campkpop · 7 years
NCT Reaction #2
NCT Dream reacting to their s/o crying in front of them
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Being the oldest of the dream team, I feel that Mark would handle seeing his s/o crying a lot better than the others. Don’t get me wrong, he wouldn’t love it, but he’d handle it better than the others. He’d usher them over to the couch and sit or lay with them, holding them and lovingly stroking their hair until they stop crying and would let them vent out everything that led to them crying in the first place.
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Renjun is such a sensitive soul; he’d more than likely start crying with his s/o. They would be his world, so he’d feel crushed when he discovered them crying. He’d put aside his own sadness to help with theirs, comforting them and just being there for them in general.
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It would take Jeno a minute to register what exactly was happening. His s/o would be his light, his sunshine, and to see his sunshine so gloomy would be confusing to him. He’d hug them and hold them and let them cry it out, wanting nothing other than for them to be happy again.
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We all know that Haechan can be fiery and sassy, but for his s/o he would put that all away and help them. He’d be their shoulder and let them cry it out like the others. When they were finally okay, he’d return to his fiery self, wanting to know who or what made them cry so that he can make sure that they never feel that way again.
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Jaemin would be a lot like Mark, dealing with the situation better than the rest would. He is still young and inexperienced though, so he might still be a little hesitant with some things. He’d hold his s/o hand, rubbing soothing circles on the back of their palm while they let everything out. When they are done, he’d take them to lay down on the couch, their head laying on his chest, and watch a movie with them until they fall asleep to the sound of his heart beat and the feeling of him running his hand through their hair.
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Chenle, like Renjun, would most likely start crying when he saw his s/o crying. He’d never even thought that he would see them like this until much later, so it would break his heart to see them so sad. He’d hug them and hold them and tell them every little detail about them that he loves about them through his tears, until eventually the two of you, exhausted, fell asleep with his s/o safely tucked in his arms.
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Jisung would literally freeze when he walked in to find his s/o crying their eyes out. He’d stand there for a minute before coming to, springing into action. He’d be their rock, letting them cry into his shoulder, rubbing soothing circles on their back until they couldn’t cry any more.
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campkpop · 7 years
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to everyone who’s ever said something kind about my work: you help me get through the day. thank you.
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campkpop · 8 years
NCT reaction #1
NCT 127 +  Ten reacting to their gf being super cuddly when she’s sleepy
Taeyong: Although he doesn’t seem like one to enjoy skinship, Taeyong actually really enjoys these moments. He’s not one for PDA, but when it’s just the two of you he absolutely LOVES when you get like this, especially because its you and you’re cuddling into HIM.
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Taeil: Taeil loves these moments. It’s a rare occasion that he gets to see you like this, so when you do get like this he usually pulls you onto his chest so he can cuddle you better, lulling you further into sleep. Once you are finally asleep he will stare into your face adoringly before going to sleep himself.
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Yuta: Heart-eyes, heart-eyes, heart-eyes. This boy absolutely adores you being super cuddly. If you normally aren’t into skinship, he’d cherish these moments even more. As you cuddle yourself into his side on the couch, he’d grab a nearby blanket and drape it over you, softly stroking your arm in an attempt to lull you to sleep.
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Jaehyun: Jaehyun is the exact same way, so when you both are in a sleepy mood, it’s nothing but warm cuddles all around! Jae especially loves to pull you into his chest, you back pressed up against him so he can nuzzle into your neck.
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Winwin: Winwin is going to be really flustered by this when he first sees you like this. Not that he doesn’t like it, it’s just not something that he’s used to yet. Once he becomes accustomed to this behavior from you, it will quickly become one of his favorite moments to share with you. He finds comfort in your actions and if he ever is in a place where he is doubting himself, you cuddling into him gives him that much needed boost.
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Mark: This habit of yours definitely inflates his ego. It makes him feel manlier and like a protector, which he really wants to be in your eyes. He’s one of the younger members, being born in ‘99, so you cuddling into him makes him feel accomplished as your boyfriend.
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Haechan: Donghyuk may be the sass master, but when he feels you cuddling into him all of a sudden all that sass is going to be replaced with excitement and nervousness. You cuddling him, like winwin, is going to make him a little flustered, because lets be real he’s 16 and he’s allowed to get flustered by his girlfriend. But when he gets over his initial shock, he’s going to be a lot like Mark in the sense of it really inflating his ego.
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Ten: Agyeo to the nines. Ten is a cute person and he feeds off of your cuteness. Ten loves to hear your cute sleepy laugh, and loves to feel your laugh as you lay against him even more, so while you two cuddle it up expect cheesy gross agyeo from him, all in hope of getting to hear your sweet sleepy giggle.
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campkpop · 8 years
could you ship me with BTS? im 5'2 w/ glasses and wavy brown hair. im mature for my age but im super childish too. i worry a lot but on the outside i look really chill. im girly and pretty easy going. im extremly lazy and i hate being woken up. i love baking and cooking and i try to bake whenever i can. im motherly and i really want kids in the future. i love cuddling, i hate fighting, and i love attention. i like anime and manga to the moon and back. this was all over the place thank you!!!
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I ship you with Tae! He’d love everything about you. From the motherly instincts to loving anime. You two would be the cutest honestly. He’d definitely adore your cooking (and will probably ask for it quite often) and would be down for cuddles anytime of the day. I can totally see aegyo battles and anime marathons and naps and I’m really jealous of how perfect your relationship would be. 
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campkpop · 8 years
Hi! Can i ask for a astro and seventeen ship? I'm 5'2 and I'm considered mean because of my attitude I say whatever comes to mind and I have a "resting bitch" face okay i do sound kinda mean but I become a person anyone can lean on when needed. I am super duper lazy and hate any type of exercise other than dance. I love performing. I know 5 languages and get a's. I day dream a lot doesn't matter where ^^ I can't cook very well or do chores very well and i'm super clumsy as well thank youuuuu! ^^
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I ship you with Vernon from Seventeen! He would find your clumsiness adorable and would be amazed with the fact that you speak so many languages (he’d love having the ability to switch between languages during conversations). I have the feeling that you two would have quite the time trying to figure out chores and certain recipes together and you’d also have the best cuddling sessions (I mean, he’s a teenage boy. He can get pretty lazy.) Overall, it would be a really cute relationship.
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I ship you with Jinjin from Astro! Both of you have a love for performing and can have cute dance sessions when you don’t feel like being completely lazy. I can imagine that he would look past the “resting bitch face” and only see total beauty. He’d be madly impressed with your intelligence and I wouldn’t be surprised if he bragged about you to the boys 24/7.
Sorry this took so long! All of us have been really busy and Admin Mckenna has been having some issues with her computer.. Hope you liked it!!
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campkpop · 8 years
Imagine having a movie night with Kuhn but instead of actually watching the movies, you two just sit on the couch dramatically reenacting every scene.
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campkpop · 8 years
Ship me with 17, Bangtan and Astro? I'm around 180 cm, very easy-going and friendly. I have blue-green eyes and short reddish- brown hair. I like to listen to and play music, hang out with friends and read. Other than that... I get along with people easily and I'm sort of artistic. Ahhh, this is my first time asking for a ship, I hope I'm doing it right! Thank you very much! :)
No worries dear anon! You did this just perfectly!
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From SEVENTEEN I ship you with Wonwoo! Based on what you described about yourself, you sound like you live in the chill zone haha! That meshes with Wonwoo’s personality perfectly. He’d love to watch you play music, and if you ever did any sort of event performing your music, you can bet that he will be there right in the front row cheering you on!
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From BTS I ship you with Suga/ Yoongi! He lives and breathes in that same artistic and mellow zone. He’d love giving you feedback on your music, and getting feedback from you on his music that he’s working on! 
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From ASTRO I ship you with Sanha! He’d enjoy the chill and artistic vibe that you bring to the table. He’d definitely want to play music with you. Exchanging artist recommendations is one of the most common things that you two do when hanging out
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campkpop · 8 years
Hi! Could I have a BTS, 17 and Astro ship please? I'm 5'2, quite petite with long, brown wavy hair and green eyes. I'm pretty studious and I like to read a lot (the type who reads a book in a day or two) and I'm a total conflict avoider. As for my personality I've been described as thoughtful, positive and a little clumsy.. Usually I don't show the slightly loud and overenthusiastic parts of my personality until I become really close with someone. Also, I speak four languages! Thank you:)
Hello dear anon!
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From BTS I ship you with Rapmonster/ Namjoon! He would find your personality and clumsiness endearing, especially since he is probably one of the clumsiest members in BTS. When he does get to see that loud and enthusiastic part of you theres no such thing as overenthusiastic in my opinion he would be so happy knowing that you were that comfortable and close with him!
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From SEVENTEEN I ship you with THE8/ Minghao for the same reasons as Namjoon. He would understand you being more reserved for a while, considering how shy this boy can be. He would find your clumsiness to be extremely cute and would love to tease you by saying things like “ooh my clumsy litte baeobi! You’re just so cute!” This cutie would also be seriously impressed by those language skills, constantly asking you to speak to him and teach him the other languages that you speak!
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From ASTRO I ship you with Rocky! This boy would find your clumsiness to be really cute, like Minghao, but I can see him teasing you a bit more for it. But what isn’t shown in the gif provided is that he’s a huge clutz as well, tripping over his own feet in a second haha! He would be in love with your loud and enthusiastic side, getting just as enthusiastic with you about the things you share in common. He’d also be seriously impressed by your language skills, asking you to read or speak to him in different languages like Minghao.
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campkpop · 8 years
Imagine having a conversation with Vernon in front of some very confused boys who are yelling at you to stop switching between English and Korean and then there's Seungkwan who is nodding like he completely understands so he can show Vernon that he can English good.
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campkpop · 8 years
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Hi!~ I just loveee your blog!~ I’m requesting for a ship in BTS and SEVENTEEN!~ (if it’s not too much of a bother) I’m a 00’ line currently in my second semester of University (Accounting Major). I’m kinda short 155cm and have long hair and really dark brown eyes. I’m fluent in 2 languages making me Bi-Lingual . My friends tell me I’m kinda mature for my age but need someone reliable to be with since I’m kinda clumsy but I also (apparently) have a “motherly feel” . Super duper big thank you in advance!~
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From SEVENTEEN I ship you with DK/ Seokmin
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From BTS I ship you with Suga/ Yoongi!
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campkpop · 8 years
Hihi! Love all y'all's blog. I'm requesting a ship with Astro, BTS, and Seventeen if possible. I'm average height with black hair & brown eyes. I'm a Chinese-Japanese girl with very motherly instincts. I'm also quite sassy and sarcastic as well. My friends say I'm very intuitive and "resourceful". I play volleyball and soccer, as well as piano and clarinet. Thank you in advanced!
Hello lovely anonie! 
From Seventeen I ship you with Woozi/ Jihoon! Having those motherly instincts of yours will help out a lot with this one, he tends to overwork himself. Make sure to remind him that his job is important, but he needs to take care of himself too. You being sassy and sarcastic also matches well with him, this boy knows how to take shade as well as throw it. I think he’d also be very impressed with you being able to play the piano and the clarinet.
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From BTS I ship you with JHope/ Hoseok! This boy is the sass master, and he’d enjoy having little sarcastic bickerments(?) together, meaning no harm of course. He’d love to watch you play soccer and volleyball, being your no.1 fan at every event he can attend. 
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From ASTRO I ship you with leader boy JINJIN/ Jinwoo! He would enjoy that motherly instinct to the fullest, and take complete advantage of it to get you to pamper him a little bit tbh. But he would always cherish being spoiled by you, so it wouldn’t be that often he took advantage of it. Just like Hoseok, he’d be your no.1 fan with everything that you do, especially things involving your musical talents.
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campkpop · 8 years
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hi!!! could you ship me with someone from BTS and iKon?? please and thank you :)
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From BTS I ship you with V/ Taehyung!
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From IKON I ship you with Bobby/ Jiwon!
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campkpop · 8 years
Imagine not being able to find your dog in your apartment and then getting ransom texts from your boyfriend, Taehyung, telling you to bring food to the dance studio or you’ll never see your dog again.
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campkpop · 8 years
Comfort Comes Easy - Gyujin
Our poor Admin Jenna isn’t feeling too well, so as a special present to make her feel better, I present you this! Feel better Jenna!
“Hey,” Gyujin said softly as he sat next to me on my bed. Running his fingers through my hair, he asked me, “How’re you feeling hmm?”
“I’m just not feeling that great right now,” I said truthfully. Gyujin hated when I wasn’t feeling great, it made him feel sad when he didn’t know how to make me feel better.
His features softend as he stopped his hand, resting it against my cheek. “I’m sorry sweetheart,” he cooed softly, returning his hand to his side. “Here, I have an idea, don’t go anywhere okay?” he said as he left the room.
A few minutes later, Gyujin returned to my room, two mugs of hot chocolate in one hand and a few movies in the other. Handing me my mug, he went over to the dvd player, popping in the first movie.
“Scoot,” he said as he sat down on the bed next to me, remote in one hand and hot chocolate in the other. “Here, sit up for a second,” he requested of me. Complying, I sat up as he moved himself to sit behind me. “Lean back,” he said, putting his arms around me.
“So, what are we watching,” I asked, genuinley curious.
“We are watching a great classic comedy, Dumb and Dumber. Laughter is the best medicine, and there’s no way anyone can watch Dumb and Dumber without having a few laughs.” His kindness warmed my heart, it showed just how much he truely cared about me, and it just confirmed how much I loved him back.
Tilting my head up, I lightly kissed just under his jaw. “Thank you, Gyu. It means a lot to me.”
Glancing down at me, he smiled before placing a light kiss to my forehead. “It’s no problem, sweetheart. Just enjoy the movie, okay?” he said, pulling me tighter into his chest. Laying my head on his shoulder, I watched the movie, having my own share of laughter with Gyujin, the feeling of his laughter vibrating from his chest pressed against my back.
By the end of the movie, I was exhausted from laughing so hard. Pressing a kiss to my temple, he asked, “Do you feel better?”
“A lot better, thank you,” I said, exhaustion evident in my voice. Nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck, I fell asleep with his arms around me, feeling better than I had all day.
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campkpop · 8 years
ASTRO Cuddles
Because I am feeling needy as hell, and I want some astro giving cuddles. Also this is all just speculation based on how I think they would be, not necessarily how they would actually be.
MJ: This boy is such a jokster, and I can see that coming out in the way he cuddles. Everything about cuddling with MJ would be playful, the two of you constantly poking at each other, making faces to get the other to laugh.  But even though hes usually playful with his cuddles, he knows when he needs to be serious, and will pull you into his lap and holding you close to him.
JinJin: Jinjin would give like the best cuddles. He just needs to be close to you, so he gets as close as he possibly can. And expect a lot of nuzzling from him, the literal puppy that he is showing through. I can actually see him enjoying being the little spoon, and nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.
Eunwoo: Literal prince boy Eunwoo would be such a sweetie to cuddle with. Cuddles with Eunwoo would most likely be late at night, after the two of you had both had long days. He’d pull you close and you would both talk about your days, him running his hands through your hair and his eyes never breaking contact with yours as you talked about your day. The soothing motion of his hands going through your hair eventually lulling you to sleep.
Moonbin: Cuddles 24/7, all day every day. You two are almost always cuddling when you are together. With them just recently debuting, they had been really busy preparing for it, so you hadn’t gotten to see each other as much. But when you do see each other, its all cuddles. Couch cuddles, middle of the night cuddles, back hugs, anything that was cuddly, you would do it. He especially likes couch cuddles with watching movies, because after a long day you would get really tired and nuzzle yourself into his chest unconsciously, and it would make him melt.
Rocky: Weird. Cuddles with this boy are just plain weird. Like you two don’t cuddle like normal couples would. Sometimes you just kind of like will lay your foot on his stomach and you’d call it cuddling. Other times he lays across your back and refuses to get up without getting a bunch of compliments from you. But on days that either of you really need it, cuddles are sweet and full of love.
Sanha: Cuddles with Sanha are just plain cute. He’s still young and he doesn’t have a lot of experience with this type of thing, so he’s still shy when it comes to things like this. For a while cuddling with him was an accident. The two of you would be watching movies and somewhere along the way you’d fall asleep and end up leaning on his shoulder, and that’s how you’d cuddle for the longest time. Once he was more comfortable, things changed though. He started initiating cuddles more, but when you would initiate them he’d still blush like mad.
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campkpop · 8 years
Prince! ASTRO (Sanha)
He’s smol but tol
he feels the biggest pressure of all the ASTRO princes because he is so young
he spends most of his time at school or in the castle, mainly in the library because that’s where he studies for not only his classes, but his royal lessons as well
he really enjoys going to school because there he’s not a prince, he’s just a student
the staff there don’t give him any special treatment because he’s royalty and it makes him feel like a normal teenager
the other students treat him like everyone else too and it makes him so happy
here’s the thing though
lately he’s been under a lot of stress and his grades have been slipping drastically
and his parents decided that he needed a tutor for his classes
they wanted to hire a royal tutor but Sanha refused
he wanted to pick someone from his class to help him, and he knew just the person to ask
you were one of the smartest kids in your class, but didn’t like to flaunt it, mainly keeping to yourself
you didn’t think that anyone even noticed that you were there, let alone had crushes on you
but yeah, Sanha definitely noticed you and had a big ass crush on you
that’s why when he asked you to be his tutor you were definitely very shocked to say the least
but you were elated to say the least
you had had a major crush on him since middle school, but never acted on it because he’s the prince, he could have any girl that he wanted
he was so happy that you agreed to help him
the two of you set up times to do your sessions, him opting that it would be a lot easier on him if they did their sessions in the castle library
you were hella nervous bc you were going to the castle????
with the prince????
like ???????
but at the same time you were excited to see Sanha as a member of the royal family, instead of the goofy fluffball that you had grown to love
the library was huge and you were in like heaven
so you started off with biology and english, because those were the ones he was having the most trouble with
about halfway through the session the queen came in to check on her sons progress
you were so caught off guard, and while you tried to get up from your chair you tripped, but picked yourself up again to bow to her highness
she found you very endearing and was very impressed with the progress you two had made already
when she took her leave you two continued to study, but you noticed that Sanha wasn’t looking at his textbook, but staring diligently at you
your face turned so red oml
when Sanha noticed that you saw him staring, he turned equally red
this exchanged continued for a while, until you had to leave to go home
Sanha saw that his window of opportunity was closing, and closing fast
gathering his courage as you two made it to the front entry of the castle, he stopped you, turning you to face him
“Y/N, I know that this may seem sudden, and that you probably don’t share the same feelings, but I really really like you. I’ve liked you for a long time now, and I know things may seem far fetched, but I want to know, would you give me a chance? Be my sweetheart, and let me be your prince Charming?”
you didn’t know what to say, and he took your silence as a no
poor baby felt so devastated
“Oh, ok I see. Well thanks for helping me out with my classes.” he sounded so defeated my poor child
before he could turn and walk away you grab his arm pulling him back, planting a kiss to his cheek
“Sanha, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear those words come from you. Of course I’ll be your sweetheart, but only if you be my prince Charming”
“Of course, same time tomorrow?”
“It’s a date”
with that you left the castle to go home, the happiest you’ve ever felt
little did either of you know,but the queen stood watching the exchange
when Sanha noticed her presence, he got all red again
“I’m proud of you son, you picked a good one. Treat her well and I will permit this to continue.”
“Yes mother, thank you”
he felt so happy and proud oml my baby
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campkpop · 8 years
Hi there!^^ I just wanted to say that I really love your blog and that your Prince!AU is amazing and yeah I love you
Thank you so much anonie! It means a lot to us here at campkpop! And I'm glad that you're enjoying the Prince! AU!
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