newswcanonprompts · 2 years
You know what would be really sad? If Artoo showed Luke and Leia the medal he got from the clone wars. You know what would be even sadder? If it wasn't official, but Anakin went out of his way to not only make one, but also install a comparment where Artoo could keep it and show it off.
no because anakin would 100% do that, probably with a personalized engraving that says "for artoo, the bravest buddy there ever was" or something like that and oh god i gotta go lie down
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newswcanonprompts · 2 years
hey do u know any good fics of the au where the senate treats the jedi worse than they do (more like clones than canon jedi) or like.. do u know what it’s called
i would def rec “there’ll be a light in the hall if you ever come back” by countryheart on ao3- this is some senate but also general citizens treating the jedi bad (jedi/clone ships but the shipping is not centric), has a lot of jedi / temple bonding and the jedi being a family :)
also, there is one i read on tumblr but i cant remember the blog or title- i know the pfp was a picture of rebels obi wan, i believe, and it was an all caps blog name? something about star wars writing i’m pretty sure. anyways, the series was on their blog and it was about the jedi leaving one day after the senate treated them like shit and the clones were left to pick up the pieces. if anyone knows what im talking about, let me know!!
those are the two that come to mind immediately for me
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newswcanonprompts · 3 years
How about Anakin sneaking out some slaves and clones through a freedom trail on a shady planet with Rex and who may-or-may-not be Kitster. It's going well, then they turn a corner and find Dooku trying to get some cheap drinks and some alone time. Really awkward staring ensues before Ani and his team scatter like the rats from ratatouille.
YES LIVING FOR THIS but then also imagine obi wans there too and as anakin and his lil group scatter, poorly concealing themselves behind bushes and small trees, trash cans and signs and etc, obi just sits down, grabs a glass of whatever dookus having and they both sigh heavily at the exact same time
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newswcanonprompts · 3 years
On the bb ani with the OT!trio, from 10 to complete obliteration of the empire, how protective do you think Arthoo's going to be when one of his closest friends comes back as the pure child he met all those decades ago?
definitely a 10. hes pulling out all the stops. anyone gets a little too close to bb ani (stormtroopers, bounty hunters, han solo) and artoos shocking their asses into next tuesday. if it were adult ani, i feel like it’d be more of a 7, just because artoos a sassy mofo.
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newswcanonprompts · 3 years
Do you think Anakin hates celebrating intergalactic celebrations? As in those were the days masters celebrated and nothing good happens to slaves when the masters celebrate. (Especially when you think about his time serving Gardulla)
maybe in the beginning he could’ve been uncomfortable, but since im an idealist id like to think obi wan noticed and they talked it out
because canon can suck it, feel me? ;)
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newswcanonprompts · 3 years
So if Skywalker means “the trickster” and Anakin is born of the force and therefore a literal god, I raise you #Anakin Skywalker & Loki Odinson, The Trickster Gods
Imagine the sheer chaos those two would get up to
i feel like loki would make amazingly sophisticated plans then pretend to get pissed when anakin made them silly and cracky
(fond exasperation, i see)
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newswcanonprompts · 3 years
Hi! I hope it’s ok to ask, but is there a way I could join the discord server? I’m super interested :) thanks!!
hey! sorry this might’ve taken a while to answer. yes, you can join the discord- just message our emperor head person @jasontoddiefor for an invite!
see you there!! <3
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newswcanonprompts · 3 years
okay first off i would like to say that i have never laughed so much in my life as i do reading these. secondly, my prompt is the GAR watching the Phantom Menace but only the scenes with Anakin in it. i can just imagine them being so confused, then laughing at Ani's 'angel' and finding him accidentally destroying a battleship. also, they never knew that he was a slave so they all get a big shock and start mother-henning him. 
also everyone: bby ani??? a slave??? *tackle hug*
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newswcanonprompts · 3 years
On the ani realizes palps is a sith early and is kidnapped, I have read a fic kinda like that! It’s called Brotherband by Courtesy Trefflin and is on ao3 and ffnet. Idk about wattpad tho. Courtesy is a great author, btw
ooohh, that sounds really cool, anon! thank you for telling us abt it, imma go put it on the ol’ marked for later list right now!
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newswcanonprompts · 3 years
Omg I came across your acc and it’s like. Amazing. It has 3 of my favorite things: angst, obi & ani father/son and brother relationship, and headcannons/fanfics! It’s like. Too good to be true. I love u, keep up the good work!!!!!!!!
aww, thank you so so much!! that means a lot, like a LOT, im so glad you like our blog!! <3
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newswcanonprompts · 3 years
hey y’all, sorry we haven’t posted a lot in a hot minute. and for not answering some of your asks. it’s not that we don’t care/want to/etc, its just, at least for me, in really busy right now and have fallen out of the writing/creating mindset for.... reasons (mental health? stress? work i have to do already? all three?) and i’m just not super feeling it right now. however, we still love you all so so so much, and im gonna try to get this blog going again sometime soon... when im not, well, Like This.
~ ayo-cowbelly❤️❤️
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newswcanonprompts · 3 years
Plagueis’ Legacy
Darth Tenebrous was a bith working as a renowned ship designer. Darth Plagueis was a muun working as the head of the Intergalactic Banking Clan. Darth Sidious was a human working as a Senator. What if both previous Sith Masters had left things behind that could only be decrypted by a Force Sensitive math whiz? What if the Chancellor let "a few unresolved puzzles from a dear departed friend" lying around during Anakin visits, not realising the child might understand or memorize them?
Yes, and you know Palpatine can’t do math, he stopped learning after knowing just enough for politics (and then hired people to do it for him).
What types of information do you think the Sith Masters might have left behind in their puzzles? What would Anakin learn while solving them in secret?
Probably including the Sith's 1000 year plan, or at least how to manage an Empire long-term. Yeah, things that Palpy never learned.
What if Plagueis had left behind something only a Force Sensitive math whiz could open just in case his Apprentice betrayed him, in the hope that whoever solved it could avenge him? Everything could be about stuff Sidious had problems with, had less defenses against and/or just didn't bother to learn. So Sheev Palpatine would not necessarily recognize any of it if Anakin were to use it or adapt it for himself.
What if Plagueis left behind a puzzle that didn’t require the force but did require extensive knowledge of money math in various currencies so that only Clovis could solve it in case Palpatine did what Sith Apprentices so often do and usurped him.
Crossing this over with the Darth Clovis idea, so now Rush Clovis has all these Sith secrets he can't do anything with but definitely won't let Sheev touch either out of spite.
He totally gives them to Padme thought.
Sheev may have been the Apprentice, but Rush was always the favorite son, because Plagueis never had to worry about Rush murdering him in his sleep.
Plagueis like: “Look at my wonderful little force-null always bumbling around and getting into trouble!”
Baby Rush: “Daddy I'm gonna be an asshole when I grow up!”
Plagueis, chuckling fondly: “Oh, I don't doubt it!”
Padmé (politics and laws), Clovis (money, loopholes and the accumulated Sith knowledge of daddy Damask) and Anakin (Force and technology) team up to bring down Sheev Palpatine.
And then Padme and Anakin backstab Clovis.
Also like, imagine the frustration of Rush Clovis being the only person who knows the Sith identity and ancient Sith knowledge like, ugh we gotta pick his brain for info? They need him but literally no one wants him so they all just gotta  like, fake pretend politeness.
The planning sessions must be something else. They have to actually teamwork to bring down the Chancellor, they can't just do separate tasks.
Clovis: fawning over Padme.
Anakin: trying not to throttle Clovis because Plagueis' puzzle is bonded to his Force Signature now and if he dies they can't open it themselves.
Padmé: desperately trying to corral everyone towards an actual objective.
Plagueis's puzzle only opens and stays so because both Clovis' living Force Signature and a Force Sensitive with murderous intent are working around it.
Aww, was it for both his boys then? And Palpy ruined it because he betrayed him?
Maybe the puzzle give rewards in the form of interesting not world domination related Sith knowledge after regular intervals of x number of accumulated hours of activation? Honestly it is probably a holocron disguised as a puzzle because that’s the only thing that could contain this amount of knowledge, while also having the ability to sense Force Signatures around the object. It was created so Plagueis had a way to ensure Sheev didn’t just, murder Rush as soon as he died.
If Clovis' signature is specifically needed, but it can be any angry enough Force Sensitive, then does that mean that Plagueis was totally prepared to outlive Palpy and have to find another apprentice? (Damn Clovis really is the favorite son!)
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newswcanonprompts · 3 years
wait wHAT
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newswcanonprompts · 3 years
I absolutely fucking adore every single prompt on your page!! Do you have a compilation of fics written from your prompts? Specifically the Slave-Anakin AU, I found your blog from “Asking” by https://archiveofourown.org/users/Jigoku_no_hono/pseuds/Jigoku_no_hono on A03 and I’ve literally been scouring everything all night, I’d love to read more!
thank you so so much for the kind words, it means so much and makes me so happy you like our blog!
as for a compilation of fics, i don’t think there is a specific one for that particular prompt, but we do have a collection from the server on Ao3, some of which do stem from our prompts!
find it here: new sw canon collection 
(also, if you want some slave anakin content, there is an absolutely BEAUTIFUL one based on the prompt where obi wan and anakin go on a mission to tatooine and some ~things~ are revealed:
Within Halls of Golden Rot by the absolutely amazing @primeemeraldheiress)
<3 <3 <3
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newswcanonprompts · 3 years
What if ForceGhost Obi-wan sees bbAni when visiting Luke and rushes over to hold him close and apologize for everything because of course he would but when he's about to hug him he just... phases through...
Ooooh that hurts but I love it
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newswcanonprompts · 3 years
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newswcanonprompts · 3 years
Star Wars - Classic Doctor Who universe fusion
Obi-Wan as the 3rd Doctor
Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka are all Gallifreyan. 
Anakin is a sort of mix between susan and romana II in terms of dynamic (Susan eventually left bc of a romantic relationship so it fits with anakin and padme)
anakin is with obi-wan bc they're Lineage (i hesitate to say "related" bc i personally like the DW EU concept of time lords not being able to have children through natural means bc rassilon messed with their genome so much, but they would be related by time lord standards) meanwhile ahsoka is assigned to them later by the high council to "keep an eye on them" but instead gets quickly and thoroughly absorbed into their antics
The clones as UNIT 
Cody takes on the role of Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart
they're both very In Charge but also very much friends with this crazy weirdo
rex is harry sullivan and wasnt planning to get involved in the weird bs but whoops
the TARDIS is the Twilight
a wonderful hunk of outdated junk that nonetheless is always reliable and beloved and doing her best
R2D2 AS K-9
kinda like a mixture of late 3rd doctor era and the Keys to Time arc with a dash of Susan Foreman?
the black guardian even has an arc where he's blackmailing/manipulating a fearful and desperate young man with a carefully hidden secret into betraying the doctor (turlough)
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