anglerfish77 · 2 months
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anglerfish77 · 2 months
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Boats and books..
kurapika x f!reader
(you meet a blonde haired boy on a boat. With a mutual liking of books, you think you and him are going to be good friends.. or more.)
(my idea, not a request)
“What a day.. I’m finally on this boat though..” you mumble to yourself quietly, walking taking a seat in a room with the other apparent passengers. You don’t take note of any and dig through your bag.
“Come on.. come on..!”
Your finger meet a smooth, hard box shape and you smile in relief. You take your beloved book and flip open the cover to the chapter you left off on. But unfortunately, just your luck, right about when you set your eyes on the page, the boat starts moving back and forth, and assuming it’s a bad storm, you sigh.
People in the room your in start falling over and clutching their stomach, looking sickly. You immediately smack your book down and head to go get some water for the other passengers. When you arrive back, all the other passengers are sprawled out on the floor, except one.
He had blonde hair, a type of clothing you’ve never seen before, and something of interest to you: a book.
He was sitting on a hammock, seemly not noticing you walking in.
Handing the water to those who needed it, you then turn to him.
“Don’t get seasick, eh?”
“Mm? Could you repeat that?” He turns to you lowering his book slightly.
‘Dang i was half expecting him not to reply- what do I say now??’ You think to yourself anxiously.
“Oh! Uhm.. I was just saying you don’t look bothered by the effect the storms having on the boat.” You try and fail to make eye content. He’s strangely intimidating to you.
“No. I guess not. I could say the same about you.” He lowers his book to his lap, putting more of his attention on you.
“Haha, funny thing, I actually have terrible motion sickness. But I took my pills before getting on, somewhat expecting something like this to happen.” You think about your choice of words and wonder if you said to much.. wait. Why do you care so much? He’s just some random dude!
“Smart move, good for you.” You can’t quite tell if he’s being sarcastic or not. His expression doesn’t seem to be changing that much through this conversation.
Having something of an awkward eye contact moment, you decide to speak up a bit about something you noticed.
“What book are you reading?”
“Mystery? I love mystery! It’s my favorite! I actually have one I brought as well!
He simply stared at me wide eyed.

sorry, I just really like books. I-I hope I didn’t, make you.. uncomfortable, I’m sorr-“
You get cut off by the sound of a boyish voice chuckling softly.
“Hah, why are you apologizing? I really like them too. Id like to see the one your reading, if you don’t mind. Then I can show you mine.”
“W-what? I mean.. of course! Yeah!”
“It was nothing. Now what’s your book called?”
The End
Thank you for reading my work! Please consider supporting me by reacting! 💞
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anglerfish77 · 2 months
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-Francois x gn!reader-
This might be a bit long!
Not a request. My original work! Love this butler so dearly:)
It was a regular day in the kingdom of science.
Except- not really.
In fact, today was quite special.
Today was the day that

Actually, before that, let’s backtrack a bit.
You were revived by Tsukasa. He revived you for your well known kindness for others, considering you were a missionary that traveled to hurting countries around the world and helped them tremendously, at least before that dreaded green light turned you to stone when you were visiting Japan to teach English.
When you awoke from your stone slumber, you met the eyes of the well known long haired man.
He thought your Mother Teresa type personality would fit perfectly in his kingdom, but unfortunately he thought wrong.
You despised his idea. Only reviving the young? Practically killing the old? What a joke!
You didn’t want to pretend to go along with him. You stared at him with furrowed brows and simply stated,
“I don’t agree with you Tsukasa.
I am sorry.
I must leave now.”
Before he could react, you bolted out of the cave you two were conversing in, and ran into the woods.
The muscle-head guards didn’t think anything of it, but when Tsukasa walked out of cave with a conflicted look on his face, they knew something was up.
You ran. And ran, and ran, and ran.
You didn’t have any idea where you were going.
Your legs were going to give out any second.
You passed many people who have been turned to stone, even children and elders, which made you feel even more uneasy.
Everything is settling in now.
You’re in a stone world.
You feel lightheaded.
“Am I about to..?”

“Woah.. look! Suika found someone on the ground!”
“Someone on the ground..? Oh. We must carry them back at once. Would you get Taiju please, Suika?”
“Of course Francois! I can be useful!”

I feel my eyes get less and less heavy as I slowly open eyes, taking in the wild green and white haired boy looking down at me with a puzzled expression.
I copy his expression.
“Who are you? Where am I?”
“Call me Senku. You are currently in a makeshift infirmary at the kingdom of science. Might I ask how you got depetrified?”
“Petrified..? Ohh.. a man named Tsukasa freed me from the stone.”
His brows furrow and he nods in understanding. “You ran away, didn’t you?”
I look away. “Yes, that’s correct.”
Suddenly, two figures walk into sight.
A small feminine figure, likely a small child, with a melon husk on her head, walks up to your ‘bed’.
“Hello!! Senku here made sure you aren’t dead! Me and Francois found you while looking in the forest for ingredients!”
I give the girl a smile and thank her. I turn my head to a petite person with large blond curls standing behind her with a wooden plate with some type of bread on it.
“Please except this food. You must be hungry, I hope you enjoy it.”
The person smiles softly and places the plate in my hands as I sit up from my laying position.
“This is too much. How could I ever thank you all for this? You could’ve just left me in the woods. Id wake eventually.”
“That wouldn’t be right at all!” The little girl exclaims. “You looked terrible out there! We couldn’t just leave you, what if wild animals found you?” She states sadly.
“Oh, I guess I didn’t realize that.. still, this is probably the nicest thing anyone has done for me. Is there anything I can help you guys with? You aren’t with Tsukasa, right?”
“Hah, as if. In fact we’re the opposite. Instead of selective people, we’re reviving the whole world. 10 billion percent.” Senku states proudly with a grin.
“That’s wonderful. I’ll help in anyway I can. I think I’m ready to walk around and stuff. Got any stuff for me to do?”
“Ooh! You could help me and Francois collect ingredients! It’s really fun, right?” She turns her head to the blond person, who I now know is Francois. “Of course it’s fun. Then we can make the dish that master Ryusui has requested of me.”
They turn to me, a soft smile on their face. “Well, would you? Oh, and might I ask for your name?” They say as they bow with a hand on their chest.
I gasp at the formality and answer right away embarrassed.“Of course I’ll help. Oh! And I’m (name).”

As the months went by, I learnt that this ‘kingdom of science’ was in the midst of building a huge boat that would sail to where the petrification originated.
I met many kind people, Kinro, Chrome, Gen, Ryusui, and so on.
I helped in anyway I can, but I found myself drifting to helping Francois more often then not.
Anything they mentioned, or even if I saw them working on something I asked to help. They always excepted warmly, and I think I might even be a decent cook now!
Though, the more time I spent with the butler, the more a fuzzy feeling in my chest bloomed. It was like the feeling when I saw the faces of the families I’ve helped when their house gets rebuilt, or their child gets saved from a deadly virus, but it’s.. stronger. And different.
It used to just happen when they looked at me with their deep blue eyes and told me thank you for my help. Or when they would hold my elbows helping stir something correctly. But recently, it’s been happening whenever I look at them. Even the slightest glance in their direction makes my heart do flips.
I asked Ruri about this and she simply told me that I must have deep appreciation and admiration for Francois. I told her that of course I do, but I thought it might be something else.
“Like what? Do you maybe see Francois in a romantic sort a view possibly?”
I put my hands on my cheeks and look down at my knees. My face starts to turn warm and Ruri notices the tips of my ears turning red. She smiles warmly. “Guess I guessed right!” She chuckles at my flustered state.
So that’s it.. I like Francois romantically. I really do, don’t I?
It’s not they’d ever feel the same. They have duties to do, A master to serve, things more important then a lover.
But, I can’t keep feeling bottled up forever. They’d spill out eventually. That’s why I just need to get it off my chest. I need to tell Francois I love them.

That’s why today’s the day. The day I tell Francois that I love them with every fiber of my being. No problem, right? Yeah, no. I’m standing in front of the petite butler shaking in my boots like an idiot with my face all red.
“My dear (name), is something the matter? You said you wished to inform me of something?” Francois looks at me with those pretty eyes of theirs with a concerned expression.
It’s now or never.
“Francois, uhm.. you see..”
“Yes (name)? Whatever is it?”
“Well.. I guess the best way to frase this is, well.. I..
I love you, Francois.”
“I feel the same.”
“Now I know you don’t think of me that way, but I just wanted to- wait what?”
“I said, I feel the same way, (name).” Their eyes close as I see a hue spread across their cheeks, becoming almost as red as me at this point in time.
“Wait, really? You feel the same? You..”
“I love you (name). I have for quite awhile now.” They open their eyes and meet mine. “I hope.. I hope you would like to be my significant other, if that would be alright with you, my dear (name).” They look away in embarrassment, an unusual sight for the butler. I nod my head and wrap my arms around them.
When I head them gasp, I loosen the grip around them a bit. “Is this okay?” I ask worried that I made them uncomfortable.
“Of course. I’ve wanted to bring you in to an embrace for awhile now. This makes me ever so happy, my dear.” They pull me closer.
“YESSSSSSSS! WOOOOOOOOOOOO! FINALLY!” I hear a camera snap as Ryusui’s booming voice hits my ears. Francois looks as startled as I do, and later I learn that all of the kingdom of science was watching us and waiting for that perfect moment to catch a photo of a ‘cute moment’ as Ruri says.
Let’s just say that picture makes Francois feel more happy then they ever have before when they see it.
~ The End ~
Thank you for reading my work! Please consider supporting me by interacting! 💞
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anglerfish77 · 2 months
Introducing bug’s blog
Hello! I go by bug on this blog and I like to write for fandoms! Accepted requests will be done by a week!
Fandoms I write for:
- dr stone
- hunter x hunter
- Pokémon (unova, paldea, galar, alola)
Things I’ll write:
- x gn!reader
- headcanons
- drabbles
- oneshots
Things I will not write:
-mainly all the big no nos
-ect ect
Hope you enjoy your time here! Requests are always open and welcome in my inbox 💞
Note: if I feel uncomfortable with a request, I do not have to do them.
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