iwaizumilovesme · 3 years
U. Wakatoshi x Wife! Reader
You can also find me on Wattpad @iwaizumilovesme
Fluff and Slight Angst Parenting One-Shot 
~ "2:15", you read the clock out loud and quickly put the laundry basket that was in your hands down. I guess folding laundry has to wait for now, you thought. As you were trying to find your phone, you turned around only to be met with your husband. You would usually greet him, but this time you side-stepped your way around him and continued to try to find your phone. Wakatoshi stood there and chuckled, knowing what you were looking for. "I have it, right here," he waved the phone in his hands and looked at you with a soft expression. Your eyes glistened and you gasped, "Hey! Where did you get that? I thought I put it on the kitchen table?" you mumbled the last part to yourself as you made your way towards your husband. You were about to grab your phone, but Wakatoshi wanted to play around a bit. He held his arm high enough were you couldn't reach him.
You didn't whine as you reached up at him with your tippy-toes, but instead of reaching for the phone, you kissed his lips. You let your feet relax, and but you still craned your neck up towards Wakatoshi, "So can I have my phone now, please?" He chuckled a bit and lowered his hands, "Well, I thought maybe I could pick Hana up from school today." You blinked. He stared at you and waited for your answer, "But why do you have my phone?" It was his turn to blink. "Oh, yeah. Mine is still in the shop being fixed. Sorry." He kissed your forehead, "So I'll go now, okay? Be back in a bit." ~ You and Wakatoshi have been married for twelve years now, but you've known each other for quite a while now. He proposed to you right after your college graduation, and you two were officially married a year later. You two settled down at a young age, and even through the difficult times, you two stuck together like glue.
You gave birth to your amazing daughter, Hana, at twenty-five. At the time, Toshi had been playing in the professional volleyball league for eight years already, and you had a stable job as a teacher at a middle school close to where you lived. You decided to resign to take care of Hana, while Toshi took a year off for you. But after that was when things became a bit difficult.
Although Toshi was around when he wasn't training, it was still difficult to handle baby Hana during the times he was at training. He made a really huge amount of money for the family because he was so talented. You couldn't thank him enough for that, but then you felt he couldn't enjoy time with Hana as much as you'd liked. It was incredibly hard sometimes, but you two always seemed to find a way.
Four years later, he decided that he would retire from being a professional volleyball player. He decided to become a full-time house dad. Don't misunderstand, though. He still maintained a healthy body even if he didn't play for the national team, anymore. Since Wakatoshi had made so much money, you settled on working part-time at a bakery instead of going back to teaching. His talent playing volleyball led him to play for the national team. Meaning he received many sponsorships, as well as attention from the public eye. He modeled for various athletic clothing brands. He was just so successful, however, he decided it was time for family.
Luckily, Hana wasn't old enough quite yet to know that she was "missing" her father for the first few years of her life. In fact, his retirement was perfect timing as she was finally starting to grow a personality of her own. And only a mother and father could help her shape it into something beautiful.
Back to the present, now. You and Toshi are currently thirty five, and your daughter is ten. She's in the fourth grade, and she looks exactly like her father. She has his eyes, along with his stoic resting face and his hair. However, her personality matched yours. She was gentle, and actually very open to talking to people. Unlike Wakatoshi, she loved talking. She also happened to hate being alone because she-
"Hey, mom". Your thoughts were interrupted by Hana, and her back- hug. You almost spilled the whole salt shaker into the soup you were making. "Hey, girlie. How was school?" You turned around and saw her drop her backpack under her seat by the kitchen table, "It was fine..." She avoided your gaze as she answered. Wakatoshi was standing by the entrance of the kitchen  and you communicated with him through your eyes. What's wrong? You said silently. He only shrugged an, I don't know, in response. This was weird because normally Hana would be so excited after knowing her dad picked her up from school. You turned the stove off and sat down in front of Hana. "What's wrong?" Your husband took a seat beside you and held your hand, "We're here for you, Hana." You squeezed his hand as Hana sighed.
"Spring time is coming up soon and it means that school sports day is coming up. The school said there are gonna be basketball, tennis, track and field, volleyball, and soccer teams for boys and girls. We have to choose one sport, and then there will be a mini-tournament."
You piped up at the fact there's volleyball, "That's great, honey! There's volleyball? You love playing volleyball, don't you?" She sighed again, "Yeah...but none of our teachers want to coach us. They said they're just supervising...And everyone else but the girls volleyball team and soccer team have coaches, meaning we're forced to choose another sport..."
You whipped your head toward Wakatoshi and gave him a look. He sighed, "Hana, it'll be okay. Try not to worry too much, okay? Why don't you go start your homework while mom finishes making dinner. We can talk more about it through dinner." She nodded, grabbing her backpack, and making her way upstairs toward her bedroom.
You and Wakatoshi silently waited until you heard her door click, signalling she was inside. You cocked your head to the side and furrowed your brows trying to process the situation, "What was that? Toshi, why didn't you offer to be the coach? Isn't that what you do? You played volleyball, so you can coach, can't you?" He shook his head, "Well, she didn't ask me. And yes, I played volleyball. I don't do that anymore, (Y/N)." You ran your fingers through your hair, "Toshi, they're children...! Just a bunch of kids who want to play for fun! Did you see the look on her face? She just wants to play and have a good time. I'm sure the other kids want to experience that, too." He stood up and began to heat up rice for dinner, "And that's exactly it, (Y/N). They're just kids," he turned to you, and although his face remained stoic, you saw there was a softness in his expression that made your heart melt. "I'd love to coach for them, but what if I'm too hard on the kids? I don't want to hurt Hana. I love her to death, (Y/N), and you should be the first to know that. What if I get back into that serious volleyball mode like in high school and college and in the national league? I can't allow that to happen, (Y/N)."
You stood and wrapped your arms around his neck, "Toshi," you whispered into his ear, "it'll be okay. I know you won't do that. We can do this together." You stared up at him, "I'll be there with you. I may not know how coach, but I can assist with whatever you need. Think about it, Toshi. You can coach and I'll help collect balls, help with drills, and I'll even make some snacks for the girls. And when you get a little out of hand, I'll be there to calm you down." You smiled at him sweetly and he chuckled, "You mean like in high school?" You nodded, "Yes. Like in high school." You laughed as you recalled memories of you being the manager of Shiratorizawa through out all your high school years. After a moment of silence, he stared at you. "I love you, (Y/N)." And he leaned in and kissed you passionately. "I love you too, Toshi."
"Okay, I'll do it." ~ When you ended up telling Hana, she squealed like she had just received a long-awaited birthday present. She was so excited, and when the time came to begin training the girls to play volleyball, they too, became excited. It was no surprise that Hana's team ended up winning against other girls teams and boys teams. Hana's group received cute little volleyball medals, and after Hana received hers, she ran up to Wakatoshi and hugged him. "Thank you, dad," she then hugged you, "Thank you, mom,". Toshi let out a genuine laugh, "No need to thank us, Hana. If it makes you happy, we'll do anything for you," he grabbed your hand and squeezed it, "together."
~ Hey, y'all. I hope you enjoyed this one. I know it's a bit cheesy. Also the ending sounded way better in my head. Anyway, please let me know if you have any ideas, requests or anything. Love you lots~!
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iwaizumilovesme · 4 years
I. Hajime x Reader
You can also find this on Wattpad @iwaizumilovesme
Let's Fall in Love for the Night
(Bold and italicized means lyrics)
Breaking up with a partner that you've been with for nearly two years took an incredible toll on you. How could it not? Being with Kuroo Tetsurou was an amazing adventure when you two first got together. But as time moves on, you realize that Kuroo wasn't the same man you met in the beginning. He's a jealous and overly-possessive type. Sure, having a possessive attitude once in a while seems sweet, right? But having to put up with outrageous scenes in public just couldn't sit right with you. You were a doctor, and you can't help the fact that both men and women see you for appointments. But it really didn't really bother Kuroo that you took care of random men and women, it was mainly the other male doctors that you interacted with. You always explained that in a hospital, it's strictly professional. There's no time to fit in unrelated topics unless you were on break. And when you were on break, Kuroo would harshly drag you out of your work environment and scold you.
Then came the time where it was time to stop. You decided enough was enough and you broke it off with Kuroo. No matter how many times you tried to fix things, your feelings just wouldn't go through his head and his heart. It hurt you, but what added salt the wound was the fact that he agreed. "I couldn't agree more. I'm tired of you," he said.
So here you were, laying on your bed buried in blankets and pillows, sobbing uncontrollably in the dark. The tears just wouldn't stop falling. After a good cry for who knows how many hours, you sniffed and sat up, searching hastily for your phone. When you found it, you scrolled through your contacts to message your best friend: Iwaizumi Hajime.
Iwaizumi POV:
7:35 a.m.
I trudged into my apartment, settling my keys, wallet and phone down on the small table by the door. I had just come back from a jog, and I wanted to freshen up. As I walked out wearing clean clothes, I heard my phone buzz.
You need a pick-me-up?
Y/N: ...Iwa? Can u come over? Sorry to bother you by the way...
Me: I'll be there in 25.
Y/N: Ok...
I rushed back out of the house forgetting that I needed to eat breakfast. But, judging by the way she's texted me so unenthusiastically, she must be having issues with Kuroo. I stopped by the store to get all her favorite snacks, like (Candy name), (Chocolate name), (Chip brand), (Type of ice cream), and (Soda/drink). I also got her some instant noodles in case she wanted me to stay past dinner.
I arrived at her house and knocked on her door. It took a few minutes for someone to answer, and when the door opened, I was met with (Y/N) wearing her favorite pajamas. Despite her puffy eyes and tear-stained face, I thought she was as beautiful as ever. Before I could greet her, she grabbed my wrist and forcefully pulled me into her house and slammed the door behind me. She didn't say anything and silently dragged me into her bedroom.
When we reached her bedroom, I awkwardly stood at the door and stared at the mess she's made with it. Her bed was not made, there were empty tissue boxes as well as used tissues that littered the floor. The blinds were shut, and the lights were off. The only source of light was coming from the tv right in front of her bed. She dragged her feet on the ground as she made her way to her bed, nearly tripping on an empty tissue box while doing so. When she sat on her bed, she turned towards me and held her arms open wide and whimpered. I took that as an invitation to join her in bed, but before I did that I dropped the snacks I bought by the door. I picked up the empty tissue boxes and I put the used ones inside the tissue boxes. I stacked them on her desk and decided I will throw them away later.
I'm your boy that your boy hoped that you would avoid,
When I turned to make my way toward her bed, and found that she was buried in blankets again. Her arms probably got tired. I took off my shoes before joining her in bed. I searched through all the blankets and finally found her sleeping peacefully. Or so I thought. "Finally, you took forever, Hajime. I was lonely, and no one wanted to take care of me," she sniffed and held her arms out again. "Hm...You haven't changed at all (Y/N)," I lifted her up and put her in my lap. I then held her close as if to assure her that she was okay. She wrapped her arms around my body tightly and buried her face in my chest. "Or should I say 'Baby (Cringey childhood nick name)'?" I laughed as she groaned, still not lifting her head up, "Hajime...! We're not babies anymore! I mean- I'm not a baby anymore!" I combed my hand through her hair soothingly and didn't respond. "It's okay, (Y/N). No need to pretend now. You can cry, you know?" She shook her head and finally looked up at me. "No...I'm done crying. I want to forget for a little bit. He just-...I just-" she stuttered with her words. "I should have seen it coming, you know? Like," her eyes watered a bit, "how come I didn't do this sooner?" I wiped her eyes with my thumbs carefully as I held her face. "Don't waste your eyes on jealous guys. Fuck that noise," I kissed the top of her forehead, and she nodded and smiled a little.
I know better than to call you mine.
We remained in that same position for the remainder of that morning. She refused to let go of me, so wherever I went she came with me. We watched her favorite animes and movies while binge-eating the snacks I bought for her. I made sure she was drinking water, and later I saw her mood began to lift. "Hajime, did you know that...happened?!...and the new manga is coming out...Oh! And there's something about...might unlock...top secret ultimate powers!!! The creator said so himself!" I drowned out some of what she said, and admired her adorable personality. She was talking about some characters in a manga, and the creator announced something and I don't really know. But I love it when you talk that nerdy shit. "Oh, really? Didn't you say that he died or something?" She laughed out loud and hit me playfully, "Hajime! You didn't listen! I said, 'He got fatally wounded, but he didn't die'! You need to clean your ears. Let me see?" She grabbed my head and turned my head to the side to check my ears, "Hajime! Look there's a huge piece of earwax the size of a Pokeball!!!" I was glad to hear her laugh, and I just wanted to see smile and laugh more. "Alright, (Y/N), you asked for it," I pulled her off my lap and tickled her sides, causing her to squeal in laughter, "Ha-Hajime, stop! I was- kidding its not a-haha-as big as a  Pokeball! It's just ha-haha- half of one!" I stopped and let her catch her breath. She flopped on to her back and giggled, and I lay beside her smiling. She rolled over and suddenly her face was super close to mine. Don't make moves, Hajime. Remember you said that you'd sacrifice your happiness for hers? I thought. But she's single now, it's your time! Another part of me argued. She won't like you, moron. I thought again. Fuck it, let's do it. I finally decided.
I slowly leaned in and kissed her lips softly. I expected her to pull away, but she kissed me back. I pulled back and blushed furiously. "I'm sorry I- I didn't mean to take advantage like that! It was selfi-" I was cut off, "It's okay, Hajime. You're just trying to make me feel better. You aren't selfish."
That low-key made me irritated. Okay, not low-key, high key. I've been holding in these feelings since middle school. I've protected her for forever, and not being able to call her mine hurts too much. "...(Y/N). It's not okay." She looked at me confused and I continued, "I've liked you- no. Loved you for as long as I can remember. I know you probably just think of me as your best friend and big brother, but please. Tonight. Please see me as a man. Let's Fall in love for the night, and forget in the morning. You won't stay with me, I know, but you can have your way with me until you go. Accept my feelings just for today, (Y/N), please." It was silent for a long time, and I began to regret saying what I did. But it also felt like the world just came off my shoulders. She whispered, "I didn't know...That you felt that way? I'm so sorry, I didn't know..." She began to tear up, "Hajime, I've hurt you all these years and all you do is care for me? I thought...I thought you wouldn't see me that way. I'm sorry I don't see you in that way. Right now, at least. But I don't know how to pay you back for all you've done for me...and I can't fix your heart for all those years of damage," I held her close to me for a little bit, and I stopped her crying, "Don't cry. You can fix it by letting me stay with you tonight. Tonight, and only tonight you're mi- with me...Okay?" She nodded, "Okay."
I know better than to all you mine.
That night I was able to love her like she was actually mine. And she pretended to love me like I was hers. But we all know she doesn't feel that way about me. Early the next morning I ended up leaving without saying anything. She was asleep and I have to get to work. But being her best friend is better than not being with her at all. Her heart still belongs elsewhere, and being alone isn't that bad. At least I was able to be with her for a little bit. I stretched a bit and I made my way out of her house. I shut the door behind me before saying,
"I know better than to ever call you mine."
Hey everyone! Sorry it's a bit long. Also sorry Iwa gets an angst. But we needed a little angst for some interesting-ness? Eh. Let me know if you enjoyed this!
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iwaizumilovesme · 4 years
O. Tooru x Reader
You can also find this on Wattpad @iwaizumilovesme
Short movie-scenario(?)
You two were currently cuddling on the couch binge-watching movies. However, they weren't just any movies: they were the best movies that you watched growing up. That ranged from Disney to DreamWorks and more, and this movie happened to be a certain movie about dragons. You and your boyfriend, Tooru, sat through How to Train Your Dragon. You two sat through the first, second, and currently watching the third one. Well, technically you sat through the first and second movie. Tooru was busy whining about how movies about aliens would be way better. But suddenly, he stopped talking. He must have fallen asleep, you thought. You glanced over to him only to find him watching the movie very intently. "Tooru-". He didn't spare you a glance as he threw an arm up towards you, with his index finger pointing up as if to shush you, "(Y/N)! Shhh! Talk to me after.". You rolled your eyes, but let out a soft smile. I always choose the best movies. You thought.
You two finished the movie and Tooru was in tears. "...That was beautiful!" He looked at you teary-eyed, and a little bit of snot was dripping out of his nose. You stared at him back, not doing anything. He pouted, "(Y/N)! Aren't you going to comfort me?!" You chuckled a bit, but wiped his tears with the hem of your shirt, "Ah, Tooru, don't cry. You're ugly when you cry." You laughed as his pout only grew, "Now tell me why you were so suddenly interested in that movie, hm?" You kissed his cheeks and looked for his eyes.
His fake-cry mode was changed automatically at your question. He was excited to tell you, "(Y/N), you remember Toothless' girlfriend?!" You nodded, "Yeah the Lightfu-" You couldn't...finish as he (rudely) interrupted you. "Yeah! I have two comments, which one do you wanna hear first?! The long one or the short one?!" You blinked, hoping that you would not be interrupted again, "Um. The short one." He smiled, "Okay, so like have you ever thought that it basically looks like a My Little Pony and a Mewtwo hybrid!" He laughed excitedly, "I cracked the cooode (Y/N)!"
You laughed with him, one because of his silly realisation, and two because his laugh was contagious, "What code-" He didn't let you finish once again, "Okay! Next one! Basically I just thought that like if we were dragons then like we would practically be this movie...Like how we met? Remember you kept running away from me, and I kept chasing you, and like Iwa was my wing-man but also like he didn't want us to be together at a time?! And like Toothless is a king of dragons, and I'm Grand King of the Court, so like you're my girlfriend, so you must be the Hybrid/Toothless' girlfriend. Cuz you know you're like so awesome and beautiful and talented and like...way out of my league... He exhaled, having to catch his breath because of the quick reply.
You stared at him and paused. He looked at you so lovingly, and you felt an incredible warmth due to the intense gaze. You smiled back at him, "I love you, Tooru," you said and gave him a short peck on his lips. "I love you too, (Y/N)," He kissed you back, however, he didn't settle for a "baby kiss" (as he would call it), and instead kissed you a bit longer. You two spent the rest of the day together being lazy and watching movies.
Sorry guys, but I had to. I didn't know what to call it so I named it a scenario. Like I watched all the How to Train Your Dragon movies yesterday and I literally thought of this while eating breakfast this morning. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, and let me know if you liked this one! Requests are open!
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iwaizumilovesme · 4 years
Tsukishima Kei x F! Reader
You can also find this on Wattpad @iwaizumilovesme
First Meeting:
Being the new student during your second year of high school is always tough. Everyone had already formed their own group of friends, but it really couldn't be helped when your whole family decided to move from Tokyo to Miyagi. You decided to move to Karasuno, because quite frankly, all you cared about was the uniform. According to your cousin Nishinoya Yuu, it was the best in Miyagi. Not only that, but it was the most affordable for your family as well.
So here you were, roaming the hallways as you were trying to find your classroom. You wanted to come early because you had to get used the place. You wandered around mindlessly and mumbled under your breath, "The place looked small from the outside, how could I even get lost in he-. Oof-". As you turned the corner, you suddenly bumped into someone unexpectedly. "S-sorry!" you bowed quickly. You looked up and were met with a tall blonde-haired boy. He wore glasses with thick frames and his gaze met yours. He was also wearing a pair of white headphones around his neck. "Excuse me," he said. He was about to continue on his way until you grabbed his shirt sleeve, "Wait! Do you think you could help me find this class? Um...Please?"
He stared at you for a moment, debating whether to come up with a snarky remark and leave you, or just help you to save time. "Uh...Sure, I guess." He gestured over to the small paper in your hands, "What class are you in?" You handed him the paper and his eyebrows raised into a knowing expression, "This is my class, actually. I was just about to head over there right now." He continued to walk to his desired destination, and you guessed that it was a signal to follow him.
You hadn't quite taken in his entire appearance quite yet, but as you followed close behind him, you couldn't help but notice his height. This guy's tall... When you reached the classroom, he just took his seat and didn't seem to acknowledge you. You awkwardly trudged over to the seat in front of him, and sat down. You shifted your seat around so you could face him properly without having to sit uncomfortably.
You tilted your head curiously, and you wanted to spark up some conversation. "Um, thanks for showing me the way. I'm (L/N) (Y/N), by the way". He flinched, seeming to have forgotten about your presence. "R-right. Um, I'm Tsukishima Kei," he blushed and averted his gaze away from yours. You nodded, "Erm, how come you're here so early?". He pushed his glasses further up his nose before replying, "Uh, I'm in a club...I had morning practice today.". Your eyes widened a bit, and you gasped in interest. Now that I think about it, he thought, I'd never really seen her around before. He was about to ask you about it until you spoke, "So, are you on the basketball team...? You're like, really tall and I thought maybe you might play?". He stared at you for a second and chuckled a bit, "No. I don't play basketball, but I play volleyball," he averted his eyes expecting an uninterested reaction from you.
But instead, you seemed to be the exact opposite, and you squealed excitedly, "Oh! I love volleyball! My cousin actually plays on the team, too! If I'd known you had morning practice I would probably ask him to show me to my class, but knowing him, he'd probably lead me the wrong way..."
Tsukishima didn't say anything, but he was trying to read you. I don't think a girl has ever talked to me this much before, he thought. You were rambling on and on about how dumb Noya can be, and he was like that ever since you were children. "So enough about Noya," you waved your hand as if to shoo Noya out of the conversation, "you're a middle blocker, right?!" Tsukishima didn't even bother noting the fact that Nishinoya was your cousin because he  blushed a bit, flustered because your attention quickly shifted from one thing to his. You didn't seem to notice however, and you waited patiently for his answer, "Y-yeah. That's right." . You let out a genuine laugh, "That's cool! I might just have to watch you play," you checked the time on the clock, and you noticed more students were filing in. Your teacher probably would have you introduce yourself to your fellow classmates, so you stood up to stand outside.
But before you did that, you bowed slightly towards Tsukishima and smiled at him as you stood up straight, "Again, thanks for showing me the way, Tsukki-kun. I'm new here, if you didn't know. So...Let's be friends, okay?" You didn't wait for an answer as you were already walking away. He blushed again, only this time he was able to physically hide it with his hands. He couldn't really seem to reject you, and he didn't know why. A random girl that goes by the name of (L/N) (Y/N) had just waltzed into his life and he hadn't even expected it. But there he was, impatiently waiting for his next encounter with you.
Hey, y'all! Sorry that this one is a bit short. And I also apologize if Kei seems a bit ooc ;-;...I tried. Let me know if you liked this one and want another Tsukki one!
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iwaizumilovesme · 4 years
K. Tobio x F! YouTuber Reader
You can also find this on Wattpad @iwaizumilovesme
Fluff, Microscopic angst
You hadn't really expected your fan base to grow as much as it did in a span of four years. You started your YouTube channel after graduating high school, but that didn't mean you hadn't been active on the social. You had many followers on the social medias you had during high school. Even if you were an average high school student at the time, you always had an interest in art, music, photography, fashion, and basically anything that you could do to express who you were.
The photos and videos you posted on your accounts would be left with thousands of likes because of your creativity. Your charming and attractive personality combined with your creative content caused many people to be drawn to your channel. Your YouTube channel was bound to have a huge fan base. Initially, you made videos just for fun, but now having recently graduated college you decided to dedicate all your time and effort into it- like a full-time job.
You received plenty of requests and sponsorships because of how much you influenced people who were interested in your content.
You couldn't have done it alone, though. Your boyfriend, Kageyama Tobio, was so supportive through your whole YouTube career. He plays as a setter in Japan's national volleyball team, and he's a very valuable player to the team, too. But when he isn't on the court, he's either doing two things: Cuddling with you, or he's the one behind the camera in your videos. (For vlogs especially)
You two are high school sweethearts and he knew you as well as he knew how to set in volleyball. And you knew him like you knew the back of your hand. You two couldn't keep secrets from each other! So when he found out about You creating a channel, he already knew that he'd be involved. He actually offered to help you. You talk a lot about him in your videos, but he never wanted to be seen with you in your videos. How could an average-looking guy like me with absolutely zero charm sit next to someone like you who's so attractive and beautiful and not feel uncomfortable? I-I mean you aren't the one making me feel uncomfortable...it's just-...I don't wanna be embarassed you know? What if your fans don't think I should be with you? What if you get hate because of me? It's just better if I stay out of your channel...
You always comforted him saying that it didn't matter what they thought about him. You reminded him of how handsome he was and how many other guys would kill to have a ripped body like his. It took him many years of convincing, and one day he just gave in!
"Tobio, please~! My one million subs is coming up really close and you've been with me all these years, I just think it's right to have you in my celebration video. My (fan base name)s really want to see you!!" you begged while tugging onto his arm desperately. He only shook his head as a response. You pouted and he chuckled as he pulled you onto his lap. You faced him and wrapped your arms around his neck. Once you were comfortable you rested your head on his shoulder and mumbled, "I really thought it would work this time".
Tobio pretended to think, but he already planned in his head that one day he would join you in your crazy YouTube adventures. Your one million subs was like a long-awaited birthday to you. He didn't want to crush you like that. It would hurt him if he did. After a few moments Tobio peeled you off of him, sat across from you and took your hands. He was silent as he observed your face. He saw how your eyes looked glassy like you were about to cry, and your lips pursed in a tight line to prevent your self from crying in front of him.
He had to say something now before the water works would start, "(Y/N)." You sniffled and wiped your eyes with your sleeve and focused your gaze somewhere other than Tobio, "What?" He sighed, "I'll do it." You sniffed again, not quite registering what he said, "It's okay I get it..." You paused and Tobio waited. Your eyes slowly met his as you finally registered what he said, "Wait..." He looked at you and all he did was nod. "Really...?! Like actually?!" Your mood did a 180 flip and you were beyond ecstatic. You tackled Tobio with a bear-hug and you laughed together. "Don't make me change my mind, okay?"
End of flashback
So today you would be filming your highly requested video from your fans for your "Happy 1 Million Subs Suprise". Your fans have requested non-stop for Tobio to join your video, so what better than to have him join while you celebrate?
You and Tobio were currently in your recording studio, otherwise known as, the guest bedroom. You two lived alone, so you decided why not make the guest bedroom into your workspace? Of course it is only temporary, because you were looking for a proper office to work in, anyway. You were busy trying to set up your props for the video. Tobio didn't know what topic you would cover in today's video, but all he knew was that you were "doing a Q&A with a twist" .
He assumed that him being there was the twist, but who knew what kind of ideas your fans could come up with? He set up two chairs in front of your simple white backdrop. Then he got busy adjusting the camera settings, while you finished with your props. You sat down on one of the chairs and combed through your hair to make sure it looked nice. He popped his head up from behind the camera and gave you a look, "You ready?". You giggled sensing his nervousness, and you gave him a reassuring nod as well as two thumbs up, "Yep! I'm ready! Don't worry, Kags. You'll be fine!". Tobio mumbled something you couldn't hear and began recording. He popped his head up from behind the camera again and gave you an "ok" sign. You smiled and began your intro.
You threw your arms to the side in a playful manner and gave the camera your best smile, "Hey, everyone! It's (Screen name) here, but you can call me (Y/N), and I'm back with another video for you! If you're new to this channel, I want to welcome you! Those of you who have been supporting me already I wanted to thank you so much! And guess what? We've reached one million subs!". You laughed in excitement before continuing to explain what type of video your fans had in store. "So to thank you guys I put together something that you all have been wanting for quite a while now. So without further ado, I would like to introduce to you all..." You glanced up at Tobio for a second, "my boyfriend!". You gestured for him to join you in the seat beside you. He sat down beside you feeling a little tense, but you grabbed his hand and squeezed it, signaling that he was going to be okay. He cleared his throat and spoke nervously, "Uh. H-Hey. I'm Kageyama Tobio...(Y/N)'s boyfriend. Thanks so much for-uh...-supporting her through the years.  And I hope you would continue to support her- and yeah. That's it." He glanced at you as if for approval and all you could do was laugh. "Okay! Let's get on with the video. We'll be doing a Q&A while I do Tobio's makeup~!". Tobio flinched, "Wait, what?".
So with much persuasion, you were finally able to go through with the video. You had fun answering questions and doing his makeup. Despite not being comfortable with wearing bright red lip gloss, eyeshadow, and foundation, he still had fun. He even forgot the worries of being in front of the camera. If he was with you, he had nothing to worry about. And he would do anything for you, even if it meant having to follow along with your silly ideas. He'd do it all over again because, well, he loves you and nothing could ever change that.
Hey guys! Let me know if you enjoyed this one! If you want a part 2, you can request. I was planning to write more about how the reader (you) did his makeup and how he reacts to the kind of questions your fans asked but it seemed too long. We'll see. Thanks for reading!
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