katsavesanimals · 7 years
Jurassic Education 📚
They are the things of nightmares and children’s imaginations. They are found on most major continents and have been featured in hollywood, video games, books, shirts, and even simple lunchboxes. Some people devote their entire lives to studying them. Museums are built and dedicated to them. They are the things of legends and bad movies. But most of all they lived over 65 million years ago. Now I know that you’re wondering why you’re reading about dinosaurs. The reason I choose to write about dinosaurs is so that I can show how they have impacted us and how we can use them to even benefit our own lives. Since 1822 when the first dinosaur bone was found by Mary Ann Mantell and her husband Gideon people have been interested in these fossilized idols. From the chicken sized scavenger Compsognathus to the 110 feet long herbivore Seismosaurus, there are hundreds of dinosaurs to study. Dinosaurs were around for 150 million years, so clearly there is something to interest almost anyone. I myself just like any other child had an obsession with dinosaurs. I received a dinosaur book for christmas and avidly watched the children’s show, The Land Before Time where a child could watch animated young dinosaurs go on adventures and sing songs. Not only are dinosaurs interesting but they can also help us in other walks of life. They can inspire children to be interested in education and science. They can also help us learn more about biomechanics and evolution. And the secret to keeping our ecosystems healthy might just lie in the research that has been done to bring them back to life. You know that dinosaurs are cool by science terms but why should you care? Well, for one, dinosaurs are used as an educational tool. When have you ever seen a kid enamored by something “sciency” or old? Probably not often, but then there are dinosaurs. Children are awed by them. As Dr. David Hone says in his article, Why dinosaurs are important, dinosaurs provide a “Fantastic hook and instant introduction for palaeontologists and educators to get kids involved and interested in science.” (Hone) In this way dinosaurs work as a kind of educational tool. We can get kids interested in science or at least something that’s bigger than them, sometimes literally. It can also help them with their reading skills. As Hone further states, “Few kids will (I suspect) willingly pick up a book on geology, perhaps not even one on general palaeontology, but most will probably own a dinosaur book or two at some point that will have been avidly devoured.” (Hone) In this way a child that normally doesn’t read might just check out a book and be interested in it, even if just for a bit. It is extremely important that we get young children interested in their education so that they can progress in their lives and be able to have good and fulfilling careers. Dinosaurs offer a way to get many children interested in education. Of course it’s not going to guarantee every child a good future. But it will get some children more interested in learning, even if at least about just one subject. I asked my nephew the other day about his memory of when we went to a dinosaur museum when we were children. He mentioned that he already had liked dinosaurs and that it actually got him more interested in his science class at school. He started checking out books on anything science or animals that he could find and read them with his mom. He even wanted to be a scientist and told his mom that he would make huge discoveries as an adult. His experience is actually quite a common one for children. No, he might not become a scientist, but his experience helped fuel a better academic interest. Sources:Hone, Dr Dave. "Why Dinosaurs Are Important | Dr Dave Hone." Lost Worlds. Guardian News and Media, 21 Aug. 2012. Web. 29 Nov. 2016. Crichton, Michael. Jurassic Park: A Novel. New York: Knopf, 1990. Print. 4/14/17
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katsavesanimals · 7 years
Vegans are the New Cool Kids! 🍖🔜🥑
Diet anyone? Wanting to lose that weight you put on during the holidays or just want to eat healthier? Well, many people turn to veganism to fuel their bodies. This lifestyle can be hard to maintain but saves animals from being consumed.
So, what is a vegan anyway? “Vegetarians do not eat meat, fish, or poultry. Vegans, in addition to being vegetarian, do not use other animal products and by-products such as eggs, dairy products, honey, leather, fur, silk, wool, cosmetics, and soaps derived from animal products.” (http://www.vrg.org/nutshell/vegan.htm)
Not eating meat can be the end of the world for some people, but for the animals it’s the end when people eat them.
This diet can be difficult to get proper nutrition since for most people the consumption of meats is their main source of protein and dairy products are their main source of calcium. But if one has a varied diet including vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, and alternative meats made from beans it is possible to get proper nutrition for a healthy life. This diet can keep you healthy being as it is low on fats and it also saves animals from having to be eaten for our sake.
So what are some reasons to be Vegan? Here are 5,
1.Being Vegan can cause you to lose weight. “Vegans are, on average, up to 20 pounds lighter than meat-eaters are.” (http://www.peta.org/living/food/top-10-reasons-go-vegan-new-year/) If you’ve been trying to lose weight this might just be the way.
2. You’ll have more energy. If you vary your foods, being vegan can give you a lot more energy than you expected!
3.Save the planet. For every pound of beef produced, 12 pounds of grain are eaten by the cow. That means that a cow eats about 12 times more food than it produces. This is certainly a waste but we can cut down on the waste by going straight to the grain. Why waste it and use more land to grow it when the obvious solution would be to eat something else?
4.Meats can be disgusting. A lot of meat comes in contact with feces, mud, and disease. And while the FDA has a strict policy the mere idea can be enough to make one sick. Why not bypass the gross and go straight to the nice plants with no poop production?
5. It’s super cool. Not only will you be healthier, you will also be able to tell others about how you are helping save the planet! Did you know that a lot of famous people are vegan as well? For example, Anne Hathaway, Al Gore, Flo Rida, Natalie Portman, Ariana Grande, and Joss Stone are all vegans!
With so many obvious reasons to become vegan, why don’t more people do it? Honestly, it’s just not that popular, most people are so used to meat and dairy products that it doesn’t dawn on them what kind of torture and pain animals go through to give us what we so selfishly want. So next time you order a steak or don’t want a salad for dinner, just imagine how you would feel if you were raised for the sole purpose of being killed and eaten. Pretty scary huh? So go out there, buy an apple and help save the earth!!
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katsavesanimals · 7 years
Zoos and Circuses, oh my! 🎠
In a circus, the animals are well cared for, but caged with not much freedom. But is this considered abuse? It’s the same in zoos. If animals  in a zoo or circuses have really good care, it is not abuse. Also if they can help save endangered species, they are not abusing animals.
In the article: “PETA Wrong about Ringling Bros. Circus”, by Stephen Payne it talks about how the animal rights group PETA made allegations against Ringling Bros. Circus’s care for their animals. But, Ringling Bros claim their animals have “unparalleled veterinary care”. They have a staff of veterinarians, and veterinary technicians. They even have an “on call” vet  in every city they visit. They also work toward the survival of the Asian Elephant species. Ergo, they might be considered to not be abusing their animals. And as far as the law goes, circuses are not in trouble so long as they take good care of their animals.
It is true that animals need exercise. And that they can get depression. But, for the most part they get very good care. Many zoos also do their best to give their animals the exercise they need. Also, many zoos also do their best to give their animals the exercise they need. Also, many zoos do their best to make enclosures to look like the animal’s natural habitat. IN the article ; “You can unpack your trunk here” by Ray Mark Rinaldi, it talks about how the “Denver Zoo’s Toyota Elephant Passage is one of the most ambitious pieces of residential architecture to debut in Denver.” Many zoos like this one do their best to make animals, and humans feel at home in zoos. As long as animals in circuses and zoos get the care they need, it is not animal abuse.
Also, many zoos help with species survival. In the article: “Sure, the Animals are Cute, but Vilas Zoo Also has a More Serious Purpose” by Ron Seely, it goes into more detail about how a zoo can help the survival of a species. Vilas Zoo is one of the zoos participating in the Species survival initiative.  At the Henry Vilas Zoo, they are starting a breeding program with their Red Pandas. The zoo is one of three zoos that had a Borean orangutan give birth, quite the feat in zoos standards. But ,they also make sure to keeps the genetics diverse, so that their animals are healthy and happy. So, if zoos can help endangered species survive, they are not abusing their animals, but helping them to grow as a species.
Many animal activists say that it is abuse making animals stay in small enclosures. It is true that animals need exercise and are susceptible to depression. But generally they receive decent care and food they need to survive. Animal Abuse is the deliberate mistreatment of animals, and as long as a zoo and/or circus take good care of their animals, it is not animal abuse. Keeping them in cages and enclosures is not illegal if they have the correct licences. With what good a zoo can do by educating people, helping with the survival of endangered species, and showing children the animals they read about in books, can we really be mad at them?
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katsavesanimals · 7 years
New! Mental Health Issues Solved by Local Pets!!🐕🐈🐢
Pets, they sit by our sides, keep us company, entertain us, and give us reasons to “run into” the cute girl or guy next door. For all that our domesticated animals do for us it’s no wonder that owning a pet can significantly affect our mental health. Today let’s look at 6 ways owning an animal can improve your mental health.
1.Reduce Stress via petting: Did you know that petting your animal and just sitting calmly with them produces the chemical Oxytocin which when released is related to reducing anxiety and helps to reduce blood pressure and even lower cortisol levels. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/danielle-hark/pet-ownership-health_b_3187960.html) So next time your feeling stressed or trying to build up courage to ask someone out, just go pet Spot. Who knew that quality time equals less anxiety?
2.They get us to go outdoors: Taking Spot for a walk outside gets you outside in nature where fresh air and sunlight naturally exist. Being outdoors can elevate your mood and help keep you healthy. Not to mention the sun will give you a good dose of Vitamin D which “helps fight physical and mental conditions, including depression, cancer, obesity, and heart attacks” (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/danielle-hark/pet-ownership-health_b_3187960.html) Feeling down? Need some Exercise? Then take Spot for a walk or sunbathe with your cat Fluffy. Getting outside can be greatly beneficial, unless it’s a sand storm or blizzard, then I would strongly suggest staying inside.
3.Conversation IceBreakers: Going to your local park with Spot can engage you in conversation with other dog owners or maybe even get that cute girl to notice your existence. Shopping with Fluffy at the local pet store can help you easily socialize with other animal lovers and even get a smile from the cute cashier. Pets can help you get out of your shell and meet other human beings. Just try to avoid becoming the crazy cat lady.
4.Exercise Trainers: Taking Spot for a walk or jog gets your heart pumping and gives you the exercise your body need to function properly. Without healthy blood flow the body can’t do what it needs to which can make you ill and moody. “Studies have shown that animal owners, both adults and children, have lower blood pressure, as well as lower cholesterol and triglycerides, which may be in part attributed to the more active lifestyle pets promote” (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/danielle-hark/pet-ownership-health_b_3187960.html) And as everyone should know, when you feel better you do better. Having a more active lifestyle and healthy body is linked being less susceptible to mental health issues. Even getting up to feed Fluffy is better than not doing anything at all.
5.Smile Makers: Everyone loves cat videos, don’t even try denying it. We’ve all seen a cat do something funny or stupid at least once. Now imagine having a bunch of those videos right in your own home, so 3D that you can even touch it, literally because your pet is real. From seeing Fluffy sneeze so hard they fall off of the table to Spot playing with children, from seeing Bubbles do some weird swimming techniques to laughing at the parrot for repeating what you said about you mother-in-law. Pets can make us laugh and keep us happy. When your pet makes you smile, your smile then fires neurotransmitters in your brain which “can raise your serotonin and dopamine levels, which are nerve transmitters associated with calmness and happiness.”(http://www.huffingtonpost.com/danielle-hark/pet-ownership-health_b_3187960.html)
6.A reason to be around: Having a pet, even a little goldfish, can give you a purpose. Even a reason to live in some instances. Everyone wants someone to come home to after a long day and a pet can be that someone. They can keep you and others company and lessen feelings of loneliness. Pets can give us a reason to smile and want to keep on going even when times get ruff. (pun intended)
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Sources: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/danielle-hark/pet-ownership-health_b_3187960.html
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katsavesanimals · 7 years
Bzzzzz 🐝
That annoying buzz in your ear during the summer, the source of the honey you put on your peanut butter sandwich, the fear of the poisonous sting, and the black and yellow stripes that signify their presence. Bees are well known and very common in our world, but since 2006 there has been an alarming decline in the population of bees. (https://www.scienceabc.com/nature/bee-extinction-means-end-humanity.html) You may ask why this is important, why it’s happening, and what can be done about it. Well, in today’s post we will take a look at all of that.
As you may know Bees make honey by collecting pollen from plants. What you may not know is that when they collect pollen from plants they also pollinate plants by spreading pollen from plant to plant. In fact, “Bees are the primary initiators of reproduction among plants, as they transfer pollen from the male stamens to the female pistils.” (https://www.scienceabc.com/nature/bee-extinction-means-end-humanity.html) Without bees so many plants would be unable to reproduce and therefore go exctinct.
So we lose some pretty flowers, so what? Well, “Out of the 100 crop species that provide us with 90% of our food, 70% are pollinated by bees.” (https://www.scienceabc.com/nature/bee-extinction-means-end-humanity.html) Without bees many of the things we eat would be gone, including delicious apples, cherries, blueberries, avocados, brocli, carrots, kale, pumkins, watermelon, asparagus, mangos, citrus, and many others. There are some crops that don’t require bees such as rice and wheat, but what would we do without all of our fruits and vegetables? The whole world would have to go on a bread and water diet. And even before it affected us it would affect all of the herbivores first, if certain plant species that depend on bees where to go extinct then the animals would go extinct very quickly. Most cattle that are raised for human consumption eat alfalfa and lupins, both species rely on bees for pollinations. If cows don’t have anything to eat then they will start to die and meat and dairy production will quickly decrease and probably go extinct themselves. With hardly anything to eat our diets would drastically change.
Not to mention that biofuel and a lot of clothing depend on bees as well. Canola is grown for cooking and is also used to produce biofuels. If Canola was gone then we would rely even more upon fossil fuels which would put even more pressure on our earth. Without Biofuels it would become even more costly to get gas for your car. Many clothing is made from cotton, a light and breathable material. Cotton plants rely on pollination and without bees it would soon go into extinction. While we now have many synthetic fabrics being made nowaday, these aren't very useful for hot or humid weather.  
Without bees we the human race would most likely die out in about 200 years. Hunger and poverty would become rampant as plants and animals die, also freshwater would become harder to come by as there would be less trees for water retention. Pesticides and parasites are greatly harming our bee populations.
What can be done? If we can use pesticides which don’t harm the bees or find other ways to rid ourselves of pests that would be greatly helpful in bringing back the bee population. Otherwise just make sure that you don’t go around destroying any bee hives.
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katsavesanimals · 7 years
The Galapagos Tortoises: Darwin's Examples 🐢
Ever heard of the beautiful Galápagos Islands? These islands are located in the Pacific Ocean about 1,000 miles from South America. They are known for about 80% of their animals not being found anywhere else on the island. One prime example of these unique animals include the Galapagos Tortoise. These Giant tortoises can live over 100 years old in their natural habitat and vary in size and shell shape according to the island they live on. Populations living on more humid highlands have larger shells and those living in the dry lowlands have smaller, “saddleback” shells (https://theconversation.com/galapagos-giant-tortoises-make-a-comeback-thanks-to-innovative-conservation-strategies-67591) They can grow up to 800lbs and move so slowly that lichen, “a composite organism that arises from algae or cyanobacteria living among filaments of multiple fungi” (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lichen), can grow on their shells. These unique herbivores live only on the Galápagos Islands and were almost hunted to extinction over the past 200 years. After Charles Darwin documented what he found on these islands and the world learned of his theory of evolution the subject of science was changed forever. Unfortunately one of the amazing and unique animals he studied on these islands was hunted by humans and invasive species until 90% of the original population was gone, this animal was the Galápagos Tortoise. “Now however, the tortoise dynasty is on the road to recovery, thanks to work by the Galapagos National Park Directorate, with critical support from nonprofits like the Galapagos Conservancy” (https://theconversation.com/galapagos-giant-tortoises-make-a-comeback-thanks-to-innovative-conservation-strategies-67591) These organizations worked to stop the killing of the tortoises for food and eliminated nonnative species that hurt the tortoises, such as the feral goats that would overgraze the islands and turn them into dust bowls. The species on the Pinzon Island had not produced any offspring for almost 100 years due to nonnative black rats killing and eating the hatchlings. “In 1965 park guards started methodically removing eggs from tortoise nests, rearing the offspring to “rat-proof” size in captivity and releasing them back into the wild”. (https://theconversation.com/galapagos-giant-tortoises-make-a-comeback-thanks-to-innovative-conservation-strategies-67591) Organizations such as these are critical in saving species, and in this case, the tortoises may not have been able to come back from the brink of exctinction. Once it was found that these unique herbivores were becoming close to exctinction it became increasingly important to save them. Without these tortoises and many other animals on the Galápagos Islands then Darwin might not have been able to formulate his theory of evolution and therefore our current scientific understanding. Imagining a world without Darwin's theory can be very different from the one we know now. The World would probably still be under the impression that a “God” had made all things the way they are and any change is “unholy” or “evil” This way of thinking would certainly make true progress almost impossible in all walks of life. Without the knowledge of evolution one might wonder how dinosaurs would have been explained, how history would be explained, or how we would understand our connections to animals throughout our earth. If Darwin had not come up with his theory then maybe someone else would have. But when? Probably later than Darwin and that may have cause progress to be slower and possibly we as a species wouldn't understand the importance of animals to our ecosystems and our own lives. It's true that humans still require constant data and research to be assured that our knowledge is indeed correct.
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 Size comparison~ Source:https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1z0zht/giant_galapagos_tortoise/ Sources:https://theconversation.com/galapagos-giant-tortoises-make-a-comeback-thanks-to-innovative-conservation-strategies-67591 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lichen 3/29/17
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katsavesanimals · 7 years
Cryptids: What Lurks on our Earth🐲🦑
Today I thought it might be fun to get away from all of the serious stuff and explore a pseudoscience loosely linked to animal conservation. That pseudoscience being Cryptozoology. Cryptozoology presumes the existence of animals and plants that have been derived from anecdotal or other evidence considered insufficient by mainstream science, it is the search for and study of animals whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated, such as the Loch Ness monster and the yeti. Cryptozoologists may consider any creature from mythology or lore as a cryptid and possible living creature. Cryptids range from the eastern cougar, a apparent subspecies living in the eastern United States to that of the mythological kraken, a giant sea creature based off of sightings of giant squids. Some cryptids have been proven to be real, such as the Komodo Dragon, an 8-foot-long, 100 pound reptile that until 1910 when an explorer brought one back was thought to be mere rumor. In fact, after the explorer W. Douglas Burden brought several back dead and two alive to America we knew very little about them. And when film producer Merian C. Cooper heard about the animal he substituted the dragon with an ape and added a beautiful woman into the mix, and viola!, now you have the King Kong movie. So what are some of the most famous cryptids? Let’s take a quick look at 8 that you’ve probably heard of: 1.Lycanthrope Other Name: Werewolf Status: Unconfirmed Myth Location: Worldwide Description: Shape-shifter with wolf-like features or the ability to fully turn into a wolf. 2.Giant Anaconda Other Name: Sucuriju Gigante Status: No specimens above the size of 10.5 metres (34 ft) have been captured Location: South America Description: Giant snake 3.Dragon Other Name: Dinosauroid, Reptoid Status: Unconfirmed Location: Worldwide Description: Reptilian creatures with various anatomy, abilities, powers & representations. Usually have the power of flight with or without wings. 4.Goatman Other Name: The Maryland Goatman, Chevo Man Status: Unconfirmed Location: Wisconsin, Maryland, and New York (United States) Description: Bipedal man with goat-like features. 5.Yeti Other Name: Abominable Snowman, Mande Barung Status: Unconfirmed Location: Himalayas (Pakistan, Nepal and North East India) Description: Large, Albino Primate 6.Chupacabra Other Name: Goat Sucker Status: Unconfirmed Location: Mexico/Puerto Rico/Texas, United States/Kerala, India Description: Reptile//Mammal/Canine, possibly 2 species; thought to be a supernatural/extraterrestrial creature by some. 7.Loch-ness-monster Other Name: Nessie, Nessiteras rhombopteryx Status: Unconfirmed Location: Loch Ness, Scotland Description: Lake animal (plesiosaur?) 8.Mermaid Other Name: Merman, merpeople, jalpari Status: Unconfirmed, many hoaxes have been discredited Location: The Seven Oceans, several seas, and some lakes. Description: Half human, half fish. As you can see many of these creatures are well known but yet have not been proven real. The study of Cryptozoology considers all cryptids to be possibly real and therefore have the right to be protected if they are found. This “fake science” actually brings to light ethical questions. Say we did find the Loch Ness monster? What then? Would we kill it and study it’s anatomy? Sell tickets to people to come see it? Or would we make it’s lake a ecological preserve and study it as we do whales? One might hope that we would keep it safe and study it with care. Now, while this scenario is far fetched it is true that a new kind of amphibian is found almost everytime we go to the rainforest, so the question still remains, how should we as a species react? In a world in which it is already a struggle to save the animals that we do know about, how can we even try to imagine protecting more? In the end there is one conclusion to come to; that we as a species must work to protect the animals on our earth now and if more come to light, then we will be prepared. Sources:https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cryptids# 
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A map of well known cryptids in North America Source:https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2014-09/24/13/enhanced/webdr09/enhanced-buzz-wide-21687-1411579820-12.jpg 3/17/17
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katsavesanimals · 7 years
The Pros & Cons of Animal Testing 🐁💉
Animal testing is used to test products worldwide to see if products are safe for human consumption and use. One definition of animal testing is, “an animal test is any scientific experiment or test in which a live animal is forced to undergo something that is likely to cause them pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm. Animal experiments are not the same as taking your companion animal to the vet.” (https://www.crueltyfreeinternational.org/why-we-do-it/what-animal-testing) Indeed, some say that animal testing is unessecary and cruel while others say that there are specific reasons why it is used and helpful, but in the end there are alternatives to animal testing which should be used instead of testing on innocent animals. Animal testing is an abomination, it causes pain and even death to otherwise perfectly innocent animals. PETA perfectly describes how animals are tortured, “Instead, all they can do is sit and wait in fear of the next terrifying and painful procedure that will be performed on them. The complete lack of environmental enrichment and the stress of their living situation cause some animals to develop neurotic types of behavior such as incessantly spinning in circles, rocking back and forth, pulling out their own fur, and even biting themselves. They shake and cower in fear whenever someone approaches, and their blood pressure spikes dramatically. After enduring a life of pain, loneliness, and terror, almost all of them will be killed.” (http://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-experimentation/animal-testing-101/) Millions of animals suffer daily so that a woman can put on makeup or so that a agency can protect it’s business. PETA has a strong stance which is conveyed through their article that animal testing is wrong and should be stopped. They also discuss how the consumer can get involved by educating others and only buying products that aren’t tested on animals. So why do we test on animals? Well there are some pretty good reasons actually including the advancement of scientific understanding, as models for studying diseases, in developing treatments for diseases and to protect the safety of people. Studying animals gives us an insight into anatomy and evolution otherwise not possible without animal testing. “Humans and animals share hundreds of illnesses, and consequently animals can act as models for the study of human illness.” (http://www.animalresearch.info/en/designing-research/why-animals-are-used/) Using the animals as models we are able to better study an illness and understand how we might treat it. The article also explores the advantages of making sure that our own products which we use are safe and dependable. Animal testing can serve to protect us and the environment from harmful chemicals. Now to discuss alternatives, NEAVS, or the New England Anti-Vivisection Society offers an educational standpoint that strongly shows what alternatives are available and why they should be used. They give a rather comprehensive list of successful alternatives, “in vitro (test tube) test methods and models based on human cell and tissue cultures, computerized patient-drug databases and, virtual drug trials, computer models and simulations, stem cell and genetic testing methods, non-invasive imaging techniques such as MRIs and CT Scans, microdosing (in which humans are given very low quantities of a drug to test the effects on the body on the cellular level, without affecting the whole body system)” (http://www.neavs.org/alternatives/in-testing) These alternatives are often more reliable and more accurate than animal testing. Not to mention that they are also more cost-effective, practical, expedient, and environmentally friendly. “Science-fueled by the work of scientists themselves as well as by public demand for more humane science-is moving toward the day when cruelty-free research and testing will be the status quo.” (http://www.neavs.org/alternatives/in-testing) As scientific research develops we may soon no longer need to rely upon animal testing. As PETA may argue that animal testing is completely unnecessary and should be stopped right away, it must be conceded that there have been great scientific discoveries made with it. And as scientific developments are made, we can increase our use of alternatives such as in vitro testing and non-invasive imaging techniques. The idea of not wanting to test on an animal begins as more of a moral dilemma. But as science continues to develop we are left with the fact that alternatives are becoming more and more cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and more accurate than animal testing. “There is no doubt that the best test species for humans are humans. It is not possible to extrapolate animal data directly to humans due to interspecies variation in anatomy, physiology and biochemistry.-MacLennan & Amos, 1990” (http://www.neavs.org/alternatives/in-testing) Sources: “What is animal testing?” Cruelty Free International. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2017. <https://www.crueltyfreeinternational.org/why-we-do-it/what-animal-testing>. “Animal Testing 101.” PETA. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2017. <http://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-experimentation/animal-testing-101/>. “Why Animals are Used.” Read the four main reasons why animals are used in medical research. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2017. <http://www.animalresearch.info/en/designing-research/why-animals-are-used/>. Society, New England Anti-Vivisection. “Alternatives to Animals in Science.” In Testing. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2017. .
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katsavesanimals · 7 years
Big cats: Tigers 🐯
The endangered species act can play a pivotal role in the survival of a species. One currently endangered animal is the tiger, or panthera tigris. A large cat with the recognizable coat of dark vertical stripes with reddish/orange fur.
This big cat has a large head and long tail. It’s coat offers good camouflage from it’s prey.  There are 11 recognized subspecies of tiger including the Bengal Tiger, Indochinese tiger,  Malayan tiger, Siberian tiger, South China Tiger, and the Sumatran tiger. The other three subspecies are now extinct, the Bali tiger which was hunted into extinction and reported to have spots in between it’s stripes,  the Caspian tiger which was similar to the siberian tiger, and the Javan tiger which lived on the island of Java. The tiger is an iconic predator and has no natural enemies, other than man that is. The biggest threat to tigers is poaching. It’s fur and body parts are sold in markets and it’s habitat is being destroyed by human development. In the beginning of the 20th century tigers were estimated to be over 100,000 in population. Unfortunately the population has dwindled now to between 1,500 and 3,500.
Often times culture and animal conservation clash. Tigers are one example of this happening. In traditional Chinese medicine different tiger parts were used to cure illnesses and injuries. “Endangered tiger parts such as bones, eyes, whiskers and teeth are used to treat ailments and disease ranging from insomnia and malaria, to meningitis and bad skin. Chinese texts state that the active ingredients in tiger bone; calcium and protein, which help promote healing, have anti-inflammatory properties.” (http://www.tigersincrisis.com/traditional_medicine.htm) Western medicine tends to completly discount all claims of surrative power in tiger parts. The grinding of tiger parts make it hard for the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species, or CITES to monitor the selling of such parts. Despite the dwindling population of tigers worldwide many chinese pharmacies continue to sell tiger as a medicine and curative. Traditional Chinese medicine claims to cure or treat the following:
Tiger claws: used as a sedative for insomnia
Teeth: used to treat fever
Fat: used to treat leprosy and rheumatism
Nose leather: used to treat superficial wounds such as bites
Tiger bone: used as an anti-inflammatory drug to treat rheumatism and arthritis, general weakness, headaches, stiffness or paralysis in lower back and legs and dysentery
Eyeballs: used to treat epilepsy and malaria
Tail: used to treat skin diseases
Bile: used to treat convulsions in children associated with meningitis
Whiskers: used to treat toothaches
Brain: used to treat laziness and pimples
Penis: used in love potions such as tiger soup, as an aphrodisiac
Dung or feces: used to treat boils, hemorrhoids and cure alcoholism
Clearly almost every part of a tiger is considered a cure for either some sort of illness or problem. The sad part is that it’s very easy to find alternatives to using tiger parts but unfortunately the killing of tigers for these uses is still very common. The only way to save tigers is to introduce better cures to chinese pharmacies and educate the young on how tigers are not the cure-all miracle drug. Tigers are important apex predators in their habitats and are very unique animals that deserve our protection.
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katsavesanimals · 7 years
Easy and Simple ways to help save the Earth ♻️🌏
For today’s post, I thought it would be a good idea to look at simple and easy ways to help save our earth and animals! How to help save the rainforest: Eat Less sugar. It’s that easy! Sugar cane grows in tropical or subtropical areas, sugar cane growers have to chop down more rainforest to grow more sugar. By eating less sugar we cut down the need for more sugarcane plants, therefore we help save the rainforests. Not to mention that you would also be healthier if you cut down on you sugar intake. So instead of having a piece of candy when you’re hungry, have an apple instead! How to help save the ocean: Use less fertilizer! As excess fertilizer goes down drains and rivers into the ocean it causes algae blooms that cause dead zones. Dead zones are places where a bunch of algae is on the top of the water and can cause animals under it to die. Most people tend to use to much fertilizer; they don’t care about the consequences. But, we all should care. Our lawns will be just fine without the extra fertilizer. Using less fertilizer can help save our oceans and the animals that live in them! How to help save endangered animals without donating money (Which is always an option by the way) (If you wish to donate then one of the best organizations would be WWF or the World Wildlife Fund, go to https://www.worldwildlife.org/ if you wish to donate to the organization to help save endangered animals) Okay, so a lot of people have used Google Earth before, well did you know that they have a tab called “Global Awareness”? Well, if you click on this tab then you can find specific things you can participate in near you to help save endangered species! This feature allows you to find things near you that makes it easy to do without traveling long distances. Visiting Wildlife refuge parks can be a great way to keep them in business and can keep the animals there safe. Hunting permits and limits are very important. If you go hunting be sure to get a hunting license and keep to the restrictions and limits stated by your state. If you know someone that hunts don’t be afraid to report them to the police for not having a current license or over hunting. You can report them anonymously, so don’t be afraid to be honest and safe animal lives. Going out to eat? Lookup endangered seafood before going, if a restaurant doesn’t have a demand for something they will stop serving it. Also the restaurant may be in violation of the law so you can even report them if need be. Some critically endangered aquatic species include, but are not limited to; Bluefin tuna, Red Snapper, Chilean Sea Bass, Atlantic Halibut, Atlantic Cod, Orange Roughy, and Spiny Lobster. How you can help save the earth: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle! You may hear this all the time but it is very important. To find out where to take your recyclable items go to your local library or city hall and have the courage to ask. It can be different in certain states but is usually not difficult to do. How you can learn more: Visiting your local libraries and keeping up on the news can help you stay informed and what to and not to do. Not only will you be smart, you’ll also be helping save the earth!
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katsavesanimals · 7 years
Protect their rights! The adventures of PETA🐂
We’ve looked at a few organizations that have many different objectives but all come to one conclusion, that we need animals and that they should be treated fairly. Ethics can be tricky sometimes and one organization that specifically deals with the ethical treatment of animals worldwide is PETA. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals or PETA, is one of the largest animal rights organizations in the world. They focus on helping all animals, “PETA focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: in the food industry, in the clothing trade, in laboratories, and in the entertainment industry. We also work on a variety of other issues, including the cruel killing of rodents, birds, and other animals who are often considered “pests” as well as cruelty to domesticated animals.” (http://www.peta.org/about-peta/) Being concerned with all animals PETA is an interesting organization that even promotes veganism. Many people criticize PETA for being to “out there” and “crazy”. But what’s more crazy, working for animal rights of promoting the slaughter of innocent creatures? PETA works in many different ways to help promote animal rights and save animals everywhere. Some of the ways they work to help include, public education, cruelty investigations, research, animal rescue, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement, and protest campaigns. With so many different plans to help animals PETA is very well known for their protests and work. Founded in 1980, PETA is an international non-profit charitable organization based in Norfolk, Virginia, with affiliates worldwide. One of their arguments against the use of animals for textiles and consumption is that nowadays we have so many different kinds of ways to create similar things that there is no need to exploit innocent animals for our own gain. As their saying goes, “Animals are NOT ours, to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way.” (http://www.peta.org/) PETA’s stance on animal rights can be seen as radical, they go to extreme lengths to promote animal rights, save abused animals, and educate the public on how animals should be treated fairly. When you hear the word liberation you think of slaves or revolutions. For PETA it’s animal liberation that matters. From working with legislation to ban the running of the bulls in Spain to stopping wrangling bore. Circus to stop mistreating their animals PETA is working all over the world to see that animals are treated fairly. After the shocking documentary Blackfish and further protests by PETA Seaworld has announced that it will stop breeding orcas and will phase out their orca displays. This was a huge accomplishment for PETA in that they have the power to make big companies accountable for their abuse of animals. This and other achievements have proved that everyday people should be held accountable for animal abuse just as large companies should. In fact, New York has started to require animal offenders to register with the state. PETA believes that this should be something that all states do and is working towards getting this put into legislation. This would work a bit like the registered sex offenders list in that with knowing where to go, anyone could know what neighbors have been accused or arrested for animal abuse. This would then create a social stigma that would help curb the behavior and make it more of an unaccepted behavior. PETA has many different way in which you can help further animal rights. You can donate to PETA, join protests in your state, report animal abuse, and choose to be vegan and/or not buy things made from animals such as leather.
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katsavesanimals · 7 years
Where in the world do I get my sources? 📄
Annotated Bibliography Mathias, Penelope, ed. Endangered animals: What is an endangered animal. Vol. 1. Danbury, CT: Grolier Educational, 2002. Print. This book was able to give a good explanation of the definition of what an endangered species is, some different organizations that are involved with endangered animals. It gives a good basis into understanding the importance of endangered animals in animal conservation. It covers how some animals are naturally rare but others are endangered due to human interference. It also goes on to name a few animals specifically and why they are endangered.
“Endangered Species Conservation.” WWF. World Wildlife Fund, n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2017. The World Wildlife Fund’s website is about their non-profit organization, whose purpose is to save endangered species and help save our earth’s ecosystems. They have many pages on specific animals, why they are endangered, and what can be done to help them. They also have different ways for you to donate money so that they can continue their missions to help save endangered animals from extinction. The articles found on this site relate to the topic of animal conservation in that the WWF is an organization dedicated to animal conservation.
“Gray wolf.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Feb. 2017. Web. 02 Mar. 2017. The article, Grey Wolf is an informational article about wolves with sections that focus on different aspects of the species such as their history, evolution, characteristics, hunting techniques, and current range. The Gray Wolf, or Canis Lupis is an important apex predator in America, Europe, and a few other areas. If they were to go extinct then the ecosystems in which they live will start to unravel. Looking at such a successful predator that was almost run to extinction by overhunting by humans is truly amazing.
“Whale.” WWF. World Wildlife Fund, n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2017. As I focus on specific animals and what is happening to help save them from extinction or how they have been saved in the past it makes it interesting to look at different animals. Whales are currently endangered and are very important to the ocean’s ecosystem. The article goes over the different reasons why whales are important to the ocean, why they are endangered, why we should save them, and what is being done to save them. The World Wildlife Fund’s article gave all of this information and is easy to understand in how we can save whales from extinction.
“About Whale Wars.” Animal Planet. Animal Planet, 02 Oct. 2014. Web. 03 Mar. 2017. The article Whale Wars is about a show that follows a non-profit organization that fights against “scientific” whaling in the Pacific Ocean. This “scientific” whaling was not actually for scientific study, but rather for human consumption. The Sea Shepard company sails the ocean to find these boats and sabotage them so that they can no longer hunt whales. This group is a prime example of people acting to stop animals from being killed.
“Margay.” International Society for Endangered Cats (ISEC) Canada. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2017. Margays are small tree dwelling cats that live in South America and are naturally rare to find in their habitat. The article goes over the Margay characteristics, hunting techniques, habits, and current threats to the Margay. While studying animal conservation it is important to look at all kinds of animals in different levels of endangerment. The Margay for example has minimal threat to it as a species. The only problem for it now is the deforestation of it’s habitat. The Margay is an example of a very unique small cat that while it is not in any danger of being extinct soon, it is still affected by humans.
“Peregrine Falcon.” , Life History, All About Birds - Cornell Lab of Ornithology. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2017. The peregrine falcon is a perfect example of how an endangered species can be saved through human intervention. Because of the use of DDT in pesticides the falcon’s eggs started to be thinner and the survival rate of falcons decreased significantly. The species soon became in danger of being extinct and was put onto the endangered species list. Due to human intervention the use of DDT in pesticides was halted, and peregrine falcons were raised by human then released into the wild,soon the peregrine falcon was saved from the brink of extinction. This article was able to show how the endangered species list and human intervention can indeed save animals from the brink of extinction.
“BBC - Earth - What is the point of saving endangered species?” BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2017. The article, Is saving endangered species worth it?, the author argued how that focusing on endangered species is not the right choice in that it wastes resources, money, and time. Instead of focusing on only one animal species at a time we should instead focus on saving ecosystems as a whole. This way all of the animals living there can be saved and we wouldn’t waste time on just one animal at a time. This article gave an interesting perspective on saving endangered species.
Marsh, Rene. “Republicans explore curbing the Endangered Species Act.” CNN. Cable News Network, 15 Feb. 2017. Web. 17 Feb. 2017.
The endangered species act has been a critical tool in monitoring and saving animals from extinction. Unfortunately politics has been also critical in animal conservation. Sometimes though politics comes in conflict with saving animals. A current issue is that of the Republican Party wanting to curb, and maybe even get rid of the endangered species act. They believe that certain parts in the act are problematic to the growth of business. If they are successful then it could mean trouble for endangered species.
“Mermaid Swims in 10,000 Plastic Bottles.” Von Wong Blog. N.p., 20 Dec. 2016. Web. 03 Mar. 2017. The project, mermaids hate plastic is a non-profit project that was done by artist Vonwong to bring attention to the problem of plastic pollution. Vonwong collected 10,000 plastic bottles and created oceans out of them and then had models dress as mermaids to represent how the ocean is being killed by plastic. This article is a great example of the way some people speak out for the health of our earth.
“About Us.” ASPCA. ASPCA, n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2017. Animal conservation mostly focuses on endangered wild animals but the protection of our domesticated pets is also important. The ASPCA, or American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, is a non-profit organization based in New York, New York. Their mission is to see that animals are treated fairly and with respect. They rescue abused animals and help promote adoption. They have many different ways that you can be part of the cause such as donating or volunteering at a local animal shelter.
“About PETA.” PETA. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2017. PETA, or the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is a non-profit organization that helps assure that animals in all walks of life are treated fairly and ethically. Through education of the public, rescue missions, and working with legislation PETA works to make it clear that animals deserve to be treated like the living beings that they are. Organizations like this combines the caring for animals with learning how our lifestyles affect animals all over the world.
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katsavesanimals · 7 years
Dogs, Cats, and Birds oh’my! Adventures of the ASPCA🐶🐱🐤
So, we’ve looked at many different animals and how they are doing and being protected from extinction. Now it’s only fair to give some time to the animals that are the closest to us. Our domesticated pets are great companions and keep us company when we’re lonely. Studies even show that owning an animal can help keep our minds and bodies healthier. Today we will look at an organization that dedicates its efforts to see that animals are treated fairly and respectful treatment under the order of the law. This organization is the ASPCA. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Based in America you’ve probably seen one of the ASPCA’s commercials with sad mistreated animals and a number that you can call to donate money to helping these animals. They are the first humane societies to be established in the Americas and is the largest one in the world currently. Their headquarters is based in New York City, New York. They are a privately funded, non profit corporation, they also have more than 2 million supporters across America. “The ASPCA’s mission, as stated by founder Henry Bergh in 1866, is “to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States.” (http://www.aspca.org/about-us) The current President and CEO of the ASPCA stated, “Our focus is to get pets out of shelters and keep them in homes, while increasing the protections of animals under the law. We are helping to shape a society that continuously improves the lives of animals.” (http://www.aspca.org/about-us)
The organization is currently focusing on two key issues, animal homelessness and animal cruelty. Approximately 7.6 million animals enter animal shelters in America alone, and about 3 million will never make it out. To combat this serious issues the ASPCA responds with animal rescue, protection, and placement. Animal rescue helps save lives by rescuing animals from natural disasters to using forensic investigators to help build cases against animal abusers. Making sure that these abusers receive the correct punishments helps deter the behavior in the future and shows others that you can be punished by law for animal abuse. “No matter the location or scale of the deployment, the ASPCA is prepared to take on animal cruelty cases when needed—from initial investigations to the final placement of rescued animals in homes.” (http://www.aspca.org/animal-rescue) The ASPCA takes this work very seriously seeing to how lives are literally in their hands. As to animal protection the ASPCA performs spay and neuter operations on both coasts, and shares information with shelters nationwide. They also work with the law to help enact and enforce animal protection laws. In New York they also have a partnership with the NYPD to help treat and place all victims of animal cruelty within New York City. When it comes to animal placement, “The ASPCA takes every possible action to increase the probability of adoption for homeless animals across the country.” (http://www.aspca.org/animal-placement) Increasing adoptions and treating animals with emotional trauma is there main focus in helping give animals new and better homes.
So, how can you help? One of the best ways to help the organization as a whole is to donate to the ASPCA. They have been working hard for 150 years to put an end to animal abuse and neglect. You can make a one time donation, a monthly donation, buy memorial birthday gift, donate an old car, or become part of the founder’s society with a donation of $500 or more. If you don’t have the money to donate you may consider one of their fundraising events. With events ranging to having your wedding guests donate to athletic marathons there are many ways to donate. By visiting: https://secure.aspca.org/team/aspca you can look at the full list of ways to fundraise and find what suits you best. Looking for a volunteering opportunity to help build your resume? Well you might consider volunteering at your local animal shelter. There you can meet loving animals and help make them more likely to be adopted. Animal shelters are often short handed and short funded so your helping out can make a huge difference. Reporting animal cruelty can help your local law enforcement save lives. It can be hard to report people you know, but it is for the best. The last thing you can do is to adopt a pet yourself. There are many animals in every shelter which would love to be your  new friend. If you can’t adopt yourself then you can still promote adoption to others.
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The ASPCA helps give animals a voice. 
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katsavesanimals · 7 years
Did You Know That Mermaids Hate Plastic?🌊👩🏼
Now, you may be starting to wonder what you can do to help and how everyday people can contribute to the cause. How can you help animals and save the earth? Today let’s focus on one aspect, plastic bottles. As boring as it may sound plastic bottles and other waste are a huge contributor to the safety of animals. Plastic bottles are specifically harmful to the animals that live in our vast oceans. Now, a conceptual photographer named, Benjamin Von Wong saw that the topic of plastic pollution was “boring” to people and decided to change that. The following is a video of the project that he undertook to make the problem “shareable”
He uses all of the bottles that we use daily and created an ocean of plastic, and had the ocean represented as a mermaid. In the video he mentions how that in 2050 there will be more plastic bottles in the ocean than fish. If the nightmares of what may be lurking in the deep hunts people now, it’s hard to imagine how horrible it would be if the ocean was more plastic than water. This project is an amazing feat in of itself. As Von Wong said, “If the average American uses 167 plastic bottles a year, in 60 years they will have used 10,000 plastic bottles.” (http://blog.vonwong.com/mermaidplastic/)  In the project they made their ocean out of exactly that, 10,000 plastic bottles. A local artist donated an amazing mermaid tale and they were off. They had to build crazy structures with which to catch the images of mermaids dying from living in oceans of plastic. With such eye catching images the project has been able to help spread the word about plastic bottle pollution.  But as usual, it may not be enough
So what can you do to help? Von Wong specifically gives some tips on his website on how you can help, “3 things you can do today to make a difference.
Buy yourself a reusable bottle today. It doesn’t have to be expensive, look out for simple innovative young companies like Refillit!
Make a commitment to consider whether to accept the next piece of plastic that is offered to you, whether it’s a plastic bag, a straw or a microscopic water-bottle in your uber ride.
Learn a few horrible facts about plastic pollution and tell your friends over the next drink or coffee you get!” (http://blog.vonwong.com/mermaidplastic/)
Another thing that you can do is to recycle your plastic and glass. This help keep them out of our oceans and landfills and are used to make new things. As the old saying goes, Reduce, Reuse, Re-cycle. In today’s world social media plays a huge part in spreading the word about current topics so you might even share or like posts that are about the topic, maybe even share Von Wong’s project. People nowadays might not realize it, but they actually have a lot of power and can use it for good, and this is certainly a good cause. So, as boring as it may seem, you can help save animals and our beautiful earth by recycling and reusing! This can be an answer to how you too can help save the earth and be a hero!
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This is one of the pictures that Von Wong took during the project, an onlooker can even feel the sadness and confusion as the mermaid struggles to breath. 
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katsavesanimals · 7 years
Will Republicans get rid of The Endangered Species act?🐘
So recently you may have been hearing news of President Trump’s new policies and plans for the future America. Well, it may now be reaching our beloved animals as well. In a recent article by CNN, “The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee held a hearing Wednesday with Republicans focused on curbing the Endangered Species Act, the latest front in the conservative push to rein in regulations they see as harmful to business.” (Marsh, CNN)
What are the problems with this? Well, they seem to be focusing on the fact that the Act can tell farmers, miners, and drillers not to use land for their use but rather leave it so that the animals can continue living there. This is vital to their survival and makes it so that they have a habitat. If we start taking away their habitats they will have nowhere to live and have to find new homes or most likely die. Republicans argue that the land can be used to make more money and gets in the road of economic growth of these companies.
Will they be successful? It’s not clear yet, they’ll have to bring a strong argument seeing as how successful the Endangered Species Act is. The CEO of Defenders of Wildlife, a national nonprofit conservation organization, Jamie Rappaport Clark, testified before the committee that, “For more than 40 years, the ESA has been successful, bringing the bald eagle, the American alligator, the Stellar sea lion, the peregrine falcon and numerous other species back from the brink of extinction. Based on data from the (Fish and Wildlife Service), the ESA has saved 99% of listed species from extinction.” (Marsh CNN)
And it would be near impossible to argue that the current administration has any effect on the Act’s success, “Species de-listings increased significantly under President Barack Obama, a true testament that, with time and attention, many species can and do recover if protected by the ESA. During its eight-year tenure, the Obama administration removed a record-setting 29 species from the endangered species list – more than all previous administrations combined,” (Marsh, CNN)  This isn’t trying to blame every bad thing on Republicans either, in fact the Endangered Species Act was signed into law by Republican President, Richard Nixon.
While it is true that the relaxing of the act would be a win for President Donald Trump, it being one of his campaign promises, it may not be a win for the hundreds of animal’s lives that depend on it.
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Just a few Endangered species here in America to give you an idea of some of the animals affected by the Endangered Species Act. Source:https://u.osu.edu/giambruno-fuge.2/how-to-help-endangered-animals-in-north-america/
Sources: Marsh, Rene. “Republicans explore curbing the Endangered Species Act.” CNN. Cable News Network, 15 Feb. 2017. Web. 17 Feb. 2017.
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katsavesanimals · 7 years
Know for Yourself: How to Analyze Articles about Animal Conservation 💭🌎
Today I thought that it would be a good idea to analyze an article and see how an author uses rhetorical devices to persuade you to their point. This can be useful so that if you find an article about animal conservation you can read it with the ability to know for yourself if the author is being honest or just wanting to persuade you to their opinion. Learning to analyze while reading can improve your individual thinking and help you know what is best. Now this article is about if and why we should save endangered species. They talk a bit about the opposing side which you might not agree with, but it may just help back-up their position. The article that I will be talking about can be reached with the following link, you might think about at least skimming it for yourself before reading about the rhetorical devices. 
In the article “What is the point of saving endangered species?” by Michael Marshall it is concluded that instead of focusing on individual species we should focus instead upon saving the ecosystems as a whole. This means having a concern that the whole ecosystem itself is healthy and safe and not focus on individual animals by themselves. Let “nature take it’s course” as it could be said. The author uses many rhetorical devices to persuade the audience to his point. Now, his audience is going to be animal rights activists, and those interested in animal conservation and he kept that in mind while writing the article. He uses a combination of ethos, logos, pathos, and metaphors to explain his claims and back them up with reliable sources. He saw the need to show people how we can help save animals and ecosystems are wrote about it.
The one thing he relies upon the most is logos. He uses many facts and explains them so that is shows how his claims are clearly logical. Not to mention that whenever he uses statistics or other evidence he gives sources and the sources are reliable. In one part of the article he says, “In 1997, ecologist Robert Costanza and his colleagues estimated that the biosphere provides services worth around $33 trillion a year. For comparison, they noted that the entire global economy at the time produced around $18 trillion a year.” (Marshal) He sources where he got the information and later explains the information to the audience so that you can see the logical connection. His consistent use of logos appeals to the little scientist in everyone. Not only is his use of logic persuasive, but also is the fact that he has reliable sources and is writing for BBC, a well known organization that makes his logic even more compelling.
Marshal also uses a good bit of ethos and pathos in his writing as well. He specifically calls on our identities as humans and how it would be wrong for us not to protect the ecosystems when they are what give us life. He also links saving nature to that of saving art, “Nature is beautiful, and that aesthetic value is a reason to keep it, just as we preserve artistic masterpieces like the Mona Lisa or Angkor Wat.” (Marshal) His use of linking our love of art to that of nature can be seen as using both ethos and pathos in his rhetoric.
One of the most successful parts in his paper is when he uses the metaphor of living in a spaceship far away from earth to help illustrate what our ecosystems and animals do for us and keep us alive. As he introduces it, “To understand how much we rely on ecosystem services, imagine a world where humans are the only species – perhaps in a spaceship far from Earth.” (Marshal) He then goes on to explain about how you would need machines to create oxygen, water, and food. And by the way, it’s very hard to make food completely artificial, and it’s definitely not tasty. After he goes through explaining how important ecosystems are to our survival with the metaphor, he then backs up what he said using the metaphor with more facts.
His comprehensive use of rhetorical devices leads the reader to conclude that it is indeed more important to focus on saving ecosystems as a whole instead of focusing on a singular species. He saw that focusing on specific species isn’t solving the bigger problem of saving our ecosystems and decided to show why that is and what we should do instead. He did so using ethos, pathos, logos, and metaphors. And after reading the article for yourself, you too may be persuaded to his claim.
Now, when you read an article for yourself about animal conservation you can analyze for yourself if what they are saying or suggesting is a good idea. 
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katsavesanimals · 7 years
Peregrine Falcon:Bird Watching is actually pretty awesome!🐦
So we’ve looked at several animals differing animals from endangered to least concern. We’ve talked about land animals and some in the ocean, but we haven’t looked at one in the air. Say hello to the peregrine falcon, a beautiful raptor with razor sharp claws and a connection with humans that goes back way further than your great-great-grandfather could ever remember.
The peregrine falcon is a magnificent raptor that can be found almost everywhere on earth except for the arctic regions. In fact the name peregrine means “wanderer” or “pilgrim”. The birds have wide migratory patterns. These birds are mostly grey-blue in coloring and have black heads with black “mustaches”. The females are larger than the males. They eat mostly other, smaller birds including; shorebirds, ptarmigan, ducks, grebes, gulls, storm-petrels, pigeons, and songbirds including jays, thrushes, longspurs, buntings, larks, waxwings, and starlings. They are also known to eat bats and sometimes steal prey from other birds.
Peregrine falcons were trained for hundreds of years for hunting by humans. In fact, the art or sport of falconry has been around for more than 30,000 years starting with nomads in ancient Asia. The art is still used as a pastime some places in today’s world. “Peregrine falcons handled by falconers are also occasionally used to scare away birds at airports to reduce the risk of bird-plane strikes, improving air-traffic safety. They were also used to intercept homing pigeons during World War II.” (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peregrine_falcon) Falcons’ have had a relationship with humans for a very long time and this relationship has actually aided in their survival.
During the 1950s-1970s Peregrine falcon populations started to dwindle drastically. This sudden threat to the species was the use of organochlorine pesticides over much of it’s range. The pesticide had pesticide biomagnification which caused organochlorine to build up in the falcons’ fat tissues, reducing the amount of calcium in their eggshells. With much thinner egg shells, fewer falcon embryos survived to hatching. This was a cause for major concern and people were worried when the peregrine falcons were put on the endangered species list. In fact, in the eastern half of the U.S. and Belgium the species became locally extinct, meaning that they were completely absent from the regions.
Soon plans were put into action and falcon breeders became to start raising more peregrine falcons in captivity. The handlers would use puppets and chutes in order to not get the chicks to imprint on them and tried to give them a good upbringing despite or lack of the ability to fly. Once a young falcon was old enough and could fly, they were released into the wild after having been acclimated to the environment. Finally, the widespread restriction of DDT use eventually allowed released peregrine falcons to breed and survive successfully.
Peregrine falcons now are currently listed under “least concern” best this will most likely change soon due to the fact that they are reported to be mating less in past few years. With such a large range and good hunting skills you think they would be just fine. So why the concern? Well, the work has already has a big scare of possibly losing the peregrine falcon. Certainly no one would want to repeat that incident, especially since it had been caused by humans. So the first thing that must be done is research. Without conclusive facts there is no way to come up with a successful solution. It is quite possible that this is just a normal dip in the mating habits of falcons and that it will go right back up in the next few years. All we can do now is observe and keep an eye on how things are going. In this case, bird watching is very cool. In fact, bird watching is one of the ways you can help researches do their job. By counting the bride and boring locations you can contribute to the conversation of birds everywhere. You can report any of your sightings to the following website: http://www.massaudubon.org/get-involved/citizen-science/report-a-bird-sighting
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“Once deemed an endangered species, the American peregrine falcon is now being considered by state wildlife officials as a new species for training by Idaho’s falconry enthusiasts.They will be used to help discourage seagulls” Source: https://www.google.com/amp/www.oregonlive.com/articles/10079700/idaho_fish_and_game_considers.amp
Sources: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Peregrine_Falcon/lifehistory
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