fanfics-with-coffee · 3 years
Despite the fancy survey, changes to the UI and TOS reveal we’re getting the service in the future whether we want it or not. Obviously, Post+ is a terrible idea that is trying to bank revenue on user content. Unlike patreon or onlyfans, tumblr’s primary focus is on FAN content. The legality of this is NOT in the users favor and as the new tumblr TOS states, said users will be entirely liable for whatever legal matters arise.
Besides filling out the survey, it’s time to show tumblr we mean business and show our displeasure by hitting them where it hurts.
Ad revenue.
We’re proposing a 24 hour log off as phase one of this protest.
August 6th 2021
12 am Eastern Time (US)
4am UTC
5am BST/London
6am Central Europe Time
7am Moscow Standard Time
9:30 Indian Standard Time
12 noon Hong Kong Time/Australian Western
1:00 pm Japan Standard Time
1:30 pm Australian Cental time
2:00 pm Australian Eastern Time
August 5th 2021
11pm Central Time (US)
10pm Mountain Time (US)
9pm Pacific Time (US)
So no posting, no queues, no likes, and no reblogs!
Like this post and share it AS MANY TIMES AS POSSIBLE. Use the hashtags #tumblrlogoff2021 or #postplusprotest on ANY and ALL social media.
Maybe, maybe not. It’s an attempt at doing SOMETHING.
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fanfics-with-coffee · 3 years
hi I’m here as a hoe for kuroo tetsurou and I just wanted to say that onlyfans fic is chefs kiss 😈😈 it would be awesome to see a part 2 if you’re so inclined!
Your prayer has been answered. Hope it satisfies ;) https://fanfics-with-coffee.tumblr.com/post/651119131579531264/the-simple-pleasures
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fanfics-with-coffee · 3 years
The Simple Pleasures
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Y'all horny bitches out here really liked my first part so, thanks to a lot of requests, here's part two! Months later but life's a bitch so enjoy some smut because we all need it at this point
After finding out your date, the college student Kuroo, had an OnlyFans and quite enjoying its content you called him and told him to pick you up in 30 minutes. Will you manage to keep your lust under control until you get to his place or do you get stuck on the road? (spoiler alert: you park at a gas station)
Genre: Once again it's just pure smut but it has cute moments Pairing: Kuroo x reader Kinks: Actually pretty vanilla, dirty talking, car sex in a public parking lot Words: 8700
Part 1
Clothes were thrown back on and your hair was once again brushed, you had even changed underwear to hide the mess they had become after what you had done on the couch. All the while your eyes flicked to the phone despite the 30 minutes not even being close to being up. But the time that had passed felt like an eternity and it didn’t help with the nervous feeling you had in your chest all the while. The only thing you were able to do was get ready in front of the mirror and go over what had happened, and what will happen, in your head. And when you finally felt ready, you still had 10 minutes left.
You had planned to use the time to cool down, calm yourself and not let it all get to your head. But as soon as you sat down on your couch, your phone was in your hands. You wanted to scroll through social media but instead the onlyfans app teased you, sitting there on your screen. You remembered that while you had scrolled through a couple of Kuroo’s posts, you had hardly seen them all. And what they could contain was too tempting of a question to not find out. And after all, the content was worth $15 and you shouldn’t waste good money.
So you scrolled through it, mindlessly, watching and reading every post. You were tempted to play any video you came across but if you did, you were afraid that you’d get stuck again and miss the real deal pulling up in front of your house. So you held yourself back, though you gave them a longing look whenever they did pop up. And what had started with trying to cool down was now just riling you up once again, pressing your knees together while bouncing one leg in anticipation. Post after post of him in various stages of dress. Some blunt in their intentions, others teasing the viewer with giving them just barely what they wanted. Luckily, it did make those 10 minutes feel like mere seconds.
A notification popped from the top of the screen.
“Come outside”
You didn’t even have to look at who it came from, you already knew.
There was no hesitation when you closed your phone and put it in your pocket, getting up hastily from the couch and immediately heading for the door. You didn’t even bring your bag, just grabbed your jacket as you passed by and opened the door. Suddenly the cold night air hit your body, giving somewhat of a relief compared to the heat that had spread through your blood. And there he was, sitting in the car with the window down.
He leaned back in his seat, his elbow leaning on the door frame and the lights turned on. The yellow light contrasted the blue hue that night brought and outlined him perfectly. His headlights were still on and the red tail lights were reflecting on the black surface of the car. Even from a distance, you could see the smile form on his face as he saw you leave your home. He had been watching the door since he sent the text, just waiting to see you again.
“Jump in!” He half-yelled from his car, giving his car door two light smacks before he retreated back into the car fully, getting ready to drive as soon as you sat down. You noticed even from a distance that he had the radio playing in the background.
You laughed at his enthusiasm and made sure to lock your door quickly, throwing your jacket just lightly over your shoulders to not get too cold. But as soon as you checked the door once and were satisfied, you turned around and jumped down the singular step to the walkway out from your house. You jogged over to his car as he pulled the window back up, running around to the other side while holding onto the collar of your jacket to make sure it didn’t fall off. Opening the door to the car, you once again sat down in the passenger seat that you had occupied just about an hour ago. Its leather had cooled down since then and felt icy against your thighs but it was just as comfortable as you remembered it.
Kuroo watched you as you sat down, just as casually as he had watched you leave his car last time. One hand on the steering wheel, the other on his thigh. He watched quietly as you pulled off your jacket, throwing it in the backseat before you finally made eye contact. His eyes shone when he smiled at you, though there was something else flickering in them, something that wasn’t as innocent as it had been last time.
“Hey.” You replied just as simply as he had, holding the eye contact as you did you while smiling back at him. You had even humorously copied his tone, teasing his ‘smooth’ talk. There was a certain tension in the air, a question on how you should approach this situation. But somehow, it wasn’t as awkward as you had feared. Instead, you felt giddy, butterflies fleeing from your stomach and up into your chest.
The silence between you, leaving space for the music to fully envelop you, only lasted a couple of seconds before you both laughed and broke the intense stare. He looked ahead, to the road and you decided to check your phone quickly to get a feel for the time. Another quiet beat passed.
“You ready to ride?” —he turned his head back to look at you, reaching one hand up to turn off the lights— “In more ways than one?”
Click. The whole car was submerged in darkness. You looked over to him again and he gave you an eyebrow wiggle in the darkness that made you laugh. He clearly felt the tension in the air and you were thankful he was an expert at breaking that kind of stuff. Just another thing you really liked about him.
“I sure hope so.” You joke back, but the way you said it did betray you, showing the nervousness in your voice. Though you may have been confident over the phone, it’s a totally different thing to actually be here.
“Not to worry. We won’t do anything if you're not feeling it. If you want to, we could just drive around and talk. I could show you a route I usually take when I can’t sleep, the lights are really beauti—”
“—No!” You suddenly interrupted, the outburst surprising him. “I… I want to.” You had to explain yourself which was embarrassing but you hoped the darkness might hide the blush. Though you also knew that the darkness couldn’t hide the desperation in your voice. You had clearly been devastated if he thought you didn’t want him to fuck your brains out.
He had stopped every movement the moment you spoke and looked at you with his mouth partially opened. But after you had finished what you wanted to say and it registered in his head what you meant, a shit-eating grin formed on his face. While he had had girls beg for him before, somehow the tone of your voice made pride swell in his chest. He didn’t know what you had found on his onlyfans but it was clear you knew exactly how you wanted him and he always said he aimed to please.
“Alright. Sounds good. But I need to do something before we get going.” You looked at him, a little worried about what he meant. But he reached his hand out towards you and you didn’t move. You thought he was going to cup your face again like he had done when he kissed you last time, but he reached behind your head, letting his fingertips drag across the sensitive skin beneath and behind your ear. You leaned a little forwards to give him space as his fingers lightly grabbed the back of your neck and head. The feeling was distracting but light enough to send a shiver down your spine. And then he pulled.
Your lips met over the center console as he had leaned it to meet you in the middle. His head was tilted a little to comfortably kiss you and you naturally did the same to the opposite, closing your eyes as he had done. His lips felt the same as they had done earlier tonight, but instead of butterflies fluttering, it was now like electricity bouncing between you. His lips were hot and soft to the touch, slowly but passionately connecting to yours. You did your best to reciprocate, one of your own hands moving up to carefully touch his neck with the tips of your fingers. After a moment, you could feel his tongue teasingly peek out from his lips. You knew what he wanted and you happily opened your mouth, letting your tongues play with each other.
The feeling built up within you and after a particularly pleasurable move, you couldn’t help but let out a quiet moan. You knew Kuroo had heard it too as he pulled back from the kiss, disconnecting from you and letting the sound from the radio tune back in again. He chuckled as he let his eyes wander over your face, which was now looking part confused and part disappointed. You looked needy.
“I can’t fucking wait to make you moan properly.” He said quietly, his eyes meeting yours. And you could see he meant it. You didn’t even know what to say, evidenced by the fact that your mouth just fell open ever so slightly. At the sight, he began laughing and pulled his hand away, sitting properly in his seat once again. “You look just like the first time I kissed you.”
“I do not!” You protest even though you couldn’t possibly know how you had looked back then. “Plus, you can’t just say that and expect me to know what to say!”
You leaned back in your seat while he shifted out of parking, finally getting the car to move out of the space in front of your house. At the movement, you had to stop pouting and instead put on your seatbelt.
“Why not? I thought you liked the dirty talk. I mean why else would you call me all hot and bothered after you found my onlyfans. It’s how I act in my videos.” You could hear the smile in his voice, his eyes now focused on the road in front of the car as he sped up.
The orange road lights sped past the car, casting long shadows along the road. The only lights inside the car was the dashboard, though it didn’t reach further than Kuroo’s hands. Your eyes drifted to the road, noticing the lack of cars out at this time. It was comforting knowing it was just you and him out here right now. You could still feel your lips tingling after his kisses. The whole scene felt a little surreal in the way car rides at night did.
“Okay, fine, I do like it.” You admitted, exasperated as you leaned your head back. Mostly because he was right.
“Of course you do.” Cocky bastard. “But what was it that made you so wet?” He didn’t even glance your way as he spoke.
“What do you mean? Isn’t it kinda obvious…” You lowered your voice a little, embarrassed to be asked such a specific question. And you knew that if you had to explain yourself, the images you had seen of him would start flashing in your mind again.
“Sure, but I want to hear you say it.” He finally looked over to you briefly, moving his hand from the gear stick to your thigh before he looked back to the road. “Let’s me know exactly what you want me to do to you.”
He squeezed your thigh softly to make a point and you couldn’t help but press your legs together in response. You had to take a moment to reorganize your thoughts before you could speak again.
“Well, I… I dunno.” You hesitated to tell him, you didn’t quite know why. But you tried to explain anyway. “I liked the way you… talked I guess.”
“Yeah. You sounded so certain, I trusted you even though you weren’t there. And how easy you made it to follow whatever you asked me to do.” –You closed your eyes as you kept talking, thinking back to when you were laying on the couch– “And the little growl to your voice was so fucking hot. Not to mention your hands, I kept imagining how they’d travel up my thighs and touch me. And when you started to get into it, you could hear how turned on you were. T–that’s what I liked about your videos.” You opened your eyes again, remembering where you were, and looked to him.
He was just grinning, having leaned even further back in his seat comfortably. His hand was still on your thigh and you could feel how warm it was as he had grabbed onto you just a little harder.
“Oh, so you’re into that type-a thing, huh. That’s cute.” –He seemed pleased with himself while he spoke–“I can do that kind of stuff. I mean, if we’re going to be honest here, I’ve wanted to have you under me since the moment you opened your mouth when we first met.”
“Seriously?” You didn’t quite know how to react, a blush creeping up your neck.
“Yeah, of course. You were so well spoken and sweet, I wanted to hear how you’d sound all fucked up. When you’d cum three times already and I hadn’t even put my dick in you yet kind of fucked up. I wanted to hear you mewl and beg for me but being unable to make a proper sentence.” He let his eyes flicker to you for a moment again “I want to see you unravel under me.”
You sat quietly for a minute, his words burning inside of you like hot iron, melting and dripping down to your core.
“How long until we’re at your place?” You ask, staring straight ahead.
“Mh… Maybe 20 minutes? Why?” He asked, his eyes not leaving the road either. But he had a feeling he knew where you were going with this.
“Pull over…”
“Oh? Why? Are you getting a little too impatient, kitten?” He smirked, his hand slowly traveling up your leg.
“Yes. So unless you want to become a traffic hazard, you should find somewhere to pull over.” You seemed determined in your request, maybe because you had finally made up your mind.
“Alright, alright. Give me a second, princess.”
He takes his hand off of your thigh, letting it hold onto the wheel as he waited to find a good place to park the car. The two of you drove along the road in a heavy silence, one filled with hot tension that circulated in the car with each breath one of you took. It would be impossible for you to say how long it lasted, your mind a little hazy, but it must’ve been less than 20 minutes since Kuroo turned on the turning signal without any houses in sight. His eyes were focused on a glow by the side of the road, a gas station which was still open in the dark of night. Your eyes followed the road as the car turned off from the main road, your heartbeat sounding louder than the rhythmic beats of the music. The light suddenly shifted as the road lights stopped appearing beside the car, engulfing it in darkness and laying like a heavy blanket over you. Only did it lift when you drove up closer to the station, it’s bright light blue shine partially lifting the darkness.
You realized Kuroo’s plan only when he had gotten off the main road, your eyes widening as you turned your head to look at him.
“Wait are you going to park here?” There was a surprised and worried tone in your voice.
“I planned on it. You wanted me to park as soon as possible, so here we are.” He sounded calm in contrast to you, driving up to the allotted parking lot just meters away from the building.
“But it’s still open, what if someone comes outside?”
“At this time? I doubt it, even if they did, I don’t think they’re gonna look through the window. That’d be pretty intrusive don’t you think? But… If you’re not into it, then we could check somewhere else, dear. Though I dunno how far away that is.”
He parked the car on one of the spots, the front of the vehicle facing the road you had just been driving on and with the gas station visible in the rearview mirror. He made sure the car was properly parked before turning to you, placing one hand on the back of your chair like people do when they reverse. But instead, he looked at you, waiting for a response. A decision needed to be made.
“Well…”—you bit your lower lip briefly—”Fine. But I blame you if we get caught.” You tried looking threatening but he just smiled back at you, forcing you to hold back your own smile. At the decision, he took off his seatbelt and you quickly followed after.
“That’s fair. But c’mon…”—He turned back to you and leaned in, the light from the gas station illuminated half of his face and made his cat-like eyes gleam in the otherwise dark space—”Isn’t the risk a little thrilling.”
“I just think you like the attention, Kuroo, from what I’ve seen from your onlyfans.” You teased, leaning in to meet him midway between the seats.
“Touché, at least I know you like watching.” He retorted a final time before he pressed his lips to yours, shutting the both of you up as you once again melded together.
The car’s engine was still running, a soft hum heard underneath the bass of the song playing at that very moment. But it wasn’t like the two of you were listening, instead too focused on the other person. The kisses exchanged were much like the earlier ones, hot and a little demanding. His hand had left your seat and instead found its place on the side of your neck, much like before, but this time it traveled even further up, lacing your hair between his long fingers. The feeling made goosebumps cascade down your arms and neck, forcing you to take a sharp intake of air through your nose.
The makeout session was dizzying, had you let your emotions lead then you would’ve said you even struggled with what side was up, too lost in the feeling to care about that or anything else. Or at least you thought so, until your back and neck started to ache, not used to the weird angle you were kissing in. And having to lean over the middle part forced you to put a lot of weight on your back muscles. At first, it was just a small tension and you ignored it, but when you started to feel the lactic acid course through said muscles you had to pull away, as much as you hated it.
“Mgh? You okay?” Kuroo asked caringly, almost whispering.
“Yeah I’m totally okay. Or, well, I am but leaning like this is getting really uncomfortable.” You said, leaning back in your seat and stretching your muscles to help relax them again.
“Oh! Well that’s an easy fix then.” He seemed relieved that it wasn’t anything too bad.
“Come here.” He patted his thighs with both hands, giving you a deceivingly innocent grin. You looked at him like he was crazy.
“What? You want me to climb over there? I’m not that graceful.”
“Oh come on, not everything about sex can be graceful or the hottest thing you’ve ever seen, you gotta be able to laugh and look a little funny. Plus, it’ll be super hot when you’re actually on my lap, no?”
“... You drive a hard bargain, sir. … Fine.”—You give in, since his idea did indeed sound enticing— “But you gotta help me over.”
“Say no more, kitten.” He smiled and held out a hand for you to grab.
You took his hand and crawled up on your seat before carefully doing your best to move over the centerpiece, all the while trying to keep your balance. You felt a little silly doing the whole thing but Kuroo was there to help you the whole time, being nothing but suppotiv—
“Hey, be careful with the seat.” He interrupted your appreciative thoughts with a comment, obviously just teasing you.
“Shut up, asshole.” You tried to hide your laugh, you had always found his type of humor amusing.
“Wouldn’t dick be a better insult in this situation? With context and all.”
“You’re so annoying.”
You finally managed to get over to his side, letting your ass fall onto his lap. Suddenly the light of the gas station was in front of you, only covered by Kuroo and his seat. But this gave him the most ethereal outer glow to him and if he wasn’t so annoying, you would probably have been awestruck. You let go of his hands, using one of them to cover his mouth while the other was placed on his shoulder. Kuroo’s hands found your thighs, starting just above your knee and running upwards. The soft friction of his hands on your thighs as they moved made heat move along with them and settle comfortably in your lower belly. You pushed your ass down a little in appreciation, grinding against his black jeans. At the movement, you could feel his smile beneath your hand.
“Hah, maybe I should keep my hand like this while we continue.” You challenged him with your words, though it wasn’t obviously serious. But of course you wanted to push back a little, you couldn’t just let him have his way, it would be too embarrassing to just let him take your control. It was a little scary. But Kuroo didn’t mind, he just had to make you want to give your control to him.
His hand went up and over your ass, sadly not spending any more time there as he moved to hold your hips in his big hands. He sank down a little in his seat, giving himself some space to move his hips. You looked at him, a little confused as he had shifted down every so slightly. Until he lifted his hips and pushed you down with his hands, grinding against your clothed core. But the friction was enough to shoot pleasure up your spine, surprising you. The sound you made was halfway between a gasp and a moan, the hand over his mouth lifting from his mouth. He took the moment to grab the wrist of the hand which had covered his mouth and held it softly, all the while still rolling his hips against you.
“Awh, baby don’t be so mean.” He leaned in to give a light peck to the corner of your lips, then your cheek and temple while chuckling. You gave in and giggled at his ticklish kisses. His actions seemed innocent but while you were busy, he moved his mouth to your ear. “And don’t you want my mouth all over you?”
You froze, the words in your ear reminding you of the videos he published. The voice dropped down from his normal one, to the point where the rasp he always had in his voice was elevated. And with that, imagery from how you had imagined him eating you out inside this very car flashed in your mind. It sent a strong shiver down your spine, making your back arch ever so slightly. Kuroo couldn’t help but feel it.
“Ah, so we liked that did we?” He smirked as he gauged your reaction, taking you in as your confident facade fell and instead you looked at him with big, almost innocent eyes.
His lips returned to your skin, kissing your neck with gradually hotter kisses. What started out as soft, slow pecks turned into open mouthed kisses. His tongue dragged across your skin, from the base of your neck to just under your ear. Your breathing became deep, only shuddering when he stopped to give a certain spot more attention. He was slow in his movement, caring and loving as he sucked on your neck, his own breathing feeling cool compared to your hot skin. And while your mind was focused on his lips against your neck, you were also aware of his hand letting go of your wrist and moving to your waist and his thumb moving under the edge of your shirt. It rubbed small circles on your skin, getting you used to the feeling. But since you didn’t react or stop his hand, he let it run further up, soon his whole hand was traveling up your side. It lifted your shirt with it, letting the air in the car seep under and onto your skin. Your mouth was slightly parted while your eyes were half lidden, following the mess of black hair moving around your neck and upper chest.
“Can we take this off?” He pulled away briefly and met your eyes.
“Ah, sure…” You sounded a little breathy as you replied.
“And… the shorts too?” He asked, greedy to see more of your body, all the while smiling innocently.
“Fine.” You smiled back at him, running a hand through his messy, black locks. He didn’t waste any time pulling your shirt up and off you, his golden eyes roaming the new area of skin with a hungry look. He even managed to sneak a couple kisses in along your collarbone as his hand fiddled with the buttons to your shorts. You grabbed his hands and he looked up at you, a little confused. “But your clothes gotta go too.”
You sounded a little embarrassed at asking him to strip, but it was only fair. And it wasn’t like Kuroo had any problem with it. He didn’t even reply and just pulled his shirt off without hesitation, throwing the white T-shirt into the backseat somewhere. You had already seen his upper chest in many pictures, but as you were now almost pressed against it, it was much more amazing. You watched his chest rise and fall in deep, slow breaths. He didn’t seem nearly as pent up as you were, but you could already feel something press against your shorts which told you a different story. Maybe it wasn’t noticeable thanks to his fitness or maybe he was just able to keep his cool better than you. Not that it mattered when you splayed your hands across his pecs, feeling his heat creep into the palms of your hands. His confident smile showed his teeth as he watched you stare.
But despite how much he enjoyed your awed looks, he once again took hold of the upper edge of your shorts, his fingers quickly undoing the button and zipper. You let him, gliding your hands back up to his shoulders to give him a better view. Once your shorts were undone he started trying to pull them down, despite still having you in his lap.
“Maybe this lap thing wasn’t such a good idea.” You mutter, raising yourself onto your knees slightly to help him.
“Eh, it’s fine. Just… lean back a little.” —He kept looking down, pulling on your pants the best he could without hurting you— “And pull up your knees to your chest.”
You didn’t expect it to work but did your best to comply, once again sitting down on his lap as you started to lean back. You even started to shift so you could pull up your knees like he asked. But before you could get the shorts off, you leaned back a little mor—
Your back pressed against the steering wheel and activated car horn. The loud sound made you both jump and you leaned as far forward as you could, pressing yourself against Kuroo. It took a moment before either of you realized what had happened, but as you did, you looked at each other and burst out laughing.
“That scared the shit out of me.” You said after you both had calmed down a bit.
“Yeah, maybe undressing in the front seat wasn’t a good idea…” He admitted, scratching the back of his neck.
“Backseat then?”
He helped you back to your seat before he got out of his side, not caring that he wasn’t wearing a shirt in the middle of the night in a gas station parking lot. You at least grabbed your shirt and held it to your chest as you stepped out of the car. You both looked at each other over the roof of the car and just laughed to yourselves, Kuroo even threw a look towards the lit up building to make sure no one was eyeing the two of you. You had already gotten inside the car again when he opened the door and climbed inside too.
Neither of you spoke as you started the annoying work of crawling out of your pants, shoes and underwear. Just throwing glances at the other as more and more of them were exposed.
It didn’t take long until you both sat there, naked and leaning on opposite doors just looking at each other. It was a little chilly in the car and the music was still playing from the radio in the front, none of you having thought of turning it off in your need to feel each other. His eyes were looking you up and down, silent and analysing. You could almost feel the hot trail of his burning eyes on you. You did the same, though you doubt you looked as intense as he did. His thighs instantly caught your attention, toned and thick. One leg was hanging off the seat, the other foot was resting flat on the seat. Resting on its knee was his arm, casually hanging there while he used the other arm to cushion his head from the cold window behind him. Not to mention his dick which was standing, lean and just as big as you had guessed it to be. He looked sort of like the sculptures from ancient Rome, the way his muscled body was leaned back and with how heavenly the light shone around him.
“Well…” —He tilted his head a little to the side, like a cat when they’re watching its prey —”Are you going to come over here or do you want me to crawl over to you?” He raised his eyebrow, smiling while he waited for your answer.
But you couldn’t come up with any. Your brain had finally short circuited which just left you with a semi-opened mouth and wide, dumbfounded eyes.
“What? Cat got your tongue?”
He moved forwards, holding onto the back of the seat as he raised himself above you. You could see his shoulder muscles moving just below his skin as he reached out his other hand to grab your ankle. He really did look like a predator and you felt like a prey in the best way possible. You let out a small gasp as he pulled you towards him but let him open your legs without any resistance. He looked down at your pussy, taking in a deep breath as he took it all in. He had moved so your ass was dragged up on his lap with your head laying on the seat, forcing you to look up at him.
“You look so pretty like this…” —He teased, his hands running up the underside of your thigh and calf, placing one leg over his shoulder while the other wrapped around his waist —“And look how wet you are.”
His smile looked a little wicked as he wrapped an arm around your thigh, slowly letting his thumb slide from your entrance up to your clit. It became covered in your juices and you arched your back, trying to hold back the moan that his action created. He glanced at your face to gauge your reaction before doing it again, this time pressing a little harder. You whimpered this time, closing your eyes.
“Princess, you gotta look at me.” He wasn’t too happy about you trying to avoid looking at what he was doing to you. So he pressed his thumb to you again, this time circling your clit instead of making contact with it, much to your disappointment.
You shook your head a little and heard him sigh above you. Suddenly you felt teeth against your inner thigh and sharp, though mild, pain. You yelped and opened up your eyes in shock, looking at him finally. He did waste anytime once he met your eyes to start rubbing your clit quickly and with purpose. This time you couldn’t hide your moan as it escaped your lips and bounced around his car. He didn’t let up, he didn’t give you a break.
You curled your toes and lifted your hips to chase after his touch. He didn’t say anything, focused on kissing and biting your inner thigh as his fingers kept working your clit. You watched him watching you, your eyes struggling to stay open just as he had told you. The prior teasing had made you sensitive and you felt yourself rush towards the familiar high, towards what would be the second climax this evening. But he felt your muscles tense and your nearly stilling breath told him just where he had you, and before you could fall off the edge… His fingers left you.
“You’re so sensitive, kitten…” — you could feel the vibrations of his laugh against the soft skin of your thigh— “But I don’t want this to be just your regular orgasm.”
You whined and moved your hips helplessly, the leftover energy in your body bouncing around inside of you with nowhere to go. Despite the soft smile Kuroo gave you, his eyes were that of a greedy, unforgiving torturer. And so he hooked his arm under the leg around his thigh, bringing it up over his shoulder as well. You just compiled, doing your best to help him from the position you were in, a little dazed.
“Good girl.”
He didn’t look at your face anymore, instead feasting his eyes on your cunt which was now up near his face. Your wetness had spread out around your pussy and your upper inner thighs and he lavished in the knowledge he had messed you up so badly. He could’ve kept admiring the view until you made a displeased noise.
“Are you just gonna keep staring or what? It’s cold…” You spoke softly and it lacked any edge, sounding less annoyed and more disappointed. He snapped out of his trance and chuckled.
“Of course, baby, I was just admiring how pretty you looked like this… maybe I should take a pic for my Onlyfans?” He teased you and you used as much strength as you dared to kick his back with your heel, making him flinch and laugh. “Ow- Hey I’m just kidding!”
He caressed your leg with his hand and finally lowered his head, his tongue falling out of his mouth to meet with your entrance. He pressed the wet muscle between your lower lips, and with one broad lick went the whole length of your quim. You could even hear a quiet moan from deep in his chest before he raised his head a little again.
“I want this all for myself anyways.”
The way he said it, a quiet sort of lovingly possessive tone, made you shiver. You didn’t have the time to reply as he repeated the action once more and then another. He kept eating at your core, sporadically sucking on your clit or dipping his tongue deep in your honeypot. And when he felt like you were getting too riled up, he’d slow down to a painfully docile speed, watching you with those bright eyes. Your whole body tensed at the pressure, your arms going up above your head to press against the car door on your side.
You looked up at him again and a false memory flashed in your head.
Maybe he’d do it in the back of his car, the one he took you home in. Parked just outside your house after a date, you two would be crammed into the back. He lifted your legs over his shoulders, the blood rushing to your head from the angle he was holding them up at. Your hands were pushing against the door from the inside, stuck staring at him as he ate you out. Slowly and calculating. He was taking his sweet time with you, his tongue gently circling your bundle of nerves. He was doing it hard enough to make your hips twitch and your mouth whine but not enough to rile you up further than that. If you were starting to zone out too far he’d introduce his fingers to you again. Pushing two inside with ease and fucking you with them until you were raising your hips even further and about to cum. Then he’d pull away fully, leaving you to fall from your high in the matter of seconds. All because he wanted you to watch him properly as he made it all start over again.
The fantasy that you had imagined just an hour or so ago. A random thought that some perverted god out there fulfilled. And for just a short moment, you thought that maybe wishes do come true if you just wish hard enough.
Suddenly pain shot from your clit, jolting you back into the moment. Kuroo was frowning, pinching your clit softly with his fingers.
“Y/n, focus.” He reprimanded you as if you had been doodling in class.
“I am.” You replied breathlessly, wearing a frown yourself at his silly comment.
“You weren’t, I could see it in your eyes.” — he started rubbing your button again while he spoke — “Here, I’ll give you a good reason to lose your mind.” He smiled again and dove back in with his mouth, pressing his tongue against your clit and moved his fingers. He let a finger slip in easily, and then a second, gradually picking up a steady pace. You clenched around his fingers instinctively but that didn’t stop him.
You tried to give him a witty response but as soon as you opened your mouth, the only thing that came out of it was moans and whines in time with your quick breaths. The knot in your abdomen had started tightening again. And you prayed that he would let you tip off the edge this time.
He was relentless, steady and stubborn in his ways and you were powerless under him, your nails digging into the material. Your back arched more and more the closer you came to your climax. And he watched you carefully, he had been since you entered his car, always gauging your reaction. And it made you feel like you were going up in flames, the heat of your bodies fogging up the windows of the car.
His tongue kept circling your clit and you gripped his fingers as hard as you could to the point you could feel each knuckle going in and out of you. You were reaching a peak.
“Kuroo… I-I’m about to-”
“I know, babygirl, go ahead.” He momentarily disconnected his mouth to speak before going back at it with doubled motivation.
And with his promise to let you cum, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath in, holding it as all your nerves lit up. Your whole body was tense, hard wound as you prepared for the inevitable. Your legs closed around his head, your soft thighs pressing against the sides of his head. And when it finally came, only seconds later, you could feel yourself fall from the edge, the familiar sensation of climax washing over your body in hard waves, spasming around his digits. He never stopped, helping you ride it all out until your body collapsed onto the seat. You cracked your eyes back open just as he pulled his head away, the last thing leaving you being his tongue.
He was grinning like the cat that ate the canary.
He softly lowered your body, removing your legs from his shoulders with utmost care before using one hand to wipe your wetness from his face. Leaning down, he placed soft kisses to your lips which you returned, though exhausted. Despite how heavy your arms felt, you even raised them to wrap around his upper body and let your fingers trace down the middle of his back, feeling every bump of his spine.
“You still down for more?” He whispered, checking in on your energy level.
You gave one last, slow kiss to his lips before replying
“Of course, I haven’t been staring at your dick on onlyfans all night just to leave it hard and dry.” You smiled, looking up at him.
“Fuck, that’s just what I wanted to hear.” He grinded his hips against yours just to prove his point.
He pulled you up against his chest much easier than you thought and pushed both of you closer to the door, letting you rest your back against it. You shifted a little, getting comfortable in the new position, moving your legs to let one wrap around his waist and the other hang off the seat
He looked down on himself and grabbed his dick, pumping it a couple of times with his fist before he positioned it in front of your drenched hole which was more than ready to take him. He edged the tip just past your folds before looking up to your face, his hand leaving a trail of goosebumps as it moves from your waist, up your chest and to the side of your face. He used his thumb to gently rub your cheek as he slid more and more of him into you. He didn’t hesitate as it easily slid to the hilt, freezing his movements as a shuddering breath left him when he felt your pussy around his cock. It felt like the whole world was spinning around the car, your head light and airy as you watched the man in front of you. His eyes had fallen to watch the place where the two of you were connected, his chest heaving with each deep breath. You even saw a smile form on his face.
“Hah… You feel so fucking good y/n. Such a good girl.” —he used his legs to raise himself up a bit to get a better angle before he slowly pulled back out to just the tip— “I want to ruin you so badly…”
Your eyes widened by the carnal tone of his voice before gasping as he slammed back into you. He repeated the action again and again, his need to fuck your brains out in the forefront of his mind as he pounded into you. He had been so soft and careful until now but as soon as you gave him a finger, he took the whole hand and you didn’t blame him. This whole time had been about your pleasure that now that it was finally his turn he was nearly desperate. You could feel it in the way he moved, the way he put his back into it, savoring every inch of your warm embrace.
The light from the outside was shining in again, hitting the side of his body and reflecting off his sweaty skin, giving him a white, holy glow despite the utterly sinful way he was looking down on you. You bounced on his dick, doing your best to stay steady against his merciless speed, taking hold of the seat beneath you with both hands and holding yourself up while he gripped your hips and pulled you against him.
“You’re clenching around me so hard right now, kitten, ah... does it feel good? Because it… fuck… it feels so fucking good right now. You’re so amazing, and beautifull and” —it sounds like he’s about to say something else before something suddenly clicks within him and he presses his face next to your ear and growls— “and all fucking mine”
His voice dropped low and sent a shiver down your spine and right into your abdomen, adding yet another drop to the cup of your steadily filling need. He slams his open palm against the foggy window besides your head and any cohesive thoughts sound far away. All you can perceive is the steady, hot pounding of his cock and the grunts he lets out right besides your ear together with the music sounding like white noise from the radio in the front. You couldn’t even care less if you wake up tomorrow with random bruises or sore muscles from today. All you care about is him.
Him and how he makes you feel.
“Princess… rub your clit for me” He speaks but you can’t react, lost in the moment. So he takes one of your hands and moves it to your own cunt. “Come on, y/n, do it for me.”
You can still not quite come to but you get the hint and let your fingers find your still sensitive clit. Your breath catches in your throat as electricity shoots from where your fingers touched, the feeling nearly too much for you to continue and you hesitate.
“Don’t you- ah fuck… don’t you dare stop now, baby. “ He guides your fingers with his thumb, boldly pressing them right against your clit and you whine loudly, to which he quiets you with a kiss while continuing to guide your fingers in circles. To help you with the overstimulation, he decides to give more stimulation to something else and angles his hips just a little higher, aiming it to hit where your g-spot should be. And it hits.
You cry out in pleasure as both your sensitive spots are played with as he keeps pulling you down on his cock, letting the edge of the head rub against your inner walls as you start desperately moving your fingers by yourself. He seems pleased as he focuses on his own movements again, his lips finding your open neck while your head is thrown back. He sucks hard, unable to regulate his strength as his mind is filled with pleasure. But the pain misinterprets in your own head as more pleasure and drives you even more crazy, your adam's apple bobbing as you swallow hard.
“Are you going to cum for me again?” —He breathes against your neck and you nod repeatedly.— “which number is this, have you kept track?” He taunts you.
“T..the third time…” You say, forgetting that he couldn’t have known about the time you masturbated to his videos.
“Third time? ...Don’t tell me you made yourself cum to my videos, did you? Hahah...Was that the real reason you called me, because you couldn’t get yourself off as good as you just thought I could? I can’t say I’m ah... surprised, I mean you sounded like you needed to be fucked even over the phone”
His words were sharp and dripping with lust, slowly filling you with his dirty talk and bringing you even closer to cumming.
“I’m…. Kuroo I’m about to cum again...”
“Of course you are, go on, cum on me, kitten. Keep rubbing that cute clit of yours while I fuck you sore.”
He sped up even further as you rubbed your clit just like he said. You placed your other hand on his shoulder and dug your nails into his skin, surely leaving crescent marks after you. But you didn’t care, you just wanted to feel your body fall off again. And you wanted to feel him fall with you into that deep whirlpool of ecstasy and lust. You circled your hips, winding up that aching need inside you but you tried to hold out, waiting for him.
But it proved too hard, he just kept going without showing a single sign of needing to stop any time soon. And when he kissed you again, passionate and hard, your mind exploded into a million pieces. Your whole body jerked and pulsed and the corners of your vision blacked out and left you with the piercing yellow eyes that watched you almost calmly despite his merciless pace. You rode out another high with his help, thinking that he’d come to his end too. But he kept going, the numb feeling your climax had left you with suddenly turned into painful pleasure.
“I-it’s too much…! K-kuroo!” Tears started prickling your eyes and you sharply pulled your hand from your clit and held onto his other shoulder with it too. But Kuroo couldn’t let you have that and replaced your hand with his own.
“Just a little more, a little more and you’re done. You're clenching around me so hard right now, it’s so fucking hot.” He reassured you, pressing his forehead against yours as he was on the verge himself.
You nodded and closed your eyes, allowing him to do as he wished with your body. But it felt like forever, as if your orgasm had never stopped and just kept going with every pulse of your racing heartbeat. With every breath from the man on top of you, with every rub of your clit, with every car passing by on the street below the parking lot.
“Cum in me, Kuroo, please.” You managed to get out between breaths, a carnal need for him pushing you to speak as you felt him lose his rhythm and focus on the situation.
“As you fucking wish, kitten.”
You felt him sheath himself as deep into as he could before freezing in place, closing his eyes and pinching his brows with his mouth falling open while one hand held you in place, the other pushing you over what you can only guess was your fourth orgasm but it all blurred together in the heat of it all. You could feel Kuroo’s dick pump his seed into you, the warmth almost burning thanks to how sensitive you were.
And when he finished, he collapsed on top of you. You took his weight, wrapping your arms around his neck with a silly smile on your face. Both of your eyes were closed as you got your grasp on reality again.
“That was…. addictive… I think I’m addicted.” he mumbled in your neck, giving it slow kisses as he got his energy back.
“And you were way better than the pictures, and that’s pretty impressive.”
“Hah, thanks… You want something to drink or eat? I could get something from the gas station.”
You lightly slapped the back of his head.
“Ack-! Just joking, again.”
“I don’t think I could imagine facing them ever again. I’d die of embarrassment.” You lean your head back against the window and turn it to get a glance outside of the fogged up window, seeing the handmark he had left.
“Hey, you were the one who couldn’t wait until we got to my place.” —he reminded you— “Hm, about that actually. How about a breakfast date tomorrow?”
You make a questioning sound and try to look at his face, to which he finally raises it and faces you.
“You could sleep at my place aaaand then we could head to this cute pancake place I know in the morning.”
“You just wanna do this again in a proper bed, don’t you.” You could read his cheeky grin like he was an open book.
“What, me? Nooo. But if you wanna do it again then I’m down.”
You don’t even say anything and instead try to hide the giggles that leaks out between loving kisses.
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fanfics-with-coffee · 3 years
Crybaby memories Ch.4
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Y/n finally returns to Japan after 10 years to finish her last year of the hero course at UA. But what she didn’t realize was that she would have to meet her old childhood friends and face her past, something she had left in Japan. And can Bakugou really make up for the mistake he regrets the most? Or maybe you’d do best to just forget about the explosive blonde.
Genre: Angst and fluff Pairing: Bakugou x reader  Words: 6000~
Childhood friends AU
Ch.3 <-
The streets were filled with people, walking up and down them, on their way to somewhere y/n had no idea. The sun was high in the sky by the time that the group of friends had gotten into the city, its heat creating refractions over the pavement. It was warm, even for a late spring day and everyone in the group had dressed accordingly. But that didn’t stop them from complaining as the friends made their way to the arcade.
“I cannot wait to get inside the arcade, I think I’m about to melt.” Mina complained, raising her hand to shield her eyes from the sun. Kaminari groaned in agreement, pulling on his shirt to create a draft of cold air.
“Oh come on, it’s not that bad!” Kirishima basked in the sunlight, putting his hands on his hips.
“That’s because you’re already wearing summer clothes. Of course you don’t think it’s that bad.” Y/n mentioned, clearly talking about his tank top and shorts. Most people were still dressing in the case that it could get cold, but Kirishima had taken a risk and won. “Are we even close to the arcade yet, by the way?”
“Yup! Just about, just gotta take a right up here and you should see it.” Sero pointed ahead on the road.
Bakugou hadn’t spoken much since everyone had left the school, just commenting to make fun of his friends or chastise them for something they did. Otherwise, he had stayed quiet, walking just a couple of steps behind them. When they asked him about it, he had said he wanted to make sure he could tell people he didn’t know them if he needed to. Y/n had kind of found it disappointing but it was mostly overshadowed by the opportunity to hang out with his friends.
She had mostly been hanging out with Izuku and his friends, which were almost always just Uraraka and Iida. She liked the people in Bakugou’s friend group but since they always hung out with him, she had been kind of afraid of approaching them. But she really wanted to know what kind of people Bakugou hung out with these days, she wanted to get to know him more even if she wouldn’t admit to it. And his friends were a great way to start.
“FINALLY! There it is!” Kaminari pointed to a building as everyone turned the earlier mentioned corner on the street. And y/n couldn’t say it was easy to miss, even if Kaminari hadn’t pointed it out she would have guessed that the place was an arcade.
Its dark blue theme and neon colors stuck out among the rest of the shops and buildings around it. It was as if its interior had spilled out onto the road, its double doors open wide so people could easily walk in and out. Posters and pictures were set in the windows and even on the doors, showing off what was inside. A sun and moon sign was put up above the doors, small stars and planets also accompanying each other. It looked a little tacky.
“Come on, last one there is a rotten egg!” Kaminari shouted as he began running, obviously getting a head start. Kirishima and Mina instantly perked up and began running after they realized what Kaminari had said. Sero and y/n laughed at them, looking at each other and then at Bakugou who couldn’t seem less interested. Both of them understood that if they began running now, they might not be last.
So with a last look at each other, both Sero and y/n began running down the street just to have Bakugou shout after them.
It didn’t take long before Bakugou started running too, not wanting to be left behind despite the fact he had claimed he didn’t even want to be associated with them.
Y/n watched Kirishima, Kaminari, and Mina enter the building and was quickly at the doors herself, Sero coming up beside her. People were turning their heads at their loud antics, but most weren’t surprised when they saw the youths racing each other. 
Entering the building was like entering a totally different world, maybe even a different time. Though the windows at the front let daylight into the building, the further in you went the darker it was. Only being lit up by colored lights that were sporadically placed along with the ceiling and ground. Some games had lights flashing on them themselves, their designs screaming for people to give them a try. The sound of bells being hit, clicks from buttons being smashed and the loud sound of games starting up or winning filled the whole space all the while the radios hit songs were playing in the background of it all. To add to the feeling of time travel, they still had cardboard stands of characters that they clearly received when their respective games were released back in the day. A few looked brand new though which just added to the dissonance. 
Y/n’s eyes followed the walls which were occupied by posters and decorations, even the floor drew her attention as its planetary theme reminded her of her childhood. Kaminari and Mina took the lead, already familiar with the building and excited to see if they could beat the other’s high score in some games and loudly trash talk each other.
“This place is way bigger than I thought it would be…” Y/n said before becoming rather speechless, the whole thing was a little overwhelming after all. Bakugou noticed her expression as he was standing next to her, his hands in his pockets.
“There’s a smaller one just a bit away from here too, this place is pretty noisy and annoying as hell sometimes. I just gotta call over dunce face and raccoon eyes and we can go.” He talked calmly and just a little quieter than the normal person, maybe to not cause the girl embarrassment from wanting to leave so soon. Though he made sure to sound annoyed, not at her but at how “annoying” this arcade, in particular, could be.
Y/n looked a little surprised as she turned her head to the side to face him. But after a second of processing what he had just said and with him just staring back at her, unknowingly to her a little nervous by her lack of response, she smiled and shook her head.
“It’s okay! Just don’t leave me alone or I’m pretty sure I’ll be stuck here until closing.”
… He could do that… 
Kirishima stood behind the two after having gone and gotten himself something to drink, watching them with a knowing gaze. It was exciting seeing his best friends, who had never really shown any romantic interest in anyone before, suddenly going out of his way for someone else in such an obvious way. Sure, Bakugou was a thoughtful friend but not to just anyone. And certainly not to the point of breaking his own sleep schedule just to play games with them like he had done yesterday. But even though it may be obvious of his friend's feelings, it seems that he’s holding back, something that Kirishima couldn’t stand for. He wanted to make sure Bakugou was the greatest possible man he could be, what kind of friend would he be if he didn’t?
“Well if you’re certain, y/n, then let’s go try some games out!” Kirishima popped his head between the two love birds, interrupting their little moment. He spun around, going behind y/n’s back before continuing further into the arcade. Sero gave his friends a smile before following Kirishima, Bakugou, and y/n following him. 
After making a quick stop at the change machine to get some coins, it was off to the games. It was easy enough to find Kaminari and Mina again as they had found the nearest competitive game and gone to town on it. They were clearly very into it and not afraid to use dirty tactics. The rest of the group decided that it was entertaining enough to watch them, sporadically managing to see the screen in front of them.
Kirishima took the moment to pull Sero a little closer by his shirt sleeve, leaning in close enough so that y/n nor Bakugou could hear him.
“Sero, I have a plan and I need yours and Kaminari’s help.” 
“You gotta take up y/n’s time, you don’t have to flirt or anything just keep Bakugou out of it. And tell Kaminari to do the same.” Kirishima glanced at the aforementioned people just to make sure they didn’t notice anything.
“Wh– Dude if you’re planning on making Bakugou jealous or something then I really don’t wanna die.” Sero whispered back, looking at him like he was crazy.
“No, listen, if he gets mad as us for hanging out with her then he’s just proving us right and he can’t do that. His pride won’t allow it. So I’m, like, 87% sure he’s just going to be forced to make some kind of move.” Kirishima did kind of look like he was explaining how he met an alien once when he talked but it was actually kind of convincing. 
“... Don’t take this the wrong way, Kiri, but for being such an airhead, you’re really well versed in Bakugou’s social cues.” Sero finally seemed on board, now at least 87% sure he wasn’t going to be dead within the next couple hours.
“Thanks, man!” Kirishima just gave Sero an appreciative pat on the back before parting to an acceptable distance. Well, Sero wasn’t about to disappoint and decided that the quicker they got y/n’s attention, the sooner Bakugou would take action.
“Y/n, why don’t we play against each other too?” He took y/n by surprise when he turned and spoke to her, smiling sweetly as he nodded towards one of the other machines. It was the same competitive game as Kaminari and Mina were playing. Even Bakugou had turned his head, surprised.
“Sure! But be nice, I probably won’t be very good.” Y/n gave him a smile back, quickly recovering from her surprise.
The two walked over to the game, Sero paying for it as they got set up. Y/n started making herself familiar with the controls, the simple nature of them being somewhat relieving. The screen wasn’t big though and the two were kind of bumping shoulders as they tried to fit in front of the game. 
Bakugou was quietly watching from where he stood. Kirishima had walked over to his side, filling the space that y/n just had been occupying but didn’t say anything. He just let Bakugou observe y/n and Sero as they started the game. They weren’t as intensive as the blonde and pinkette playing but they were clearly enjoying the game. Sero was indeed going easy on the girl, often pausing to let herself get orientated again if she ever got confused. All the while they were laughing with each other combined with the occasional gasp of surprise followed by a giggle or chuckle. It wasn’t a big deal, really. Bakugou knew that y/n was just having fun with a friend. She had been doing the same thing next to him just yesterday. But the way their silhouettes were casting a shadow on him annoyed him. Maybe it was because he knew he couldn’t do the same so easily, asking her to do… anything with him.
“Shitty hair, are you just going to stand here watching, or are we going to play something too?” Bakugou finally looked away from y/n’s face and to his friend next to him.
“Sounds good!” He chirped, happily following Bakugou. The blonde took the machine next to the others, making sure he was the closest to y/n so he could turn his back to them just enough to keep his eyes from glancing at the two.  
It continued like this for a bit. Drifting between games, from fighting each other in virtual hand to hand combat to playing bongos. Usually against one another but sometimes they took turns being each other's cheerleading squads. Y/n struggled to not smile and laugh to the point of her cheeks starting to hurt. Sero had made sure to let both Mina and Kaminari in on their little plan so whenever one of them got the chance, they brought y/n with them to play anything and everything. Bakugou wasn’t left out in any way, they just made sure the two weren’t next to each other. And of course, Bakugou couldn’t say anything, how could he complain that y/n was having fun with the people he hung out with? So he kept his lips sealed about the issue, acting as if he didn’t feel the frustration building up. 
“Oh man, remind me to never add a gun to my hero ensemble.” Y/n complained as another ‘game over’ screen appeared over her half of the shooter game screen. She and Kirishima had given the game a couple of tries, just trying to get past the first level with y/n still alive.
“Yeah, alright y/n, we can do that.” –Mina laughed as she watched– “I think you actually managed to get worse this time.”
“Well we do have Gunhead, didn’t Uraraka say he was a great teacher?” Kaminari seemed hopeful of y/n’s chances of adding a gun to her hero equipment but Mina just shook her head.
“I dunno if even Gunhead can help her…” Mina gave a sigh just before y/n gasped in slight offense at her comment.
“Hey, don’t say that! It just takes some getting used to!” Kirishima put his gun back on the game stands and turned to his doubtful friends. Putting his hands on his hips, he squinted his eyes while trying to come up with a plan on how to maybe help y/n just a little. He looked at her as she stood there, gun still in hand though hanging low. He looked at Bakugou who had been watching and looking at his face, he seemed to be thinking about something as well.
Unknown to the others, Bakugou was starting to gather up his courage, or maybe he tried to get rid of his pride, to offer to help y/n himself. He was just waiting for the others to stay quiet enough or give up on helping her enough so he could swoop in and ‘sacrifice’ himself in helping her. Since no one else seemed good enough to be able to teach her. 
A second passed
Then two.
After the third painfully long second, he swallowed and wetted his lips. His fingers were twitching as he got ready to move.
“Oh I got it!” Kirishima suddenly lit up, a lightbulb having turned on above his head. This was going to be Bakugou’s last straw if he played it right, he knewt. “I’ll teach you.”
“Well yeah, no duh.” Sero raised an eyebrow. 
“No I mean like…”–Kirishima moved so he was on the same side as y/n– “Can I show you, physically? If that’s okay with you, of course! Otherwise, I’ll just instruct you verbally.” Kirishima smiled at y/n, making sure she knew she could say no if she wanted to.
Bakugou thought he must’ve been knocked out and was living out a nightmare when he heard Kirishima talk. The other three had also gone quiet as they waited for y/n’s answer with bated breaths. 
“Oh no, that’s cool. You can show me.” After having been hanging out with Kirishima and the others for the past 2 hours, she felt comfortable enough around him to let him show her. He had been nothing but sweet in the way the two interacted, the same thing with the others. So she didn’t really think much of it, even if it could be seen as a little romantic. She may have doubted a little bit that he realized that part.
“Awesome! You’ll be a pro at this in no time. Just let me–” He paid for another round on the game, this time pressing the single-player option. Y/n changed her stance again to the one she was using to play, turned to the side, and put one foot ahead of the other. Kirishima carefully got up behind her, giving her a little space but being close enough so that if he leaned in with his upper body, his chest brushed against her back. “And we’ll hold it like this…” 
His hands reached up to softly guide her arms, mostly pushing against her elbows so as to not hinder her hands. He hummed quietly while changing her arm position to one more suitable for quick and easy movement. “Don’t forget to bend your legs a little.” He spoke softly as to not be too loud while right next to her ear. All the while his foot tapped the inside of hers, guiding it a little further back. The whole thing was rather intimate, y/n could feel just how strong he was even though he was obviously very careful with her. But it didn’t bother her, she was honestly more focused on actually getting a hang of the game. So she disregarded any potential embarrassment and just listened to what he was saying. To her, there wasn’t really any romantic tension about the whole thing.
She started the first level, Kirishima staying where he was to help guide her shots. But he only needed to guide the first couple of kills in the game, pushing and pulling her arms and reminding her to use her whole upper body and not just her arms when aiming. Once he felt she moved to aim at the robots on her own, he let go and took a big step back to allow her some space, a proud smile on his face. Meanwhile, the whole rest of the group were just staring quietly, Mina had even brought her hand to her mouth and Sero was looking between Kirishima and Bakugou. But Bakugou didn’t make a face, he just coldly watched the screen. Even if he had wanted to speak he couldn’t, his mouth had gone dry.
The game showered y/n in blue light as she finished the first level and she couldn’t be more excited. She hastily put the gun back and turned to Kirishima with a surprised yet happy smile, which Kirishima just returned. In a fit of happiness, they high-fived and cheered for each other. Kaminari, Sero, and Mina quickly joined in the cheering, congratulating y/n on her victory. Y/n was almost too pulled into it all that she forgot that Bakugou stood there for a second, but she saw him in the background looking down at the ground. She pulled away from the others, walking up to him while still excited. For some reason, she wanted to make sure he had seen her win.
“Hey, Bakugou! Did you see that?” She looked up at him and he suddenly realized how close she had gotten. Their eyes locked and she just looked so proud of herself. The heavy feeling in his chest just lightened if just a little when he saw her like that 
“Yeah, that was pretty cool. Good game.” He felt a smile pull at his lips again as he spoke. And when they stood there, just the two of them, he felt that courage he had built up again. “But I doubt you could beat me in any of these games, honestly.” As he spoke, a cocky grin formed on his face.
“Oh yeah?” Y/n was feeding off her new confidence boost and at the chance of taking Bakugou down a notch. “Well, I saw that they had a DDR machine. I bet I could beat you in that.”
His only weakness. But he couldn’t let her scare him.
“You’re on.”
The DDR machine was in the very back of the arcade, given quite a lot of space around it. The music was already blasting out of the speakers, its rhythmic beats in tempo with the flashing lights. And on-screen, the characters were already dancing along with the title above them. The group approached the game with varying levels of showing excitement. The whole back was lit up with almost only blacklight, making their clothes light up in neon colors. Even the basics whites were glowing blue and any detail stuck out.
The two combatants didn’t say much as they walked up on the stage, each taking a square to battle on. 
“You sure you don’t want to pull out, Bakugou?”
“You’ve lost just about every game since we came here. I think I’m good.”
“Promise me you won’t cry when this is all over though.”
“Says the–”
“Wow, real original.” Y/n mocked him, not noticing the hesitation in his voice when he had spoken. She put the money in the machine and smiled, her eyes glued to the screen. 
“Whatever…” He didn’t put up a fight, just muttered in dismissal. 
The game menu showed up, the list of songs long and a little confusing but that didn’t matter. It didn’t really matter what song they danced to, none of them knew any song on the list. So y/n just scrolled down, obviously picking one with the ‘difficult’ setting. Neither of their egos would tolerate anything else when they were up against each other like this. They’d die on this hill if they had to. They didn’t even have to speak about it, much to the surprise of the others. They just watched in total silence as the two communicated without words.
The menu switched and they were in-game, the song ramping up. Y/n’s heart started beating quicker, anticipation and nervousness mixing as she got ready. It had been such a long time ago she played, she just prayed she still kept some of her knowledge of when the two of them used to play in malls while waiting for their moms. But she couldn’t get too lost in memories as the arrows flew up from off-screen, not sparing a single second for her to process anything but the beat. 
The first arrow reached the hitbox and y/n and Bakugou simultaneously moved, the step of their feet sounding like the starting shot of a race. And a race it was, if not against each other then against the arrows which were racing across the screen. 
It was a weird thing watching Bakugou struggle with something, especially something so mundane as DDR and keeping the tempo while moving his feet. Not that y/n was doing that much better but she was still winning and hitting the beat way more than the spiky-haired blonde. The offbeat stomping didn’t exactly help his friends from laughing either. It certainly didn’t keep y/n from laughing.
“Told you you should’ve pulled out!” She had to raise her voice to talk over the music.
“Oh, shut up!”
“Make me, loser!” Her smile could be heard through her voice as it echoed with laughter.
Suddenly the music, and cheers of his friends, were in the background. His heart had already quickened its pace but now it was racing faster than the arrows on the screen. An idea popped into his head at her words, suddenly crashing any and all trains of thought. He turned his head to look at her, pulling his eyes from the screen for the first time since they had stepped up on the game console. Upon doing so, he lost his breath. She was bouncing up and down, her hair flying in a messy sort of dance in it of itself. It was no doubt she’d look like a complete mess when this ended but that didn’t matter at that moment. She was laughing, her face bathed in the colors of the screen, switching and flickering at a moment's notice. Her eyes shimmered in the light. Had he been stupid, he would’ve wondered if she had always looked this beautiful. But he wasn’t and he knew she always had, this time he just allowed himself to enjoy it.
Suddenly those glowing eyes met his and he couldn’t act like he hadn’t been looking at her.
“What?!” She half-shouted, leaning a little more towards him to hear if he wanted to say something. He didn’t know what to say.
So he didn’t say anything.
He took half a step closer to her, landing his foot just behind her own as it landed on a square. And in a swift movement, he picked her up. One arm wrapped around her back and shoulders while the other hand hooked underneath her knees. At the sudden lift, she let out a loud gasp. Instinctively her hands found purchase in his shirt, gripping it tightly as if she was about to fall, which is what it felt like. But she was secure in his arms as he returned to playing the game, bouncing with her in his arms.
“What the– Bakugou, put me down!” Y/n quickly realized in what position she was and not only was she vulnerable, she couldn’t play the game. Bakugou didn’t look down at her, instead fixating his eyes on the screen to try and get into the tempo again.
“No.” He said, not just to deny her but also because he didn’t quite know how to handle the situation either. He hadn’t thought about what he was going to do once he had picked her up, but he had still done it. Y/n started to kick her legs and push on his arms with her hands, struggling to get out of his grip. But through it all, she was laughing, knowing that this was just a playful way to cheat her out of her win.
“Katsuki, you’re cheating!” She wasn’t thinking when she spoke, too occupied with squirming out of his hold. But he just tightened it, not hard enough to leave a bruise but enough to make her struggle even more useless. She was strong but not in this position. 
Bakugou heard his name being called out by her and he finally looked down, giving her a smile he didn’t realize he was wearing. Maybe it was the way she had said his name so affectionately that made him smile like that. 
“What do you mean, I never saw anything about not picking up your opponent.” He acted innocent, laughter bubbling in his chest and spilling out when he spoke. He was acting like a little shit in the same way he used to do when they were kids. He laughed just like he did back then too. Maybe it was the nostalgic game, or maybe it was the adrenaline rushing through his veins thanks to the dancing, but he had forgotten that he wasn’t supposed to do this. He wasn’t supposed to let her affect him this much.
What happened to just being strangers?
Y/n looked at him incredulously, both offended that he tried to call bullshit on the rules and because he had done so while laughing at her.
“Well, I never saw anything about not doing this!” She yelled and put up her hands, holding them in front of his eyes. It was hard while he was bouncing like that, but it was enough to make it difficult to see the arrows that he was supposed to follow. Bakugou did his best to tilt and pull his head away from behind her hands but it was to little avail. 
“You’re such a sore loser, y/n.” He furrowed his brows like he usually does but this time it wasn’t as angry or annoyed as it used to be. At least not when he was grinning like an idiot. But y/n didn’t relent, moving her hands with the movement of his head.
“You’re the one who picked ME up when YOU were losing! Don’t talk about being a sore loser with me!”
The music kept going, Bakugou trying to match the steps he did manage to sneak a peek at whenever y/n’s hands weren’t in the way. Which wasn’t often. Y/n’s half of the game kept alerting her to failed moves but there wasn't really much she could do about it, her feet weren’t even touching the ground. Instead, she was stuck being carried bridal style by Bakugou as he kept going, bouncing both her and him up and down in an out of beat dance. But despite their own problems caused by the other cheater, they laughed and argued, throwing insults at each other as if it were the lyrics to the music. It only felt like a couple of moments before the last arrow hit the box and the song ended, finally letting the two competitors rest.
Bakugou stood there, his two feet on the ground while breathing heavily. Partially because of the exercise and partially because of the laughing. Y/n was similarly exhausted, even if she hadn’t been dancing it was an exercise in it itself to try and stop him.
They didn’t say anything as y/n pulled her hands back down and they just looked at each other for a moment, panting quietly. That’s when it hit them that it was pretty quiet now that the music had stopped, a little too quiet. As if four idiots had stopped talking.
The two turned their heads to where said four idiots were standing and indeed, they were quiet. But all were wearing smug grins as they watched the other two. As if the sight had snapped them out of a trance, Bakugou hastily put y/n down while clearing his throat. Y/n did the same once her feet hit the ground. But their “nonchalant” actions couldn’t hide the fact that their faces were beet red, finally processing what had just happened.
“Well… It seems like I won.” Bakugou was the first to find his voice, using it to put the attention on something else.
“Only because you cheated big time, Bakugou, I don’t even think that counts.” Sero took pity on them and decided to not make a comment about what everyone had just seen.
“It’s true, pretty sure the rules do state that you don't mess with your opponent.” Mina crossed her arms, nodding in agreement. “And don’t say that y/n did it too! She only did it cuz you did.”
“Whatever, it doesn’t matter anyway. It’s not like she was any good at it either.”
“But you were worse. It was a pretty unmanly thing to do, ya know?” Kirishima also got on Bakugou’s ass about his actions. Now it was basically everyone against Bakugou, something he wasn’t prepared for.
“You pretty much suck.” Kaminari pulled the final punch.
“ALRIGHT, I GET IT!” Bakugou shouted, attracting quite a few looks from the other attendants at the arcade. Y/n just laughed, relieved that everyone had moved on.
They stayed for a while more, playing games until everyone was out of coins. The group had stopped trying to keep y/n and Bakugou away from each other since Bakugou didn’t seem to need any more motivation. And while it had taken a couple of games to get rid of the awkward embarrassment between the two, they did play some games together sporadically. By the time the sun was setting, they left the arcade behind and headed back to the train station to catch a train home.
The weather had been kind and the evening was cool, giving them some fresh air after the stuffy atmosphere inside the arcade. The train was also comfortably cold and they were lucky it wasn’t stuffed with people. But most of the seats had already been taken, only leaving one person gaps here and there.
“Damn, looks like only one of us can sit.” Kaminari sighed as the group gravitated towards one of the empty seats, creating a sort of half-circle around it.
“Hm… Rock, paper, scissors for it?” Mina looked towards the others, holding up one hand.
“I’ll stand.” Bakugou took a step back, indicating that he didn’t intend on playing.
“Same here, it’d be pretty unmanly to get a seat by sheer luck” Kirishima gave a stern nod as he also pulled out. Quite a weird thing to see as unmanly but y/n didn’t mind, it was just one less person who could get the seat. Which means she had a higher chance of getting it.
“Alright.” “Sounds fair.” “Cool.”
A chorus of agreement came from the rest as they raised their hands to battle while they swayed once, the train starting to move. It was quick work and soon Sero was sitting comfortably on the seat. But so was Kaminari who had promptly sat down in his friend's lap, saying that they shouldn’t waste a seat by just having one person sit on it. It didn’t even look that comfortable for him but at this point, it wasn’t about being comfortable, it was about making a point. Sero had initially not been too happy with the arrangement, playfully trying to push Kaminari off without bothering the other passengers. But since it was to no avail, he decided to make a thing out of it, wrapping his arms around Kaminari’s waist instead. Y/n and Mina both thought they looked quite cute like that, Kirishima even decided to snap a few pics of them.
The sun was still peeking out from between the buildings as the sky turned a soft pink swirled with yellow. Soft clouds were floating across the vast expanse, a calm addition to the otherwise stressful life of everyone in the city. Y/n was staring out the window, idly listening to the group chatter between each other. She was still smiling despite having left the arcade long ago, the memories already replaying in her head. She could still feel the soreness in her stomach from how hard she had been laughing and enjoying herself. 
The city was quickly passing them by from below the train tracks. Suddenly it all came to a quick halt as the train pulled into a stop, much to the surprise of y/n who lost her grip of the pole she had been using to keep her balance. She didn’t have the time to balance herself as one foot gave way, slipping from its place.
But just as quickly as she had felt the air rush past her, it stood still again. An arm had wrapped around her waist, supporting her from the side. Her own arm hit something firm but not hard, much to her surprise as she had prepared to hit the cold, hard floor. But what she was leaning on was warm. Looking up, she understood why it had been warm. Bakugou was looking down on her, clearly concerned and a little surprised. He had caught her, managing to support her weight against his while one arm was still holding onto one of the straps hanging from the ceiling pole.
“You okay?” He asked, quiet enough for only her to hear.
“I’m... I’m okay, sorry about that.” She struggled to speak as she regained her balance, still standing close to him. One of his hands was on her waist and he didn’t seem to plan on moving it just yet. The train started to move again, pushing y/n against Bakugou once again but she didn’t try to push him away, letting herself lean on him for balance. “Thanks.”
“Of course.” He stated simply, trying to act cool about the whole thing. He still didn’t move but she could feel his hand twitch, maybe it was a nervous tick. It wasn’t like he knew what to do now. He just looked away, staring at the others while keeping a secure hold of her.
Y/n looked up at him, her mouth going dry as she tried to figure out what she should do. It seems like her friends were occupied doing something else, totally unaware of what the two of them were doing. And without their eyes staring at her, she felt a little more comfortable with what she was planning on doing.
She secured her balance before going up on her tiptoes, leaning her head a little to the side. Bakugou quickly looked at her, stunned at how close she was getting but unable to find it in him to move. Y/n moved her head closer to his, coming up beside his face and leaning in a little more she kissed his che–
Shocked by the sudden noise, y/n fell to her feet again and pulled away from Bakugou. His hand let go of her quickly and retreated from her waist. Y/n’s phone had started ringing, scaring both of them. She pulled it out from her pocket and looked at the screen.
Izuku Midoriya
Y/n took a step back, grabbing the metal pole she was holding before, and turned away from Bakugou awkwardly. She pressed the screen and held her phone up to her ear.
“Hey Izuku, what is it?” She smiled, looking down on the ground as she spoke.
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fanfics-with-coffee · 3 years
Crybaby memories Ch. 3
Look at me, posting yet another chapter just a week after chapter 2 instead of months, I’m amazed at myself honestly.
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Y/n finally returns to Japan after 10 years to finish her last year of the hero course at UA. But what she didn’t realize was that she would have to meet her old childhood friends and face her past, something she had left in Japan. And can Bakugou really make up for the mistake he regrets the most? Or maybe you’d do best to just forget about the explosive blonde.
Genre: Angst and fluff Pairing: Bakugou x reader Words: 4500~ 
Childhood friends AU
Ch.2 <- -> Ch.4
“Hey, Shinsou, that’s cheating!”
“It’s not cheating if it’s a game mechanic.”
The noise level in the dorm’s living room was rising by the second as the group currently playing finished their last lap on Mario Kart. As Sero passed the finish line in second place, he let his head fall back with a groan. Shinsou sat beside him with a satisfied smile, the switch controller comfortably in his hands. Jirou and Hagakure just took their loss with dignity and grace, congratulating Shinsou on his continued win streak.
“That’s pretty amazing. Five games in a row and not a single loss…” Jirou gave an exhausted smile while putting an arm on the backrest of the couch.
Most of the class had come together to play some Mario Kart to de-stress after the past three weeks of hard work and studying. Y/n had joined them, sitting on one of the “non-player” couches that had formed with glee as she watched her classmates play. What had begun as a friendly game of Mario Kart 8 was now a competition to see who could knock Shinsou from the pedestal he had built from his friends' losses. So far, no one had obviously succeeded and she wasn’t about to try. She’d barely played before and with the tension that had been built, it wasn’t exactly prime time to get her hands on a controller. Yet she had so far been the only one there who hadn’t played.
“Don’t you wanna try playing too, y/n?” Tsuyu leaned over the back of the couch y/n sat on, looking at her before looking back to the screen. At that point, a couple of other people also noticed that she had been sitting on the non-player couch since she had arrived. 
“I’m fine, it’s okay! I mean, I wouldn’t want to embarrass Shinsou like that after he’s been winning.” She teased, playfully sending Shinsou a pitiful glance. He just scoffed, sinking further down in his seat.
“You’re very welcome to try.” He knew she was just messing with him but the challenge was serious. A quiet laugh went around the room, making the competition even more enticing. The silence that came after as the party music played idly in the background was even worse, her classmates were waiting for y/n’s reply. She looked at Shinsou and pursed her lips, crossing her arms tightly.
“Hmmgh… Fine. I will try it, as a matter of fact.” She finally got up from her spot and Hagakure moved up from the player couch, the two exchanged seats and controllers. Y/n felt a hand on her shoulder reassuringly yet the invisible girl giggled a little on passing. She did not, in fact, feel reassured when she sat down. Everyone else got ready themselves, y/n praying that she had understood enough of the game to be able to put up somewhat of a fight.
Once the game counted down from 3, the cheering started once again. Some people were still excited to see Shinsou wipe the floor with the competition but a fair share of the other classmates were cheering on literally anyone other than the purple-haired man. And while Jirou had caught up in a second-place lead, y/n was lagging behind at a meekly 7th place and Sero stayed between being 3rd and 4th. It was kinda embarrassing if you thought about it, but y/n was luckily having a good time either way. Despite having to ask quite a few questions, often involving what had just hit her, the rest of the group was as supportive as ever. Mina had even taken to massaging y/n’s shoulders, pumping her up like a coach to their boxing champion in the ring. 
“Come on y/n! You can do this, loose and limber, loose and limber!” 
“Mina, I am in a car! I cannot be loose!”
“Just be limber then!”
In the end, Shinsou just put another win to his long list of victories as everyone groaned and sighed. Well apart from his supporters, like Denki, who just gave him a high five and cheered. Y/n leaned back in her seat, partially defeated but far from surprised. Despite that, she was smiling, putting her controller in her lap and looking towards the commotion besides her. She watched Jirou and Sero prodding at Shinsou, trying to get the secret to his wins out of him while Kaminari was trying to explain it to them despite him having lost to the guy earlier. But leaning a little forward, she saw someone else in the background, doing something in the kitchen that was situated in the corner. 
Her eyes followed him for just a moment, watching him get a glass of water. It hit her that he hadn’t been part of the game night at any point during the evening. Last time she had seen him was in class before he had most likely gone and hid in his room again. She pursed her lips, debating if she should call out to him or let him retreat. But she remembered something.
“Y/n you really suck at this, you’re lucky we didn’t bet anything or you’d go home empty handed!” Bakugou heckled the girl sitting besides him, leaning back against the side of his bed with a shit eating grin. The girl on the other hand was leaning forwards, frowning while her elbows were supported on his knees, the controller still gripped in her hands. His TV was situated on a short dresser, the gaming console placed on the ground in front of them.
“C’mon, once more! I was so close that time!” She said, looking back at him with determined eyes. The blonde boy had been winning all evening but y/n never gave up, she wanted to prove him and his bragging wrong. She always did, whenever he tried to outshine her she bit back, turning it into a near never ending competition. He just examined the girl's face, letting his eyes drift across her lips and big eyes. 
“Fine, one more time. But you really gotta learn this time y/n or you’ll fall behind again.”
Maybe, if anyone, Bakugou could knock down the reigning emperor of Mario Kart and free the people from his tyrannical grasp of the racing scene.
Bakugou had already filled his glass with water and drank it too by the time y/n decided to interrupt his evening. He placed the glass in the washing machine and turned around, giving the group of people a look as he’s about to head back up the stairs. But as he does, watching the scene unfold, he makes eye contact with the girl who has been shamelessly staring at him. He froze and suddenly a feeling of dread worked it’s way up his chest, a grin forming on the girls lips.
“Hey Bakugou!” The room went silent as y/n raised her voice to call out to the man on the other side of the dorm. People’s heads turned, confused but intrigued by why she had called out to him. “Come play with us.” She said simply, and yet the smile that was supposed to be innocent felt more malevolent than anything. If you had asked Bakugou.
The room waited for his answer with held breaths, she knew she had put him on the spot. She was enjoying the tough situation she had created but she wouldn’t have done it if she didn’t genuinely think that he might be the one who could win at least one game against Shinsou. He, on the other hand, felt his heart race. Not because she had asked, but because he wasn’t prepared. He had made it clear from when they first even started these game nights that he wasn’t going to take part. He had been baited into it once or twice but he had never made it a regular occurance and never when they asked him to play. He simply had more important things to get done rather than waste his time on shit that wouldn’t get him anywhere in the long run. He wasn’t a kid anymore.
“No.” He replied just as simply as she had asked, causing Shinsou to chuckle and flick through the game menus since he hadn’t believed that Bakugou would play from the beginning. But apparently the rest of the class wasn’t as quick to accept his answer, having caught on to y/n’s intentions.
“Come one, Bakugou! Just this once!” Kirishima was already halfway across the distance between the kitchen and the couch, clearly about to try and drag Bakugou with him. But the explosive blonde wouldn’t have any of it, getting ready to either smack his hands away or literally run back to his dorm room, you could see it in the way he placed his feet and furrowed his brows.
“You really think I’m going to sit here and listen to every idiot down here screaming over a fucking game? Hell no! You all sound like children!” He said loudly, dodging a grip from Kirishima with an easy side step, turning his body to now angrily walk away.
“Doesn’t he usually screm the most though?” Kaminari looked to the rest of the class with a confused face, not minding that Bakugou wouldn’t play. He was happily supporting Shinsou and his victory run ever since declaring himself manager over “team purple”. But everyone else ignored him, knowing they had to come up with something good to make Bakugou stay. Sero thought the quickest.
“We need you to win!” He yelled, climbing up to his knees and leaning over the back of the couch to try and make his voice reach Bakugou before he left. That seemed to make him stop but not turn around. Only his head twitches to the side to hear a little better. Luckily Midoriya followed Sero’s train of thoughts and also spoke up.
“It’s true! We’ve all tried and failed, you know? Shinsou has been crushing us all, you’re probably the only one who can win by now.” He had also stood up, riling up the rest of the class as they called out for somebody to help them. Bakugou thought about it for a second before turning around to look at the group, his arms crossed over his chest as it often was when he was undecided or unwilling. Midoriya looked at y/n who had started this whole thing, grabbing her arm gently but with urgency. She knew that she had to join in and rose from her seat, standing besides the other hero.
“We can’t do it, Bakugou! He’s just too good. I’ve only seen one other player who had been at his level and it’s… you!” She said with emphasis, looking him dead in the eyes. It was so overdramatic it almost hurt but that was kind of the point right now. And apparently it worked, Bakugou sighed and rolled his eyes but let his arms fall to his side. The soft sounds of his steps coming closer made everyone cheer and raise their arms.
“Holy crap, you guys really are losers. It’s just a fucking game. I’ll play once, but only to beat Shinsou and make you guy’s shut the hell up. Once I do, I’m leaving and I expect to not be disrupted ever again for this stupid shit.” He was swearing like a sailor, begrudgingly squeezing in between the couch and the table, grabbing the controller from Jirou who had stood up to switch. She passed by y/n and sat down on one of the empty cushion seats next to the couches, happy to finally get to watch others lose instead of losing.
Y/n hadn’t thought about the fact that Bakugou might sit next to her until he actually sat down in between her and Sero. Her eyes widened just a little and her breath got stuck in her throat when she felt his thigh pressing against hers, pushing her more into the corner as he got comfortable. And when he leaned back, his naked arm brushed roughly against her own before she shuffled into the corner even more. She really shouldn’t have reacted as strongly as she did, it wasn’t exactly weird to sit like this and she was almost just as close with Jirou. Yet the warmth he radiated made her own cheeks heat up if just slightly. She needed to get out of that situation before her embarrassment got any worse.
“Hey does anyone else wanna play, by the way? I’m fine with just watching again.” She stood up, trying to be casual as she held the controller in one hand and looked around to see if someone was about to change place with her. But before anyone could even open their mouth, a hand had already grabbed her arm and was pulling her back down on the couch.
“Oi, don’t you dare force me to play this dumb game and then just fucking leave. You’re playing too, dumbass.” Bakugou was absolutely blaming y/n for having called out to him and wasn’t about to let her get off the hook just because she didn’t want to play anymore. Not that he fully realized what he was doing to her right now, he was more focused on getting this done and over with. 
Y/n gasped as she was pulled back down on the comfy couch, the seat easily catching her. And despite the fact that Bakugou had been a little rough in saying it, people seemed to agree that she should play a little more since she had barely gotten the chance to. So with a “grateful” smile, she settled into her seat once more as Shinsou picked a couple tracks to play and started a cup.
The track appeared on screen, the countdown heard loud and clear in the now quiet room. Bakugou leaned forward in his seat, resting his elbows on his knees, giving the screen his undivided attention. Y/n did something similar, putting her feet down on the ground as if it would help her keep her balance in game. Sero had relaxed a little, not too worried about winning or losing. Right now it wasn’t a competition against every other player, it was a team battle. 3 vs 1. And he had Bakugou on his side.
The signal went off and the cars sped away on the track, Shinsou taking the lead of the pack. But just as y/n had expected, Bakugou was right behind him. Herself, on the other hand, had missed the shot at the speed boost and was right now battling against the CPU’s who were surrounding her. Sero was at least making some space between him and the clung of people crashing their cars together at the start. 
It didn’t take long before people noticed that Bakugou actually could have a chance at this. Most had been at least a little uncertain about his abilities as a Mario kart racer, they hadn’t seen him play basically anything. But y/n knew that racing games had been his favourite game to play whenever she came over, often blabbering on and on about all the secrets he knew about whatever new or old game he had decided they were going to compete in that day. And after almost every new thing he told her excitedly, he asked “did ya know that? Betcha didn’t.” he had always been so proud. So now when he was faced with a challenge, y/n sitting next to him, he had to prove how right he was and always had been. 
“HEY, who the hell left a banana peel right on the landing ramp?!”
Shinsou snickered at the outburst, obviously amused that his scheme had worked but he had been a lot less casual during this second, going on third lap around the track. He had absolutely been one of the people who had doubted the blondes abilities but as soon as he realized he wasn’t up against any ordinary casual player, he had upped his focus. It did manage to keep him in lead, if just barely. He had once or twice dipped into second place but Bakugou never kept that first place spot for more than a couple seconds. 
“Y/n you don’t need to use all your mushrooms at once, you know?” Mina was still standing behind her friend, watching the match and between being entranced by the fight for the first spot, she kept an eye on her playing. 
“What? Why?!” Y/n exclaimed, unable to even spare a confused look to her.
“You won’t go any faster, save them for when you need them!” She not so eloquently explained, grabbing the back of the couch.
“I won’t?!”
Red eyes darted away from his square of the screen, looking at the girl's corner. The shock of the conversation had pulled him from his focus and forced him to react.
“Have you been using all your fucking mushrooms at once?! Are you dumb or something, space them out!” Bakugou shouted, mildly angered by the loose use of items. 
“Well I didn’t know that!”
“It’s basic Mario Kart knowledge!”
“You’re basic Mario Kart knowledge!” Was the only thing y/n could retort with, a laugh chasing after her sentence as her brain caught up with the obscure nature of the argument. And that seemed to loosen the tension that had built in the room, as much as Bakugou’s face had turned even more sour, she could feel his tensed thighs relax against hers. 
“Wait, where the hell am I?” In her loud discussion about the proper use of mushrooms, she had managed to take a wrong turn and ended up on a road she hadn’t seen before. Shinsou and Bakugou had been liberarily using the shortcuts that the track allowed but to y/n, these were unknown territory and she had gotten stuck in a corner somewhere unknown. She turned and twisted to no avail, the Lakitu floating down to tell her she needed to do a U-turn. To where? She didn’t know. “Uh oh, where the fuck do I go?!”
“Y/n, you're in a shortcut, how’d you even get in there?” Sero noticed her predicament, trying to sound calm as his eyes flickered between his own screen and hers.
“I dunno, suddenly I’m just stuck and this little turtle guy just keeps telling me I’m going the wrong way!” 
“Okay, well calm down. You should just need to turn righ– no wait lef–!” Sero didn’t even get to finish his sentence until Bakugou moved his hand.
“It’s fucking obvious you need to take a right here and then just follow the damn road!” His left hand moved from his own controller, suddenly enveloping y/n’s hands as he placed his thumb over hers, steering her car for her. He didn’t even look at her as he did it, just stared at the screen. Y/n snapped her head to look at his, shocked and embarrassed. Had her mouth not already been open, it would have fallen open once his hand was over hers. 
His thumb gently but adamantly pushed hers in the right direction, all she had to do was hold in the gas button and within seconds she was on track again. And as soon as his hand had moved there, it was gone again. Her hands suddenly felt cold as the cool air hit them. 
What was this? The third time he had touched her hand with his. It wasn’t a big deal, it wasn’t even often that it happened. But why did the feeling keep lingering in her mind every time, her heart raced whenever she thought about it and his face appeared in her head. 
She couldn’t think about it too much before her focus needed to be pulled back to the game. 
“Oh uh, thanks.” Her volume had gone down significantly, she was even unsure if Bakugou could hear her above the music and sounds of the game. She kinda hoped he didn’t, she kinda hoped nobody even noticed what had just happened just to make sure nobody ever brought it up again. 
But somebody did notice. At the end of the second non-player couch Kirishima had seen the whole thing, a wide smile forming on his face as it started to click in his head what may or may not be happening. 
Bakugou had sacrificed just a couple seconds of full speed to help y/n, which he was paying for during the final half of the last lap. People were at the edge of their seats, their eyes glued to the television. Sero was only a couple seconds behind Bakugou and y/n was still fighting for a top 50% ranking. She refused to give up though, no matter how little of a shot she had at even making it top 5. 
Her car crashed through another mystery box. She kept her eyes intently on her item slot, watching as it randomized, praying that she would get something more useful than a banana peel. And there it was, neatly displayed in her corner.
A blue shell.
Her heart skipped a beat, her hands gripping her controller.
“Holy crap…” She whispered to herself but the tone of her voice caught Bakugou’s attention and he looked at what she was reacting to. 
“Throw it, y/n!” 
He didn’t have to tell her twice, she pressed the button and watched as it raced away towards the first place holder. Shinsou had barely realized what was happening until he saw it go just off screen for y/n. The other students were once again in an uproar, the laughter and cheers over the top but the whole scenario had riled them up to an unnecceracy degree.
Bakugou kept his place, making sure that when the shell hit Shinsou he could pass him and take the first place. Sero even took to driving closer to the rim to make sure it didn’t hit him instead. And just as he did, the shell passed by his screen, once again earning a wave of excitement from the crowd. Finally, it came into view on Bakugou’s screen.
And half a second later it hit Shinsou.
The finish line was in their viewt at this point. Bakugou swiftly took the first place as Shinsou’s car spun. He only managed to stop spinning on the track in time to see the other male cross the finish line. 
People had stood up to cheer, Kirishima and Midoriya putting their arms over each other's shoulders to jump up and down. Uraraka along with Momo, Jirou and Tsuyu had all raised their arms on the couch, doing the wave while laughing. Mina even hugged y/n from behind, even though she hadn’t even finished the race. Only Kaminari and Shinsou didn’t become overjoyed at the new winner, which wasn’t exactly a surprise. 
Shinsou got an amicable second place and Sero came in third. Y/n was happy she did manage to get 5th place at the end of it. To her, that was basically at least a second place and celebrated it as such. She had been the one to make sure Bakugou could win after all.
“Honestly, I feel like that was kinda cheating, you guys were all ganging up on me.” Shinsou sighed, leaning back on the couch once again but in a much more defeated manner. 
“Well you know, Shinsou…” Sero let a smug smile creep across his face. “It’s not cheating… if it’s a game mechanic.” 
Shinsou looked at him, expressionless for a second as he tried to come up with a reply. But once he realized he couldn’t beat his own words, he just let the win go, joining in on the laughing instead. After all, it was just a game.
“Told ya’ll you guys were just losers! This is why I don’t even play with you extras, I win too easily.” Bakugou was sporting a cocky grin, putting his hands behind his head in a casual manner and leaning back. And while some of the others might just give him a cheeky comment on his ego every once in a while, they decided to let him have it this once. He had been their saviour after all.
“So you’re… not going to stay and play another game?” Y/n asked him, willfully putting on an innocent act to maybe tempt him into playing another game. She gathered her courage and even leaned a little closer to him, her arm pressing against his side since he still had his arms up. She was basically tucked under his arm as he was frozen in place at the contact. But y/n was convincing herself that she was just teasing him, she would do this to any of her classmates… at least she says so herself.
Bakugou looked at her big eyes and pouting lips, a little surprised that she had even asked. He remembered his words in the beginning, saying he was going to leave once he had helped them. But he had to admit, though he was strongly opposed to being wrong, that it had been kind of fun. He loved his racing games and it was nice having everyone cheer him on like that. Plus, he hadn’t had the chance to play Mario Kart 8 as much as he had wanted but he still knew a couple tricks he could show off to the others.
“...Fine. One more time, but you gotta pay attention to what I teach you or else I’m leaving. I’m not about to waste my time if you’re not going to listen.”
“Fine, one more time. But you really gotta learn this time y/n or you’ll fall behind again.”
“Hey, I thought I was her manager!” Mina looked offended, putting one hand on her chest and the other on y/n’s shoulder, pulling her away from Bakugou to make a point. Even Kirishima came up to listen in on the conversation, having totally been ready to help y/n convince Bakugou to play another round. 
“Oh shut up, as if you could beat me in Mario Kart, I’m obviously her best choice as a mana– Wait, what the hell do you mean manager?! Why do any of you even have managers, it’s just a dumb game!” Bakugou had caught himself even just entertaining the thought of being y/n’s manager and got frustrated, waving his hand around. First motioning to y/n and Mina and then Denki and Shinsou who had started talking tactics between each other.
Mina was about to retort but Kirishima stopped her, putting a hand on her shoulder and not so subtly bringing his head closer to hers. He covered his mouth and whispered something to Mina with a smile. She was nodding along all the while both y/n and Bakugou were turned to look at them standing behind the couch. But soon the pinkette smiled and looked to Kirishima, nodding her head. 
“Alright Bakugou, you drive a hard bargain. I’ll step down as y/n’s manager but only if she comes with us to the arcade tomorrow.” She crosses her arms as if it was her final offer in a million dollar deal.
“WHY ARE YOU EVEN OFFERING ME THAT?! I CAN’T MAKE HER COME WITH US– A-AND I DON’T EVEN WANT TO BE HER DAMN MANAGER EITHER!” Bakugou looked like he was about to climb over the back of the couch any second now and strangle her, but she stood her ground.
“The arcade?”– y/n asked, surprised by the invitation– “Well sure, why not! I’ll come. If Bakugou plays another round.”
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fanfics-with-coffee · 3 years
Crybaby Memories Ch. 2
Some people might have read chapter one and notice that there’s a style shift in the text and you’re 100% correct! Ended up disliking how I wrote it so I re-wrote the whole thing. You haven’t missed anything story wise so it’s no worries!
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Y/n finally returns to Japan after 10 years to finish her last year of the hero course at UA. But what she didn’t realize was that she would have to meet her old childhood friends and face her past, something she had left in Japan. And can Bakugou really make up for the mistake he regrets the most? Or maybe you’d do best to just forget about the explosive blonde.
Genre: Some angst and maybe fluff?  Pairing: Bakugou x reader  Words: 4500~ Childhood friends AU
Ch.1 <- -> Ch.3
Two pairs of footsteps echoed down the hallway as y/n and Bakugou walked through it, on their way back to the dorm. They had agreed to walk together, although non verbally. Bakugou wouldn’t want anyone getting on his back for leaving her to walk alone and y/n didn’t exactly want to be the one just walking away as if nothing had happened. Even if they would both agree that nothing did, in fact, happen.
But despite their mutual agreement, Bakugou was clearly a step or two ahead. The two weren’t talking and he wasn’t about to let her think he actually cared if she could keep up or not. The girl behind him didn’t mind though, it wasn’t like she was surprised at his actions. So she just observed him, his hands still deep in his pockets, and despite proudly claiming he was going to be the next #1 hero, he was walking with his back hunched over. Every once in a while though, she could see him turn his head to see if she could keep up. And every time, she just smiled, restraining the laugh that she could feel bubbling in her chest at his “subtle” behavior. 
The whole walk was quiet yet not as uncomfortable as she had feared in the beginning. Maybe the soft noises of the school ground helped, letting the two pretend to be listening to the quiet noises in the distance rather than focus on each other. The noises only got louder as they approached the dorms and the two could easily see why through the windows. People were moving around, pushing chairs and tables, carrying grocery store bags, and otherwise just talking to each other from the other side of the room.
“Tch, they already started with dinner it looks like…” Bakugou muttered, slowing to a stop in front of the door, looking through its glass to observe the controlled chaos inside.
“All this for dinner?” –she walked up beside him, also looking through the door’s window– “Is it always going to be this rowdy?” She smiled to herself, watching people laughing and clearly discussing something. Suddenly she was standing way closer to Bakugou than she had before. Just inches away from touching as they shared the window. Bakugou felt like he could barely breathe without risking… something. He couldn’t put a finger on what.
“No.” He replied simply, making a point in grabbing the doorknob and opening the door, notifying people of their presence. 
Suddenly the warmth of the room hit them both and some people looked up but most just kept doing what they were doing, too occupied to notice someone else entering the building. 
“Hey y/n!” Izuku had looked up as the door opened, barely sparing Bakugou a glance before his eyes fell on the girl. He had a wide smile on his face, his hands grabbing the back of a couch which he was pushing towards the middle of the room. Y/n smiled back as she stepped through the door, leaving the blonde behind. “You can go change out of the uniform y'know, we got dinner covered so far.” He said, looking at her uniform as she approached. She noticed that everyone else had already changed into something comfier, even Izuku who was sporting the predictable All Might merch. It made her realize how little he had changed through the years. 
With a nod, she made her way up to the female dorms, a bounce in her step as she walked down the corridor and into her new room. She had already spent most of the day there, getting it ready while the rest of the class had been at the school buildings. It was set up, her stuff neatly placed on shelves in the room and the bed made properly. While she knew it wouldn’t last, the pristine feel made her feel good. 
Wasting no more time, wanting to go eat and hang out with her class, she opened the wardrobe and began changing, the mundane task letting her mind wander. She knew she would see Izuku and Bakugou at UA, she didn’t know that she would be in their class though. She had seen them multiple times on TV, their work had gone worldwide at least a couple of times and she had seen them every time. They were memorized in her brain and she recalled them many times when she needed motivation, a reason to keep working towards being the best. So when she realized that she would be going toe to toe with her two childhood friends, her stomach had turned. Even back on the flight, she had imagined how the whole meeting would turn out. And while it ended up better than she had thought, she could still feel her heart beating against her chest. But it was nothing to think about now, the first day was over. Now she could focus on school, and making friends of course.
Y/n bounced down the steps, having smelled the food from floors above. And indeed, the couches and seats had been pushed to form a big circle around the combined tables. Foods of different kinds and tastes were warming up the whole room and people were excitedly talking among themselves. Midoriya and Uraraka were standing at the edge of the group of people, watching their classmates drool over their dinner. 
Uraraka turned her head at the sound of the steps, noticing y/n and smiling.
“We’ve already started, come on and grab a plate!” She told her as y/n came closer, turning back to the others. Midoriya had also looked over, his arms crossed over his chest, looking somewhat proud of his, and the others, work. Y/n happily did as she was told, grabbing a plate and joining the flock of people who had already begun emptying the plates.
It didn’t take long until everyone had taken a seat and filled their plates to the brim and through the whole process of getting to this had been undeniably chaotic, no one could stop smiling. They had missed each other over the break and it was clear. And while y/n had just joined them, she had been thrown into the fray of the conversation without second thoughts. It was kind of unlike any other class she had joined before and as overwhelming as it could be, she also kinda… loved it. 
The sun had fallen beneath the horizon ages ago, the only light being that of the ceiling lights which shone down on the class of 3-A as they finished their plates of food. Some were still trying to fit the last of their food into their bellies while others had already given up, content to sitting and talking to each other. Y/n had snagged a corner seat on one of the couches, Izuku occupying the spot next to her and beyond him, she could get a peek of Uraraka.
“Man, can you imagine how close we are to being proper, certified heroes now?” Denki sighed, his hands crossed over his belly as he leaned back on the couch. Y/n looked across the table to him, nodding her head along with a content smile.
“Yeah, it’s pretty awesome! But I feel like we’re ready for it, I’m excited.” Uraraka chirped. She looked adorably pumped up, her hands held up to her shoulders in fists. It was clear she was determined for the next year to come and y/n felt the same, even if she didn’t express it as openly.
“Mhm! I do too, but remember to be prepared for the finals coming up at the end of the year, so no slacking off this time either!” While Momo tried to sound encouraging, the whole good mood of the room fell. It was surprising, at least to y/n. She knew this was an elite school, the best you could go to as a hero, and their students turned into amazing pros afterward. Why did so many get so nervous about the finals? The shock and hint of confusion in y/n face were quickly picked up by some of the other students.
“Momo, please no more school talk for tonight… I just wanna enjoy my first day back.” –Denki slouched even further down into the couch, his eyes noticing y/n– “Eh? What's that face for, y/n?”
“Oh well, I was just surprised at how many got so… uhm... downtrodden about the finals…” She confessed, looking around the room sheepishly.
“What d’ya mean? They’re finals, of course, we’re ‘downtrodden’... Wait. Don’t tell me, y/n, you’re not one of those smartypants are you?!” –Denki shot up, leaning forwards with his elbows leaning on his knees.–”Awh man, we don’t need another one…”
“Well I wouldn’t call myself a smartypants but I don’t get… bad grades… so there’s that.” She tried to downplay the subject, not wanting to actually talk about grades so soon. There was a reason she got in, people will probably realize that, but still. She wasn’t one to brag. But not everyone knew to keep it to themselves.
“Huh? Of course you don’t get bad grades, you were one of the most studious people I know. At least when we were kids, but I doubt that has changed since you’re here now, overseas at UA in your third year. It gotta take something special for that, both in grades and in quirk, not to mention you got into the hero course instead of just the genera-” Izuku had gone off on another rant which was slowly turning into mumbling. He had gotten better at talking clearly but sometimes when his brain went off like that, it couldn’t be helped. To stop him, y/n gently slapped his arm with the back of her hand. And while that did make him shut up, he looked quite surprised. 
“Okay, we get it Izuku. Thanks anyway, but I think we got the point.” She gave him a pointed stare and he finally understood what the problem was, giving her an apologizing smile. “But I still kinda suck at the advanced Japanese subjects so I am slightly worried about that” It was a genuine concern in her voice but she masked it with a laugh, her hand reaching up to grab the back of her neck awkwardly. But as she did, Kirishima perked up.
“You too, y/n? I suck at it as well, but Bakugou here is surprisingly really good at it!” Kirishima exclaimed, using his thumb to point at his blonde friend who had been quietly seated to his right. But at the comment, even Bakugou had reacted.
“Eh? The hell do you mean by ‘surprisingly’?!” He barked, turning his head to glare at Kirishima.
“You should join us sometime, he’s pretty good at explaining stuff.” The redhead acted as if Bakugou hadn’t said anything and instead just kept talking to y/n. “You don’t mind, do ya, Bakugou?”
Y/n watched the two for a little bit, Kirishima had forcefully pulled Bakugou in by the head. They seemed to wrestle a little but Kirishima just laughed off whatever Bakugou threw at him. It reminded her of how she and Bakugou would mess around as kids, the way he’d sound annoyed but ultimately she’d see that big grin of his. 
Bakugou looked over to her, about to tell them both off for dragging him into this. But the way she smiled at him, he felt the words catch in his throat. She noticed his stare and gave him an apologetic look, even if it was also mildly amusing.
“Fine. It’s whatever, come if you want or don’t. Doesn’t matter to me, no one can be more difficult than this idiot.”
“Then it’s settled!” Kirishima acted as if he hadn’t just been insulted, he must be pretty used to Bakugou’s language. And as quickly as the topic had risen, it disappeared. Left was only y/n’s feeling of content… and Izuku’s dread. He didn’t want to interfere with y/n’s relationships, hell, he was happy she had managed to talk things through with Bakugou. And yet when he saw them, something in his chest told him to do something. He and Bakugou had gotten on better terms ever since their second year. He saw him as an ally, and a trusted one at that. But with y/n back in town, back in his life, he didn’t want it to change again because of him. But they had changed, hadn’t they? So he just smiled and let the evening continue as if nothing was wrong. 
Getting into the swing of school life at UA had luckily been an easy task, in great thanks to Izuku’s already made friend group happily adopting their new classmate. Classes were difficult, and the hero training even more so, but it wasn’t anything that y/n hadn’t expected. She even spared some extra energy into showing off whenever she found a moment to do so, making sure to prove her worth to both her classmates as a strong ally but also to the teachers.
At the end of the week, Friday finally rolled around and it gave the students some time to rest after the exhausting work. Y/n had just gotten back to the dorms, sitting down on one of the now-familiar couches, joining in on a conversation between Todoroki and Iida. She didn’t have the time to work out what they were talking about before her phone buzzed in her bag and she fished it out, the screen lit up with a message.
It was Kirishima who had sent her a message about their study session. Apparently, Bakugou wanted to get a head start with the work so they’d planned one on Saturday already. She stared at her screen for a moment, once again re-thinking the whole thing. While she appreciated the help, she knew she could probably ask someone else for help. There’s no way Midoriya would turn her down if she asked. But maybe it wouldn’t be too bad, getting to hang out with Bakugou again. They hadn’t spoken a word to each other unless they had to and their two groups rarely joined each other. And as much as she had said she was fine being strangers, it pulled at her heart. The two used to be inseparable, they used to hang out all the time, they used to be friends. So why couldn’t they be that again?
She took a deep breath, texting Kirishima back that she'd join them tomorrow. She got a reply within seconds, he seemed excited. You agreed to meet in front of the school before heading to a diner the two usually studied at.
As she put her phone in her lap, once again focusing on Iida who was in the middle of illustrating his point with his arms, she felt someone take the seat beside her. Midoriya was watching the others as he sat down before looking at her, giving her a smile and nod of acknowledgment. The two sat there for a couple of moments, watching the back and forth between your friends. That was until Midoriya suddenly seemed to remember something, perking up in his seat.
“Oh, by the way, y/n, we’re planning on visiting a nearby park tomorrow and just hang out. You should join us.” He playfully bounced against her with his shoulder, expectantly looking at her.
“Ah damn, sorry but I just agreed to study with Kirishima and Bakugou.” She gave an apologetic look, turning her face away from him slightly embarrassed at the coincidence.
“Really? Well, that’s fine. You guys have fun then, you can join us some other time.” He was a little taken aback but didn’t let it show and just tried to be encouraging. She nodded and the two fell silent again. 
It was an early Saturday afternoon when y/n stood in front of the school entrance, the sun beaming down on her yet the cool breeze didn’t let the temperature rise too high. She had already waved goodbye to some of the others as they left for the park, they had asked again if she didn’t want to join them. Few people would choose to study during the weekends so early in the year but y/n didn’t want to risk anything, that’s the excuse she used anyways. She was quietly scrolling through her phone, waiting for the two other males who were going to join her. 
“Hey, y/n! You ready to go?” Kirishima suddenly appeared by her side, towering over her. The sudden invasion made her jump a little, pulling down her phone as she looked up at him. He clearly held back a laugh as he grinned, his sharp teeth showing. She quickly composed herself though and joined him with a small laugh of her own.
“Sure thing!” She said, putting away her phone before noticing Bakugou finally coming into view from behind the other man. She couldn’t help but notice how he was dressed, the form-fitted t-shirt underneath his leather jacket stretched over his chest just right. And the jeans weren’t too bad either. That’s when she noticed both of their hairs seemed damp, they must’ve just gotten back from training. Her heart beat a little quicker at the sight and she had to avert her eyes, but even so, Bakugou had already noted her looks. Though he didn’t say anything. Instead he just gave her a glance and kept moving down the street, adjusting the bag on his shoulder.
“Come on then, it’s not my fault if you losers fall behind!” He called from a couple feet ahead.
The quiet murmur of the other customers worked as a soothing background noise and the atmosphere made y/n realize why the two probably studied here frequently. The cheap prices didn’t hurt either, especially not when you’re a poor highschool student. Kirishima even gave her a rundown of the menu while barely having to look at it while they were standing in line, he even weighed the pros and cons of each item. And while she nodded along and tried to listen, she already knew what she wanted. A classic, if you asked her. A milkshake and fries.
Kirishima was still waiting for his food when y/n went over to the table Bakugou had chosen for them to study at. He only had a cup of coffee besides him, his school supplies already unloaded onto the table, neatly organized in piles based on the subjects and his highlighters all in a row. Y/n sat down, placing her shake and fries to the side in silence before starting to unpack her own things. When Bakugou noticed her getting set up, he also saw what she had ordered. Suddenly she felt his hard stare on her and she looked up to see what the matter was. He already looked annoyed.
“Don’t tell me you still do that shit.” He said simply, his stare unwavering as the two locked eyes. It took her a second to understand what he meant with his sentence but then it hit her and a shit eating grin spread across her face.
She never looked away when she moved her hand towards her fries, casually picking two up and painstakingly slowly moving them towards her drink. It was nothing less than a dare. Daring him to try and stop her when she dipped the fries in her shake and popped them in her mouth. But as he hadn’t said anything, she took it as bitter acceptance from him and happily hummed in delight at the salty sweet treat. 
“You’re so fucking disgusting.” He sighed, finally looking down at his books trying to decide what the group should start with. She couldn’t help but laugh, a familiar feeling welling up inside of her. The familiar happiness that came with messing with Bakugou, and she allowed herself to enjoy the moment.
“C’mon Bakugou, you haven’t even tried it! Didn’t your mom teach you not to knock it till you try it?” She grabbed her drink and fries, pushing them across the table and towards the blonde. He looked at her, disgusted.
“Didn’t yours tell you not to play with food?” He retorted, placing his own hand on her milkshake to keep it as far away from him as possible. The two didn’t realize that their hands were touching as Bakugou’s hand reached around the glass with ease. They were too occupied staring at each other, waiting for someone to budge. Y/n even stood up a little to make sure he couldn’t push her glass back.
“Look at you two, getting along just fine! So manly.” Krisihima let out a lighthearted laugh as he approached the table with his order, smoothly sliding in to sit besides the girl. They looked at him, confused before looking back at their hands which were held over the others. Suddenly the casual touch turned to electricity against their skin, running up their arms and forcing them to pull away. She pulled her drink with her as she sat back down, a blush dusting her cheeks.
“What took such time, shitty hair? You think I don’t have anything better to do then hang out with two extras?” Bakugou glared at his friend, crossing his arms, trying to glaze over what had just happened. But Kirishima could see the twinge of red on his cheeks but was gracious enough not to point it out.
“Eh? You don’t like hanging out with us? Damn, I’m sorry about that y/n, he’s just kinda mean when he speaks. He doesn’t actually mean it.” Kirishima put a hand on the girl’s shoulder in a reassuring manner, not aware of the fact that y/n already knew of his language. She giggled and told him that she had already noticed by now. Bakugou watched the two smiling and as much as he wanted to snap back, as much as he wanted to tell him off, he just let out a sigh and relaxed.
Bakugou went through what he had planned for them to do that session, he even took the time to ask y/n what she was concerned about. For being so brash and explosive, he was surprisingly good at this whole study session thing. If you took out the foul language then he could’ve been a teacher, it was easy to follow along in his reasoning. But not everything always landed,
“Even y/n understood it, why can’t you?” Bakugou questioned while leaning over the table, pointing to one of the examples in the text books with one hand and putting his weight on the other. Kirishima had already given up, letting his head fall against the table with a thud. Y/n had tried to inquire about why the ‘even’ had been necessary in his question but was outright ignored as Bakugou tried to get Kirishima to sit back up again. Their food had already been finished quite some time ago and the man besides her was using that as an excuse to why he couldn’t keep going, his energy was just too low. Y/n laughed as Bakugou just got even more angry with the redhead but suddenly fell quiet when her phone grabbed her attention.
Looking at it, it was Midoriya who had sent her a message asking how it was going. Leaning even further into the corner of her booth seat, she started typing back and telling him that it was going well, you were having fun. She also inquired about how the park had been and suddenly received a video. She raised an eyebrow before playing the video and seeing that it was Iida wearing a pair of rollerskates pushing Sero on a skateboard. Before she knew it, Sero gave a thumbs up and Iida activated his quirk and they shot off a ramp, quickly being launched off screen. As worrying as the video was, Izuku reassured that everyone was fine. Y/n struggled to keep from laughing out loud, stifling it. But apparently not enough for the other two not to notice.
“Wassup, y/n? Who are you texting?” Kirishima had turned his head on the table to look at her, way more interested in whatever had made her laugh rather than the work. She looked up at him, saying it was something from Izuku and turned her phone with the video on it, showing it to the others. Kirishima immediately sat up to take a better look at the video, grinning like an idiot. But while Kirishima is laughing at the video, Bakugou notices that Midoriya has grabbed your attention again. 
“You shouldn’t text while we’re studying, you’ll get distracted.” He clicked his tongue and glared at her, a tight feeling in his chest making him even more annoyed. Yet she just shrugged and put her phone face down, trying to get back to her books. But not even that helped, the restlessness in him not leaving and forcing him to bounce his leg just to do something. 
“Ugh I think we should just call it a day, we haven’t even gotten any work yet so we’re already ahead.” Kirishima closed his book with an exhausted look on his face, making Bakugou’s head snap to him. It was time to accept defeat, he realized. With yet another sigh, he closed his own book.
“Fine. It’s been a couple hours anyways and I don’t think I can stand you guys for another 10 minutes.” He mumbled the last part as he started packing up his books and pens, y/n doing the same. It only took a couple moments for everything to be packed into their bags again and leaving the table, walking out into the spring weather.
“Soooo… you and Midoriya, huh?” Kirishima smiles smugly as you’re walking down the street, clearly trying to wring something out of the girl about their relationship to the green haired hero. She looked bewildered at the comment, looking up at him with wide, embarrassed eyes.
“W-well not like that. We’re really just friends, ok? We’ve been friends since we were kids so he’s more like a brother.” She relaxed a little as she spoke, looking forwards as they kept walking. “He was the first friend I made when I moved to Japan as a kid so of course I'm excited to hang out with him again. He’s changed a lot yet barely anything at all.”
“Maybe enough for you to consider a relationship, eh? I mean you two have been hanging out all the time since you came here and I’ve never seen him so manly around a girl before.” Kirishima emphasised how ‘manly’ Midoriya had been, seeming rather surprised about it. Y/n just gave him a weird look, opening her mouth to say something.
“Stop being so damn nosey, shitty hair. Just ‘cus you see them hang out all the time doing mean shit, if she doesn’t have feelings for him then she doesn't have feelings for him. No matter how much you want it, dumbass.” Bakugou managed to speak before her, giving Kirishima a hit over the head because of his intrusive questions. 
“Alright, alright, sorry…” Kirishima sheepishly rubbed the spot Bakugou had just hit, dropping the subject.
But the way Bakugou had said it, the words he used had struck a chord with y/n. ‘No matter how much you want it’ was a weird way of saying ‘let it go’.
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fanfics-with-coffee · 3 years
Cold Days, Warm Nights
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What could go wrong when you and your boyfriend goes to the Christmas market for a date? Hopefully nothing if your loud mouthed hero could learn to keep his mouth shut sometimes.
This is a secret Santa gift (also posted to my AO3) for the lovely @hisfireheart but I hope everyone here will enjoy this cute fic too, despite being wayyy past Christmas. Time is just a concept anyways. (This secret santa was hosted on @myherowritings​ ‘s discord server)
Genre: Seasonal fluff! Pairing: Bakugou x Bri Words: 4000+
The buildings were passing by, the sun softly reflecting on their windows and storefronts. Even the snow was shimmering, slowly melting away where it was too thin. Luckily the bus was keeping you warm inside, a murmur of excited couples and parents talking to their children was keeping the mood high. You couldn’t help but carry a soft smile on your face, half-listening to them and half lost in your own head. Luckily you were present enough to see that your stop was coming up. It was empty enough so you could just grab your bag and get out of your seat, smoothly approaching the door, prepared to step out into the winter paradise.
As difficult as the snow could be, it couldn’t be said it didn’t help the atmosphere this close to Christmas. And they were impressively quick with removing the snow from the road, letting every commuter rest easy knowing they wouldn’t be late. And people could just enjoy the cold weather, the warm drinks, and the festivities. It was one of the things you had been waiting for, the festivities. Especially the Christmas market, the one you had heard so much about from friends who had been earlier years. How they had gushed about the lights which shone long past midnight and the food which could be smelled from streets away. If the cold hadn’t given you a stuffy nose that was.
Finally, the doors to the bus opened, letting you and a couple of other people off at the stop. You made sure to watch your step, not wanting to trip the first thing you do. But the street was steady and you kept your balance, walking a few feet away before daring to take in your surroundings.
And you looked up. The buildings crowding the view and the streets that were squeezed in between them in a claustrophobic state had suddenly taken a step aside, allowing a stone-paved market place to spread out. The sky had suddenly come into view, giving you a view of the blue space, and the clouds lazily drifting across it. But there was no way you could see the other side of the square, at least not from this angle. Instead, you saw the multiple stands set up by the buzzing people, some were big tents you could walk into. Others were walk-by tables with knick-knacks or foods splayed across the surfaces. And somewhere in the distance music could be heard. But the pride and joy of the festival could easily be seen from where you were standing, a tree towering above everything. Clad in lights and colorful glitter, ribbons, and baubles. It was breathtaking, no doubt about it. Yet there was something missing and you didn’t need to think to know what it was.
Your date.
“Oi, Bri, are you blind or something?” A voice disrupted the sirene environment, forcing you to turn your head towards the awfully familiar voice. It came as no surprise that you recognized it as Bakugou met your eyes. Standing only a couple of paces away under an old-timey lamp post which was– of course– also clad for the occasion. You were even less surprised that he was bundled up in so many layers, it was impossible to see just how many he had. Who even knows how many were hiding under his outerwear.
“Nope, it’s just hard to recognize you when you look more like a coat hanger than my boyfriend.” You smiled smugly while approaching him, taking in his form, or rather the lack of it, as you did so.
The thick beige jacket was obviously layered over another thick jumper and the loose jeans were most likely hiding undergarments like tights. You could even see the red, warm socks sticking up above the high edge of his boots yet the scarf around his neck was hiding most of his face. It did delight you though that the silly beanie you had bought last year, the one with the round tassel which he said looked like a ‘damn cat toy’, was pulled down on his head and covered his ears.
“Maybe if you think I look like a damn coat hanger, we could find you one and you could go on a date with that thing instead.” He pulled his scarf down below his chin, finally letting you see his face properly. And let you see the unamused expression he was giving you, apparently not too pleased with your jab at his outfit.
“Nooo! I want to go with you! Plus this outfit may actually give us some privacy. No way people can see I’m here with THE ‘Dynamight’ when you look like that. So I’m a fan.” You smiled, pulling on the front of his jacket, going up on your tip-toes, and tilting your head up to indicate that you wanted some affection.
It came as a habit for him to lean down, giving you a peck on the lips quickly before pulling back. Had he thought about it, it would be questionable that you would’ve received a kiss after how you’ve been acting since meeting up. But having done it so many times before, greeting you with these kisses, he didn’t have the time to think about it.
“Mgh, careful, or that’s the only kiss you’ll be receiving for the rest of the day.” He threatened, pulling up the scarf to save himself from the cold.
“What? Oh come on, I doubt that. Now let’s go take a look around or I’m going to get frozen to the ground.” You bounced on your heels, taking his gloved hand in yours before dragging him along with you. But it only took him a moment to catch up with you, walking right beside you in between the first red stalls.
“Careful, dumbass, you’re gonna slip if you bounce-walk like that. I’ve already seen two extras fall on their asses.”
You just hummed in response, used to his worrying expressed in the rather crude remarks or comments. You were much more interested in finally exploring the market and everything in it.
As you two entered, your heart began beating a little harder. What you had been spectating from the outside was now all around you and with each stall you passed, the energy was raised. The hand holding yours was also tightening as the crowd got denser but you could still easily see between the other groups of people. He had always been like that since you began dating. Or at least since he began holding your hand in public for more than 2 minutes before getting too embarrassed and pulling away, opting to just stand close to you instead. He held your hand as if he was afraid you’d get swept away by a flood of people if he dared let go. The fact that his gloves were warm also helped you forget the fact that yours were way too thin for the season.
You swerved between bodies, casting looks to the different hand made crafts as you passed by, looking for something to catch your eye. There were so many things you struggled to know where to start until you saw a stall that looked interesting. Filled with Christmas ornaments, what stuck out to you was the little needle felted Santas and reindeers.
“Bakugou, look! Aren’t those cute? They even have matching Mr. and Mrs. Claus ones.” You had stopped right in your tracks to point towards the counter where they proudly stood. He looked to you before following your hand. There were a couple of other people standing around it, holding different ornaments and chatting to each other. Bakugou didn’t say much, instead pulling you along to take a closer look.
As you got closer to the stall, you also shuffled closer together to fit in right in front of the counter. The warmth from whatever heater they were using to keep the owners warm was also radiating out to anyone who got close, letting them shield themselves from the cold. And hanging along the roof of the stall were fairy lights, reflecting off the beads used as eyes for the reindeer’s carefully hung alongside them. It was a delightful sight and you wasted little time picking up one of the needle felted Santas and inspecting it.
“Look at this one, it’s cheeks are all rosy. And you can hang it in the tree, too!” You giggled, turning your upper body to show Bakugou what you had found while softly pulling on it's string. But to your surprise, he had already been looking at you, but not at what you were holding. His bright red eyes met yours for only a second before he looked to the little thing you were holding.
“Huh? Uh yeah, I guess you can..” He sounded a little distracted when he responded, leaning in closer to take a better look at the Santa. As he did, you could feel his hand land on your waist, making sure you couldn’t drift apart as you stood there. For once you were happy your nose and cheeks were already rosy from the cold, otherwise you would’ve suddenly looked a lot more like the Santa you were holding. “Do you need more ornaments, Bri? I thought yours looked pretty packed already when I saw it last time.”
“Ah I guess I don’t… Oh well, it was cute but you’re right.” You let out a disappointed sigh, placing it back where it stood right next to his wife. You stood and looked at some of the other things they sold but there wasn’t anything else you felt like buying so soon enough, you two departed.
You kept walking, jumping from stall to stall to see what they had. One sold woodworkings of different kinds, another had metalwork with a rustic look, a third sold candies which lined the walls in bright, fun colors. Wherever you looked there was something that you could imagine yourself buying and you wanted to take a closer look at all of them. Your boyfriend came with you each time you expressed an interest in this and that. But each time you ended up either feeling like it wasn’t something you needed, or doubted yourself so you left them behind. Bakugou didn’t say much about it, instead talking about your plans for the holidays and what you should eat together.
You entered one of the larger tents where they sold all kinds of clothing, Bakugou following right behind you.
“Do you remember what recipe we used for those butterscotch candies last year? You know those that my old hag really liked, she keeps pestering me about asking you to make her a batch of them.” Bakugou was basically looking over your shoulder as he spoke, watching you look at one of the many dresses they had hung up on the tent walls. His chest was just barely pressing against your back, a comforting reminder that he was there.
“Sure, I know I saved it somewhere on my phone so that shouldn’t be a problem…” You spoke softly, letting your eyes roam over the material. You pulled it out with one hand to get a better look, getting lost in its pattern.
“... Do you like it? Do you need more dresses?” Bakugou had paused for a moment before he had spoken, noticing how you looked at the dress. But after he had asked, you just sighed again and let it go while shaking your head.
“No, not really...”
You didn’t really need any of the things you had found at the market and Bakugou kept asking about it. ‘Do you need it?’ was something he had kept saying all afternoon. While you appreciate that he stopped you from making unnecessary purchases, it was getting a little much. He was a man of necessities, if he didn’t need it to have a comfortable life then he probably didn’t have it. Not counting the All Might merch hidden in his closet that is. But he struggles to understand why you get things you don’t need, making shopping with him a little difficult sometimes. Like now.
But you didn’t think too much about it, instead looking around the tent for something else to look at before going out into the cold again. And what you see makes you smile from ear to ear. A whole wall filled with ugly Christmas sweaters. You wasted no time bouncing over to the wall, a delighted gasp leaving your lips. You grabbed one and held it in front of you, turning around to show the blonde who’d you left behind, stunned at your sudden rush.
“Well? What do you think, babe?” You smiled and did a pose as you showed off the sweater, letting him read it.
“I have a big package for you?” He stared at it with a sudden deadpan look before looking back up at your face. “Seriously? And with a half-naked Santa on it? That’s so fucking dumb.”
“I know right? That’s kind of the point!” You laughed and hung it back up, pulling out another one and holding it in front of you. The bells on it jingled and you did a little dance, your giggles mixing in with the sound of the sweater. And then you grabbed another one, the big plushie Rudolf on it awful but also kinda cute.
“You’re not buying one of those right? They’re absolutely terrible.” Bakugou had finally walked up beside you to look at all the shirts too, touching one that was just covered in Christmas tinsel while wearing a disgusting face.
“I dunno, maybe it’ll be your upcoming Christmas present? What do you think? I could even buy one of those two-person ones so we could wear it together.” You pulled yet another shirt off and held it out in front of the two of you this time, giving him a goofy smile. It was at that moment, with the shirt in front of him and the dim lights reflecting in your eyes while you laugh, that he felt his heart skip a beat. And for a split moment, he considered if it was such a bad idea to share an ugly Christmas sweater with you.
“Tch, be careful with what you’re saying, princess. You don’t want to get on Santa’s naughty list right before Christmas.” He retaliated but the pause before he said anything hinted that maybe you could actually convince him. But that was for another day, and if it was to be a Christmas gift you couldn’t buy it now anyway.
“Alright, fineeee. But I think we’d look cute.” You smiled and hung the sweater back where you found it before finally turning your back on the shirts. You were about to say you two should leave but in the corner of your eye, you saw something new. Mittens, gloves, and beanies were all set up at the front of the tent.
You walked up to the boxes with the different handwear and looked around. Then you found something that made your eyes light up. A pair of beige gloves in leather, their inside and edges decorated with soft light and grey fur. Hanging off of the opening were two strings with cute fluff balls at the ends. They looked amazing and by trying one on, you realized how much warmer they were compared to the thin textile ones you had. You admired them for a bit, not even noticing Bakugou who had sneaked up beside you again, watching your hands.
“What about those? Do you need new gloves?”
“Actually, I do.” You smiled as you looked up at him and then back at the gloves, taking off the one you were wearing to hold them in your hands. “I think… I’m going to buy them.”
You then looked up to see the prize and suddenly you froze. They were… very expensive. They must be real leather or something, they were quality anyways. But to drop that amount of money just like that wasn’t something you could just do, especially not this close to Christmas.
“Oh, uhm well maybe not. They’re a bit much, plus mine work fine. I’m not outside that much anyway.” You felt a pang of sadness in your chest but put the gloves back, turning to Bakugou who was just watching you silently.
“Alright. Well, I’m getting cold and hungry so do you want to go buy something to eat then instead?” He looked towards the exit casually and you realized that you were actually getting pretty hungry yourself so it sounded like an amazing idea.
“Sounds good! We could go eat it by the tree too, we haven’t been there yet and I want to see the band playing.” Both of you headed to the opening of the tent, standing beside it to discuss the plan.
“Why don’t you go buy the food and I’ll get some dessert from that pastry cart we saw a while back? We can meet at the tree when we’re done.” He pulled out some money and handed it to you.
“Cool! I want that saffron one with the vanilla filling!” You were excited to try out the pastries, they had looked amazing when you passed by. Bakugou nodded before motioning that you should get going. You put your hands in your pockets to hide them from the outside before nodding back and heading down the street.
The sun had set quite some time ago and even more of the lights were now lit. Fairy lights and stars hanging from stall to stall above the temporary streets. Some people had set up blinking Christmas lights that changed from red to green to white, all to catch people’s attention. Clouds had also rolled across the sky, hiding the moon from sight. All around you couples were walking, hand in hand. Their breaths showed in the cold air as they softly spoke or laughed with one another. Then you see one of the food stalls sponsored by a local café you frequently visited.
It took a couple of minutes before you could order and a little longer to get your order but soon enough you had a bag with your food and carrying a holder with two hot chocolates. Using the big, bright tree to navigate the market, you made your way to the center.
The fantastic fir was the centerpiece of the winter market, multiple benches having been placed around it for people to sit. Other benches and picnic tables were scattered around the big place where people could sit down, rest, and eat whatever they bought at the market. And across the space from you, you could see the band still playing, a choir singing Christmas songs while kids sang along in the audience. While looking around you see the tassel which you had been watching bounce all day and your boyfriend just happened to be attached to it as well.
“Hey, Bakugou! Are you blind or something?” You grin and walk over to him, seeing him look up from his phone bewildered by your sudden shout. “Sorry, I just had to. But I got the food and…” You hold up the cup holder proudly. “Hot chocolate.”
“Good job, now let’s find somewhere to eat.” He smiled a little at the news, not even he could decline the sweet warmth of hot chocolate on a cold winter night.
After having eaten the food and the pastries, you only had half of the hot chocolate left which you had decided to drink while standing near the band to enjoy the music. You watched the musicians as they played, it looked so easy for them and they looked so happy playing in front of everyone there. You took a sip of your beverage, letting its warmth slide down your throat and into your belly, letting it warm up your body from the inside out. Then you feel a soft bump of your hand, then another one. You look down and see Bakugou’s finger trying to hook onto yours. Looking up at his face, he’s intently staring at the band, his eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly as if he was focusing on something. How could he be so timid after years of dating still surprised you sometimes. But you smiled at him even if he wasn’t looking and grabbed onto his hand. He tensed for a second before relaxing and adjusting his hand so he could intertwine his fingers with yours.
“I can’t believe I didn’t buy a single thing at the market apart from food.” You complained, though not seriously. It just felt a little silly after being so excited for the market. You took the moment to inch closer to the taller man beside you, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Why? I mean, you obviously liked some of the stuff you looked at.” He let his crimson eyes fall on you, confused by your comment. If you wanted to buy something, why hadn’t you?
“Well like you said, I didn’t really NEED any of the stuff I looked at. It’s just stuff so I didn’t want to waste money on it.”
“Alright, but why do you regret not buying anything then?” Bakugou just didn’t get it at times. You couldn’t help but let out a sort of melancholy laugh.
“Because I really liked it… But it’s stupid, they’re not necessary.” You were getting embarrassed by your own problems now. But it seemed it finally struck a chord with Bakugou and he blinked in surprise at mostly himself.
“... Well if you really liked it then you should buy it. Everything you own doesn’t have to be a necessity, as long as you enjoy them and they make you happy. O-or something like that. Just because I don’t like having useless crap doesn’t mean you can’t get shit like that. Just don’t spend it on stuff you won’t use.” Bakugou didn’t dare to look at you after saying something so corny, instead choosing to look at the band. You, on the other hand, looked up at him with wide eyes. You took a short step away from him to really get a proper look at his face. He noticed your staring and ended up staring back, a blush clearly spreading across his cheeks but if you asked, he would claim it was the cold. You weren’t sure what to say though, at these words of encouragement and he couldn’t stand the silence.
“So, uh… maybe you shouldn’t be getting necessities as a present either so…” He let go of your hand and stuffed it into his pocket, pulling out something you couldn’t quite make out. “Don’t blame me for it not being wrapped though.”
He held out his hand and laying on his palm were the gloves you had been looking at before. You took a second before grabbing them with one hand, looking at them in awe.
“But… These were really expensive, Bakugou”
“So? I don’t mind, and they’re good quality so they’ll last you way longer than any of your shitty ones.” He grabbed your cup, letting you take off your old gloves and putting on the new ones. You put your old ones in your own pocket before looking back at Bakugou and grinned.
“They’re so soft! I love them… Thank you.” You looked into his eyes and then a thought popped into your head.
You grabbed his scarf with one hand, pulling it down and pulling him down so you could comfortably put your other hand on his cheek. With him holding the cups of hot chocolate, you had no problem stealing another kiss from him. This time pressing your warm lips against his for a couple of seconds. This kiss was probably warmer and sweeter than any hot chocolate you could make so you savored it for as long as you could. Just before you had pressed your lips against his and closed your eyes, you had seen the shock in his face but just as quickly he had closed his eyes too, melting into the kiss like ice on a sunny day.
“I love you, Katsuki.” You whispered when you finally pulled away and opened your eyes, watching his own eyes open. You stared right into those deep vermillion eyes of his, feeling a smile grow on your face as you spoke.
“I love you too, Brianna…” He was still a little dazed when he spoke and you let go of his scarf, letting him straighten his back. As he did so, something fell into view and landed on his head. And then another and yet another. Snow had begun to fall all around you, some melting against the stone ground while others stuck to stall roofs, trees, and lamp posts.
You looked around, as did he, and watched as others looked up at the sky and kids excitedly ran around or tried to catch the snowflakes in their mouths. It was cute.
“Well I guess I had great timing with my gift, huh” Bakugou muttered as he looked up to the sky too.
“Yeah, it couldn’t have been better. But it’s getting cold and late, maybe we should start to head back. Plus I kinda want to buy some of the stuff I saw today.” You took your cup from his hand and then grabbed the now empty hand with yours. You started to leave, walking towards the exit of the market together.
“Sure but don’t buy everything, I kinda need to figure out a new Christmas gift for you now... You’re pretty annoying, you know that right?”
“Sure, Bakugou. Sure.”
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fanfics-with-coffee · 4 years
The simple pleasures
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Your friend had so kindly set you up on a date with Kuroo Tetsurou, her classmate. And it’s been going great! But after your third date, another friend alerts you to the fact that you may want to check out his twitter... where he advertises his onlyfans. Of course you had to see what was hidden behind the paywall. 
Genre: Smut, smut, oh and did i mention smut? Pairing: Kuroo x reader Kinks: Could probably consider this some voyeurism, mastrubation, oral (both ways), little bit of orgasm denial, little bit of choking, mastrubation instructions for females. Words: 6000
“This was your place right?” The car slowly comes to a stop in front of your house, right between two streetlights. They dimly light up the inside of his car making it easier to see him as he turns his head to look at you, one hand still on the wheel. You couldn’t help but notice the other was placed on his upper leg, leading your eyes to his obviously thick thighs. 
“Yeah, this is still the place! Thanks again, Kuroo.” You quickly look up at his face again while smiling. Even in this light you can see his bright, cat like eyes watching your every move with slight amusement. It made the hairs on the back of your neck stand but you don’t want to make that apparent. You know that showing any sign of weakness would just make his teasing even worse.
He hums and nods his head, unbuckling his belt in one smooth move as he left his own car. You mimic him, climbing out from the warm car and out into the chilly evening air. Leaning back in, you grab your jacket before slamming the door closed. On the other side of the car, Kuroo is rummaging through his backseat, soon emerging with the giant cat plushie he had managed to win you earlier in the evening. You giggle while watching the grin on his face, still surprised by the comical size of the thing. Putting on your jacket while walking, you approach him and are about to take it out of his arms so you could carry it home by yourself. But before you could grab it, he moves it further away from you.
“Eh? You know, I’m not sure I’m ready to leave this guy with you…” He looks at the kitty plushie with a clearly fake sadness, hugging it closer to him. You just cross your arms over your chest and stare at him, a small smile tugging at your lips. Looking back at you, you see him melting a little. “Lemme walk you two to the door at least. So I can say goodbye to him properly.” 
As much as you had rolled your eyes at him, you happily have him follow you to the door. He radiates warmth despite having ditched his leather jacket in the car so you couldn’t help but drift closer to him. Absorbing his warmth before he could leave for today. This had been your third date with the man and each time it was over, you had missed him just a little more. This time had been especially fun since you hung out at the amusement park until just minutes before closing. The plushie had just been the cherry on top of a great day with an amazing guy.
“Well this is it.” You walk up to your door, fishing for your keys in your pocket. Before unlocking it though, you turn on your heel to face him, intending on grabbing Mr. Kitty. He comes strolling up to you, taking his sweet time and not so subtly soaking in your figure all the while. When he comes face to face with you you’re forced to tilt your head back a little so you could get a clear look at him. 
“I guess so.” He does his signature smirk while handing you the oversized plushie, watching you lean back before getting a good grip on it. With two hands now freed, he places one on your hip softly and slowly, keeping an eye on you in case you don’t accept his advances. You don’t shy away from his touch, having gotten used to his hands innocently touching your body throughout the day. What makes you surprised is when he brings his other hand up to cup your cheek. You feel yourself do a sharp inhale, staring into his half lidded eyes. But as he leans in, you do the same, closing your eyes.
The kiss is soft and lasts only a second before he pulls away again. Though it was quick, your whole belly was filled with butterflies fluttering around like crazy. You don’t realize you’re giving him big doe eyes until he has to cover his mouth with the side of his fist to contain a laugh. That’s when you snap out of your awed daze and lightly slap his chest.
“Sorry, sorry. You just looked so cute like that.” He has a shit eating grin while he speaks but does take a small step away from you. “I’ll text you later though so don’t ignore me. Oh and I’ll miss you.” You’re about to start blushing again at his last words until he softly grabs the back of your plushies head and kisses it's forehead. You let out an offended gasp until he laughs and does the same action to you. 
“There we go. Now you can leave.” You give him a teasing grin and he just softly shakes his head, turning to leave you. But not before he gives you a small wave, placing his other hand in his pocket. You watch him walk towards his black car, his silhouette lit up by the car's lights when he unlocks it. Even from this distance you can hear his cheery whistling. Satisfied, you turn around and finally unlock your door.
As soon as your foot hits the floor inside your home, you feel your shoulders relax and you let out a breath. As if in a trance you take off your shoes and jacket, throwing your handbag to the hallway floor with no need for it anymore. Carrying your new plushie with you, you move into your living room and throw it on the couch, your own body following soon after in the darkness. 
You cuddle up to your new found friend, his size perfect to lean on. And having been carried around by Kuroo since he won it, his scent had been rubbed off onto it. That simple fact made you smile like an idiot. You reminded yourself that you had your friend to thank for this since she had been the one to set you two up the first time. So while you move to pull up your phone, you took the time to light one of the floor lamps next to the couch and turn on the TV to fill the silence in the room. And then you sitt there, phone in hand, ready to tell your closest friends about the day you had just had.
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You can barely believe your eyes as you read through the screenshot. While you had seen people sharing their onlyfans link you didn’t think anyone you knew would have one. But you shouldn’t judge it too quickly, you knew onlyfans advertised to a wide variety of people, one of them being professional trainers. Kuroo talked about his love for training… so maybe?
Now that your curiosity has been piqued you couldn’t just let it go. Sitting up properly, you type the link into your phone. Onlyfans.com/… domkuroo… That training theory didn’t sound as likely anymore. But you continue, met with the login screen. You go ahead and download the app and create your account, heart in your throat. You only pause when his subscription page popped up, your whole face lighting up by your bright screen.
$15 per month.
It wasn’t a meekly sum but was it worth it to realize what was going? Of course it was. 
Minutes later you’re allowed onto his page and you can physically feel the blood rush to your face. He certainly wasn’t a professional trainer even though you can clearly see he got the body of one. Your eyes are drawn to his profile picture even though it lacks his face. A slanted shot with just his abdomen shown thanks to him raising his black t-shirt. You can see a hint of a grin peeking out from the edge of the picture. Simple but effective. His banner was in similar spirit, three pictures of him shirtless next to each other. Two from the front and one showing off his defined back muscles, all of them with teasing or joking facial expressions. Your eyes were roaming over his pictures, eyes wide open. Three dates and you hadn’t even seen a peek of these swatches of skin but now you kinda felt like you couldn’t wait for it. 
Your phone had already buzzed a couple times, your friends messages popping up as notifications above your screen but you don’t pay them any mind. Already too absorbed in the new found treasure chest of content from one of the hottest men you’ve ever met.
Shifting in your seat, you use a shaky finger to scroll down to the first post. The content was similar to the first pictures you’d seen. Him, shirtless, in what looks to be his bathroom mirror, doing a peace sign and sticking out his tongue. The caption simply read “Don’t wanna go to class tomorrow but alas. But you guys can have a little something before I go to bed early”. Cute…
The small smile that adorns your face fell quickly when you scrolled onto the next post. Another picture but this time he wasn’t using it to show off his abs. Instead you came face to face with his bulge as it pushed against his pants, the same pants he had worn just earlier today. He used his hand to accentuate it, letting it tent between his fingers. You couldn’t help but stare, not just at the bulge but his hands. You had never gotten such a good look at them before, the long fingers with their prominent knuckles and the veins which softly protruded from his skin. You remember how they had felt against your cheek but now you imagined how they’d feel dragging across other parts of your skin. How his softly calloused hand would feel gripping your thigh, slowly and gently dragging further up and inwards… How they’d push down on your hips while his damned teasing tongue was put to better wor—
You caught your own mind wandering and how you had unconsciously pressed your thighs together in anticipation which would ultimately lead nowhere. You lick your dry lips and take a deep breath before looking at the caption. 
“Hate when this happens, any cute kitten willing to help out?” 
It was aloof, casual even. It was infuriating in the best way. You could see the amount of people who had left comments and just shook your head. You had been afraid you’d get discouraged by the whole thing, the thought of Kuroo sharing more than just�� his face… had you worried. But now you just felt a sense of pride welling up in you. The way he treats you was much more intimate so there was no doubt in your mind that this little side business wouldn’t have an impact on your romantic relationship. But that also meant that you don’t have a problem enjoying this side of him as well. 
With this newfound confidence you scroll down even further, the sound of the tv just a white noise by now. It was a new format on your screen, a video. It was like a new step, a new hurdle to cross. But unlike earlier, you aren’t as hesitant. Throwing your phone on your couch, face up as you scramble to find a pair of headphones. Luckily it was just to reach over to your table, a pair of flimsy earphones haphazardly laid there. Plugging them in and putting them on, you sit down on your couch again, pulling your plushie closer as you pressed the play button, your teeth chewing softly on your lower lip.
Immersed in the video, you first heard Kuroo’s soft breathing against your ears. The camera was clumsily adjusted until his whole face was in view and he smiled, seemingly looking so it recorded properly. When he had assured himself of that, he laughed quietly and posed, letting his tongue slip past two fingers in a suggestive manner, giving the camera a wink. Your cheeks heat up again at his teasing mannerisms. 
The camera shook a little and suddenly the view switch and you almost gasp. You should’ve suspected it yet when you were face to face with his cock, it still surprised you. In the background you could see glimpses of his laptop, set up with a paused video of it of what must’ve helped him get ready. But you don’t really pay it any mind, much more focused on the center of the screen. His dick was lean and rather big, that’s your guess anyways, based on what could be seen. A vein or two decorated the shaft and a neat tuft of hair was at its base. His hand finally appeared, wasting no time in grasping his own dick. And as his thumb swiped over the tip he let out a shuddering sigh which made you tense up. 
“I remember how much you cuties liked that last video… So I’ll try to remember to talk more.” His voice filled your ears, a light growl in his voice thanks to how quietly he was speaking. “Since my voice obviously made you so horny.” It went down another octave when he spoke this time and he spoke even closer to the mic. He started to get into it, slowly jerking himself off with a steady hand. You couldn’t possibly break away from watching him now, you were too invested at this point. Your own hand had even moved down your bare thigh.
“Hah… Now if you’re gonna jerk someone off like this… Start slow. No— mgh… No stress.” —he moved his thumb over the head, you could clearly hear his voice catch in his throat— “but when you’re alone like this, it’s hard not to get impatient.” The chuckle he had started with unraveled into a throaty groan as he started to speed up his own movements. Pulling on his own member, his breathing sped up and droplets of pre-cum was forming on the tip.
“I’m not going to try and… pull something fancy this time… fuck… Sometimes just a good ol’ handy is enough, you know?” The fact that he could still joke under all this made you kinda impressed. You knew yourself that had you been in a similar position, you wouldn’t be able to make any sense. If he had you against a wall, his fingers playing with your clit as he towered over you. His other hand holding onto your wrists to force you to rely on him for pleasure. No matter how many times he’d ask what you wanted from him, you doubt you would be able to give him a reply that would satisfy. “You’d look so pretty, you know?”
Kuroo’s voice brought you back to reality and back to the video. 
“I would’ve loved to have you here, your cute… pink lips… wrapped around my cock. You’d eagerly suck it, wouldn’t you? Kitten? Ah fuck—” he slowed himself down to a crawl again. His breathing had developed into panting to the point where you could see his abdomen rising and falling. And just below the skin you could see his muscles tens and relax, trying to prolong the inevitable end. He shuddered before speaking again. “Your eyes would just beg me to fuck your face. Ask me to destroy you, use you for my own pleasures. ‘Cus you know I’d happily do the same in return.” 
He picked up his own pace again and you had unconsciously let your hand move to the button on your shorts, playing with it.
“But right now I’d love nothing more than to thread my fingers through your hair and grab it. Hold you right there as I buck my hips into that filthy fucking mouth of yours. Just imagining the sounds are getting me so… fucking close…” The way he said it went straight to your core. He was rambling and it was obvious he was going to cum any second now. You couldn’t help but hold your breath. “You’d be such a good girl and just take it—” With a sudden gasp you saw cum start to shoot from his cock but it only lasted a second until he turned the camera again. 
He had thrown his head back, the camera shaking slightly from his orgasm. His back had clearly arched off whatever he was sitting on and sweat had formed on his exposed chest and collarbone. You could even see how he jerked and twitched as his orgasm overtook him. The scene was almost hotter than the whole process of getting to it. But it didn’t last nearly as long as you had hoped it would. Catching his breath, he let his head fall to the side with a lazy, smug grin. He looked into the camera with half lidded eyes. And then the video ended.
You could barely stand this anymore. What began as a curious look into a side of a date you had never seen is ending up making you more horny than you have been in a long time. Yet you knew you couldn’t stop now just as much as you know you need to take care of yourself.
Thinking it over for just a moment, you decide that it was worth the embarrassment of facing him again after this. You turn off your phone and place it besides you on the couch before jumping up from the couch. It takes you mere seconds to pull off your top and shorts, you even take off your bra for good measure. The soft light from the lamp bounces off your skin and the sudden chill from the loss of clothes makes goosebumps appear up your thighs and arms. But your blood rush soon catches up to you and you feel comfortably warm when you sit back down on your couch. You grab your phone and in one swift motion you throw up your feet on the plush seat next to you. You positioned your gigantic cat to act as a backrest. A pleasant surprise in reaction to this was how Kuroo’s intoxicating smell now enveloped you even further. 
You push your knees together while turning on your phone again, this time fully aware of what to expect when you put in your earphones again. And you aren’t disappointed when you scroll down further, past a couple more pictures in similar fashion to the earlier content. You only stop when you see another play button on your screen. You look at the caption.
“This little thing has been highly requested so since I got some time over and I’m in dire need to release some steam I thought why not? ft. my favorite toy” Well now you have to play it.
“So here’s a little treat for all you lovely ladies.” The video started with a shot of his face and parts of his, once again, bare upper body. He was sitting in the same seat as last time, leaning back and resting his cheek on his fist. “I’ll be honest and say that is the first time I’ve instructed anyone on how to touch themsleves— Mh, wait no,”—he smiled to himself—”it’s the first time I’ve planned out the instructions ahead of time. So if you aren’t satisfied with this video, you’re very welcome to come up with a fitting punishment down in the comments. Sounds fair? ...Good. With that out of the way…” 
“Let’s play.”
Your heart catches in your throat, the daring tone in his voice making you fidgety. But it caught your attention and you were just about ready to do anything this man told you to do, as long as he did it in that deep voice of his. The screen changes and this time he was wearing a pair of black dress pants and his bright red underwear was peeking out from underneath. While restricted, you could still see that he was hard underneath the layers.
“Now I hope you’re prepared yourself, babygirl, because I’m not going to be waiting for you to get undressed. You should know what you were going to end up doing if you’re listening to me right now. So lay back… and spread your legs for me.” You sink down even further in your seat, almost laying down while letting your legs fall open without any resistance. One of your legs hit the couch back but it doesn’t bother you, you know you still have full access to everything you need. He shifted his legs a little, spreading them even more. While doing so, he managed to unbutton his pants and slowly pull the zipper down.
“Good girl. Now use one of your hands and just let it slowly move down your soft belly.” You obediently do as you are told, watching him as he hooked his thumb in his underwear. He probably knew anyone watching would be anticipating this moment so he made sure to take his sweet time pulling them down. You even caught yourself licking your lower lip without thinking when you finally saw the swollen head of his cock. It is almost embarrassing how much he affects you but you are shameless right now. And as his whole length sprung free, bouncing up thanks to it's new found freedom, your eyes follow it. But you aren’t the only one affected by this move, Kuroo groaned quietly when the fabric rubbed against his crotch. He didn’t care enough to take off his garments and instead pulled them down just enough for them to get out of the way. 
“When you get to your sweet spot I want you to just lightly tease your slit with one finger. Don’t press too hard or you’re gonna ruin the whole fun here. And we’re here to have fun aren’t we?” The smile on his face could be heard through his voice. He reached his hand somewhere off screen and when it came back in frame, you could see something liquid and shiny on his fingers. It became obvious what it was when he carefully smeared it over his shaft. He took a sharp intake of air through his teeth before relaxing and letting it out again. “Ah crap… So cold… You girls have it way easier, you get so damn wet on your own.” 
“Speaking of wet, why don’t you finally dip a finger into yourself? And maybe even a second one. Rub them on either side of your clit and that little hole of yours. Don’t touch them though, got it?”—he pauses for a second—”It’s almost funny how quickly you melt for me. How easily you’re following my instructions.” He was calling you out. But you couldn’t help but do as he said, your fingers slipping under your underwear almost too easily. He had begun slowly stroking his own dick in a steady pace while he was talking, once in a while teasing the head like he had done in the earlier video.
“It’s so cute… I love when you listen to me like this. When you trust me enough to let me do this to you. It makes me want to push you down a little, see how much you can take. How much you’ll let me use and abuse you. So rub your clit for me, kitten. Slow circles. Don’t get impatient, I’m not there to stop you today. But maybe that’s good, I could probably keep you in that limbo until you’re crying and begging me to fuck you.” The chuckle he made after was tethering on being evil, as if the thought of your desperate cries was amusing to him. It was kinda hot. 
The comment bounces around in your head, the thought of him pushing you to the edge like that. Maybe he’d do it in the back of his car, the one he took you home in. Parked just outside your house after a date, you two would be crammed into the back. He lifted your legs over his shoulders, the blood rushing to your head from the angle he was holding them up at. Your hands were pushing against the door from the inside, stuck staring at him as he ate you out. Slowly and calculating. He was taking his sweet time with you, his tongue gently circling your bundle of nerves. He was doing it hard enough to make your hips twitch and your mouth whine but not enough to rile you up further than that. If you were starting to zone out too far he’d introduce his fingers to you again. Pushing two inside with ease and fucking you with them until you were raising your hips even further and about to cum. Then he’d pull away fully, leaving you to fall from your high in the matter of seconds. All because he wanted you to watch him properly as he made it all start over again. 
“Rub faster now. I want to see you unravel before me... Now I should probably tell you that I expect that you wait for my permission to cum. It’s important that you do so or I’ll end up having to make a punishment video for you as well. Or maybe that’s more your style.” He could barely even laugh at his own comments anymore. He had been increasing his own pace along with you and the heavy breathing had just kicked into full effect. “Maybe you’re the type to smile while I tie you up. Get excited at the thought of cum denial and pain. At being gagged and fucked raw until you’re sore.”
He spent another moment just jerking off, letting you take care of yourself. All the while he was letting out quiet groans and pleasured sighs which were all clearly picked up by his microphone. 
“And stop.” —He quite suddenly, and almost hesitantly, let go of his own cock— “I told you not to get impatient didn’t I? Now take a deep breath and let’s try that again.” You mindlessly followed, removing your hand from your pussy, a trail of your own wetness connecting your fingers to your pussy lips. But you aren’t happy, you may have listened but you frown at his sudden demand. 
While you were busy pouting, he had reached over to somewhere off screen again. Once you had gotten over your own annoyance you realize what he was holding when his hand came back into frame. You haven’t seen any in real life but you knew what the toy he had mentioned in his caption was now. A translucent pocket pussy. The obscene nature of it would make you blush if you weren't already burning up. 
“Let’s finish this, eh?”—he cleared his throat before speaking again—”Take a finger and slowly start fucking yourself with it. Use two if one doesn’t suffice. And well if you have a dildo, I’m sure you know what to do with it. Oh but please... don’t imagine it’s me fucking you.” The sarcasm dripping from his voice would’ve annoyed you if you weren’t in the position you were in now. Because right now, you would love nothing more than for him to fuck your brains out. But like he told you to, you can only do it slowly for now. He seemed to keep that in mind as well when he pushed his dick into the toy, slowly letting it take him to the hilt.
“Because I’m certainly not imagining that this is you right now. Slowly pushing yourself down onto my cock, moaning like a bitch in heat. And then back up again just to let yourself  slide back down. Over… and over… getting faster each time. Hah...I’d help you of course, I’d grab your ass and set the pace.” He was quickening his own pace in time with his talking and you followed suit without being instructed to do so. You are getting too invested in the fantasy, his words turning into vivid images in your head.
You could almost feel his dick pounding into you, filling you. And how his big hands fit on your hips. You could remember how it felt when he did so earlier while he kissed you. But the kiss you were imagining now was much more sinful. Tongues intertwined in open mouth kisses, only broken by your own moans. The sound of skin hitting skin was clear in your head, the pacing matching your own fingers thrust. He wasn’t soft or careful like he had been with you during the day, behind closed doors he was rough and raw. No longer afraid to leave marks of his fingers on your hips or a red handprint on your ass. It exhilarated you, how calculated yet reckless each move he made on you was. 
“Fuck yourself, just like you— F-fuck… like you think I’d fuck you. And now a little faster than that, I don’t think you really understand just how badly I need you right now, kitten.” You can barely even think for yourself anymore, you don’t need to. You have a faraway look in your eyes while staring at the screen, watching him pump himself with the toy. Strings of lube connecting his skin and the silicone together with each thrust, the sound perfectly mimicking that of skin against skin. Even the clothes he had pulled down didn’t go unstained, making the scene even more pornographic. 
His erratic thrusts were a clear indication of how close he was getting again. The grip on his toy was growing tighter too and you wish you could feel how desperate he was. He would grab a fistful of your hair close to your scalp and pull, forcing your head back and breaking your open mouthed kisses. His need to claim you as his too great, manifesting in the licks and bites he made along your neck and collarbone. The sweet pain of creating a hickey mixed with his powerful thrusts into you was overwhelming.
“I’m s-so close…” You told him in your head, your hands mentally grabbing at his shoulders to keep yourself steady. 
“I… Hah… mgh-!..I know you’re getting there, babygirl. Let me count you down… I don’t care how you fucking do it, but I need you to cum on 5. Can you do that for me?” He asked and you nodded vigorously, your back arching off the couch. You didn’t care that he couldn’t hear you, you replied like a good girl should. “G-good.”
You closed your eyes, too overwhelmed by his, or rather your own, actions. But in your mind he was counting you down, a dangerous grin on his face when he looked up at you above him. He had purposely slowed himself down to make sure you could last the whole time without cumming. 
He let go of your hair, instead moving his hand to hold it around your throat loosely. Meeting his eyes it was as if they were glowing in the low light, watching your rapidly rising and falling chest. His other hand was firmly placed on your hip, helping you bounce on his dick. Your hands holding his shoulders were grabbing on harder.
The number left his lips and he started to speed up your movements, the wet slapping sound getting louder. Your moaning was starting to match those you hear in pornos, sweet and needy. His own voice sounds strained when he speaks again.
“2, you’re doing so well, pretty girl”
There was a small smile on your lips at his words but it was interrupted by his thumb pressing down on your clit. It started rubbing the nerves frantically, no longer concerned by how long you were supposed to last. He trusted that you could hold yourself. 
You were chasing your release, eagerly fucking yourself on his dick. He sped up his thumb as it was working on you while he happily watched yourself lose your mind thanks to purely his voice and your own need to please him. 
“Fuck! Cum for me—!”
You can’t see him cum, but you swear you can feel it. And as you do, your own orgasm comes washing over you like a tidal wave, hitting your hard and fast. Your whole body tensed up and you pushed your thighs together, curling up instinctively. The whole room was warm and your panting mixed in with the murmurs of the people on the TV. You rubbed your clit slowly, riding out your own high in a daze, lips parted while you twitch. 
Kuroo’s heavy breathing finally registers in your brain and you focus on the video again. He had flipped the camera to his face again and you were glad he did. He looked pretty fucked up himself, a similarly dazed look in his eyes while he recouped. But when he wetted his own lips, he seemed to regain control and energy enough to laugh at himself.
“Ho-o-oly crap, well that wasn’t too bad. I wasn’t sure how much I would enjoy that but I’m not gonna lie, that was really good.” —he stretched his neck muscles, tilting his head from side to side—”I’m gonna need to go lie down a bit and drink some water… You do the same, stay hydrated. And uh, right, comment underneath if you enjoyed this or if I need to make a… punishment video. But anyways, I’ll catch you guys later. Heh..” 
With a final smile, the video ends and you are left alone in your home. But you don’t feel alone, you are honestly still exhilarated. Maybe it was because you just came but maybe it was because you now had a hint of what to expect if you and Kuroo got serious and you loved it. The fact that you so easily obeyed everything a guy who didn’t even know you were watching said to you was a sign of the confidence he had with every command he told you to follow. And you loved that about him.
But what now? You knew of this side of him, should you bring it up? Or act like nothing had happened, as hard as that would be.
You let the thought simmer in your head as you get up, grabbing your clothes from the floor on the way to clean yourself up in the bathroom. You make quick work of it, tired from the whole experience. But as you splash some water in your face, you hear a notification go off on your phone. Curious, you look at the locked screen.
“Onlyfans: Domkuroo just posted something! Be the first to check it out!”
Your stomach does a flip as you read the banner and without thinking, you unlock your phone to check the new post.
Another picture post, this time he was in his car. The lights were turned on in it which lit up the photo, giving it a yellow tint. It was of his crotch, the zipper of his black pants pulled down and his white boxer briefs were clearly tented and pushing against the fabric. It couldn’t be anything other than a hard on being displayed. 
It made your breath catch in your throat as you realize the implications of the post. Your suspicions were confirmed once you read the caption.
“I blame her and her soft lips for this. Can’t get it outta my head.”
You can’t ignore this. It took you mere seconds to find his number in your phone and while still riding your confidence high, you call him. It beeps twice before you hear him pick up.
“Hey, y/n. Isn’t it a bit late, what’s up?” His voice was breathy and a little quiet, it reminds you of the way he sounds in his videos. Maybe you interrupted him while he was—? No… But the thought makes you blush.
You had to take a deep breath before you responded to him, going over what you wanted to say once more in your head before speaking.
“I’ll happily take the blame for your situation, Kuroo.” You feigned confidence but your heart feels like it was going to beat out your chest. Now he just needs to understand what you meant, but you doubted you had to worry.
“Huh—? Oh.”—His voice went down an octave when he spoke again—”Oh, is that so? Well why don’t I come pick you up again so you can take responsibility for this, kitten?” Despite how teasing he sounds, you can see a grin form on your own face in the mirror at the suggestion.
“Pick me up in 30.”
“Got it.”
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fanfics-with-coffee · 4 years
Crybaby memories Ch.1
First chapter of a little something I’m working on. Just wanna get this out to feel out the waters a little so I hope you guys enjoy! 
Updated as of 21/1/2021 because I didn’t like the old version.
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Y/n finally returns to Japan after 10 years to finish her last year of the hero course at UA. But what she didn’t realize was that she would have to meet her old childhood friends and face her past, something she had left in Japan. And can Bakugou really make up for the mistake he regrets the most? Or maybe you’d do best to just forget about the explosive blonde.
Genre: Some angst and maybe fluff? Pairing: Bakugou x reader Words: 2500~ Childhood friends AU
-> Ch.2 
“It’s y/l/naaaame, y/n y/l/n!” She put extra emphasis on her surname when she spoke, trying her best to make it easy for the boy in front of her to mimic her. He frowned a little, clearly trying to figure out how he should approach the word in his head before he spoke.
“y-y/l/n…” He tried again, carefully watching the girls face and noticing that he once again botched her name. She had pursed her lips, watching his face as she racked her brain to find another way to solve this problem. He felt his face heat up at the embarrassment of messing up something so important. But as if a lightbulb appeared over her head, she suddenly perked up.
“Just call me y/n! That’s easier right?” She smiled brightly, the boy would’ve almost compared her to the sun itself if he’d been any better with words. The little girl leaned forward, placing her tiny hands on the playground dirt, expectantly waiting for him to say her name.
“Y-y/n?” He said, carefully and quietly. His face wasn’t just warm now, he was burning up but the girl didn’t seem to mind. She was much too excited to notice as she stood up, thinking they could do something much more fun than struggle with something so trivial. 
“Exactly! Now you don’t have to worry about my last name anymore. I’m a genius!” She spoke and held out her hand to the boy, helping him to his feet. He stared at her, not quite sure what to say to someone so radiant. But as she turned to go find something for the two of them to do, he spoke up.
“Uh, well you can just call me Izuku then, instead of Midoriya I mean... t-that way it’s fair.”
The girl looked at him, surprised for only a second before that heroic smile returned and she nodded.
“I’m name is y/l/n y/n, it's nice to meet you. I’m joining you guys for the last year of highschool, I hope to get along with you all!” Y/n smiled as she stood in front of the class, he back straight and her head held high.
She got a mumbling choir of greetings back, her eyes scanning the crowd as she took in her new classmates. The class of 3-A, her graduating class. It was almost surreal, even if she had realized early that the chance of her going to UA was slim after she moved away from Japan, here she was, 10 years later. After the class quieted down, the energy was still high and people almost buzzed with curiosity. The girl gave them a respectful bow before their teacher took over.
“Alright y/l/n, you can go ahead and take the empty seat over there. Our last lesson is just beginning.” Aizawa told her from behind his desk. She was somewhat thankful he cut her introduction short. As excited she was for being here, there was a certain nervousness growing in the back of her head. As soon as she got her acceptance letter and she saw which class she was going to join, she realized that she would be meeting some new faces but most importantly… some old ones.
Y/n made quick work of getting to her seat, walking past some of her classmates, and giving them each a small smile as a greeting. She hung her bag on her chair and sat down. Aizawa didn’t waste any time starting the lesson, leaving the students with little introduction to their new classmate. But people had a more difficult time focusing on what he was saying as people threw what they thought were sneaky glances towards the new girl. But it was hard not to notice the turning heads and curious looks she was getting. She just smiled, she was used to the attention. Everyone wondered who the new kid was, right? 
Despite the people who kept looking at her, y/n had noticed someone else across the room. A certain boy whose green hair bobbed and bounced along with his head movements. She looked at him and wondered how she should approach him after class. Would he even remember her? It was a long time ago.
But before she could figure out how she should handle the situation, her eyes met deep green ones. None of them were prepared for it and as soon as they had met, they separated. But it had given her a better look at Izuku Midoriya’s face, one she didn’t dare take when she was in front of the class. Those chubby cheeks he had as a kid had slimmed to a much more masculine shape, he’d gotten more handsome than cute since last time she had seen him. But those freckles that always covered his cheeks were still there, reminding her of the little kid she used to know. She remembered how surprised he looked just now when their eyes met and almost laughed. He may look like a man but he was still that shy boy she knew.
Leaning her cheek on the palm of her hand, she smiled and went back to focusing on the lesson. All the while bright red eyes observed her from behind, seeing her new figure and face, all the while his own memories started to flood his mind.
After what felt like mere minutes passed, the lesson came to an end. And Aizawa spent little time wrapping it up and instead unceremoniously announced the lesson to be over and left the classroom. A chorus of chair legs scraping against the floor followed the sound of the door closing after the teacher. And within seconds, a group had formed around the ‘new girl’. She couldn’t say she was surprised but being surrounded so quickly had her looking around her, wide-eyed.
“Hey, it’s y/l/n, right?” A redheaded man spoke first, clearly taking the lead. He looked friendly with that big grin of his, his hand softly pressing again y/n’s desk while he leaned forward a bit. The only problem was that he had pronounced her name quite… differently to say the least.
“What, no? You pronounce it like y/l/n!” A girl whose skin was dyed pink filled the space beside the tall man, putting a hand on his shoulder as she looked at him like he was dumb, but in an affectionate and teasing way. All the while she had been even further from the actual surname. “Right?”
“Actually, I think she pronounced it y/l/n” Someone finally got close but she couldn’t see who. It had been one of the girls who had ended up further in the back, the only thing visible from the middle of the circle being her black hair.
Y/n was about to say something, explain that she didn’t really mind what they called her, but before she could get a word out someone had elbowed their way to the front of her desk. Her eyes lit up and she instinctively stood up at the sight of him.
“ Y/n!” He exclaimed, his eyes glowing with excitement as he nearly slammed his hands down on the desk. The girl matched his smile all the while she climbed around her desk and past the people around it.
“Izuku!” She didn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. The slightly taller male took a second to try and find an appropriate place to put his hands which was obvious to any onlooker. He settled for placing them on her upper back, pulling her closer and letting out a small, awkward laugh. But their good moods didn’t seem to rub off on the others around them as the room went quiet.
The two pulled away once they noticed the sudden silence, taking a step away from each other. It only took Midoriya a second to realize what the others were thinking and as he did, his face suddenly burned up from the embarrassment while his hands flew up in a defensive manner. It took y/n another second to catch on, at first confused by her friend's reaction. But then it hit her.
“I-is Midoriya dating the new girl?!” A blonde man with a dyed black streak of hair looked the most shocked from the situation, his face coated in a light blush from second-hand embarrassment. Midoriya looked at him and started stuttering out a defense.
“No! N-no, no, w-we’re really not! She’s just an old friend, like a really old friend? Childhood friend actually–” He was sweating bullets as he tried his best to explain the situation but the girl realized she’d have to cut the tension.
“It’s nothing like that! We’re old friends and he couldn’t really say my surname as a kid so… We just call each other by our first names. You guys can call me y/n too, I really don’t mind.” She gave them a sweet smile and it luckily managed to change the mood in the room to a more relaxed one as people realized they hadn’t just seen two lovers embrace for the first time in years. While away, y/n had totally forgotten about the intimacy that calling someone by their first name brought here in Japan. 
“W-well alright everyone! Let’s give our new student some space, no one should be trapped by their desk like this!” A man with glasses managed to get into the tight-knit circle and signaled with his arm to give the girl some space. Everyone did as they were told, backing away and instead opting to find somewhere else to sit as they talked. It didn’t take long for people to find new places to sit, some by their desks, and others just stood in smaller groups, far enough to let the air waft through the room but close enough so no one would need to shout while talking.
“So, y/l– I mean y/n, you have to spill it, what’s your quirk?” That red-headed man spoke up again, showing off his sharp teeth when he spoke and crossed his arms over his chest while leaning on what could be assumed to be his own desk.
And so the interrogation started and y/n would have to spill everything. From where she came from to what she could do with her quirk and what her limits were. Her favorite bad movie even came up somewhere in there and she had been suspiciously quick at answering that one. But most importantly, everyone had introduced themselves. Well everyone but one.
But she already knew who he was.
Bakugou hadn’t made a move since the class ended, hadn’t said a word. Y/n had already noticed his presence and with it, an eerie feeling had overcome her. The blonde had just sat there, scrolling through his phone and never once looked up to her knowledge. It was way different than the loud-mouthed kid she had known and it made her uncomfortable. But it wasn’t like she could say anything, the last time they had spoken still replayed in her head whenever she stole a glance his way. She knew she couldn’t just keep acting like he didn’t exist for the rest of the year though, that was glaringly obvious.
You were going to be heroes, right?
“Hey y/n, you’re going to be living with us in the dorms, right? Why don’t we continue talking over there? I'm getting hungry…” Tsuyu tilted her head while she spoke, her tongue sticking out of her mouth like it tended to do. She got a quiet murmur of agreeing voices as people nodded along, they had to admit that they were getting hungry too. Even y/n smiled and nodded, jumping off the desk she had been sitting on as she grabbed her bag, getting ready to leave. Midoriya and Uraraka who had been close to her looked at each other before they went and grabbed their stuff themselves, continuing their quiet conversation about classes the next day.
Y/n was about to join them when a voice pulled her to a stop, a wave of something familiar washing over her.
“Oi shitty-hair, did you guys talk about what we were having for dinner or did that get lost in your pointless ramblings?” She didn’t need to look at who was talking, she already knew. The voice was different from what she remembered, it was much deeper and there was a hint of a growl coming from the back to his throat when he spoke. But it was Bakugou alright.
She stood with her back to the speaker, unsure of what to do. She was weighing her options and pursing her lips when Midoriya came back up to her again, worried.
“Hey y/n, we’re about to head out. You coming?” He asked, quietly and softly as to not startle the girl in thought. She looked up at him, surprised and he tried giving her a reassuring smile. At that moment she knew what she needed to do.
“In a second, you guys can go on ahead. I know where the dorm is, I just need to do something before going back.” She tried her best to give him a smile that would put him at ease but he wasn’t convinced. She didn’t even need to look at Bakugou for him to know what she was talking about. He shifted his gaze to behind her and watched the man, furrowing his brows before looking back at the girl in front of him. Meeting her big, bright eyes he let out a sigh and then smiled, giving her a nod.
“Alright. I’ll see you back at the dorm then, y/n.” He waited for a beat before speaking again. “Welcome back.”
Midoriya left the classroom along with some of the other students, throwing y/n one last glance before they went out the door. But she never noticed, having already turned around and taken the few steps it took for her to get to the designated desk. Kirishima was still occupying Bakugou’s time, talking about something she couldn't focus on deciphering. 
As she took the last step, placing herself on the other side of the small table, Bakugou turned his head to look at her. He had seen someone moving in his peripheral but he didn’t expect to see her face so close so soon. Shock crossed his face for less than a second before the uncaring facade kicked in again and he turned to address Kirishima who hadn’t stopped talking.
“Alright, I got it, I’m not stupid.” He snapped, glaring at his friend which shut him up quickly. He looked puzzled as he hadn’t even told him what he wanted to say. But he only needed to give the girl a quick glance to realize why he had been so abruptly silenced. He didn’t need to be verbally told that there was tension between the two of them, he could practically see it. 
“Uh, right, well I’ll just head over to the dorm with the others. I… assume I will see you guys later? Don’t be late or I can’t promise there’ll be any dinner left!” Kirishima adjusted the bag on his shoulder as he started to move towards the door. He looked to the girl and then back towards his friend, wondering what had happened between, what he thought was two strangers, that could set the mood this tense. But assuming he knew his friend well, he threw y/n a sympathetic look before leaving the room.
In the end, it was just the two of them. Bathing in the warm light of the setting sun, they cast tall shadows on the wall. The only thing separating the two was the male’s desk, clean and empty. Face to face for the first time in 10 years. It was weird, she thought. She had imagined this moment over and over again in her head. The moment she would explain to him just how… terrible he was. Just how much he had hurt her all those years ago. How stupid he was. How mean, evil, egocentric, narcissistic and idiotic he was. How he was a straight up villain to her.
Yet when she finally stood here with him, she felt no need. 
“Hey.” She smiled at him, softly.
“... Hey.” He quietly mumbled back, trying to swallow the clump that was forming in his throat. He didn’t dare to actually look her in the eyes or he was sure that he’d sink through the floor.
“I just wanted to tell you… we don’t need to be friends.” She spoke with a lighthearted tone, clasping her hands behind her back. He finally looked up at her, surprised that she had continued in such a friendly tone. His raw, red eyes met hers and he felt his heart almost skip a beat. It was so stupid, the effect she had on him. No matter how much he tried to shove it down, ignore it, every time she did stuff like this he melted. But this time, it wasn’t the same. His heart twisted in his chest at her words, not that he let that show. “But I don’t want to feel like we can’t even talk. We’re about to be heroes right? And communication is important, or something like that.”
“Something like that…” He muttered and pulled his eyes away from hers, looking to his empty desk again while putting his hands in his pockets. 
“And all that stuff happened is in the past, so let’s just... forget it happened. Like I said, we don’t have to be friends. Strangers work perfectly fine with me.”
“No hero cries like that you know?”
He didn’t respond. He hated the way she had said strangers. But he didn’t know what to say to it, he didn’t want to fuck it up again. Hurt her again so maybe strangers were best. She knew how he could be, she knew he was terrible at expressing himself so she didn’t expect to get an answer. Instead, she held out her hand.
“So, my name is y/l/n y/n, I’m a student at UA and future pro-hero. It’s nice to meet you.”
“So useless. You can’t help anyone if you’re this sensitive!”
His head snapped up to look at her face which was just confidently smiling at him, waiting for him to shake her hand. It was stupid but he took her hand in his anyways. His calloused fingers enveloping hers as he gave her a firm grip.
“This is so dumb.” He muttered under his breath, but despite his words a smile was pulling at his lips. “My name is Bakugou Katsuki. Hero in training and future #1 hero.”
“I didn’t realize you were such a crybaby, y/n”
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fanfics-with-coffee · 4 years
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Daichi -
The guy may admit he doesn’t actually know much fashion but he does know how to match and layer.
Very simple clothing, no graphic tee’s and very few graphic hoodies.
With his broad shoulders he does… really well in those black jean jackets.
Pair that with a loose white t-shirt and some beige chino’s? Oof, n i c e
He really works those neutral colors as well as some dark blues.
While most of his t-shirt are modestly loose, he does keep a couple tight fitting one’s just for when he needs to show off a little.
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Sugawara -
Jumpers. So… many.. Jumpers. 
Sometimes combined with a collared shirt, sometimes just as is.
He details it with some nice necklaces or bracelets.
He absolutely owns checkered pants
Layers his clothes through t-shirts under his jumpers because he’s always kinda cold
Almost always carrying a bag because who knows when someone needs a water bottle or band aids.
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Asahi -
He works really hard to look pleasant since he kept being called scary.
Enjoys the jumper and collared shirt combo simply because of how clean and proper it looks.
They tend to sit.. a little tight though because of his large frame, much to his embarrassment.
Spices it up with some flannel shirts underneath said jumpers.
Occasionally wears a loose t-shirt with dress pants to more casual events.
Tends to push up the sleeves of whatever he wears, he likes having unobstructed arms. (It’s also… really hot…)
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Nishinoya -
This boy loves his unnecessary layers.
Hoodie with a flannel tied around his waist? of course
Jacket, flannel and THEN a t-shirt? absolutely.
It’s bright, its modern and it’s fun.
He got some name brand clothes he likes flaunting but only moderately in a whole outfit. He’s still gonna put the work in.
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Tanaka -
This guy wears a lot of sports wear. 
Its comfy, cool and in style.
He’s very proud of his name brand clothes but he’s not gonna mention it. He wants to be able to act surprised if someone mentions it, as if he didn’t even realize.
He does rock a couple bomber style jackets though, combined with some pins he’s been collecting.
Always kinda looks like he’s on his way or going from the gym
He can and will wear gym tights for men
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Hinata -
He’s dresses simply. Like… very simply. Shirt and pants, out the door.
It works though! All his clothes go with each other so he can look good even if he just grabs something last minute.
His teammates worry if he has… any pants thought or if they’re all shorts.
He wants to dress comfortably! He needs to be able to move.
He has absolutely not made his own wardrobe but he sure tries to maintain it.
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Kageyama -
He’s on about the same level as Hinata. His outfits work but he doesn’t really pay it much attention.
He just knows he can add a zip-up hoodie or flannel on top.
His outfits are usually pretty lowkey, he’s not one to stick out.
The team wonders if he, on the other hand, does have shorts or if it’s just pants. They worry about him during the summer.
Own’s exactly 1 accessory. It’s a bracelet he got from his parents and it just lays in their bathroom. He only wears it during events.
He has a couple cutesy cartoon t-shirts hidden in the back of his closet, only worn at home when he’s sick
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Tsukishima -
Acts like he doesn’t really care about fashion, just like everything else, but he is actually quite fashionable.
He owns a wide range of hoodies that he combines with. They range from snug fitting ones to very loose.
And as much as he likes teasing people for wearing ripped jeans he uses them quite often himself.
But of course he also wants to seem a little intellectual so his favorite type of jacket is long coats.
He even remembers to add bracelets and the like to his outfits rather often.
In general, probably the most fashion aware
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Yamaguchi -
He may not be the most confident guy out there, he can dress. He’s not always up to date on the trends, he knows what works on him.
He’ll try any style once but have fallen into a very homey style.
It’s pretty unique in a way, he can pull of stuff others usually can’t.
The loose suspenders, overalls and even the high waist jeans with tucked in shirt.
He even owns a pair of fake glasses to pair with his outfits.
He gets embarrassed any time someone compliments him on it does help his confidence, it tells him that he can actually pull off what he wants to pull off.
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fanfics-with-coffee · 4 years
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Dabi and Bakugou rarely got along but when they do, it's to double team you. You had been riling them up every time you entered the bar but never let them get any satisfaction, until you agreed on Dabi's dumb challenge. Drink the Blowjob shot the way it's suppose to be had, from between their legs and using no hands.
(This is a re-post from my AO3 work)
Genre: Smut, just smut, Bar!au Characters: Bakugou x reader x Dabi
The neon sign glared down at the people on the street, illuminating everyone in a bright red light. You basked in the light, surrounded by your giggling friends as you made your ways through the crowd of people. This wasn’t your first time in the light and you knew it wouldn’t be your last either. Best bar in the whole district, the whole city even if you asked any lady leaving the place. But you did agree, if you were going to have a drink anywhere then Valor would be it. If you could be so bold then you’d even call yourself a bit of a celebrity at the place. Everyone there knew who you were and knew how you took your drinks. So you often brought your friends along so both brag and give the place some extra income.
After some shuffling of bodies and holding your friends hands you made it to the front of the people, right up to the entrance. You smiled at the bouncer and he smiled right back, showing off his sharp teeth. He was suited up like usual, the suit pants and white button up fitting well around his crossed arms and muscular chest. His bright red hair was spiked as usual and his face was now highlighted red from the neon sign.
“Good evening, ladies! What can I do for ya?” Kirishima asked as if he didn’t know what you wanted, looking behind you to see the awed looks of your friends as they obviously checked out the cutie in front of you. You placed a hand on your hip, pulling the coat you were wearing a little closer to you to keep the cold out.
“Oh you know, just wanted to show my friends this really nice bar i’ve been visiting.” You said with a coy tone, looking around you as if you didn’t know the layout. You made eye contact with the blondie guarding the other door, the black streak in his hair reflecting the red light. He winked at you with a grin before looking over your friends, clearly curious. But he quickly needed to go back to his queue and checking ID’s so the line wouldn’t be held up for too long. Kirishima followed your eyes while nodding, humming in fake curiosity.
“Is that so… Well why don’t you ladies head in then and order something then? Show them why you like it so much, eh?” The redhead looked past you and at your friends, giving them a charming grin and wink before looking at you again. He took a step to the side, making way so your whole group could enter. You gave him a pat on the arm and mouthed a ‘Thank you’ while you walked past him. He just nodded and watched the rest of your friends also walk past him. As you enter the bar you’re met by the warmth first of all. The bodies filling the place was heating up the whole room but you didn’t mind, it was actually very welcoming compared to the cold outside. The second thing that hit you was the music playing through the speakers. While it was soft the music was obviously from the weeks top lists, the beat of the songs being felt through the air. You started peeling your jacket off of you, eyes scanning over the environment. The whole place was dimly lit, the only bright lights shining being the ones under the bar and behind the shelves filled with alcohol. There were the occasional lamp used to set the mood in the place but they were never at full power. The interior was mostly black with details in gold and the dark wood surfaces. Fancy.
You walked confidently to the wardrobe section, smiling at Momo as she took your coat and handed you a number plate that you placed in your handbag. Your friends did the same but you stopped paying too much mind to them, they could handle themselves and you knew the place took care of their customers so you had nothing to worry about. You had something more important in mind. Eyes locking onto the bar you quickly found a spot you could sit down at, miraculously.
You searched the space between the bar and quickly found one out of the two people you were looking for. The tall young man was pouring a beer from the tap while having eye contact with a girl leaning on the counter, smiling at him. He looked mildly amused, raising an eyebrow as she kept talking. He responded to her, his bright red eyes illuminated by the bar lights but you don’t know what he said. You didn’t particularly care either, most of the girls kept repeating the same conversation subjects. He dragged a hand through his blonde hair but it didn’t do much to deter the spikes from forming again while he handed the girl the glass with a smile. You noticed he had shaved the undercut shorter since last time, it looked much neater and clean cut tonight. He was as always dressed in the bartender outfit, the bright red button up and black vest. You could see from your seat that the top buttons of his shirt was unbuttoned, obviously revealing parts of his collarbone and chest. He had yet to notice you but that was about to change.
While you were staring at one of your favorite subjects the other had found you before you had the time to find him.
“Back again, huh, dollface?” The hoarse voice welcomed you back to the bar and you already knew who it was. You smiled and turned your face to notice you were mere inches from the owner of the voice. He was giving you lazy grin, the movement of his mouth extenuating the port wine stain birthmarks around his mouth and going down his neck, the thick tattooed on stitches between his normal skin and the birthmarks still in view. You two stayed like that for a moment, daring each other to move away first. His warm breath hit your lips when he huffed and leaned back, shifting his weight from one leg to another. Placing his hands on the counter he made you feel trapped in his presence. You looked at the tattoos covering his arms, full on sleeves creeping up under his rolled up shirt. Finally you met his eyes again, those bright blue eyes staring down at you. You could see the fading scars on the birthmarks under his eyes, a probably long story you had only heard bits and pieces of. Apparently he had gotten in some trouble and the guys had threatened to cut his eyes out and almost did too. He always jokes about how lucky he is to still have sight or he would never have been able say he’s seen an angel. And if you were the angel then it was no doubt he'd be the devil. With the multiple piercings you've seen glimpses of in the light and the jet black hair playfully sticking up everywhere, you wouldn't be surprised if he revealed himself as an incubi.
“Indeed. I mean, I know I can’t be gone for too long without your ego getting too big, Dabi” You smirked back at his lazy grin, watching his hands move to make you a mojito. He chuckled and looked down to measure the content of your glass, nodding in joking agreement.
“You’re not wrong, the girls around here are easy when you look as good as me, you know? Gets boring after a while. But you… You’re fun Y/N.” He points a black straw at you before putting it in your drink and placing it in front of you. You keep the eye contact going as you pick up your glass and take a sip from it, the refreshing sweetness filling your mouth. The tension was palpable and it had been like this every time you hang out here for a long while now. Everytime you were there you’d tease him and play hard to get, only giving him enough to hold onto the hope that maybe one day you'll be another notch in his belt. Never accepting his dumb bets yet never saying no. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Oi, if you two are finished eye fucking each other then maybe emo boy here can get back to work?” The tension was broken by the voice of dear blondie who had left the conversation with the girl and come to join you and Dabi. Bakugou didn’t look pleased as he glared at the taller man and defensively placed a hand on the counter to the right of you, making Dabi lift his own hand from the spot and releasing you from his almost hypnotic hold.
“It’s called goth, hot shot. And I was working, can't you see I provided angel here with a drink?" he motioned to the drink in your hand which you helpfully raised to show the truth of his statement, smiling sweetly towards Bakugou the whole time just to annoy him. He looked at the drink for a short moment before giving it a look of disgust and making eye contact with you again, raising a questioning eyebrow.
"You should keep yourself to your simple fucking shots, you can at least make those right. Leave the actual drinks to the actual…" Bakugou looked Dabi up and down before staring him in the face. "Bartenders. We don't need to pretend we know what we're doing unlike you extra." The two had started to attract a small crowd, some girls because they thought the two men were attractive and some because they actually wanted to know what was going on. You just sat there calmly, this wasn't their first dispute in front of a crowd nor your first time having a front row seat. Dabi didn't move a visible muscle and instead just stood there with a deadpan glare, watching as Bakugou prepared another mojito. All you could see was his chest rising and falling in an even pace.
When Bakugou finished the drink, with some flare of course, he placed it in front of you. It was neater than your first one, a lime slice delicately placed on the rim of the glass together with a mint leaf as garnish. During the time it took to make the drink Dabi had already sighed and poured himself a shot, downing it when your glass had hit the table. He knew he wasn't supposed to drink on the job but he also knew there wasn't anyone that was gonna stop him. Bakugou ignored him and instead took to watching you, impatiently waiting for you to try his obviously superior drink. And so you did, taking an equally big sip as you took from the first one, you knew how picky he was.
"Well… While I appreciate the thought and concern you have, Bakugou, and it's true that your drink was served better… They taste the same. And I'm pretty sure I'll get just as drunk from either." you place your final verdict, eliciting a laugh from Dabi and a look of something akin to horror from Bakugou. Dabi slung his arm over Bakugou's shoulders, leaning heavily on him as a smug grin crept onto his face.
"What was that now again, hot stuff? Didn't need to pretend huh? Sure, sure… Well if I'm better at shots then I am at drinks then I must be a master at them, so how about we have one?" The tattooed man asked, standing up again and pulling up his shirt sleeves again. As he started on those, pulling out three shot glasses for each and every one of you presumably, you looked towards your favorite blonde who had crossed his arms and was bitterly staring at your two drinks.
"Do you want me to pay for both, or do I get one for free?" You smiled at him, sipping on the drink made by him just to appease him a little. While you didn't have as obvious of a sexual tension with him there had been countless moments where you were sure he'd been so riled up he would've taken you on the bar itself you allowed it. The hot headed man might be smooth in front of the ladies coming and going, it's part of the job, but you liked to get just a little too close. A little too on the edge for him to truly be in his element. And it frustrated him to no end. Yet now he just shook his head in vague defeat.
"No, obviously not, why the fuck would you pay for both? And since we made a crowd take both, just don't you fucking dare tell Iida we're drinking shots while working." he gave you a serious glare while you just laughed and nodded, obviously promising to not rat them out.
In the next moment you had three glasses put before you and Dabi once again joined the conversation. You examined the shots and realize what was going through the blue eyed man's head. The whipped cream at the top was the biggest clue but the shit eating grin he was wearing didn't help his case either. You leaned back in your seat and crossed your arms, watching Dabi closely, waiting for his excuse this time.
"Well since you're getting drinks on the house then maybe you owe us a little something. You always decline my challenge with a smug fucking smirk on your pretty face but now I find that you have few excuses, princess. C'mon, for poor Bakugou whose ego you crushed." Dabi patted Bakugou's chest while staring at you, ignoring Bakugou's futile protests. You watched them, glanced at the shots and then looked back up to them.
The light shone from behind them, illuminating them and reflecting off the glasses you were drinking from. Both their shirts had unbuttoned buttons and you had a clear view of parts of their chest, further enticing you to accept Dabi's challenge and maybe show them who's got who wrapped around their finger. You soak in the view for a second before unraveling your arms.
"Well you still haven't issued the challenge, Dabi, or what's in it for me if I win."
"Or lose, Angel. I want you to drink the blowjob shots the way they're supposed to be taken. From between our legs without using your hands. If you don't spill anything then I'll pay for your drinks for the rest of the evening. If you do spill… Well I'm sure we can agree to a fitting punishment when we get there. And you can't spill anything from either of them, deal?" This wasn't the first time Dabi had challenged you, nor were you the first person he'd used this tactic on. You'd usually hear Bakugou complaining that he'd found the two making out in the backroom afterwards, even if the other participant had won. But this time he involved someone else too and well, the look you're imagining Bakugou having during it might just be worth it.
"Pay for my friends drinks too and we have a deal." you informed him on your condition as you stood up, knowing that you'd have to move to find a better fitting spot to do this, away from too many peering eyes. Dabi didn't respond and instead just grinned and grabbed two of the shots, following you out from behind the bar. Bakugou took a second to debate if this was a good idea or not but watching you walk away, your hips swaying enticingly managed to convince him. "Fuck it…"
You knew exactly where you all could get out of the spotlight and moved over to a corner with a booth. You sat down on the end of one of the couches, watching the two men arrive after you. Bakugou had grabbed the last shot and was cautiously looking around for anyone watching you, or a co-worker noticing their absence. Dabi on the other hand had his eyes on you, placing one of the shots he was holding besides you on the table, towering over you. You just looked up at him and smiled. He grinned back before grabbing a random chair from one of the other tables, dragging it so it faced you.
Dabi didn’t hesitate to sit down, spreading his legs apart so you could see the pants straining against his crotch. With one hand he placed the cream topped glass between his legs on the seat, the other arm he leaned the elbow on the back of the chair. His muscles were tensing up under the red shirt as to keep the position and you could just imagine what was hiding underneath. He cocked his head to the side and gave you a shit eating grin, lifting an expectant eyebrow at you.
“Well, dollface?” You made eye contact with him and an involuntary shiver went down your spine going straight to between your legs. You didn’t expect it to affect you this much this quickly. Free drinks sounded really good at the time but now you’re not even sure you’ll be able to stay long enough to enjoy them. Yet you couldn’t give up before you’d even started.
You didn’t dare respond to him and instead hid the rush of blood to your face with a smug smile, straightening your back. You dragged your hand through your hair to pull it back before you bent down, keeping eye contact with those blue eyes. If he was going to try and mess you up then you could at least try and do the same. He had moved his hand from the glass and had instead placed it on his thigh besides your head. You opened your mouth and glanced at the glass to make sure you got it. Before you took it into your mouth you made sure to lick the cream off the top, looking up at him through your lashes.
That got a reaction out of him. The grin he was so proudly wearing dropped and instead he stared down at you with his mouth slightly agape. It looked like he was already breathing heavy and you could see him clench his hand in the corner of your eye. Proud of your work you grabbed the shot glass with your mouth and threw your head back, downing the shot in one go. You gracefully grabbed the now empty glass and then slammed it on the table. You removed some of the cream that had gotten on the corner of your mouth with the knuckle of your finger.
“Next.” You said, confidence dripping from your voice. If the music wasn’t blaring through the speakers then you swear you could’ve heard Bakugou swallow nervously. Dabi just chuckled and stood up but before he had fully turned around you could see the outline of something in his pants, pushing against the fabric. You ego only grew at the sight.
“Your turn, hot stuff.” Dabi patted Bakugou's shoulder, pulling him from his hypnotised staring at your lips. He quickly realized what he had been doing and looked away, not ready to admit to his actions. Despite that he still walked over and sat on the chair.
He mimicked Dabi and spread his legs as well, his pants also straining on his crotch. Even in the dim light you could see that something was pushing against the fabric in his pants as well. Your gaze fell to it and your mind was about to start wandering if Bakugou's hand hadn’t gotten in the way when he placed the shot. Unlike Dabi, Bakugou wasn’t as confident and had a difficult time knowing where to place his hands, deciding in the end to just cross his arms. The action just made the muscles on his arms even more visible. He didn’t dare make any eye contact Once again you could feel your body react, your breathing slowing and becoming heavier but you were hoping they didn’t notice. But with your luck, Dabi must’ve. But you didn’t let him say anything as you just smiled again and leaned down. Bakugou was still not looking though and you just couldn’t have that. So you took your hands and placed them on his inner thighs, grabbing onto the surprisingly muscular meat.
You felt him jump slightly and snap his head to look at you. You just looked back up and smiled, giving him a wink. Bakugou would argue that it was just the red lights but you knew he was blushing mad. You decided to cut his suffering short, afraid that if you turned him on any more it’d start to be painful in those tight pants of his. So you opened your mouth, ignoring the obvious hard on right in front of your face and took the glass into your mouth. But as you pulled back up you heard Bakugou mutter something under his breath.
“Fuck, babygirl…”
His voice had been strained and quiet but you caught it in the middle of all the noise surrounding you despite him trying to cover his mouth with his clenched hand. And you lost it. You choked on the shot and had to grab the glass from mouth before your could down the whole thing. You coughed and placed a hand on your chest, trying to regain your breath. You placed the half empty glass on the table beside the other two. Bakugou shot out of his chair to make sure you were alright but didn’t quite know what to do.
“Shit…” You mumbled, realizing what had just happened. You lost. You looked up at Bakugou who was still worried about you choking while Dabi was closing in from the side. His grin was already giving away what he was thinking.
“Well well well, angel. You talked so big yet couldn’t take a little dirty talking. Cute. But what should we do with you now? Bakugou?” Dabi had snaked an arm around Bakugous shoulders once again, caging you in between the two men. Bakugou just looked at him confused and disturbed before it clicked in his head what he was talking about. He just grunted and looked back down at you, something had shifted in his eyes and they weren’t as innocent as they had been before.
“Let’s get out of here.”
You weren’t prepared for the tone of voice from the blonde. Your heart began beating quicker as you started to form an understanding of what you had gotten yourself into. Dabi just grinned and took a step back, motioning for us to “go ahead”. You looked to the table and saw the last shot and decided to down it too before standing up. Bakugou didn’t take a step back though and you hit his chest with your own, looking up at him surprised. You felt his hot breath against your face and his stare made you weak in the knees. His hands grabbed your waist and without a second thought he picked you up, throwing you over his shoulders.
You yelped at the sudden motion and saw the whole world start to move as Bakugou turned to head out the backdoor. Dabi soon joined your view, casually strolling behind you two, chuckling at the sight.
“Your place is close to here, right?” Bakugou asked, glancing back at the taller male who just nodded.
“Yup, third floor in the building just across from here.” Dabi took the lead and Bakugou followed. You just clinged to the back of Bakugou's vest, trying to see what was happening in the front and hoping not too many people saw you in such an embarrassing situation. But you couldn’t help but feel that maybe it didn’t matter, maybe what was about to happen was worth the embarrassment.
“I swear to god if the apartment is filthy or you haven’t changed the bed sheets since your last fuck buddy I’m taking her and leaving.” You watched the stairs as Bakugou went up them, still carrying you. One hand firmly planted on your ass, either to keep your dress from riding up or just because he wanted to cop a feel. As he finished his sentence you two stopped and you could hear a key turning in a lock and a door opening just after.
You weren’t put down until the door had once again been closed and you were all in Dabi’s apartment. And even then you didn’t have a moment to take in your surroundings as Bakugou blocked your view, grabbing your chin gently. You looked up into his eyes once again, meeting his deep red ones with your wide ones.
“I’ve been wanting to do this since you opened those pretty lips of yours.” He muttered, eyes glancing down at your lips and then up again. Wasting no more time he pressed his to yours and you almost couldn’t believe it. He was pressing firmly, almost as he was afraid it was a dream he’d wake from, tilting his head to the side as his hands found your neck. You closed your eyes, enjoying the moment and moving your hands over the shaved part of his head. That’s when a third pair of hands joined in.
“Don’t forget that this is a punishment, angel, not a prize.” Dabi whispered in your ear, his hands going down your front, finding the hem of your dress and pulling it up, exposing your panties. You gasped at the sudden movement only to have Bakugou use it to his advantage, slipping his tongue into your mouth and brushing it against your own. Your sounds were muffled as Dabi used one hand to cup your boob, the other sneaking down to feel you through your underwear. You knew he could feel your wetness through the fabric.
“Shit, so cute, you’re already wet… At this rate you’ll have to problem taking both of us.” You heard him muse as he looked at you from over your shoulder. You couldn’t respond thanks to Bakugou's invasion of your mouth and only whimpered. Dabi chuckled at your predicament and instead of trying to help you just made it worse by slipping his hands underneath the hem of your panties instead. Sliding two fingers between your nether lips he found the bundle of nerves placed between them. He didn’t even hesitate to start drawing slow circles around your clit.
You had to pull away from bakugou, putting your hands on his chest to keep him from going back for round two too quickly. You were panting and letting out small whimpers, unable to look at his face. He stared at you confused before realizing what the other man was doing and how it was affecting you. The two made eye contact with you in between them, Dabi never relenting on his assault on your bud.
“Oi, don’t you have a better place to do this then your hallway?” You heard Bakugou speak above you. His hands moved to your waist and then your back, pulling you closer to him defensively.
“You’re the one who couldn’t keep it in your pants long enough to move to the bedroom so don’t blame me, hot shot” Dabi finally pulled his hands out of your underwear and you took a deep breath of relief from the constant stimulus. You legs were quivering from the assault on your senses and the sudden lack of it. But before you could truly calm down you were pulled from Bakugou's warm embrace and into Dabi’s arms instead as he started to lead you away. You could hear Bakugou’s hurried steps behind and the rustling of clothes.
You moved through the small apartment and to a bedroom. The double bed was made and you were about to go sit down, give yourself a break. But as soon as you moved towards it a hand grabbed your arm, looking back at the owner of the hand you saw Dabi shaking his head.
“Remember what I said before? Punishment, not reward, babygirl.” You felt your stomach sink but ironically also fill with butterflies.
“Help her out of that dress and underwear, will ya, hot stuff?” You were handed over to Bakugou who looked about as confused as you. Dabi went and opened a cupboard and you heard the clinking of metal from it as he searched it’s content. He hummed in satisfaction as he placed a bottle on top of the cupboard and then something that glimmered in the light coming from the window. At the same time Bakugou had done as he was told, pulling the dress higher and higher and with your help it had slipped right off. The bra was quickly unclasped and thrown to the side as well just like the panties had been. You could feel his red eyes look you up and down, watching the newly exposed skin as if it were gold.
“Here we go… Hands in front, dollface.” Dabi sauntered back to you two and without thinking you obeyed, holding out your hands in front of you. He grabbed your wrists and soon the sound of something clicking shut filled the room. You looked at your wrists and saw handcuffs now hanging from them. The black fur was kind to your skin though and they weren’t too tight so you couldn’t complain. But you still stared in awe at them, as did Bakugou.
“Ain’t too tight? No? Good. Then get on your knees.” A simple hand on your shoulder had you falling to your knees without second thoughts. You began to wonder what these men had done to you.
As you were down there you watched Dabi unzip the black pants which had been getting tighter and tighter the further the three of you had gone. He dropped them to the ground and you watched as if hypnotised by the tent formed in his underwear. You could hear him chuckle above you, amused at your wide eyes stare. He did quick work of his underwear as well, fishing himself out of them with practiced skill. He was semi hard already, a tuft of hair at the base of his slim cock. He lazily started to work himself to full mast while watching you.
“Liking what you see, I take it. Good. I can see your mouth salivating already, why don’t you taste it?” You looked up at him for a split second before looking at his cock again which he’s let go already. You almost timidly pull on it, opening your mouth to take him in. You swirl your tongue over the tip before taking more and more into your mouth. You close your eyes to focus, letting him slip further down your throat. A hand carefully grabs the back of your head and grabs a handful of your hair. He’s impatient, probably from the build up at the bar and start to set a slow pace which you follow. You feel the tip of his dick drag across your tongue and the back again as the pace speeds up. Soon he’s set a reasonable pace and you open your eyes again to look up at him.
He’s panting and watching you closely, his eyes half lidded by now aroused he is. The sight makes you even hornier and you feel that you need some release yourself and move your hands down to your own crotch. But nothing slips past Dabi's watchful eyes and he speaks up before you can do anything about your own arousal.
“Hey, we didn’t tell you you could touch yourself. Why don’t you do something productive and jack Bakugou off instead? He’s been drooling all over you since you started bobbing your head like a good girl.” You looked to the side and saw Bakugou, he had pulled down his pants and underwear without you even noticing, even his vest was gone and shirt unbuttoned as he worked his own manhood. You two made eye contact and you reached out with your handcuffed hands. The blonde sucked in breath from between clenched teeth and took a step closer, letting you take over for him.
The three of you kept this up for a bit, you bobbing your head on Dabi's dick while he controlled your pace with his hands while your own hands were jacking off a panting and cursing Bakugou. You had lost track of time until Dabi pulled out of your mouth, your spit covering his shaft and your own chin. The lack of fullness had you desperately looking up at Dabi who was visibly trying to restrain himself. At the same time you slowed your hands movements, bewildered by the sudden pull out.
“Shit, don’t look at me like that, dollface, or I might just finish in your mou-” He was cut off by Bakugou grabbing your head and pulling you to him instead, taking full advantage of your open and confused mouth. He was much rougher than Dabi, instead of pacing you he was face fucking you, keeping your head still as he pounded your throat. But the moment only lasted so long as even Bakugou had to pull out as to not cum down your throat and cut his playtime short. You sputtered and coughed after the sudden invasion but was ultimately sad he had stopped.
“Sorry, babygirl but I had to know how your mouth felt wrapped around my cock.. It just looked so inviting and I couldn’t stand you looking at juts him like that.” Bakugou confessed, looking down at you, panting after the sudden burst of energy.
“I was wondering when that explosive personality was gonna play part in this. But enough foreplay, get her on her feet..” Bakugou helped you up, holding onto you so you wouldn’t fall. He pulled you up to his chest and slipped a hand between your legs. Now it was his turn with you and his fingers were much thicker than Dabi’s had been. He didn’t dwell too long on your clit, only playing with it a second before traveling deeper. By now your juices had stained your thighs and he had no problem slipping two fingers into you. Despite the roughing up he had done to your face before he was now slow and calculated in fingering you, pushing in and pulling out in deliberate movements. You were desperately needing something more and ground your hips into his hand. He paid you no mind as his mouth latched onto your neck, sucking on it so he knew it would leave marks. There was nothing you could do but moan and sigh, letting your head fall back on his shoulder.
You two were soon pulled out of your little bubble by the sound of chains falling. You opened your eyes and saw Dabi pulling on a chain from his ceiling. He noticed your staring and just smiled lazily, giving you a come hither motion with his hand. You could feel Bakugous hesitation but you were soon let go, his fingers slipping out of you. You stumbled forward to follow Dabi’s instructions. When you got close enough he pulled you to him by your handcuffs and raised them. Another click and your handcuffs were stuck to the chain, your arms raised above your head. Dabi took a step back and examined you, seemingly proud of his work.
“There we go, angel… Now the fun can really begin.” He stepped in close again and kissed your lips briefly. Then he left you standing there in the otherwise cold room. He went back to the cupboard and grabbed the bottle he placed there before. While he was gone Bakugou had once again snuck back to you, figuring out just what he had planned. He stood in front of you without saying a word, just watching your chest heave. Then he bent down and grabbed the back of your thigh. And then the other. Standing back up he pulled you with, lifting you up into the air and keeping you there, spread legs presenting everything to him. He looked down and then back up, grinning and leaning in close to you.
“Pretty little thing, aren’t you, babygirl? I’m gonna pound into you until you can’t think of anything but my cock in your pussy. How many times I’ve imagined pushing your face down on the counter at the bar and taking you right then and there, letting everyone see what a good fucking looks like. And I bet you would’ve taken it, wouldn’t you? Like a good girl you would’ve begged me to make you cum. Let’s see if you beg like my mind thinks you do.”
You were speechless. The words coming from Bakugou were something you wouldn’t have expected yet he was growling them to you as if he’d practiced it before hand. You swear you would’ve come right then and there if you didn’t know you’d be punished for it. He didn’t make it any easier when he pushed his thick dick inside of you, slowly but surely pushing himself to the hilt.
You were pulling yourself up on the chain involuntarily from the pleasure entering your system. Arching your back you felt your back hit something warm. Another hand joined on your body, one holding onto the underside of your thigh. Then something cold hit the small of your back and running down your ass making you gasp and clench on Bakugou’s cock.
“I see you two started the fun without me… That isn’t fair but I guess it wasn’t your fault, was it (Y/N)?” Dabi’s voice was behind you and you tried to look at him but your arm was blocking you from turning your head. His other hand suddenly appeared, clearly lubed up and pushing at your other hole. You naturally clenched up more and hear Bakugou curse in front of you.
“Shh no no babygirl, relax… You trust us right? We’ll make it feel good, I promise you’ll be cumming and screaming our names in minutes if you just… relax..” Dabi’s soothing voice calms you down and with some effort you managed to calm your muscles enough to let Dabi’s fingers enter. He praised you as he starts to pump one finger in and out of your whole, then two. It’s clear he’s done this before and knows exactly how to work your buttons. Bakugou wasn’t patient enough to wait for that long and was slowly pulling in and out of you himself, one hand having moved to have his thumb rub circles on your clit. Not enough to make you cum but enough to make you relax more.
Soon enough Dabi was able to scissor his fingers in your ass without you wincing in pain. He pulled out and used his now free hand to help hold you up after having lubed up his own dick. He started to push slowly, the head of his cock slipping into you and you gasp and arch your back again. He stops for a second, looking to make sure you’re still alright before he starts pushing again. Soon he’s pushed himself to the hilt together with Bakugou filling up your pussy. You’ve never felt this full and it did feel amazing, both men pushing at your most sensitive spots.
“See? I told you. Now let’s show you what it means to take two men at the same time, dollface. You’re gonna love it.” He whispered the last part in your ear and your eyes widened as they started to move. What started out in synchronised thrusts soon derailed as they picked up pace. Both of them pushing in and pulling out of you at whatever pace worked for them. Bakugou made sure his thrusts were deep and made you feel full as he sheathed inside you while Dabi was much more erratic and quick, stimulating and pounding the sweet spots of your inside. And their moaning, sighing and groaning was mixed together with your own noises as you all chased your releases. And they came quick
“D-dabi… Bakugou…. I’m about… to.. to cum... “ You managed to get out between moans and you hoped the two men heard you. Luckily they did as they both slowed down much to your own dismay.
“Is that so, angel? You’re gonna cum on our cocks as we pound into you, huh?” Dabi asked teasingly from behind you but Bakugou had other plans.
“Beg for it, babygirl. Beg. for. it.” Every word was emphasised with a thrust of his hips and you whimpered. You couldn’t help but hesitate as you looked into his eyes and saw that he was completely serious, his eyes glazed over and primal. But your need for release was greater and won over your own embarrassment rather quickly.
“Please… Please let me cum. I need to cum, I’ve been needing it since t-the beginning. Since I sucked your big cock, I’ve never been so horny. Fuck, please? Please pound i-into me until I can’t think of anything else, I wan’t you two to fill me and fuck me and and fuck shit, please.” You rambled on and on, trying to convince the two men to let you cum while your head felt fuzzy and you couldn’t think straight. You could see Bakugou’s grin grow on his face and he sped up his pace.
“Good fucking girl, begging like that…. shit… Alright, we’re counting down from 10. You can’t cum… until we reach 0.” You felt them both ready themselves to destroy you in those last 10 seconds and yet you didn’t care, nodding your head desperately.
“Good. 10”
They started, with a newly regained energy they went back to their quickest pace, no mercy this time. But you didn’t mind, you head went all fuzzy again and you got a far away look in your eyes.
One of Dabi's hands moved from your thigh and started to rub your clit again. You felt his grin against your shoulder and you cried out.
“Little more, babygirl. 4”
You felt the orgasm approach you like an oncoming train.
It wasn’t fair, none of this, you realized. But why did it turn you on so fucking much?
“Come on, (Y/N), cum.”
You didn’t need any more encouragement then that as you let the tidal wave hit you. It washed over you and made you spazz out, closing your eyes tightly as the two men didn’t stop. They became even more erratic in their movement and even quicker to pound in and out of you. As the white light flashed before your eyes you felt them cum too, filling you up yet they still moved. They both went quiet, trying to keep themselves from buckling under their own orgasms. Dabi’s fingers never stopped rubbing your clit.
Your orgasm had come and gone yet they didn't’t. Fucking. Stop. You were desperately whimpering and trying to pull away from the two but there was no way you could from your position. So you took it. Dabi’s fingers were rubbing your over sensitive clit and the two were like wild animals in heat as they kept fucking you. You didn’t know how but you didn’t care either, another orgasm was on its way way quicker than you had anticipated.
It hit you again and tears spotted your eyes, the electricity going through your body and making you shake once again. Only then did the two seem satisfied, slowing themselves down to a halt yet not pulling out. There’s was a moment of just silence apart from all of you panting and catching your breath from the whole ordeal. Then you started laughing
It was quiet but you laughed, exhausted. Soon the two joined in with their own quiet chuckled.
“Shit… That was really fucking good. Didn’t expect to have this good of a fucking time with this loser” Bakugou looked around you to give Dabi a look before looking back to you. He paused for a moment before he leaned up again, giving you a gentle kiss. You felt Dabi take his turn to leave a hickey on your neck as you kissed Bakugou but you couldn’t care less at that moment.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, hot stuff. Thought you knew I was the best fuck in this whole damn place. Apart from angel here, of course” Dabi responded after he let go of your neck, happy with his work.
“So… Whose up for another shot?”
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fanfics-with-coffee · 4 years
Beach Day
Beach day with your boyfriends, Akaashi and Bokuto, gone wrong silly?
Genre: P u r e fluff Characters: Poly!Akaashi x reader x Bokuto 
As soon as you stepped off the bus you shielded your eyes from the glaring sun which had been blaring down on you and your boyfriends for days now. In front of you there was the never ending expanse of ocean, the horizon only broken by the uneven specks of islands far off in the distance. “WHOA, THERE'S SO MANY ISLANDS AROUND HERE, you think they can see us from all the way over there?" Bokuto's voice broke through the sound of the city behind you and the sound of the never ending noise of the people on the beach in front of you. "I think you should worry more about the people right here on the beach for now." Akaashi reminded the over excited man, squinting as he watched the people right below you three. Looking at the two standing on either side of you, you smiled and watched how Bokuto seemed to suddenly realize the sheer amount of people on the beach right now. Akaashi didn't seem as entranced by Bokuto's shocked face as you were and sighed, starting to lead the way down the stairs connecting the bus stop to the sand below. "C'mon owl-boy, we gotta look for a good spot to settle down or you're never gonna be able to play volleyball" you playfully teased, pulling on the fully unbuttoned, short sleeved, Hawaiian shirt and he obediently followed you, a volleyball stuck under his arm. 
It was clear that you guys weren't the only people who thought today had been the perfect beach day as it was bustling with activity and people sunbathing, as well as people just normally bathing in the deep blue waves softly hitting the beach. Luckily everyone had dressed for the weather, Bokuto wearing the coolest outfit as he had just thrown on his swimming trunks and the fittingly silly hawaiian shirt which he had left unbuttoned, not that you complained. Akaashi went a bit more modest as he decided to at least throw on a proper white T-shirt with his trunks, a pair of sunglasses placed atop his head for the moment being. You dressed similarly, your bathing clothes working as a base together with whatever you felt was modest enough to travel on a bus with but nothing that would make you sweat in the summer heat. But you would be lying if you weren’t just waiting to get out of it and just lay in the shade, reading a book while watching your two favourite people play volleyball and maybe take a walk along the shore.
You quickly realised that that might be a much more difficult goal to accomplish then you had initially thought as every possible spot with availability to shade had already been claimed by people with similar plans. Akaashi had at this point taken your hand in his, afraid you’d be lost among the people. “Hey, Akaashiii, how come you’re not holding my hand huh? Aren’t you afraid I’d get lost too?” Bokuto sped up his pace to match yours, holding out his hand and making a grabby motion towards the raven haired man, pouting. “How could I? I’d probably hear you all the way from those islands you were talking about” He glanced back at you two, seemingly adamant about his decision to only hold your hand for now. But that didn’t last as he looked at Bokuto for more then two seconds and without another word he held out his other hand too. The older man instantly perked up and took ahold, happily being dragged along now. “You’re impossible..” “And yet you love usss.” You mused with Bokuto putting a hand on the small of your back, grinning. And so your trio moved across the beach.
“Hey, doesn’t that look like a good spot?” After only a minute or so you finally spotted a big enough place in the shade for you all to comfortable set up for the day. Bokuto vocally expressed his excitement, suddenly taking the lead and pulling you all along, no questions asked. Akaashi had almost tripped in the sand when his arm suddenly jerked in the direction of the spot but managed to catch himself before checking so you had survived the pull too. Thankfully you had, and not only that, you were laughing at the silliness of your boyfriends antics. But things didn’t go as planned as you got closer to the so called promised land.
“Oo- Half-n-half?” Bokuto stopped dead in his tracks, and dropped not only your hand but the ball he had been carrying too, surprised by the familiar face standing in front of him.
“Eh? What do you mean half-n-half… Your hair isn’t much better…” Kenma glared, a switch in his hands and a sports bag slung over his shoulder. You were about as surprised as Bokuto was and then you heard someone else speak up.
“What, you’re just gonna ignore me, owl bastard?” “ROOSTER HEAD?” “Don’t act like you didn’t ignore me on purpose!”
As the sudden dispute escalated between Kuroo and your own “owl bastard”, you took the moment to get your head around the situation, so did Akaashi who pulled up his own bag and picked up the one Bokuto had dropped in his shock. You looked to Kenma who was busy getting mildly annoyed at the two bickering men, impatiently waiting for them to calm down. 
“So you and Kuroo are here for a beach day yourselves, huh, Kenma?” You smiled, taking a couple steps closer so you wouldn’t have to yell. He finally looked at you and vaguely nodded his head before looking back.
“I guess, Kuroo wanted to get a tan and dragged me along with him. I’m just planning on gaming though, I’m not looking to get a sun burn.” You hummed in acknowledgment, you weren’t surprised that Kenma wasn’t the one who initiated the trip. “That’s why we need the shade here, it’s difficult to play games with a sun glare on the screen”
The way he looked at you was almost challenging, like he made it clear that he wasn’t willing to give up the shaded spot. While you had been around Kenma a couple times along with Kuroo and Bokuto, you had never stood between him and something he wanted so were a little taken aback. Luckily, Akaashi was quick to back you up even if there was no real danger.
“I’m guessing its about as difficult as reading a book with the sun in your eyes.” Akaashi’s responded for you, clearly not backing down as he let a hand land on your waist. Kenma glanced at his hand and then the small bag you were carrying, quickly connecting the dots and pursing his lips. By now the two other people in your group had noticed what was going on and stopped their own shenanigans, curious about the situation that had formed. Kuroo was the first to separate from Bokuto, walking over to standing besides Kenma with a smirk. Bokuto in return walked over to Akaashi and you, putting his hands on his hips while wearing a confident grin.
“Seems like none of us are willing to give up the spot, eh?” Kuroo glanced at Kenma who was still staring at you three.
“Nope! So if you want it, you gotta take it from us fair and square! Right Akaashi? Y/N?” Bokuto quickly looked to you two, expectantly waiting for confirmation. While he looked like an owl, he reminded you more of a puppy. 
“Right. It’s the least you can do for the spot, Nekoma.” Akaashi backed him up, something that Bokuto clearly got excited about. You looked to the two and sighed, smiling despite yourself.
The two opponents nodded and within seconds they were coming up with fair suggestions on how they could fight for the spot. Volleyball came up immediately but because of the little space on the beach, there wasn’t really a way to play during these busy hours. But after that, they came to the agreement of a race. To the ice cream shack and back to the spot, first team member to get there won it. Simple goal, simple rules.
“Y/N, you’ll be the judge.” Akaashi made eye contact to confirm his statement, checking so you would agree with it just in case. You nod, of course and straighten your back a little to prove your attention the assignment. Kuroo clearly perked up at this fact, getting playfully smug face.
“Hmm? How can we know they won’t be biased?” He asked, tilting his head. He knew you wouldn’t, you could see that in his eyes, but he couldn’t help wanting to provoke your boyfriends a little. Something that clearly worked as Bokuto puffed up his chest and furrowed his brows. Kenma gently slapped Kuroo’s arm, annoyed he had even agreed to this competition from the beginning and now he was prolonging the whole thing with useless teasing.
“Our Y/N? Never! That’s preposterous!” He argued, ready to get in another harmless tussle with the tall, dark-haired man. He was ready to defend your honor at the drop of a hat even if it was absolutely unnecessary as Akaashi mentioned that no one in this situation could be totally unbiased. Realising if you didn’t interrupt the situation now they would go on another discussion that would last god knows how long. And so you cleared your throat, gaining the mens attention while you pulled out a tissue from your bag, holding it up.
“Participants on your mark!” You said aloud, said participants quickly moving and pointing to each others feet as they scrambled to get on an even row, Akaashi taking an obvious leadership role in this. “Get ready!” You raised the tissue.
Paused. And..
You dropped your hand, the white tissue acting as the starting shot. They started running, throwing up sand behind them and leaving you in the shade, together with a Hawaiian shirt thrown off last second. You kept an eyes on them as they ran towards the ice cream shack but you noticed that Kenma was already falling behind, he clearly had a worse footing then the other three on the sand. While you wish you could’ve seen the whole thing with your eyes, they ended up getting lost in the maze of bodies, fighting to find the quickest way to the faded blue building. Bokuto and Kuroo were keeping their eyes on each other, throwing looks as they saw their competitor between unrelated bodies. Akaashi on the other hand was running his own race, his eyes darting from spot to spot as to find the smartest and most efficient way. Kenma got further and further behind, unable to keep up but still working logically, dodging people with practiced ease.
As they reached the shack, Bokuto and Kuroo slapped the side of the building only nanoseconds after each other, making eye contact before turning and sprinting back. Akaashi was only seconds behind, seeing the white and black tuft of hair diving back into sea of people and he couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief, thinking back to you. But that didn’t stop him from taking another deep breath and giving it his all on the way back too. Kenma was a… different story. He had run out of steam quickly and by the time he had gotten to the shack, he had already seen Kuroo wave at him. But he kept at it, knowing Kuroo wouldn’t shut up about it if he didn’t.
Back in the shade you had pulled out your water bottle, sipping on in, waiting for someone you recognized. And there he came, jumping out of the crowd, chest exposed and covered in sweat, grinning from ear to ear. Bokuto. Kuroo was the second person you saw but you also realised he was about to get passed by Akaashi whose stamina training was showing. With a shout and a leap, Bokuto crossed the line, hands thrown up in the air and you waved your tissue in the air, grinning almost as big as he was. Kuroo and Akaashi crossed the imagined line at about the same time, both of them stopping to catch their breath, Akaashi leaning his hands on his knees and Kuroo going as far as to sit down.
“D… damn…” Kuroo whispered as he leaned is head back, tilting it so he could watch you and your boyfriends who were celebrating as if they just gotten into Japans national team. Bokuto had grabbed you, lifting you up and spinning around before kissing your lips. Akaashi approaching to congratulate him and got pulled into a sideway hug accompanied by a kiss to his temple from the other. Kuroo couldn’t help but smile before it hit him, where the hell had Kenma gone.
Crossing the finish line minutes after the others, Kenma arrived with an ice lolly, examining the scene and realising what had happened.
“I guess we lost the spot.” He walked up besides Kuroo, taking another lick of his ice cream as he watched your celebrations. You looked over to the Nekoma boys and watched as they started packing their things. While the whole thing had been fun, it wasn’t really your thing to not at least try to compromise. Walking up to them, you smiled and put your hands behind you back.
“Hey, you guy’s don’t actually have to leave”
It wasn’t actually too hard to get everything to work. Since there were now four people wanting to play volleyball, or at least Kenma agreed to play for a bit, they spent majority of the time going at it in the sun. And you enjoyed your time watching them between reading the pages of your book. You had enjoyed your time regardless but seeing your two favourite men, shirtless and shining with sweat in the sun, their muscles visibly moving as they tensed and relaxed. Yeah, you’d enjoy your time but this was way better.
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