izlaria · 16 days
the genius of megamind (beyond the obvious genius ofc) is that it's superman parody actually presents a genuinely unsettling depiction of the "hero" that I like wayyy better than "what if superman was evil" or "what if superman was wrong"... it's "what if superman didn't care"
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izlaria · 1 month
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NIKO SASAKI AND EDWIN PAYNE Dead Boy Detectives (2024-)
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izlaria · 1 month
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6K notes · View notes
izlaria · 2 months
I started writing a fic where right after the sludge monster attack, something happens with Izuku and he ends up in a coma, so the first chapter is from Bakugou's perspective as he realizes what happened and it's supposed to be an analysis of his progression through an year of handling Izuku being gone and dealing with that grief and the guilt associated with his incident.
+ Toshinori looking for Izuku, finding out what happened through Bakugou (who thinks Toshinori might have been involved, because he doesn’t know it's All Might) and becoming a benefactor in the hospital because he also feels guilty.
I want to then have Izuku wake up and they have to solve the mystery of what happened to Izuku.
And since All Might does not become a teacher in UA while Izuku is in a coma, the LOV plot gets postponed until later. So we get a third chapter of Izuku transferring into UA during their third year, after training with All Might since waking up, and a bunch of things happen, but mostly tododeku and baku friendship with izuku.
So, does anyone want to be my beat reader?
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izlaria · 2 months
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There are endless examples of stories where the protagonist is not the most popular character, or where a side character steals the show, or where the protagonist simply isn't as deep and interesting as some others in the story. And some of those are still good stories, the main character doesn't *need* to be the "best" one. But Aang isn't an example of that. He has as much depth and as long an arc as anyone else, and yes, that includes Zuko. AtLA is crammed full of great, nuanced characters, from the protagonist on down to small parts in single episodes.
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izlaria · 4 months
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Missing bnha… Izuku my friend Izuku… he’s so silly and so full of love and hope… also some headcanons teehee
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izlaria · 4 months
Does anyone have a link for the last episode of Schmigadoon season 2?
I can't find it anywhere and I'm dying to know how the show ends.
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izlaria · 5 months
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I don’t want anything from him. He’s had his chances.
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izlaria · 6 months
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izlaria · 6 months
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Percy Jackson and The Olympians episodes 1 and 2 + text posts
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izlaria · 6 months
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Had some issues uploading this because tumblr wouldn’t let me post anything 👍✨ but here’s a Klangst comic redraw in the year 2023 ❤️💙
Here’s the old version (quality sucks bc I lost the og files my bad :,)
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izlaria · 7 months
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From the river to the sea
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izlaria · 8 months
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deku doodles
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izlaria · 9 months
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ONE PIECE (2023) ☠ 1.02│1.06
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izlaria · 10 months
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It was too perfect a picture not to make it a meme - original under the cut.
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442 notes · View notes
izlaria · 10 months
a ten-year-old nico di angelo making a fourteen-year-old percy jackson promise to keep his sister safe. then when percy tells him that bianca died on the quest, nico holds onto that resentment for years. and then percy at seventeen, dangling over the pit of tartarus, making fourteen-year-old nico promise to lead the others to the doors of death, to meet them on the other side. and suddenly, nico understands the position he put percy in all those years ago, and now, he has to make a promise he doesn't know if he can keep. rick is a fucking genius.
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izlaria · 10 months
I was thinking about Nico and Will and how we never got Will's interpretation of how their relationship developed from friendship to romance, and I realized that the version I like for them the most is that Will was already interested in Nico before BoO. Hear me out:
Nico di Angelo came into camp with Apollo. It's not that far-fetched to imagine that this would reach the camp's gossip train, since it's not every day that a god visits Camp Half-Blood. Even if Will was not a year-round camper, he would probably hear about this from the other campers, especially as an Apollo kid.
So let's say he finds out there is a new kid who got to camp on his dad's sun chariot and then almost immediately went missing after his sister died in a quest. Maybe not enough to inspire romance, but it would certainly be a curious series of events.
The following years, Nico appears and disappears from camp with little schedule, all leading to him showing up in the New York battle with an army of undead and three gods at his back, confronting Kronus directly. At this point, there are probably a bunch of demigods who look at Nico and just wonder who the fuck is this kid.
We know that Will must have been at camp for some time at this point, because this is when he becomes head counselor. It's not impossible that he and Nico could have interacted in the past, especially with how many deaths the Apollo cabin saw during the Titan war. I'm gonna borrow this headcanon from the amazing fic Solace and say that Nico starts catching Will's eye when he shows sympathy after the deaths of Lee Fletcher and, later, Michael Yew.
So we end the Titan war with Will already wanting to know more about Nico. Before he has the chance, though, Nico has left camp once more and then a new threat is stirring. By the time we get to BoO, Nico has been through Tartarus, a kidnapping and a quest, news that probably reach Camp Half-Blood to at least a certain extent.
Which is when we get Will acting overly familiar with Nico, as if they had known each other before. Nico knows Will's name, but very little else, and it all seems to come down to Will having been so out of Nico's radar (due to his grief and his confusion over Percy) that every previous attempt at friendship had gone right over his head.
But this time Will is insistent. He makes himself unavoidable. He will befriend Nico even if he has to deal with a skeleton army at his door.
Will Solace falls first. He lets his previous infatuation with Nico grow and shine through his actions, despite how afraid Will is of Nico's rejection. He makes sure that Nico knows there are people in camp who care about him. Will forces healthier habits on Nico and gets him to participate in camp activities, slowly integrating him into Will's own group of friends.
Will is careful not to be overbearing or manipulative, but he makes sure to always search for Nico in a crowd, to always sit by him during the campfires. He even writes a doctor's note so that Nico won't have to sit alone for meals.
Slowly but surely, they grow closer.
I'm going to ignore the idea that they get together after Jason's death because I'm ignoring that Jason died, but also because it feels odd to have their relationship move forward due to Nico being in such a vulnerable position. Instead, I'll headcanon that once they are best friends, Will straight up tells Nico that he is interested, but that he can back off or that he can wait until Nico feels ready for a relationship.
In the beginning, Nico doesn't know how to react. Even just friendship is a new concept to him. Eventually, Nico allows himself to look at Will in a romantic way, and he grows bolder and bolder in his actions.
Nico is the one to kiss Will first. They are in the strawberry fields when Will makes a comment about having never seen the appeal of a picnic date before then.
"You really do make everything better, don't you, Death Boy?" Will says, popping a strawberry in his mouth. "Even this tastes sweeter."
Nico blushes at his wink, but, mustering up his courage, he leans forward and captures Will's lips in his.
"You're right," Nico says when they part, trying to act nonchalant. "It does taste sweeter."
Little does Nico know that Will has been setting them up for that kiss for three months, always leaving these openings for Nico to take. It's slow-going, but Will does not mind following Nico's pace. He only ever wanted to be in Nico's life and he succeeded in this.
Alexa, play Mastermind by Taylor Swift.
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