miarenmert · 27 days
Crystal Dream Throne of Olkyon – part 7
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Olkyon decided to deal with the dark past that she had forgotten about through dreams that strongly reminded her of something.
The black cat's apartment - that's what everyone called the apartment, below the one where she lived. She didn’t know who lived there, but the apartment was considered abandoned. It got the name because of the emblem with a cat's head on the door. One day, when Olkyon and her friend walked past, the door was ajar, and she pretended to drop the camera there. Now she had to go in to get it back. Inside, everything turned out to be much more mysterious, and at the window stood a boy, made of stone, but with real hair and in real clothes.
Olkyon remembered one boy from her childhood. He was always sad and tired, but he always played with everyone. She saw him when she got older, but he hasn't grown at all, and still played with other children. Then she forgot about him and became a scientist in a secret organization. One day she was involved in the dissection of an alien, and it turned out to be that same boy. Still unchanged, but now it was clear to her why he was sad and where he got his scars from. She did her job and quit. However, at home, while she was celebrating her family reunion, the same boy showed up on the doorstep.
At another time, Olkyon was in the hospital reading a book about how adventurers crashed a hot air balloon and ended up in a hospital where they were experimented on, preventing them from recovering. Olkyon realized that she had been in the same hospital, but she was really ill, and she felt that she was getting better. One day, patients from a nearby ward conspired and planted seeds in the structure, from which giant stems burst out, destroying the building and killing all the doctors. The last survived head doctor mourned her life's work, the achievements she had lost, and Olkyon could not help but sympathize with her.
One day, a guy came to where Olkyon studied and was introduced as a celebrity. Although he was famous only for being Tom, who lived in a house with a sign that said “Tom and his friends live here,” the next one added “Who quarreled and left.” The third sign read, “No one lives in this house now.” He said that he was being pursued by monsters that didn’t cause harm, but created great inconvenience. Because of them, all his friends disappeared. He wanted Olkyon to find out what the problem was, and together they returned to his house, where he dug up a crystal in the garden that summoned monsters. However, he did not know that Olkyon was the one who planted the crystal, because he was one of those who destroyed the hospital.
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miarenmert · 1 month
Crystal Dream Throne of Olkyon – part 6
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Olkyon fled from a cruel world where her life was in constant danger to another. She found herself in a school where her problems were unknown to anyone. All that occupied their minds was the confrontation between the two girls. One was against relationships and believed that it was better not to date at school. Another girl kept falling in love, but could never stay with anyone because she fell in love with others. The warriors chasing Olkyon found the passage to this dimension, and came to bring their war here too, so Olkyon had to take them to the next dimension, the magical one, where she turned them into insects.
Olkyon made another attempt to stay in the prosperous world, but her views were not accepted there. She joined a role-playing club where one girl tried to get to know her, but changed her mind after learning that Olkyon was much older. Olkyon tried to join the others, but in the end she was only entrusted with taking the shield to the ice cave. She went to explore the club dungeon by herself, and learned that the largest cave led to a boss fight, where most of the players were going. She hadn’t intended to go there, but she followed the hidden passage surrounding the cave and found herself in the kitchen, where captive slaves were preparing bloody food for the creatures who were the owners of this club.
Olkyon then joined a performing group that presented the story of the merfolk. The Sea King brought his beloved a golden comb, and she cut her throat with the sharp end, and scattered into many seahorses. In another version, he, on the advice of a catfish, tried to give her a crown, but did not know that it would turn her into a golden statue. The mermaid knew this, and before he placed the crown on her head, she pierced her heart with a shell, turning into golden sand. In another version, her scales turned into water lilies. Olkyon could not find a single version where everything would end well for the mermaid.
She left and joined the bikers who were traveling through the lands of the ancient people. There she met a woman whose sisters wanted to sacrifice her to the serpent of the pyramid. Olkyon killed the serpent, but that woman still decided to die in flames for the sake of prosperity. Olkyon couldn’t stand to see her humble smile. She went back in time and decided to kill the serpent before the ritual was announced. She began to be chased by those who saw the serpent as a deity, but Olkyon killed them all. She didn't want to go back because she was afraid that that woman might decide to die again, or that she was dooming her to rebuild the population.
Olkyon renounced her crown. She had no place in any of the worlds. She couldn't live in a peaceful place because she didn't fit into society. She couldn't live in the legendary era because women there always suffered and she couldn't do anything to stop it.
But all these were dreams of people who slept in crystals. They went to sleep with memories of a worse life than they had, and they can bring it to the new world when they wake up. Olkyon began to create her own happy stories to replace the outdated scenarios, but they all burst like bubbles, because she couldn’t know whether they reached the sleeping ones.
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miarenmert · 2 months
Crystal Dream Throne of Olkyon – part 5
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Here Olkyon tries to put the destroyed world in order that she never truly knew.
Through dreams, Olkyon returned to her captured homeland to finally drive out the vampires. Olkyon wanted to destroy all the ghouls on the street ruins, but when there were too many of them on the radar, she had to wait for reinforcements from space. Her goal was to destroy the vampire king. He pretended to be a fairy king who wanted to restore nature. But only to further exploit what they had already lost once.
After the death of the vampire king, Olkyon took the planet throne, where all eras were mixed, and the cosmic face took an angel form. Now she was deciding the fate of the ogre, who could become the heir, being the chosen one of the sleeping queen. He was a good ogre, but after the vampires, Olkyon could not give up the throne to him. The crocodile played with the kittens, but it was unknown whether he would attack them the next moment. As a result, Olkyon provided the ogre with goods and kittens for company, choosing a prison cell for him.
A meteorite fell on the Skull Fortress and froze it. Olkyon had to move to the abandoned fortress on the other side. The jungle was filled with unseen creatures, like the fiery undead, the fox troll and the silver giant. Olkyon was able to reach the Skull Fortress again, but the gates were locked, and she realized that she had not yet finished her work. And she fought with the monsters that were born from the imagination of the sleeping ones.
Behind the gates, Olkyon became just an actress, a student escaping from a closed academy into a magical forest. She was picking oranges when she was caught and returned to the academy walls. From her room, she heard the other girls getting ready to fight the harpy. Olkyon wanted to join, but she was left to do it alone. The harpy broke through the garden wall, and Olkyon had only the key as a weapon. However, hitting the crest, she sent the harpy falling. The harpy fell into a wooden box, turning out to be a mad scientist, who then was taken to the clinic.
Olkyon fled to the magical forest. Through a tree trunk she entered the caves of the gnomes, and then spent the night in the blacksmith's house. There were children there who wanted to look at the ghost of that blacksmith. When Olkyon woke up at night, she saw the owner of the house, so scary that she rushed into the forest. But in the forest, on one side, a waterfall with creepy bunny creatures awaited her, and on the other, shapeshifter trees.
Olkyon went to the well of healing, where young people were having fun cutting each other. Their legs always grew back, so they became more and more reckless, until one of them had no bones left to which legs could be attached. Nearby lay a dragon that the huntress had killed. She said that this wall fed the egg of ancient evil, which Olkyon came to destroy. She walked past the gnomes and giant insects worshiping the egg, and broke it without wasting time.
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miarenmert · 3 months
Crystal Dream Throne of Olkyon – part 4
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Olkyon sought solace by becoming a hero in other people's dreams.
A suspicious person asked her to go under the garages. Olkyon knew that in the old world she had to be afraid of such situations, but now she was in no danger. She agreed, and the man ran forward. She found him dead in a strange place that looked like the creepy senior annex at her school. When she reached high school, the annex disappeared. It turned out that they buried it because terrible things happened there, like murder with knitting needles, sneaking in poisonous snakes and wild dogs luring.
At the bazaar during the lunar festival, Olkyon bought spices and traditional clothes. Suddenly everything became foggy and the merchants turned into rabbits. She fought a giant bull with a sword and a handkerchief soaked in spices. However, as soon as she strangled the bull with a handkerchief, it turned into a man. And everyone else turned into people condemning violence.
In another place, at another time, she was an heiress who had to arrange a test for the suitors in a high tower. When the tower was attacked by a serpent, all the suitors fled. This wasn’t part of the test. But the polyanitsas came. Female warriors: one with a braid lashing the eyes of a serpent, the other with a club crushing the spine. Olkyon took the sword and shield from them and became the third Polyanitsa.
She didn’t want to part with her fighting sisters. One was sweet and awkward, the other was proud and stern. They jumped on the crystal pillars above the waterfall and saw the enemy's face in the sky. Returning to the castle, Olkyon recognized him in her stepfather, who was going to marry her to his dark friend. She escaped them unnoticed. After all, she was never noticed when she wasn’t needed.
She became the servant of a young princess who played with other princesses, pretending to be the queens of the past. They discussed history books and argued which queens of the past were lesbians. One had a husband, but her lovers were only women, and the princesses argued whether this was an ascribed rumor. Olkyon said that books are not edited like their magazines, then her princess' friend gagged her and the princess laughed. Olkyon hid in the attic and lost herself in translating the tale of the maiden who gave up her voice and failed to save the heart of her love. The next morning the princess didn’t remember why Olkyon was angry with her. Olkyon gave her the translation, saying it might help her understand.
Olkyon returned to the kingdom from which she had escaped and now was preparing for her coronation. She didn't have to get married. The prince received the crown, she received the sword. While she was waiting on the balcony, someone wanted to steal the sword under the floor. She went down and found the servant boy and his father, who promised to keep the sword for her. In the dungeons, she discovered body parts, one boy still alive. He was not the same one, but asked: “Are we just dolls with interchangeable parts for you?” With his help, Olkyon found the vampire that was lurking in the castle. The bullets didn’t hit him. He was about to shoot her, but Olkyon could slow down time by touching the nerve at the back of her head. She run away and returned with the true sword to kill him.
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miarenmert · 3 months
The Ballads of Nocturnal Fairies (pt.4)
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“Lady of the Ruins”
The rustle of leaves faded.
The white silhouette flashed.
In the ruins of overgrown houses
From the roof the girl jumped.
She wasn't under the rubble,
Her laughter rose higher.
She had the special power,
And waved from another roof.
The house hasn't collapsed yet
For a long time I ran to her.
Climbing on bent scaffolding,
But I didn't find her there.
Sitting on the crumbling balcony
I was holding on to the thin trees.
In the next earthquake
I saw her face again.
She jumped over buildings,
Effortlessly and nimbly,
Out of sight in the greenery,
While I was looking for her.
May the lady of ruin be treacherous,
But she loved playing with me.
I believe that my last ploy
Won't leave me to die.
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“Convoy across the desert”
Even before we were sent to a distant battle,
My humble village has long made me worry.
Everyone around only glorified military exploits,
And they completely forgot what wasn’t worth it.
I didn't want to go with them, but I was alone.
If they had listened to me, they wouldn't be trapped.
In unity and numbers we were given strength,
With women's wisdom we would protect each other.
There's a stop in the desert – I stepped off the train
And met a fairy who asked me to dance.
So I twirled with her in the sands by the platform.
For the last time I forgot that I would have to fight.
She bestowed on me the hypnotic frames,
Those whom I led through became peaceful.
So I turned all the soldiers into zombies,
But the real zombies they were before me.
Every day I had to bewitch them again,
Every day they came to their senses earlier.
I was ready to repeat everything endlessly,
But soon my artifact lost power over them.
I listened with anguish as they discussed the explosion,
When giant spiders got into battle on the rails.
That nothing will stop the train, they let me know.
But now I'm convinced how powerful my fairy is.
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“Changeling in the nursery”
I helped in the nursery, read books to children
They cried the day the fairy queen came to them
She said she would leave her useless child with us.
A lanky, hooded fairy with darkness instead of a face.
Like a barely noticeable shadow she slid through the room,
We tried in vain to involve her in activities.
The fairy queen demanded to make this nonentity smart.
I didn't think like her, and this matter was entrusted to me.
I sat next to her knowing her real mind was invisible.
She bent over the poems, forgetting about everything.
I knew well the love for silence and solitude, but didn’t say
How wrong her mother was, so as not to scare her away
That her true life is inside, I was trying to say,
While nervous words were whispered incorrectly.
She asked if I spoke with mouth full of roses,
Quoted the unspoken words in poetry.
I wasn’t happy with the result for long, we were interrupted
By those who wanted us to write down those fair poems.
The embarrassed fairy could not repeat them again,
And I blamed myself for not remembering either.
She never appeared in our nursery again.
I wondered what the fairy queen's threat was.
Now only a shadow remains of the mysterious fairy,
I still see her in the golden stains of the moon.
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“Two sorceresses”
I lived in an abandoned temple as a renegade sorceress.
I was friends with a dragon that could turn into stone.
At night we snuck into the new temple to visit a neophyte,
Whose magic I wanted to secretly devour.
In the guise of stone I merged with the stairs of dragons,
Waiting for a bronze-skinned student in the hallway.
She took me for a priestess of the highest powers,
Who I was before I was exiled from the temple.
I said I feel the succubus in her powers,
Said that I see her desire to kill.
With an ingenuous smile she objected to me,
But couldn’t refuse an invitation to drink.
I slipped her pills that reveal the true nature,
And with conversations provoked her to cast spells.
All she had to do was sneeze to dispel the magic.
She could easily turn my spells into dust.
Returning to the dragon, I spoke about my failure
And passionately assured that I would not give up.
The neophyte turned out to be an empath who didn't kill.
With this knowledge I will return to her again.
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miarenmert · 3 months
The Ballads of Nocturnal Fairies (pt.3)
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miarenmert · 5 months
Crystal Dream Throne of Olkyon – part 3
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Trying to reunite with her family, Olkyon joined her grandmother and sister on the death train. It was a ride to another world, where people die in their sleep. But Olkyon couldn’t sleep and couldn’t convince the others not to sleep. She was always the only one awake. And she was rescued from the train by warriors fighting against the end of the magical world.
Her home was now overrun by vampires and their icebound servants. The people were left with a small floating fortress, made of flaming blood crystal. Ghost armor protected people from the cold, but there was not enough for everyone. One day the commander left the fortress and didn’t return. Olkyon found her key ring and went looking for her in the vampire ice castle. They couldn't freeze her, so they put her in a cage made of blood crystal. Olkyon opened it with a ring. In the middle of the courtyard there was a fountain of blood. Olkyon dropped the ring in it, and the fountain turned into the commander.
In the end, people left their home world. They fell asleep in blocks of ice to wait in their dreams for the world renewal. Olkyon had to set up the life support system herself, and she felt that she hadn’t been taught how to do it. She tried to make sense of the cramped capsule with dim lighting, but everything was hopeless. She still couldn’t sleep, even realizing that only those who sleep have a future.
All this time, Olkyon was on the crystal throne. She couldn’t fall asleep, so she stayed to look after the sleeping people. The armor that kept her alive chained her to the throne. But through the reflections in the crystals, she could travel through the worlds of other people's dreams.
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miarenmert · 5 months
Crystal Dream Throne of Olkyon – part 2
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Olkyon remembers her past. She grew up in a family that ran an orphanage. She helped her mother gather food from the garden, while her grandfather was angry with her uncle’s sophistication and threatened to sell him to the port, because he needed hard worker. Olkyon was close to her mother, , but hated that her mother loved stories of brutal executions, and often talked about the swing on which they smashed the heads against a stone. Olkyon met mermaids at that swing.
Olkyon always sympathized with the inconspicuous neighbor woman who had three charming, distinguished brothers. Everyone thought that woman was a witch, but actually the brothers were vampires. When the dragon attacked the village, everyone blamed her, until one day the younger brother disappeared and he was found naked in the place where the dragon slept.
To save the dying village, Olkyon’s father sacrificed her to the lake. While he was leaving, she rose from the lake as an adult and followed him to his new home. There she tried to kill him with a knife, but she failed. Then she remembered the darkness inside her, and releasing it, allowed the spirits of the lake to devour her father.
After that, she crawled through a hole in the wall underground, where she spent many years with ghostly children. She thought that it was the one child who didn’t always remember their last conversation, but they were twins. Twins really wanted to go to the surface to find the swan princess. When Olkyon brought them out, it turned out that the surface world had been destroyed, and the swan princess that they were looking for was just a poster of a ballet they would never see.
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miarenmert · 5 months
Crystal Dream Throne of Olkyon – part 1
This is my new book. It was planned as an autobiography through the lens of dreams, but the connection with reality was completely lost in obscure symbols. So this will be a book that connects the three previous ones as completed stages in the development of one world.
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In these pages, Olkyon descends into a dungeon in which she doesn’t remember what she’s looking for. But in the very depths she finds the “Gate of the Last Incarnation.” Having passed through these gates, the immortal elves passed on to their last life, after which they were no longer reborn. Olkyon doesn’t understand how you can be confident that you won’t regret that decision in your last life, and in general, how you can want to leave voluntarily. However, they all chose to leave.
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miarenmert · 7 months
The Ballads of Nocturnal Fairies (pt.2)
Here’s the first part of my little poetry book about my meetings in dreams with the fair folk. These poems were not originally written in English, so the rhythm and rhyme were lost in translation. Think of it as free verse.
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The elusive fairy
A sly smile, a trembling of fragile wings,
You need so little to get caught in the net.
You know that you won't be satisfied with how it ends,
But you can’t help yourself but following me.
It's funny watching you chase me
Soon you’ll get lost and won’t be able to return home.
Any mortal maiden you could love
And yet you think that they cannot outshine me.
In pursuit of me you run away from life,
What was important is now rushing past.
My light is wonderful, but it won't stop slipping away.
How much longer will you entertain me?
You won't find a path across the overgrown hill,
You will not see a passage into the heart of a dense grove.
The magic is running out, time is fleeting.
My life is short, but my essence is eternal.
I'll fade away before you know it
I’ll leave you alone with the feeling that you won’t remember later.
The last gift to you for loving me -
From now on, all your life you will chase the elusive.
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The magical poison
That night on my way home I saw
The open door of the abandoned greenhouse,
Inside the fairy Brugmansia blossomed,
And I fell in love with her beauty.
Once a year I used to honor the Orchid,
But Brugmansia could always be with me.
In the darkness the fairy unfurled her leaves
Each time is a little different than yesterday.
I could see her on the pages of a book,
When nightfall the enchanted hour came.
I would never have missed that hour
The deepest sleep could not separate us.
I turned to the book again and again,
I went to the greenhouse when the fairy was waiting for me.
I didn’t sleep at night, afraid that she might call.
She was proud that she was the only one.
While getting ready one day, I was late,
Brugmansia began to rush me.
Then in a different voice, it seemed to me,
She asked how I could have missed everything.
I remembered the beautiful Orchid
And began to yearn for my former freedom.
But still I couldn't leave my fairy
Bloom alone while no one is looking.
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The prince or the princess
Fairies danced in the autumn courtyard.
Streams flowed, full of bright colors.
Children splashed colored water at me,
I didn’t want to let them get away with it.
So I played with cunning children,
Until they all ran away.
Then only fairies remained in the game:
Prince Beetle and Caramel Princess.
It seemed to the prince that I would surely fall in love with him,
But I was fascinated by his sister.
I, only fearing to frighten off such delicate creatures,
Accepted his hand and led him home.
I introduced the fairy prince to the neighbors,
I gave him the key to the house, but not to my heart.
His beauty had no place in it,
After all, there was the home of the Caramel Princess.
Once returned on the day of fallen leaves,
The prince found me alone in bed with her,
The princess said there is nothing more beautiful
Than the human dream that I showed her.
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Red-haired girl and red-winged fairy
Red-haired friend used to take me to the foggy forest
There between the morning trees we sometimes played
I wasn't scared with her, she was so cheerful
However, I knew that I couldn't stay with her forever
She started to miss the magical boy
I couldn’t replace him, I realized
The only way for me to bring her happiness is
To find him, though I would give anything for another way
He flew with forest monsters on the butterfly wings
Or visited arcade rooms in stores
She assured that meeting him would not be the end
But I couldn’t agree with what might happen next.
I went to the rocks for a meeting of witches
We picked berries and looked for the truth in the waterfall
Then we kissed the birch branch before the hunt
And drove the embodiments of feelings to the cleansing gates
At the gate I attacked the red-winged fairy
To give me back my red-haired friend, I demanded
She disappeared from my hands in a golden mist
Reminding me that I still have my coven of witches
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miarenmert · 7 months
The Ballads of Nocturnal Fairies (pt.1)
Until I start the next big work, I am working on a small book of poems about my meetings in dreams with the fair folk.
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miarenmert · 8 months
Self-portraits 2023
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Now that the truth is revealed, pain is no longer in me (Claymorean)
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Once upon a time Doors vanished one by one The goddess' home was out of sight Temple's gate Turned into stone Now, no one can go no more to Avalon Where elves are free (Velvet Viper)
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In search for things you think will make you happy
You’re sad to see that nothing fills you up
The reason is you already are happy
Enjoy it while you can, don’t you dare to stop! (Szigeti Juli)
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miarenmert · 9 months
Dream at the Sunset of the Magical World part 19
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Taking the stolen magic from Yrviff led to another shift in the balance of the world. Lady Xalirion tried to use these powers to return to the flowers, but this did not return the old world. Yrviff was going to find a better way to bring back the magic, now she is angry that everything was ruined for her. Cerruna felt doomed, and no path could let her escape the prophesied tragic fate. Yrviff remembered a time when her purpose in life was simply to help her tribe hunt and chart the stars. They collect the remains of magic to take away the last magical crystal from Lovigunim. Their destruction of the arena inspires everyone to help them get to the top. But Lovigunim was waiting for them there to reveal the last secret of their world.
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miarenmert · 10 months
Dream at the Sunset of the Magical World part 18
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miarenmert · 1 year
Dream at the Sunset of the Magical World part 17
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The long age of using the Heart Crystal and the conserving chest box made Yrviff the perfect magic absorber. She defeated the troops of the magical world and brought down the giants on the strongest demons. When Cerruna found her, Lady Xalirion was rescuing the survived townsfolk. Xalirion asked Cerruna to unite with her, because for all the time of protecting herself from magic, Cerruna became the perfect conductor and amplifier of magic. Cerruna agrees because she sees that the world can no longer be saved from disaster, and her clash with Yrviff could have an unexpected effect. Meanwhile, the Council of Stingers plans their own redistribution of magic and organizes the pieces of the world into the arena.
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miarenmert · 1 year
Dream at the Sunset of the Magical World part 16
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Yrviff is abducted by the dwarves, who split into magic-users and technology-users. In it, Dame Lovigunim found the missing link in order to reconcile the parties. Yrviff did not want to serve anyone else, but the dwarves gave her real power. They made her wings from her clothes, forged armor from her chest box. Now Yrviff will be able to absorb all the magic so that it can be redistributed. Meanwhile, the army of the magical side, instead of stable untouched lands, finds mountains of bones and desert dwellers turned to stone. And the little shifters recognize in the wind that tears off their masks the beginning of the end.
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miarenmert · 1 year
Dream at the Sunset of the Magical World part 15
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Lady Xalirion saves Cerruna with a portal that was meant for vampires. In Cerruna’s experience, sorceresses begin to see a salvation different from what they imagined. However, Cerruna is once again on the run from her fate, this time because she needs to find Yrviff. Meanwhile, Yrviff escapes and delivers the crystal to the Council of Stingers, imbued with the power of all the magic she's ever absorbed. They believe that she will not survive without the crystal and leave her to die. Yrviff wakes up alive, but in a desert now covered in bones. She is not going to give up and does not want to be dependent anymore, so she rejects the help offered to her by a dwarf who appeared out of nowhere.
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