cinnamayroll · 2 years
hello who's a Homestuck in 2022 please reblog
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cinnamayroll · 2 years
can u draw porrim or latula!
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why not BOTH
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cinnamayroll · 5 years
As you have noticed I’ve been gone from this blog for quite a long time and I’m very sorry I vanished without saying anything. Last year of high school is very hard for me because the grades I’m getting know will determine what University I can go to, so I’ve been incredibly busy.
Also, Tumblr’s new guidelines hit my blog REALLY hard because all the content I had tagged as nsfw is gone now and that was like half of the things I ever uploaded.
PLus, I haven’t been as much into sports anime lately and I can’t really motivate myself to write for my old faves either. The only anime I’m actively enjoying atm is BNHA to be honest.
So, maybe I’ll be back when the mess on this hellsite will subside a bit and I’m in less of a stressfull situation, but till then, I’ll keep this blog on, so people can at least read what I published in the past. (I’m not saying I’m never coming back though, possibilities that I’ll go back into my KnB phase are not low at all)
-May <3
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cinnamayroll · 6 years
Thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you for your hard work. Really you’re the best here, I can’t even imagine my day without your blog. 🧡
Oh god, you can’t imagine how happy and honored I’m about this! All I want to do is make people happy and that they enjoy what I write and messages like this make it all worth it! You’re the sweetest anon, I hope that you have the most awesome day!
Also there’s more to come soon
-May ^^
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cinnamayroll · 6 years
ive noticed you havent been very active recently,, are you okay? D;
Yes, I am, it’s just that I started my final year of high school and it quite literally fucked me over. It’s way more work than I expected it to be and the exam weeks began almost immediately after the start of school, so I didn’t have time to write at all :(
But on tuesday there are my last major course exams for now, so I’ll be able to write more in the next few weeks ^^
Thank you for worrying, but I’ll return very soon!
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cinnamayroll · 6 years
I just read the coach's daughter s/o and I love it! Since you said this ("your dad prefers you to be dating Akashi over any other Rakuzan members though, so after a while he gets used to it") as your Akashi headcanon, now I'm curious of your headcanon where Rakuzan's uncrowned kings and Mayuzumi's s/o is their coach's daughter 😊
Oh my god, what a fun request! I’m sorry that this took me a long while to do, butI hope that you will still read it and like it ^^
your father would be surprised to say the least if he learned that Mibuchi was your boyfriend
it’s just that he always thought that Mibuchi was more interested in Akashi or that kid from Seirin with the glasses or, you know, guys
so there’s initially some big confusion when Mibuchi is introduced to him s your boyfriend
after getting over that first shock, the best thing he can muster is an exasperated sigh
Reo is very deliberate with his PDA and if you don’t completely disagree with that he doesn’t mind showing his affections for you in front of your father either
the only thing he and your father can really talk about is basketball and how school is goind so these are mostly the only things the both of them talk about when your boyfriend is over
after they get over the first few awkward meetings though, your father is actually pleaantly surprised by him because he is quite respectful and really, it could be way worse with other members of his team
the second your dad opens the door to you bringing Hayama home as your boyfriend he’s quite certain that he’s about to suffer a heart attack
fakes a cough to buy more time to think about what to say, but before he can even say anything Hayama starts talking
to be frank there’s only one person in his team he’d want to be your boyfriend even less
however, he is relieved that Hayama is so good at not shutting up and keeping a conversation going, so that he doesn’t have to worry about not talkig at all during dinners with him and your family
at the end of their first meeting your dad would take Hayama to the side and tell him that he better don’t dare hurt you (since he knows from experience that Hayama can be vengeful and stuborn)
is a little harsh with him during training after he learned that he’s dating you
by the way, when Hayama learned that your dad was the coach, he was psotively terrified
the coach will eventually accept it that Hayama’s dating you if he really does seem to make you happy, but he also always keeps an eye on him
when your dad opens the door to Nebuya on the evening you had announced your new boyfried he thinks that he’s here because of some basketball related thing and already wants to send him home again, when it finally klicks with him
the very first thing he’d say to him would be “You...”
doesn’t approve of this at all
has half a mind to slam the door in Nebuya’s face but he remembers that you were very excited about this, so he does let him in
that doesn’t mean he won’t glare (but it’s not like Nebuya hadn’t anticipated that)
Nebuya does make some smalltalk, a bit general stuff a bit basketball, but your dad‘s just very shaken up
if he was to be completely honest, Nebuya is the one from his team he’d want you to date the least
seriously asks you why the hell you chose him after dinner
and when yu tell him he doesn’t get it
will be very harsh with Nebuya at training especially the next days
he’s honestly between pitying himself and pitying you when he witnesses him burping or screaming about muscles or meat or whatever at training
once he accdentally thought about how huge Nebuya is and how he might hurt during certain thing, but the image in his head keeps him from thinking about it again
it takes him a long, long time to come to terms with it
of course, your dad is surprised when he finds Mayuzumi on his door step asking for you
but after he considers it for a moment, he finds that he is atually quite okay with it
needless to say, their next few encounters of training are more awkward and tense than usually, but your dad does not act more protective over you than he would with any other proper guy you’d have brought home
whenever they meet, they don’t actually talk much
Mayuzumi gives answers when he’s asked something, but doesn’t really contribute more than a bit polite smalltalk to the conversation
te thing is, your boyfriend isn’t a friend of PDA at all, neither in front of your dad or anyone else, so your dad doesn’t really witness anything of your relationship with him other than hand holding here and there or you falling alseep on his shoulder while watching a movie
he’s only second to Akashi in the asect of which Rakuzan team member would be the most endurable as your boyfriend
this is because he just wishes Mayuzumi would stop with his invisible act when he’s at your home and startle your dad everytime he says something without your dad knowing he was even in the room
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cinnamayroll · 6 years
Hello! It's not a request, I just want to say thank You! I was very happy, when I saw the scenario with Nash (as swiming teacher), that I requested before! I like it! Also I was little surprised, when You said, that You have difficulties with writing about him, because I read all Your sc&hc about Nash and, oh boy, they're amazing! Thank You once more! Thank You for being with us and giving happiness!
I am so, so glad that you still read and liked this after waiting for so long!! It means so much to me when people tell me they liked what I did for their requests, so really, thanks a lot, anon, you’re amazing!!
It also kinda makes me proud you thought my Nash things are good, because from time to time I’m unsre about him since he’s so different from the characters I usually write (and I wasn’t really abe to relate to him much...), so thank you!
I hope that you’re having the most amazing day and you’re welcome to send in more requests, I would love to write them ^^
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cinnamayroll · 6 years
Hello! In the first place, I want to say thank You very much for your blog! It's really awesome! You are doing a wonderfull job! May i ask You to write a scenario with Nash teaching his crush (she may be Jaberwock's manager, for example) how to swim? Thank You! Good luck and inspiration for You!
Awww, thak you so much! I’m really happy that you like this blog, things like these keep me motivated ^^ Sorry that I’m only writing this now, but I have a ton of requests in right now and it’s always a little hard for me to write for Nash, but I hope I still did a good job and you’ll still read this!! Please enjoy!
“I can believe that you don’t know how to swim.” Nash chuckled as the both you climbed the stairs into the pool. At this end the water was shallow enough for you to stand, but you eyed the deeper end of the pool suspiciously.
“I just never learned how to do it, okay?” you hissed back at him, splashing him with an arm full of water. It only made him laugh harder and there was this smirk on his lips that somehow managed to be smug and cute at the same time. “Don’t be an ass about it.”
“I’d never.” he smirked. Nash briefly dunked his head under the water, his hair wet and plastered to his head as he resurfaced.
It was odd. You knew how he could be on the court and how cruel he was able to act towards his oponents and yet right now he was almost kid of charming. Smiling at you, fooling around. You guessed he really could be a good guy when he was around peope he liked.
“So you wanna start now or not?” Nash asked. You nodded reluctantly. How did you even end up here?
“So, I have to get my legs off of the ground?”
“Yeah, you’ll just float, its not that hard.” he smirked in response, but you were already busy trying to go through with it.
Somehow, you made it, but fear immediately flooded through you when you started flailing on the surface of the water. Not having ground under your feet was scary and you weren’t sure how you were supposed to move forward now. Of course, as the manager of Jaberwock’s you knew it theoratically since there practise included exercises in the water now and then, but it wasn’t like you’d ever done it yourself.
In a matter of seconds, however, Nash’s hands were under you, supporting you by holding your stomach and your thighs up. “Don’t panic, just stay like that.” he instructed. And it would have almost been serious if he hadn’t pinched your thigh the very next moment.
When you kicked out out of reflex though, he was there to steady you again. Still laughing. “I said to stay like that, didn’t I?”
“Oh, cut it out, Nash.” you tried to say it with bite, but you couldn’t help but giggle a bit as well. 
The both of you stayed like that for a moment until Nash started walking forward a bit, moving you through the water.
“Move your arms like that, yeah?” he explained while doing swimming gestures with his hands. You were just about to giggle about how silly this looked outside of the water, but then you remembered that the hans that had been supporting you were now moving above the water. In panic you began to move, causing you to lose balance and beginning to sink, but before you could even say anything Nash’s arms had you again. 
“God, don’t panic. If you don’t move, you won’t sink.” he said and slowly let go of you again. This time though, he lifted one of his legs and kept your body afloat with his knee. “And now try to do the motions.”
Slowly, you started to move your arms. Of course, it was a bit clumsy on your first few tries, but eventually you felt yourself sliding off of Nash’s knee, moving forward all by yourself. “See, it’s not that hard.” you could hear him smirk behind you.
“I’m swimming!” you called, shooting him a grin over your shoulder. Excitement flooded through your chest as you realized that it was working and it wasn’t even as hard as you imagined it to be. What was up with Nash, though? Was he blushing?
“Told you so! Look forward. And try doing that same thing with your legs too, yeah?” he shouted over to you before you could think about that any longer.
Trying to move your legs in the right way proved to be harder than it sounded and it took you a few minuted to figure it out. By now, Nash had swum over to you again and was explaining thing more in detail. To be honest, you hadn’t thought that this would actualy be going anywhere with him, but he was better at teaching than you had expected him to be.
You spend about half an hour more in the water, before you decided that it was enough for the day. “Thank you.” you panted as you got out of the water afer doing a few laps.
“You actually did better than I thought.” Nash resonded with a sly grin, and you lightly slapped his arm. “How bad did you think I’d be?”
Before he could answer though, you got o your tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his cheek, laughing to yourself at the blush that appeared on his face yet again “Really, though, thanks Nash!”
“Uh, no problem, _____.”
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cinnamayroll · 6 years
hi! can i request for a scenario where aomine and his s/o got into a really heated argument which leads to him raising his voice at them. his s/o were shaken bcos of it since it's one of their major fears 😭😭 where aomine knows nothing abt. let it be a fluffy fluffy end pls!! 😊
Omg, sorry for the long wait!! But I really want to say thank you for this request, because this is one of my absolute favorite tropes, so I’m super happy that I get a shot at writing something like this, I really hope that you will enjoy it  ^^
- May
“What the fuck, how can you even say that? If I didn’t love you, why would I stay with you?” Aomine snapped at you from where he was standing in the doorframe. His brows were furrowed and there was this sneer on his face that you hated. Everytime he sneered like that it meant bad news and you were already getting chills.
You hated fighting, you hated it like hell! It stressed you out beyong measure. But you just had to speak up because you were starting to get really uncomfortable with this situation.
“Well, if you really did, why don’t you bother to show it more often?” you asked. You were trying so hard to keep the tremble ot of your voice and till now you were suceeding pretty well. “It wouldn’t hurt to say ‘I love you’ sometimes, would it?”
“It wouldn’t hurt if you weren’t beind such a bother about it, would it?!” he parroted you. The volume of Aomine voice was slowly rising and you whinced at the sound.
“I can’t help it, Daiki. I just think that you don’t even like being around me anymore!”
“And why the hell do you think I’m even here anymore?!”
You didn’t even know if you were mre angry or more upset right now. For the moment you decided on being angry.
“But that’s it, Daiki! Damn it, you aren’t even here anymore. You’re hanging out with Satsuki all the time when you’re not practising and I barely get to see you these days!” your threatened to break at the end of it and you tore your eyes away from your boyfriend so he wouldn’t see how your eyes were glazing over with tears.
“No.” he said, his voice now sounding firm and final. He always got this way when you started to bring Momoi into arguments. And yes, you knew that it wasn’t okay to bring her into this argument, but at this moment... You were just so desperate and confused and sad, that ou didn’t know what else to say. You were just overwhelmed. Before you could say anything else, he continud to speak. Coldly. “You don’t get to bring Satsuki into this. How insecure do have to be to be jealous of a girl who knows me since kindergarten? That’s ridiculous...” he scoffed derogatorily.
This was it. Something inside of you finally snapped and you whipped your head up again. You didn’t even care that he saw the tears that were slowly starting to make their ways down your cheeks. “You’re acting like an asshole, Daiki! Why do you always have to be like this?”
“And you’re always whining! Ugh, I can’t hear it anymore. Can’t you just shut up?!”
With his last words his voice rose to a yell and it made you wince immediately. “Sorry!” you got out before a violent sob wrecked through your body. You hated screams, you were afraid of them and your boyfriend screaming at you was about one of the scariest thing you were able to imagine. It made your heart clench and it brought back so many horrible memories at once.
By now you were sobbing so bad that you could barely breath between your howling. Slowly and trembling you sunk to your knees and closed your eyes. You didn’t want to see his angry face or to hear how he was probably going to break up with you now.
Searing pain spread through your head, probably caused by the crying, but it only made you cry harder. Your arms moved to hug yourself.
Aomine was saying something, you were farely sure, but the ringing in your ears, the pulsing in your head and your own sobs were keeping you from understanding anything he might be saying.
Suddenly, there was a hand on your shoulder. When you looked up Aomine’s face was closer to you than you expected it to be and it startled you so much that you pushed yourself away from him. There were still tears running down your face, but as much as you hated to admit it right now, your boyfriend’s presence was making it a little more bearable to breath and you felt yourself grow calmer by the second.
You were a bit angry that he had the power to make you feel that way.
You also realised that this wasn’t only his fault.
“_____, sorry.” he said and lifted both his hands in a surrendering gesture. As if he was admitting defeat. “Shouldn’t have yelled, I know you hate that.”
Sniffing, you nodded. And after a few second you reluctantly motioned for him to come closer. “And I’m sorry for bringing up Satsuki. I know she’s your best friend and I know that you wouldn’t cheat on me. I was just so frustrated.” At the end of your sentence your voice broke again and more tears came up.
A surprised noise left you when Aomine pulled you close to his chest. “‘ts okay. I’m sorry you think I don’t care. I do.” he mumbled agaist your hair. The position made you relax more and you let yourself sink comfortably against his chest.
“We’re kinda fucked up..” you mumbled into his shirt and it earned you a dry huff.
“Yeah.” he only said and brought a hand up to stroke through your hair. “Y’know I’m busy a lot with training. I’ll try hard, but that’s what being a pro means.”
“I know, I’m sorry. Just... Be there when you can, Daiki?”
His arms grew even tighter around you and you felt your tears coming to an end.
“Sure...Hey, _____?”
You only looked up to show that you were listening.
“I love you.”
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cinnamayroll · 6 years
Aomine's scenario when the first time he holds his child? Thanks
Of course!  hope you didn’t forget this request in all that time and if you did, I hope it will be a pleasant surprise ^^ I actually enjoyed writing this a lot, I don’t get many sweet requests for Aomine
Now, this had been one hell of a day. Aomine had been on his way to his training when the call came in that you had gone into labor. The second the nurse on the other side of the line had said the words, he had almost dropped his phone.
Your target day hadn’t been until two days later and even though he had technically known that it could appen at any time now it had still taken him by surprise.
Turning on the sport he hadn’t even bothered to call someone on his team to say that he would miss practise. Instead he had chosen to run. Just run until he was completely out of breath at the front door of the hospital. What followed when he got into the room you were laying in was... certainly an experience. It was unlike everything he had ever imagined to witness and yet... It had been somehow amazing. (Even though he was pretty sure that there was dried blood on his forearm from where you had sunk your nail in his flesh.
To be honest, he was exhasuted. At that very moment he loved you and your daughter so very deeply, but he still felt on the verge of falling asleep.
Your hand was resting in his now, not longer squishing his arm like you were holding onto it for dear life. When he gently squeezed it you ave him an equally tired smile. Both of you would probably be sound asleep right now if the nurse wasn’t still keeping your girl in the room adjacent to yours.
Aomine had barely had the chance to see her before a group of nurses had taken her out of the room about ten minutes ago.
Right as he was thinking about it, the door to the room opened and a nurse came in, a white bundle in his hands. “Here’s someone who really wants to see you.” he said quietly.
As fast as his tired legs would carry him, Aomine got up and walked over to the man. “Be careful. She just fell asleep a few minutes ago.” Hastily, Aomine nodded.
The second he first held her in his arm, he barely dared to breath. “Hi...” he whispered as he closely watched his daughter’s face for the very first time. And she was gorgeous.
Little fists closed around the blanket and she slightly moved her lips in her sleep. After you, she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his life. A warm feeling spread in his chest, similar to the day you walked down the aisle towards him, but somehow still completely different.
Even if he’d try he wouldn’t be able to stop the idiotic grin on his face. Back when he was younger he never imagined that someday he would want kids, but now he didn’t even know why he’d ever thought that.
There was a tell tale prickling feeling behind his eyes, but he quickly blinked it away. Not now, the person allowed to cry right now was you. Carefully, he turned to you and handed her over to you. “She’s beautiful.” you whipsered and smiled up at him. Then, “I love you.”
Aomine was sure, this was the perfect picture. You, holding your daughter in your arms, smiling up at him. It was perfect. Even though Aomine was tired as heck, there was blood (maybe his own) and possible other bodily fluids all over the place, but right now, everything was perfect.
Well, at least he thought so until your daughter suddenly began to scream and for a brief moment panic was visible on both of your faces before you remebered that she was probably hugry, after, well, just being born. Aomine huffed out a tired laugh. This was going to be amazing, but you also still had to learn a lot.
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cinnamayroll · 6 years
seeing as its kagami’s birthday today may i request headcanons, or a senario i dont mind which, about what kagami would say, do or feel towards his s/o when she manages to book kagami some time to play basketball with some NBA stars as a birthday surprise? oooohh!! thank you if you do this request! 💕🎁🎉🐯
Sure!! Sorry, I couldn’t make this happen closer to his birthday because I had internet issues, but I hope that you’ll still enjoy this! I decided to do headcanons because it’s easier for me to capture his reaction like that ^^
for a second Kagami would be totally convinced that you were kidding him
he’s just standing there staring at you with wide eyes after he opened the envelope with your surprise present
he almsot stands there a second too long and you almost start to doubt your present, but suddenly your boyfrine is nearly tackeling you to the ground
his arms are wrapped around you so tightly you are barely able to breathe and he’s spinning you around 
I love her is the only thing that all over his mind but it takes him quite a few moments until he’s able to speak again
and that’s exactly what he says too
a lot, in fact
“This is the best present I’ve got, I hope you know that, ____. I love you.”
by the way, he blushes a lot while talking because he usuall is a bit embarrassed about saying “I love you.” sometimes (still, this is like the biggest exception ever)
can’t stop grinning like an idiot to save his life
doesn’t go around immediately telling it everybody, but when someone happens to ask he’s toatlly smug about it
you’re gonna get so much extra attention for that day and days after
can’t stop thanking you (literally and in smaller, more subtle ways)
you catch him several times the days after his birthday checkig the envelope to make sure it wsn’t just a dream that he gets to play with real NBA players and looks at you with an amazed expression everytime he realizes it’s actualy gonna happen
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cinnamayroll · 6 years
My Internet is gone
Sorry I've been inactive, my internet will probably return soon and till then I only have my phone's data volume, but I need my laptop to write 😅 See you all when my internet is back! (I can still answer DMs though ^^) -May ❤
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cinnamayroll · 6 years
i reallyyyyyy like it.(*\\\*) can i get moooreeee nsfw headcns for okamura please never let go this blog. yes my english not so good but i'm learning muah♡
Omg, sorry you had to wait that long, but it took me s long to cme up with more headcanons for him because I already did so much (btw, I’m super hapy you liked the first ones
I hope that you’ll like those!
while Okamura is usuall a quite vanilla type of guy (even though you wouldn‘t expect from the way he looks) he is willing to try some new things when you want to
sometimes enjoy to deny your orgasm for a while so it will hit you harder when you eventually cum
however, he isn’t comfortable with trying anything like bondage where he might accidentally hurt you
even when you have normal sex, it always takes him a little to really let loose because he’s somewhat worried to squish you beneath his weight
because of that it takes him a while to eally get into it and you have to reassure him sometime
he’s very vocal for a guy when it comes to sex
that doesn’t mean loud moans, but quite a lot of groaning and grunting
but it also means he will praise you a lot and tell you that you’re beautiful (especially when you’re insecure about something)
he prefers being intimate with you in the evening rather than before getting up or sometime during the day because it’s just less stressful and he can take his time to make you feel good
also he gets really tired after
when he comes he usually opens his mouth, but doesn’t let out any sound
he’s always in the mood after he won a match because there’s so much adrenaline in his blood and he’s just so happy that he wants to be as close as possible to you
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cinnamayroll · 6 years
Could I get a scenario for Kuroko when he and his female s/o are in a heated makeout session and just as it’s about to go farther they both get nervous because of their bodies? ((Since Kuroko is probably a smol boy)) and his s/o has a small (B) chest, but they find they are both perfect for each other and carry on? Nsfw please! Thank you! Uwu
Of course, thanks a lot for this request! I am so very sorry that you had to wait so long. I actually like the request so much, but I was unsure how to write it and I didn’t have much time, but I hope you’ll still like it!!
Btw, I decided not to go all the way with the nsfw, since this eems a lot like a first time scenario ^^
You could feel Kuroko’s touch everywhere on your body. Sure, you were still wearing all your clothes, but his touch on your waist still felt hot and his lips on yours sent a pleasant tickling sensation down your back.
Still, today felt different. It felt like it wouldn’t go like usual, but there would be more. And you wren’t sure if you were able to handle “more”. Slowly, you became more distracted until you finally snapped when Kuroko’s fingers slipped unders the hem of your shirt, accompanied by a quiet “Is it okay if...”
“NO!” the word just slipped out of you louder than you had inteded it to and you immediatly clasped a hand over your mouth. Kuroko stared at you with wide eyes. You stared back.
“Is everythig okay, ____?” his voice sounded insecure and now that you were paying attention to it you saw all the nervous twitching and how his shoulder were more slouched than usual. “We can stop right now if you don’t want to do something.” he whisperd and slowly pulled his hand away. He almost sounded... relieved?
After a few deep breathes you were still flushed red but ready to talk again. “NO it’s not that, I’m just not-” not pretty enough, not good enough, not even brave enough to tell you. Your voice wobbled when you continued to speak. “I’m not pretty.” you mumbles, your voice wobblig. When you looked up Kuroko was biting on his lip. He didn’t do that often.
“Why would you have to worry about that?” he asked, voice still quiet, but now with a little smile. “If I wouldn’t think you’re beautiful I wouldn’t be doing this.” 
“But look a my chest... I barely even have boobs-” he interrupted before you were done speaking. “That’s not the most important thing. They are nice.” he said, gently placing a hand on one of your clothed breasts. It made you smile nw as well and you leaned in for a small kiss.
Only now you remembered his own little fidgets and nervous look. Carefully, you asked him: “What about you? Is everything okay?”
In his expression, you could see that he wanted to brush it off, but when he looked at you he realised that wasn’t going to work. “My...body is not very athletic or... big.” he slowly admitted. He didn’t look at you but you could see the insecurity in his eyes.
Carefully, you placed a hand on his cheek and turned his face so he was looking at you. He wasn’t often this open about his feelings and you smiled at him to show it was okay. “Tetsuya, you are handsome. And you are athletic! How could you not when you’re playing basketball literally all the time?”
This made him smile a little too. “Anyway, it’s better than have a literal mountain of muscles, you know?” you laughed a little. For a moment it was silent between the two of you until Kuroko said: “Okay.” and went in for another kiss.
You continued what you had done before, making out, letting you hands explore each other. Only this time you were able to get properly into it. You were able to actually enjoy yourself and you had the feeling that Kuroko was too.
After a while of simple making out, he slipped his hands under your shirt once more and this time, you let him. “Can I take it off?” he asked, doing so when you gave him a nod.
You were pretty thankful that your cheeks were already flushed from the kissing so he wouldn’t notice you were still a bit embarrassed. When you felt hands on your chest you gasped. “See? Beautiful.” Kuroko mumbled and gave them a gentle squeeze. He was about to lean back in to continue kissing you when you placed a hand on his chest as well. “Don’t you think it would be more fair when you took that off too?”
Nodding, he pulled his shirt over his head as well. It wasn’t the first time you had seen him shirtless, but it was the first time in a situation like this. His shoulders were still somewhat slouched and he didn’t look right at you again. “See? Handsome.” you repeated his words and laughed a little, reaching for his shoulders to pull him in again.
If his touch felt warm before now it was burning and you loved every bit of it. It wasn’t long after when you felt like you should be taking the next step.
With a qustioning look you placed your hand on his zipper. He moves his hands t yours as well. With an excited smile on your lips and shaky hands you opened it as he did to yours. It was a bit awkward to take each others pants off at the same time, but once you had managed to (with a bit of struggle and laughing) you took a moen to take each other in. Kuroko wasn’t really a talker during moments like these, so you sat in silence. It was quite the comfortable silence though.
You blushed when you realized that he was hard in his boxers. The tent was quite obvious and it reminded you how wet you were as well.
Half curious, half turned on you reached for his groin and placed your hand on Kuroko’s inner thigh, right next to his dick.
You heard him draw a breath sharply and his eyes flickered back and forth between you and your hand. “Can I?” you asked while your hand hovered over the buldge. “Yes.” he breathed quickly.
Smirking, you placed your hand on his clothed dick. It drew a small moan from Kuroko when you stroked him through the fabric of his underwear. There was a wet spot where his tip had to be. When you dragged your thumb over that spot it got a delicious groan out of Kuroko. “Take it off?” you asked him and after a secon he nodded (even though smewhat reluctantly).
He hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his boxers and dragged them down his milky legs. His dick sprung free. It was slightly darker than the rest of his pale skin and stood upright against his stomach. It wasn’t huge, but it was perfect to you. You said so, which made him flush bright red, but you didn’t miss the smile he tried to hide by looking down.
You were just about to say something when he suddenly pulled you towards him by your waist to press a kiss to your lips. It was different than the kisses you shared up until now, more desperate and passionate. With your lips still connected you reached to wrap your hand around his bare dick. Kuroko’s breath got faster and more labored and when you started to pick up the speed of your stroking he broke the kiss to burry his face in your neck.
You were so distracted from the sounds Kuroko was making next to your ear that you were almost startles when you felt his hands take off your panties. Hastily you kicked them off your legs and took a position where he could reach you better.
When Kuroko touched your folds for the first time you immediately heard him draw in a sharp breath as he notice the wetness and you let out a moan. You almost slowed down your stroking when he slipped one of his finger in you. A gasp left your lips and you felt his finger inside you. “Yes, there.” you mewled.
He took it as encouragement and sped his movements up, adding a second finger to the first.
It went on like this for a while and both of you got progressively faster in your movements, as did your breathing.
“I’m close.” you finally panted and Kuroko nodded, showing that he was as well. You took it as a signal to move your hand even faster and stroke his tip a bit more since he really seemed to like that.
Meanwhile, Kuroko also stepped his game up and moves his thumb to messily stroke your clit along with his pumping. This, combined with the noises he made send you over the edge. Your thighs shook and everything turned white as you came, clenching hard around his fingers. “Testuya!” you moaned against his shoulder ad accidentally tightened your grip around his dick.
“Ugh!” he groaned in surprised, but also pleasure and suddenly, he was cumming as well. The sticky white subsance was all over your hand and lower body, but fr now, your didn’t care at all.
Both of you took a moment to catch your breath. When you finally felt able to speak again, you breathed: “That was amazing.” and as an afterthought you added “I love you, Testuya.”
He nodded and gave you one of these precious little smiles you fell in love with back then. “I love you too, ____.”
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cinnamayroll · 6 years
Haikyuu headcanons please: Hinata, Kageyama, Tanaka, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, and Nishinoya reactions when they catch their bored,time-killing s/o playing with a volleyball like it's a soccer ball or basketball.
Of course!! I’m sorry that this took me so long, but I hope that you’ll still enjoy it ^^
when Hinata sees you fooling arpund with the volleyball he immediately starts grinning
calls out for you to throw him the ball so he can join you
“Let me play too! I know basketball!”
and while he does in fact know basketball as far as the rules go, there is this problem with Hinata and basketball
it’s just that no matter what he can’t get rid of his reflexes to spike the ball against the board behing the hoop
basically, you just end up teasing him for it and laughing together, no proper basketball involved
 after a while you just agree to set some balls for him, which is less boring than playing basketball by yourself anyway
as soon as your boyfriend cathes you playing with a volleyball like it’s a socer ball you regret about all your life decisions that have lead you up to this point
he practically throws himself in fro of the ball and instantly picks it up
Kageyama then follows up with a lecture about how kicking volleyballs is damaging to them and how they’ll lose the air they have in them when you do it
you try to take him seriously, you really do, but you can’t help but laugh a little when he gets so passionate about treating a ball the right way
you shut him up kissing (and effectively flustering) him
 after that you’ll either end up playing some volleyball together or just going home or to the city depending on what your plans were for the day
still, he makes sure to remind you that you shouldn’t kick volleyballs at least two more times that day
the moment Tanake spots you on the field outsed kicking the volleyball towards the goal the soccer club had left there he grins and runs over to you
doesn’t call so you’re surprised when he suddely comes up behind you and steals the ball away to run with it to the other side of the field
it’s not that he is particularly good at soccer or anything, but he played it enough as a kid to some basic stuff
you go on like that maybe for a few minutes until he straight up tackles you at some point and just rolls around on the floor with you
you’ll just be laughing a lot and goof around until the ball is completely forgotten
“You’d look hot in soccer shorts, though!”
he just can’t refrain from making that comment
you had been waiting for your boyfriend to finish his training in the gym next to the volleyball one where you had found a stray volleyball lying around and (since you cant play volleyball by yourself) decided to try to get it into the hoop
his first instinct when Tsukishima sees youis to call out for you, but when he notices what your doing he smirks to himself
silently walks up to you and in the moment the ball is buncing off the board and back towards you, he reaches out to catch the ball right over your head (like he did with Hinata so log ago)
teases you a bit about it, like he hold the ball far above his head and has you jumping to reach it
when you actually want to play a bit, he’d agree, basketball is his second choice sport after volleyball after all
otherwise you’ll probably just go home together (secretly he thinks you looked cute when you realized he stood behind you though)
when Yamaguchi sees how you dribble around with the volleyball he immediatly has to smile
calls out for you and motions you to throw the ball over to him
he takes it and dribbles it to the hoops to do a lay-up and blushes when you playfully applaude him for it
he knows how to do them because he and Tsukki used to play basketball in Tsukki’s backyard
“Do you want me to show it to you?”
hen you do he’ll try his bes to teach you some of the simle moves he knows (it’s not like he knows all the rules or somethig)
if you already know some moves Yamaguchi will ask you to lay for a bit if you like to and it’s actually a lot of fun
as soon as he sees you kickig the volleyball around, he bursts in, screaming rolling thunder and stealing it from you
grins at you and does some tricks he knows because, as a libero, he has to be able to handle the ball with his foot as well
obviously wants to impress you (to be fair, it works really well)
might challenge you to play with him a little, but only if you want to
and even if you do, it doesn’t really turn out as a gam of soccer, but more like both of you running around in the gym with ball, kicking it occasionally and mainly just laughing your asses off
it knd becomes a thing between the two of you to kick the volleyball around when you don’t have anything better to do
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cinnamayroll · 6 years
i’ve missed your work so much so i’m going to request :3 can i get mido, nebuya, and mura headcanons for how they’d spend a rainy day in w their girlfriend ? thank you so much may :3
Awww, thank you so much, you’re way too sweet
-May ^^
this dork doesn’t really get the romantic appeal of rainy days, but he still likes them because of the smell of the rain and because it gives him an excuse to stay inside and read the entire day or something
it stresses him out a it that he mightnot be able to get his lucky item
or yours for that matter
good thing he doesn’t have to leave the house after all so it’s not like he is in too big danger without his item
he doesn’t really undertand what you think is so romantic about spending rainy days together but he can appreaciate the coziness
it will be a calm day with the both of you huddled up on the couch reading or watching a documentary while talking
he’s not a big cuddler, but when it’s just you he’ll let you lean aginst his chest
since he sucks at cooking and there isn’t anything in the house you can make either you’ll probably just have take out
somehow rainy days with you two always end with you sitting on the bed and discussing either deep questions about life or whether tomatoes should actually be considered fruits, no in between
this guy does not know what “a rainy day in” is supposed to be
a little rain never hurt anybody, so he tries to drag you outside because the basketball court is free in weather like his or at least tries to get you to go on a jog with him
bribes you with food and cuddle and eventually he’ll just convince you to come out with him for a little bit
to be fair he also thinks that you look really cute when you’re dripping wet
instead of trining you’ll just end up foolig around outside, jumping into puddles and stuff
when you’re done (and thoroughly wet) you go back inside (chances are Nebuya is carrying you over his shoulders)
like promisd, he’ll make something to eat for you two and the you’ll most likely spend the rest of the day binge watching some series you found on Netflix
and at some point you’ll just stop paying attention and just talk to each other, telling stories from school
you end up falling asleep on the couch, curled up against Nebuya’s chest
Murasakibara has a strict policy that says he can’t leave the bed on rainy days
needless to say, it also says that you can’t leave the bed either (and he will make sure you won’t)
sometime around noon you’ll be able to drag him out of bed because he gets hungry
like with Midorima, you’ll order something (not because he can’t cook, but because he doesn’t want to and you don’t want to either)
rain makes him especially cuddly and lazy so you’re either gonna spend the day in bed or on the couch
when you get bored after one or two movies you have some fun trying new snacks you had lying around
or throwing things and trying to catch them with your mouths
at some point you’ll just be lying on the chouch spooning
Murasakibara is playing with your hair while you two are absentmindedly watching a show or a movie
chances are that you’ll be falling asleep like this
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cinnamayroll · 6 years
Headcanon Kagami, Aomine and Murasakibara with a 6ft tall black girl from the US.
Sure, thanks a lot for the request!!
- May
he isn’t quite used to his girlfriend being this tall since he usually is the tallest one around by far, but he actually enjoys is cause he doesn’t have to be afraid to simply turn around cause he might knock you over
while there aren’t usually many black people aruond in Japan he spent years in the US so that’s nothing new to him
in fact he enjoys it that you are different and people look at you when you are together outside
it makes him a bit jealous though and he glares when someone stares too long
it’s a good thing that he spent a good part of his life in America so there isn’t really anything of a culture shock between the two of you
you two talk mostly in English because it’s just the thing that comes to you naturally and sometimes even Kahami thinks it’s easier than Japanese (especially the reading and writing)
the thing he enjoys the most abuot your height is that he can so easily reach your mouth to kiss you and use it for different things like to effectively shut you up
he never had a black girlfriend before (mainly because there weren’t any black girls at his school), so it’s a new thing to you, but he does think that it’s gorgeous
loves it to tease you becase no matter how tall you might be you’ll never be as tall as him
to emphazise this he always kisses the top of your head before he leans in to kiss your lips
also by picking you up and swirling you around
since your skin colour sometimes gets you a few stares here in Japan he’s quite protective over that fact and often feels a bit easily provokes when someone looks at you (but at least he’s sure to always jump o your defense) (unfortunately no matter if you want him to or not)
Aomine’s English is quite bad, so it would be great if your Japanese is good enough that you can use that as your main means of communication
he is willing to learn a bit, but tutoring him in an exhausting task so yu have to know yourself if that is worth the effort
you’re basically his perfect type of girl because he prefers partners that are tall but not taller than himself
and you’re the perfect size for him, so that he can still rest his chin on top of your head but doesn’t have to bend to the side awkwardly when he wants to hold your hand
honestly he doesn’t really care about things like skin colour at all, as long as you’re chill and he likes you he’ll love you more than anything else no matter what you look like
that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t think you’re gorgeous though
one thing he loves the most about you being an American is the American candy that you bring from home everytime you go there or your parents send you occasonally
a thing he isn’t too fond of though is the language problem between you
while he’s quite talented with maths and science languages aren’t his strong suit at all and he isn’t very motivated to learn it either, sou you’ll barely have a choice but to speak Japanese  (it also gives him a reason to avoic skyping with your parents too much because he just despises family meetings)
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