mrsour ¡ 2 years
Y’all gotta give me ideas before I start writing for my oc
Which is what I got for ya today
(My version of Eclipse is, murderous? With people he doesn’t know/hates, and kind/Tsundere/Flusterd mess with people he knows/likes
👑. Sephtis is a new looking animatronic, no seems, and skin like a human, soft, Normal body temperature, but red. Sephtis was a more, Demon like Animatronic
👑. Sephtis was helping around in the daycare with Sunnydrop and Moondrop, making fun games and help tuck them in and get them asleep
👑. Once the children were asleep, Sephtis would go back to his natural flirting, constantly throwing flirty puns and jokes, and being the little gremlin he is
👑. But somewhere in a corner, lurks a new presence, it was an animatronic no one besides the daycare attendant shave seen in a good while, Eclipse
👑. He was as one would say, jealous of his brothers. HE wanted Sephtis’s attention, HE wanted Sephtis to finally see his love
👑. But he was too scared of showing himself. Scared of rejection, worried he’d scare off his Nova, worried that he might hurt him
👑. But after awhile, Sephtis has enough of feeling eyes on him in random dark corners “c’mon out mate, I can feel ya eyes on me and it’s ticking me off”
👑. Eclipse hesitantly walked out of the darkness, and looked down at the small animatronic. But he was expecting what happened next
👑. “Well damn, I didn’t know such a hottie has been watching me. How’s it going hot topic~” cue, Eclipse was stunned shocked and flustered at the same time
👑. From this point onward, Eclipse would meet up with Sephtis, Sephtis would flirt with Eclipse and eclipse becomes a flustered mess
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mrsour ¡ 2 years
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Just some cute lil sketch’s with Sephtis being cute and Eclipse being flustered and pissed off
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mrsour ¡ 2 years
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Hey guys! Meet my Oc Sephtis! They’re a demon I made and I love them dearly
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mrsour ¡ 2 years
Hiya guys, I’m here to tell you that you need to pay rent
Also I’m out of ideas! Help me😭😩
I also made a new oc called blackhole, I wanna know how people would draw him in they’re style so here
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Some added detail is, he used to work at the Superstar Daycare until he accidentally sent a child to the hospital needing to get ALOT of stitches sunny/moon at his side telling how disappointed they are and how disgusted and how much they hate him for doing such a thing
He was then moved into the Arcade (with the persuasion of Sebastian Valentine telling the mangers not to decommission him and that if they did he would get Mister man a midnight snack)
So now Blackhole works with Djmm and Sebastian, they have a lot of fun together and Blackhole was even invited into Sebs and DJ’s relationship, now they be Poly partners. It’s also very funny when a customer try’s flirting with Sebastian because just behind Sebastian is a 16.5ft animatronic and a 28ft animatronic giving the person a death glare, and Blackhole is very much showing off his claws
I love these guys, they just Cuten Tupen with the double bap
And yes for those wondering, Sebastian Valentine flirts, ALOT he is such a cheesy person and can make anyone flustered, that is besides Dj, Seb has a lot of trouble with him and Blackhole, cause Blackhole just flirts back ten fold
If you want to see my oc’s design aka Sebastians design, you can find him in my header. It has his normal wear and his work wear
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mrsour ¡ 2 years
Guys, tbh if Eclipse/sunny/Moony was yelling at me and just being rude to me, I would do one of these things
A. Start being rude back and just being an all out brat towards him and grabbing a wrench out of my pocket and start THROWING HANDS
B. I’ll start crying and flinching while standing there silently waiting for him to be done yelling at me so I could just say “I love you too” and walk away and ignore him for weeks upon end until he decides he’s had enough of waiting for me to speak so he corners me and tells me to speak to him rn before he goes feral aka eat all the glitter glue like a drunk dad on the weekends
C. Decide that I won’t take his shit because I’ve had to deal with people yelling my entire life because I had to be the good and precious child that a father could always want, and just start throwing words right back at em like “oh yeah bitch, you think I’m fucking rude because I ignore people? Ive had to purposely block EVERYTHING out and making my brain forcefully remember to block out EVERY noise when there is too many loud sounds, okay. I learnt this from age 6 bitch, I have a right to be rude” or “it’s a normal fucking instinct for me to say sorry mate! Alright! Geez. I haven’t gotten out of that fucking habit and I’m not sure if I ever fucking will!”
Most likely B but I have done all of these before however it wasn’t a wrench it was a chair
Anyways, if that ever happened/in a book or smth assholes better watch out, because I hold grudges for a long time, and I’d expect hugs and lots of them. I like trauma/j
Adios you Beautiful/Handsome Snowflakes!
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mrsour ¡ 2 years
I’ll put security breach Mister Man, and Fnaf 1 Mister man side by side so y’all can get a good look at the difference, he is however scraped so enjoy
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They just
I love them both
I hope you like them Snowflakes, have a lovely day/night and eat drink and sleep well
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mrsour ¡ 2 years
I know that no one asked for this, but I asked for this so yeah!
Anyways, have Mister Man (my oc) meeting Eclipse and falling inlove, enjoy because I like drama
Why I really can’t spell can I
Mister man roamed around the Plex searching for a snack, his band just finished preforming so they were taking there break until it was time to meet everyone, Mister wasn’t allowed to go to specific parts of the Plex, actually he wasn’t supposed to go anywhere but his room and the Starset Beam. But who could stop him, certainly not the workers, they were too scared of him. He found himself crawling threw a vent trying to find some new place he’s never been before, someplace interesting. He carefully took off the bars holding the vents closed and slid down onto the ground. He took a peak around and found one arcade game. Just sitting there, playing itself
Mister was a mixture of confused and scared, he didn’t know what was going to happen once the game ended, but his soon confused gaze turned into horror as arms started to reach out of the electronic, soon pulling out a face and then a body. There wasn’t much place to run so Mister tried climbing up the walls, but was inevitably stoped when he was forcefully ripped back to the ground
This Eclipse like animatronic paused for a second, possibly taking in the features of Mister, however Mister couldn’t care less as pain swelled in his sides and tail. Eclipse had let his claws sink deep into Mister causing puncture wounds and oil to leak out like blood. Mister screamed in pain causing Eclipse to snap out of his trance and let go. This gave Mister just enough time to escape far away from him, climbing back into the vents and sprinting back to his room
Eclipse just sat there in his room, staring at his hands and traces of oil spilled down splashing on the ground, he looked scared and confused? When he saw Mister he didn’t know what the feeling was, he’s never felt it before, it was like Butterflies had somehow gotten into his stumic and started flying around. He wanted, no needed to see that Animatronic again, he wanted to know what the feeling was
Mister sat in his room crying, he didn’t like pain. Not like this atleast, he wasn’t going to admit it but he was terrified of that.. Thing?
The next day Mister did his normal tasks and got some repairs done, however they didn’t have any paint in his colour yet so he was just left with scars of what happened, he never wanted to see that animatronic again. His smile changing gears and turning into a frown he sat down on his bed and curled up into a ball hugging his tail as he fell asleep/plugged in for the night and shutting off
This went on for a week until
This day was different however, Mister had a special guest arrive to meet him, Mister was horrified when he found out who exactly it was, Madam, Lady and Sir had to step in a guard Mister which didn’t work out too well for them after they got a free trip to parts and services
Eclipse corners Mister leaving him no room to escape. Nothing that Mister was obviously shaking and steaming with fright, he softened down a bit letting Mister know he just wanted to talk
After about an hour of talking the figure they might aswell give friendship a try, however Mister has to constantly remind eclipse that he isn’t allowed in Misters room and that he didn’t have to constantly apologise
There friendship began to become noticeably bigger and bigger for one side that is . Eclipse began to become much more Clingy, he got jealous whenever mister talked to someone that wasn’t him, was needing to be at his hip 24/7, flirting with Mister all the time, and would be caught staring at Mister. EVERYONE noticed this and at first they thought it was cute, but then they thought it was kinda creepy
Mister “didn’t” have feelings for Eclipse, he kinda just found him kinda cute, a little bit handsome, and only partly wanting to kiss his cute face.. oh shit wait no he definitely has a crush on Eclipse
This made Mister a lot more nervous around Eclipse, especially when Eclipse flirted, it gave Eclipse confidence so obviously he was going to use it to his advantage like the sly fox he is
But once again another day was different, today Mister was caught off guard when he found some teenagers making out, he obviously left them alone to do there thing but he wondered what it was like to make out with someone (I think y’all know where this is going)
Mister only knowing one person who would be right for the job, he went to your mom and then they fucked the end 😫 /j
Mister only knowing one person who would be right for the job, he went to Eclipse. Poor Eclipse didn’t know what was going on but started over heating when Mister sat in his lap. (Consent is key and extremely sexy) Mister asked Eclipse if they could try something, and explained he saw some teens making out and wanted to know what it was like and on cue Eclipse started steaming, however he did the most logical thing and kissed Mister and they started making up, making out
(I don’t know how to write kissing scenes 🥲) (and no horni people they don’t fuck)
Eclipse hugged Mister tightly not wanted to let go, and they slept
This gave me pain writing because I knew there was a kiss scene and Bleeh!
anyways enjoy the meeting of Mister and Eclipse
Stay safe, eat and drink well, and get some well earned rest Snowflakes!
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mrsour ¡ 2 years
Hello Snowflakes, it’s come to my attention that somebody has posted my oc on google without my permission, it wasn’t credited either. Please if your the one the posted it please take it down, my species hasn’t come out yet and I’m not comfortable with knowing that somebody has over stepped my boundaries with my art
And I know that that is my oc because first when Tozinclorith is typed into the search bar mister shows up
And it’s misters old design which I posted on here awhile ago
Thank you all for listening, stay safe and have a wonderful day/night snowflakes
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mrsour ¡ 2 years
Hello you beautiful Snowflakes! How y’all doing today! I hope your doing great and if you are having a rainy day then I hope everything is okay and I wish you the best of luck getting threw whatever is happening in your life to make you upset
And today/tonight I have for you! Some incorrect quotes, with my oc included! There’s a few in here 👀 I also love Eclipse so… enjoy
Moon: why are you here?
Y/N: Freddy texted me and said Mister got hurt. So I brought a watermelon
Moon: why?
Y/N: Mister loves watermelons *gives Mister the watermelon*
Mister: *hugs watermelon whilst crying*
Mister: *kisses Eclipses cheek*
Eclispe: what is this
Mister: affection?..
Eclipse: Digusting
Eclipse:… do it again
Y/N: you call it a near death experience…
Y/N: I call it a vibe check from god
Sunny: *eye twitch’s*
Freddy: Hey guys- Uh, why are you all standing on chairs?
Y/N: we’re playing a game called “we saw a big ass spider and don’t know where the fuck it went”
Freddy: *scrambles into chair*
Eclipse: pfft look at that idiot
*mister running at a adult with a baseball bat*
Eclipse: shot that’s my idiot
Y/N: I love you. Now say it back
Monty: it back
Moon: don’t go to the south side of the Pizzaplex, it’s not safe
Y/N not listening what so ever: mhm
[next day]
Moon with an annoyed face: whatcha got there
Y/N holding a smoothie with Mister Man behind them on a lead covered in blood: a smoothie
Y/N: I made you a friendship bracelet
Roxxane: I’m not really a jewellery person
Y/N: you don’t have to wear it if you don’t wan-
Roxxane: no I’m wearing it forever. Back off
Y/N: *drunk after one shot* you’re so hot
DJ: uh huh
Y/N: and spicy
DJ: right
Y/N: *wraps arms around one of his hands* my lil buffalo chicken wing
Sunny: Language!
Mister: hickity heck, I crave death!
Mister: we need to distract these guys
Y/N: leave it to me
Y/N: centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss
Sunny, Moon and Eclipse: *immediately begin arguing*
Freddy in the corner watching in horror: oh this, I don’t like this. I don’t like this at all
Y/N: why are your tongues purple?
Freddy: we had slushes. I had a blue one
Monty: I had a red one
Y/N: oh
Mister: you drank each other’s slushes?
Y/N: can I be Grank with you guys?
Mister: sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help
Freddy: can I still be Freddy
Monty: shh, let Frank speak
Y/N: *gently taps table*
Mister: *taps back*
Freddy: what are they doing?
Monty: Morse code
Y/N: *aggressively taps table*
Mister: *slams hand down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
Mister: Look, I may not be a saint, but it’s not like. I’ve killed anybody. I’m not an arsonist. I’ve never found a wallet outside of an IHOP and thought about returning it but saw the owner lived out of state so just took the cash and dropped the wallet back on the ground
Eclispe: okay, that’s really specific, and that makes me think that you definitely did that
Mister: *walking into a room* Sorry I’m late… I was.. doing things
*sounds if running footsteps progressively getting louder*
Mister: okay, Truth or Dare?
Eclipse: Truth
Mister: how many hours have you slept this week?
Eclipse:… Dare
Mister: go to bed
Eclipse: I don’t like this game
Freddy: what are your goals
Y/N: to Pet all the dogs
Freddy: no, fitness goals
Y/N: to be fast enough to pet all the dogs
Y/N: so are we flirting right now?
Y/N: That doesn’t answer my Question
Mister: *kicks the door down looking panicked*
Monty: what did you do
Mister: nobody died
Sunny watching the news: someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today?!
Y/N: *walks in covered with ink* well, maybe the squid was being a dick
Mister: you love me, right?
Eclipse: Normally I would say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don’t like it
Y/N: *stubs their tow* FUCK!
Sunny: mind your language!
Y/N: what else am I supposed to say, “woe is I”???
Y/N: you have to accept that swear words are necessary sometimes
That’s all for today!
I really love eclipse so I had to do a Mister and Eclipse ship❄️🌗
Stay safe you beautiful/Handsome Snowflakes!
Don’t forget to eat drink and sleep to contain a healthy life style!
Bye now!
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mrsour ¡ 2 years
Sup Shawty’s it’s ya boi, sorry I haven’t been posting, I’ve been away being productive in life and actually getting into school. My schedule is now
Posting on
Not posting
Also like, when did math have letters in it, how and why, who did this. Why did this. It’s unnecessary, Humans are the only creatures in the world that have to pay to live here and we decide to add LETTERS TO THE WORK OF HELL
Anyways I hope all you snowflakes are doing lovely, have a wonderful day/night, stay safe and remember, if they touch you, you have every right to slap them with a chair
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mrsour ¡ 2 years
Y’all want some oc stuff. I introduced my oc Midnight Rose, but do you guys want more information on them?? Like how they would meet other characters, them meeting Y/N, them with a S/O, they’re love interests or something? I’m trying to be entertaining. Maybe some angst would that fill the whole in your chest?
Please ask anything about Midnight Rose Snowflakes ❄️
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mrsour ¡ 2 years
I broke and I decided to make a SB oc, they’re name is Midnight Rose. They work in the arcade with Djmm, they’re 12ft
They have never met any of the animatronics, because as soon as the the pizzaplex closes, they go back to they’re little space. They are very introverted and the thought of communicating with anyone other then Djmm scares them, with the costumers Rose goes back to they’re room and cry’s for a bit before plugging in and turning off for the night
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This is they’re design
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mrsour ¡ 2 years
Can someone please write this as a story and @ me
Reader, who not only works at 5 different jobs including security guard, but also goes to university (but without having to stay there)
And so reader is staying up for a very long time getting 7 hours of sleep every week. And ‘Animatronic’ gets extremely worried about them, it gets to the where reader faints in front of them from lack of sleep and they hit the ground pretty hard. So the ‘Animatronic’ picks them up and takes them to they’re room to keep them more safe. When reader wakes up, ‘Animatronic’ asks them how much sleep they’re getting, with hesitation they tell them. ‘Animatronic’ asks for a reasoning behind the lack of sleep and they tell them again after a lot of, “tell me now”s and “please”s. Once they found out they pretty much kidnap reader and have them stay with them in they’re room for 9 days more or less depending on the animatronic, and the entire time, they NEVER let go of you, food and water are already there, blankets and pillows they got you covered, a snuggle buddy nobody else can cuddle you but them
PLEASE, please!! 🙇🏼
I want this with Eclipse, I love Eclipse, and I imagine that with all of the above happening, Sunny/Moony would be a lot more then hesitant to let Eclipse near reader, but it happens anyways and eclipse takes amazing care of reader
I want this, I want this so badly. My simp is showing
Anyways, have a lovely day snowflakes!
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mrsour ¡ 2 years
I woke up and chose pain, and you can suffer with me
Daycare attendants, as death with a dead S/O
.☀️ no no no, you can’t die on him now, he needs you. You were the only person in the world that wasn’t disgusted by him. He would hold you so tight, wanting, no NEEDING this to be a dream. He doesn’t want to live without you
.☀️ he put a bandaid on you hoping it would make it better. He prayed to every god out there to bring you back to life, he couldn’t do this on his own, he needed you by his side
.☀️ “please.. please Sunshine…” threw pained and uncontrollable sobs. He wouldn’t know what to do
.☀️ would be in grief every moment, every night they would spend crying (if he can cry, ink tears?) while holding a photo of you, crying until there were no tears left
.☀️ if it was someone that killed you. He would stop at nothing to send them to hell. No one dares hurt his precious Sunflower and gets away with it, they took the only thing that mattered to them so he’s going to take away his life
.☀️ “silly human, you think you can take away my sweet Sunbeam and not pay the prices?! Silly silly, SILLY. I thought your mother would have taught you some manners” as much as he HATES it, he didn’t kill them painfully. He knew you wouldn’t have wanted him to kill them at all but he just couldn’t allow that human to get away with this
.☀️ he always has dreams about you magically coming back to life and telling him everything’s okay and that you’ll never leave him again. But when he wakes up, it’s just a dream
.🌙 would think that your just playing some prank on him, “cmon Starshine, get up your not fooling me” when he didn’t get a response he tries “Starlight, this isn’t funny anymore” and he was given no response once again
.🌙he started shaking not knowing what to do, he ran to your side in an instant checking your vital signs, you had no heartbeat and your air was cut short
.🌙he picked up your limp body and held it tightly sobbing into your shoulder. You were the only one who wasn’t afraid of him. Why was this taken away from him, why so soon
.🌙 “w-why..” if only he could have protected you better
.🌙he cry’s every night with sunny, he failed you, he can’t forgot how badly he failed the only one he cared for (besides his brothers) he misses you, so much, why did you have to leave him, why
.🌙if someone had killed you, he would stop at nothing till they are dead, he’s not as generous as Sunny so he would do more then just kill them. “Naughty boy/girl, naughty, naughty, NAUGHTY. You must be punished”
.🌙much like sunny, he also has dreams of you, they never end, he misses you too much. He really does, he cherishes every memory no matter the pain it causes his metallic heart
.🌗 first of all, you have to figure out a way to get away from him for more then two minutes. Like this man has his hands on you (not sexually) at all times, he is attached to your side everywhere you go, he’s practically your guard dog
.🌗 however if you did manage to get him off your legs for more then enough time to get killed then bravo
.🌗he is horrified when he finds your pale body limp on the ground, he’s at your side so fast, ink like tears falling from his eyes, how could he let you out of his view for long enough for this to happen, the one thing he was afraid of, happened and he couldn’t stop it
.🌗goes into a rage, breaks everything around him
.🌗your gonna wanna hope that nobody killed you, cause once he finds them. He’s going to turn they’re life into a living hell, he’d be dammed if he let some (retracted) kill his love
.🌗 “y-y-you, foolish-foolish, morta-lll, you made-e-e a GRA-VE mistake!” He voice glitching with rage, he knew you wouldn’t want him to do this, but it was the only thing that would keep him sain
I hope y’all liked this
Stay safe you amazing Snowflakes
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mrsour ¡ 2 years
Can I maybe request Glamrock Freddy dad figure! x platonic! Child! GN! Reader?
It could be like Freddy is trying to comfort the reader.
This is my first time doing a request so I hope I did it right, of course do it only if you're comfortable please.
Thanks and hope you have a nice day :)
This one is beautiful
.⭐️ he found you crying in a corner with your head under your arms, the night wasn’t over yet and things were getting stressful for you with the animatronics and Vanny. Freddy grew worried when you didn’t respond to any of his calls so I’m doing so he went and looked for you everywhere and now he found you
.⭐️kneeled down next to you and pat your back while hugging you tightly trying his best to comfort you
.⭐️ he took you back to his room and you both hugged it out, he understands how stressed you are since I’m your only a child and you have animatronics on your tail
.⭐️”it’s okay Superstar, your safe in here” he was going to protect you no matter what, even if it ment his downfall, Freddy just wants you to be safe and out of harm, the animatronics are much bigger and stronger then you, it worries him
.⭐️ once you finally stopped crying he stayed in the room for a couple extra minutes just to keep track and make sure your fully okay and not hurt anywhere
.⭐️this man is the best dad you could have ever hopped for, even if he isn’t physically your father he definitely acts like it, not that you mind
.⭐️makes sure he asks you if your okay every thirty minutes and stops at the kitchen to get you some pizza
Sorry if it’s not to your liking, I just woke up so my heads still kinda fuzzy
Have a lovely day Snowflake
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mrsour ¡ 2 years
Moonydrop x song storm(she/it/storm)
song storm share a body with melody light
unlike melody,song have goth pastel color instead of normal pastel
song come out when it's nap time and sing songs about princess and princes
song was bit jealous of melody and sun relationship because song can't admit that she loves moon and she always act tough when moon is around
so basically song is a tsudere
Oh my god, yes I LOVE THIS!! This is amazing Snowflake!!!
.⭐️ the lights turned off and both Sunny and Melody changed to they’re counter parts, Moon did his usual thing and left the daycare. However Song stayed behind
.⭐️storm wouldn’t admit it but she but she was jealous of Melody. Song had a huge crush on Moondrop. It could never admit it to him however, she was nervous and sort of scared of rejection
.⭐️ now what Song didn’t know, was that moon was swooning over her. He had just a big of crush on her and she did on him
.⭐️ Song sat in her Designated area within the daycare and just started singing she knew no one was there, no one would hear her. However Moon didn’t actually leave, he went into a vent a kinda watched from a distance. He loved hearing Song singing. It was calming to him, and it was much more interesting then attacking bots
.⭐️ as storm sang, she decided to draw, she made a small drawing of her and moon hugging. It became flustered and she gave a small kiss on the image, Moon spotted from above but he couldn’t exactly see that well since he was pretty high up
.⭐️ he decided to go in and take a closer look. He made his way into the daycare and walked straight to Song, “whatcha got they’re?”
.⭐️ Song got scared from the sudden voice, and got nervous and hid the drawing she made, she immediately stood up but inevitably failed and fell over making a big clank noise
.⭐️Moondrop laughed and grabbed the paper that it dropped, he hid his flustered state well while helping up Song
.⭐️ “so, this is what you kissed, huh? Should have told me Starshine” “don’t know what’cha talkin about” she denied everything but Moon knew better. He grabbed its hand and brought her towards once of the long tubes in the play area
.⭐️ Moon sang his famous lullaby while hugging Song, he wasn’t letting go anytime sooner. Song was internally wrapped in Moons arms. Sunny and Melody were silently cheering to they’re counter parts for finally getting together
Here you go Snowflake! I hope you like it
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mrsour ¡ 2 years
sunnydrop x melody light (she/they/it)
melody is a pastel badger who often sing songs to children
these songs are usually about friendship and family but never about love
melody is very clueless about romantically love and would ask other animtronics about it
Sunny on other hand is love in melody
Oh my goodness! I love they’re name! I can absolutely do this for you. And I’m very sorry if it is not to your liking
Warnings: none
.⭐️ just a normal day for Melody, she would help take care of the children in the daycare and would sing them a beautiful song about friendship
.⭐️Sunnydrop however was blushing like a maniac, holding a piece of paper with Moon taunting him in they’re shared mind, one of the children made a gift for Sunny, the paper held by Sunny had him and Melody holding hands with hearts all around
.⭐️unbeknown to Melody Light, Sunny had been inlove with them for a good while now
.⭐️poor sunny has tried just about anything, hes tried flirting, love letters, gifts and much much more. However Melody didn’t quite get the hint, they just thought Sunny was being kind to her
.⭐️” I’ve tried everything… maybe they don’t like me” it was closing hours so the daycare was as quite as a field “ just spell it out to her then” and that’s what sunny did
.⭐️Sunnydrop made a plan to decorate a big piece of paper with stickers and glitter glue with a big ‘I LOVE YOU MELODY’ in the middle. And to make sure she knew it was from him, he put a little drawing of him holding a heart above his head
.⭐️ Melody was walking around cleaning up messes the children made, picking up various toys and coloured pencils putting them in a box neatly
.⭐️however they stopped what they were doing when they heard sunny call for her. She walked towards the ball pit where sunny stood
.⭐️ he held out the large paper towards his Assistant, he really hoped she understood but. They didn’t. They said they loved him too and accepted the drawing, he knew she didn’t understand but it still made his metaphorical heart race
.⭐️the next few days, Sunny was very handsy (not sexualy obvi) he kept randomly hugging Melody for long periods of time and patting they’re head whenever they did something, it didn’t even have to be something amazing it could be the simplistic thing like picking up a piece of rubbish
.⭐️ “Sunshine! You did so good today, your voice was as beautiful as ever!” He pat Melody’s head once again it was basically a routine
.⭐️ and good ol’ Sunny had a plan, was going to set up a date for himself and Melody. Of course melody didn’t see it as a romantic date more like a play date, sunny didn’t care though because he was going to tell her how he felt
.⭐️ the date went amazing to Melody but Sunnydrop was extremely nervous, he got up (quite dramatically) as told Melody Light how he felt. “Sunbeam, I really really really! Like you! More then best friends”
.⭐️ this time, she did understand. She stood up confusing Sunny, they walked towards him and planted a kiss on his cheek “I like you aswell sunny, more then best friends”
.⭐️boy did he get extremely happy, he picked It up and swung them around around in a tight hug, Sunny didn’t let go of her for the intire night, and did not want the lights to go off
I hope you liked it Snowflake!
Have a lovely day/night and stay safe
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