coldphoenix · 2 years
You still doing commissions?
Yes I am! God how long has this been here 🤣🙈 Sorry! It's been a while since I did one but yes I could! What did you have in mind?
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coldphoenix · 2 years
Hey all!
Long time no see, I hope you're all doing well 😊
I just came to let you all know I've opened a Tellonym account, because it seemed like fun 😆 So you can find me on there!
Also follow me on Facebook, Victoria Bates or @meitonapalace, or Instagram under coldphoenixirl, coldphoenixcosplay and meitonapalace.
Hopefully see you all soon! Xxx
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coldphoenix · 3 years
Hey, are you feeling alright? I couldnt help but notice you've been pretty ... offline. It just felt sudden. I hope things are going ok for you :0
I have no idea when this was asked 😂😂
But yeah I'm fine, tbh I'm not really drawing or writing for fandoms anymore because I've been focusing on Regal (book 2 due very soon btw! 😁) and I have had a *lot* going on in my personal life this year.
But... yeah, I'm doing good 😊 Thank you for asking! I hope you're doing okay as well?
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coldphoenix · 4 years
U ok?
I am, just never come on here anymore. A lot has been happening irl so I haven't really been online. Had a lot of changes and a heartbreak to deal with 😂 This is such a difficult year for anyone.
Anyway, thank you for asking! 🙏❤
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coldphoenix · 4 years
Are your commissions open?
Yes they are! You're lucky I came on here to post a thing, I never go on tumblr anymore. I hope this ask isn't too old 😅
But yeah, commissions are open, £1 per 100 words and I cap it at 2000 words, message me if you're interested 😊 Thank you!
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coldphoenix · 4 years
Waiting at school this morning, it was one of the parents' birthdays that I didn't know about. My kid runs off in a sulk, he wouldn't tell me what was wrong at first but eventually he said he was sad he didn't get her a present. He wallowed for a bit while I tried to talk him down, then he said "Oh! I might have something!" So he goes into his book bag and looks carefully through his collection of leaves and chooses one to give to her.
I can't get over how kind this kid is, first for getting sad that he didn't get her anything, then giving her his own valuable things. Best kid ever ❤
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coldphoenix · 4 years
Poem - Public House
Inspired by the pub where I work... this is about as personal as I can get without it being too painful. Lockdown has made me realise how attached I am to it. I am pleased with how this turned out though :)
If these walls could talk They wouldn’t know where to start Decades upon decades Of merriness and sadness and drama and calm
These windows have been shattered These toilets have been left a mess Countless glasses smashed upon the floor In accident and brawl and humour Idiocy of all kinds
Many a traveller has come and gone The walls have seen it all Many a man has stayed for just a quick one And outstayed his welcome in the end
Romances have blossomed within these walls And fallen apart at the seams Or birthed children, for all to see Happy endings do exist And in this house do they start
These walls have seen life and death Success and plight, of all kinds Seen people change, for the better or worse These walls have changed many times over For better or worse And in the same fashion, changed hands
No other house in the world Accepts guests it does not know And lets them eat, and drink, and laugh and cry Fight and act foolish, and can the walls let the hosts take the blame? The hosts who joke and serve and tell stories to strangers Invite them in with deals and smiles But they are not here to be abused Would guests behave like this in their own home? Or the homes of their friends? Still, connections are made With regulars and irregulars Every little village has a place everyone can call home The heart and soul of theirs And how it captures many a heart and soul
These walls have seen it all And they surely wish they had not If they could cry, then they would cry Tears of laugher at the local funny man Tears of sadness for those who have come and stayed and gone Anger at the cruel way time goes by These walls did not choose to be here But if they could feel, how they would If these walls could talk They would scream and sigh And laugh and sing Along with every fight, every song Every truth and every lie Every merry moment and every hour of despair The world changes before them But inside this house is where memories are made For better or for worse The heart and soul of every little place it lies within This is a public house
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coldphoenix · 4 years
Tfw you realise you're in love with a guy who is basically your OC and the relationship you have with him is the same one sided toxic one you wrote in your own story and omfg the OCs have come to life 😱 How can we forget about these men? We believe in them more than they believe in themselves and we're the ones that end up broken for it, jfc.
I never wanted to be Miama 😂 Even though she is a lot like me I always wanted to be Anaka. That's my whole life story... always been Miama, never been Anaka 😢
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coldphoenix · 4 years
Apparently Labyrinth is getting a sequel... is it weird that I want Sarah and Jareth to get married in it? 😬 She's teenage me and when I was her age I legit would have fallen for him. 100%
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coldphoenix · 4 years
A Father
Wee thing I whipped up for Father’s Day. Spot the shout outs 😆
His is to provide for his family,
And he leaves nothing behind but them.
His legacy is the children who don’t always appreciate him,
From being too young to notice him,
To being old enough to kick and scream and disobey.
A wife who in loving and being true to him,
Will often complain that he works too much,
Or that they are too poor because he spends too many hours at home.
 Is he the modern man or a dying breed?
What is a father expected to do today?
What was his father expected to do when he was young?
Will his mother be proud of him?
Will his wife tire of him?
Will his children grow up good?
And will it be because of his presence or his absence?
 What difference is he making to the world,
As he carries the weight of it?
His is not to question, or reason why.
His is not to try to understand.
His is simply to provide and to guide, and to follow in his father’s footsteps,
If his father was a good man.
His mother will tell him if his father was a good man.
And his children will tell him if he followed.
They are his legacy, and his difference to the world,
And he will carry theirs much longer than he carries them.
From the rocking of their cradles to the rolling of his hearse,
He gives his love to roses and thorns,
And his is not to ask for anything in return.
 His is to be, and to let his legacy be, and hope that it is enough,
For things to be good and right.
Like his father made things good and right.
 He is not immortal, but he is more than simply a man.
He is a father.
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coldphoenix · 4 years
Father’s Day book 2 preview
Decided to celebrate Father’s Day with a little father-son moment from the upcoming book 2 :)
Warnings: contains spoilers & violence.
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coldphoenix · 4 years
Trigger warning: child death.
So I’ve wanted to write this for a while… Years ago when I was making the character of Taka I decided he had a younger sister who drowned in the palace lake when she was a child. I never did anything with that story until a year or so ago when I listened to Sinead O’Connor’s version of Scarlet Ribbons and for some reason it reminded me of the sister and a poem I read at school (can’t remember what it was called now) and I thought of this scene?? Anyway I was out in the rain the other day and I finally decided to write it. Whilst editing I checked my facts and it turns out Thoit was actually still in the Hive when Temit drowned, so this scene didn’t actually happen, but… oh well. I like the concept of it anyway.
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coldphoenix · 4 years
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Finally did Kala version 2. I think I prefer this one, it’s much prettier 😊 More pics on myFacebook
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coldphoenix · 4 years
Omfg I love these!! Thank you so much, how did you even find that old post of mine 😂😂
These drawings are epic though, thank you! ❤❤❤
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Sassy Goku quotes inspired by this post by @coldphoenix. These quotes are absolutely hilarious! I love a troll Goku!
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coldphoenix · 4 years
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Decided to treat myself to another cosplay. Still waiting for the earrings and shoes to arrive... and I need to buy a new wig as this one is too small 😭 But, it's not bad for a cheap cosplay
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coldphoenix · 4 years
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Kala cosplay, by yours truly. The shower looked like the one from Psycho when I was finished 😂 I'm going to do another interpretation of her when the weather gets nicer ❤🔔 More pics on our Facebook
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coldphoenix · 4 years
Have you been drawing or doing Fanfics during the quarantine?
No 😭 At first I was working on Regal and that was going really well, but eventually the lockdown started making me feel foggy and now all my creativity is gone 😢 I'm working on Regal when I can but it's only tiny bits at a time. I have a fic commission I need to do but I told them it might take a while because I'm so foggy. I hate it lol 😂
Thanks for asking anyway haha, generally speaking me and my family are doing well so I can't complain. I hope you're doing okay! Xxx
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