kiribaku-recs · 3 years
People suck, but not all of them
Chapter 2, part 1
(Bakugou p.o.v)
*starts from the walk to the dorms, after he calls him cute*
Why did I say that? Do you like what you see cuz I do. What am I an idiot? I mean he is adorable, with his fuckin’ face and perfect skin Ughhh...I have it bad. I don’t even know if he’s gay or something? Why did I do this to myself it’s just gonna end in a disaster. But I can’t stop! It’s like all I can think about is his adorable face! He’s about 4-5 inches shorter than me which is perfect. He comes to about a little over my shoulders. He has huge ass eyes that make him look pure and innocent, they are the brightest blue I’ve ever seen. They remind me of the bright blue sky on a warm sunny day with no clouds on the sky. He has the thickest eyelashes I’ve ever seen it looks like he’s wearing eyeliner, damn the girls should be jealous. He has a bright read hair spiked up to be honest I kinda like it, but he can never find out. He has a mall scare above his eye, I probably wouldn’t have noticed it if I did t stare at his face early. He has a small nose but a perfect nose it fits nicely on his face, he has cubby cheeks. I just want to squeeze them- no Katsuki that’s weird. As if me monologuing about his face is normal. He has nice skinny jeans that show of his nice perky ass. He also has a nice dress shirt one that shows of his small waist, probably a little smaller than mine. Which is very impressive considering that I have the smallest waist in the class.
He looked uncomfortable when I called him cute though. I don’t wanna scare him off I really wanna get to know him. Like realllyyyy bad. Ugh what the hell is this guy doing to me. “Sorry” and we continue walking I look over to my side to were he should be. When I don’t see him I noticed that he stopped walking. He tilted his head to the side like a good damn puppy. Why the hell os he so adorable!?
I walk over to him keeping my head down, and shoulders hunched embarrassed with myself usually I do t give a crap but with him I do and I have no idea why. “I just wanted to apologize” I’m still looking down at my feet when I feel him tap my shoulder, I look up to look at him in the eyes he has a sad and confused exasperation on his face is doesn’t look as good as when he smiles ‘why are you sorry? You did t do anything’
This guy is so nice we won’t admit when someone makes him uncomfortable. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable when I called you cute. Don’t get me wrong you still very cute and really attentive and I would love to get to know you more- fuck...umm..shit I..umm..uhh..yea”
He does something which I assume was a laugh, great make the new kid laugh at you Katsuki great job. But, than he says ‘I would like to get to now you too’ and he has the cutest blush on his face my god I could kiss him.And I can’t help but smile. He’s so cute so so so cute! And he now has the brightest smile. Wow.
I really wanna make him my boyfriend I don’t even know him. But I don’t really care I’ll get to know him and then I’ll ask him out on the most perfect date and then we’ll come back and kiss and then we’ll- I REALLY need to stop fucking monologuing about him.
“Are you gay? Or something else?” I can see they was he freezes. Shit I messed up agian it’s like I can see his brain running smile a minute ‘why’ is all he says, but without hesitation “so I know who my competition is” he takes a deep ‘I’m gay’ yes! Less people to try and steal him!
I look at him, he seems scared out of his boots damn I really need to stop scaring him. “I’m gay too so don’t get all scared” he smiles and nods his head. And then we start to the dorms agian.
I can hear his breathing starting to get in even and he’s starting to lag behind, should I stop? Should I talk to him? What do I do! When we get to the front door, I open it and push him inside as quickly as possible.
He stands there for a couple of seconds not breathing or moving, then he starts taking deep breath’s in and then out. I feel useless standing by his side.
Right when his breathing was about getting normal pink bitch or fucking Mina Ashido god do I hate her, she just fucking jumps on him! And yells “KIRI!!”
And that’s when everything goes to shit
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kiribaku-recs · 3 years
Ok so I added the fic on Ao3 cuz it’s easier I also changed the name
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kiribaku-recs · 4 years
People suck, but not all of them
Chapter 1, Part 2.
When they are far away so that we can’t hear them bakugou turns to me with a smirk on his face “ you must be Kirishima Eijiro” I nod my head to nervous to do any gestures with my hands he nods his head in approval before bitting his lip looking me up and down. “Your really cute ya know” and my god it I ever thought I would die it’s right now.
I can’t move, my body is hot all over, I can’t move or blink, but, I can breathe. I know I probably blush like a mad man right now, but I can help it a cute- no HOT guy just called me cute I think I’m gonna die. And the best part is I don’t even now how can he just say something like that! He’s so confident! He’s so manly! So cool! I wish I could be more like him!
Oh hell. Oh damn it. Oh shit. Oh fucking shit. That’s when I realize, my....my....pants have gotten a little tighter. Why did I wear skinny jeans? Why? Of all the times I can get a-...a-....ya know THAT it has to be right now? Why me of all people? And my mom and my teacher are here! And why did I get one? Because a extremely hot guy with nice arm, strong legs, probably a nice toned chest- FUCKING HELL EIJIRO GET YOURSELF!
I can’t even move my legs because I did it would just grow bigger, UGH I hate him. And thank GOD he hasn’t noticed, I would literally die. I move my hands in front of my..umm...problem, and I ball the into fists to try and cover my..um..problem.
He just stands their watching my mom and the teacher talk. It’s a little windy out so his spikey blond hair flows in the wind. I can’t help but look at it. I want to touch it. It looks spike and sharp. But also soft and fluffy? I wonder what it feels like? Is it natural? Does he dye it? Bleach it? What does it smell like? Sweet like a summer day, when it sunny out with clouds, a day that makes you want you to lay out in a Feild of grass away from people, away from the world away from all your problems. Where it’s just you and the flower? You and the clouds? You and the slight smell of rain in the air? Just you and the sun?
I didn’t even notice my mom and the teacher walking towards us, I was to focused on my day dream about bakugous hair, when I hear my mom calling me my name I snap out of my day dream and turn my head to look at her so quick I like I might have gotten wiplash. I blink a couple of time to get my head together, when I can finally focus I can see my mom’s worried face, bakugous proud smirk, and the teachers confused look.
“Are you alright dear?” I nod my head, lying once again because if she knew what happened I think I would have killed bakugou and myself. “Are you sure? You look awfully red” I nod my head frantically, trying to tell her that I’m fine and to drop the subject. A look of doubt lands on her face “You can always start school next week honey if you don’t feel up to it”
I can’t believe this is happening. My mom. My own Mother is BABYING me in front of BAKUGOU, I wish my mom would learn social cues, it would make my life so much easier, so, so, so much easier. ‘No mother I am perfectly fine’ I sign with a very annoyed look on face as I cross my arms and look at the ground.
My mom chuckled and whispered in my ear “sorry honey did mean to embarrass you” and my face heats up so much you could probably cook and egg on it. She just chuckles again. Sorry to tell you mom but it’s a little to late now. I just shake my head and my arms tightened over my chest, trying to make myself look small. Because all I want to do right now is have the earth swallow me whole.
The teacher clears his throat getting everyone’s attention. When everyone is looking at him she says “Bakugou may you take Kirishima and show him to everyone” bakugou nods his head than looks to me “are you ready to go?” I nod my head and begin to walk forward when I feel something tugging be backwards into a hug “ugh I’m going to miss you ya know that? Your my favorite child, I would send the twins here if I could.” She huffs a laugh, than she squeezed me very, VERY tight.
I just silently chuckle turning around so I can hug my mom properly. I’ll miss this. As much as I want to get away from my siblings and embarrassing mom, I’ll miss her, her sense of humor, her voice, the way she always makes sure I remember everything, the way we would all just sit down together and watch a movie all snuggled together under a blanket, they was she would sing to me when I was sad, they way she always made me feel safe and wanted and loved.
I quietly cry into her shoulder “I know honey, I’ll miss you too, if you need anything, and I mean anything I will help you. It doesn’t matter what time it is” I pull away nodding my head and wiping my eyes. “Ok sweetie, I love you and I’ll see you in a week ok?” I nod my head again still a little shaken up. I’m going to be going to UA with a hot blond, and that I won’t be able to see my mom everyday.
My mom looks over to bakugou “Take care of him please” bakugou looks at my mother and then to me with a soft smile “I will ma’am” I blush at that. My mom nods her head and looks at me one last time “ok you better get going before I can my mind about this” I smile and wave as I walk away.
Come one Eijiro you got this to can do this I say to myself as I’m trying hype myself up. I turn to bakugou who looking at me. I give him a big grin, not a big tooth girn that’s I used to give people. A lot of people are scared of my teeth. They are sharp and pointy, like a shark. People used to make fun of me for it. That’s why I usual don’t open my month of smile big tooth smile, I don’t want to be known as the freak.
When we are almost their I glance over to bakugou, who have an unreadable exasperation on his face. His eye brows are scrunched together likes he’s deep in thought. I wonder what he’s thinking about. Is he thinking out me? Is he thinking that I’m weird? I’m a baby who cry’s when his mommy leaves him- all of the sudden bakugou turns to look and me. He now has a face of determination, “I’m sorry” is all he says.
I stop in my track confused on why he’s sorry. He didn’t do anything? Did I make him feel that way? Did I do something that made him uncomfortable? Did I look at him weird? What the hell am I saying I probably did all of those things, I can’t do anything right. Hahha. ‘Hi I’m Eijiro Kirishima and I can do anything right’ that’s how I should start addressing people. The boy who can’t even try and save himself, the boy everyone hates, the boy who always messes up. That sounds like a good way to start addressing people. At least they’ll know the truth.
When bakugou notice I stopped, he stops and turns around and walks towards me. His shoulders are slumped and he giving off the vibe ‘look and me I dare you to’ and it’s really intimidating.
He walks up to me and stops right in front of my feet. He shifts from one foot to another, he looks down at his feet, “I just wanted to apologize” he mumbled barely loud enough for me to here.
I raise my hand to tap him one the shoulder to look at me, after a couple of seconds he looks up from his shoes and down at me ‘why are you sorry? You didn’t do anything’ he huffs a laugh “ I’m sorry if I make you uncomfortable when I called you cute. Don’t get me wrong you are still very cute and really attractive and I would love to get to know you more- fuck-...umm shit I...ummm.uhh.. yea....”
I just silently chuckled ‘I would like to get to o wo you to’ And yes, I am aware that, ME Kirishima Eijiro with anxiety, and no social life, the kid who can’t go to the bathroom in public because it scares him, yes THAT Kirishima Eijiro just basically told a guy that I liked him. And I have no fucking idea how the hell I got so much confidence.
But I don’t really care. Because as soon as I signed it, he got the brightest smile on his face. It looked like it could kill someone. The way his crystal blue eye shimmer, the little dimple he has got on his right cheek but not his left one. The way his eyebrows are smooth. Not pinned together in the center of his head. And the weird thing is? I think I’m falling in love with a guy I didn’t even know. But all I can do is smile back.
“Are you gay? Or something else” I can’t help but freeze, I’ve never been asked that question. I don’t know how to respond. I shakily bring my sweaty hand up and respond with a ‘why?’ He looks confused but doesn’t question. “ so I know who my composition is” he says with a sly smile. I take a deep breath, he wasn’t making fun of you, he’s not going to hurt you. ‘I’m gay’
He looks at me, paused like he wasn’t expecting that , and the with a smirk he breaths “I’m gay to, so don’t get all that scared” I smile and nod. And then we get back on our way to the dorms.
When we get closer to the dorms every step gets heavier, every breath gets harder, like someone adds a new weight to my body every step. When we get to the stairs it doubles, and my mind gets fuzzier every step, I close my eyes and take deep breaths.
Before I was ready I was walking through the doors. When I took a couple steps in I was 18 pairs of eyes on me. I try and take steady breaths, but they come out shakey.
1. In. Out
2. In. Out.
3. In. Out.
4. In. Out-
“KIRI” is all I hear before someone launches them self one me. And now I can’t breathe. I can’t see. I can’t think. I can’t move.
My mind flowed with memories of that day. And what the did to me. How they stomped on my arm until it was shattered, how I screamed for my life. How they all just laughed. How they beat me and almost left me for dead. But the names. They things they said, they repeat I’m my head like someone turned on a speaker and blasted it on high.
I can’t feel strong arm’s rapped around me. “Shhh it’s ok, I got you it’s ok, your safe, no ones going to hurt you, shhh”
Then I remember it’s bakugou. I’m on the dorms. They aren’t here. Bakugou. I start to gain control of my breathing. And that’s when I realized that I was sobbing. “Shh, I know, I know, it’s ok, just breath, just breath, shhh”
Why did I freak out? Why can’t I be normal? Why can’t people touch without me freaking out? Why am I a freak?
“Shhh your not a freak, it’s ok. Being normal wouldn’t make you, you it’s ok.’ Did I speak? That would be the first time in 5 months, right? I can’t really remember. And I couldn’t really bring myself to care.
When I stop crying, I pull away slightly to rub my eyes. While still being in bakugous arms, I can’t bring my self to pull away, I feel so safe in his arms, the only other person that makes me feel this way is my mom, and she’s not here.“I’m going to take you to your room and the make you lunch ok?”
I nod my head, and pull away, he put an arm around my shoulders as if he’s protecting me from them. I hang me head low to embarrasses and scared to look at the class. They probably think I’m weird, or a freak, they probably hate me- “I can hear you thinking. Stop it. They won’t hate you. Your fine. Wanna to know what I did on the first day?” I nod my head, because if bakugou embarrassed him self on the first day of school I’ll loose it!
He huffs a laugh “I walked through the door late as usual, and I got scowled for being late and then I tripped over my own feet in front of everyone and they all just laughed.” I can’t help but laugh out loud doubled over clutching my stomach laughing. It’s the first time I’ve heard my own voice in so long. I miss it. But it’s probably the last time I’ll hear it.
“Yah I know his funny, but you get it? That’s no one’s perfect. But that’s ok” I nod my head and we making my way to my room. There was a comfortable silence between the two of us as if nothing happened. My eyes start to droop, that’s when I realized just how tired I am. I lean more in to bakugou finding his warmth comfortable. The walk to my room was a bit of a blurr. But when I get to my room I flopped on my bed and started dreaming or blond hair and blue eyes. God did I have it bad.
Part one
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kiribaku-recs · 4 years
This is freaking amazing
some fucking resources for all ur writing fuckin needs
* body language masterlist
* a translator that doesn’t eat ass like google translate does
* a reverse dictionary for when ur brain freezes
* 550 words to say instead of fuckin said
* 638 character traits for when ur brain freezes again
* some more body language help
(hope this helps some ppl)
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kiribaku-recs · 4 years
Ok so...... I have more head cannons because I just thought of them and I really like them 🥺👉👈
- kiri was in gymnastics since he was 5 he still is but he goes to the school one, and he does ballet as a stress reliever
- kiri likes to goes to girls night, and wear skirt, and some girl clothes
- kiri keeps a diary to express his thoughts and feelings
- bakugou is a very strange (gay) forward person
- Baku is only nice to kiri
- Mina and kiri, kinda (a lot) don’t get along
- Mina and kiri don’t get alone because, Mina thinks she knows everything about kiri and tell everyone stuff (half are lies) that make him mad, he try’s to tell her but she brushes it off
- sero is asexual
-kam is bisexual
- Mina is straight
- The purple grape thing (mineta) is BISEXUAL (so you know who I’m going to have to make him drool over)
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kiribaku-recs · 4 years
I got my Dino chicken nuggets, my binder full of fic ideas, and a crackhead sense of humor.
I’m read to write
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kiribaku-recs · 4 years
People suck, but not all of them
Chapter 1, Part 1
Why are people so mean? Was something I did that bad? Was something I said that disgraceful? Disgusting? Unworthy? Horrible? Unmanly? Apparently. Because here I am sitting in the nurses office with a broken arm an ice pack on my face unable to speak.
5 months later
“Beep. Beep. Beep” what’s that noise? And why is it so loud? I turn over covering my face with my pillow trying to ignore the noise, but It didn’t work so I get out of bed to see what the hell the noise is. When I find my phone is the cause of making the noise I turn it off and get back in bed who gets up at 6:40 on a Saturday anyway?
I wake up a second time to loud pounding on my door “Eijiro, honey, your going to be late for school” when I hear the last part I jump out of bed landing with a painful thud on the floor. I can hear my mom laughing form outside the door “don’t hurt yourself, but if you want to make a good impression on your teachers you better get going”
Oh right a new school. I am going to UA, my fifth new school in the last couple of months, the night my ma and mom told me over dinner that I was going to go UA, my eldest brother Haruto told me it was a school for problem child, than my sister Sakura (Haruto twin), told me it was just a school for kids who needed more help or kids that needed someone to keep an eye on them.
When my class found out that’s I was going there they wouldn’t stop tormenting me calling things like, stupid, usless, unwanted, and other thing that’s I will not repeat even if I can’t speak, I shake my head to try and get rid of those thoughts, come one Eijiro you going to a new school with nice people who will understand what it’s like to not be normal.
I change into jeans and a nice dress shirt while I put a sweatshirt over it. When I am done getting dressed I head down stairs to eat breakfast with my family for the last time until I come back next Saturday. ‘Good morning’ I sign “good morning bro” says Haruto “ are you excited to go to your new school today, I know I would be if I got to live under the same roof as some cute boys” my sister giggles
Now I can feel my face going beat red because yeah, I’m going to live under the same roof as other boys but it’s not like I’m going to do anything maybe I want to see a few cute boys without shirts now and again but that’s normal “ Sakura, be quiet and eat your food, this is why you would never go there, I would get called every day saying you broke into their dorms” I look over to my mom from the dinning room table to where she is cooking something in the kitchen “ Now Eijiro honey, as your sister said you are going to living under the same roof as other boys-“ I role my eyes and silently groan sliding down my chair glaring at my sister who is laughing alongside my brother. I hate this house I can’t wait to leave
“Now honey” my mom says chuckling “I just want you to be safe, and not to do anything I wouldn’t do” I sit in my chair properly and raise and eyebrow at my mom “don’t give me that look I was a very good child.....most of the time” I roll my eyes smiling as I look away. When I was little my grandma and grandpa always told me story’s of how my mom would get in trouble usually with my ma with her. When I am done eating breakfast I hug and kiss my sibling good bye.
The ride to UA was really boring, I just let my mom’s taking and the radio fill my head with noise. I’ve never been good with small talk even before I was mute I still was very shy about things and only really talked when I was with my family.
In school before...everything, I never really had friends because I would never talk to them, sometimes people would try and talk to me about of pity for having no friends, but every time they would just give up because they decided that I am not worth them time. I mean I’m not I don’t know why I thought someone would stay long enough for me to open up, wishful thinking I guess.
I start thing about my old schools and the rumors people would say about me, I can still remember the wishpering form lunch tables around me, or from walking down the halls. Half the rumors were just stupid and made up, the other half were half-true because they don’t know the full story.
People love rumors. It makes them feel apart something bigger it makes them feel useful, the rumor could be about your best friend and it could be something that ruins their life, but they will still spread they will still tell everyone because it makes them feel powerfull, and meaning full. It doesn’t matter to them who it hurts, who the rumors are about, who they slowly eat alive, all that’s matters is that it’s not about them.
“Eijiro?” I can hear the worrie in my moms voice but I don’t want to look any her, I don’t want to see the pity one her face, I don’t want to see it. But I still look at her to tell her that I’m ok and that I’m fine because this isn’t about me right now this is about her and knowing that I’m ok. I turn my body around to face her “Honey? Are you ok?” Then that’s when I realize that I have been crying ‘I’m fine mom, was just thinking that I’m going to miss you’ it’s easier to lie to her, so she know that I’m not hurting even if it is a lie, because if she did it would only make her hurt to. She does a quick nod and turns her head to the road. Good I don’t want her to worry.
Another 40 minutes pass and we are a couple minutes away from UA, I can see the school because, my god it’s huge. I turn to look at my mother with a very excited smile on my face because as much as I love my family I can’t wait to get away from them even though I will see them every weekend.
“Now Eijiro, I know your very excited about going here but I want you to stay out of trouble” I nod my head “As your sister said earlier-“ I silently groan and slid down in to my seat glaring at my mom “In being serious, if you get a boyfriend, I want to meet him, and no funny business mister, but if you do end up having se-“ I jump up in my seat because god if I have to listen to my mom give me a sex talk I thing I will die. “ just be safe ok?” I nod my franticly because this conversation was over.
We pull up to the dorms which are right next to the school, there are to people standing in front of what I assume is my dorm house, waiting by the road, I can’t tell if they are both teachers or student.
When we get out of the car and start walking up to them I notice that one man on the right has long greasey black hair that reaches his shoulders and covers his eyes, he is wearing a black jumpsuit or they could be pajamas because it looks like he sleept in them I can’t really tell, he is tall and lanky.
Unlike the man next to him who might be 1-2 inches taller than him. This man is ripped, when I saw ripped I mean like “I drink potion shakes for every meal and work out twice a day” kind of ripped, he has fluffy blond hair and bright blue eyes that look like they could kill a man, he has a nice sharp jaw with a sharp scowl on his face. Even with all his sharp features he still looks soft, he has slightly chubby cheeks, and the way he’s standing makes me think that he is going be a new class mate of mine because while the other man is standing straight and confident this man is more slouched like he’s board or embarrassed. I kinda feel over dressed because he’s just wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt.
As we get closer I can’t help but feel embarrassed because as my mom stands Infront of the (teacher?) man with black hair I have to stand in front of the unfairly hot blond. The teacher? And my mom are taking but I can’t get myself to pay attention to what they are saying because all I can do is admire the blond.
“-this is Bakugou Katsuki he’s going to be your guide” I look from the blond to my teacher, nodding my head once my teacher is satisfied with my answer he asks to speak with my mom privately, bakugou just watched them walk away with a scowl on his face.
When they are far away so that we can’t hear them bakugou turns to me with a smirk on his face “ you must be Kirishima Eijiro” I nod my head to nervous to do any gestures with my hands he nods his head in approval before bitting his lip looking me up and down. “Your really cute ya know” and my god it I ever thought I would die it’s right now,m.
Ok so I’m gonna stop it right here I will right one in a couple of days
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kiribaku-recs · 4 years
In the words of my wife
🎵🎶Can't spell for shit🎶
So I am sorry if the spelling is bad I’m keep going over it to make sure their isn’t
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kiribaku-recs · 4 years
Ok so here are the head cannons
— Kiri is mute
— Bakugou is a juvenile delinquency
— Bakugou is a BIG flirt but only when him and kiri are alone
— The bakusquad is one big happy family
— They both the big gays
— kiri has anxiety caused by past trama
— kiri get anxiety attacks when people touch him
— kiri has to moms
— kiri is super smart
— bakugou is kinda dumb when it comes to school
— Denki has ADHD
— Sero smokes pot
— Mina has memory problems
— Bakugou doesn’t like his mom like AT ALL
— Bakugou is a “jerk” to kiri when they are with the rest of the bakusquad which makes kiri a confused gay
That’s it for now, imma do more later
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kiribaku-recs · 4 years
I’m gonna right stuff
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