ghostl-yy · 4 days
dean getting annoyed and jealous every time sam prays is soooooo funny. he can’t stand the idea that sam might rely on anyone except him. even if that someone is the abstract concept of GOD. what’s wrong with him
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ghostl-yy · 7 days
🤨 dEaN🧍‍♂️WHAT!!!! 😤 dO yOu 😩ThInK 😒 yOu’Re DOING??? 😠
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ghostl-yy · 10 days
hey did you miss me (say yes)
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A House In Nebraska - Ethel Cain
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ghostl-yy · 12 days
i'm feeling soooo normal right now (i remember thinking i could never go in a quest like that because i'm not clean .. i mean, i was just a little kid. you think .. maybe i knew .. deep down that i had demon blood in me? about the evil of it, and that i'm- wasn't pure?) not puking over sam winchester at all
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ghostl-yy · 18 days
sam/dean | inbred
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ghostl-yy · 19 days
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don’t look—
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ghostl-yy · 20 days
Think about it - Dean's desperate to get Sam off the demon blood and he'll do fucking anything to get him to at least cut down on how much hes chugging. Sam tells him one night when hes half asleep that hes just gotten used to the sharpness of it on his tongue, that he craves the coppery, metallic taste if he goes without it for too long.
Dean's just being a good big brother, he'll do anything to help Sammy's cravings... that's why one day he drags Sam onto his lap, one hand tight on his waist and the other on his bottom lip, coaxing his mouth open, telling him to stick his tongue out and Sam is all 'whatre you making me do, Dean?' kinda whiny and exasperated, but his heart is beating really fast because hes a little scared, and Dean strokes his waist and speaks to him so softly, 'dont you trust me Sammy?' And sam doesnt even have time to think about it before Dean shoves the silver stud he's sharpened into Sam's tongue, piercing it.
And Sam is shocked - it obviously hurts and bleeds because its unprofessional and Dean has no experience with this kinda stuff, but Dean just shushes him and wipes his tears and kisses him and strokes his hair and asks 'this'll help with the taste, wont it baby?'
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ghostl-yy · 21 days
We’ve all made this post forty times but genuinely they were like. The sword of heaven is a slutty mean atheist and the boy king of hell prays every night to be clean. And we just had to be like. Ok
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ghostl-yy · 21 days
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Supernatural S8E19 Taxi Driver // S9E17 Mother's Little Helper
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ghostl-yy · 23 days
its very funny (not funny it's actually driving me insane) that dean canonically has a thing with wearing panties and he simply will NOT stop joking about sam doing exactly that. whyyy do you keep bringing it up babe 😭
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ghostl-yy · 23 days
Cant stop thinking of John begging Sam to kill the demon (and him) in 1x22 and Sam is locked and loaded, colt aimed and ready to fucking fire and Dean whispers a little 'Sammy no' and Sam just stops. And his face - he knows John is gonna tear him a new one but he still makes his fucking bed (and lies in it). Sam literally could not have shown the fact that he chooses Dean over John any clearer than he does in this episode.
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ghostl-yy · 24 days
I might be into Wincest these days but first and foremost I am a supernatural fan. I loved the show before shipping ever became part of my life and I just don't understand people who skip the first 4 seasons to get to Cas. (Plus I know wincest is fanon not Canon unlike others...) I'm not trying to say anything bad about Cas, I actually love him, or destiel but to skip the first three seasons is crazy and you aren't a real fan of the show in my opinion. Without the setup from the first 3 seasons you aren't anywhere near as invested in the whole story. You don't understand what brought them to this point, and you miss the delicious details. If destieland Cas are as big as those fans say, then it can wait. Heck I would think Castiels arrival has a lot more significance when you are already invested. But basically these people that actually tell newbies to skip ahead are saying no other characters, including Sam and Dean, are important enough to watch from the beginning. And as a fan of the actual show that is really... upsetting. I find it worse than telling people to stop after season 5 which is also difficult for me because while yes overall its not as tight as 1-5 and has some definite low points, there is also SO much great stuff and awesome new characters after 5. Anyway that my rant that isn't even worth 2 cents but needed to get that out. Shipping is fun but my obsession with the show starts with the actual show.
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ghostl-yy · 24 days
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The dogs I have kissed, Trista Mateer
SAM: You will never, ever hear me say that you, the real you, is anything but good.
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ghostl-yy · 25 days
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the only people dean desired carnlly on this show are sam and I can't even blame him
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ghostl-yy · 25 days
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ghostl-yy · 25 days
If Jared didn't look so pretty with his big puppy dog eyes every time Sam is sad maybe I'd be more normal about him
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ghostl-yy · 25 days
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these trials...they're purifying me.
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