marrasquutamo · 4 hours
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marrasquutamo · 4 hours
Stockholm, 29.04.2024 - video by Felz on Youtube
One of my favourite Popia clips despite the not-so-good cam quality, because it has it all:
him giving his very best for the audience
dick joke
being a bit silly
teasing and appreciating his Ghouls (in this case Dew)
Transcription under the cut
Thank you very much! That song is a motherfucker to sing, I’ll tell you that.
But I did it. For you. (hehe)
Aaallrighty then!
Whilst that song is a little bit more direct, what we have now coming up is what you call – actually what I would call as well from where I am from – a grower. You know what that is?
(audience cheers)
That is something that starts relatively small – but when you tease it, aggravate it, it becomes larger.
And you guys know what I’m talking about, yeah?!
(audience cheers louder)
(mockingly) ‚Oh no! Never heard about that!‘
Well this song starts small, but grows big.
Kinda like this guy! (goes to Dewdrop) Smaaaaaaall. (guitar noise) Kitten in here. But if you aggravate it, and tease it…. It will chew your fucking asses to pieces!
So give him a clap now, come on!
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marrasquutamo · 5 hours
Since it's pride month I'm going to say. Can we stop making fun of adults who don't have sex. Not even particularly asexuals, just general people who don't like sex personally or don't want to have it for whatever reason. It's just not great to portray people who don't have sex as weird losers or naive little kids or whatever, even as a joke
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marrasquutamo · 2 days
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Nothing is off topic when it comes to us, happy pride month, my fellow asexuals 💜
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marrasquutamo · 2 days
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Them rats! 🐀
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marrasquutamo · 2 days
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Richard Armitage as Dr. Matthew Nolan in Red Eye S01EP01
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marrasquutamo · 3 days
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"The so called abbess was an impostor. I came straight away and I told your father. Did he not tell you?"
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marrasquutamo · 3 days
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Holding my monster boyfriend’s hand.
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marrasquutamo · 3 days
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marrasquutamo · 5 days
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[Prints] | [Commissions]
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marrasquutamo · 5 days
pro-AI in the sense of "they taught a bread scanning computer to recognize cancer cells" etc etc
against AI in the sense of "we stole artwork from hundreds to thousands of artists, didn't credit them and didn't financially compensate them"
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marrasquutamo · 5 days
20 Low effort meaningful comments to leave on fics when you can’t think of anything to say that most authors love and appreciate (and you will too).
1.) Thank you for writing this!
2.) This really helped distract me from the horrors of reality, thank you for writing it!
3.) I really really really loved this.
4.) <3
5.) Literal keyboard mash q3kjt2uh0erjiurjfnejkrgnkejoiiueirnf!!!!
6.) My favorite part was when they ____.
7.) I laughed at ____.
8.) How dare you! /affectionate.
9.) I am very excited to read this story in its entirety!
10.) I really enjoyed the first __ chapters, I cannot wait for more!
11.) This gave me everything I was hoping for!
12.) 10/10 fic, thanks for writing!
13.) I am going to be thinking about this fic for a long time, thank you for writing!
14.) This made me feel a lot of emotions and I cannot describe them, so thank you for that. I really enjoyed this.
15.) This was the best ride I haven taken in a long time, wow! Thank you for writing this.
16.) If I had the ability to bind this as a real book I would, I loved it so much.
17.) I'm not good with words but I just loved this so much.
18.) This is complete perfection.
19.) I am in awe of how you described ____.
20.) This means so much to me that you wrote this. Thank you.
The more you comment, the better you will get at it and the more enjoyment and fulfillment you will received out of saying thank you.
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marrasquutamo · 7 days
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For M, who requested a Copia Beach Selfie based on that last sketch (the sun is very bright)
Click here for more Beach fun
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marrasquutamo · 7 days
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marrasquutamo · 7 days
One of the most healing things I’ve strove (striven?) to do in my life is viewing sex as just another thing people do, among a host of other things like eating and pooping and playing with cats.
Our entire society, feminists and puritans alike, pushes the idea that sex is uniquely powerful and dangerous, capable of inflicting The Worst Trauma or the Highest Fulfillment, and that’s…just flat out untrue. Other experiences can cause similar trauma: violence, disasters, war, instability. Other experiences can result in transcendent pleasure: trance states, live music, non-sexual intimacy, tattoos.
I think this is where the disconnect in perception about sex positivity comes from, because the phrase itself makes people who already view sex as being uniquely powerful think sex positivity means viewing sex as uniquely good, when actually…it’s mostly about taking sex off that pedestal. Normalizing sex. Making it into just another thing people do. Because that’s the first step in making sure people can engage with sex on their own terms in a healthy way.
Taking sex off its cultural pedestal was the thing that allowed me to overcome the deeply-instilled shame I developed from being raised within Christian purity culture, and from being queer, and from existing as a woman. I think a failure to do that, in feminist circles, often leads to an overblowing of the (very real) harm that sex has the potential to do at the exclusion of other problems facing women and other marginalized groups, which often leads to more shaming rhetoric - just rhetoric that shames different people for different reasons.
Sex is not the enemy and it’s not our savior. It’s just one more thing people can do with their bodies.
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marrasquutamo · 7 days
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A couple of Thorin drawings
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marrasquutamo · 8 days
being an adult and trying to be "responsible with my money" is so hard like literally what corners am I supposed to be cutting on this budget. what am I supposed to stop spending money on. my anxiety meds? food for my cats? impulsive takeout orders? spotify premium? patreon artists who draw huge throbbing monster dicks? all of these are completely necessary to maintain my quality of life.
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