chattoeart · 1 month
FMAB Role Exchange AU :
Nina + Alexander as Mei + Xiao May, respectively.
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I know what you're going to say and yes... This MAY be jarring. Just know that, in this AU, Nina and Alexander's chimera transformation is a little bit different than Canon. A little less... y'know.
In this AU, Nina and Alexander can fuse and defuse at will. Also, the chimera form is not a painful experience like it is in Canon. So there.
Some day, I'll go into more detail about it.
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Their relationship in this AU is basically the same as Mei and Xiao May's. They're practically siblings who would do anything in the world for each other.
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May I just point out that I can't draw dogs to save my life? These drawings are the result of literally a full day of painstaking sketches. One to make it look convincingly like a dog and the other to make it as non-creepy as I could.
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Also, Ling plays Gluttony.
I hope that's obvious.
Love it or hate it, I'm glad to have gotten these drawings out of my system, at long last.
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chattoeart · 2 months
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Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood: Role Exchange AU Resembool - Chapter Five Family Picture
The family got into position. Dante holding Selim and Theo holding William.
Theo had been keeping a stone-face, which wasn't surprising for him. He wondered whether he should smile, to be more in-line with most family pictures. However, he also worried that he wouldn't give a convincing enough smile and it would end up looking weird. This photograph was important to him: it was documented proof of his achievement. Proof of his family. Proof of a normal, human life.
Proof that he was more than a monstrous dwarf in a flask. That he had done it; he had grown into something new. That he could create life. Real life.
Proof that... This photo was going to be proof that he once had a family.
Proof that, for a short time, he was just like every other human.
He wasn't. He knew he was never going to be just like them.
This short little reprieve will pass before the homunculus knows it. As quick as a camera's flash, he will be staring over each and every one of their graves and he will be the same lone homunculus, once more, roaming the world with no purpose.
The homunculus had never once considered his immortality a blessing. However, it had never felt like such a curse as it did now. The connections that he's made with the humans in Resembool, to Holly, to Dante and their sons. He could not bare to part with any one of them. He didn't want to watch his wife and sons die and be forgotten about, as though they weren't even there to begin with. That would tear away whatever little spirit the homunculus had.
It almost feels like Hohe... like he had planned for this, all those years ago, just to add to his cruelty.
He had no desire to keep living any further. If only he could age and die alongside his wife and children, he would do so happily.
"Theo, are you okay?" He heard Dante's voice and was suddenly back in the room.
She sounded concerned. He did a quick scan across the room. William was still in his arms, craning his neck to look up at his father, frowning up at him. The photographer was in the process of packing the equipment away.
Had... had he already taken the photo?
"I apologise. I must have been lost in thought," Theo said, regaining his composure and placing his son down.
Turning to Dante, he saw that her worry hadn't subsided.
"What is it, Dante?"
"You've never... I've never seen you cry before," she said.
Sure enough, Theo discovered that two streaks of tears were running down his cheeks.
I wanted to add a little more onto the AU. https://archiveofourown.org/works/10605651/chapters/109986238
The Dwarf in the Flask takes Hohenheim's position, of course. Dante (the "original" Dante from the flashback segment) plays Trisha. Envy is William, playing Edward, and Selim plays Alphonse.
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chattoeart · 2 months
Last gush. Envy. Oh Truth, ENVY. I love how he's so very much like Envy in canon, yet you've fully capitlized on the deeply buried envy that Alphonse has in canon. Even if it is mostly hinted at. How the one he is the most envious about is his big brother. How like him, he also wants a real family deep down. But can't express it. Because all he knows is jealousy. And it has made him the absolute worse version of Alphonse there is. And I love it.
Honestly, I can't wait to get to the Greed AND the Envy stuff. I've already got a chapter prepared for the future. Gah! I WISH I KNEW HOW TO MOTIVATE MYSELF TO WRITE FASTER!!!
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chattoeart · 2 months
Gotta give you kudos for the role swaps in Ishval. Even if I had read the role exchange blurb in the description, I still went Oh Shit when I realized that Maes Hughes had swapped with Kimblee. You had told me at the start, yet I was still completely caught off guard with that. And the brothers. I honestly can't tell if Two Arm is meant to be Tim Marco, or the Gold Toothed Doctor, though I feel as if that is an obvious role exchange to make, as they are very much equivalent to each other, but that still makes it impossible for me to think of who Scar and his brothers are swapped with unless Miles is now in Scar's place.
I don't know whether I should spoil it by telling you here, but I hope Scar and his brother's new roles are acceptable. Honestly, there are a lot of choices I made that I feared would be too far.
I love the engagement, though. Keep it up.
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chattoeart · 2 months
Can I just say that after years and years of reading the first 1o chapters of Fullmetal Alchemist Role Exchange, LOVING how well done the role exchange between Theo and Van were. Making Father and Mother good, while morally complex and dubious still. Good people at heart, while still being on the edge of coming close to villainy, had they ironically not met each other, I was so surprised to see your art and then hear that there were more chapters and I stayed up so long reading all of Childhood and Ishval yesterday.
Oh wow! Thank you so much. You’ve really made me happy. I hope the art didn’t spoil too much for you. I’m not the quickest writer, obviously; I’ve been dipping in and out of this fanfiction since 2017, for Heaven’s sake. Despite that, the concept is larger now than ever, hence the reason for all the artwork (I’m a far quicker artist).
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chattoeart · 3 months
Alternate Version: "Romance... is a PAIN!"
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Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood: Role Exchange AU - Jonah Berg (AKA: HUMAN SLOTH)
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"I won't let... anybody catch me..." said the giant man as he lumbered through the streets of Dublith. Before breaking back into a sprint, he found himself being jostled backward by his right hand. "Gotcha!" said Catherine, as cheerful ever, "That wasn't too hard." "...Strong..." was all her new prisoner uttered in response.
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Jonah Berg - this AU's name for the human Sloth - is this story's Paninya.
Since Catherine doesn't have any interest in Automail, Rush Valley would not impress her at all. However, meeting a Herculean Strongman in Dublith would certainly peak her interest. After all, Catherine finds super strong men with huge muscles really attractive. I wonder why...
This AU keeps being explored very randomly. Sorry about that. I'm very distractable.
Honestly, I didn't expect to ever illustrate this, because, as it turns out, Sloth is really difficult to draw. No reference photos have him at good angles and his hunched posture was hard to pose out, especially with his muscles. I'm happy with how he turned out here.
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chattoeart · 3 months
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood: Role Exchange AU - Jonah Berg (AKA: HUMAN SLOTH)
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"I won't let... anybody catch me..." said the giant man as he lumbered through the streets of Dublith. Before breaking back into a sprint, he found himself being jostled backward by his right hand. "Gotcha!" said Catherine, as cheerful ever, "That wasn't too hard." "...Strong..." was all her new prisoner uttered in response.
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Jonah Berg - this AU's name for the human Sloth - is this story's Paninya.
Since Catherine doesn't have any interest in Automail, Rush Valley would not impress her at all. However, meeting a Herculean Strongman in Dublith would certainly peak her interest. After all, Catherine finds super strong men with huge muscles really attractive. I wonder why...
This AU keeps being explored very randomly. Sorry about that. I'm very distractable.
Honestly, I didn't expect to ever illustrate this, because, as it turns out, Sloth is really difficult to draw. No reference photos have him at good angles and his hunched posture was hard to pose out, especially with his muscles. I'm happy with how he turned out here.
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chattoeart · 3 months
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Meeting Greed
It turns out that one of the seven homunculi was none other than William's automail mechanic's boss. A small world, after all.
I thought the Rush Valley crew would be a fitting gang for Ed!Greed. I won't go into detail but Greed is the 4' nothin' mafia don of Rush Valley. He and his gang front as an automail shop, while constructing weapons and trading secrets behind the scenes.
Rose is an interesting case but that should be expanded on elsewhere, sometime.
Anyway, now. They're at an stalemate: Bill wants his brother back; Greed wants Rose safe. Equivalent Exchange, right?
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chattoeart · 4 months
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I wanted to make some small changes to the original, as it was kind of crude but I just wanted to sleep. This version is a bit more refined, although still rough.
As said previously, this AU exchanges all the characters' roles around, leading to some pretty wild choices.
Greed is playing Ling Yao (named Basil Midason) Martel is playing Lan Fan Ling is playing Gluttony Riza is playing Wrath
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chattoeart · 4 months
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood | Role Exchange AU
Basil & Martel vs Gluttony & Wrath
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There we are. A little extra comic for the Role Exchange AU idea, involving Basil (Greed) and Martel going up against Gluttony (Ling) and Wrath (Riza).
Instead of the thinner eyepatch of Canon!Wrath, Riza!Wrath's eye is covered by a patch emulating Mustang's eyepatch from the '03 version. I thought it looked a little more natural on her face, as well as adding a unique quality to the design. Additionally, THIS Wrath isn't going to waste her time with swords when she has Ultimate AIM. Being a bit of a younger and inexperienced Fuhrer, in comparison to Canon, she's a lot less willing to take chances.
This Gluttony is far more terrifying than Canon!Gluttony, because Ling!Gluttony actually knows what he's doing. He also likes to wander off, whenever he's too hungry and picks up a particularly nice smell, much to the annoyance of any fellow homunculi that he happens to be on a mission with.
Also, since Martel is a Chimera, she presumably has the same animal instincts that allowed Darius to sense Gluttony's presence in the dark. That's close enough to the magical Xingese spidey-sense in canon.
Honestly, I've had this AU in my head for YEARS, at this point. I'm glad to finally start sharing artwork of it, because it's been driving me crazy, recently.
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chattoeart · 4 months
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Fullmetal Alchemist Role Exchange AU | BASIL MIDASON
Further expansion on the Role Reversal concept, with Greed playing the role of Ling. Basil (or just 'Bas' for short) is a disgraced, exiled prince from a far off kingdom (not Xing, unfortunately). He wants to discover the secret to eternal life to restore his honour and retake the throne.
On his journey into Amestris, he just so happened to come across the Military's experimental chimeras - Dolcetto and Martel - and recued them. In exchange, they agree to work for him as loyal bodyguards.
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Martel and Dolcetto play Lan Fan and Fu's roles, respectively.
While his and the Bradley Brother's relationship started out standoffishly, they'll be as thick as thieves by the end.
This is for:- Fullmetal Alchemist: Role Exchange - Brandon_Reed - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga [Archive of Our Own]
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chattoeart · 4 months
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Here's an expansion on the Greed situation for the Fullmetal Alchemist Role Exchange concept.
As previously mentioned, the original Greed in this version is played by Edward, while the "Ling" equivalent is played by Canon Greed (I called him "Basil" for this AU).
I just drew a few conceptual doodles and a little comic.
For context, while Ed!Greed is still a homunculus, his character is the same and he is still just as sensitive about his height. William (Envy) found this out and used it relentlessly when they first fought. Anyway, it turns out that getting a body that's far taller did not erase Greed's kneejerk reaction to William's taunts.
This is for:- Fullmetal Alchemist: Role Exchange - Brandon_Reed - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga [Archive of Our Own]
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chattoeart · 5 months
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An illustration for a Role Reversal Fullmetal Alchemist plot.
Solaris Laroux (Lust) is the first lieutenant under Kimblee. She replaces Hawkeye. She's just as efficient but not always as stone-faced. In fact, she's somewhat of a flirt. She may have had a few relationships that may have not worked out. The latest of which is right about to kill her.
Lust (Roy Mustang) began to date Lieutenant Laroux, pretending to be the innocent Roy Mustang, to get information out of her. However, when the soldiers burst into the Fifth Laboratory, Lust reveals that he had to kill off the two men that Solaris is closest to: her childhood friend and fellow soldier, Perry (Gluttony) and her beloved Colonel, Zolf J. Kimblee. He takes delight in her fruitless outburst.
This is for:- Fullmetal Alchemist: Role Exchange - Brandon_Reed - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga [Archive of Our Own]
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chattoeart · 5 months
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An illustration for a Role Reversal Fullmetal Alchemist plot.
Lust (Roy Mustang) has been covertly spying for the Homunculi by dating Colonel Kimblee's first Lieutenant Solaris Laroux (Lust), under the guise of the charming Roy Mustang. Then, into the Fifth Laboratory walks the two men Solaris cares for the most.
Perry Grand (Gluttony) is in the role of Jean Havoc here, though I also see him taking the Falman role. He's a bit less "child-like" than the Canon Gluttony is, but is still treated like the big, strong baby of the team. He and Solaris grew up together and he does not like how this homunculus is talking about her.
Colonel Zolf J. Kimblee is the Roy Mustang stand in. A lot more calculated, but a very effective soldier who still respects people when they are consistent with their ideals. Hates hypocrites. Even though most write him off as a sociopath and a cold-blooded villain, those closest to him know that he cares and enjoys talking to people. He wishes to climb the ranks, so as to "drain the swamp" of its fork-tongued, two-faced leaders.
This is for:- Fullmetal Alchemist: Role Exchange - Brandon_Reed - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga [Archive of Our Own]
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chattoeart · 5 months
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Conceptual Design for a Fullmetal Alchemist Role Reversal AU.
With all the characters being exchanged, Edward plays the role of the original Greed. In this AU, the main villain is Hohenheim; there's no better character to turn against him than Ed. He also has a habit of collecting allies, which ties into a secret desire for friends and a real family to belong to.
When he is caught by the other homunculi and assimilated back into Hohenheim, he is out of the story until he finds a new host body. Basil Midason (OG Greed), who is playing the role of Ling. Even in a new body which is about 6 feet tall, he still gets outraged, if anyone even says "shrimp" or "midget" anywhere near his vicinity, much to the confusion of his host.
This is for:- Fullmetal Alchemist: Role Exchange - Brandon_Reed - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga [Archive of Our Own]
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chattoeart · 6 years
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"The Daleks have failed. Why don't you finish the job; rid the universe of your filth. WHY DON'T YOU JUST DIE!" – The Doctor 2005
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chattoeart · 6 years
Lojban translations of RGB and CYMK.
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