira is obviously uncomfortable joining a Tribe she did not want, but again, Keirr doesn’t care. Finally their right of passage comes and Aira is the first one to participate. Aira is once again expressing she is UNCOMFORTABLE, before her trial begins. Keirr tries to reassure her, but beyond face value, Aira is stuck there because of his dumbass, unwilling at that. Of course Aira doesn’t do very well in her trial, Fraujar then says her character can be improved, but her structure is… Not up to parr. Then Keirr is all like “Oh she just needs to be trained!” Homie, did you not listen to anything Aira has said previously? She was BORN like this, she can’t just magically work out and get better. That’s not how disabilities work, idiot. ( And would you imagine it, Kique is actually an ableist and no wonder Airas character was handled like this! Go on! Read Stazz / Zirvasitys documents on her relationship with the kind hearted author! ) ( Page 326 - 331 )
Tch, anyway. Aira is obviously disappointed, she told Keirr and even expressed to Keirr that she did not want to join this tribe. I would imagine being in her shoes, she feels unheard, but tried to please Keirr anyway, only to fail. Then of course came Keirrs time and suddenly we’re shown a flashback between Keirr and his father. Of course, this was never shown in Asmundr, or Home. Suddenly Kainan and Keirr found time to actually give a shit about reindeer behavior. ANYWAY. Keirr is oddly confident in larping, how did the confident, son of Kainan, shield wolf killer end up in this situation lmfao. Of course, to nobodies surprise, Keirr nails the trial, he still loses the fight against Raun and everyone is buddy - buddy. ( Page 332 - 336 )
The next scene that follows, we have Raun shouting out at Keirr, saying he looks good and can pass as a guard if he keeps it up. Tbh, this seemed friendly at first, but watching the way Raun interacts with Keirr in the future, makes me feel like Raun is the neighborhood creep lol. Aira then comes out of the hut, her scars completely healed. Keirr is at least somewhat more supportive in this page, but future Keirr is nothing but a prick. ( Page 345 )
Fast forward to chapter 10, we finally see Keirr again, because all of chapter nine was about dumbass Rogio. Ahem. We actually see some progress from Keirr, at least keeping his word to himself. But the odd part is, he brought Raun and not Aira? First of all, Keirr hardly knows Raun and Aira understood the whole situation a lot better than Raun. Soooo.. Odd choice in bringing Raun. ( Would like to add really quick, I know Fraujar assigned Raun to follow Keirr, but why tf would Aira not come either? ) Raun is more dead weight anyway, because he’s being a giant wussy about being in that area anyway. Not even allowing Keirr to scope out the area, completely. And Keirr is just laughing about it, like cmon man, I would imagine you would want to potentially comb through the area, not cater to some giant wuss like Raun. ( Page 458 - 460 )
And to nobodies surprise, the next scene that involves Keirr is a flirty Raun. He tries to encourage Keirr to let loose and have some fun, which would have been cool if it had stayed as a friendship kind of thing. But yet again, Kique force feeds us another MxM ship. At one point, if Kique had kept up with the Rhovanion x Rogio arc that he was hinting at, at some point. All of his main male characters would have been gay. Which is obviously unrealistic, not impossible! But unrealistic. Honestly, I take Raun as a fucking creep. You hardly know anything about Keirr and yet, here he is trying to make flirty gestures and tell Keirr he’s avoiding him. As a woman, to my fellow women, any time a man points out that you’ve been avoiding him, a very creepy vibe showers over us. ( Page 478 - 479 )
Then to nobodies surprise again, Keirr is suddenly able to pin Raun, even though Raun was seen to be a lot stronger than Keirr in his trial. Aaaaand of course, Keirr reciprocates Rauns flirting by responding to him in a sexual manner, “I’m the lead sarv now.” However, in the future Keirr becomes more of an asshole at Raun from this point. ( Page 480 )
Ah now this scene just pisses me off and makes me want to throw Keirr off a cliff. Aira is seen laying around, presumably missing Keirr, I’m sure. Or, just wondering where he went. When she catches sight of him returning, she is understandably excited to see him. The one guy that helped her out with everything, in her worst times. The one guy that made her stop from becoming a beast again.. Shits on her entirely. Eyup, you heard it right. Apparently, getting people totally dependent on you and then being a giant asshole, is something Kique favors doing. Aira of course asks Keirr where he went, Keirr is suddenly acting like the biggest ass to Aira. Which tbh, he has no right doing. HE is the REASON she is there, in the first place. She has EXPRESSED to him NUMEROUS times she is uncomfortable with the tribe, but yet, he took her cries for help and rolled them up and tossed them like newspaper. What a god damn jerk Keirr is. And of course, Aira is understandably upset. Keirr basically told her to fuck off and go make her own friends. Even tho a few chapters ago, he was seen cuddling and holding her, telling her he was there for her. FUCK you Keirr. ( Page 481 - 482 )
In the next scene, Keirr then wants to play a pity party for himself, sitting in the rain, all sad looking. Like he didn’t cause this whole situation for himself. Nothing told this jackass to join Whispervale and stop searching for his family, he did it all himself! So really, why tf is he sitting there acting all depressed? Get off your ass and go look for them! Nobody told you that you couldn’t? Honestly, he’s lucky that Aira still gives a damn about him, even after he treated her like utter dog shit. Then, while Keirr is acting like a baby, Zilas makes an appearance and Keirrs dumbass thinks it’s a grand idea to talk to the ghoul. It’s kind of interesting to me how Zilas is still mostly recognizable.. You would think by now he’d peel his skin off, you know, like what Fjordor said that ghouls do. Zilas has been dead for quite a while. Aira then witnesses all of this and comes to his aid, banishing the ghoul. Keirr then suddenly gets all butt hurt about it and snarls at Aira. Okay, I get it, you’re mourning dude, but I would have figured you’d have some logic / sense to know that Zilas.. IS NOT ZILAS! Keirr even asked the ghoul what he could do, like the damn thing can talk back to him. Honestly, Aira should have just let the ghoul tear Keirr up to shreds and save us all the drama lmfao. And one last thing, when Keirr says he saw that ghoul before, but didn’t recognize it. GIRL WHERE? ( Page 515 - 517 )
Suddenly, Keirr is the master of establishing the differences in the ghouls sounds and can still hear Zilas. Also, when Aira mentions that she lived with the Meteor Tribe, really that opened up way too many questions about her that I’d like to ask. But anyway. Aira gives some speech to Keirr about how MT basically fucked around and found out with the spirits. Then a conversation falls into place about burning Zilas’s body on MT land, which ew, his body im sure would be pretty rotted away by now. But this also brings me to another question, what are the ghouls made of? Are they a manifestation of the soul? They quite obviously can’t be their former bodies, because if that were the case, they wouldn’t even find Zilas’s body, as he would have risen and been a ghoul. Another fat question for this comic and I’m not even sure if this was talked about? ( I’ll be honest with you, I forget if this part was talked about. ) ( Page 518 - 519 )
And here we go with the sexual tension between these two idiots, Keirr and Raun. Raun is a full on creep already, but really Keirr is the big asshole here. Previously, Raun asked him out, as he mentioned before the trip, to Felidae and Aira. So instead of.. Idk, not leading Raun on, what does Keirr do? Hugs him and shares a tender moment with him. Oh trust me guys, it gets fucking worse from this point. And I will continue to say that Raun is a creep, but even he doesn’t deserve to be led on. I also don’t remember Raun asking Keirr out, but I’ll just assume that was yet another important off screen moment. This is also yet another rushed, no chemistry ship crammed down our throats by Kique. ( Page 526 )
So finally we get to the part where they eventually burn Zilas’s body, Aira asks Keirr if he wants to say something and of course! Nothing. It’s almost like any time someone dies in this comic, proper funerals don’t exist. Granted, Keirr just said “I love you, brother.” But when given the opportunity before hand, he was like eh, I don’t have shit to say lmao. ( Page 528 )
Fast forward to a year, I mean 3 months later ( in Keirrs arc ). Of course, in another off screen moment, supposedly Keirr and the others returned to Whispervale and told Fraujar what happened. In my opinion, I feel like some punishment should have been bestowed upon them, or at least show Fraujar being upset with them for doing this behind his back. It would have shown more character from Fraujar and also shown Keirr getting his ass chewed out, by bringing all this unnecessary drama and bullshit into Whispervale. Keirr is also being another nosy ass, listening in on his Jarls discussion. Within the midst of this, Ferah makes her appearance. Keirr miraculously still remembers her and asks what the hell happened. I almost forgot that Keirr and Ferah met previously, because they literally didn’t say anything to each other lol. ( Page 566 - 567 )
Oh boy, here comes the cringiest scene that involves Keirr. Keirr steps away for a moment, after watching Ferah, once Felidae walks in. Ferah wakes up and of course is spooked, cause she doesn’t know wtf is going on. Somehow they both remember each others names, though I don’t remember them ever sharing their names to each other previously. Anyway, Keirr asks Ferah questions about Roamer and Ferah tells him that Ronja and Roamer are at MT. Of course, Keirr gets excited and quite frankly I’m surprised he didn’t smell them before, because Keirr was literally in their territory a few months back, but whatever! Ferah then tells Keirr they’ve both been strong and bla bla. Keirr of course tries to take off, being this annoying problem child as usual. If I were Fraujar I would be so annoyed with Keirr lmfao. Of course you can’t just take off like that, from your tribe, which YOU wanted to join. Raun stops Keirr from running off and what follows after is a recipe for fucking disaster lol. Keirr ends up kissing Raun, further leading the king of creeps on. Keirr KNOWS that Raun likes him, so apparently kissing him out of emotional excitement is a totally normal thing to do. Especially when you know that person has a CRUSH on you and yet you don’t reciprocate it! No, no, it’s totally okay to lead on someone who has feelings for you! ( Page 572 - 576 )
Damn near 100 pages later and we finally see Keirr again. Course, nothing has changed with him. Raun and Keirr are seen in a hut together, Raun is basically asking Keirr what they are, because I mean.. They touched tongues, lmfao. But that was because of Keirr throwing himself at Raun, so really I don’t blame Raun for asking. Now in Keirrs defense, I don’t know why tf Raun is grabbing Keirr like that, when asking him a question, so I mean Keirrs response is a little valid, when he yells at Raun. But the blame still lies with Keirr, because this whole time he has led Raun on, but at the same time Raun has been a giant freaking creep bag as well. They are then interrupted when Keirr walks out and runs into Fraujar, standing there, needing to talk to Keirr. ( Page 640 - 641 )
A few pages later, we see a non emotional reunion between Keirr, Ronja and Roamer. I mean god, all of their expressions are so god damn bland. Y’all haven’t seen each other in months, but let’s just 1,000 yard stare at each other, BEAUTIFUL. ( Page 645 - 646 )
Fast waaaay forwards, to more important scenes involving Keirr. After Rhov and Keirr’s reunion, we are graced with a scene where Rhov and Feaf are telling Keirr that MT might get attacked… This fucking idiot. So instead of putting this whole thing on top priority, Keirr just brushes it off and is like.. I’Ll TeLl FrAuJaR iN tHe MoRnInG. Dumbass, how do you know if they are attacking MT? Feaf literally said they might come to Whispervale? How does Keirr know they aren’t literally waiting in ambush, that very moment? HE DOESNT. So instead of putting his family top priority, like he probably should’ve, he decides to talk about his relationship status. What a great fucking family member / tribe member he is. On top of this, “figuring himself out.” I think you know where you stand, buddy. This whole scene though, Keirr was an idiot. He doesn’t even show the slightest BIT of concern for his family / MT. Let’s act depressed af, because he didn’t know where everyone was, but as soon as he finds them and they could potentially be in danger, ah, let’s wait to warn others till morning! ( Page 788 - 791 )
Finally Keirr and Whispervale show up, but yall are too damn late already. ( Page 808 )
And that about sums up my read along breakdown!
- Personality Breakdown
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So looking over Keirrs personality traits really gives me some mixed feelings. To be honest, I can’t say that he is independent. Not anymore at least, he was the one that decided he wanted to join Whispervale, he even went against his own independent idea of searching for his family. So for me, he is neither logical, independent OR family - oriented.
A few of these other positive personality traits really haven’t been tested thru the fire, so I can’t really say what he is or isn’t. Mainly because Kique does not focus much on Keirr, like he does with the jackasses of MT and former MT members.
To put it all in perspective though, Keirr was a pretty solid character in Asmundr and in the beginning of Home. Unfortunately, he too fell victim of Kiques weird kinks / fans and became a whole contradiction to himself and his own personality traits.
And that is the end ladies and gentlemen! Hope you enjoy :)
- Zombiee
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zombiee-reviews · 2 months
So I’ve heard yall loud and clear, don’t worry. But my next victim is going to be good ol’ Keirr!
Mainly because his breakdown is a little bit shorter and he is less prioritized by Kique, so I’d imagine I would get this breakdown done pretty quickly.
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That’s right, be scared bastard..
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zombiee-reviews · 2 months
I just read all of the recent Patreon pages from Kique and things are REALLY spiraling. My biggest gripe is that I hate how he tries to answer questions that should have been answered like 300 pages ago.
But to avoid spoiling anything for anyone, I won’t say anything about them.
Until then, I am hosting a vote for everyone to select another character they want me to discuss / breakdown, because I enjoy them so much!
Just let me know who you vote for in the comments. :)
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zombiee-reviews · 3 months
Rogio character discussion / breakdown.
• The coward • The asshole • The useless
If you can’t tell, I’m having fun with these lmao.
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So after doing a discussion with Ranach, my next victim is going to be Rogio.
Rogio is rather an easy character to breakdown, considering his actions is a huge contradiction to what Kique has his personality set too in the wiki.
What I will be going over:
• What we know of Rogio’s early life
• Why I feel he is just a shit character
• His friends with benefi- I mean, relationship with Roamer.
• How he is a huge self insert of Kique
• His weird on and off trauma(s)
• His wiki personality is one thing, but the comic shows another.
( Topics are in no particular order, my brain likes to splatter information everywhere lmao. )
So first, I am going to start with what we know of Rogio’s early life. Unfortunately, Rogio doesn’t really talk much about his early life, before MT. What we are told is he was once in a tribe named Snowcap Tribe and they once lived on the Meteor Summit. Rogio also mentions how someone angered a spirit up there and the spirit completely wiped out everyone. Obviously, later in the comic, his brother Iberon survived and was the cause of the spirit destroying the Tribe, but Rogio does not know this.
It is interesting to me how none of these comic characters talk about their backstory, but in Rogio’s case, he only brings up bad things in his backstory so everyone feels bad for him.
Why does Rogio never talk about his brother? His family? His traumatic experiences? You would think we would have some moments of Rogio confiding in Roamer and talking over the events that happened. It would have been good leverage to use his night beast form as past traumas he hasn’t gotten over. Personally, I feel like Kique didn’t come up with Rogio having a sibling that is alive until he made Ranach visit SS. Because this validates Ranach yoinking everyone in SS, because Iberon reminds him so much of Rogio. Ranach even puts two and two together that this COULD be Rogio’s brother. But as readers, we never see a scene where Rogio EVER talks about his sibling(s), or his past. And quite frankly it bothers me? The characters just feel like robots with no backstory, morals, or humanity / humility. They are just puppets to whatever Kique feels like having them do - in MT’s case, puppets to Rogio.
Let’s be honest, Rogio is by far the worst character in Home. Kique likes to label this guy as one of his best characters and will literally protect / defend him at all costs. WHY? I don’t know, maybe it’s because Rogio is a literal carbon copy of Kique in the comic.
It becomes obvious that Rogio is a self insert of Kique when Roamer and Rogio return to MT, after leaving Midnightgarde.
Roamer has a falling out with Kargo and we are shown nosy - ass Rogio listening in. We are then shown that Rogio is battling his own demons and pretty much forcing Roamer to cater to him because he wants to return to MT with Roamer. Kind of funny how Roamer doesn’t ask Rogio why tf he was listening to a private conversation… But anyway.
Even though Roamer and Kargo literally just broke up, Rogio thinks it’s a great idea to back stab his long time friend Kargo and sleep with his ex. How trustworthy Rogio is. I mean hell, Rogio makes the first move on Roamer. And then in a co-dependent manner, Rogio is suddenly healed from his demons, after sleeping with Roamer that night. Even Roamers face shows this “Oh god, Kique is going to use me as NSFW content with this dweeb in the future.” Lmao.
Also Rogio says he didn’t join the Tribe by choice, but he could have left by choice. Rogio had the luxury of leaving the walls when he wanted too, he could have easily just took off one day. He wasn’t that trapped. -_-
One thing I find funny on Rogio returning to MT, was he KNEW there was a possibility that Ranach was still there. So obviously, Kargo was right when he told Roamer that he returned to MT to sleep with Ranach once again. Of course, this is quickly covered up. But it’s obvious to me that Rogio was willing to see Ranach once more and then later in the comic acted like seeing Ranach again would be the end of his world. THEN WHY DID YOU RETURN TO MT IDIOT??
If Ranach terrified / traumatized you SO MUCH, why would you return to MT knowing there was a chance he’d be there, or knowing there was a chance Ranach would return? Didn’t factor that one in, huh buddy?
After reading the documents Staz put out on how Kique was in their relationship, Rogio describes Kique to a damn T. It would also make sense why all the main characters oogle over him, or ask for his advice even tho it’s out of place. Rogio IS Kique.
I mean hell, I absolutely HATE that the MT females don’t gut Rogio for not doing squat for them while he was in MT. When Rogio does return to MT I hate when I see Inna say “We’re glad to have you back Rogio!” GIRL WHAT. This pile of dog crap didn’t bother to save anybody, he had a chance to rebel with Kargo the first time and didn’t do anything! He was too busy banging Ranach and trying to raise his own position in MT as a Baron WITH Ranach. Realistically, NOBODY should be happy to see him!
Oh and let’s not forget Ronja giving him special privileges to call her by her actual name. And then suddenly making him Baron of MT, even though he hasn’t proved his skills to her. Ronjas stupid as well for just giving that much responsibility / status to someone SHE BARELY KNOWS. But it’s ✨ ROGIO ✨
Then came the time when Rogio was completely useless to his rank as a Baron. He’d let everyone go do the work for him when it came time to rid of Ranach and Avanti. He always used the excuse of not wanting to see Ranach, because Ranach was his “abuser”. The goofy thing about this is, Rogio was completely accepting of seeing Ranach again when he was coming back from Midnightgarde.. Also, why would you return to the very place your abuser lives? Why did you come back to MT knowing Ranach would still be around? It’s all dumb writing to me. I understand why Roamer returned, but Rogio could have very easily went his own way and start his own life.
Then another contradiction that Rogio creates for himself, is when he is in the healer hut saying “If anyone had a problem with it, they would have voiced their concern at the meeting.” But when Vigr asks Rogio to use himself to lure Ranach into a trap, Rogio suddenly throws a fit like a child and suffers from a “PTSD” attack. Again, idk why you would want to torment yourself so badly and come back to a place where your abuser is still around. Don’t make sense to me!!
But because Rogio was absolutely useless in the fight against Avanti and decided to not be apart of it, MT lost two members! Fuss and Jonna! Bro, you’re a Baron, a second in command, you don’t get to just kick your feet up. If you felt you weren’t ready to be a Baron, then why the hell did you accept it anyway? You could have easily told Ronja NO, I don’t want to be a Baron, I can’t handle that much responsibility right now. But because Rogio wasn’t there and his help could have potentially saved Fuss and Jonna, we lose them.
I mean shit, Fuss had more of a reason to stay behind, for his daughter! But he went anyway. Then we have lame ass Rogio who doesn’t want to sEe HiS aBuSeR. Even tho he has an entire tribe to protect him from Ranach!
Then came the time when Ranach was attacking the wall with Avanti. I just LOVE that Ronja says “You are the second strongest to Kargo go protect the cave entrance!” Basically saying “Just go run away and be useless!” If Rogio is the second strongest, why is he off diddling in a cave while everyone else has to go face Oreo dog? Oh that’s right! Plot armor! And Kiques way of further dragging the story of Ranach not knowing Rogio is alive yet! And yet furthering my reasons of why Rogio is fucking useless at everything. I mean he needed help from a pup to “kill” Avanti.
Then of course, when Rogio plays this game of ignoring Roamer and goes with Ronja to Tinget. What an asshole. I mean look at the face he is giving Roamer before he leaves??? Not only this, but Ronja ain’t the smartest of the bunch, because anyone can see that her tribe member is not himself, but sure buddy! Show me the way with just us two alone to Tinget! I mean hell, the comic doesn’t really show a relationship / friendship with Ronja or Rogio. Ronja is forced to like Rogio and act like she knows anything about him from Kique, because he is with her family member, Roamer. I mean she can at least see that Rogio is being a bit of a dick to Roamer, but she somehow doesn’t stand up against Rogio and defend her family member. She’s definitely got that minding her own business down lol.
Going to fast forward to the time when Ronja and Rogio are seen after Tinget. They are camping and Rogio miraculously knows that Fjall is spooking at something else other than a night beast. Rogio completely goes feral on this strange dog spying on them. But what would make me uncomfortable in Ronjas position is she had to really put some force in her voice to get Rogio to stop threatening him. Giiirl, that would make me nervous, because you’re alone with ROGIO lmao.
Later, Rogio and Ronja return to MT and Rogio attempts to run off, but cowers out. Heh, wuss. I don’t understand why he didn’t just do it while she was asleep, but to wait last minute while you’re on the border of MT. It just makes it easier for everyone to follow your scent?? IDK.
Once Rogio is in the void with Kargo after fighting his night beast form, the whole scene that follows once they leave is total bullshit. The whole “A punch long overdue.” From Kargo is so wrong in so many ways, if anything, ROGIO deserves that punch from Kargo. Rogio has been nothing but a dickwad to everyone since day one, he damn near isn’t redeemable either. But Kique thinks because Rogio saves Kargo and kills his night beast, it clears anything Rogio has done in the past.
When Kargo says “I have brought so much pain into his life” I think Kique meant for Rogio to say that. I mean Rogio was the biggest asshole to Roamer?? Only thing Kargo has done was just get upset with him over Ferah, and leave him, other than that I haven’t really seen Kargo be a dick to Roamer like Rogio. I mean hell, at least Kargo COMMUNICATES, even if it is when he gets angry.
And what follows after is just sad. I hate how out of character Kique writes Kargo just to benefit Rogio. But I am happy to see the lions wacking Rogio around lmao.
It wasn’t obvious in the beginning, but after finding out Rogio suggests a poly relationship to Roamer, it then becomes obvious Kique planned this shit. He planned a polyship and the three of them to have a child as well, which would be Diarko. Which is dumb as hell, considering his mother is actually alive. But Kique writes her as a mother lacking any maternity instincts, cause she just leaves him with MT? It becomes clear to me that the MT storyline is actually all about Rogio and whatever orbits around him.
Then as they return to MT, suddenly Kargo and Rogio become the best of friends. Okay I get it, Rogio saved him. But honestly, it looks like Kargo didn’t want to be saved. And besides that, Rogio and Kargo had no chemistry together. Just because Kargo dies and Rogio brings him back to life does not undo anything?? Kargo should really be like, okay thanks for bringing me back to life, buh bye dude.
Then Galti, Alva and Javo leave and they have this whole conversation that Ranach may return. Which he potentially could. Obviously brainless Rogio didn’t think this through. Sure bringing back Kargo is cool and all, but it ups the risks once more and puts MT in danger again. But Kique wants us to love Rogio because he brought Kargo back, not even factoring in the risks! What a smart guy!
Now I’ll be going over his weird / abusive af relationship that he has with Roamer.
When Roamer returns from Midnightgarde after giving Ferah and Kargo a thoughtful farewell. Roamer approaches Rogio and gives this whole speech about how the irbloss are the ones that wanted Roamer to see Rogio. WROOONG. Rogio was suppose to die that night, according to others who had script privileges, or heard it from word of mouth from Kique. Yes, that’s right people, Rogio was suppose to die after Ranach sacrificed him. But for some odd reason, Kique chose this wonderful dog to implement himself into. :-)
What also strikes me weird, is how Roamer was shy with Kargo but not with Rogio. Especially after their breakup. I perceived Roamer as shy with Kargo because a MxM relationship was brand new to him and he was figuring himself out. But when it came to Rogio, suddenly that shyness disappeared and he became the more “dominant” one, all in the course of a few days.
Then, Rogio gives this bullshit speech to Roamer about how he feels this relationship is right and he gets a sense of freedom being with him. I’m sorry, but seeing how Rogio treats Roamer in the future, I take this as love bombing and manipulation from Rogio.
Oh also, I hate how Roamer acts like he knows everything about Rogio when he confronts Kargo. “You have no right to talk like you know either of them.” Roamer???? Kargo literally spent years with Rogio in MT and you really want to tell him that?? You’ve only known Rogio for a few days?? Oh! That’s right. This scene is Kique trying to convince his audience that Kargo is the problem, not Rogio. But it’s absolutely hilarious how Roamer goes on the defensive with Kargo over Rogio, like he’s known Rogio his whole life. GET OUT OF HERE BOI.
I also hate how rushed their relationship is. Once Roamer returns from Midnightgarde, they have this forced chemistry about them. It’s almost like they’ve been together for quite a long time, but factoring the pacing, it’s only been a few days?? A week? I mean right from the get go, Rogio is already trying to bang Roamer, when he returns from saying goodbye to Ferah and Kargo.. And also when they wake up the next morning, this behavior is a damn red flag for me?
Also, why the hell did Roamer fail to tell Ronja he returned first? Oh yeah, cause poor Rogipoo needed Roamer to fend off his demons that he should PROBABLY deal with on his own. But Kique made Roamer the one that deals with all of Rogio’s problems.
Also Ronja acting like she knows Rogio, AT ALL. “And Rogio deserves someone like you, after everything he’s been through.” I mean all of chapter nine is pretty much about coddling up to Rogio, even tho Roamer and Ronja don’t know jack shit about him. UGH.
Then of course, Rogio keeping secrets. Roamer had to find out about Rogio and Ranachs relationship, instead of Rogio just telling him. Idk why it was an issue? But if Rogio felt such strong feelings for Roamer, why does he feel the need to not confide in him about something like that, but instead hide it. Then of course, more coddling Rogio over Ranach, even tho Ranach was never shown to abuse Rogio lmfao.
Also why tf was Rogio and Roamer making out like that in front of everyone when Kargo and Ferah are at the gate? There is a literal child right there you freaking creeps.
Then of course, poor Rogipoo couldn’t sleep when Kargo returned, so Roamer is like ITS OKAY BUDDY! I’ll do all of your chores! Go back to sleep!! Damn, I wish I could have someone do my chores because I couldn’t sleep lmfao. Bastard didn’t even say thank you to Roamer lol.
And of course Roamer trying to protect Rogio from Kargo once more. “Do you think he’s proud of the things he’s done?” Girl, I haven’t once seen Rogio take accountability or talk about past things, unless it involved pitying Rogio. It was always poor Rogio! Never, screw Rogio for leaving the MT females to be raped, while he was trying to raise his position in MT and didn’t seem BOTHERED about trying to change anything. Yeah, screw you man.
Then, my all time favorite scene with Kargo whooping Rogio’s ass, rightfully. Everything Kargo says is completely the truth about Rogio. But of course, Kique handles this as Kargo being the asshole and this is suppose to be some half ass redemption arc for Rogio and somehow we’re suppose to feel bad for him here. I mean cmon man, Kargo has the right to be pissed off at Rogio. He literally crept in and immediately started pulling moves on Roamer, DAYS after their break up!
And before Roamer even came into the picture, when Rogio and Kargo were in old MT together. It’s APPARENT that Rogio has backstabbed Kargo before and ( “You turned your back on me the day our bond mattered the most.” ) then did it again when Roamer left him. So why the fuck would any of us feel bad for Rogio here? I think I can speak for all of us logical readers here, we all side with Kargo, Kique.
I also hate that part when Rogio was telling Kargo “We needed each other.” NEEDED WHAT EXACTLY?! A bang buddy?!
And then Kargo asking Rogio if he loves Roamer. OF COURSE HE DOESNT! He is just using Roamer as a bang buddy! Bro literally couldn’t contain himself in front of a CHILD.
Aaaaah, now comes the juicy bits of their relationship. Rogio becomes the victim of his own self pity and decides to stone wall Roamer, because that’s TOTALLY something you should do in a healthy relationship. He does this QUITE a bit with Roamer, later in the comic.
But! You did hit the nail on the head by saying you can’t do anything as a Baron, so that’s why you’ve stepped down. Good job in that self reflection Rogio!
And of course the nightmares return and what does freaking Roamer do? Tries to bang him. Like??? Yall see this? It’s pretty sad that Roamer thinks sex is the way to comfort / get too Rogio. Because when it comes to touchy subjects like that, sex is the answer for him. Not talking it out, I guess. Because guess what! Rogio shoves Roamer off and ignores him! More stonewalling! Guess that didn’t work, Roamer!
Even when Rogio returns from the Tinget meeting, we have even more stonewalling! In typical Rogio fashion, he’s always giving them sad eyes and walking off. You’re pathetic man.
Then to nobodies surprise, chapter 12 begins with pathetic ass Rogio’s nightmares again. Of course, he walks out. Roamer attempts to comfort him and ask him to talk about what he dreamt about, nothing wrong here as Roamer is trying to support / comfort Rogio. But of course Rogio avoids anything Roamer tells him. I mean Roamer is in tears, pushing aside everything and asking him to love and touch him. But then AGAIN, Rogio walks tf out and leaves him alone to cry about it. Here’s a trophy for biggest asshole of this story, Rogio.
As the stonewalling progresses, it then manifests into Rogio trying to sneak out without telling anyone. At least be courteous and TELL SOMEONE. It’s really not that fucking hard to communicate to someone and say “Hey I need my space! So I am leaving for a little bit.” But of course Rogio wants to draw attention on himself and have the whole Tribe worry about him and possibly go search for him. This could have possibly caused more unnecessary deaths, but thankfully Roamer was able to stop him… With sex. Not sure how you can be in love with someone who just wants to bang you, stone wall you and be an absolute ass to you. Rogio is a walking red flag, Roamer lol.
Now my final thing will be Rogio’s weird plot convenient traumas.
Obviously, we’re all aware of Rogio fighting his night beast form and once he comes across the spirit that sends him to the void to fight the night beast, we see more trauma in the sky above him. Except these aren’t any traumas, it’s kind of funny how it’s mostly about Kargo calling out Rogio’s shitty ass behavior, but apparently this is traumatic for Rogio. Well, don’t be an asshole???
And then came the time recently when Rogio suggested that MT can move to his old tribes territory. May I remind you that this is his family’s graveyard? And the territory had a spirit absolutely ravage the whole area, killing the tribe? One would think Rogio would be traumatized from this, but guess what? HE ISNT. Nope! The words of his old families territory rings nothing in Rogio’s empty head. But the poor sop can’t even face Ranach with a whole tribe standing behind him.
I think it’s another dick move for Rogio to not mention anything to Ronja or the tribe about what happened in his old territory. Kique, buddy, you try so hard to make this asshat look good, but end up short every time. You will never change my mind on how I feel about Rogio. SORRY CHUMP.
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Also all of Rogio’s positive personality traits are all bullshit lol. That trustworthy, loyal and courageous one made me laugh LOUDLY.
Tbh I had to cut some things out and focus mainly on Rogio’s behaviors, so I may have missed some things. The conclusion of this is to show people and potentially show die hard fans of Home that Rogio really isn’t that great. Kique tries to shine him under a bright light, but he just ends up making a fool out of Rogio.
Rogio should have died the night Kique said he would.
Also apologies for this taking so long! Rogio is the worst mess in this comic, as you read.
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zombiee-reviews · 3 months
Hey guys since I’m having fun with these character breakdowns, my next victim is going to be good ol’ Rogio lmao.
They are a bit of beefy docs, mainly cause I want to cram as much information as I can. But tbh, I’m enjoying ripping the crappiest characters apart in Home. ❤️
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zombiee-reviews · 3 months
Ranach character discussion/breakdown -
• The suddenly cured narcissist • The unredeemable • The Oreo
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Hello ladies and gents, I decided to do a documentary on our fellow “antagonist” Ranach, from the comic Home.
You are also welcome in adding anything in your own reblog or the comments!
I decided to target Ranach for a breakdown / discussion for the following reasons:
• A little on Ranachs early / family life.
• Rogio is hellbent saying Ranach was a huge abuser in his life.
• Ranachs whole 180 plot line.
• How the author glorifies this character.
• Ranachs character in general.
• A little of a different perspective on how Kique COULD have redeemed Ranach.
ALRIGHT. I am going to start off with what is shown in the comic with Ranachs early years and speculation from what other characters have said about him and also his prior MT living situation.
Ranach, son of Arenak and Vandi. Ranach seemed to live a rather rough life as a pup, shown from flashbacks. Obviously this sprouted a rather mean / vengeful adult character. What is interesting to me in the comic, is how Vandi never talked / or addressed Ranach has her son. If we didn’t have the wiki, none of us would have a single clue that Vandi is Ranachs mother. There have been many opportunities for Vandi to expose this to anyone, or even show Vandi in a flashback… But Kique relies too strongly on the wiki and hopes we all do the same.
I for one, if this was my comic, would have had Vandi mention that Ranach is her son when she asks Ronja why she chose to mate with him.
Simply putting something like:
“Why did you choose to mate with my dastardly son Ranach?”
Or something indicating that she IS Ranachs mother in the story.
It is also interesting to me, that Ranach obviously has some kind of bond with his mother, more so than his father. It can be seen when Arenak is holding Ranach over the Tribe wall, dangling him over the night beasts as Ranach calls for his mother.
It is obvious that Ranach has this sort of empathy later in the story, like he shows for Rogio, so why does he never try to help his mother out of MT? Oh that’s right, cause this was before Kique decided he wanted to attempt to redeem Ranach and make him an empathetic character.
If Kique wanted to redeem Ranach so badly from the beginning, why did he not implement this? Sure, Ranach was born into MT, a choice not of his own. But why didn’t he rebel with Kargo and Ferah, or even try to save some females? His mother?
Jonna tells Ronja that Ranach was rarely seen with a female, but Ranach still supported the rape tribe by simply NOT DOING ANYTHING and possibly taking females against their will. Unless, Ranach was forced to rape females.. It is not ever shown.
One would think Ranach would have the most fuel to go against his father and overthrow him and save the females. It’s clear Ranach was at least SOMEWHAT against what MT stood for, because he changed things in the Tribe when he took over. But this does not make him a good guy, because he didn’t act on what was right and try to make a better life for the females, or rebel with Kargo and Ferah.
Now if this was handled by a REAL writer, Ranach would have rebelled with Kargo and Ferah, killing his father himself and taking the reins to better the life of MT and its females. Sure, you can still make Ranach a cocky asshole, if that’s what you want. But at least you can redeem him in that situation. And really, that should have ended his arc right there. Because it’s clear to me that Kique can’t decide whether to make Ranach empathetic or narcissistic. Kique has this tendency of changing characters personalities to better fit what scene is happening in the moment. And most of the time it’s to go along with whatever that may be. Kique never shows the characters protesting against anything that is wrong in this story. Because Kique believes that females should be slaves to males.
Onto the next thing, Rogio and Ranachs relationship.
I have already made a pretty brief doc about the pairs relationship previously, but I am going to address it once more.
Rogio was brought into MT by Ranach finding him badly wounded from the spirit that attacked Snowcap Tribe (Rogio’s previous Tribe ). Arenak tells Ranach he is wasting time / resources on a stranger and Ranach takes pity on Rogio and tells his father he will make sure Rogio makes it.
It is quite obvious to me that Ranach has a lick of empathy and it is quite a deep empathy. Kique tries to portray Ranach as a Narcissist, but Narcissists do not have a deep empathy for individuals like Ranach shows for Rogio. Now if you wanted to make Ranach narcissistic, you could show that he is obsessed with wanting to CONTROL Rogio, not flesh out scenes where Ranach is talking about him in deep intimacy.
This empathy for Rogio obviously buds a relationship between the two. Why / how Rogio falls in love with Ranach and MT is unknown. Why Rogio even chooses to stay with MT knowing the whole situation is bizarre and unknown. But this doc is not about him.
My guess, showing how Ranach actually is portrayed in the comic, is that Rogio fancied him and enjoyed the things Ranach said and did for him.
Sure, Ranach is shown to be a liar towards Rogio in some circumstances. But I don’t see any abuse from Ranach. If anything, Rogio was almost always the physical aggressor when it came to them arguing. So if anything, Rogio is the damn abuser lol.
Then came the time when Ranach attempted to sacrifice Rogio to a spirit, thinking that simply killing him would make the feelings and emotions go away. ( Something a narcissist does not have. ) We are then yoinked in a direction where Rogio is miraculously saved in time, unbeknownst to Ranach.
After this, we are then shown Ranach is losing his absolute mind over losing Rogio, even abandoning the Tribe and doing absolutely anything in his power to bring him back to life. And then, we are shown that soft side again when the spirit asks for Ranachs unborn and Ranach denies giving them up. A narcissistic character would have yeeted them kids fast af, if it meant benefiting them.
Eventually, Ranach returns to MT and is greeted with bared teeth and raised hackles, as he should have been greeted, he abandoned the damn tribe over a cuck like Rogio. ( it is interesting how almost every main character is Rogio’s foot licker anymore. )
And then he attacks the Tribe, kills Kargo and suddenly cant smell Rogio’s stank anywhere in the vicinity. ( face palm )
My next point on Ranach, is his whole 180 plot line once he takes off from Roamer, after killing Kargo.
Ranach is seen killing Kargo and fleeing MT, as he runs away from the useless main character, Roamer.
We are then blessed with more scenes, showing Ranach has fled to a rag tag group known as South Spear. Now as a reader, my first thought seeing Ranach join up with South Spear and his hidden smirks after speaking with members / the viscountess.. One would think Ranach is boiling a plan to get SS to join him in a war against MT. Because obviously, for a good chunk of the story Ranach wanted to destroy Ronja and MT.
But NOPE. Kique wanted to use South Spear as a doggie nsfw orgy for Ranach, so he could scratch that itch his nasty zoophile followers / himself have. Then suddenly, when they are jumped by bounty hunters, Ranach suddenly drops the existence of MT out of his mind and wants to suddenly become this notorious hero and destroy the capital, because he totally cared about this before.
And now we’re faced with a once narcissistic character, who has empathy for others and wants to make the lives of others right, including all of Aedra. Kique, buddy, once you’re a narcissist, you’re always a narcissist, learn to write a narcissistic character properly. Let me give you some tips, narcissistic characters don’t give a flying fuck about anyone but themselves, so why are you writing Ranach as a capital worldwide hero that cares for everyone suddenly???
Not only this, but his sick and twisted obsession with Iberon. I will give it partly to Kique, he hadnt changed Iberons personality and he was a pretty solid character, for Kique standards. But of course, his zoophile tendencies couldn’t help themselves and he suddenly changed Iberon to love up on Ranach, even though before he was extremely suspicious of him and absolutely hated Ranachs fucking guts. ANYWAY.
Back to the point lmao.
Ranach decides to round up Tribes, to fight the capital. The thought of MT, a fleck in the back of his mind. If it’s even there at all.
What strikes me odd is how Kique attempts to write this narcissistic character, but fails miserably cause all Ranach is in the story, is a Rogio obsessed man whore. Now suddenly Kique wants to make Ranach a hero and WOOHOO save Aedra. Now this plot might have made more sense if Kique had Ranach rebel against his father, with Kargo and Ferah and saved MT. If he had actually made Ranach an empathetic character who saw wrong in the Tribe he grew up in, instead of trying to lick Rogio’s nuts every two seconds. But this plot line, DOES NOT WORK. Because Ranach is never shown to give a single flying hoot about the wellbeing of others, except for Rogio.
Now don’t get me wrong, Ranach does tend to show narcissism. But it is not to the extent of how a narcissist actually is. Everything Ranach does, is for Rogio. So how the hell is he narcissistic? A true narcissist would have just found a new supply and moved the hell on. Which could be argued that this would be Iberon, but Ranach quite obviously looked at Iberon the same way he did as Rogio.
The inconsistency from Ranach is really mind boggling. Like most characters in Home, he does not have a consistent personality and jumps around to better fit the agenda / scenes Kique is pushing in the story. It is quite obvious to anyone, that he favors Ranach the most, probably because he wrote him to be his sick, obsessed lover to his self insert known as Rogio. Ranach is basically the dream lover for Kique. Which, ew, you sick fuck. Roamer is also another slice of a dream lover for Kique, because it’s funny how these two are so obsessed with his self insert, Rogio. And yet in real life, he writes these characters to do things he wishes a partner would do for him. Like it’s real obvious Kique, you’re not even hiding it anymore lol.
And now I will gloss over the glorification that Kique gives Ranach.
In the beginning, we all are aware of how much Kique adored Ranach, drawing him in odd positions and just completely showing this character in the spotlight. Now there is no physical evidence if Ranach did things to the females intentionally or not, in MT. Jonna says “He was rarely seen with a female” and then Rogio says “Anytime you were with a female, it was a simple one time thing.” So for me, it’s hard to pin point whether Ranach was a rapist or not. But let’s just assume that he is, given the circumstances of MT. WHY would you want to draw your rapist character in sexy poses and tell your customers that a gay bar is the best way to lose Ranach. Jeffery Dahmer is that you??
The odd glorification from Kique onto Ranach, is just that… ODD. If you have followed Kique for a while and read all the docs about him, it all becomes clear why he supports certain characters and why certain characters act the way they do. A lot of them, including Ranach have bits of Kiques personality / beliefs in them. And when you actually pay attention to how the characters work, you come to find out that Kique is an asshole lmao.
In conclusion, it was obvious that Kique attempted to make Ranach an antagonist in the beginning of the story, but then later decided to ditch this idea for unknown reasons. Why Kique favors a character like Ranach is boggling as hell. It’s crazy because given the backstory of Ranach, you would think it would push Ranach to do MT better than his father, but Kique is a terrible writer and didn’t even see that opportunity to give Ranach a redeemable quality. Now, he’s further digging Ranach into a hole and trying to make him the good guy, which TOO LATE Kique, you already missed that train, because you can’t decide who is the antagonist anymore in your comic.
PHEW. That’s all I have to say, I figured I would give into a different perspective on Ranach and how he COULD HAVE been redeemed, but Kique sucks at writing as we all know.
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zombiee-reviews · 3 months
Dang I never thought I would hear that Home is finally ending.
Good riddance.
It makes me wonder if Kique will make a trilogy or another god awful story, cause best believe I will be there critiquing that one as well. 😂
wow guys did ya hear, only 4 chapters left of Home. So what have we learned? NOTHING! :D other than the things listed below. -Toxic relationships are favored over healthy ones -Females aren't allowed to have PTSD from extreme trauma's -Characters with disabilities are chop liver -Constant self pity and doing nothing about it - So much damn talking and don't do anything about situations until the last minute - Glorifying rapists is ok (plz don't take that seriously) - Everyone is complete dumbass - kidnapping children and making them orphans just cause kique said so - Everyone wants to fuck each other -Broken anatomy all around - Having realistic reactions because of said trauma's means your blamed and everything is all your fault. So you get the boot. - No one gives a shit about Ronja - Doggy dicks in every possible angle -Everyone sits around and does nothing. Seriously how do these dogs and cats survive? There like kique sitting in there tribes and not going out or do anything. -Rogioho has a boner for every male that looks or talks to him -Self-inserts - Is jahla's brother even alive? lol
-Saber-cats? (idk they kinda just vanished into existence) - Characters have no emotions or show expressions - Doggy Racism - 180 ranach arc with a god complex? - dogs roleplay? - gods give you no consent Am I missing anything? lol And this is what it looks like we're getting out of home a sitcom of pointless nothing. You know I'm gonna be so happy when HOME ends, because there is literally nothing special about the comic in its entirety. Unless someone can tell me what was good about it. it's god awful. NOTHING HAPPENS.
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zombiee-reviews · 3 months
Like I’ve stated previously, this chapter of Home is absolute SHIT.
Sure, the last chapters were garbage too, but this chapter has solely been about coddling Roamer and Rogio and showing us that they have zero consequences. Even dragging Kargo into the bullshit as well.
We all know why Roamer is a warrior, because apparently killing a dog who is retreating and is no longer a viable threat to you, as well as going against your leaders word is something that should be rewarded and not reprimanded. I would have hoped Kique caught on to this eventually, cause you know, he relies on all of us to write and catch plot holes for him. I was hoping Ronja would have a word with him, but nope! She slaps Roamer with a warrior rank and thinks he’s an absolute PERFECT fit for this rank. Okay.
Why in the hell would you want someone like Roamer to be a warrior/fighter for the Tribe. I have YET to see Roamer NOT get his ass kicked, unless he’s attacking someone while they’re not looking, like the coward he actually is. Roamer can’t fight worth an actual damn and if anything, I feel like he isn’t in the right mental state to hold a rank like that. Because obviously he has shown he can’t control himself when an enemy has given up, potentially causing even more problems for the Tribe. But, you do you Kique.
Also of course Saint Rogio gets to keep his precious Baron rank, which he’s yet to even actually earn. Like Roamer, Rogio is a huge coward and prefers to let everyone else do his dirty work while he sits out. Rogio is Kiques biggest self insert, so of course he gets most the praise, even though he’s the biggest douche bag in this story lol.
And yet again we are blessed with paint colors that don’t stand out and are dark af and probably won’t blend well with the mountain terrain.
Im still amazed Rogio hasn’t mentioned ANYTHING about the spirit and how he suddenly has zero trauma to something that almost completely killed him. But poor Rogipoo can’t stand the sight of his red carpet pusher, Ranach. GAH!
My god guys, I’m really trying to keep it together for this chapter LOL.
Spoiling the new paints, before even showing it to the public it seems.
Remember that I talked about How kique spoils the reveals BEFORE IT'S TIME, from this BLOG ;
Whelp, Wanting to state Kiq. update the ref. and a few medallions from Nordguard and already SPOILED what the new paint would be by literally a glimpses.
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Already not liking the new paints cause you can BARELY see anything and its really sloppy work.
He could have done a Nordic knotwork paint on them which is both distinctive and pretty cool. I'm a sucker of it's knotwork for being a learning curve and fun as well.
Also noticed most tribes have this gradient color paint going on, which the question implements how they even do a gradient without tampering or muddling the colors. Kique showed at first it was chalk but then now chalk become colored paint in a bowl. Is chalk rare and valued then manual paint making? is it because its longer lasting? anti-smudge?? what?? anyway here be example;
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Example of conceptualizing with the inspiration
Since people don't look over the Wix site of Home and if he has unpaid ' volunteers ' this would get in, but the public barely reach the scenes when they obtain the new paint. the public is actually 32 pages away from that reveal on patreon.... SOoooooo 😅 It' just shows the author doesn't care anymore of suspense or caring about his story despite claiming to be.
ALSO, got noted that Roamer became a Warrior and not a Baron no more with no context or reveal yet still has the Baron paint. HIS REVEAL OF CHANGING RANK ALSO HAPPENS 32 PAGES AWAY FROM THE PUBLIC. We all know why his rank was change, after that backlash of him being a backstabbing ( literally ) murderer and was coddled/justified while also disrespecting the leader which is Ronja; his family member he was supposed to care about and rescue but didn't until it was convenient, not a stranger or anything.
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and yet....ROGIO GETS TO KEEP HIS BARON RANK FFS cause we can all trust him, it's not like he shows no proof to go against him being a higher rank or anything 😒 🙄
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zombiee-reviews · 3 months
I would love to see everyone’s thoughts on this one lol
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zombiee-reviews · 3 months
Well boys and girls it is official. I ain’t gonna lie to you, this chapter of Home has really sent it down the toilet for me. If I wasn’t reviewing the comic, I would probably stop reading it entirely just for this page itself.
It really saddens me that Kique brought Kargo back to life, just for a fan service. I would only hope that the little bit of logic in his brain would write Kargo to deny this kind of relationship. But really, the clueless shippers are what he is mainly targeting nowadays. Because getting any new fans is really a lost cause for this comic, lol. So of course, Kargo is going to blindly walk into a poly relationship, with no chemistry for Rogio. I mean, it would make sense if Roamer and Kargo were in a relationship and Rogio was the side, for Roamer. But somehow this is going to be handled as Kargo loving Rogio too.
Ugh, it makes me sick thinking that Kique has most likely drawn an NSFW page of Kargo and Rogio and I’m not entirely sure if I want to see the two making out in any future pages.
I mean let’s face it, Roamer is going to agree to this. Kique is targeting the audience that pays him, which is not a bad thing! But at least make your comic have logical sense my man. I mean if you wanted to please the shippers, you could do your weird doggy porn NSFW drawings, instead of implementing it into the comic because, IT MAKES NO SENSE why Kargo and Rogio would be together.
Granted, Kique basically brushed off any hard feelings Kargo has for Rogio because “he saved his life” I mean, if anything Kargo would be most upset with him because he mentioned to Rogio that he felt free once he died. But as always, Rogio is the saint of all dogs in the comic and what he says goes.
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zombiee-reviews · 3 months
TWWR Round up 01/15/2024-- Don't Follow the Leader
Leadership decisions were made. Some of them may be problematic in the future.
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