azraels-lunacy · 2 years
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Jerma tweet compilation
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azraels-lunacy · 2 years
its so great when people ask me about the lore of my oc's. it's like
you've come to the right person. run while you still can, you'll never get these 3+ hours back
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azraels-lunacy · 2 years
i know this app loves furbies to a degree so here's the vessel in question:
his name is aesrius and he wants to defy god
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"He is currently obligated to utilize the vessel of a furby for his obedience. "
i still think this is the funniest thing i have written but in reality its a big part of my oc's backstory
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azraels-lunacy · 2 years
What's your favorite part about writing?
probably that i just have the ability to create interesting stories, write down how i feel in a fancy way, and that through writing ive gotten better at expressing stuff in general
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azraels-lunacy · 2 years
"He is currently obligated to utilize the vessel of a furby for his obedience. "
i still think this is the funniest thing i have written but in reality its a big part of my oc's backstory
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azraels-lunacy · 2 years
my body is a canvas. i slowly paint it with brushstrokes of guilt. i’ve painted my life in color and now it's all just red. red, because i didn’t stop to consider how it could look like on my skin. red was supposed to be the happy ending, but now everything’s falling apart.
i’m painting on an empty canvas. a black void. i can fill it up later, when things get better; maybe then, i won’t feel so empty anymore. but maybe by then it’s too late. now it’s just me painting over myself. painting red over my body. red, the color i love most. red as blood. red, the color i hate the most. red, that reminds me of my mistakes. red, the color that reminds me that i am not whole, even if i try hard enough to be.
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azraels-lunacy · 2 years
if i'm dead to you, will you bury me
hide my body under the soil of memories
place flowers on the grave that you fail to remember
they're forget-me-nots
how ironic
the way they die with you
it's cold
the graveyard feels like home to me
but it's colder than before
maybe you forgot me completely
i can't blame you
if i were you i'd have probably done the same
but maybe it's not fair after all
it's a shame
that i'll forever be just a memory
you wouldn't mind, though
it shouldn't burden you
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azraels-lunacy · 2 years
i also draw sometimes
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azraels-lunacy · 2 years
I'm a supporter of making pathetic characters
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azraels-lunacy · 2 years
my life feels like an unfinished painting. the colors are wrong, the lines too sharp, the strokes too dark. and i don't have the talent to fix any of it.
there isn't a single part of this mess that doesn't remind me of something else. of someone else.
my life is like a painting. it's filled with mistakes, and there's so many more of them that i haven't finished yet. but i will. i have so much left to say. so much left to show.
so much left to paint, but nothing's coming. i should start again, right?
i know i should. i really ought to. i mean, what's one more mistake? what makes this one worse?
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azraels-lunacy · 2 years
hello tumblr dot com
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