gwenstacy-ghostspider · 8 months
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Okay so like why is Stephen strange, Peter Parker, Bucky and Loki all so fucking fine! Like DAMN!!!!!
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So I'm still doing request but my series Crush On the Second floor is on hold for two reasons; one not enough people seem interested in it and two I lack inspiration and motivation to write it.😭 I apologise to those who have read it and have been waiting for the next part. I hope to get out of this slump soon and continue to write but as of now I will only be doing request. Again I apologise💗
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Love your account and stories keep up the work!!!!!!
Awwww thanks!! I will!
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🥺Tinkerbell Sorrow🥺
Summary: Your Father Norman Osborn tries to save you from heartbreak, you run to Harry for comfort then get left in the hallway with Peter.
Father!Norman x Teenage!Reader
Brother!Harry x Sibling!Reader
Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker x Reader
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You and your father Norman Osborn have been working all day when you'd been zoning out all day. Norman knew the reason why and it broke his heart. "Honey, have you ever read Peter pan?" You look around confused for a moment then at your father as you realized what he asked you.
"Yeah who hasn't?" Your smart mouth made him smile and feel a bit better for what he was about to say. "Cause to me Parker is Peter, Gwen is Wendy, and you are Tinkerbell, for obvious reasons." You stand dumb founded and looked at your father. "W--what?" Norman keep going. "The rest of us are lost boys-"
You cut him off before he could keep going, as you stared at him with glassy eyes. "What's your point?" Norman took a deep breath. "Tinkerbell's always in love with Peter it's hard for her because she could never be with him." You hold your breathe for a moment as the tears fall down your face.
The only sounds that left your mouth were soft sobs and you quickly made your way to the door. What does he think I don't know that? That I'm not what Peter wants in a partner? You barge out the room and headed up the stairs to Harry's room. "Harry!"
You yelled out for you other brother as you rushed up the stairs with thought running though your head. I was never his type! He was only close to me because of my brother, he never really liked me... Peter would never pick me over Gwen, not when's she's everything he ever wanted.
Your thoughts keep degrading yourself and you get to Harry's room and slam open the door a sobbing mess. "Harr-" You shut up seeing the one person you didn't want to see right now in the room with Harry. Worried sick as you look at Peter, Harry stands in front of you. "Dumplin' what happened?"
Harry ask as he cups your face in his hands whipping your tears. You cried harder if possible as Peter also aproched you. "Hey, hey what's the matter?" You berried your face in Harry's chest and continued to cry. "Hey man, maybe you should just step out the room so I can talk to them." Peter nodded and walked passed you and Harry out Harry's room closing the door behind him. Harry takes you and sits you on his bed with him.
"Tell me what happened." You sniffle and look at him nodding slowly. "F-father told me that I was Tinkerbell." Harry looked at you confused for a moment. "How is that bad?" You looked at the floor. "Let me finish. I'm Tinkerbell. Gwen is Wendy and Peter..is Peter." Harry put the puzzle pieces together and frowned before hugging you.
"It's okay, it's okay. If he doesn't see how amazing you are, one day someone else will and they with love and cherish you until the end of time." You smile and feel a bit better because of Harry's words. "Thanks Harry." You get up and head to the door. "Anything" He smiled and you walked out the door running into Peter in the hallway. "Hey, you okay?" He looked at you with worry like he knew what was discussed in the room, but theirs no way that's the case right?
You nodded looking at Peter. "I'm fin-" Peter pulled you into a hug. "Can I tell you something?" You blushed and we're a bit confused. "Y-yeah, go ahead Pete." Peter looked at you and sighed.
"I love you"
you looked at him in shock as he pulled you into a kiss you stop you from over thinking. His lips were soft, his eyes were half-open with desire while yours were wide in surprise, his cheeks flushed and ears turning red, is hand were cold and rough as one touched the back of your neck and the other around your waist.
Closing your eyes as you got used to the feeling of his warm lips on your own. Your bodies firmly pressed onto one another because of his arm wrapped around your waist as kissed you over and over barely any time to breathe. Feeling not just your own heartbeat increase but his as well, he was leaving you breathless.
He eventually pulled away talking to you barely above a whisper. "By they way, your an amazing kisser but...I truly do love you." You were still in shock, you couldn't believe this just happened but that didn't stop you from being happy and at the same time confused. "Y-you love me? But what about Gwen?"
Peter smiled at you and chuckled. "I was asked her for advice like how to ask you out and things like that." You blushed a bit embarrassed for thinking he liked her. "Oh"
Peter rubbed his thumb on your cheek. "Yeah, so darling what do you say about being my partner?" You smiled and held his hand on your cheek. "I say absolutely" You saw Peter smiled wider if possible and he picked you up off the ground spinning you around happily before lowering you back down and put his forehead against yours, as you looked at one another both with a similar dorky smile.
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🌈 Babysitter🌈
Summary: You age regress in school and Gwen takes care for you
Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker
Reader gender neutral
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You and Gwen were sitting in the cafeteria. You had been slipping all day. It didn't help that Peter wasn't here today and that some kid across from you and Gwen had chocolate. You wanted in and started to squirm in your seat.
"You have to stop." Gwen whispered over to you and keep squirming while whispering back. "I need that chocolate." Gwen glared at you but not in a mean way just a stern way. "You can't have it. Remember Peter's rules for you, no sweets until after meals." You pout and think for a moment, before smiling at Gwen.
"What daddy doesn't know won't kill him!" Gwen crossed her arms looking at you, while you tried to innocently avoid eye contact. "I know you're tumbler password and I will text him and tell him you're being a bad baby" You froze in your seat and pout as you looked at your feet that you were kicking under the tables as you mumbled.
"Chu a butt face" Gwen chuckled, she's never took care of you as a full little so she hoped you'd be comfortable with her enough one day to let her see you like that and take care of you more, not as a caregiver but as a babysitter for when Peter wasn't around.
Like today, she wanted to make you comfortable so after lunch she took your hand and walked you to her locker. Her locker was filled with colouring books, stickers, glitter, little dolls and a very similar stuffed animal to the one Peter has in his locker for you. You eyes widened and you bounced in place happily, Gwen looked at you and half your hands in hers.
"I hope this doesn't overwhelm you, I just figured I could take care of you when Peter isn't here, is this okay?" She was worried you would be scared or overwhelmed. You smiled and finally shifted completely. "Dats okie! I wuv it! Tanks chu!" You giggled as Gwen handed you the really fluffy stuffed animal and a colouring book.
The day went by and Gwen sat beside you in all your classes, you spent time colouring and giggling as Gwen watched. At the end of the day she walked you to Peter and Aunt May's house. May was out at the store so it was just you, Peter and Gwen. "Daddy!" You yelled and ran through the front door to Peter who caught you in open arms.
"Hi baby bug" He kissed your head and looked at Gwen. "Did they slip at school?" Gwen nodded as Peter pats your head. "Yeah but they behaved don't worry. Babysitter Gwen keep a good eye on your baby bug" You giggled and ran to Peter's room changing into a one of his shirts.
After changing you grabbed your favorite stuffed animal off Peter's bed and ran back to them. Seeing Peter and Gwen sitting on the couch on opposite ends talking. Gwen spots you and smiled. "Whatcha doin there?" You giggled and walked up to her giving her the stuffed animal and pets her head. "Um thanks." Gwen giggled a bit and looked at Peter. "What does that mean?" Peter smirked and chuckled a bit. "They like you and you've been accepted as one of their own, there's no escaping" You giggled and nodded eagerly in agreement.
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....watching Spiderman the 2002 version with Tobey and.... Just omg my mom looks like MJ and I 😬🤯
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🎶Tik Tok🎤
Summary: You're a famous Tik Toker and didn't know your Best friend Peter followed your account.
Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker
Reader gender neutral
Best friends to lovers trope
Tic Tok isn't mine, it's @Peter.ae on Tic Tok
You and Peter have been friends for a really long time, like since we were in diapers. Though you had what you thought was an embarrassing secret. You happened to be famous on Tic Tok. With 45K followers. You're content mostly was a bit of everything, Lip singing, Dancing, cosplay, storytelling and blogging; but for the most part it was a blog and storytelling account. Where you would happen to gush about your crazy crush on your best friend since diapers.
So obviously you were mortified if Peter ever found it. So you would look out for names that Peter often uses on his social medias like: Bug_Boy, Spider#1, PeterParker, and lastly your favorite because you came up with it Sk8er-Boy. He had a nickname for you as well, he liked to call you Starlight. Anyway Luckily for you never saw those so you were in the clear.
As of today you started recording a Tik Tok, that was short clips of Peter being absolutely adorable. You hoped to god he didn't notice you recording him. Later that night you got home and posted the video, with the caption. My insanely hot crush, wish me luck about to confess tomorrow. Once you posted the video and it got a couple hundred views, you got a text from Peter.
Hey Starlight want to hangout tomorrow?
Yeah! Yeah! Definitely! I was about to ask you the samething XD
XD how convenient! Well great minds think alike💗
I guess so! Well I'll see you tomorrow Sk8erBoy 🥰
See you tomorrow Starlight 🥰
You put your phone away grinning ear to ear. Eagerly excited for tomorrow so much so that it was hard to sleep. So instead of sleeping you got back on your phone and started a Tik Tok live.
@Starlight is live
25000 are watching
"Hello Everyone!"
@Spidermansimp: Hi!
@GwenStacy: Y/N! Why are you up so late!?😤
"Oh hi Gwen!" You nervous laugh and run your hand through your hair. "I can't sleep I'm way to excited for tomorrow."
@TASM: Yeah good luck I'm sure he'll share you're feelings!☺️💗
You smile at the support. "Thanks guys. I don't even know what I'm going to say." You dreamily sigh. "I mean he's just to wonderful. Like he came into my life and he was a shot of expresso. Like being bathed in sunlight. He's incredibly energetic and enthusiastic. And he has this sense of play and fun"
@TASM: That's so sweet!
@GwenStacy: You got it bad.
"God I know!" You ran you're hand through your hair again and bit your lip. "He's just so- so-so..."
@TASM: So what?
"So amazing. I can't even begin to describe it" You smile looking at your phone. "I can't wait to tell him. I don't think he'll break my heart. You know? He's a sweet guy and even if he doesn't love me back... he'll let me down slowly and we'll still be friends."
@GwenStacy: Stop thinking like that!
@TASM: Yeah! I'm sure he loves you!
@Bellasmakeup: 100% with how he seems to behave around you!
@Spidermansimp: Man if he doesn't love you then, he doesn't know what he's missing!
"Thanks guys! Well I'm going to go to bed so I don't look like a mess tomorrow!" You waved goodbye to your phone. "Goodnight stars!" You end the live and get in bed drifting off to sleep.
The next day you wake up and text Peter. Telling him to met you at the Skate park. As you wait for him, you roller skate around the park seeing as you suck at skateboarding. Peter had tried to teach you how to skateboard long ago but you keep falling so you just stick to roller skating.
You roller skate around the park until you see a familiar brunette skating in your direction. He jumped off his board are you skated to him, stoping in front of him. "Hey Bug-Boy" you smiled as you greeted him. "Hey Starlight" He looked at you and leaned on a nearby ramp.
"So why were you going to ask to met me?" You heard Peter ask and you started getting nervous. "Well- I wanted to- um tell you something" Peter continued to lean on the ramp and smiled at you. "What you wanna tell me Starlight?" "Peter I- I love you! You're amazing! You- you're like--" Peter smirked a bit. "Like a shot of expresso?" You froze in place looking at Peter.
"Wait what? How do you-" "Do I know about your Tik Tok account? Well I'm The Amazing Spider-Man after all" You put your head in your hands realizing he was TASM. "God this is embarrassing" "Not really after all, at least one good thing came out of it" You looked at Peter as he pulled you in by the waist. "Wha-"
Peter cut you off with a soft gentle kiss on the lips. You're lips fit perfectly into his and you both moved so in sync. You pulled away from the kiss. "Pete" "shut up" He kissed you again before pulled away resting his forehead on yours. "I love you Starlight"
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oh my!!! I literally accidently stumbled upon you and ur writing is so beautiful, keep writing it is so good!! Very underrated on this app❣❣
Omg🥺 thank you so much! You're so sweet! I was in the middle of writing a short story actually so hopefully I post that soon. 💗🥰
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My exams are starting now so I won't be uploading for the rest of the week I apologize but I'll make up for it with any short story request you guys give me💗🥰
Also this song reminds me of Andrew Garfield Peter Parker so I figured I'd share it
So leave a comment or pm me your request 💗💗💗 and they will be done sometime over the weekend 💗🥰
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🥰Crush On The Second Floor🥰
Part 9-20
Summary: You just recently moved to the second floor of an apartment complex. But too much to you're enjoyment Peter Parker...YOUR CRUSH lives in the same apartment complex but a few floors above you.
Andrew Garfield Peter Parker in Tom Holland's Peter Parker's living condition. So apartment instead of an actual house.
Reader gender neutral
Heavily edited because the OG draft of this story was with Tom Holland's Peter but I strongly SIMP over Andrew Garfield so changes have been made😌
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Later that night you were sitting in your bedroom doing chemistry homework. The work is scattered across your bed as you lay on your stomach kicking your feet in the air and biting the end of your pencil to concentrate. Unaware of the eyes watching you from your fire escape. Tap. Tap tap. You heard small tapping from your window and look out to see Peter goofily smiling at you.
You smiled and jumped off your bed running to the window and opening it. “Hi! What if someone saw you climb down here?” Peter climbs into your room, placing a hand on the wall for support as he stepped in. “No one saw me, don’t worry.” You rolled your eyes and laughed a bit. “20 stories down, mm-hmm sure no one saw you.”
Peter looked at you and then around your room, he’s never been in your room before. “This is your room?” you giggled. “Yes, this is my room.” Peter looks at you again then has a look like he just remembered something and started messing with his backpack. “Oh uh, I got your mom these.” He pulled out a bouquet, that is bent and broken.
“Oh-” You smile at how sweet he is but try not to laugh at the very sad but still lovely flowers. “Oh- oh love lovely.” “I know beautiful right?” You smile and put your hand over your mouth as peter put the flowers in front of his face. “They are beautiful” Peter put his face in the flowers and you sneakily take a picture of him with your phone as he spoke into the flowers.
“They were nice” You giggle. “No no they are beautiful.” “I’m sorry.” Your heart broke a bit hearing him apologize. “No, it's impressive! They held together very well.” Peter looked at you and smiled. “I’m gonna keep these.” You nodded. “Got your suit in there?” Peter smirked a bit and nodded “I do” You looked at peter seriously. “Always prepared for the worse aren’t you?” “Hey hon” Your mom walked in and saw Peter and you standing pretty close together.
“Oh hi, Peter” Your mom smiled at Peter and gave you a knowing look as if asking if something happened. Causing you to get embarrassed and shake your head stepping back from Peter. “Nice to see you again Ms L/N.” Peter went up to your mom and they shared a short hug before your mom pulled away.
“Well dinner is ready.” Your mom left the room and you and Peter followed. All of you took seats at the dining room table. Dinner was going great and everything even with some very light small talk. That was until spider-man was brought up.
“He just seems so dangerous with everything crimes increased too, or that what the news says.” Your mom spoke and both you and Peter stiffened up. “I think most people would say he’s providing a public service.” Your mom looked at Peter and nodded. “I guess so, but I just don’t want my baby in danger.”
You frowned a bit, you loved your mom being protective but this seemed a little out of line. “Mom, I saw a video online and he seemed to really be helping people.” “A video online.” Your mom spoke in a slightly aggravated tone.
“I think he stands for protecting innocent people, like Y/N ma’am” Peter spoke and your mom stayed silent. “Peter, let's go. I think my mom needs some space.” Peter nodded and you both headed to your room and stood on the fire escape. Peter leaned over the edge of the fire escape. “I want to tell you something!” “Oh! Okay.” You stand up a little more straight and looked at him as he stands in front of you. “I’ve been bitten.”
You smiled a bit “So have I.” “I wanna talk about what your mom said.” You step away from him a bit. “Oh oh okay.” Peter notice you step back. “No, no wait I- I want to talk about me.” “What about you?” Peter started moving his hands around a lot from in front of his mouth than into the air. “I wish I could just- it's hard to say.” You smile and grab his hands. “Just say it.” “No I” Peter turned away from you. “Just say it.” Peter leaned over the fire escape again. “No, I” “What?”
Peter looked at you then shook his head no. You sigh and turn to go back inside. Peter saw you turn to crawl back into your room and shot a web at your waist pulling you back to him, you chuckled a bit. Peter put his hands on your cheek then neck lifting your head up and kissing you. You pull away with your forehead on his. “You-you-That's not fair.” “Shut up” He pulled you back into another kiss and you let out a surprised hum, and this kiss quickly turned into a make-out.
He brought you as close as possible, your hands reaching up and running through his messy curls. His hand in your hair tugged lightly and you let out a short whine at the feeling. This only gave him the confidence to go on and soon enough his tongue was nervously seeking entrance to your mouth. You parted your lips enough letting his tongue stray into your mouth, you sigh at the feeling and push on your toes. Your mom came into your room and saw you and Peter outside on the fire escape kissing and slowly left shutting the door with a small smile on her face. The need for air soon became evident and so you pulled away slowly letting your lips part from his. Your face flushed and your hair messer than ever. But the moment was interrupted but sirens and you smiled a bit. “Go save the day Pretty boy.” He smiled and kissed your lips one last time before grabbing his backpack out of your room and shooting a web out into the distance, swinging away and leaving you with a grin on your face.
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🥰Crush On The Second Floor🥰
Part 8-20
Summary: You just recently moved to the second floor of an apartment complex. But too much to you're enjoyment Peter Parker...YOUR CRUSH lives in the same apartment complex but a few floors above you.
Andrew Garfield Peter Parker in Tom Holland's Peter Parker's living condition. So apartment instead of an actual house.
Reader gender neutral
Heavily edited because the OG draft of this story was with Tom Holland's Peter but I strongly SIMP over Andrew Garfield so changes have been made😌
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Okay so after writing that song, put it in your shoebox labelled 'Pretty Boy'. It was just a box filled with polaroid pictures of you and peter along with every cheesy love letter that you failed to give to him. Now going to school whether walking or skateboarding with him and sharing classes with him was harder. You kept getting embarrassed and when that happens you start to smell like flowers. You quickly learned that wasn't the only strange thing happening to you.
You could run really fucking fast like it was inhuman. You noticed that last week when you ran to peter's apartment. You grew fangs when angry that let out a red fluid you assumed to be Venum seeing as it didn't taste like blood and you've gotten agile and flexible, far beyond a normal person's level of flexibility. Not to mention you could smell Peter, and other things too but you mainly just focused on Peter, you just loved how he smelled.
The sweet smell of apple pie, honey, cinnamon, wet earth, peppers, and the smallest bit of roses. A smell you've come accustomed to and adored. You concluded that this was all because of the lab incident. These were all snake characteristics. snakes can go up to 12.5 miles per hour, release a pheromone to attract a mate, have fangs and Venum, and have a unique skeleton. Have you told Peter about these strange things? Yes, well everything but the pheromone thing.
Like why would you tell him that if it would make him realize you love him. You sigh as your inner monologue came to an end. "Are you okay?" Peter spoke up leaning against his locker, with a black eye from his Spider-man business last night. "Y-yeah yeah fine! Was just thinking about the weird things that happen to me.
"Oh, well think of it this way, you are just as cool and odd as your best friend!" You hold back a laugh and Gwen walks up to you both. "Hey Peter, Y/N." she smiled and nodded to you before her attention was back to Peter. "What happened to your eye?" You stiffened up a bit listening to the conversation but stayed out of it. "I-I uh got a rash" Peter spoke nervously. Gwen held her books closer to her chest and looked worried. "Looks pretty bad have you gone to the nurse?" "mm-hmm" Peter nodded.
"Do you like rendzina? A fish." Peter nervously started to nod and just move his head. "mm-hmm, no no I know" You could guess where this was going and slowly started to shut your locker. "Well if you want, you can come to this address at eight o'clock tonight." Peter quickly glanced at you then back to Gwen. "Actually, I was going to Y/N's for dinner. Their mom makes amazing beef stew." Gwen looked at you then back to peter with a smile before nodding. "Oh, okay well you have fun."
She walked away and you looked at Peter. "I don't remember inviting you over." Peter smirked. "Because you didn't I just wanted to come over and hang out with you is that so bad?" You were a bit surprised but smiled at him. "No, just never thought I'd see the day you gave up your crush on the Gwen Stacy." You laughed and peter just looked at you smiling. "Well maybe someone else caught my eye. Anyway, I really just wanted to show you something I found the other day, it belonged to my dad." This piqued your curiosity. "Well, then I look forward to dinner with you Mr Parker." You laughed and waved goodbye to him as you walked to your second period, leaving behind a very happy Peter.
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So good! Omg I can't! Someone else read this and fan girl with me!!!!!
Better Left Unsaid
Pairing: Deaf!Peter Parker x Reader
Requested by @peterspeaches
Synopsis: you ask Peter to tutor you in sign language 
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Peter looked up when he felt someone bump into his table in the library, finding you standing there with a sheepish look on your face. You steadied the wobbling table with your hand and smiled nervously at him, giving him a small wave to greet him. Peter felt his face flush all the way to the tips of his ears at the unexpected encounter, forcing himself to wave back before he came off as weird. You seemed to relax at his greeting and sat down, fishing in your bag for a piece of paper. You slid the paper across the table for Peter, who looked up at you in confusion. You nodded, as if you give him permission, and he opened it.
“You’re Peter right?” Was written in blue ink in your handwritten. Peter looked up at you and nodded eagerly, pleasantly surprised you knew his name.
“Um.” You bit your lip and hesitantly looked down at your hands before showing him what you’d been practicing.
“Hi. My name is Y/n. I have a question.” You slowly and a little poorly signed to Peter. His eyes lit up when he realizes you were signing to him, something no one in the school had ever done. He chuckled a little at the determined look on your face and smiled in approval.
Keep reading
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🥰Crush On The Second Floor🥰
Part 7-20
Summary: You just recently moved to the second floor of an apartment complex. But too much to you're enjoyment Peter Parker...YOUR CRUSH lives in the same apartment complex but a few floors above you.
Andrew Garfield Peter Parker in Tom Holland's Peter Parker's living condition. So apartment instead of an actual house.
Reader gender neutral
Heavily edited because the OG draft of this story was with Tom Holland's Peter but I strongly SIMP over Andrew Garfield so changes have been made😌
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It's been a week since you stayed over and Peter's. So no more detention! But anyway you and him had a great time that night and, it's been the only thing on you're mind. It's safe to say that this wasn't just a crush anymore. You'd fallen for him and you've fallen hard. So hard to the point you wrote a song about him. Something you've never done before, but you we're very proud of yourself. You just hoped to god; that Peter never sees it. Staring down and the piece of parchment, your face grows red. As you read and have the memories of just last Friday, the night you stayed with Peter.
'His smiles like sunshine, sunshine'
You and Peter were laying in his bed, His head resting on your shoulder looking at your phone and you look at memes together. You just barely see his reflection on the same phone screen, but you could see him smiling and could hear his soft chuckles.
'But I know that he's not mine, not mine'
In that moment all you wanted to do was hold him. You wanted him to hold you. You wanted him to know how much you love him.
'Feel so bad I might cry'
You feared regection though. You remember how he looks at Gwen. And you feared, he wasn't yours and that he had feelings for her still, dispute the fact she showed no interest in him.
'I just love those brown eyes'
Just as you were getting lost in thought, Peter made you look into him eyes. God those eyes. You loved them. You felt at home, but more importantly you felt safe and loved.
'That take me back in time.'
Everytime you see his eyes. You go back to that moment. That moment in the rain.
'Dancing little rain drops, Feel like little kisses'
The rain hitting your skin. The look of love in his eyes.
'The kisses, I wish that you gave'
You desperately wish he had kissed you that night.
'The laughter I can't contain Sunshine, sunshine'
Then again you just loved that night regardless, especially with how much you both laughed.
'I just love those brown eyes
Improvise on our lines
Pretend I'm doing just fine
I'm not getting butterflies'
As you looked into Peter's eyes it's like the world around disappeared. You don't even remember half the things you said, you wish you had a script to remember it all. What you do remember is him asking if you were alright, witch you said you were fine. LIES! You were a hot bkushing mess.
'His smiles like sunshine, sunshine
Laughter like a pick-up line
Brown eyes so devine
That take me back in time'
Yeah so what you liked him for his looks? At least you loved him for his personality. You loved how sweet, smart and brave he was. How he'd do anything for the safety of others and most importantly how he was always there for you.
'Dancing little rain drops
Feel like little kisses
The kisses, I hope you give
Maybe getting butterflies'
You hope you're lucky enough, for that in the future he'll love you back.
'Stayin' up till sunrise
Picture you in my mind
God I wanna pause time
Staring at those brown eyes'
You and Peter stayed up in his room, until the sunrise. When the sunshine entered the window that when you both decided to sleep. You remember closing your eyes and feeling his arms wrapped around you and a gentle kiss on your forehead causing your heart to skip a beat.
'Record us in my mind
My love is on a high-rise
Glad we're on the same side
I know that he's mine
So glad I might cry'
You were to have this memory in you're mind forever. That was a promise you made to yourself. You'd never forget this. You'd never forget.
'I just love...'
You'd never forget just how.
'I just love...'
Just how much..
'I just love...you'
You'd fallen in love with this Spider-Dweeb. You just couldn't tell him..
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🥰Crush On The Second Floor🥰
Part 6-20
Summary: You just recently moved to the second floor of an apartment complex. But too much to you're enjoyment Peter Parker...YOUR CRUSH lives in the same apartment complex but a few floors above you.
Andrew Garfield Peter Parker in Tom Holland's Peter Parker's living condition. So apartment instead of an actual house.
Reader gender neutral
Heavily edited because the OG draft of this story was with Tom Holland's Peter but I strongly SIMP over Andrew Garfield so changes have been made😌
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Rushing out of detention as soon as you could leave, you ran to the apartments. Dashing through the streets quickly bumping into a few people but ultimately getting to the apartments, heading directly for the lift. You get in the lift, the twentieth floor, apartment room 2410 was where you were heading. When you get to the floor you step out of the lift and head to room 2410. Approaching the door you knocked three times.
After a few moments, Aunt May opened the door. "Hello dear, are you here to see Peter?" You nodded, looking at Aunt May before speaking. "Yeah, came over to study with him, I've been having trouble in class." Aunt May nodded and gestured for you to come inside. You smiled at her and entered the apartment. "Peter is in his room." You nodded and smiled at her.
"Thanks!" You walked calmly to the hallway, looking for Peters room when you hear a panicking Peter on the inside of the door you stood in front of. You knocked on the door. "Be there in a second Aunt May!" You hear peter yell from behind the door, with a loud thud following behind it. "You can come in now!" You laughed a bit before opening the door walking in, you were looking at the floor so you haven't seen peter yet. "Y/N?! Don't kill me!" You looked up at Peter seeing his face bruised and beaten.
"PETER BENJAMIN PARKER!" You ran up to him and cupped his face in your hands gently. Careful not to hurt him. "I thought you said it wasn't that bad?!" Peter was looking at you, grinning a bit. "It's not that bad Y/N because I'll be healed up tomorrow" You make Peter sit on his bed and you remain standing, with your hands still cupping his face. "I know, but still...I just don't like seeing you hurt you stupid Spider." You pout, taking your hands off his face and taking a seat on the bed beside him.
You looked down at your feet, until you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and pull you down. Peter had wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to lay down on top of his chest. "Peter!" You laughed and looked at him. "What are you doing?" You were trying not to smile and laugh but failed. "I'm not doing anything." You roll your eyes.
"I'm supposed to be mad at you. You aren't helping!" You laughed more and Peter joined in too, god his laugh was amazing. It was the sweetest sounds you've ever heard. "That's the point, I don't want you mad at me Princess." You rolled your eyes once again and Peter grinned. "If you don't stop rolling your eyes as me Princess, I'm going to tickle you." "Mhm" you smirked and rolled your eyes again. "Suure you will." Next thing you know Peter flipped you over so he was on top of you, his knees on both sides of your hips as he looked down at you.
"I warned you princess~" He laughed a bit and started tickling you. "P-PETER!Hahaha st-Hahahaop it!" You spoke as you laughed. "Then stop rolling your eyes at me." You keep laughing and Peter tickled you more and more. "Hahahahaha f-fine! You win!" You laughed out and Peter slowly stopped tickling you, before plopping down on the bed beside you. You roll over onto your side looking at Peter, he was on his side already looking at you, as he took a camera off his bed frame hitting record.
"Peter?" you looked at the camera then at him as he records the both of you. "What are you doing?" Peter looked at the camera and smiled. "Recording this moment so we always remember the day, you came over and I tickled you to death." He laughed as he turned the camera to face just you. "So how'd it feel to be tickled to death." You smiled and held back a laugh. "It was so scary, I'm tramatized I'll never look at you the same!" You laughed a bunch as you spoke jokingly.
Peter turned the camera back to face both him and you. "Really? Oh no!" Peter laughed and messed up your hair. "Don't be tramatized! I'm sorry princess!" You laughed more and smiled before kissing his cheek. "Fine I'm not tramatized, happy now?" Peter blushed and looked at the camera in surprise, mouthing the words 'Was that real?' you didn't notice that though. "Do you think we'll watch this in the future?" You looked at the camera and back a Peter.
"Maybe, who knows." You nodded and smiled waving at the camera. "Well good luck future us!" You smiled and Peter just nodded in agreement, before turning the camera off. "We should do that more often! So when we get older we have all these moments recorded!" You smiled and you thought of the idea. The future, you and Peter's kids watching them. It's a silly thought since you aren't dating; but you can dream an impossible dream can't you?
"What you thinking about with that grin of your face?" Peter spoke looking you in the eyes, snapping you back to reality. "Just the opportunities for us in the future." You spoke bluntly, it wasn't a lie but it wasn't really the truth either.
"That's nice." He smiled at you. "Are you staying the night?" You were surprised but took out your phone. "I can ask my mom." Peter nodded and looked at your phone as you texted your mom.
Hey Mom?
Hey sweetie
Can I stay the night at Peter's house?
If his Aunt is okay with is sure. But no funny business😂
Okay and MOM!! OMG!
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📝The Bet🖊️
Short Story
Summary: Peter lies about a test grade to make you happy.
Reader gender neutral
Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker
Tag List:
@paw-sneeze & @sweetpeterparker
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It was the week of exams and you've been studying you ass off. Why? Oh well you and Peter made a little bet. Loser does what the winner wants. Today was your final exam. You just had to bet Peter's grade in chemistry. You had a feeling you'd lose this one, you really couldn't afford that.
You NEEDED to win! You HAD to win! Peter said if he won you'd have to let him take pictures of you. By no means we're you against it! It's just...you wanted him to take you on a date.
You had a huge crush on him since forever at least now this way you'd get a date and maybe fine out if he liked you back. So letting out a huge sigh you finally entered you and Peter's shared chemistry class. Taking a seat next to Peter, as usual but this time you glare seriously at him instead of your usual small smile and a wave. Peter just chuckled and smiled.
Was he that confident that he'd beat you? Even after all your endless hours of studying...Your internal panick was cut short by the paper of fate being placed on your desk. Aka your dreadful exam. "You may begin." Was all you heard before instantly picking up your pencil and going into focus mode.
After literal hours your class finished your exams. Now you just had to wait till tomorrow for the grades.
The next day you entered the classroom hopefully. Taking your usual seat beside Peter and actually smiling at him today, witch earned you a smile in return. "Morning Pete." You looked at the brunette who had his head down on the desk as if disappointed. "What's wrong?"
Peter sighs and made eye contact with you. "I don't think I'll win this bet." You looked surprised and fought back a grin now feeling a bit more confident. "We'll have to wait and see." As those word left your lips as if the teacher new they passed out your exams. Eagerly taking yours and looking at the grade. 98, was circled on the top of your paper and you smiled.
"What you get?" Peter's voice breaking you out of your train of thought. "98, you?" You smile and wave your paper in front of his face. "Oh man, I got a 97 you win this time." Peter spoke in a tone of defeat, as he hides this paper with a big red 99 behind him. Your face lights up, with excitement and you let out a cheerful laugh. Peter smiled to himself, god if losing a bet ment he got to hear you laugh all the time, then he'd gladly always lose.
"So looks like you're taking me on a date."
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