zukkacore · 6 minutes
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oh that’s actually kinda cute
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zukkacore · 8 minutes
“One of the most solid pieces of writing advice I know is in fact intended for dancers – you can find it in the choreographer Martha Graham’s biography. But it relaxes me in front of my laptop the same way I imagine it might induce a young dancer to breathe deeply and wiggle their fingers and toes. Graham writes: ‘There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open.’”
— Zadie Smith (via campaignagainstcliche)
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zukkacore · 15 hours
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Clint you've got to be fucking kidding me
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zukkacore · 16 hours
The no kill rule is not about Bruce just uwu not wanting to become a murderer it’s about knowing that no person is morally infallible and omniscient and you cannot be judge jury executioner and that you are allowed to keep this last bit of innocence that you do not have to live with the burden of someone else’s crime you shouldn’t have to give away a part of yourself just because someone else decides to commit a horrible crime it’s not about whether the Joker deserves death it’s about whether someone should bear the burden of becoming a murderer none of you fuckers know why the death penalty is bad
do you think a Batman who holds little kids to get them to safety can pick them up with the same two hands that took a life? Don’t they deserve better? Doesn’t he?
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zukkacore · 16 hours
pushing daisies really was a modern retelling of orpheus and eurydice in which they knew they wouldnt make it out of the underworld so instead they simply built a life together on the stairs
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zukkacore · 16 hours
obviously i love jhutch and im usually very quick to defend his overly enthusiastic allyship in the 2010s because a) i do genuinely think he cares about lgbt rights and b) i was in highschool in the 2010s, i remember how huge it was for a famous person to be even slightly supportive of lgbt people, let alone doing actual charity work
but some of the things he said were unfortunately extremely funny in hindsight
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zukkacore · 16 hours
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OP also turned off reblogs for this but it has to be said
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zukkacore · 16 hours
I think the funniest LGBT-adjacent type person is "Straight Cis Girl Who Wants To Date Men But They Keep Transitioning Into Girls."
Reverse Chaser. Honorary Bisexual.
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zukkacore · 18 hours
:O I didn't know until just now that Alison Bechdel's website has a bunch of archived Dykes to Watch Out For strips! Neat!
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zukkacore · 19 hours
sometimes i need to remind myself that i'm writing fanfiction for free and i'm allowed to have a shitty sentence or two
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zukkacore · 19 hours
need you all to know that the thing that finally tipped me over into reading/watching dungeon meshi was the hundred or so posts showing chimera falin breasting boobily around the dungeon while covered in her own blood and half feral that have taken over my dash. i don't have a dick but i do think with it.
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zukkacore · 19 hours
"this song is about this" "this song is about that" "this person wrote this song about this person" wrong all songs are about ocs ive made and ocs that have not yet come to pass
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zukkacore · 20 hours
important ! In recent years especially this year I’ve noticed a lot that the internet language picked up so many Islamic phrases and, from a muslim perspective, it makes the internet a little more welcoming. the thing is, a lot of the time with Islamic phrases you have to be careful about when and where to say them they hold their own weight and demand their own respect so here is a list explaining each phrase and some notes about it.
In sha allah
It means “ If God wills “. Muslims say it because we’re unaware of what future holds it’s actually blasphemous to claim to know the future, so saying so means “ If it’s the will of god it will happen if not it won’t “ and you’d say it about future events. side note, it’s also a polite way of saying No. for example, someone asks you to do something and you say in sha allah. Technically you’re not saying yes or no, and if it’s not in god’s will it won’t happen.
Ma sha allah
It means “ this is what god intended “ and it’s a compliment. Saying so is like saying WOW! But it’s also kind of a prayer of protection? If I see someone with pretty hair I should say “ Ma sha allah your hair is very pretty “ the ma sha allah protects the person from the evil eye. By saying that I’m also saying I’m not jealous I’m genuinely enamored and I don’t wish any harm to go to it.
it means “ to god I repent “ or “ from god I seek forgiveness” it’s usually used when you make a mistake but people also use it when they see something bad or when they want to avoid saying something bad. Like once my card refused to work and I’d say that so I won’t say any curse words and to calm down my anger
okay this one is important. This one shouldn’t be used so lightly. It means “ by god’s name “ and it’s basically swearing in Allah’s name. You are only supposed to say it if you genuinely mean what you’re saying. It’s such a heavy word that I only say it very rarely and if you say it and don’t follow up on what you said you have to fast for three days as repentance.
One more note is that with the name of Allah you should also be careful it’s not supposed to be written on papers that’ll get stepped on or lightly used in art because it also has its own weight it’s regarded heavily. Like even in home decorations it should be elevated and not overshadowed. If I have to throw away a paper I have to sit down and color over the name of Allah or burn the papers so it won’t get thrown in trash.
another note is that those phrases aren’t Muslim exclusive. Some Arab non-Muslims use them as well. This is only my explanation from a Muslim perspective.
Another another note is this is what I can remember at the moment but if you have additions or enquiries let me know
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zukkacore · 20 hours
The worst thing I've ever written is my final assignment for a screenwriting class. The professor successfully pushed me into writing the blandest mess of a "thriller" you could imagine. It was garbage, and when he called me to give feedback on it, his only point was. His only point was. His only point was asking me why I made a character Chinese, if I didn't have her do "kung fu" or use "herbal medicine". I pointed out she was a spy, and spies in our modern post-post-Cold War era basically have to be Chinese or Russian or American, and I'm pretty sure Chinese spies use guns instead of channeling the mystical kinetic energies of the chi, but he demanded I "use" the fact she was Chinese. Though someone staring at the hottest garbage ever written and only going "but why isn't this character white?" does seem like a realistic simulacrum of the film industry experience
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zukkacore · 21 hours
When you are alone and have a heart attack. What are you gonna do then?
Take a 2 minute break and read this:
Let's say it's 5:25 pm and you're driving home after an unusually hard day's work.
You are really tired and frustrated. All of a sudden your chest pains. They are starting to radiate in the arm and jaw. It feels like being stabbed in the chest and heart. You're only a few miles away from the nearest hospital or home.
Unfortunately you don't know if you can make it..
Maybe you've taken CPR training, but the person running the course hasn't told you how to help yourself.
How do you survive a heart attack when you're alone when it happens? A person who is feeling weak and whose heart is beating hard has only about 10 seconds before losing consciousness.
1. But you can help yourself by coughing repeatedly and very strongly! Deep breaths before every cough. Coughing should be repeated every second until you arrive at the hospital or until your heart starts to beat normally.
2. Deep breathing gives oxygen to your lungs and coughing movements boost the heart and blood circulation. Heart pressure also helps to restore a normal heartbeat. Here's how cardiac arrest victims can make it to the hospital for the right treatment
3. Cardiologists say if someone gets this message and passes it on to 10 people, we can expect to save at least one life.
4. FOR WOMEN: You should know that women have additional and different symptoms. Rarely have crushing chest pain or pain in the arms. Often have indigestion and tightness across the back at the bra line plus sudden fatigue.
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zukkacore · 21 hours
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Combining my two biggest fixations atm <3
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zukkacore · 21 hours
when I see something dated 2019 I think “oh that’s not too long ago” and then I remember that 2019 was not only five years ago but those five years have somehow contained several lifetimes
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