Remnant Daughter
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Loki x Deceased!Reader x Daughter OC
Loki loved you. There was no one else he loved more than you. The day you died he resolved to protect that love that had resulted in a daughter. She was a perfect reminder of you, one he would preserve. No harm would ever come to her so long as he lived. 
Warning: None really. Just note that here Loki never tried taking over Midgard. When he found out his Jotun heritage he didn’t resent Odin and Frigga, rather thanked them for his upbringing.
Loki tossed and turned in his bed as he heard his name being called out. The voice was meek and full of desperation. His skin began to turn blue as his mind took him back to the day he lost you.
Your lower body shook and trembled as you had yet to recover from delivering your baby daughter. One hand kept you stable along the cold cavern walls as the other held your newborn close to your chest. 
A cold huff of air escaped you as you got closer to the cavern’s opening where you could hear your husband fending off the intruders.
Unfortunately, your pregnancy had not been easy. Only Jotunheim housed the climate appropriate for your half-Jotun daughter. You were near death when you arrived, your skin burning to the touch. Only Loki was able to handle your feverish skin long enough to get you to where you had to be. 
After finding out his true parentage Loki remained in Asgard- where his beloved was. All for you, he gave up his line to the throne letting it go to Laufey’s other son. A son who hated Loki’s very existence.
When he had gotten word of his being within the realm he sent for him. That is when they caught wind of his reason for coming back. Laufeyson ordered your child be taken and killed to honor his father’s wish that would have seen Loki dead in the first place.
Loki would never allow any harm upon his child. A child you had desperately wanted in order to complete the vision of a perfect family you always painted for him. 
In full Jotun form, Loki growled, “Leave while I allow it.”
The Jotuns towered over him still, not backing down after being given strict orders from their king. 
“Loki,” you happily sighed as you saw your husband was unharmed.
Loki’s chest constricted once he heard the sweet sound of your voice. Only in his sleep could he accurately recall how truly beautiful a sound it was.
Without a moment to spare you had your free arm wrapped around him as your daughter was warmly nestled between you. “Thank Norns you are safe.”
He returned your embrace kissing the top of your head before tucking it under his chin. “You should not be out here, it is not safe. He will send others.”
“How can I remain hidden and do nothing when you are outnumbered? I am your wife, I will forever stand by your side.”
Loki’s chest rose and fell rapidly as he desperately tried to will himself awake knowing very well what came next. But his efforts were fruitless as his mind made him relive the most traumatic moment of his life. 
"Choose, your wife or your daughter?” 
“Don’t you dare harm her!” 
Laufeyson inched his ax closer to your neck when Loki took a step towards him, making you feel the sharp edge against your rapidly cooling skin. He had stripped you of the warm fur-lined coat that had kept your body temperature stable in the harsh cold of the realm. The thin Asgardian dress did little to shield you from the sharp winds. Hypothermia would soon claim you who was not built for such an environment. 
Loki tried to keep from showing how horrified he was by the decision. He could see the fear in your eyes, the paling of your skin, and the soft whimpering of his newborn which he held in his arms. It was impossible to choose. 
He could never hand over his daughter and yet he could not fathom the idea of returning to Asgard without you.
“L-loki,” you shivered. “Please take her and go,” you begged him through teary eyes. Of course, you did not want to die but you would give your life for his and hers. You wanted nothing more than their happiness.
“I can’t-”
“Please just...” you knew Loki would never make the decision. You knew you had to make it for him.
His eyes widened as he saw your hand discreetly pull a dagger out of your sleeve as you wordlessly mouthed your final confession of love for him.
Loki’s eyes shot open when small hands began to hit his chest repeatedly. His ragged breathing came to a halt when he saw the look of concern on his five-year-old daughter.
“Kari, what are you doing here?”
“I could not sleep.” 
Her bright red eyes examined his expression knowing very well that this was the case for him as well. Unlike Loki, she had no control over her eyes as they remained her natural Jotun red but lacked the sheer darkness behind them. There was a gleam that illuminated them, undeniably inherited from you. That very same gleam that had gotten him to notice you when he had been surrounded by women who only sought him for his title.
“You were having a bad dream Daddy.” In an effort to comfort her father Kari wrapped her little arms around his torso laying her head against his chest. “Was it about Mommy?”
As he looked down at her he could not help but remember the way you would cling to him begging him to stay with you a moment longer instead of going about his duties. If he knew then how limited his time with you would be... he would have fulfilled your every wish. Now all he could do was regret. 
“It was,” he responded by putting his own arms around her and kissing the top of her head. 
Kari immediately looked up giving him a look of sorrow. “Daddy,” her eyes silently apologized for your absence. “Mommy isn’t here but I am. Kari will always be here for you.”
The heart-wrenching words of his concerned daughter had Loki smiling. He tucked her in with a light-hearted chuckle to show he had been relieved of his lamentations. 
Once again she was his strength. 
“I know my dear.”
He would live to protect this last remnant of you.
“If you have already finished the reading then perhaps it is time we introduce you to more complex literature.”
Kari sighed as she followed behind her grandfather’s advisor. He was a tutor to her when it came to diplomacy. As a princess Kari was expected to learn everything there was to be known about all the realms. 
“Here,” the elder man handed her a rather large and heavy book. “This will be of use to you. I remember when I first read it. I was much younger then.”
“The reason I read so quickly is to rid myself of my duties. Had I known this was going to happen I would have dozed off longer.”
“Princess you have been gifted with a mind like no other.” He smiled at the young girl showing he meant well. “Your mother read her way through this library. She was always searching always wondering, a true scholar. Your father and mother were different in every sense. This was the only place they ever crossed paths.”
“So I hear... but I’m not nearly as interested in dusty old books.” She was an eight-year-old girl who wished to have fun with the other children. Until now she had been urged from one lesson to another. Diplomacy, etiquette, magic, archery, economics, language, astrology, and worst of all- math. But it mattered not what task they put in front of her. The young girl was incredibly talented with unmatched intelligence and natural charisma. 
“I want to have fun.”
So much so that at times everyone was thankful Loki was so strict on her.
“What would your Highness consider fun?”
Kari shrugged, fun was never something she strived for. Only recently had the word come about after she heard the other noble children raving about how they spent their days riding horses to a secret waterfall the adults knew not of. And through books, she learned the most fun realm of all was Midgard.
“I would like to go to another realm.”
“Another realm?”
The little girl nodded, “I wish to see things for myself rather than read someone else’s account.” Her eyes trained themselves on the rainbow bridge which she could make out in the distance from the window. “Someday I will travel and become master of all realms.”
“How ambitious of you little one.”
Kari beamed as she heard her grandmother’s voice. 
“Queen Frigga,” the advisor gave a curt bow of his head which she acknowledged. At the same time, he was relieved of his duties as Kari’s tutor to be turned over to her. He left the royals with a cautionary warning to the young one that she should not overlook the wisdom of old dusty books.
Being in the presence of her grandmother Kari knew she could relax, evident by the way she rid herself of the glamour spell she had perfected to conceal her bright red eyes with beautiful gold irises. Although beautiful she much rather preferred that which made her different. 
“Much better,” she exhaled contently.
Frigga smiled, “My...what a beautiful granddaughter I have been bestowed.” Her hand gently prodded Kari’s chin to tilt her head up so she could meet her eyes. 
The compliment immediately gained Kari’s laughter. “You always say that...”
“And I always mean it.”
The little girl’s smile reached her eyes only to be withdrawn when she heard the familiar grumbling of her grandfather. “Kari!” He sternly called her name, not a fan of her openly displaying her Jotun heritage. 
Immediately she hid her eyes from view. 
“What have I told you?”
Kari sighed, the lecture had been engraved in her memory. “That I must adapt to what Asgard expects of me... and what they expect is a well-mannered, well-bred Asgardian princess.”
The rest of Asgard knew not of Loki’s lineage. For his sake and now for Kari’s sake, Odin had them conceal their Jotun attributes in order to keep any from questioning Loki as a prince of Asgard. This was helped by the fact that you, a sensible young woman from a noble family took an interest in his son. You hid the truth well even from your own family who to this day believe you had died of complications during childbirth. 
They never approved of your relationship with Loki, in turn, they despised Kari for causing your premature death. 
This was something Kari had no knowledge of. Loki made sure her life was nothing but positive. If ever an inconvenience arose he would deal with it. Therefore your family no longer resided in Asgard. 
“Do not be so hard on her, she is only a child.”
Odin sighed knowing there was truth to Frigga’s statement but he was only looking out for his granddaughter. He truly cared for her. He had to ensure her future as a princess of Asgard. “She is the firstborn princess of Asgard. It is a title she must not take lightly.”
Loki appeared as if out of nowhere, his hands behind his back as he sported a playful smirk. “I really do wish Thor would just marry and give you other grandchildren to torment.” 
He was grateful for Odin taking him in but knew all his life he had been at a disadvantage with Thor who was a blood son. He knew once his brother had children Odin would turn his attentions to them the future Kings or Queens of Asgard. 
“Loki!” Frigga warned her youngest son to watch what he said, especially in front of Kari.
“Daddy,” Kari ran into her father’s arms happy to see he was back. Her arms latched around his neck as she rested her head on his shoulder. “I missed you.”
“And I missed you, my little one.” One arm carried her weight while the other hand gave her full head of silk-like hair a pat. 
Odin remained silent not justifying himself to Loki. He had his reasons for doing things the way he did just as Loki had his.
Thor soon appeared as well having been left behind by his brother. 
“Uncle Thor,” one hand reached out to him wanting to also greet him but not enough to let go of her father. 
“Kari, my sweet princess.” He smiled brightly at the affectionate scene before him of his niece latching onto his brother. Never had he seen him so openly display affection before Kari’s birth. Even with you, he seemed to hide his attraction making others question the validity of your relationship at one point. He reached out to hold her hand in his and kissed the top. “I hope you have behaved yourself while we were gone.”
“Of course she has.” “Of course I have.” Father and daughter simultaneously respond.
“Then I suppose we can bestow you with the gift we have brought.”
Kari’s eyes lit up. “A gift!”
The entire royal family had trekked out into the stables where Kari’s gift lay in wait. A gift that was actually not from her uncle or father. 
A crowd of people was gathered in awe at the gift. For many this was a new creature for others it was a memory of the past for there had been many in Asgard until they went extinct. They waited to hear how the creature had ended up here.
“Alfheim has gifted one of their precious unicorns to the firstborn princess of Asgard.”
Kari gasped seeing the white unicorn that stood as a stark contrast to the surrounding horses. The unicorn’s distinct horn was incredibly long and shiny, when the light caught it there seemed to be an iridescent shine like opal or pearl. The mane was hard to describe in one word. It was white but somewhere in between, it seemed to give a hint of blue shine. One thing was for sure, the mane was long and silky in the way each strand fell perfectly back in place. 
“Is it really for me?” She held her father’s hand tight with giddiness. 
Loki was not fond of the idea of his daughter riding but had to admit defeat at the happiness she was radiating. “If you promise to behave and take lessons before attempting to ride him-” 
“Him, hmmm...” The young girl tapped her chin in her pursuit of a suitable name for her beautiful new companion. Her hand slipped out of her father’s to approach the magical looking creature. That is how she was able to see the sporadic deep blue streaks of hair that were outnumbered by the white. “Azure,” she spoke mostly to herself yet to the unicorn. “Did you know there are hundreds of words for the color blue. There are many languages and dialects each with their own word.” Her hand gently ran through the ends of his mane, the only part she could reach. “You look more like an Azure.”
“What a lovely name my dear,” Frigga beamed seeing how her spirit had been lifted after being reprimanded by Odin.
“Yes, but what good is a horse you can not ride.” Thor, the ever fun-loving uncle that he was, went against his brother’s wishes and lifted his niece up onto the unicorn’s back.
“It is not your ordinary horse you oaf!” Loki scolded. His brother knew not of a unicorn’s differing mannerisms and personalities to horses. They were far more gentle creatures with the temper of a bull and the charge of a rhino only far more dangerous with that sharp horn of theirs. 
Kari was fighting with her urge to go along with her uncle or listen to her father’s demand for her to get off.
“Come now brother, nothing will happen. Let our young princess have some fun, Odin knows you did when you were younger.” With that Thor mounted Azure keeping his niece safely between his arms as he took the reigns. 
To Loki’s surprise, Azure listened to Thor entertaining them with a steady gallop.
Odin’s lips seemed to curl up into a brief smile that only Frigga caught before he retired back into the palace.  She brought her hand onto her son’s shoulder assuring him there was no harm.
Loki’s worries were only put to rest by Kari’s laughter. His daughter’s quick liking to the animal reminded him of you.
Loki smirked using your lack of agility to his advantage as he stole your current interest right out of your hands. He held the book above your reach to examine it. “What has my love so interested in Alfheim?”
Your brow furrowed in discontent, “It is none of your concern-”
“If you wish to visit you only need say so.”
The book was handed back to you allowing you something to grasp while you remind him of your situation. “You already know that is impossible when all of Asgard is watching us.”
You had married Loki only a few months ago and were determined to do everything in your power to earn your place. There were still too many who did not acknowledge your marriage to Loki simply because they thought Thor should be first to marry. 
“You worry too much.”
“Do I?”
Loki nodded, “Now tell me why Alfheim?”
“Unicorns,” Loki eyed you with skepticism. “A realm known for its magical knowledge, nature, music... and you simply want to see a horned horse?”
You nodded enthusiastically. “Unicorns are said to be magical creatures. The alicorn being the source of their magical and medicinal properties.”
Loki recalled watching you flip through books as you animatedly recounted your research on the rare creature. He could only imagine you would smile just as brightly upon the unicorn’s arrival.
Kari interrupted his thoughts when she came running to him. “Did you see me?”
“You were wonderful my little one.”
Although his lips were curled into a smile Kari could easily read her father. There was a certain look in his eyes, darkness, whenever he became saddened by the thought of you.
“I love you Daddy,” these four words were her magical tool against her father’s dark thoughts. She need only say it once for him to come back to his senses.
Loki truly smiled now, wonderfully surprised by his daughter’s sentiment. “I love you too.”
The young girl wondered if someday she could take her father’s pain away. She wanted him to be the fun mischievous person everyone always recalled in their stories of times before she was born. 
That night Kari would not go to bed no matter how many times her nursemaid tried to coax her. She relentlessly went on about waiting for her father to be done so he could tuck her in like when she was younger.
“Princess your father is very busy-”
“I can wait.”
“Please princess have mercy on me. Your father will be very displeased with me if I do not complete my tasks.” 
Kari had seen many nursemaids come and go throughout her short years. Each one having been replaced after Loki saw they were not fit to uphold his standards or if one got too attached to her. 
He did not wish for anyone to play the role of mother to Kari. His daughter already had a mother. 
“That is not my problem,” Kari crossed her arms over her chest standing firm. “I will do as I please until my father retires for the night.”
The nursemaid sighed unable to do anything but wait to be reprimanded and perhaps sent to another noble family to care for their children. 
Hours later Loki had yet to retire. 
Kari sleepily hung onto hope for a bit longer before going across the hall to his rooms in search of him. She pushed the heavy door to gain entrance into the silent chambers. 
She knew if she would just call out to him he would appear before her but this time around she was curious to know why he had not come to see her. That’s when she heard a muffled sound coming from his study, the door slightly ajar.
Loki sat back in his chair, a chalice of mulled wine in his hand while he faced the farthest wall where a portrait of you hung as the only decoration. It was commissioned post-mortem when he realized there were no portraits of only you. 
He concentrated greatly needing more time than usual to picture you in all your glory. Then in a second, you were standing before him in golden shine. It was an illusion he had created of you.
“It’s getting harder-” A knot in his throat stopped him mid-sentence. The thought of possibly forgetting you was more than he could handle. “Why can’t I summon you at will?”
The illusion of you stood still flickering slightly when he took a drink.
Lately, he could only remember you in your last moments of life. He found himself forgetting the finer details of your appearance and personality.
“I forget my love... did you like postmodern romanticism or was it transcendentalism?”
He took another drink and yet again you flickered.
Loki stared at the illusion he had made, judging the appearance. He always remembered that pale green dress you wore when he first noticed you. It fit you well, hugged all the right places and complimented your lustrous skin. Your hair and your face- he gripped the chalice trying to recall the color and feel.
The image that came to mind was much to generic for his liking... just like the portrait.
He stood up approaching the illusion and looked up at the portrait. 
“Sure it is beautiful,” he admitted. It resembled you but was it truly you. “No one can ever accurately capture you, my love.”
Kari’s eyes teared up when she heard how hard it was getting for her father to speak.
“And your voice...” 
“Loki,” the illusion called to him in your voice- or at least what he thought was your voice. “Loki, my love.”
“How I wish to hear it.” A tear finally found its way down Loki’s cheek as he resigned himself to the fact that even he couldn’t reproduce the sweet sound of your voice.
In his dreams, he heard it but it was always followed by your cries of pain.
“I love you Loki,” the illusion smiled with a tilt of its head in the same way you would every time you playfully professed your love to him.
When the chalice was empty Loki picked up the bottle and drank directly from it. The illusion flickered continuously until he had downed the entirety of it.
Kari stepped into the study now fully in tears from what she was seeing.
Loki quickly turned to see his daughter cautiously approaching him. “Kari-” he wanted to reprimand her for not being in bed but found it difficult when she was sorrowfully staring at his illusion of you.
Up until now, he had been careful not to do this in front of her. He knew it would be too much of an emotional trigger. He could hardly handle it himself. When he made a gesture to be rid of it Kari stopped him.
“Wait-” Her small hands reached out to him. Now it was she who compared the illusion to the portrait above. All she had ever seen was that portrait but never imagined her mother’s voice.
“C-can she-” she was almost afraid to ask. As if her father would deny her request. “Can she say my name?”
Loki inhaled sharply. His daughter’s request was difficult but not impossible.
“Kari~” the illusion called out effectively rendering the little girl motionless. This time Loki managed to envision your joyous expression upon his return from long trips. He had the illusion give a similar smile and say, “I love you Kari.”
“I love you too Mommy-”
The little girl’s lips trembled unable to stop herself from crying profusely. She had never met this woman yet she felt so strongly about her.
His daughter’s tears were sobering. Loki put down the bottle he had so viciously been gripping onto. He knelt down in front of his young daughter, the illusion now vanishing into nothing but golden specs of light. 
"Daddy...” Kari’s small arms wrapped around her father as she continued to cry into his chest.
Loki held her silently. There was nothing he could say that would make her feel better. For years he had tried finding comfort from the neverending pain he felt after your loss. But nothing could ever fill the void you left behind.
At one point he damned you for making him fall in love with you. He damned the empty promises of forever. You dared entice him with the picture of eternal love and a family to cherish and call his own only to leave him behind.
But in the end, he knew it was all worth it. 
Loving you gave his life new meaning. 
Before you, he never imagined himself as a father and now he couldn’t imagine a life without his precious daughter. 
Kari found comfort in her father’s embrace although she didn’t care too much for the smell of alcohol on him. The gentle caress of her hair and the slight pressure atop her head of his lips seemed to coax her out of the mournful sorrow she was suddenly hurled into. 
Slowly the tears began to dry up and she was able to find her voice again.
“Daddy... Do you think- do you think she would have loved me?”
“She loved you before you were even born.”
“Really?” Kari looked up with swollen eyes and a runny nose.
Loki nodded, “She couldn’t wait to meet you.” 
He recalled your constant lack of interest in him as you worried over your growing belly.
“Do you think this is normal?” 
You continued to inspect your reflection in the mirror as you stood in front of it with only a towel wrapped around you. It had become a regular occurrence after your bath. Your hands were on your protruding belly but your eyes were on Loki as he approached you from behind.
Loki placed his hands on top of yours not really focusing on your question but on the way you had completely let your guard down. His lips found your bare shoulder to be much more important. 
“I doubt there is something I know that you do not my lovely wife.” His lips lightly trailed kisses up along your neck as he continued to whisper loving words into your ear. “But I do know I can hardly keep my hands off you when you are this enticing.”
“Forever the silver-tongued prince...”
“Forever the beautiful vixen who seduced this prince.”
You laughed, “Seriously Loki... do you think she is alright?”
“Do not worry, everything will be fine.”
"Even now she loves you...” 
“Really?” He nodded in affirmation but Kari was still unconvinced. 
Loki was always known for his lies but he dare not deceive his own daughter. You were a mother who gave her own life for her daughter. Although he couldn’t tell her this now, in the future she would know it.
She would know how you protected her.
She would know how much you loved her...how much you loved them.
She would know of your loving sacrifice.
“Trust me little one.”
A/N: Sorry for the long unexplained hiatus. In the meantime, I hope you accept this humble offering as an apology for my absence.
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Thank you for adding me on this list. I'm actually going to go through and read these ^^
Loki-Smut-Library Master-List
*DISCLAIMER* None of these fics belong to me! I would just like to appreciate the amazing work these writers do by sharing it. :) 
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Enjoy ;)
Loki’s Very Special Girl @sherrybaby14
Merry Kinkmas @sherrybaby14
A Low-key Good Time @sherrybaby14
Final Hurrah @sherrybaby14
Magic Cuffs @sherrybaby14
What You Need @sherrybaby14
Loki’s Good girl @sherrybaby14 
Pet @beeblebrox-be-damned
Unlikely Bedfellows @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
Coveted @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
Calling to join them the wretched and joyful @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
Old and New Traditions @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
The Hand That Feeds @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
Imagine loosing your job because of your relationship with Loki @sserpente
Imagine loki forcing you to wear a revealing costume for halloween @sserpente
Imagine studying Asgard and its culture @sserpente
Imagine Loki casting illusios to fulfil a sexual fantasy of yours @sserpente
Imagine catching Loki @sserpente
Trick or Treat @sserpente
Imagine Tony tricking Loki into taking viagra @sserpente
Imagine Loki catching you having a sex dream @sserpente
A(n) (un)fortunate present @sserpente
A cage of golden glass @sserpente​ 
A wise decision @sserpente
Desperate  @sserpente
Undying Carnality @sserpente
I am your king @innaminitus
Please? @innaminitus
King and Queen @innaminitus
Praise @innaminitus
Relax, My Dear @secret-tryst-under-the-stars
Always Yours @secret-tryst-under-the-stars
His One And Only @secret-tryst-under-the-stars
Master Of Lies @secret-tryst-under-the-stars
Jealous Kisses @gingerwritess 
Morning After @gingerwritess
Damn Mistletoe @devilbat
Tease @devilbat
Reservations @devilbat
Claimed @devilbat
Dr. Jekyll and Mistress Hyde @devilbat
Abyss @devilbat
Never make a deal with the god of mischief @yzssie
Headcanons for Loki being jealous @yzssie
We All Have Our Kinks @fanficshiddles
Offering @fanficshiddles
In Heat @fanficshiddles
Loki’s Sacrifice @lokikingofasgardslover713
I Will Not Kneel @lokikingofasgardslover713
Sakaarian Heat @lokikingofasgardslover713
Broken Boundaries   @lokispettigerr
Red Door @lokispettigerr
Out Of Place @lokispettigerr
Painting The Wind @lokispettigerr
Swimming Amongst the Stars @lokispettigerr
In Denial @lokispettigerr
Dark Desires @starscreamloki
Stronghold @starscreamloki
Loki Muse @starscreamloki
Drabble #11 @starscreamloki
Drabble #6 @starscreamloki
What You Want @startrekkingaroundasgard
The Neighbors Will Hear @just-the-hiddles
My Queen @just-the-hiddles
Take My Breath Away @just-the-hiddles
Civil Disobedience @just-the-hiddles
Mischief and Chaos @just-the-hiddles
Come on Darling @just-the-hiddles
Imagine the reader has a crush on loki @sinner-as-saint
Breeding Kink @marvelgirlonamarvelworld
Daddy kink with loki @headcanons-for-loki 
Fight @a-pervy-nerd
Underground @demon-soldier
Midnight incidents @demon-soldier
Someone who knows how to ride @fadingcoast
The Devil In Your Eyes @fadingcoast
Howl @fadingcoast
Owned @fadingcoast
True Belonging  @sweetfictionalworld
Reflection of Passion @sweetfictionalworld
Divine Torture @sweetfictionalworld
Eternal Salvation @sweetfictionalworld
Only You @sweetfictionalworld
A New Life @leylanesobsessions
Call Me That @daddysfangirls  
Dine With Me @nerdyfandomfics 
Knives @endlessbucky
Hidden Intentions @faith-in-dean
~I hate that I love you~ @lokislilslut
Reflected In You @world-of-multi-imagines
Loki’s Servant @lucky-bucky-boy
Arrangement @lucky-bucky-boy
Competition @lucky-bucky-boy 
Betrothed @lucky-bucky-boy
I Own You @the–queen-of-hell
Stretch @boredbrooder
One more @boredbrooder
My Turn @boredbrooder
King Of Asgard @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69
Heat @fic-for-fic-sake
Loki having a breeding kink would include: @underratedcharactersimagines
Mistress @multifandomfilth
Alone @danddymaro
Love Hating You @pinejayy
Want, Take, Have  @collinsstanharbour
Between A God And A Bucky @collinsstanharbour 
Winning @ohhhmyloki
Searing @iamnotoriginalphil 
I’ll Show You @warren-lauren
Worthy @loki-godofmischief-myking
Night Time Troubles @fanfic-collection 
Ghost!Loki x Reader @fanfic-collection
Demon!Loki x Reader @fanfic-collection
Maid @fanfic-collection
Wake Up Calls @sabine-leo 
Precious Little Flower @propertyofpoeandbucky
Glass Shards @propertyofpoeandbucky
Trickster @rxdonmyledger
Horny Loki @buckysthot
Loki has a kink for being called daddy @buckysthot
Chains @skydiving-without-a-parachute 
Kneel Before Your King @thetruequeenofasgard
Sinful Black Dress @welldonebeca
One Of Many @anightflower 
Feisty little fox and the Trickster @littleredstarfish
Tables @jpat82
The Wall @imagine-loki
Need @arlaina28 
Join Me @sassenach-on-the-rocks
Sneaking In @sassenach-on-the-rocks
The Kissing Contest @sassenach-on-the-rocks
The Art of Subtle Pleasure @sassenach-on-the-rocks
The Best Laid Plans @sassenach-on-the-rocks
Loki Headcannons (account has been deactivated)
Possessive Loki (account has been deactivated)
Loki x reader nsfw headcannons: @bleufrost
You’re one of Loki’s handmaidens in Asgard, serving the prince.   He returns from Battle, completely covered in dirt. @lemon-ade-stan-d
Stains Of Wine @lakinda5654
Dirty Little Secret @just-the-hiddles
Needy @lokissceptres
subservience @thewritingdoll
Daddy Loki (account has been deactivated)
Hate Fuck @loki-oneshots
Tell Me How You Feel @loki-oneshots
Teach Me @imagine-loki
Little One @disagreetoagree 
Whoopsie Daisy! @disagreetoagree
I’m Walking Here @notyetneedcoffee
Warm Me Up @imaginesupply
Breeding @theliveshipparagon 
A God’s Interest @theliveshipparagon
Desperate @fan-fantasies
Goddess @avengerscompound 
Just Sex @thosekidswhohuntmonsters
set my soul alight @angel-fire
A warriors defeat @dark-wicked-marvel-fics
Time After Time @hopelessromanticspoonie
To Feel Loved @endlessbucky
Belief (female!loki x reader) @mjolfarr
Thigh Riding @megthemewlingquim
ceo chronicles ~ loki @peachyteabuck
Multi-Part Fics: 
Bride to be: @imaginesfandom
Part 1 
Part 2 
Part 3 
Casual Affair @writingfortheavengers
Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off              (Casual Affair part 2)
Talk Loki To Me (Tom Hiddleston x Reader) @odinsonsobsessed 
Heat @innaminitus
After Heat (heat part 2)
Pleasing You @sserpente
Addicted to pleasing you (Pleasing you part 2) 
24 little kinks: @sserpente
Door 1
Door 2
Doors 3, 4, 5
Door 6
Door 7
Door 8
Door 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Door 14, 15
Door 16
Door 17
Door 18, 19
Door 20, 21
Door 22
Door 23
Door 24
Chosen: @beeblebrox-be-damned
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Growth (A Continuation of Chosen)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3-5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
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With the Eternal Flame, you are reborn.
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I’m waiting with my credit card ready for November so I can get my subscription of Disney+
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I can tell you this. In the year since Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, there are two questions I’ve been asked… and this series will answer both of those questions.
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It wasn't until today that I realized I didn't have an inbox for this blog. I'm such an idiot lol.
Well feel free to inbox me ^^/
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Love Is For The Foolish (9)
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Loki x Asgardian!Reader
Warning: This chapter contains suggestive content and will probably leave you with many questions I will happily answer.
<== Previous | Next ==>
Chapter 9: Restless
“With the Bifrost gone, how much dark energy did the Allfather have to muster to conjure you here, your precious Earth?”
“He did not...”
Thor angrily sighed recalling very well how you nearly begged him to never disclose the fact that you were the one providing the dark energy. He was a man of his word. Never would he think to betray your trust if there wasn’t a sufficient reason. 
In this case, he felt telling Loki would give him the sense he needed. Thor knew the tesseract had changed Loki but surely his feelings for you were still there.
“The dark energy was provided by Y/N.” Thor prodded further trying to appeal to his brother’s emotions. “Your wife. You do recall your wife, do you not brother?”
Loki’s breathing hitched, his chest constricted with the mention of your name. The memory of having harmed you was so hard to forget. His mind burned with the image of your pained expression.
“I thought you dead.”
“Did you mourn?”
“We all did. Our father-”
“Your father,” Loki decided to direct his emotions elsewhere. It was easier to avoid the topic of you and focus on his anger. “He did tell you my true parentage, did he not?”
Back in Asgard, you looked out from Heimdall’s tower towards the still broken Bifrost. After having aided Thor’s return to Midgard you were literally drained of all energy. You weakly clung to Sigyn who aided your visit.
Sigyn was especially worried when you suddenly clenched your eyes shut feeling yet another dizzy spell. “Perhaps we should go back Y/N, you need your rest.”
That phrase had been thoroughly exhausted towards you. Since the day you awoke from the rest Loki imposed on you till now. At first, they worried of your loss, then of the impact Loki’s betrayal would have on you, now it was the fact that you had given your everything into aiding Thor. You supposed they were right to be concerned with your current condition.
“I won’t be long, I only wish to know one thing.” You turned your sights to Heimdall who already had the answer. “Did he tell him?”
“That you gave your energy, yes.” Heimdall paused for a moment knowing very well your one question expected two answers. “That you are with child, no.”
You sighed as instantaneous relief washed over you. To think you were still willing to put not just your own life on the line, but that of your unborn. It may have been unintentional or perhaps you never really were exempt from his charms and mischief- Loki had won you over completely. The coldness of your heart had been no match for him.
Sigyn watched your hand smooth over your swollen belly unconsciously at the news. There was a content upward curve at the end of your lips. She knew very well you cared for Loki and your children equally. The reason you ever agreed to put yourself at risk was that deep down you wanted Loki back. You had confessed to her when you thought Loki dead.
“I would give anything to let Loki know that he was going to be a father.”
Now that you could, you did. You gave your all to have Thor retrieve Loki.
Sigyn smiled as she once again held your hand. “Now then I won’t take no for an answer. I’ll drag you back to your room if I have to.”
“I doubt you could carry all three of us,” you fired back. 
It was important to show that you weren’t just some hopeless abandoned wife carrying the disgraced prince’s offspring- as you heard it be said in passing. Even if it was difficult, you would hold your head up high to show you were dependable even when the situation was dire.
“Norns,” you exasperatedly sighed with a roll of your eyes. “I can hardly manage!” You smiled with an exasperated sigh. The hours of being on your feet coupled with the sleepless nights you’ve faired were catching up to you. “Let us get back before the Allmother finds us gone.”
It wasn’t long after you had recovered from exerting your dark energy that you heard from the Allfather that Thor would be bringing Loki back as a prisoner. 
“When he arrives I do not want you here.”
Shocked by his choice of words Frigga stepped in. She did not want you mistaking what they were asking of you. “What he means to say is that it would be best if Loki did not see you immediately upon arrival.” 
Loki had a tendency to react strongly to emotional events. No doubt he would cause trouble if he were to see you in your current condition.
“Of course, as you say Allfather.” You nodded not really having a choice but to follow their orders. That didn’t mean you agreed it was the best thing to do. “We all know how well Loki reacts to secrecy.”
Odin did not care for your sarcastic response. He stood from his throne in a confrontational manner. “Do you think you know better than I?”
The question echoed the empty room say for a few guards it was just you three there at the time. 
“I am just curious to know how long you intend me to hide from Loki.” Eventually, he would hear and the result would be worse. “Believe me when I say there is no one more eager to condemn his actions than I am!” 
Your outburst caused the palace walls to shake and all lights to go out reminding Odin that Loki wasn’t the only one whose power was linked to their emotions. 
As your chest rose and fell harshly you exhaled a cool puff of air. Anyone would have apologized or at the very least looked away when Odin narrowed his eye but not you. You continued to hold his gaze with a furrowed brow. Your hands protectively held your swollen belly knowing very well they grew just as restless as their mother.
With a wave of her hand, Frigga restored the lighting before walking down the steps to be at your side. You had just recovered your energy and could not afford these outbursts. “Y/N please save your strength.” She put her hands atop yours feeling the restlessness within you. “It will do no good to the little ones.”
You nodded with a sigh. It was hard to hold back even when you knew what was going on. Pregnancy changed a woman physically but were far more affected emotionally and mentally. All the things you would normally keep to yourself were being expressed without your consent. 
Frigga wiped away the single tear that rolled down your cheek with a sympathetic smile.
“I did not will this,” you pointed to your cheek where the drying tear trail was evident.
“I know.” She smiled knowing very well how hard you tried to keep up the facade. “Y/N, I promise you will see him soon.”
“Did you not once wonder about your wife,” Frigga asked. Her heart had been broken by her son’s harsh words but there was even greater pain in what was left unsaid. She could hardly recognize the man that stood before her. Was he really the boy she nurtured and cared for?
Loki swallowed the lump forming in his throat. He could not afford to ever think about you. Even now the memory of his dagger in your side haunted his conscience all the while his heart ached to be with you. 
“Not once,” he confirmed.
Frigga nodded in understanding. “But now?”
Loki turned his back to her knowing very well that she knew what he wanted most was to see you. That he was absolutely distraught by the fact that you had yet to be seen. It made him wonder if you had recovered.
“I promised her I would allow you two to speak...”
Frigga gave you an apologetic look as you appeared beside her. She did not expect Loki to be so crass.
"Thank you Allmother.” You exchanged a final look before she disappeared leaving only you two in the cell. 
The moment was long overdue, you anticipated the fact that what you two would discuss was not to be heard or seen by anyone else. A wave of your hand shrouded the outside of the cell in darkness, isolating him and you.
Loki scoffed at the sight of you in his cell while still maintaining his signature smirk. He believed you to be an illusion just like Frigga. “How lovely of you to visit me Love.”
He had to admit his heart skipped a beat as he took in the sight of you with plaited hair. It had grown longer and perhaps that was your reason for fashioning a crown of it. Your look was complemented by the emerald green dress he figured you recently fashioned as he had never seen it before.
You said nothing in return only taking a few steps to close the distance between you and Loki. At the final moment, your dominant hand was engulfed in your signature dark smoke as you conjured up your dagger.
Without hesitation, you plunged it into Loki’s side, channeling all the built-up resentment.
Loki doubled over with a grunt of pain as he realized what you had done.
“Now we are even.”
He looked up to see a satisfied smirk playing upon your lips lifting all his previous worries. "Guess I deserved that," Loki groaned after pulling out the dagger in one quick motion.
“That and much more,” you sternly assured. Although you had been betrayed that day you would never forget how much more painful it was to awake to the news of having lost Loki. 
That physical pain was long forgotten in your distress.
Loki healed his wound almost immediately before stretching his hand out to you.
“You are such a fool Loki!” You planned to make him suffer some more but you could not resist placing your hand in his. As soon as you did tears began to obstruct your vision. “Faking your own death so you could try and rule Midgard...”
“That was not my intention from the beginning.” Loki thought back to The Other and Thanos thinking it best he never speaks of them to you. They were not people he wanted you to be involved with.
“Then what was?” You felt restless from all the contradicting thoughts and emotions you had yet to process that you could hardly control yourself. The temperature inside the cell began to drop rapidly. When icicles began to form you turned your back to Loki and laid your hand on your belly. “There, there... calm down...” you muttered under your breath as you ran soothing circles around it.
Actions Loki found most intriguing. He was far from naive to miss the signs if there had been any. To his eyes you were unchanged. That’s when it occurred to him, you were every bit as talented as he was.
The next time you expressed a wave of discomfort he saw it. It was merely a glimpse but the glamour spell faltered as your concentration did. In an instant, he was before you giving an accusatory look. “You are with child.”
You shook your head.
“Do not try to deny it!” 
With the next wave of pain, you completely lost control allowing him to see how you caressed your swollen belly. “I am not denying that I am pregnant.” You sighed, “I am denying that I am with child because I am not only carrying a single child.”
Loki opened his mouth as if to speak yet nothing made it past his lips.
“What has happened to that quick wit and silver tongue of yours? Is it really that hard to fathom the idea that you have once again tricked me? What a horrid trickster you are, faking your death so you may run off to another realm. “Professing your love for me only to disappear once you have filled my womb.”
"How could you be so reckless!” Loki was extremely gentle as he picked you up princess style. He sat you down on the bed with a scowl when he recalled Thor regaling him of how you had given your all into sending him to Midgard. “You are in no condition to be thinking of anyone other than yourself!”
“It became inevitable when I realized how irresponsible and idiotic that fall had made you.” You were back to your stoic self once the pain subsided. “Or perhaps it started before only I wished not to see it.”
Pregnant! Loki could hardly wrap his mind around the revelation. Then that night, before Laufey came... when I- Loki tried to hide the fact that he was battling himself internally. He could have harmed more than just you that night. Had his dagger been longer... 
“Stop,” you held his chin in your hand making him turn towards you. Tragedy had brought with it many things. One was the sharpening of your eyes. You had become far more vigilant and aware of the slightest shifts in expressions and moods. “There is no use worrying about the past when the present is before you.”
The way he eyed you and your protruding belly said it all.
“They were never in danger.”
Your body ached not of pain but of restlessness like you had been bedridden for days. There was some physical discomfort but not too much. Most importantly it was coming from your back, not your side meaning it wasn’t Loki’s doing.
“Y/N,” a look of relief washed over Queen Frigga as you made a move to sit up. She held your hand helping you comfortably shift your weight around so you may sit at the edge dangling your feet.
“Here is some water your highness.”
Thanks were unnecessary and impossible at the moment with how painfully dry your mouth was. You could feel an irritating prick a the back of your throat when the cool liquid was reintroduced. It felt as if you had been on the brink of dehydration.
Frigga’s hand gently held your back so you wouldn’t overdo it. “Slowly my dear.”
Once the glass was empty it was taken by the maid. As you grew conscious of your surroundings you noted several maids present along with a single healer who seemed to be taking their leave.
“How do you feel?” Some light-headedness and nausea were to be expected, she wouldn’t be surprised if you confessed to those.
“My back-” you sat extremely straight up stretching every which way to alleviate the pain. “I feel as if I have been in bed for days.”
Frigga gave a half-hearted smile. “That is because you have.” To be exact it had been weeks.
“That long?” Your eyes went to the location of your wound curious to see it but were obstructed by the nightgown.
“Do not worry, no one was in danger.”
Her phrasing seemed odd to you, “No one?” You grew worried when she held your hands in hers with an unreadable expression. It was as if she were hiding something and was trying extremely hard to keep from expressing her emotions.
“Please do not worry my dear Y/N.” Your emotions were strongly bound to your magic. It had been something to look out for before, she could only imagine how recent developments might affect it. “Women must rest and be mindful of themselves in your condition.”
In a way, you were just as surprised by the news as he was. The timing was horrible but the circumstances were not. Loki was or rather still is your husband, a man you had passionately embraced countless times. There was no one else you could envision yourself with, he was the only man you would ever consider bearing children for.
“And you? You are not meant to carry a Jotun child much less two of them.”
“Yet here I am.” You stand, making it a point to show you were absolutely capable of carrying your children. What had broken your spirit was the devastating news of Loki’s fate that day. “You are what worries me Loki.”
Just moments ago he had been talking to his mother in a manner that you had never seen before. There was a look in his eyes that spoke louder than words. “I could hardly recognize you before.” Your brow furrowed in remembrance, “I know you did not lie to your mother. All this time you did not think of me until you were confronted by Thor.”
“I-” His jaw tightened. The fact baffled him as well. He did not notice it before but perhaps the tesseract had clouded his mind to the point where all he thought of was power. It pushed back every thought of you making it that much easier for him to hide your existence. That is until Thor began using your name to weaken his resolve.
“Whatever the reason may be, I hope you regain your composure.” You sent him a pointed glare to show you were far from fooled. “I’ve never been one to tolerate foolish men and I won’t start now.”
Loki was beside himself, his jaw had gone slack. He had just been stabbed and scolded by his pregnant wife yet all he could think about was the fact that he was going to be a father. “I did foolishly manage to unleash two more Jotuns onto Asgard...” His hand went to your stomach feeling for himself.
Loki gave a pained expression when he met your eyes again. He wasn’t expecting you to be so welcoming of him after all that he had done.
And you could see it. 
”I never intended to have children after knowing what I really was.” Jotuns were heartless monsters who readily abandon their young if they do not meet expectations. Such was his fate. Although Odin may have taken him in he was far from the ideal father. “Laufey, Odin, and even your father- they all had their faults.” He swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat at the thought of him being next. “I do not wish to fail.”
His confession garnered one of your own. “I love you Loki.” Your hand steadied over his assuring him he was not alone. “Even if all you wanted is power-” You sighed loudly trying to keep your wits about you."I am overjoyed that I got the chance to share this with you.” 
That was all you wanted. 
Asking for anything else would be selfish.
“Foolish enchantress,” Loki scolded. His lips pressed against your cheek in a chaste kiss. “I undeniably love you as well, far more than power.”
You smiled at the unmistakable fluttering in your stomach. “Once again you have smitten me with your words.”
“I can give you far more than words.” 
Frigga gives you a gentle smile as she enters your bathroom where you have taken solace in the bathtub. “You must be in a great deal of discomfort to call upon me.” She had offered her help throughout your pregnancy but you were always reluctant to accept. “Always wanting to prove your strength when there is also strength in numbers.”
You sighed eyeing the ice-cold bath water with a thin layer of literal ice crystals hardening at the surface. Beads of sweat continued to form and roll down the sides of your face. One fell from your chin onto your chest before disappearing into the bathwater.
“I do not know what else to do Allmother.”
Displeased by your inability to cool down, you shut your eyes and leaned your head back. You were burning up inside and out making your skin glow with the sheen of perspiration.
“Give me your hand dear.”
All the Allmother did was rub your knuckles with her thumb. Her eyes closed in concentration as she hummed to an unfamiliar tune.
Your own eyes shot open once you began to shake. It was as if your nerves could once again feel. The ice melted but the water remained incredibly low in temperature. “What did you do?”
“Nothing,” she admitted giggling. “They were only restless so I soothed them by soothing you.”
By now Frigga knew you were expecting twin boys. It was a revelation that had her grinning from ear to ear. She would be able to relive her memories of a young Loki through her grandchildren. 
“It can be avoided if you were to stop harboring all the burden on yourself.”
You shook your head unable to accept that sharing the burden would help.
“Odin has not allowed you to see him yet, it is understandable for you to be upset.”
If it weren’t for Frigga you would have probably done something unfavorable against Odin. Thankfully you managed that one visit with her help. You promised yourself it would be enough until Odin came to his senses. 
“I underestimated the Allfather, he is far more stubborn than I could have ever imagined.”
Queen Frigga helped you out of the bath offering a nice warm towel to help balance your body temperature. By now you must have been freezing. “He is preoccupied by other matters but I will speak with him.”
The Aether was keeping Odin busy but it was no excuse for why he had not allowed you to see Loki. Truly even Thor was preoccupied with Jane that neither of the Odinson men had taken time to visit you.
“I wish you were well enough to walk the gardens again.” With your pregnancy advancing you were much more vulnerable and weak. Bouts of sickness, dizziness, and extreme heat flashes plagued your days. “I know you and Thor’s friend would get along.”
“Thor’s friend?”
“Jane, she is a lady friend from Midgard.”
“Your Highness!”
“Your Highness-”
Your door is broken down as a flurry of maids and guard invade your private rooms full of concern.
“What is it?” You hardly had time to slip a robe over your shoulders when they ushered you out. 
“We must get you to safety there has been a riot in the prison.”
“What?” Your heart sank at the thought of it being caused by Loki.
They were extremely careful with you as they transported you to a much more secure location with the secret halls of the palace. Neither Frigga, Thor, or Odin were in sight but you were much more concerned with thoughts of Loki.
You were far from relief when you found out your husband had nothing to do with the rioting prisoners because you had lost the one person in all of Asgard who had cared for you besides him. The woman who not only cared for you as her son’s wife but as a young child.
She knew you.
She knew of what you were capable, of what you had done. She helped you. Your teary eyes lowered onto the black hematite necklace than hung from your neck. The hematite she acquired for you so you may live a normal life.
Unbeknownst to you Loki too mourned her loss. 
You angrily eyed Odin who would still keep you from seeing him. Now is when he needs me most. Although you voiced your thoughts to him before, Odin would not give in.
Just as anger was ready to consume you Heimdall caught your eye. He seemed to call you silently with his eyes. You did not bother to excuse yourself from Odin and went to him.
“Go to them,” Heimdall whispered. “Thor and Loki are waiting for you.”
If he was the one to suggest it you knew it was possible. Heimdall was able to keep this from Odin giving you the chance you had been waiting for.
An opportunity you could not miss.
When you appeared from behind Thor you expected Loki to be happy to see you but it was quite the opposite. He shook with anger, seething at Thor. “The only time you and your father allow us to be is when you mean to use her.”
Odin would use you as a means to keep Loki grounded while Thor seemed to have no qualms over using your dark energy. This would be the second time and far more discerning with you being far more pregnant than the last time.
You were still unsure of what role you played. You only appeared as Heimdall asked you to but something told you this had to do with what lead to Frigga’s death. Indebted to Frigga you were, and so you would help. “Allow me to help if it will honor Frigga.”
“We need a portal out of Asgard that will be undetected by Odin,” Thor informed you hastily.
“I can do it,” you nodded although part of you feared the amount of energy would put your unborn at risk. 
Loki saw your reluctance as your eyes shifted to the hand you kept cradling your swollen womb with. “There is no need.” In a single blink, he was beside you holding your hand. “I will return,” he informed his brother before teleporting you and himself into your room.
Your protest was muffled by his lips. Loki could no longer hold back his desire to kiss you, to be close to the only other person left in this world who understood him. “There is no need for you to be in harm’s way. I will help Thor on my own.”
Again your lips were claimed by his in a manner that left little protest.
Both your eyes closed allowing your other senses to take over. His lips pressed hard against yours molding into each other as your arms came around his neck and his lay at your sides minding his unborn children. 
There was a salty taste, his dried tears were gone from the eye but they remained on his lips. Your tongue swiped his bottom lip ridding him of all his past tears and making way for your new ones as they ran down your cheeks.
“Loki please don’t leave me.”
But leave you he must. “If I do not do this, I’ll never be free to live my life with you.”
You shakily sighed clutching onto him burying your face in his neck were you continuously kissed. “Did she tell you?” Your voice wavered as sorrow took over once more. She was so happy though. “They are boys, surely they will resemble you.”
Frigga had indeed told him. She regularly updated him on your health and theirs. “I’d rather they take after you.” His hands held your face so he may have a final look.
“Do not worry.”
But worry you did when Thor alone returned.
A/N: Sorry for the long wait, but I kinda played myself with the last chapter and threw myself a curve I wasn’t ready for. So I hope you like it!
Tag List: @drakesfiance  @sweetacp  @fyeahlitaajpunk @cosmicsskies  @marisayouass  @woohoney
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The Grandmaster from Thor: Ragnarok and King Julien from Madagascar have the same energy.
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(settles in to read my own fucking fan fiction)
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At the dinner table…
Thor: Loki, pass me an apple!
Loki: I’m sorry, I don’t take orders. I barely take suggestions!
You: Could you please hand me the water, Loki?
Loki: Oh, the bottle is empty. I’ll grab you a new one. *gets up to walk to the fridge*
Thor: … LOKI?!
Loki: That was no order nor a suggestion. That was a question. I answer questions…
Thor: Can I eat an apple?
Loki: I don’t know. Grab one and try! *grins*
You: *hiding a chuckle*
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Loki makes the world more interesting but less safe. He is the father of monsters, the author of woes, the sly god. (Neil Gaiman: Norse Mythology)
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@marisayouass You still have to love him 😂😍 Of course, I will add you to the tag list  and thank you so much ❤
@woohoney Yes I can ^^/
@kinghiddlestonanddixon That is exactly the reaction I was seeking ^^
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Stained glass of Thor&Loki.
It was drew for printing postcards.
I‘ve sent them to friends~HAHAHA
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Love Is For The Foolish (8)
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Loki x Asgardian!Reader
Warning: Mild Suggestive Content
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Chapter 8: King Loki
Loki awoke to the contrasting feeling of warm flesh against his. Your soft embrace was always ideal for comforting him. It was all the more effective when you were unclad and spent from a night of passionate copulation. He began gently running his fingers through your silken tresses as your arm draped lazily over his torso.
As dawn broke Loki thought only of you. How you had accepted him despite his mischevious reputation, his lies, his history of conquering women... Now you had forgiven him for taking advantage of your powers. 
He was King of Asgard.
Finally, he had claimed that he had been raised to believe was his birthright. As fate would have it his true birthright was similar with only the difference of realms.
You had recklessly accepted his newest and truest form as a frost giant, an abandoned Jotun prince. He had never known it was possible to feel so loved. Sometimes he felt he did not deserve you.
In your slumber, your arm finally fell to your side setting him free.
Loki did not hesitate to immediately guide your arm back onto him. “Thankfully I am a selfish man,” he muttered into your hair simultaneously kissing the top of your head.
You hummed contently cuddling closer into him now only half-asleep. “How am I to get a proper amount of rest when you keep me up so late only to wake me when the sun begins to rise?”
“If it were up to me you would never have a moment’s peace. I’d have you writhing with pleasure every waking moment.”
“How tempting,” you mused all the while your fingers drew the familiar patterns of his Jotun markings onto his chest. You had memorized them by now. “However there are urgent matters to attend to this morning.” 
Loki smirked catching your painful expression when a jolt of pain caught you by surprise upon attempting to stand. He had purposely postponed easing your pain.
You cursed his name but the pain had you voicing his name in almost a seductive moan due to the near-crippling ache that began at your thighs and shot up to your core. By morning Loki would usually have you feeling only a mild discomfort- after all, what was the point of claiming you if no reminder was left.
It had been some time since you were the target of his mischief. He felt you needed to be reminded of not only his love but his essence as well. “How intriguing.” Loki nonchalantly got out of bed with ease using his magic to dress as he made his way around your marital bed. “My queen, goddess and master of darkness, has yet to surpass the basics of healing.”
You scoffed before looking up at him with a smirk. He enjoyed the image of you on your knees a bit too much in your opinion. “Let us see how jovial my King is at the end of the week when he has been denied all carnal pleasures.”
“Is that a threat?”
“It is a promise.” 
You bit down on your bottom lip suppressing the boundless urge to wince as you stood. Your hips were riddled with bruises from an overly zealous husband., bruises you planned to conceal with one of your finest dresses. And although you hated to us magic for such menial tasks you lacked the capacity to physically dress yourself.
Loki sighed giving in to you. “One neither of us would benefit from.” He intended to relieve you of all discomfort from the very beginning. But, not before evoking a final whimper from your lips after having harshly pulled you in by the waist. 
Your grip on his shoulders loosened as you recovered. “Why must you always get a rise out of me?”
“Because I love you,” Loki kissed you. HIs tongue prying your lips open far too in need to give you a sweet loving kiss. “Your voice, the sounds that pass these heavenly lips...” his index and middle finger brushed the plush of your bottom lip before kissing you once more. “Are absolutely sinful.”
“Just as the man who invokes them.”
Everything seemed right in your world until the day you were confronted by Sif with extremely alarming information. “Are all of you in agreement about such blasphemy against your King?”
“With all due respect Lady Y/N-” Hogun stopped when he was elbowed in the gut by Fandrall. His friend reminded him you were no longer to be addressed this way but he did not care to correct himself when they were facing a crisis. Besides, as of late you seemed to be just as content as Loki. They could no longer trust you if you too were benefitting from Thor’s banishment. “The only person worthy to rule with the Allfather in Odinsleep is Prince Thor.”
You did not take kindly to his words or his actions when he stormed off. To some extent Loki’s paranoia was justifiable. He had warned you that some may question his rule. Even going as far to single out Sif and ask that you keep watch of her. “Lady SIf?”
Sif sighed, “Look princess it is time to rid yourself of the bind that blinds you.” There was no doubt you were an honest and powerful person but your loyalty, while a formidable quality, stood to be your greatest flaw. “Your love for Loki shields you from the truth. He may be loyal to you but he is not honest. He has always been jealous of Thor. His  mastery of magic makes him the only one capable of sneaking Frost Giants past Heimdall.”
Eyes shifted as you recoiled in the guilt of her false accusations. It was your magic, your dark seidr, that allowed the Frost Giants undetectable passage. Had you been more careful in not allowing him to venture off with it, had they known it was meant as harmless entertainment for Loki who was bitter about being overlooked. You sighed knowing they would not care to see it your way. To them, Loki’s mischief was nothing short of tactless. "I assure you Lady Sif, I assure all of you,” Your eyes narrowed in on them as a collective as your shadow spread out from under you. The darkness engulfed the entirety of the floor which they stood on keeping their feet planted to the ground unable to move any limbs. “I am not my husband’s marionette. Loki is King whether you agree to it or not, his mother, Queen Frigga entrusted him with the title. If you dare commit treason, Loki will not be the master of magic you must fear.”
Hogun returned when his companions failed to meet him.
Your eyes landed on him, the dark instantly following your line of sight. Going beyond your warning with Hogun by making him kneel. 
Hogun tried to resist it but it was futile. Volstagg and Fandrall shared a look of alarm towards their companion but similarly were unable to ambulate towards him. 
“I’ll have my eyes on you all.”  You turned your back to them before rescinding your shadow and revoking your hold on them. You did not order it but it was without saying that they were dismissed.
Lady Sif was the only one to delay her leave. She was left horrified by your unrelenting loyalty to the god of mischief.  “He refused our request to lift Thor’s banishment.”
You remained unmoved already knowing about their meeting with Loki. Although he did not specify the entirety of the discussion with you- it was enough to know he had his reasons. Personally, you did not agree with his decision. Thor had been nothing but open and kind with you. “May I remind you Odin was the one to banish Thor, not Loki.”
Sif was not one to be silenced. “Do you know where he is?” 
Your head turned slightly so you may glance over your shoulder at the female warrior. 
The action was telling of your response. Although you would never tell her of Loki’s doing you would certainly assert yourself. The lack of denial was also constant with her assessment of you. Despite how enamored you were with Loki, how you had begun to mimic his actions, and now abilities- you were still honest. “You can not lie, your highness.” 
As soon as the throne room doors shut you stomped your foot on the ground with a loud groan. The emotions you had been bottling up finally overcame you. The action caused a small tremor in the palace that everyone felt. Some ran out with worry to question what it was while others simply dismissed it.
“Seems our queen is just as unstable.”
You had been here many times before, watching the Alfather in such a vulnerable state filled you with question. He always seemed like someone who would never-
Frigga watched you silently look on at Odin. There was clearly something on your mind and she would interrupt those thoughts so you may share with her. “What troubles you, my dear?”
“I suppose I still can not wrap my mind around it all.” For one, you were still unclear about Odinsleep but that was the least of your troubles. Lately, Loki seemed less like himself spending a vast majority of his time secluding himself from you. You got the feeling Loki was not where he said he would be. 
She got up to sit beside you, placing her hand atop yours on your lap she smiled. “Thank you.” When you stood to question she silenced you and continued with her “Thank you for helping Loki through such difficult times. I know it was a lot to ask of you.”
Frigga had only heard good things about you from the maids and guards in passing. You had managed to handle her day to day affairs so she may focus on tending to her husband. 
“I only hope I can do everything half as good as you Allmother. I always knew you did much for the people of Asgard but in my short time as-”
“Queen, do not hesitate on your title.”
You sighed letting all the accumulating stress take its toll. “I hesitate greatly because I do not think I deserve it.”
“I’ve never known you to diminish your worth. What has you questioning yourself?”
You did not want to disclose your meeting with Sif and the warriors three or the fact that they questioned Loki’s rule. Or the more pressing matter- that you were harboring guilt for playing part in Loki’s secret portal.
Thankfully you did not have to. A maid came looking for you at that precise moment providing you with a means to drop the conversation. “Pardon the intrusion Allmother,” the maid curtseyed to Frigga. “But your Highness is urgently needed.”
That was your queue to will all previous troubles from being shown and get back to the task of running a realm. You and Frigga exchanged a knowing look where you promised to visit again. 
Frigga knew it wasn’t right to let you leave like this. She held both your hands in hers offering a few words to calm your ever-growing worries. “I trust you to make your own decisions.”
Her words resonated within you the day Loki froze Heimdall and sent The Destroyer to Midgard. His actions seemed far more extreme than they should have been. 
He had shouted orders for you to be taken away after you continued to argue over his actions.
“Loki stop this!”
Loki sparred a momentary glance in your direction otherwise he remained unmoved atop his throne. “This does not concern you Y/N now listen and go with the guards.”
The guards apologized as they took hold of your arm trying to lead you out. 
You used their own shadows to pin them in place while you stepped past them. Loki wanted you to blindly follow him but you would do no such thing. He had yet to tell you of his trips outside the realm- something told you this was all related.
“If you do not stop The Destroyer- I will!” You whipped your hair back over your shoulders when you turned your back to him. 
The guards were individually released as you passed them by. They dared not so much as look at Loki after witnessing your quarrel. 
Loki slammed his hands down on throne causing a loud bang to echo off the walls. “You will do no such thing!”
Although his outburst did startle you there was no looking back. In fact, you walked faster carelessly grabbing your skirt to the point where you were permanently creasing the beautiful glittering material with your strength. The regal appearance you had been trying to uphold until now was broken. 
Too deep in thought you were unable to react in time when Loki suddenly appeared before you. You stepped on your dress as you crashed into his open arms.
Irritated and annoyed by the oversight your hands lay on his chest pushing him away. “Let go of me!” you demanded but his arms remained restraints around you. He was much stronger than he looked and you much smarter. 
You let your body go limp feigning to accept you had come to a dead-end in your revolt against him. “Why Loki? Why must you go to such extremes?” It was hard however you managed to conjure up some tears.  Preying on your husband’s love for you, you sought his comfort. 
Loki’s hold loosened thinking he had hurt you in his bid to stop you from ruining his plans.
This was your chance and you seized it. You freed your hands, held his face in them to bring him eye level with you. “I need to know,” you pressed your forehead against his in a bid to read his mind. 
HIs mind was vulnerable in this chaotic state. You managed to see what he had done, the lies he told to Thor. His entire trip to Midgard was at your mercy. When you began to see Jotunheim and Laufey he did something he never thought he would do.
Loki stabbed you.
The pain immediately brought you back to face the present Loki with a gasp of pain. You held your side where Loki’s dagger remained. Far worse was the pain you felt in your chest of betrayal. “Loki-”
Loki was just as shocked by his actions.
The pain was like nothing you had ever felt before. You had been stabbed at your side yet the pain felt as if it originated elsewhere. Where you could not say. You cursed your inability to heal yourself once again when you felt faint.
Loki caught you before you could fall. He held you tightly as he teleported you to your bed. There he worked in deafening silence to heal you.
Through half-lidded eyes, you managed to see the conflict of panic and anger on your raven-haired King’s face. You felt the roughness of his dry lips graze your cheek and forehead multiple times. His bottom lip had been victim to his anger transforming his once soft lips.
He was clearly remorseful of his actions but you did not doubt that part of him felt successful. He had healed you, put you out of danger’s way yet you felt drained of all energy.
“Rest my Queen,” Loki placed a final kiss to your velvety lips. The memory of having purposely inflicted pain upon the woman he loved would haunt him for the rest of his life. However, he had managed to stop you from running towards danger. 
The Jotuns and Laufey were due to arrive soon as per Loki’s plans, he had to make sure you were safe. He had to keep you away from them or anyone who would harm you. He knew how hypocritical a thought it was yet he stood by it. 
“You’ll be safe here.”
A/N: Yeah so... did you see that coming? Also, thank you so much to those of you who asked to be on my Tag List!
Tag List: @drakesfiance​ @sweetacp @fyeahlitaajpunk @cosmicsskies 
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Make Me Choose ↬ anonymous asked :
Thor or Loki ?
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