divinelycrazy · 4 days
My faith in humanity is fading more and more now that I know that the witch community is being flooded by people who feel less like witches and more like people who don't have a life.
Give me spell advice all you want, but the moment you start talking about your lady and savior, Hatsune Miku like she's an actual goddess, I'm out faster than you can say Ievan Polka.
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divinelycrazy · 9 days
Genshin impact trailer spoilers... I guess!!!!
So I just watched the Natlan preview trailer, and it's not what I expected.
I assume that many Genshin fans can agree that when we first heard about Natlan and its lore, we assumed it was gonna be all like volcanoes constantly erupting, lava, fire, and death.
Instead, the trailer showed....Dinotopia?
The landscape was very green, there were animals that basically looked like dinosaurs, and we even saw the environment through the animal's pov. I'm not joking. The animals actually acted like playable characters. So either we gain the ability to turn into or ride these creatures, idk.
Lastly, from the music, I can sorta tell that Natlan is maybe gonna be either meso American or African inspired.
So yeah, I personally can't wait to explore the new Pokemon-I mean Genshin region.
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divinelycrazy · 15 days
You know, in another context, the word 'humanitarian' could refer to a diet consisting out of only human meat and other products of organic human origin.
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divinelycrazy · 19 days
So i feel the need to rant about one of Disney's most stupid ideas that at the same time could offer them opportunities that they refuse to take most of the time. The live action remakes.
Believe it or not but most people don't go see those movies because they like them, they go see them because their curiosity can't help but wonder how disney fucked up this time.
The live action Pinocchio is a good example of this, though mind that 2 other Pinocchio movies came out that very same year, but still that didn't stop the movie from being the biggest flop out of all 3 of them when they came out.
Another example is the live action little mermaid. They hyped this movie up, not just with Halle Bailey playing Ariel but also the fact that they managed to convince Melissa Comedy Icon McCarthy to play Ursula. This is a personal nitpick, but I loved Ariel's original animated sisters more than the one the live action Ariel had, why, because they acted like sisters. Also, don't even mention the atrocity they committed to Flounder. Believe me when I say that The Lion King live action is proof enough that Disney is not good at making CGI animals look good.
Then there is the case of the live action Mulan, to which they were acting like "yeah, were gonna represent Chinese culture more accurately. We're even hiring all Asian actors. " What they ended up doing was take away the entire purpose and meaning of the original animated movie.
Now as much as I'd like to keep on raging, the live action remakes do have a phew treasures among them.
The Maleficent movies were, in my opinion, the best live action remake movies disney ever made, and are the reason Maleficent is my favorite disney villain. They don't retell the story of the original animated movie scene by scene either. They tell an original story separate from it with its own setting, worldbuilding, and character development. They also take heavy inspiration from Celtic Fey lore and represent it in a somewhat endearing and accurate way. Also, Angelina Jolie absolutely slayed as Maleficent.
Cruella is not just a remake. It is there to tell us who Cruella is as a person, what her motivations are, and how she got to the point she was at in the original animated movie. Not to mention, the designs in the movie look actually good and like something you'd expect a character like Cruella to design.
The live action Cinderella is admittedly not the greatest out there, but it has its moments. Expanding lady Tremains character by giving her a gambling addiction, which is the exact thing that led to the family falling into poverty, is a nice add-on, and let's not forget Cinderella's dress. The way it glistened and sparkled actually made the dress look like it was made out of magic.
The Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland movies might be a controversial one to put on here, but i personally found them quite fun to watch. A big part of this is that, in a way, you could see these movies as sequels to the original 1951 animated movie. There's also the fact that, to me personally, the Tim Burton version of Wonderland actually felt scary and unnerving in several parts. An example would be the Red Queen's moat of decapitated heads.
It is true that Disney's live action remakes are more often fuck ups than thumbs ups but let's at least appreciate the phew good ones we do have.
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divinelycrazy · 22 days
Hades 2 spoiler alert
I just saw the flashback scene of Hades confronting Chronos!
Guys, Chornos littarly froze everyone in time. He imprisoned them by freezing them in time!
On a positive note, at least we know Zagreus is most likely still alive. Now I can imagine what the Melinoë and Zagreus reunion is gonna be like.
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divinelycrazy · 23 days
Being a pagan means feeling immense fear when your mom places something on the sacred altar that doesn't belong there, like a piece of trash.
Every time she does that, it's like I feel lady Hestia staring down at me in disapproval.
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divinelycrazy · 29 days
I have a challenge for the Genshin fanfic writers, one that will force you to bring out your worldbuilding skills. This challenge starts with a bunch of questions, the one being;
Where are Aether and Lumine from? Because as fun as the theories are, I don't believe they are from Teyvat. So then, which world are they actually from? Also,
What does it it look like?
What is it called?
What do the flora and fauna look like?
Is it split into different continents, or is it one super continent?
What are it's cultures like?
Who are its rulers?
How different is it from Teyvat?
This one is optional, but still.
Do Aether and Lumine have anyone there who is waiting for them, and if so, are they still alive?
Because, mind you, there are still a phew centuries between when the twins arrive in Teyvat and when the story actually takes place.
That's it. Those are the questions. Have fun or not. Who knows.
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divinelycrazy · 1 month
Finally, after many months, I present to you part 2 of;
Io, the cow who wasn't always a cow
Many horrible and grazing years later, Io is very much used to spending her life as a bovine. She isn't having fun, but it beats getting chased around by horny gods. Now you must be thinking dear reader that perhaps Io should escape and get some help, unfortunately for Io, Hera isn't stupid. Hera had tasked someone to guard Io 24/7, and that someone was the giant Argus.
Argus was a giant with a total of 100 eyes spread all over his body, which is...an image. Whenever he needed sleep, he would need to close only 50 of his eyes, leaving the other 50 wide open to watch over Io, which again is quite the image. No matter how hard she tried, Io would always get caught whenever she tried to escape.
One day, however, Io was grazing in a field bordering a river, a river that was the domain of her father. Io's father was a minor river deity, a god so unimportant in the Olympian hierarchy that I didn't even bother looking him up on Wikipedia. But still Io saw a chance, and took it.
Io grabbed a brach from a bush with her mouth and started using it to splash and disturb the water's surface. As she had hoped, her father emerged from the river.
Io's father: Sweet Cow, would you please stop disturbing the water. It's ruining my beauty sleep.
Quickly, Io used the brach to write her own name in the mud.
Io's father: Io, I haven't heard from her in years. Has something happened to her?
Hoping he'd understand the message, Io wrote the word 'me' in front of her name.
Io's father: wha-Io? Who did this to you? Why I shall punish the vile god who dare turn my beautiful daughter into a- ...it was Zeus, wasn't it?
I responded by shaking her head in a way that confirmed her father's guess.
Io's very annoyed father: gods dammit, i knew I should've should've taken Kronos's side. Sure he ate his kids, but at least he didn't fuck people's daughters before turning them into animals.
Io's father let out a sigh, clearly annoyed by the situation. To be honest, if there was one person who had the right to be annoyed, it was Io. She was the one who had to spend years as livestock.
Io's tired father: Okay, I'll go to Olympus to have a word with Zeus. Just try to hold on a little longer, dear.
Before Io could respond, she was yanked away from her father by Argus, heading towards a different field.
Io's very angry father: HAVE YOU GONE ABSOLUTELY MAD?!!!
Zeus, on the other end of a father's wrath for once: I didn't know what else to to, it's not like I expected Hera to think it was a gift.
Io's still angry father: Are you serious? Don't tell me you actually believe your wife was stupid enough that MY DAUGHTER was just a normal cow?
Defensive Zeus: Well, blame Aphrodite for making it be one of the best fucks I've had.
Aphrodite: Oh no, no, no, don't point your fingers at me, I had nothing to do with this. My granddaughter's domain is pleasure, not mine.
Zeus: Either way, in no way could I predict that this situation would happen.
Io's very annoyed, very angry father: I don't care what you can or can not predict. What I care about is you fixing what you've caused.
Defeated Zeus: Fine, but don't blame for what happens after.
And so Zeus called the only god he knew could complete this task, Hermes.
Will Io taste freedom, will her father find rest once more, and will Zeus finally be able to keep it in his pants?
Find out next time on Dragon Ball-i mean Greek mythology.
~To be continued~
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divinelycrazy · 1 month
I feel restless, so I choose to follow my true nature and post some "fun" facts about greek mythology and its pantheon, enjoy.
Fact 1- Nyx, the primordial goddess of night & Erebos, the primordial god of darkness, have 2 children that are the complete opposite of their parents. Hemera, the primordial goddess of the day & Aether, the primordial god of light.
Fact 2- Helios, the Titan of the sun & and Selene, the Titan of the moon, have a sister. Eos, the Titan of the dawn.
Fact 3- Hades actually did almost cheat on Persephone, twice. The almost is because Persephone shut them down before anything could happen. RIP Minthe.
Fact 4- One of Nyx's children is Philotes, who is pretty much the goddess of friends with benefits.
Fact 5- Every single one of your ten fingers has an individual Greek deity associated with them. No, I am not joking.
Fact 6- Unsurprisingly, Hera's marriage to Zeus is completely without her consent. She never liked him, and especially didn't want to marry him.
Fact 7- Immediately after being born herself, Artemis helped her mother Leto give birth to Apollo.
Fact 8- After ascending to Olympus, Herakles got married to Hebe, the goddess of youth. And before you ask, yes, she is also his half-sister.
Fact 9- Historical research shows that Persephone existed and was worshipped as an underworld deity long before Hades existed.
Fact 10- Aeneas, the mythical founder of the Roman empire, was a son of Aphrodite/Venus.
Fact 11- Harmonia, the goddess of harmony, is the daughter of Ares, the god of war.
Fact 12- The Nemean lion, the Chimera, and Cerberus are siblings. Their parents are Typhon, the king of all monsters, and Echidna, the queen of all monsters.
That's all for now. Do with this info what you want.
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divinelycrazy · 1 month
So I'm gonna try to clarify what I said in my previous post about being worried about Zagreus's fate because of what happens to him in actual greek mythology.
Note that there is a comment in the previous post that explains this as well, but the Titans aren't just gods. So, while Zagreus could walk away without a scratch after fighting a normal god, the Titans are very different.
Again, just like the comment describes, while the Olympian gods control forces of nature, the Titans are said forces of nature. An example I can give of this in the game is when we see Selene in the released footage, the game describes her using the title 'the moon incarnate' almost as if saying that Selene is the moon. And the thing is, that's very much the case.
The same thing goes for the other Titans compared to the Olympians. While Poseidon is the god of the sea, Oceanos is the sea. While Apollo is the god of the sun, Helios is the sun. The Titans are the forces of nature that the Olympians are oh so desperately trying to keep under their control.
So that's why it is that Zagrues can walk away from a battle with his father Hades without a bruise, but a fight with a Titan? let's just say that Zagreus won't walk away without a phew scars, assuming he survives.
Because again, that is his fate in actual mythology. The Titans that are imprisoned in Tartarus manage to escape with the help of Hera, after which they kill Zagreus. Then, in true Titan fashion, they devour his corpse. And when Zeus and the other gods finally discover what happened, the only thing they find left of Zagreus is his heart.
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divinelycrazy · 1 month
Question, do we see Zagreus in the released Hades 2 footage?
Cause from the designs of Zeus and Demeter I can tell that the gods are at war with Kronos, but that's not my problem.
My current problem is that I am praying that Zag and Persephone are safe at home or at least imprisoned by Kronos.
Because it would be a serious dick move for Supergiant games to be like, "Here's a game where you spend its entirety adoring this himbo of a god." And then in the sequel game be like, "SURPRISE, he's dead now."
Because that's what happened to Zagreus in actual mythology, he gets torn to shreds by Titan's that escaped Tartarus with the help of Hera of all people.
Let's just pray for our boy's safety.
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divinelycrazy · 2 months
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Important questions.
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divinelycrazy · 2 months
Watching the MLB Shadybug & Clawnoir special again made me realize something. The special basically, but loosely, confirms that there is a greater than 0 chance that the cringy AUs we all made as young naive fans actually exist in the miraculous multiverse.
But were not here to talk about that, no.
I'm here to talk about the possibility of crossover universes, which admittedly have less of a greater than 0 chance of being real.
The one I wish to talk ideas about is a crossover universe with Star Guardians.
For those who don't know, Star Guardians is a domain attached to the very disliked but very played League of Legends. But f*ck that part. I'm Here to talk about the actual stakes that would come with the team being Star Guardians, instead of holders of pretty, magical jewelry.
The first stake is the pact. To become a Star Guardian one must make a pact with an entity known as the Prime Star, and then protect the universe against evil monsters. This pact however binds them to the Prime Star with chance of retirement being 0 to none. As far as I'm aware, there are only 3 ways a Star Guardian can release themselves from a pact with the Prime Star.
1. DIE!!!!! Be slaughtered, killed and or murdered by a monster on the battlefield.
2. Rebel and become what is known as a dark Star Guardian. They're like Star Guardians ,but edgier.
3. Have the weight of being a Star Guardian fully mess up their mind, after which they'll be corrupted and turned into what's known as a Star Nemesis. They're like Star Guardians, but evil and with a fashion sense.
So imagine our dear old Star Guardian version of Marinette finding out about this. That those are the only ways she can end her pact with the Prime Star. The fact that she and her team members have an equal chance of turning into the monsters they are fighting.
Also, this could easily be worked into Gabriel's backstory, that he and Emily were both members of a Star Guardian team until Emily got full on offed by a monster, which led to Gabriel going ful psycho and attempting to resurrect his wife trough..means.
The whole, Hawkmoth needs the ladybug and Cat noir miraculous specifically to resurrect his wife would not exactly work out in this au, since Star Guardians are not given pre existing gems, they do have them but each one is made when it's respective Star Guardian makes their pact.
Also, familiars. Star Guardians are given helpers/familiars to aid them, like, hello, the kwamis.
Anyway, I've babbled enough. This was my idea, and I've said it. Hope I've gotten some people's interest, but now I shall take my leave.
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divinelycrazy · 2 months
Well, my insomniac brain just came up with another au idea.
Beauty and the beast, Bloodborne au.
The script writes itself really.
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divinelycrazy · 2 months
Okay, so I've been wondering.
If Lilith was originally a human, and with Lucifer being a fallen angel. Does that mean that Charlie is a Nephilim? Cause in some cases, like the book of Enoch, Nephilim are described as offspring between a human and a fallen angel. Idk, it just crossed my mind.
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divinelycrazy · 3 months
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I made this. There is room for improvement that is certain, but for now, I'm happy with something I made.
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divinelycrazy · 3 months
Spoilers for the apothecary diaries
First of all, Maomao's mom is beautiful.
Now, to get to my main points. OMG, IS MAOMAO'S ADOPTIVE DAD LAKHAN'S UNCLE???!!! Maomao was also losing her matches with Lakhan on purpose, anticipating that Lakhan would let her win in the third round because I guess she knew he had alcohol intolerance. Real sneaky, by the way.
I'm also sure that the consort Maomao was talking about is her mother cause no way that it could be anyone else. But it still makes me wonder, what's the deal with Suirei. Cause it's been several episodes already, and we still don't know for sure who the f**k she's in line with. My guess is that it's the new Concubine of whom I've forgotten the name.
Lastly, I wanna state that if we don't see Jinshi confess his feelings to Maomao next episode, I'm gonna be so pissed.
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