bricv-studios · 9 years
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bricv-studios · 9 years
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bricv-studios · 9 years
The only thing we need is Christina and a dragon... or maybe not.
As it would seem, charlie has found magic beans that he had planned to use in a stew using the remains of dead maids. As if this alone wasn't bad enough, he had the intent to bring down the maid guard in third district. (A story I will go into detail at another time) anyhow, when the beans grew into the size of horses in about a day, it was obvious that they were magical in some retrospect. When Charlie cut one open (after noticing them shaking) a dragon just kind of poured out. Charlie, being the type of person he is, tried to befriend it and started calling it his "dragon bro" and tried to teach it to eat the food he offered. At this point, everything from a giant spider to a harpey came out of each one of these pods. There was about 50 of them so imagine a massive horde of monsters falling out, growing to massive sizes and attacking anything in sight. While I and others in the maid guard fought off the monsters, he sat in the back with his "dragon bro" and watched...
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bricv-studios · 9 years
….  .   .-..  .-..  - - -
(source: www.gwpda.org)
all aboard the hype train
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bricv-studios · 9 years
Maid RPG?
Just started a new game for me recently. GM Devin introduced us to the surprisingly challenging life of being a maid in a world where society is literally just maids. One man, thousands of maids, and the goal of making it to the first district to serve the legendary master himself. Knowing our track record, it would make sense that on the first session a party member (none other than Charlie) summons a demon... this is probably going to get much worse...
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bricv-studios · 9 years
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My new Rogue Trader character, Shas'vre Vior'la Sha'lla. I've never played xenos so this should be interesting. I'll have to fill in with so many more stories.
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bricv-studios · 10 years
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Made a quick size comparison of my character for the GM and rest of the party. Victoria Vallahian/Faulkner (left: 5'2") and her wife Lauren Faulkner (right: 5'11") Yes she married a castle tower...
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bricv-studios · 10 years
GM Charlie discovering plot ammunition
So recently, I sent GM Charlie what was intended on being a 5 page back story for my assassin character, Victoria Vallahian/ Nomine Silentium, in rogue trader but it ended up being 22 pages long! Yes I got carried away. Anyways, in there it mentioned her having a wife and it never specified if she died and left some plot holes for him to play with. I don't think I need to tell you that he used it because we arrived on Lundar 7 in the Armageddon sector only to find out that the PDF commander there was my character's wife who she thought was dead for 4 years. It made for very awkward conversation for her to practically see a ghost in the flesh. Well, in the end it was pretty good. Now I have a bed for two if you know what I'm saying... more room to play twister. I'm mlg at that shit, cheating and shit with contortionist perk.
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bricv-studios · 10 years
Never shop with a tech priest. Ever...
So in Dark Heresy, we decided to end the session with the tech priest and I hitting the shops for some good shit. The rest of the party had gotten offline so we just went to get some things before getting off. I had started to loot bodies for cash and it really paid off. We went to a weapon shop and one thing led to another and the tech priest winked at me. (My DH character has a problem with people winking at her) I punched him in the crotch inside the store and did him a wound on his robo dick. We got kicked out so a guard stopped to give me a warning. I had no inquisition rosette yet so I claimed to be here on inquisiton business. (I was not very bright) I claimed I called him on vox and asked if he wanted to talk to him. He let us off with a warning in fear of it being true. We then went in a genera store to find binoculars but the only pair was 50 thrones. I didn't have that money but the tech priest forced him to have less than it and I protested. Yet again one thing led to another and the tech priest stole the binoculars and the wooden box they were in. We had the entire town guard outside ready to escort us back to the building we were staying in. After talking and sharing a lho stick with the guard commander, sigmund, we agreed to go have a drink off. I narrowly lost and passed out. This is where I started to torment the party with the phrase, "404M41 day 3, never forget." They started to get quite annoyed and curious of what it meant until came the next session where they found out my character was missing. They decided to look for me but I eventually awoke in Sigmunds bed half naked and missing 14 thrones. This was the start of my long habit of the demon drink in Dark Heresy. 404M41 Day 3, never forget...
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bricv-studios · 10 years
Story time from one of my first sessions and a start of so many references... so many...
About a year ago, we are playing Dark Heresy and I'm playing a Death Korps of Krieg Guardsman from the siege regiments with a really good party, right? Well as it would stand, my character knew nothing but combat so on our second attempt at the starter campaign in the book, (we broke the game a couple of times) we had to roll a toughness test that ended in disaster. We had an arbiter character vomit on our psycher while in the shuttle. The psycher got pissed and tried to hit him with his staff until we finally landed. While we unstrapped ourselves, they began to fight in the shuttle while our tech priest watched in disbelief. I left the shuttle and had my gloves off with my arms in the air to feel the sun for the first time in months. The priest? (He was a fat man with dark skin who fought with singing, remember man because he is going to be in these stories a lot) He sat in the back of the shuttle throwing candles at them... This was our first session in a long line of unintentional sabotage from him. Also for dinner that night, he offered to cook and made GM Steeve's famous rat tacos...
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bricv-studios · 10 years
Warp travel with daemon artifacts is always a bad idea...
We headed to Lundar 7 in the Armageddon sector at the request of the planetary governor to help with accusations of corruption. Still onboard was a daemons hellblade from a forgotten and ancient imperial world. (We spent 30 minutes there and had a 1v12 against a demonite of khorne. My character gets massive buff against khorne from her past) After a really anticlimactic battle that could have instantly killed me (but the daemonite kept rolling 90's) we wrapped it in a rug and took it back to our ship so the civilians wouldn't get it. (In the midst of them taking the sword, I decapitated the daemon after he was stunned for 2d10 rounds or something stupid like that. I threw it out into the crowd yelling, "Et tu Brute?" Needless to say, the cult collapsed and we cleared out an archeotech ship for fat loot. Getting to the point we were at the beginning of this, we jumped to warp for what was only supposed to be 15 days... more like 3 months of horrible problems. Everything from warp storms to a daemon incursion happened. A special thanks to the navigator onboard the Olympus Mons... (this is why we need a player navigator who can fate point) We ended up exiting warp a year late where a space hulk also exited. Problems were to had...
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bricv-studios · 10 years
Pulling .75 on the Henderson scale of plot derailment...
So we show up to an outer rim world and within an hour, our tech priest kills this tribe's god... yeah that didn't go well in our favor.... Now we have to hunt down an evil god that was so powerful, it made the trees as strong as iron. Our rather clueless captain had an npc try to cut it with a chainsword. He rolled so badly, he cut his own arm off.
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bricv-studios · 10 years
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My absolutely not beef cake of an assassin for rogue trader. The back story of this character was intentionally really hectic and full of problems so that the GM could screw with us really hard.
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bricv-studios · 10 years
I know that guy. We talked some when I was at Gowen Field. Pretty cool guy...
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Mmmm, bacon.
Lt. Col. Shannon Smith, lead aircraft, and 1st Lt. Bud Munns, wingman, two Idaho Air National Guard pilots from the 190th Fighter Squadron, fly their Warthogs alongside a Utah National Guard KC-135 Stratotanker while waiting to refuel shortly after leaving Idaho. The pilots are headed to Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana, for Green Flag East, a two-week training exercise.
(Air National Guard photo by Master Sgt. Becky Vanshur, 9 MAR 2014.)
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bricv-studios · 10 years
Bloody Spear
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Omnissiah’s slayer.
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bricv-studios · 10 years
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Suicide Silence \ You Only Live Once
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bricv-studios · 10 years
my favorite game is “shit i lost my phone in my blankets where the fuck did it go”
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