5sossmutsource · 7 years
Hey! I just wanted to recommend the blog "thewritingbranch" for some smut. They just recently reposted their master list. Love your blog btw
Just added them to the list :) Thank you!! xx
-Jess xx
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5sossmutsource · 7 years
Just wanted to say this acc was amazing for the times I was a big ass 5sos Stan and thank you so much 💚 love y'all
Thank you!! This is such a kind message :)
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5sossmutsource · 7 years
This acc still alive?
Still alive. Just not v active rn unfortunately. 
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5sossmutsource · 7 years
Summary: It’s New Year’s Eve and you have a little accident with a bottle of champagne…
Warnings: This is smut!! It’s pretty straightforward but includes fingering, a handjob and fuckinggggg. There’s also a bit of swearing ;)
Word count: 3k
A/N: I’m back! It’s feels like so long since I’ve written some smut and I’m really happy with how this has turned out. Enjoy reading and I hope you have a happy Hogmanay! ;)))
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Originally posted by hemmoxhood96
“What do you say we ditch this party and go somewhere more private?”
Calloused fingertips press against your back, carefully dipping past the curve of your spine until the warm hand rests dangerously close to your ass.
You tilt your head to the side, attempting to look at your boyfriend only to feel his plump lips trailing across your exposed neck. This action alone is enough to prompt all sane thoughts drifting away from you. 
The noise of the throbbing party seems to fade away as Calum’s mouth sucks over your sensitive skin. A gasp parts with your lips as he finds your special spot, applying even more pressure as he gently forms a deep hickey.
“There we go,” you hear him mutter, voice deep and clouded with lust. 
The sensible part of you is screaming for you to extract yourself from the situation before you embarrass yourself but Calum’s touch feels too fucking good. 
Smooth teeth brush against your neck as he moves his movements further down. However, it’s when his hands slip down completely, grabbing a handful of your rounded ass, that you decide that enough’s enough. 
As you pull away from Calum, you can feel the wetness between your legs begin to throb.
“Let’s go,” you utter, just loud enough for him to hear.
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Champagne (Calum smut)
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5sossmutsource · 8 years
Elf! Calum
Words: 4.2k
Warning: smut!  
Summary: Elf! Calum who decides who's naughty and nice and know’s Y/N is always at the top of the naughty list and decides to pay her a small visit one day, after watching her masturbate for hours on end.  
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*Calum’s POV*
I took a hold of the next piece of paper getting my fingers ready to type it into the crystal snow ball. I was stuck doing the boring job, most elves were off making christmas gifts getting a head start before december started. I was usually doing that but three year’s ago I had an argument with another elf and that left me in a slight grump which Santa saw, then he demoted me to the ‘bad elf’ factory. It’s where all the reject elves go and who they may be over excited or overly grumpy. I was neither, I was almost human, I wish I was a human but instead I have pointy ears and live in the north pole.
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5sossmutsource · 8 years
Reintroducing Me [Sub!Luke Hemmings Smut]
Requested: Yes
Anonymous: I love your sub!Cal smut, do you think you could do one for Luke pretty please?
Pairing: Luke x Reader
Rating: R
Word count: 2,671
A\N I’m really glad that you liked my writing so hopefully this one will fit your standards. Enjoy!
Request        Masterlist        Mobile masterlist
I had missed him more than anything. More than ever before. Myself and Luke had been dating for about eighteen months in which we had grown extremely close to each other, meaning that a separation of over a week would be too much to handle. Recently it was Christmas and we had decided to go our separate ways so that I would go back to my home and he would go back to his. After weeks of phone calls, endless texts and Skype calls we were finally reunited. 
I walked slowly off of my plane and mentally groaned at how tired I was. A twelve hour flight back to LA wasn’t my ideal picnic but nonetheless I needed to get back here. Back to my house, my friends, my job but most importantly my boyfriend. Looking around I could feel the pressure building. Although it had only been a little bit over a month I felt like we were complete strangers now and I didn’t like it at all. But I yearned to feel his lips on mine and to feel his strong arms around me, just holding me. Even for a few seconds to savour the sweet meadow that is our passion for one another. I missed him. So much. 
I continued to walk and watched as friends and families were reunited, couples hugging and kissing, the smell of desperation thick in the air, yet sweet against my nostrils. I waited by a conveyor belt for my luggage when I noticed a tall figure next to me, light brown hair and from the corner of my eye he looked like a mess. I reached out to grab my large suitcase when I felt a tap on the shoulder. I quickly hauled the bag towards me and then looked to the source of the finger that just came in contact with my skin. I instantly smiled.
‘’Hey Y\N,’’ beamed Ashton Irwin. ‘’Long time no see’’. He laughed, embracing me in a hug. ‘’I’ve missed seeing that smile of yours’’. He pulled back.
‘’I’ve missed you too, Ashton’’.
‘’More than Luke?’’
‘’So much more than Luke’’. We both laughed as he pulled a few suitcases from the belt and left them by his side. ‘’Speaking of Luke; where are the other boys?’’ I took a glance around.
‘’Starbucks’’. He rolled his eyes. ‘’As usual’’.
‘’Y\N!’’ I heard someone exclaim and my eyes instantly shot to the sound. I watched as Michael sprinted towards me and grasped me in a huge hug.
‘’Michael! Oh my gosh I’ve missed you!’’ He pulled back and I no sooner caught my breath from the hug when I was pulled into another one by a tall, dark and handsome fellow who goes by the name of Calum.
‘’Hey Y\N’’. He greeted coolly before pulling back, smiling and then getting his suitcase that Ashton had retrieved for him. Now all that was missing was my boyfriend. But he was nowhere to be seen. I turned and picked up my bag, slinging the limp material over my shoulder and wrapping my fingers around my suitcase handle. Sparks shot through my skin, blooming from my hips and moving down my thighs, to my toes and then back up to my heart and head until they faded out from my hair. I looked down to see what had caused me to get caught in such an amazing feeling and saw two large hands snaking their way around my waist.
‘’I’ve missed you, Babe’’. I felt lips on my neck and I lit up immediately, spinning myself around.  And I kissed him. I didn’t even see his face but I kissed him and I let my fingers get knotted in his blonde locks. After about nine seconds I pulled back for some air and saw his face. He was tired and he looked a mess but honestly he was still more perfect than the sun itself.
‘’I missed you more’’. I smiled up at him before pecking his lips once more.
‘’Lets go’’. Ashton instructed us and we all followed him in a comfortable silence. My heart was racing as our fingers interlocked. It had felt like forever since we were this close and I almost felt like we were starting our whole relationship again. Nevertheless, I got into the car next to him when we reached it and put on my seatbelt.
The boys wanted to stop of at McDonalds on the way because they complained of the hunger they had suffered through their entire flight, Michael even predicting his nearby death, Calum agreeing with him. But on the way I had an idea.
‘’Can you drop Luke and I off at your place?’’ He gave me a shocked look but didn’t say a word.
‘’Why?’’ Ashton questioned.
‘’I just want to reconnect with my boyfriend’’. I pecked Luke’s lips. ‘’I’ve missed him a lot’’.
‘’Can we just drop them off so we can get this out of the car?’’ Michael complained. ‘’I don’t want to puke before I get to eat anything’’. Calum laughed into his shoulder.
‘’Driver, can we please go to the house first?’’ Ashton called. The driver nodded and she began her course to taking myself and Luke back to the house. The journey didn’t take long, it was only a short detour from ‘Maccas’, as Luke would call it sometimes. We got out in silence but Luke hesitated slightly before grumpily getting his suitcase and bag from the back and shutting it. The car drove off hastily and he gave me a look that pierced into me, intimidating me slightly. 
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5sossmutsource · 8 years
Dominating/pegging Michael please...👀👀👀
okay this really tickled my fancy right now so i’m just doing a quick little thing. i’ll consider doing something longer in future because…. i’m into it.
“Ah, fuck,” Michael hisses, and you smile.
You’d had to pull a few strings to get this all to work. Inconspicuous shopping is surprisingly difficult with someone like your boyfriend loitering around - he’s too nosey for his own good, and does not pretend that he gets into your deliveries by mistake. Keeping a secret as a secret is a tough job. God, you’re so glad you managed to do it, though.
The look on his face when you’d first showed him your strap-on had been near blissful, and there’s no way you could’ve enjoyed that raw shock and happiness if he had gotten an inkling about your plans.
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5sossmutsource · 8 years
You had Calum wrapped around your finger.
His pink lips were swollen and parted, and the little whimpers falling from his mouth make your toes curl in the most delicious of ways. The moonlight highlighted the way his chest rose and fell with every breath, his skin glittering with sweat. Calum turned his head into the pillow under him, a moan tearing from his throat in time to the flick of your hips. You tutted and leaned down to kiss his cheek, cradling his jaw.
‘Eyes on me, baby boy.’
It takes him some time, but he turns his head back to face you. He’s mumbling a little, little curls sticking to his forehead and falling across his eyes. You take a moment to revel in just how wrecked he is under you, his stomach tightening every so often and oh, he’s whining.
‘Shush,’ you murmur against his lips, and brush his hair away from his face. He chases your lips with his, whimpering when you don’t give him what he wants. His pupils are blown and his eyelashes are heavy, and the most beautiful rosy blush was spreading across his cheeks.
‘Please,’ he mumbles, begs. ‘Please baby, just… please.’
You kiss his pretty pink lips, and you can’t help but smile when he groans into your mouth.
‘All in good time, pretty boy. All in good time.’
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5sossmutsource · 8 years
if possible can you get some more sub!cal or luke stuff bc it's amazing
Definitely! Feel free to send us recs too!
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5sossmutsource · 8 years
(A/N: thanks to Keelyn @stopirwin for being a real pal and helping me come up with the plot of this fic. I owe you one fam <3)
Summary: threesome with cashton inspired by that mf pic of them dressed as the dudes from reservoir dogs  Word Count: 2.344 Warnings: smut, overuse of the word cock (no seriously i used it 21 times), anal (lmao i know right), double penetration, a bit of anal fingering, this is so nasty rated N for Nasty
The bright green glow of your alarm clock was the only source of light in your bedroom. You lied in bed, underneath a pile of duvets as you waited for your two flatmates to come back home. Safe and alive, you hoped, especially due to the circumstances.
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3AM {c.h. & a.i.}
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5sossmutsource · 8 years
hey, just letting you know i also write smut (among other things but) if you feel like adding me to the authors :')
Yeah absolutely, I’ll add you now :) and probably go through your masterlist today for something to read lol
-Jess xx
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5sossmutsource · 8 years
“What the hell is that?”
You point at the offending object, standing proud on your coffee table, long and thick with a cherry red bow tied around its middle; you’re standing in the doorway, eyes and mouth wide as you stare at it, not sure quite how to react. Michael beams, his eyes alight with mischief as he leans forward from his spot on the couch, propping his forearms on his thighs. He arches a brow at you, his tongue peaking out to swipe across his bottom lip.
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Double Trouble - Michael Clifford Smut
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5sossmutsource · 8 years
smuttyscribbles 'double trouble' has boyf!michael, butt stuff and toys, such a good read (also their ♥ link in the 'authors' post is missing an S)
Thanks for recommending it!! I’ll be sure to give it a read :) and thank you for pointing that out! I’ll take care of it soon 
-Jess xx
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5sossmutsource · 8 years
Just wanted to let you guys know that this is seriously awesome. Thankyou so much for actually taking time out of ur day to help ur internet buds. This is so sweet and so dirty and im so in love with it
Awww you’re so sweet, thank you!!! Happy to know you’re enjoying the blog! :) xx
-Jess xx
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5sossmutsource · 8 years
Friends With Benefits Luke Imagine 
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Summary: You and Luke had everything two lovers could have except a label and you liked it that way. But when one summer night by the pool turns out to be more than you expected, you’re forced to face what the feelings you feel for the blonde boy really could be. 
~Warnings: Smut~ ~Approx. 2.5k words~
If there was one thing that no one could figure out it was why you and Luke weren’t dating. You acted like you were, between all the cuddling and hand holding and small touches any outsider would have immediately assumed you were a couple. He cared for you more than he did anyone and he spent most of his time showing you he did and it was equally as obvious that you cared just as much. It was just something about the labels that rubbed both of you the wrong way despite your exclusivity.
“I don’t know why we can’t just have fun with this.” You had explained.
“Yeah why fuck it up with all that gross shit when we could just keep doing this.” He spoke slyly, pulling you in for a kiss while his wandering hand reached for your ass to give it a squeeze.
It was the perfect setup in your opinion and you saw no need to push the matter any further. Your more than friends less than lovers set up was perfect and no one could change your mind about it.
Luke’s private house in LA was one of your favorite places to hang out. It was quiet save some yelling from Michael over an unfair Fifa loss, and most importantly it was private. You hated not being able to go out in public with Luke for fear of the press jumping to conclusions. I mean sure you actually were secretly fucking but you didn’t want anyone else to know that. Being tied to any of the boys, Luke especially, was difficult and you didn’t want to have to deal with it any more than you already had to, so the late night meetups whenever he was in town tended to be the only time you got to spend with him.
It was late when you texted Luke that your car was parked outside and for him to let you in the large house. He texted you back his dumb little smiley face before opening the door to the mansion, clad in only his sweatpants, leaving his chest bare for your eyes to roam.
“Hey baby.” He greeted you, pulling you into his arms for a tight hug. He kissed the top of your head before letting you go and leading you back into the lounge.
“Looks like you’ve been a busy boy today.” You said, gesturing to the music sheets and stray instruments laying scattered across the room.
“Yeah writing got a little intense, I thought we all needed to cool off before going back at it again.”
“What’s the issue?”
“Eh, just some creative differences I guess.”
“Like what?”
“It doesn’t matter babe.” He dismissed the issue and you knew better than to hound him about it.
“Hey do you have any food around here?” You asked, rummaging through the cupboards for anything you could possibly eat.
“Not unless you like expired milk and vegemite. And I think Ash has some kale around here somewhere.”
“Boys are disgusting.”
“Tell me about it, I’ve been living off cold pizza for weeks.” He laughed, grabbing a beer and plopping down on the couch. He patted his leg, signaling for you to come over and take a seat. You padded across the living room, your bottom lip between your teeth as you sunk down onto his lap. His arm immediately wrapped around your waist to steady you on top of him, the other lazily slung across the couch. “I missed you.” He cooed, nuzzling his face into your neck and leaving spongy kisses in his wake.
“I missed you too Lukey.”
“God, four months feels like a lifetime.” He whined, his voice slightly muffled as his face was still buried in your neck.
“At least you get to live your dream and don’t have to work 9 to 5 like some of us.” You mused, rubbing your hands up his toned arms. He chuckled, lifting his head to kiss your lips.
“Hey my job’s hard too. And either way I miss you like crazy.”
“Whatever you say rockstar.”
He groaned, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him. “You’re so mean to me.”
“Yeah yeah, you love it.”
“You know I do.” He cooed, kissing you again. You threaded your fingers through his hair, giving the roots a soft tug and he let out a soft whimper at the feeling. You sat like that with him for awhile, cuddling and enjoying each other’s company, one of you occasionally going in for a kiss. After a while you lifted your head from its place on his chest and piped up, “so what do you want to do?” You asked him, a mischievous glint in your eye. He looked at you with groggy eyes, arching his brow.
“Well I don’t know babe, what do you want to do?”
You put your hands on his chest, rubbing over his bare skin, tracing his freckles and giggling at the feeling of the fuzzy hair there that he was so proud of. “I want to go swimming.”
“Swimming?” He furrowed his brows. “But it’s like one in the morning.”
“So? It’s California, it’s like always swimming weather.”
“Did you even bring a swimsuit?”
“Who said we needed swimsuits?” You grinned devilishly and you could have sworn you felt him twitch underneath you.
“Oh.” He swallowed as you got up from your perch on his lap and started walking out to the patio. He quickly followed you outside, the cool summer air sending a shiver up his spine but nothing was going to stop him from following your plan. He watched as you stripped yourself of your leggings and tee shirt, leaving you in a pair of cotton panties and his favorite bra on you. He had to suppress a groan as you turned to him with your bottom lip between your teeth as you slid your bra off your shoulders and stepped out of your panties, leaving you completely naked in front of him.
“Fuck, princess every time I see you like this you get more and more beautiful.”
You felt a blush rise to your cheeks at the compliment. “C’mon Lu, don’t make me be the only one!” With a giggle you ran and jumped into the pool with a small squeal, the cool water feeling amazing against your hot skin. You came up for air, looking over at the tall boy who was ridding himself of his sweatpants. “Luke you’re so slow! I’m getting lonely!”
In an instant, Luke removed his black boxers and made his way to the edge of the pool. You looked up at him with a pout as you treaded water, splashing him a little in your impatience. With a grin he jumped, letting out a small yelp as he hit the water with a huge splash. You saw his silhouette approaching you under the water before he popped up, his hair flat against his forehead and water dripping of his shoulders. He grinned as he encircled his arms around you, your legs wrapping around his middle. You pushed his hair out of his face, slicking it back and giggling as he rolled his eyes at you.
“You’re so cute Lukey baby.” You cooed playfully.
“I am not cute I am rugged and sexy.” He pouted, spinning you around in the water with a swooshing sound.
You kissed his nose “You’re both.”
He smiled, a rosy hue rising to his pale cheeks. “I love you, ya know?” He whispered and suddenly the entire atmosphere changed. You were silent for a moment, the heaviness of his words creating a thickness in the air. You wriggled out of his arms and swam away to the shallow end of the pool, panic settling in.
“Baby don’t be like that.”
“Don’t bring up shit we’re not supposed to talk about then.”
“Why can’t we talk about it?” He argued, swimming closer to you. He was corning you, you could tell and you weren’t happy about it. “You’re being ridiculous.”
“No you’re being ridiculous, you know why I don’t want this to be anything more than what it is.”
“So I’m not allowed to love you?” He frowned as he stepped closer, the water reaching only to his waist.
“But I do.”
You furrowed your brows as he came closer, trapping you against the cement wall of the swimming pool, his arms like a cage around you. “Well…don’t.”
“Christ, you can’t just make me not love you. I know you love me back you’re just too scared to say it.”
“Well can you blame me?!” You exploded, your chest heaving. You could feel all your pent up emotions rising and you knew it wasn’t going to be good once your filter was removed. “You’re gone half the year and I never get to see you and whenever I am seen with you everyone make a huge deal! I don’t want this to be a public event I want this between us like how it had been. I don’t want anything to change and I don’t want to lose you because I…I-”
“Because you love me.” Luke interrupted, his crystal eyes reflecting the pool light as he stared down at you. You were silent, knowing what he was saying was true, but you didn’t have the courage to admit it.
“I’m scared Luke. I’m scared that love isn’t going to be enough.”
“Hey, hey, hey.” He took your chin gently in his hands, tilting your face up to meet his gaze. “You will always be enough for me.” His lips met yours softly, the chlorinated water dripping down his skin and making him taste like the chemical. “Please, I just need to hear you say it.” He whispered. His strong arms wrapping around your body and pulling you flush against his bare skin.
You took a deep breath, breathing in his scent before looking up at him. You were glad you were still in the pool, the water running down your face easily masked as you said the three words you never thought you’d admit to anyone. His face lit up as you finally made your declaration, his arms squeezing you tighter than ever before. He kissed you quickly, hard and fast again and again, professing his love after each one. He took you in his arms, the water between you rippling as he brought you close.
“Sweetheart.” He whispered in your ear, his voice sounding more like a whine. “Let me make love to you.”
“Luke!” You scolded. “Here?”
“We’re already naked baby and we’re draining the pool in a few days c’mon! Your tits look so good in this light.”
“I swear to god.” You mumbled under your breath before wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for a hungry kiss. You could feel him smirking as he placed his palm on the small of your back, his wet hair tickling your face. As he began moving his hips you could feel the water starting to churn around you, creating a rhythm. Your back hit the wall of the pool gently enough that it didn’t hurt as he continued kissing you, his wet lips trailing down your jaw, his stubble scratching your skin and his hands reaching under the water to give your bare ass a firm squeeze. You moaned, biting down on his shoulder as you felt the tip of his cock begin to rub against you.
“Ready baby?” He rasped, nipping at your earlobe as you clung to him for dear life. You could only nod as you felt him ease into you, slowly and blissfully. He moved at an agonizing pace and you were still amazed at how completely filled up you felt every time he entered you.
“Luke please!” You whimpered, holding him tighter, your legs wrapped around his waist as he buried himself deeper inside.
“Jesus you feel so good like this baby.” He groaned, holding himself unmoving in your for a few moments.
“Fuck, do something!” You begged. He obliged as he began to rock his hips, his long shaft moving in and out of you. He picked up his pace until your back was being slammed against the edge, water splashing up onto the pool deck as he thrusted into you. His forehead was resting against yours, his mouth hanging open as he groaned in pleasure. He tightened his grip on your hips, pulling you onto his cock, your body hitting his as he bounced you up and down. You could hardly contain the obscene noises spilling from your mouth as his tip hit your sweet spot with every thrust.
“Could do this…every day and never get tired of it. Could fuck you every single day.” He groaned, squeezing his eyes shut as he twitched inside you, your walls tightening around him. “Fuck yes, just like that baby, squeeze me.” He moved one hand down to stroke your clit, the other supporting your full weight, made much easier in the water. You let out a gasp as his expert fingers rubbed you over and over, matching the thrusts of his hips.
“Oh god.” You gasped through gritted teeth, burying your face in his neck. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, oh!” You yelled, the feeling of your pussy tightening around him sending you tumbling over the edge. He wasn’t far behind and with a guttural groan you felt him release, his body shaking as he slammed into you one final time. He fell forward, his body trapping you against the wall as you slid off of him.
“Goddamn.” He murmured, running his fingers through his damp locks.
“Yeah.” You breathed, taking a second to catch your breath again.
“Quick shower and then bed?” He asked, looking completely fucked as he looked at you.
“Sounds nice.” You smiled, leaning in to kiss his pink lips as he wrapped you in a tight bear hug.
“Maybe in the morning we go another round?”
“Can you chill for even one second?”
“Hey I don’t get this every day I’m allowed to want to fuck you all the time.”
“That’s fair.” You giggled, taking his hand as you stepped out of the pool. “Are we streaking back to the room.
“Last one there has to make breakfast!” He wiggled his brows at you and you smirked before taking off in all your naked glory, towards his private room.
Less Is More
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5sossmutsource · 8 years
will you have a tag for anal/general butt stuff?
Yeah absolutely, I just can’t think of any fics I’ve read with that kind of content. If you know of any feel free to rec it and I’ll be sure to set the tag up for you! :)
-Jess xx
0 notes
5sossmutsource · 8 years
Subject: You and Luke are art students. 
Word Count: 2082
Body Paint - Luke Hemmings
You took a seat in the back of the class and got your notes out of your backpack, genuinely being interested in a class for once. You were an art major, but the actual subject art, where you needed to hand in projects and draw and all of that, was only a three hour class. The rest was just history, techniques, basic studies, analysing art…
Every month you’d have a new project, and honestly, it was the one thing you loved doing in school.
“This month’s project we’re focusing on the beauty of the human body, It doesn’t matter how you choose to display it, can be through a sculpture, a painting, photographs, your choice! I expect some amazing works this month. If u have any questions don’t be afraid to ask me or mail me, Now, you’re dismissed for today.”Your professor announced, students happily strolling out of the classroom right after. You found yourself thinking about the endless possibilities to do for this project.
“Hey uhm, (Y/N) is it?”Someone called behind you, you were surprised to see Luke Hemmings smirking down at you. He was one of the only people in your class who made it seem like he didn’t care for art at all, or anything for that matter. He always wore all black outfits, but it suited him perfectly. “Yeah, can I help you?”You asked shyly, being slightly intimidated by the guy.
“Well, I wanted to ask u something.”He declared, his cheeks reddening. You were surprised to see him grow awkward, you found it rather amusing. You nodded for him to go on. “Well, is there any chance u could help me out with my project?”He asked, you could tell he was nervous from the way he kept playing with his lip ring. You found yourself staring at his lips, you would be lying if you said they didn’t look inviting. Luke was a very attractive guy.
“Well sure? No problem, why me though, and for what?”
“Maybe I can discuss that with u in my apartment? I mean, if you’re comfortable with that of course.”He offered, a smug look on his face. “Well sure? do u live far I walk to school.”
“Please princess, I’ll give u a ride.”
Luke’s apartment was very similar to yours, simple, but full of art, and art supplies. The paintings that covered the walls were stunning, and all labeled with Hemmings, you had no idea he was capable of such beautiful art pieces. “Those are beautiful.”You commented, making him blush a little. “They’re nothing special, but thank you.”He sat himself down in the couch and patted the seat next to him.
You wondered if it was a good idea to go in a strangers house who you knew nothing of, clearly you didn’t think it through. It just didn’t seem to matter. He had been in your class for over a year, what could happen right?
“So, what do u need me for?”
“Well, I totally understand if u don’t want to, but since we need to display the beauty of the human body… I would love for u to be my canvas.”He said, a small smile playing on his lips. U rose an eyebrow at him. “Do u mean like bodypainting?”He just nodded.
“Sure but why ask me?”You agreed, you knew Luke probably was a professional, you had to draw nude models before. It was purely for art, not for intimate, sexual reasons.
“Because I think u display the beauty of the human body perfectly.”He explained as if it was nothing, you felt your cheeks heat up.
“Is that supposed to be a compliment?”
“Well, yeah… You just have a beautiful body (Y/N), I mean not only that, you’re just, really pretty.”He commented, shooting you his beautiful smile afterwards, you thanked him shyly. Completely thrown of by his compliment, you could feel the heat in your whole face.
“So you’ll do it?”
“I guess”
You were ridiculously nervous, the entire trip to luke’s apartment you had to tell yourself over and over again that you’d be completely fine. You and Luke had gone out two times, to get to know each other better and you found yourself actually enjoying his company. You quickly learnt that his careless demeanour was just a prejudice, he cared a lot for art and had been doing it since he was a little kid, and on top of that, he was also a very talented musician and a genuine guy.
You knocked on his door, you felt like he purposely opened it shirtless, his sweatpants hung low on his hips. A small trail of hair led to his belly button, you felt your mouth water at the sight.
“Hi, come on in.”He smiled at you, trying to calm your nerves, since they were probably radiating of you. You gave him a short wave.
He had put newspapers on the ground and everything was set.
“Do I just?”You gestured to your clothes if you had to take them of and he nodded, taking a step towards you. “Don’t worry, we’re professionals. “He winked at you, a small blush appearing on your cheeks. You took of your T-shirt, which left you in your plain black bra, you felt his hard stare on your chest, his eyes popping out of their sockets.
“Fuck.”He muttered under his breath, so much for professional… You started tugging on your jeans, taking them off slowly. You stepped out of your clothes and stepped on the newspapers, Luke was eyeing your body up and down, his eyes slightly darker.
You felt exposed being half naked in front of Luke, but somehow it was exciting, the way he looked at you like you were a piece of art. He picked up his paintbrush and put a palet of colors on a small table next to you. “You uhm” He looked down at your boobs. “Kinda have to take this of”He pointed at your bra, scratching the back of his head. You just nodded, trying to hide your shyness.
You reached behind your back, and unclasped it, letting it fall to the ground. You could see that Luke was trying really hard to keep his eyes on your face. “Beautiful.”He whispered, picking up his paintbrush and dipping it in a dark red. He placed his hand on your side and started painting the skin on your collarbones, you didn’t dare to look down. You felt goosebumps appear on your whole body, his touch leaving you panting. There was something so erotic about the way he was painting on you, looking at you with a small smirk playing on his lips.
“Do you know what the color red stands for (Y/N)?” He asked
“Uhm multiple things, strength, passion, desire.” He stopped you. “Exactly, I’m going to make u display desire and passion is that okay for u?”You felt like he was playing with you, you just gave him a simple nod as he smiled at you, one that held both comfort and lust. Nevertheless, you were turned on by him, the heat increasing in-between your legs, u let out a shaky breath when he started painting on the sensitive skin of your boobs. Circling around your nipple. You were having trouble keeping in your moans.
He withdrew the paintbrush, leaving you craving his touch again, he dipped into a more pinkish shade of red and started painting your neck, the coolness of the paint left goosebumps everywhere his paintbrush went. He blew on a freshly painted spot on your neck making you hiss. “Luke”You breathed out. He let out a simple mhm, the cockiness radiating off of him. “What was that for?”
“What was what for princess?”
“Why did you blow on my neck.”
“Why? does it bother u? it was so the paint would dry quicker.”You were aware that he was stating utter bullshit, he was taunting you. And you had to confess, you loved it.
You just let it slip, and started biting on your lip to keep yourself from moaning. “Don��t do that.”He demanded, his paintbrush swiping over your upper lip. “Why not? does it bother you?” It was your turn to taunt him, you looked up at him, batting your eyelashes innocently.
He let out a low groan, clearly you weren’t the only one who was bothered by this whole experience. He dipped his paintbrush in a violet color. He sat down in front of you on his knees, his face inches from where you wanted him was only adding to the pressure in your lower stomach. You were dripping at this point, he started painting on your inner thighs, spreading them further way from each other with his hands. You were at the point of collapsing, the wet and cold swipes of the paintbrush and his warm hand that rested on top of your left thigh was too much too handle.
He was starting to get dangerously close to your core. “U know I was going to say that you could keep this on but… there might be a little problem.” You felt your whole face become red, you got caught.
“And what is that problem, Luke?” You asked, your voice breathy. “Well…”He swiped his brush over your clothed crotch, a small moan leaving your lips. “I was going to let you keep your underwear on, but unfortunately. You’re a little too wet for that.”He smirked up at you, you were bright red, you struggled to find words, but you were so turned on by now, all you wanted him to do was touch you.
“I could help you out u know?”
“Please do.”
You felt Luke immediately place kisses on the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, slowly going closer to your dripping core. He gripped your thighs and pulled you closer to his face, making you let out a small shriek, your body tingling with Luke’s touch. “Luke stop teasing me.”You whined.
He started rubbing you through your panties, small moans leaving your lips at the relieve. He slipped a finger inside your underwear and swirled his finger around your soaking entrance, a moan slipping past your lips. He brought his fingers up to his mouth right after. He took his coated finger in his mouth and tasted you. “Heaven.”
In a swift motion he tugged your panties down. His eyes roamed up and down your body, his eyes wide with admiration. He brought his attention back to your glistening heat. “I was right when I said I think you display the beauty of the human body perfectly… Jesus christ princess, you’re a piece of art.”
You felt his hot breath on your core, you tangled your hands in his hair to keep yourself steady. He placed a small kiss on your clit as you tugged on his hair, making him let out a low growl. He started sucking on your clit harshly, twirling his tongue around the sensitive nub, he added pressure by pressing his thumb on your clit. You felt his other finger pressing into your entrance, slowly easing his finger in.
“Luke, please.”
He chuckled, his finger started pumping slowly into you, stretching you out. “God you’re so tight.” You felt the pressure in your stomach built up as his finger started pumping into you at a faster pace. His mouth peppering kisses all over you inner thighs. You pulled his face closer to your sex and he chuckled. “So eager.”
“I’m close. “You admitted, Luke wanted to get you over the edge. He started sucking on your clit again and added a finger, pumping it up and down quickly.
You felt your walls clench around his fingers, a loud moan leaving your lips, You could hardly breathe. “Fuck Luke.”
“Come on let it go baby girl.”
With those words you felt yourself come all over his tongue, you felt him circle around your slit, collecting your juices. You had never come that fast, Luke did wonders with his mouth. 
He pulled your panties back up and stood up, taking your face into his hand. “That was fun” His eyes were dark, his lips puffy but still pulled in that godforsaken grin and his hair messy. He looked so sexy like this.
You saw the very visible bulge in his sweatpants. You started growing red again at the realisation of what you just did.
“Shall I get back to the art?”He smirked you just nodded not knowing what else to say. You were breathless.
He looked down at your lips and planted a short kiss on it, you reacted immediately, kissing his lips softly. He pulled away after a few seconds, his lips only lingered on yours for a short moment. You couldn’t even explain how badly you wanted to feel his lips on you again.
“I swear, when your body isn’t covered in paint, I’m going to fuck you the right way.”
Body Paint - Luke smut
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