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90% of this life, is a stream of moments, singular all in triangulation. Single touches with change ever so demanding. Looks the camera passes liberty to catch, the kiss only your lips can feel, electricity, the arts in unison. Surrounded by the Universe living in what we call home, most forget we are the universe, Souls that collide ever so quickly, uses of fate and destiny. What else to make of it, appreciation due to the Only, In higher power that created today. Sparks fly like an asteroid colliding with earth, designed to feel, to explode, leave its birth mark. May it just be we were meant to be, In love with this life, with each other, promising to never let another down. May you always be on a chase around the trunk. Find happiness in another sunrise on the east side, sunset on the west side, gaze set on the north side, reflecting on the south side. Lips enjoying every kiss if it were the last, while the universe inside grants this life, you choose how to experience, but you don't decide how long it lasts. One more astral projection for the soul, the plethora of pleasures our very life collects, one day hopeful to have justified it as Love.
For no specific reason, just that your heart feels the most incredible surge of power, its form comes to the Universe for the gifts in this lifetime. On this Valentine's Day, I think about not the love I don't have today, but all the loves I shared before this one, I think about the surprises that others put so much thought into to make their loved one happy. I think about the strangers faces as they walk to the front door with a bouquet of flowers. I love the love that others are so happy to have. Love doesn't come by luck, it comes by destiny, by the divine, setting your soul on fire come the twin flame, met only by selective picking. I celebrate the thousands of lives that others honor by love today. Be proud of your love, it ends war, it provides peace, it touches places the world may never see, it molds children into the adults they will one day be. It's the Mothers touch with her newborn baby, it is the laughter between Daddy and Daughter.
In this life I dream in love. #FortheLoveIHave �
Written By: Kora Learden Millington
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The capacity to be alone is the capacity to love. It may look paradoxical to you, but it’s not. It is an existential truth: only those people who are capable of being alone are capable of love, of sharing, of going into the deepest core of another person–without possessing the other, without becoming dependent on the other, without reducing the other to a thing, and without becoming addicted to the other. They allow the other absolute freedom, because they know that if the other leaves, they will be as happy as they are now. Their happiness cannot be taken by the other, because it is not given by the other.
Osho (via lazyyogi)
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Wandering the boarders of sexuality. I underestimate the true counterparts of two when confined to sexual restraint. Love we could share [segregated, brought to end] because of addiction and the lack there of to feel everything.
Kora Learden Millington 
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The way you hurt me and I still love is addicting [not an addiction of you] an addiction of knowledge [understanding] how the human soul can love so freely
Kora Learden Millington 
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Girls and Boys
I don’t understand that thing where people birth another child in hopes that it will either have a penis or a vagina. I’ve thought a lot about this, probably because people keep doing and saying weird things that remind me of how messed up our culture is about gender.
The sex-preference obviously originates with the parent’s idea about how the child will be raised, which implies that how the parent will raise a small human who possesses a penis will be substantially different than how the parent will raise a small human who possesses a vagina.
You might have gathered that that’s not what happens in my house, and here’s why:
Everyone can enjoy every color.
Everyone has baby dolls and learns to be gentle and take care of baby.
Everyone can run, throw balls, and hit approved objects with bats.
Everyone can dress up, or not, according to each small human’s preference.
Everyone learns to respect other humans’ bodies and words.
Everyone can learn to do whatever one finds interesting.
Everyone can be interested in whatever one chooses to find interesting.
Everyone will, at some point, wear kickass rocket t-shirts and tiaras, probably at the same time.
Everyone will learn that gender is far more complex and interesting that genitalia, and that one’s identity isn’t dictated by the contents of one’s pants, but by the content of one’s character.
Isn’t that way more fun than, “No, you can’t like or do this thing because chromosomes”?
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sometimes my anxiety is so incredibly strong, I get sick if I even focus on the words scrolling through my head when I can feel the chemical of anxiety flowing through my veins. anxiety is a battle, depression is battle. Don't hate the enemy because they help you get stronger, but ONLY when and ONLY if you choose to fight it. You battle to come out of it until you do. for the time being though #Illbeconvergedwithanxiety
Kora Learden Millington 
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Let my realizations after pain teach women, loving through your pain is empowering. Let it be my affirmation.
Kora Learden Millington
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the sun keeps kissing love poems on my skin 
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