captainr0cket · 2 years
i feel like too many people have forgotten how to be a generous audience when they read/watch something. like sometimes you have to buy into some bullshit plot points or a deus ex machina or a few loopholes as the price of admission for an otherwise fun time. sometimes these things are just gears that get us to where the story really wants to be, and too many people get caught up in those gears. sometimes you gotta meet a story halfway.
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captainr0cket · 3 years
One thing I would love to see fandom get away from is an obsession with canon.  So many fans seem unhappy when what they wanted to see doesn’t become canon, and I am here to tell you that this is exactly what fandom should be for!  
Canon is great and all, and if you’re jiving with it, fantastic.  But if you’re not, if canon veers in a direction you don’t enjoy, or there are just aspects of canon that aren’t your thing, then fandom is exactly the place you should be able to disregard them.  Explore whatever rabbit hole you like.  Create alternate timelines to suit your tastes, ship non-canon ships, ship all the ships, end things differently.  Do what you like, and stop getting hung up on what canon says.  Fandom should be about pursuing your joy, even if (and often especially if) that joy veers of the well-trod canon paths.
Canon is a guideline that brings us all together.  It’s not the law.  It’s not the only path you can walk.  Please, I’m telling you, the sooner you give up canon fundamentalism and embrace the fanon that makes you happiest, the healthier and happier everyone is going to be in fandom.
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captainr0cket · 3 years
Many people are angry about the show because they feel like they nerfed Loki and didn't allow him to become stronger/show off his abilities.
I feel like people who think that missed the point of the show. Would I have liked to see Loki mastering new powers? Yes, I definitely would have. But really, is that so important?
What I loved about the show is how they finally addressed the fact that Loki is the way he is because he feels small and inadequate. I love how they showed that despite his facade of the egocentric, unyielding villain, he's actually a soft, insecure person with a lot of internal conflicts.
I love that for once they didn't make him badass, cruel and vindictive, but human. How they showed him caring and crying for his family. How for once, they let him be silly, sweet and caring.
In fanfiction Loki is usually the troubled character who must be forced out of his shell by others, usually his love interests. And yeah those stories are fine and interesting, but what I loved about the show is that they used that relationship dynamic and put Loki on the other side.
In the show, he's the person who never gives up. He's the one who always keeps trying even after Mobious and later Sylvie betray him. Other characters see themselves in Loki and are inspired by him.
Mobious literally abandons the TVA, the enterprise that he saw as the purpose of his existence, because Loki makes him see that there is more to life than that. He is the one who makes Sylvie reconsider, even momentarily, her path as a villain. The one who tried to make her see that there is hope, love and friendship in the world and that they are more important than hate and vengeance.
Perhaps Kid Loki and Old Loki are stronger than him, but Loki is also the one who inspires them to change. Old Loki sacrifices himself for Loki because he makes him see that they don't have to be the Gods of Outcasts anymore. They can be whatever they want to be, even heroes. Kid Loki gives Loki his sword because he admires him for his faith and for the risks he is taking.
Even Renslayer is eventually inspired by Loki and Sylvie's quest for free will, and that's why she ends up leaving the TVA.
In the show, Loki's strength doesn't come from his magic or his knives. It comes from his capacity to care about people, to recognize his own mistakes and repent, to believe in others even when they give you no reason to do so.
And the most amazing thing is that Our Loki, Our Variant, is the only Loki in the multiverse who has been able to realize that. He is one in a million. By refusing the throne, by loving and caring for Sylvie, by befriending Mobious, this Loki literally proves not only the TVA but the whole universe wrong. And yes, Kang knew that another Loki would come with Sylvie, but he never expected it to be this Loki, because honestly he isn't a big deal in the great scheme of things. Yet there is a strength in him that allowed him to set foot where other variants much more powerful than him never could.
That is a power fantasy to me. Not Loki pouring green magic out his eyes and mouth while he destroys a city block because he was feeling bummed down.
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captainr0cket · 3 years
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‼️insert metal gear Alert sound effect‼️
i really, really enjoyed this show! so much of it felt catered to my interests, like the slow character driven scenes and the general sense of humor. can’t wait for season 2, hopefully it won’t take 2 years for us to see mobius remember loki ☠️
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captainr0cket · 3 years
come on guys just be like “I don’t like these characters and I don’t want them to be redeemed and I don’t like that people are doing that” and stop pretending that it’s all about your ~deep understanding of the text~
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captainr0cket · 3 years
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: it’s more important to know and understand fully why something is harmful than it is to drop everything deemed problematic. It’s performative and does nothing. People wonder why nobody has critical thinking skills and this is part of it because no one knows how to simousltansly critique and consume media. You need to use discernment.
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captainr0cket · 3 years
It's been 15 years since one of the best scenes of Doctor Who 😭😭
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captainr0cket · 3 years
my queen
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Bride of Frankenstein (1935) dir. James Whale
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captainr0cket · 3 years
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captainr0cket · 3 years
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A 5,000 year old doorway, one of the Neolithic passage tombs at Knowth, Co. Meath, Ireland
Photo by Marc Gautier http://tinyurl.com/mch6yvd 
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captainr0cket · 3 years
not to keep starting discourse about things but the notion of mythology vs folklore vs religion is highly rooted in colonial power stuctures and missionary imperialism 
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captainr0cket · 3 years
He probably just gave Spock a book. Or an e-book, since it’s in the future.
At some point, Sarek must have sat teenage Spock down and given him 'the talk' about Pon Farr.
Can you even imagine?!
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captainr0cket · 3 years
So when is Tom Hiddleston going to play Peter Cushing playing Van Helsing... or is that what this is?
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Tom Hiddleston introducing 'Loki' Series during the Virtual Launch Event of 'The Falcon and The Winter Soldier'.
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captainr0cket · 3 years
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captainr0cket · 3 years
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Elaine Castillo, America Is Not The Heart Jeanette Winterson, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit Ijeoma Umebinyuo, ‘Confessions’, Questions for Ada Mohamad Hafez, Baggage series Evelyn Waugh, Brideshead Revisited Anne Carson, ‘The Glass Essay’, Glass, Irony, and God Margaret Atwood, ‘November’, You Are Happy Richard Siken, ‘Boot Theory’, Crush
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captainr0cket · 3 years
“I’ve grown lean from eating only the past.”
— Jenny Xie, from “Corfu”
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captainr0cket · 3 years
                           he                       insisted                  I should know       names of extinct species as though taxonomy ever meant preservation     telling someone who they are          instead of asking is where               extinction gets its start
— CAConrad, from “Impaled By Sharp Points Of Wonderment,” We Want It All: An Anthology of Radical Trans Poetics, eds. Andrea Abi-Karam & Kay Gabriel
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